ailirlHountaiiutr. UNDER THE ThOKN. Sweet was the breath of the hawthorubusli ' Tint tilew in tin briery lime, i And tender the veser tung the thrush l'oureil forth iu low re f ruin; . And tondetly milled the curving lips That never shall suille again. The breath of the hawthorn'! snowy bloom fell faint on the happy air, And the gay wild bird sang on unheard In the hushol love's low prayer; And the sun went down, but the twilight flush , Lovingly lingered there . - Again T stand by the blonml' g thorn, ; And muse of the wasted years, ' And I sigh for the day so far away, And Its tender hopes and fears .And I morn that the world has brought me bock With a heart too hard for tears. John Hay. Epitome of Telegraphic News. COHPILBD rOM TH( OREO.ONIAH. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. jy'ltHJHll HTOCKI i)is.Eti;u r& oeios., Dalles and Walla WdlliVv PULSUS IK . Staple and Fancy Dry Goods ItllneiN' Outfits, Hoots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Groceries, And a full assortment of General Merchandise. Buying our Goods exclusively in the Ban Fraucisco market, anil making none but cash purchaaus, we uro enabled to se 1 20 per cent, cheaper thau any other House at the Dallesf DUBHNUKKY 1)110!,, ml-tf Dalles and Walla Walla. HOW TO SM) mixiii CM.L At mi NKW Family Grocery and Fruit Store, Corner of Washington and Second Streets, ryiltB UNDKK8K1NKD WISHES TO INFORM THR New Orleans, Nov. 29. Gov. Wolla' message to Iho Legislature was ready, llo says Louiniaou's loyally lias been renewed witliout reservation, and she accepts with alacrity the new order of things. lie also urgos especially the election of a U. S. Senator, and rocorainends tho Legislature to pay all accrued interest without sovcre taxation. The enactment of laws regi ulating the labor system allowing the parties interested to muko their own torms, asks that all impediments to immigration bo removed, urges a per. foot organization of Slate militm, re-, commends that all taxes received on 'uotored people for . educational pur i pogos be: devoted to the education of Ut' class exclusively, lie says tho (, yrerirwsj,n8 great, sirens on iDe cogrse i xiouiaiuuu,uiru is anxious iri'U. hue Should tuku her place in the Union. Tile invites tbo Legislature to unite 'with the executive uuihoritio of the Stale in fresh evidence that Louisiana is determined to stand or full with Johnson's reconstruction policy. New York, Nov. 28. Tho Commer cial's Washington dinpatch says there is good reason for believing that Sec rotary McCulloch recommends the Steady funding of tho debt with the regular withdrawal of greenbacks, which must cause a conduction oi Naiidnul Bunk circulation. Richmond, Nov. 27 Gon. Grant freely expressod his opinion in regard to Mexican alf.iirs. lie said emphat ically that the advent of Muximilian to the prolonded throne ot Mexico was a part of tbo rebellion and his ex pulsion shull be a part of it. Frunce did not ask our consent to his estab lishment on the throne, and we should not consult that power in re establish, ing a reputilio. lie said if France should choose to interfere in this dues lion 'if she oboosns to involve herself in a war with the United Siaten, this is tho time, while our army is yet organised. . The Tribune's special dispatch has Intormation to the effect that tho re lations of ourgovornmentwith France and England ure entirely satisfactory. There is no probability of a serious disturbance. JNapoIeon a speculation on Max, is very unpopular with the jprench, and he will withdraw as soon as bo can without compromising his dignity. The Spanish Minister to day placed before the Socretary of State, under 'instructions from his Government, a dispatch concerning the slave trade, . which was replete with most emphatic expletives expressing opposition to 'the outrages of the traffic, and plcdg . ing the most earnest efforts of the ' Spanish Governuoont for its suppres sion. . -. . ' Investigations show that eloctro typos ot a compound interest noto were obtained before it came into the . possession ot the Troasurv. - Boston. Deo. 1. A Convention of tho colored people of New England, is , )ti session here, for the purpose ot hav ing the Constitution of the Unitod States so altered as to fix a great qualification on voters, and to look to other matters concerning tho colored ' man, and his status, in the. laud. 0. L. Roraoiid is Prosidont of the Con vention, which is largely attended. people of the Dulles, and the nnblio uouerallr. that he hue a large and well selected stuck of FAMILY lfcOC131MEH, CANDIES, A UTS, Ac, Which he will sell Wholesale and Retail at Rrducrd Jricet for CASH. Also, eonstuntly on hand the Choicest Article of rMlKNIl 11 U XT Kit and Mills. Also, every variety of Kllims and VKUKTAI11.KS in their season Persons from up the country, wishing quantities of Kick and Kruit, by sending in their orders, will receive the strictest attention, and have tlieni filled nt the lsnoal Market Jvtl-ti J C. U JKWKI.L. Divorce Notice. IN THE CIHCU1T COUIIT OK THli STATE OF OltEdON FOIt i'lIK COUNTY OK WASCO. MulaL.KUe.s.w.M.luiilT, Suit in Equit, or Charles fi. Bsssorer. Defendant. ) Divorce. tnQ CllAKLKs C. BrlariiKTt, defendant : In the JL name of the State of uretrou you are hereby enin moned and required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plamtilf, now on tile in the olllre of thetlerkof theaboveentltleil court, wherein said plafutilT finiys lor a diHsolutloii i,f the uiarrbigH innlract now ex iling botwceti you anil suid ilaiutiil, nllcdejug tr the cattle thorcof harsh and cruel treatment and personal In-ditnitlrH,-coininitted by you towards aud upon said plain tin', thereby renilerltiK lior lite burdensome.' Now. thi're fore. if you tail to appear and answer mid complaint, wtthili ten days from tbo time rt service. this eutu mons. if' served within this (Vurity, ami twenty days II served within any other Coauty In this Stale, the'eatd lilaiutiff will apply to the for the re I lei prayed tor lu Lt4 e-intpiitint. and will take Judgment ag-ulnst you (or eu.i.' Wsburse-i and expenses in this suit. Jiy order of J . 0. WjSST Juilae. O. N. UH.N.XY, Solicitor for Flalntlft, Koremhor !, 1865. pttittvr iMvorce lV'ollt5F. IN TIIKC1HCU1T COUitT OF Til ' STATU OF OREOON FOIt 'i'llli OOCN'I Y Of WASCO. Harriot E., Hai.,tilT, f SuU f Kw,yor 13 . -A. . HAKE 11 .V JK5 RVi -r 1 Ijavid R. 9liipm;in. Defendant. Divorce. r0 DAVID K. SHII'MAN. Defendant: In the name or Jl tlie ltate of Oregon, you are hcroby sumiuoned and required to apimir and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff, now on tile in the ofllie of the Clerk of the above entitled court, wherein s i d plaintiff prays tor a dissolution of tlie tnariliiice contract now ex- tstiuir between you and eaid plaintilf. alleging for tlie' cuuto iticreoi, wtiini Uesei iion, lor the penoil oi three years of said plaintiff by you, Now, therefore, If you tun to appear sua atiswersatil complaint, within ten days from the time of nerviee of this summons, it served with in this County, and twenty days II served within any other county in this iate, the said plaintilf will apply to tho Court for the relief prayed lor iu said complaint, and wiil take Jndgment against you for costs and dis bursements in this suit, liy order of Hon. J. O. Wil un. Judge. 0. N. DENNY, Solicitor for PluinlitT November a, 18U3. nS:(lw MierltT'N ,sai. BY VtllTTJR Of AN EXECUTION, and to me direct ed, out of the Circuit Court for the Coutnr of Urat, Mate of Oregon. (lor the foreclosure of a mortgage) In favor of Joi n Orahn, l'luititllT. and against E. M. Towntietid, Defendant, I have this day ievied upon a cer tain tract or parcel of Heal Proioi-ty, nttutted and lying In Canyon City, (Irani County, btate oi unigoii, boundcu auu qi'scruii as ioiiows: commencing at the soutliweei corner oi i;. it. stiller shoune, ami ru'iuing Kant thirty. tlireefeet; thence South, thirty-five feet; thenee Weit. thirty feet, more or lewt thence North, thirty-live feet to the point of commencing, 1 will uricced to sell the same iu Iroot of II e Cirt House door, In Canyon City. Ui ant County, Male of Oregon, at public auction, to the n gne-i owner lorcann in nanil, nelween tlie tiours of 1. o'clock, M. anil 4o'clnrk, V. M.. on 8ATUKDA Y. the Ot 1 1 day of (ECK)iilKI. 1W1S. to sallfv the above Execution amouuting to One hundred uud Ave (IttA) dollarr, and for me lunner sum ui iweniy-eigut oi-tuu fa)-lll,) dol lar carts of this action, and accruing costs, with Interest from tho UKtli day ot October, 1of, at the rato of ten per tent per annum. Id. 1'. JJUKltY, Sheriff. Jiy n s. s n illPFLI. uepnty. Canyon City, Novunbor (I. lxtl. nlflttw Manufacturer and Importer of CARRIAGE, COWf 'ORD, DVGG tun STAGE 3 1 A UNE89 ' Saddles, Ilrldles, U blps. A genoral assortment of Saddler)', Hardware, Leather, etc. $Cf Orders Solicited. Repairing done with neatness ml dispatch. V. A. HAKE, Jetlltf Main Street, fronting Washington, Dallos. I O il T 7A x iriij Ux 1 ii Y AND MACIIIISE SHOP, Flit ST 8TKEET, between Yamhill and Morrison. Altmmm I. n ulna. of from 4 to 40 horse- .i.'9i,?M power.tither Portable or ftatioiiary. Also, C1K- CL I.Alt SAW MM CO.Ml'LETK. conslnntl unhand. Also. Hay Pre- : jiiklfern.) WrtroKht and Oat Iron work fur Ver tkiil HawBiu, Urint nitlla; ItrAMi uuU Iron Castings WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quarts Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Milts can boforwarded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, WO pounds. Horse Powers ft A ffricultnral Implement! manufactured loonier at the very LOW Eh 1' OAs 1 1 I'll ICE M..U. l'articulor attention paid to KKrAlllo. foAMt SIGNS! SIGNS! SIGNS ! O. S. 8AVAGE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. DEAL.EK IN v'V .., WINDOWGLASS Colors. Putty, Brashes, Olue, etc. Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Fixtures, Ac. 1-tf P. CRAIG, WH0LX8AH AND BITAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumttv, Fancy Soaps, PATKNT MKUIUINKP, C. 1 1-tl . Mu'rill'N Kale. BY VTIITUJ OF AN EXECUTION, and to me direct ed, out of the Circuit Court, County ot Orant. guile oi uregon tior tlie foreclosure ot mortgage). In lavor oi I.. w tlutchheiiier, et. el.. Plaintiff, and against John j. Minion, ei. at., lluletiilsuts, 1 have this day b vied upoi s cor lain tract or panel ol ground, situated mid lying it Canyon MreotvCauyon City. County of (irant, flute o uregiiu. ii tieing tinrty six (Uu) feet front, and sixty-two to leec ueep. more or less, ana uoumteii on tlie Y est by vanyiui nreet; on tne muill, liy u KourK's grotlml ; the North, by M (Julio's sround. toirether with all the tenements end Improvements thereunto belonging I will procoe I to sell the same In front of the Cour House door. In Canyon City, Urant County, Stale nt ore gon. ai piiouc auction, to tne fiigtiest b Odor lor cush Ii liauit, In United ttutes Cold Com, between tlie hours l'i o'clock. M. and 4 o'clock. P. M.. on SATIlllllAY the Oth day of DECEMIIrill. 18118, to satisfy the above r.xecwion. amounting to Simeon liun lre.1 and tinrty seven &0-I0O (l.tUT 6U-10U1 dollars, in United States Ool. Coin, principal, and the further sum of thirty-six 7U-lw (36 7-lUO) dollars, costs ol this action, and oecruinir coMt with Intel est from tlie 2olli day of October, 1B06, at the ruie ei uu per cent per aiiuum. M.P. DEHItY, SherllT. By W. W. Vniwu, Deputy. Canyon City, November iwa ' OILS JJliUHS AND l'ATEST MUVlVliSES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES.'! DHUOS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DAILY XflOUNTAlNEElt I'OWKIt PUK8H " BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE First Street, between Main and B DALLES ..OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY" Executed with accuracy and dispatch. 11. & STYLE THAT WILL COMPAHK FAVORABLt with the very best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST I TO ORBI.Et Cards .itid ISill-BIeadg.. CHECKS, DRAFTS, HECEWTS, POSTEUS AN 1) TKOGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS otc, c, ofc, PRIH'tV.I IN THI MOST ATTRACTIVI MANHUI. ALSO, WAY-HILLS, BILLS OF FAKE, LETTER HEADS. XECEJJ-TH00KS, BILLS LADING, Pricfs and ramishlets, T1S1TIKQ, WEDD1NQ AND "AT HOME" CASDS In short, everything that can be done in a Book and Job Printing Office, from tlie smallest end most delicate Caril; or Circulnr, tc the largest siee and most showy Posting- nill and which will be turned out In a style that caunut fail to Insure entire satisfaction. OUR rAOlUTIKS FOE Till IIKCCTIOH T DECORATIVE PRINTING. In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints, Such as Eancy Posting Bills f From a fungle Slieet to the Lftrgeet MKiiiUiotti. ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, J'LRFUjVERS LABELS, Are uniurpaased bytlioneol any other ehtalillHiiment tn Oregon. We devote upouiitl Httt-ntion to tlimbnuuli of thw buaihend, and uro cuiitiuuiilly tuluitig to our alrualy ex tea si ve anil well ujipoiuted aetiortintut ol niaturii.1 NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. c, icH Of the most modern and elaborate designs.' Our stock e FANCY INKS, TINTS, &C, Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color and. durability, cannot be equaled in the State. The priuciple uponvliicli business is auked for this es tablishment is, that persons will conriilt their own Interests,- by awarding their custom to thut office in which their money call be exptmleil to the nesi ativantage. 'io this end we solicit all in wont of good Triiiting, at very reasonable charges, to call aud examine specimeus, aud' Judge for yuurbeives. OnJcrs from the l icr t'ountry Will have our special rare, and friends from the interior may rely upon hating their orders tilled promptly, as wt HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED tQRDON POWfcR PRESS In tlie Slate oiUrvisciul Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE mlH-tr Ualles. Oregon. U. H. HILL. A. J KANR. HILL & K A. 1ST E , W1I0L. 8AIK AKU XDTAll. StALXHS IN Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors! agriculttjral''implements. KTOISAUK AND f'OllW AIIUIMI. Qoodscousigned to us will meet with proper attentive) ltelerence t PORTLAND. SALIKS. II. W. Corbot, Robblns A Co., Ilichurds A -McCrackent W. C. .Moody A Co ( U. Imw, O. llumuson. L'nmtilla Landing, Sept. 6th,18ti& tin .it fai 4 . ks . NOTICK OF FINAL 8KTTLKMKNT of the estate oi JAMK8 LAU0I1L1N. draeased In the Cuuutv timrtof Wasco County, Oregon In I'robate Notice hereby given that K. II Wo.kI, Admiiilstrator of the above ostato. has tiled his final account In the County Court ol Wasro County, and prays for a final settlement of said est ,te. It is therefore ordered, that snbl application be henrd on MomlHy. tlie 11 til day ot December, lKliS. at the Court Houio, In UnllesCily. In said county, and that me lice hereof be published In the Utiles Uimutuintrr. 0. N. DK.NN Y, County Judire. . November 9 1806. nli):4w ' WUOLSSALI AND XKTA1L DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Muin and Second Streets lULLIln, OrtUGO.V. 4 LF.M0N Is able to supply parties In want of Drugs, r Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, 1'erfuuiery, and every other article enumerated with tho WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowoHt market rates. PhyHlciHim anj Murchanti lntetiflinj( topurchane for the Minus, will do well to ive lilm a cull. TRUSS 5 3 & SHOULDER BRACE B la aroat Tarlety, ' - B. LEMON, ap.3:tf. Waahlnnton Bt.t between Main aln 8wom1. orr AT co.vr! M. "WuriHcli fc Co., WILL OLOSlt OUT T1IKIR STOCK OF MKUCII AN DISE, at their pluce of buffiuess, at the Dal Us, iu order to go the Miues. . Their stock embraces Ury GoodN, Votlng9 lioo(. Hats GENERAL MERCHANDISE, AH which will be sold at COST, for CASH only, a.- All who know thutimetves fmlnbted to our Arm at the Dalles will please call and settle as soon as, Thimewho have bf en accommodateil we trust will nut delay us unnecessarily, but be prompt iu squaring up ao i,ouiiis. uau auu see us, ua nuu evoryoiMij j 1111 SALE. 4 FIIIST CLASS, StlCOND IIANU 1'IAXO, can be ho. ta on reasouauie loruisi otolf Inquire ut this Olllre. or ol A. w. tllllUUbOK. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMrOUND, An KxpeditluUH Cure fur all diBeuses of the SKXUAL OHGAN8. FRIlli prompt aud i-flicatlous Huuiedy for tho cure . JL Ulion-; (jk'ut, buiciuros, and 1'iMpanes of the Urinary riuun. lmiKis a fpetly nire without the leaser rt-stiiciion to iliei, cxpoHiiiu or chuuu in uj plU-athm burtiiii-sH; it will radically i-iue uny cano which can b priHiuceil, 'lliu diMjiirio It ruiuoYtiri in vpiedily hs is cou siitieut willi th produ.'tit-n ol a uiul permanent cure, rnrther. tlio tilneiw cimuot bu c utritcicd if th Isl't-A'im.' (JoMl'iitJM) istukmi when exposed. Its lurfdictits are entirely vegetable, and no injurloue oftuct, either couittltuiioually or lmaily, tun be cuused by ltd UNO. Price One Dollar and Fifty conta per bottle. Sent by lixpl'ens cureiiilly pitcked. llObi'h'i'i'l.H, PMITII A DKAN. Agents, 4ul aud 4U3 liuttery street, cor Ciay, Jy22 0m. ISau Francisco. anll-tf M. W U.n SCH t CO. SlANTUA nana. MATTIB IIOLBKOOIC would renpoctfully In 1TJA. form tbo Ladles of the Dalles ami vicinity, that nhu lias opened a shop In connection with Mis U'Ruurke, win-re tdiu is prepared to do all kinds of work Willi nont ii ess aud dispatch. Iluvlnn Jtwt arrived from tlio tiwt, he hopes to be able to pleate ail as to Form and Faithiou Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. TllltKK D0OK3 Uest ot !the Corner of TIIIHD and IflON Strectf . ochtuU JACKOiN SALOON ! COHNEll UUL'UT AND SKUONU hTKKlCTS, ITM!RUM)KI'.810SK.D, HAVING ItKMOVED FROM JL TUK llr.l.LA UNION" CKLI.AIt, INTO CJtitoss' IN-w Uuiltllnjy Beg to inform the public that they are prepared to serve their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars TUB MAltKKT Ar'VOKDd. ALSO, A Free Ixincli ! . Every day and evening. - , AM'O.M LAVEU & EMIL, 8CIIUTZ, dec2-if Proprietor. Hard Wood 'Lumber. CARRIAGE mKD WAGON MATERIALS WK liKti TO CALL ATI'fcNXION of Carringe Man utacturers and Dealers to tlie Large aud Coin pl.-to iLKsmtiueiit ol CAJihlAOK aud W AlioN MATKHII Al-B we ure constantly leceiving from the is.ast, specially selected lor the California uuiiket, conipnsiiiH;, Oak. HicKoiy. aud second Orowlh Ash i'lank, lifckory Axles Wagon i'olts, tlubri, hpokus, 1-tl lots, llliiiN,fchaits,&c. &v, Witicli we olter ill tde lowest Casii V rices. 'rdurs addressed to our house will receive promp atuiitiuii. , N. , DUAOU 4, CO., joitj:Uui. 29 k 31 Battery Street, bau JTahclscoa aud 17 A IU tiuvuutli Mr out bacrauieutoi C. WaTKRIIOUSE, U. W . llHAUO & Co.. J, w. Lehtksi ban fmiiijieo. tiimraiuunto. New Voik cTii. li uooics, x. r. OXIice At L)r. friilu'n Drua Stor. DALLES, OUEGON;