' INSURRECTION IN jAMAICA-BBCTAL- Jty of the Negroes. The alrociiies of tbe " Black " rebellion in Jamaica more befits the condition of tbe negro in his wild slate in Africa than one would suppose (tould ue ponsible to be committed by blacks that claim to bo free and civilized. The Colonial Stan dard of the 20th nit., says that alter tbe negroes' had taken possession of St. Thomas, the volunteers being over- E ovrered, took refugo in the Court ouse, where the Custos, the Magis tracy, Clergr and other gontlemen were. . Finding that these parties had taken shelter, they smashed the win. dows to atorr.e, firing continually into the Court House, when the volunteers .returned their fire, doing good service. About half-past five o'clock the Court House was fired. The Custos then put out a flag of truco by advice of the Clerk of tbe Peace. Tbe riot ers asked what it meant, and were unswered peace 1 They said they did not want peaco, they wantod war. A second flag of truce was put out, with no bettor effect, the robols cried out, war I war I On the roof of the Court House falling in, through the fire that bad been sot to the promisos, . fha rSiatna'nfiH nt.hpr rranilnman hurflt. - open the doors and ran down the steps; the rebels attacked them in overy di 'roction. Tho Custos were butchorod in the most frightful manner j the fin. ger's of his right band were jointed, the rebels' saying' that was the d d hancLthat wrote tho Quoon against us. They publicly stated during tho day that the Custos and Magistrates had written the Quooq lies against them, and tbat they would show the Quoen that day. what the negro could' do when oppressed and lies - told upon them ; that Mr. Gordon had informed Paul Bogle when the Vestry was to be held, and that tho Custos would be present. Tbey dug out the eyes of almost every one they murderrd; tbey cut tbe tongue out of the Eov. Mr. Yiotor Horscholl, cut his throat and partially skinned him; the also mur dered a black gentleman, Mr. Prjce, 111 uuiu UIUUU) lu bug IUUDV vuiui.tvuo and brutal manner, and thon ripped opon his bowels. A Good Wife1 How much of this world's happiness and prosperity aro contained in tho compass of these two words 1 Her influence is immense. The power of a wife, for good or evil, is irresistable. Home must be the seat of happiness,or it must be forever un known. .A good wife is to a man wis . dora, courage, strength, hope, endurance- A bad ono is confusion, weak ness, disoomfitnre and despair. No condition is bopeloss, when tbe wife posaossos firmness, decision, energy and economy. Thore is no outward prosperity which can counteract in dolence, folly and extravagance at home. No spirit can long resist bad domestic influence Man is strong, but his heart is not adamant. Man delights in enterprise and aclion,'but to sustain him he needs a tranquil mind and a whole heart. Ho expends his whole moral force in the conflicts of the world; his feelings are often lacerated to the utmost point of en durance by perpetual collisioh, irrita tions and disappointment. To recover his equinimity and composure, borne -must be to him a place of repose, poace, cheorfulness, comfort, where his soul renews its strength and again goes forth with fresh vigor, to encoun ter the labor and trouble of tho world. But, if At home he finds no rest, and : is there met with bad temper, sullens iiese or gloom, or is assailed by is content, complaint and reproaches tbe heart breaks, the spirits are crush ed, hope forever banished, and the man sinks into almost total despair. A' lazy, Ignorant, extravagant, resU loB9t ill-natured wife, is indeed a corse, while one possessed of tho opposite qualities is truij " tne angoi oi me Loaae."' - ; - " ' Secbetab Seward's FACB.Mr. Seward took off tbe inconvenient and complicated appratus of his fractured jaw-bone and now wears a simple india-rubber bandage on the outside of the face only. The gland in his cheek wibich was severed by Pay no's knife has not yet wholly recovered and there is still much inflamation about the wound. A great 6car on the right side of his face still shows tbe desperate nature of the cut received .from that assasin. It looks as if the entire cbeok had been amputated and fitted on again. The mouth is also much distor ted, the right corner of it being raised an inch above its proper line. No former acquaintance would recognize the veneruble statesman, so rnuuu is Discountenance changed by the dread ful injuries. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. ICItlCSM HXOC'KI DUSEJVIIEUY fc IS It OS., Dalles and Walla Walla, DKALEHS IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Miners' Outfits, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Groceries, And ii full assortment of General Merchandise. Buying our Goods exclusively In the San Francisco market, and making none hut carih purchases, we are enabled to, ssl 20 per cent, cheaper than any other House at the Dulles! DllSKNUKItY BROS, inl-tf Dalles and Walla Walla. IIUW TO SA.V13 MlKlilr! CALL AT TIM NIVf Family Grocery and Fruit jStore, Corn or of Wellington and Second Streets. TUB UNDKJISKINED WISHES TO INFOKM TUB peoplo of tlie Dull tig, and the public generally, that bo ban a Itirgo nud wall selected Block of ITA-MIIV- GROCEltlES, CANDIES A'UTS, Ac, Which he will sell Wholesale and Retail at .Reduced Vices for CASH. Also, constantly on Imnd the Choicest Article or FilKSII ltUTTKIt and EG US. Also, every variety of FRUITS and VEUETAULK3 in their season. Persons from up the country, wishing quantities of Kicks and Fruit, bv sendinu lis their orders, will rccelvo tho strictest utteutfuu. and have thoui filled at the Lowest Market VVi'cm. C. Li. juwkll. 1 I voice Notice. IK TOE CIRCUIT COURT Oh Til K STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF WASOO. Maria L. F. Besieror, Plaintiff, ) n ,.1 for Charles C. Besserer, Defendant, j. Divorce. fU0 CUAKLKS 0. liESSKIlKIt, defendant : In the JL name of the State of Oii'tfoii you are hereby buiii mooed and required to appear ami answer the complaint of tho ibore named plaintiff, no won file In the olllce of ineclerK ol the above entitled court, wherein ttnui plulntiir lrayB for a dmsolution of the nmrrinfro contract now ex HtiiiK between you ana snld plaint itf, alleilirinn fur the causo thereof hai'Hh and cruel treatment and personal in dtKiiitieH, conimitrfil by you towards tnd upon said plain tiff, thereby rendering her lite biudenBoine. Now, there fore, if you fail to appear and answer aatd complulnt, within ten days from the time of service of this nun monii, if served within this County, and twenty days It served within any othor county in this State, the said laintin win apply to tne uourt lor tne relief prayed tor n said complaint, and will take judicment nuaiiist vou for costs, diBhursoDiPTits and expenaus in this suit. 11 oraer 01 j. u. wilson, Jungc. a in. Dti.M, solicitor ror naintin, November 3,1865. n8;Gw Suit f Eqmlyfor Divorce, Divorce Notice. IN TUECIRCUIT COUItT OFTH'C STATE OF OREGON FOR THIS COUNTY OF WA8UO. Harriot E. Bhlpman, Plaintiff, vs.. . . Iiavld H. Shlnman, Defendant. '1,0 DAVID K.SHIPMAN, Defendant: In tbe name of JL the State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned aud required to appeur and auswer the complaint of the above named plaintiff, now on file In the office of the Clerk of the above entitled court, wliorein su d plaintiff firays for a dissolution of the marriage contract now ex iting; between you and said plaintiff, alleging for the cause thereof, wiltul demertion, for the period ol three years of said plaintifT by you. Now, therefore, If you fail to appear and answer said complaint, within ten days from the time of Mervlce of this summons, It served with in this County, and twenty days if served within any other county lu this State, the said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In said complaint, and will take Judgment against you for costs and dis bursements in this suit. Uy order of Hon. J. U. Wil low, Judge. 0. N. DENNY, Solicitor for Plaintiff. November 1, 18U6. 118:8 w m Mi w& v'th m Mil Mannfactnrer and Importer of CARRIAGE, COJVCORD, BVGGT 4XD STAGE IIAHNErJS Saddles, Rrldles, Whips. A genoral assortment of Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. r- Orders Solicited. Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. x F. A. HAKK, jerlltf Main Street, fronting Washington, Dalles. roiiiiiAM) io!Tiiiri? AND ' MACHINE SHOP, TIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. ' t? team Kn vines 3 of from 4 to 4o horse- Aaas. Btationary. Also. CIR- Effl it nm.AH saw Mii.i.x v a. aesftnit I-'- COMPLETK, constantly C &' ll$f:&M: Machines, Vi'oodworth's Cast Iron work for Vor- lX&&:!f tlcal Sawand Orist mills; Brass aud Iron Castings ana it nor cut ino work of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & moat Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to anv nart of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Worse rowers a Agricultural Implements manulacturtd tuorder at llie very LOWEST C1AS1I I'KICE N. U.Particiilor attention paid to RKPAIHS. fe20-tf SIGNS! SIGNS 1 SIGNS! HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTEJR. DEALER IN '-aw PAINTS, OILS. WINDOWGLASSs VARNISHES, flnlftr Putt. nrnunM IIIha raper uanKniKt.Window Bhadeg, glxtoree, 4o DALLES til t l-tf UllUG STORE. MierlsT' Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION, and to me direct ed, out of the Circuit Court for tbe County of Grat, State of Oregon, (Ibrtheforeclosureof amortgnge) u favor of John Oralm, Plaintin, and against K. M. Townsend, Defendant, I have this day levied upon a cer tain tract or parcel of Real Property, situated and lying In Canyon City, Grant County, State of Oregon, boundeu and described ns follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of C. II. Minor's house, and running East thirty three fuet;-thence South, thirty-five feet; thence YY est, thirty feet, more or lees; thence North, thirty-rive feet, to the point of commencing, I will proceed to sell the same In front of tbe Court House door, In Canyon City, Grant Comity, State of Oregon, at publio auction, to the highest bidder for cash lu hand, between the hours of li o'clock, M. and 4 o'clock, P. M.. on SATURDAY, the Oth day of DECEMBER. 1806, to satisfy the above Execution, amounting to Oue hundred and Ave (105) dollars, and for the further sum of twenty-eight 61-100 (28 60-100) dol lars costs of this action, and accruing ousts, with interest from the 28th day ol October, 1865, at the rate of ten per cent per annum. M. P. IIEEUY, Sheriff. By W. W. W1HFH.1. Deputy. Canyon City, November 0, 1886. - nl0i4w- P.CRAIG, VBOLISALl AND BITAlb DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINE!!, to, ri-tf m VRUUS AND J'A TENT MEDICINES !J DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. IiEMOIV, WBOLKSAU AMD R1TAIL DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Street DALLES, OREGON, SI.EMON Is able to supply parties In want of Drugs, Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. ar Physicians and Merchants Intending to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety. S. LEMON, ap.8:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. Final Settlement. -CTOTICB OF FINAL SKTTLHiMENT of the estate oj . a 11 kb ijAuuubin, aeceased In the Couuty Orecon In Pmliatifc .Ntitice Is hereby given that R, II Wood, Administrator or the above estate, has Died his Una! account In the County Court of Wasco County, and prays tut a final settlement of said estate. It Is thoreforS ordered, that said application ba heard on Monday, the 11th dav of December. 18R6. at tha Court House, In Dalles City. In said county, and that no tic hereof b published In tlie Dalles Mimntainetr. , Ctll. DENNY. County Judge.' Hovmber fc 18W. . nlQ;4w . , .-. ' ' u .' SELLING OFF AT COST! 1 sa INI. Wunsch fe CoH WILL CLOSE OUT THEIR STOCK OF MERCHAN DISE, at their place of business, at the Dalles, in order to go the Mines. Their stock embraces Dry Goods, Clothing, Ilooti, Mats AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, , All which will be sold at COST, for CASH only. 4XT All who know themselves Indebted to our firm at the Dalles will please call and settle as aoon as possible. Those who have been accommodated w trust will not delay us unnecessarily, but be prompt in squaring up ao wbuh. uaii mu sov uf, sui auu averyoouy 1 nll-tf M. WUNSCH CO. MANTUA MAKEB. TtWRS. MATTIE I10LBR00K would raneotfullr In. XI M. form the Ladle of th Dalles and- vicinity, that she lias opened a shoo In connection with M las O'Ronrke. where she Is prepared to da all kinds of work with neat ness and dispatch. Having just arrived from th East, ene wipes mi urn muim u pleas an a so rorm ana sasnion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. THRER DOORS West ot th Cirnsr f THIRD and mvfl sirvnti oCAijai DAILY MOUNTAINEER FOVVKH PBKS8 BOCK k JOB PRINTING OFFICE, First Street, between Main and B DALLES: OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIEtY Executed with acenracy and dispatch. IN A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAP SIT I to order: Cards an 1 It i 1 1-83 ends. CHECKS, DRAFTS, KECEU'TS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES' FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS. tc. ore, c, PRINTRD IN ini HOST AITHACTITI XANNU. ALSO, WAT-MILLS. BILLS OF FA BE. LETTKH HEADS, HECEwrnooKS. BILLS LADINCK Rricfs and fainiihleSs, risiTitra, weddikq and "at home" cards DruRSiatV Umbels, In short, every thlnn that can be done In a Book and Job Printing Oince, from the smallest and most dclicateCard or Circular, to tbe largest sir.e and most rhowy Postina Hill anil u,nl..l. .l!l l.A ,..PA.l .... t ....1. 1 .... -Him rt ... -i iidu uu, lu w : luu, MUUUV9 fail to insure entire satisfaction. OUE FACIUTIKS FOR 111 IXSCCTI0X Of DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades aud Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills t From a "initio Sheet to the Lamest Muniuioth. ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, rvlit LMERS' LA DELS. d Are unsurpassed by those of any other establishment In, Oregon. We devote special attention to this brunch of th businens, and are continually adillug to our already eitcn sive and well appointed assortment of material, MEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Oar stock h FANCY INKS. TINTS. AC. Ar of the finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled In the State. The principle upon which bi:siiu'ss Is aeked for this tablishuieut is, that persons will Consult their own Intel ests, by awarding their custom to that office in which their money can be expended to the best advantage. To this end we solicit all lu want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, to call and examine Bi)eciiuena.aiul judge for yourselves. Orders from the Upper Country Will have our special cere, and friends from tbe interior may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, as w HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the (Stale of Oregon. I Address; MOUNTAINEER OFFICE . tnlg-tf Unites, Oregon. H. H. HILL. A. J. KAMI. HILL & KANE, WUOIKSALI AND RETAIL DEALKM III Groceries, Dry ' Goods, Liquors I AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. STUHAUU AND KOltW AUDI NO. Goods cousigued to us will meet with proper attentle) lteferenc.es t PORTLAND. DALLES. M. W. Corbet, Robbins t Co., Kichards A AlcCracken, W. C. Moody A Go 11. Law, o. liuuiaeon. Umatilla Landing, Sept. 6tli, 18(ia. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the SEXUAL ORGANS. riVUS prompt and efllcatlons Ilemedy for the enr JL Ghonorroiu, Uleot, stricture, and lileeases of th Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without tbe least restriction to diet, exposure or'cbuuge in application business; it will rudically cur any case which can b produced. The disease it removes as speedily as is con sistent with the production of a thorough nud permnneut cure. Further, the disease cannot be contracted if tli BPliCIl'lC COMPOUND Istakon-wheu exposed, lu Ingredients are ontirely vegetable, and no Injnrlou effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by its use. Price On Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle.' Sent bar Express carefully packed. HOSTKTtKK. SMITH DEAN. Agents, . U1 and U3 buttsrv street, cor t'iar. Jy22-0m. , Sun Pranclsca JACKISOIN SALOON I CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, UALLKH, QIIKOOJV. THE TJNDERSIONKD, HAVINO REMOVED FBOkT THE "BliLLA UNION"ELLAR, INTO Gates' Now liuiltlliij, Beg to inform the publio that they are prepared to serv their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars; THE MARKET A WORDS.' ALSO, A Free Lunch ! Every day and svsiilng. ANTONLAUER k BBIIL, BCHTJTZ dec2-lf Pronrletor. IIu,rcl Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WE BEG TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man ufacturers and Dealer to the Large and Cons ' plete assortment of OAKK1AQE aud WAUUN MATKHI) ALS we aro constantly receiving from th feast, special If selected lor th California market, comprising, Oak, ' Hickory, and Second Growth Ash Plank, Hickory Axlta, Wagon Poles, Hubs, Hpokss, Pellots, Hints, bhalts, o. aW. which we offer at the lowest Cash Price. i .arr Orders addressed to our house will receive protos, attention. . - N. W. BllAUO A CO.. '. Jel6:8m. ' 3D A SI Battery Street, San Francisco, .. . i .. and 17 A 1 Seventh Street Sacramento. 0. Watiehocss, 11. W. liRAoa Co., J, W. LisrsaV-' Ban Francisco. Sacramento. New York O. B. UXtOOKS, M. X. , Offlce-At Dr. rraia's DruB mciisjsrs ' "DALLES, OREGON.. .