C3) jpailit Indnr.tiiratcr. ' ' THK CITY TRADK. Dalles, December 7, 1805. As winter closes In on the upper country, nles of goods have declined to almost noth ing, and shipment up the river Are reduced to a tithe of those going forward in rummer. The discovery of mines on the upper sec tion of the Columbia River, promises to ben- etit this place in a very great degree. The agricultural lands lying north of the river will be called 'upon to supp'y these mines with many of the leading articles of subsist ence, and with the growth of farming settle ments in that direction will come a new and most important element in our local trade. This will bo permanent in its nature, and after the mines, which will hasten the devel opment of these lands, have ceased to yield up their treasures, this trade will continue to grow. ' We are in receipt of blgMy favorable news from Elk' and Deep creeks, on the Middle Fork of John Day ; also, from the mines in the river-bed of the main John Day, ten miles below (JuQoti City. One party from Elk Creek, brought down four pieces of gold, of whieh one was from Deep Creek and three from Elk Creek, either of which weighed over $100. at $17 60 an ounce. The average of diggings on the Middle Fork appears to be" between $12 and $'20 a day to the hand. On the main John Dayman average of $20 a day . can be found over a large extent of ground. Another season promi.-es to bring these tDiaes into great repute, and they only re quire to be about four hundred miles further olf to cause as much excitement as those of ilontana. The following are the prices current of leading articles of trade for the Dalles, to slate : Floor. Standard, plain, $10; self-rising, $12; country fcranda, $8 6ll(,W. Bacon. Silica, 34c ; Hams, 82c. Beanh. lluyos, Oc; pink and red. fio. llUTTen. Isthmus, 40c; Oregon, 45c. Corn Mm. Oregon, 7c. Ciir.tsn. California, 28c. Corpse. Kio, 30c; Costa Wen. 32c ; Jar. 3So. Buoab. Sandwich Island, l:i10c; r . F. refined, 18c; powdored, 21c; crushed, in bbis , lDc. .Tea. Comet, 95c; Pow Chung, 62Vc; Japan, 90c; Basket, $1; Imperial and gunpowder. 70c$l. Syrup. E. B., in 6 gal. kegs, 11 ; 8. 1., in 6 gal, kegs, 15. Dried FntTtT. Eastern apples, 18c; Oregon apples, 14c; California peaches. 2lc. Candles. Kuapp's, 27c; Ornnt's, 27c; Emery's, 26c. 1.IQUOWJ. Monongahola, &l(al$4; common wbLklos, $3 25; Amcric-in brandies. $3; mixed, $4. Lard. J. s U. brand, 32c. Nails. ken, $8 60f9. Soap. Caktlle, 24c; California brands, $3 25 p box; Uiggius',$2 00. Dftsas AND CUT.WCAU. Sulphate Copper, 25c Sulp. Ac, fait I'etr, . 25 Nit Ac, Hal Soda, ' 6 Mur. Ac, Sulphur, 11 Citr. Ac, Bonn, 80 Tartar. Ac, PAINTS AND OILS. $2 12 Jewett's Lead, Pkpprr. Grain lb $2 j Ground 1 20 lb loi $12. Liquors Champagne 1 basket, TTeidsick (qts.) $B0; Sparkling Calawba $40$42 50; Plarel W rase $24rti)16 : Whisky, Buurbon gal. $10 8012 : Rye $10fSt2 ; Brandy, im ported $1820; Domestic $12l5j Uiu, do mestic $12 MiNtNfl Tools, &o Shovels, "Ames1 Cel. dnz. $50: Ami-s' Snrine Point $54; Picks with handle 33 dnz. $90: Sluice Forks dZ. $30ffi)3 ! 60 1 Axes 39 box I doz $3338; White Lend 25 lb keg $18 ; Lead lb 50c, Shot 25 lb sack $12 00. WAL.OIION liltUI!., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Mam street, Dalles, Oregon. VTt Nnw OCCUPY OUK NEW TWO 8T0KY FIRE V nnif Stone building-, nnuoaite Uloch. Miller A Co.. and offer to tbe public a full ami complete stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chomlcala, consisting In part or KKROSKNB, TURPENTINE, . ALCOHOL,. ACIDS. LINSEED, LA 11 u, LAMP WICKS CHIMNEYS, UOHJh 8AOK. a pong us, LEKCIIE3, CORK, , INDIGO AMD LANPIII.ACK. Dolled Linseed, Castor Oil, Lard (Hi, Noata Foot, Kerosene, Turpentine, Bpts., Alcohol. ' Volar Oil, 4 50 800 185 1 50 175 400 150 Atlantic Lead. Rtdgewood Lead, Fi'e-proof Ft., Vermillion, Pruss. lllu., Lubricating Oil, 5c 50 40 $100 100 18o 18 14 6 40 60 $3 00 CASTOR AND NKATSFOOT Oil, TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS, ' AND PATENT MliDICINKH Our stock of FANCY GOODSI of tlie finest aud best quality; new styles ond large assortments, such as lurin's pehfuneky, 1iaik, lubin's toilet buap, flush, pomades. shaving, Cosmetics, hat, uairoil8, cloth's, cologne, tooth and FANCY 80AP8 AND NAIL 1IKU81IKS TOOTH POWDERS, AND COM US, PTJRB WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our facilities for buying goods are second to none In the state, and we snail at all times sell at a sjnau aa- fame from cost. Ready sales and small profits. PMSICIAJiS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. IMUOI, Sept. W, lMUB. . 8B1U-U 1.Z 12 M O V H. . GATES Ac CIIAPIN, WHOLESALE A RETAIL DETJGGISTS, IIiiTe Reinoret to niroio's stone kvildixg, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLE8. "jrvfTIIERE we will continue to soil articles usually V Kept in a rirxt-Ulaiis Drun store, at ti) per cent. LESS THAN ANY STORK IN THE CITY. Our stock consists in part of ' Patent Medicines, Pure Wini and Brandy, Extracts, Fancy A Common Soap, Sponges, Hair Urttubes . Trusses, Rracoa, Corks, Acids, ' i'ainia. Tootii rowuer, Varnishes, Alcr.bol, 01 1 v Hons. Ilobemlan Toilet Sets, Supporters, Ac, PnTSIC'IAXS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded. Olve us a call and satisfy J ur- selves porure purcnasiugeisownere. H. L. CHAPIN, tulUlt JUSTIN GATES. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN ! FEED !FEED ! I SHORTS, J. JUKEE? Main Street. Dalles. WnOllBALt AND RETAIL DEALS IN CIGARS. -TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES,, &o. ALWATS lit 9TORI TBI BtST BRANDS Of Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. P LAYING CARDS. ' l'OCKKT CUTLERY, ' PORT MONIKS. COMI1S and RitUSlIKS, o all kinds, PERFUMERY, ot every description, CHINA OUNAMKNTS TOYS, DOLLS, etc. ' FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. Ac. ' Also Powder. Bhot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Interior ilealers supplied witleCiiiars. Tobacco. etc at less tban Portland prices, with freiKbt added, oc-8 VJL2RY IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and UAU-ttOOMH. JULIUS KRAKMKIt HAVING U0UG1IT TUB FN tire Stock of Murohandir-e and Book Accounts of the lato firm of M . Heller k Co., in this oily, to which he has added of his own importation (while doing business in I'ortlauil) an Immeuse tock 01 the best manuiactured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Cliandellerx, Table Cutlery Looklng-GlaaseN and All Kinds of Oils, All of which he olfors at reduced rates.' Persons wish ing to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will dt well to give me a call bofore purchasing elsewhere.' . . uruera iroin tna intorior promptly euenuuu to, ana gowts packed 10 go secure. Don t mil to call on me. JIUUIO B Otoue iiuuuing, nasillllKvun street, uaiii-s. JULIUS KltAKMKR. -mhlltf , FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNKU 0F8KC0ND AND WASHINGTON BTREETt DALLES, OREGON, JOHNEPPINGER Proprietor ' fjnim UNDEItSIONKD Rff,J& having fitted up the llselkiii'ir above Market In the UK T Pi II ' STYLE, will keep constant ly ou hand all sorts of , " . I rcNli and Cured Bleals. Of the boat quality lurnlslied at the LOWEST RATS -My motto is to ' PLEASE ALL." ; . JARTIK8 HAYING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR BALI JL will do well to cull at the Franklin Market. Dalles, February 10th, 18S. JOHN JSPP1NGER. ASCIIS TOt' MAUKET, cousin OF : COURT AND SECOND STREETS; DALLES, OREGON : JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. sm. WUL KKEF " &ipconstantly on hand all the rarle- 1 AtmM Ktle that the maikctoan possibly i-,-,Ff afford, of . . - ii m ii FKKSH &CUUKD MUAT8, and always of the b st quality. ' FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonabh terms.. 1 ' . Tbe uuderslcnen-ls always nrcnared to tiav the hltrh- est cash price -Air FAT CATTLE. Parties having stock in good condition, are requested to call on him liefop going elsewhere. . JOHN AllCUKLBAClI. Dalles, March 81st,18e6. mh81tf AND THE! MONTANA MARK1CT. We compile from tbe Montana Post of tbe I8lh of November, tbe wlioliaale prices cur rent for leading articles in Virgiuia City to that date. Flour and tobacco were botb scarce, and ad rancing in prices. It is estimated lb at nearly tbirty tbousand quarter sacks of flour will be needed to supply the de6cit this winter in. tbe MouUnri market. Tea is in good demand, and , prices tend upwards. Tbe following aro the quotations (retail prices, twenty per cent, added) : . Flour. St. Louis, ) sack, $26 (al 27 BO: Slates, 2024 ; Salt Lake 21'23. Bacon. Ueary sides 'ft lb., 60c; Medium, ( 4tjc- V Hau9. Prime canvassed ) lb. 65o.; Coun . try 60c. Lahu. Small cans, 50; Large cans 45 . 47J. Oandlrs. Werk's Clocinaatl lb. 60c; Other brands 65q. Sugars. New Orleans lb 53c; Clarified, S5c; Powdered 60c; Crushed 57; Re fined 55c. ' . Coffiis. Java none; Riocboice lb SI 05; Ordinary $1 00. Teas Imperial D lb $3 CH 3 25 . Young Ilyson $3 603 75. Japanese in papers $3. Sybcps Ueecher's G. 8., St. Louis, 10 Ital. keg $80; S. H. M. 10 gal. keg $ou 5 ; Sorghum none. Tbaooo. Lewis' Eld. lb 44 50; Or dinary $33 50. Dsans. Navy lb 55o. BoaP. Palm" 6065 ; Castile $1 25. . Oil. Coal gal., $4 50; Linseed $4 505. Kails. 100 lb keg $40. Soda. Babbit's la 1 lb pipers 62ja.; la "iiif m,;, FEED OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAE BT It. Dalles, March 17th, 1806. BOOT AND MJOi; M4HIL, F. AVYCKMA , HAS RKMOVF.D HIS BOOT AND.SIIOR -Jj, STORK to the building on Main street, B&I nearly miDoeite Moody's Hall, when be has I Just reoelved, direct from San e'rauciHuo. anun- - usually Doe and well seiKIau stucK 01 BOOTS AN IaJ.I O tl' of tli e, very beat, quality and Intent atylea . .. EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, Inoludlng the colebratud KNdl.ISlI HUNTING Rlt'.IK manufactured by lleukert, Also, a large assortment of l.ndleti' and hlldreu'M Galtcra, Of the latest Stylos, just received from the best Phil adelpbia makers. Also, a ery large amurtmonmf - FINE DRESS BOOTS. jSrGentlemn wlio prefor to have their UtfOts or Shoe niaAle to oruur, can rely upon olitntmuK neut aud eaay at. Jf W ilKMAN. AlHlll ntri't. seie-tf Opposite Muody'a Hall, A.. O. BBADFOKJ), IMPORTER AND JOUIIKR OF FRONT STREET, Portland, - - Oregon. cTVVKRS VOtl, SALE A VKRY LARQB ASSORT W nient at llrantlles, Liquors, Case Goods, &.C., AlC. aVC. tt- The Trade Is particularly invited to examine my si ick ueiore purcnasiug eisewuere. au-ti Oregon Steam Navigation Co.'s N OTICE! rflTMIE FOLLOWING RATK3 OS VRE1QBT have been JL establisiied : Gralu, Vegetables. Tallow, &c. From Wallula I Umatill 1 to Portland, $16 00 per ton weight vauea to roriianu ? ou " II. luAJW, . nl9:tf. 25 Front Street, Portland, ' Oiposite O. 8. N. Warehouse. MI MINE II Y AND UUESS-MAKINQ. m friSS O'ROURKK DKSIRKSTO INFORM the X.1M. Ladles of Uallea and vicinity, that she has Just received m fresh supply of Fawliloiiable Goods, The latest I'aris. New York and San Francisco styles of BONNETS, HATS, RI1II10NS, LACKS, FEATIIURS, jriiUn fciix, o. a lull ami weii-seiectea assortment of Ladles' Heady-Made Garments. Also, a Fashionable assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPING Ibr Embroidery and Braldfni. PINKING done at short notice. HUN N UTS illeached and Pressed In the latest style. A large assortment of Children's Bcady-Mado Clothing Constantly on hand. Having secured the services of a First Cla1 Dress Maker, 1 11m preparod to cut and fit Ladles' and Children's DRESSK8 and CLOAKS. THIRD STRKHT, one square east of the Catholic Church. oCVHm. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Main St., Dalles, Oregon. WOULD RESPUCTFULLY INFORM the citizens of this placo and vi cinity, that having returned from a pro- leseionai lour inrougn the mines, he has room him, in tho building occnplcd b; again resumed the practice of DKNTIS I'RY, In the lormeriy occupied by mm, In tho building occnplcd by Wood A Butler, Ph tograph Artists, and adjoining Wal- dron Bro.' Drug Store. He takes this ninthod of ex tenuing tnanks, for the llboral patronage heretoforo ex. tenueu to liliu, and solicits a continuance or the same. IIHT or PIUCSs. - Entire Denture on Gold Base. $180 to tiii " Upper Denture, Gold Base 90 ' 1'20 " Denture. Vulcanite Base ..' 70 11 125 " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Base 86 Si Gold Fillings inserted from one dollar upward. Children' Teeth extracted free af charge. selS-tf ...40 02 per lb 1 On Wool, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland Dalles 10 rortlund On Hides, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland, 40 M inch " utiles to i-ort.auu B7 1 8. 0. HEED. President.- Portland, Sep. 23, 18115. eep27-2mis CITY MAKKET. S. LiAIIBER & Co., Proprietors. . . Wll keep constantly on hand the best Al I-ATS OF XL li U I HDSr jk MllUllAL SHARK Dt PATKOVAGK Is soiiciieu, ns we expect to ite p as good an assortment df lllvais and of as good as qual ity, as the eotnlry allords: and wlH ' DoUvsr ths same to Purohasers in the City, V,' Parties having Superior 8toek lor sal will do well k flvviis .cull before disposing ol it elsewhere. - 8. LAUUKR.AC0., : ( , Southeast corner of Washington and Third StS.V , , , ... l'pposite Hosier's Blacksmith 8 In, ft. FANCY AND STAPLE . DEYGOO D S ! CHOCBRIES, PROVISIONS, &o. : Mr. M. IlltOWN, behiga resident of San Franclnm. re enabled to offer great Indcemente to nnrchaseri. V reaperlfully Invito tlie public to examine our stock hefora loircliasiug elsewhere. mlft-tr jf- aioue aioro, uortu side. Main street, Dalles.-s NEW SALOON. NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. riMIlS UNDERSIGNED would -respectfully anuount JL that he w 111 oucn a first clans SiiIihmi In rrnxi, A Gilutnn'a Now Stone Uulldiug, THIS EVENING, aud is prepared to serve cuitumers 1th the best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars.; ALSO, A Tl JZ 1 i a LUNCH Every day and Evening. oc2Ktf, JOHN niNDLAl H. F. -.r J33IXM, Wati-Iiinaker and .Iciveler, rihih o 1 KtKl , DALLES. ' DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, Gold Pent. Silver. and Plat.H u .r.' I f Particular attention paid tn renalrlns n "batches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All W atrhes repaired by I nisa Ur urr tl (ail fur itvalnn 1 1. Utiv vr . s ii s sua IKI'IIV llltlllillB), m. u. aii oruori rroin tlie upptr wtuntry, by Expre I or nth r wine, promptly utten jq to. MRS. L. WHITE'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, waeuington Mrcct. nAVIXG NEWLY FITTED UP THE GALLERY ever Deirnar's tflore. would resneotlullv nnn,,i,nr. those wisliing rhotocraphs, Cnrts de Tlsltc, Ac, ' t they will do well to give hot a call . Particular at- NOTICE TO FARMERS- 11K DALLK3 LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING JL COMPANY has recently attached a v FLOUltING to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, tn this Citv. and are now prepared to CHOP FEUD, GRIND WHEAT and CORN, aud warrant to give the best satisfaction. Ou band constantly aud for sale FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, SKCONDB OR MIDDLINGS, BRAN AND SHORTS, CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from nw lurn The hlirhest market orlce naid for WHEAT. CftRN a BARLEY. 11. A. UOUUE. Atent. T-1 1 .... ata o tone ' " . jMiuBe, iivTi i ioou. niitr. that tciitlon pnfU tu Uking JUU.en aud CUl'dron't l'cture. W. P. MILLER. (Successor to Turns A Co.) AUCTIOIVEER WILL ATTEND promptly to Sales of Real Eilat. Dry Go'd. Groceries, lliintetf. ntl u-nl racelve and forward Goods entrusted to hie caret sell Grain and Hay on Commission, aud rent Ileal Eslale "i""1 :.wimuio terms, vousigumenii aollcited, Buta days Tuesdays and Saturdays. MAIN STREET, DALLES. n17. A.X MltS. LKKH iOlCS. FRENCH MILLINERY STORE. Opposite Cohn cfc Bohm'i, TOUCAN FIND TIIH LATEST AND M03T FASU JS. 1U-1AULK UUUD3, In the lineof 1IOKIVETS, IliTS, FE4TIIERS, FLOVVEH3, EM39OI0ERY, Xrot3s Trim miners, &o. - In srder to make dress eonmlete. It becomes neccssarv that a UONNKT-or HAT, Hsudsomely Trimmed, should adorn the head. Give me an early call and I will endeavor to suit everybody In TASTE and at H EASON ABLE PRICES. particular attention paid to Embroidery anAJSraldlag-Sjmptog. ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE. Main Street, corner or Court. OLD MACK. THE PIONEER COOK, would respect fully inlynn the public that he has fitted up the j above Chop Ilouso, and is prepared to serve up IlEALS and LUMII In the liest style and at the shortest notice BALLS aud PARTIES furnished w Ih suppers, In tlie bout style and on the most reasonable terms. uiBiftii! in every stjlo. Private Rooms for Ladles. HOTJH Ol'llN ALL NJGHT waciesiu aro xitaii niixxit nr Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES UAJiS AUU VArS, AND Gentlemen Furnltjlilnff Good. Flre-proor Stone STore, corner of Uaiu and Oourt 8,r,,,fc ; oc4-tl UisaiMAatiH. J.M. Mhims. M AltTIN & IIITJRPHY, Attorney K-at-Law. ' n or ritJM luano wty, Uo. . Jonn,UiJjf jlictiaw -I