gjonntaiuccrr WALDRON ItKOl, Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Mala street! Dalies, Oregon. Epitome of Telegraphic News. COMPILED rnOM TIU OREOOftlAR. DATES TO NOVKMBKR 30. rENOW OCCUPY OUR NSW TWO 8T0KY FIRE w v proof Stone Drugs, Medicines and Chomtcals, consisting iu part of nronf Stone butldinir. opposite Bloch, Miller A Co.. and offer to the publio a full and complete stock of I Waahinjlon Nov. 25. The Republican pub lishes the following disputrh : Washington, Nov. 7 To B. Q. Humphrey, Governor of Mississippi The troops will be withdrawn f. om Mississippi when ia the opiniou of the Government, pence, order and civil authority have been restored and can be mtiinttiiued without them ; every step will bo takeu while tbey are thoie, to in force a . strict discipline and subordination to civil authority. There can be no other or greater ssistauce given than hits heretofore been given on the part of the President or Gov ernment. There is no concession required ou the part of the people of Mississippi or ' the Legislature other than a loyal compli ance with the laws of toe United CSta es, and the adoption of measures giving protection to all freemen in person aud property with out regard to color. The people of Missis sippi may feel well assured there Is no arbi trary desire on the part of the Government lo dictate what should be done( but on the contrary to simply and kindly advise a pol icy which it is believed will result in restor ing all the relations which should exist be tween ihe Stutes comprising the Federal Union. It is supposed they, will appreciato too suggestion herein made for they are offered in that spirit which should pervade Iho bosom of all those who desire pence and harmony and confidence between the Gov ernment and States. Andrew Johnson. ffeto York, Nov 28. The Timet says : An Impression prevails that Grant will visit New Orleans for the purpose of meetnig Bheridan and consulting relative to affairs ou the Rio Grande. It is believed there will be no offensive demonstrations by Sheridan's troops now on that line. A special to the Tribune says : No part of the President's Message has crea'ed so much attention as that relating to Mexico. His position Is understood, that while be can't be indifferent to the transpiring events in Uezico, yet interference on our part is un necessary. A special to the Timet says the report of the Secretary of War is now ready for deliv ery. It will satisfy the country that some vigor characterized that Department In bringing the army to a peace footing, which marked its action in the prosecuiion of the war. On the first of May lust, we bad in field and hospitals, 1,600,000 men. This army has been reduced to 175,000 men. By the first ol May next the army will consist . of 50,000 men, which the Secretary deems will be sufficient for a State fit peace. He will ask for $33,000,000 only for the Deeart-xuent. Ntv York, Dec. 1. The PotCt Washington tates that the prioting of the war report will be finished to-morrow at noon. Among the pardons granted to-day by the President, was a special to Major Repols, a graduate of Weft Point and an officer of the old army. Repols was Chief Engineer of the rebel defences at Charleston. His is the first instance of a pardon being granted to any one of that class of men who were edu cated at the country's expense and who plunged into the rebellion at the first bugle call. The pardon was granted on the recom mendation of the Attorney General, the young man having an iuvention which is likely to prove of great benefit to the Gov ernment, and which ho couldn't get a patent for without a pardon. " KEROSENE. TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, ACIDS, LINSKED, LAMP WICKS 4 CHIMNEYS, BACK, SPONGES, LKK01IK3, UOKKS, INDIGO AND LANPBLACK. CAtTOR AND N KAT8F0OT OIL, TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS, AND PATBNT MICOIOINKH. Onr stock of FANCY-GOODS I a of tlie nnest and best quality; new tyle oud large aesurtinents, such a LUHIN'8 PuUt'UKKItY, IIAU, LUBIN'S TOILET SOAP, FLESH, POMADKS. SHAVING, . COSMETICS, HAT, II AI II OILS, CLOTIIKS, COLOGNE, . . TOOTH AND FANCV SOAPS AND NAILBRUSHES TOOTH POWDERS, AND COM lid. FURS WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our facilities for buying goods are second to none In the State, and we snail at all times sell at a small ad vance from cost. Ready sales and small profits. rnrsiciANS' rsEscBipnoxs Carefully compounded at all houn of the day and n.eM. XJTE M O V .A. l7" GATES Ac CIIAPIN, WHOLESALE A RETAIL DRUGGIST S, Ilave Removed to RfJDIO'g STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES. WHERE we will continue to sell articles usually kept in a Firnt-Class Drug Store, at 20 per cent. LESS THAN ANY STORE IN THE CITY. Our stock oousists iu part of Pure Wince and Brandy, Fancy A Common Soap, ' Holr Brushes Corks, Acids, Tooth Powder, Alcohol, Hops. Bohemian Toilet Sets, Supporters, Ao, PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded. Giro us a call and satisfy y..ur- soivee oeiore purcuaeing eieewnere. II. L. CIIAPIN, nlBtf JUSTIN GATES. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN I FEED! FEED!! SHORTS, ' ' AND FEED J. J U K E H, Slain Street, Dalles, WHOLlsiu IRB KRAIL DUUK lit CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, J?I3?J3S, Sco. ALWAT8 III (ROES TBI BIST BRANDS Of . Cigars, Tobacco, Matches; Ac. PLAYING CARDS, POCKKT CUTLERY, PORT MONIES, -COM ns and BtlUSIIES.o' all kinds, -PERFUMERY, of every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS, TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH nOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. Ac. Also Powder, Shot. Lead. Powder Flasks, Baskets, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Iuterlordealers supplied with Cigars, Tobacco, etc. at less tnao rortiaud prices, witn Height auuea, oc-a VERY IMPOIITAM TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and llAIt-KOOMrt. TULIUS KRAEMEft HAVING BOUGHT THE EN- SF tire Stock of Merchandise and Book Accounts of the late Arm of M . Seller A Co., in this city, to which he has added or his own importation (while doing business ia Portland; an Immense fctock of the best manufacturer Crockery, . Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looklng-Glaases and All Kinds of Oils, All of which he otTers at reduced rates. Persons wink ing to buy any of tbe above-mentioned articles, will do well to aive me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the interior promptly attended to, and goons pacxed to go secure, uon't lau to can on m. Humu s stone Building, nasuingion street, vanes, Dalles. March 17th, 1805. JULIUS KRAEMKR. -mli!7tf Patent Medicines, extracts, Sponges, Trusses, Braces, Paints. Varnishes, Oils, BOUT AND SHOJU STOKI2. F. WYCKMA4, Hi OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAS BT II. II. LAW, fllfctf. 25 Front Street. Portland. Opposite O. 8. N. Warehouse. Oneida Codmty, Idaho Territory. Tho progress of Oneida County, Idaho Territory, is fair index of that general prosperity ex perienced in the mining districts of this northern section. The county seat of Oneida is Soda Springs, on Bear River, a point well known to all immigrants to this country who came by Fort Hall. The county is partly located in the basin of Salt Lake, and comprises lands stretching across the south ern tributaries of Snake River. Valuable' quartz discoveries have been made west from Soda Springs, towards City Rocks, and placers are being worked to a limited extent on the tributaries of Boar River. The county was organized at tbe session of the Idaho Legislature held in the winter of 1863-4, and now has an assessment roll of $298,312, all ef which represents investments in farms and live-stock.' Here then is another dis trict of imposing dimensions, redeemed from 4ne control of savages, and turned to the ses of vivilized life. Every settlement of this kind makes another step in the resist less march of American enterprise, and this, although unpretending, is not the least in importance of many which have been made U the last four years. t , In, Corvallii there is a debating club. Chey propose to discuss the following : "Re solved that Infidel publications ought to. be suppressed by law.' ' . MILLINEM AM) DKESS-MAKLNti. MISS O'ROURKE DESIRES TO INFORM the Ladles of Dalles and vicinity, tout sho lias Just received a fresh supply of Fashionable Goods, The latest Paris, New York and 8an Francisco styles xuuvt bno, ao. a mu anu weu-seiected assortment of Ladles' Ready-Made Garments. Also, a Fashionable assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPING for Embroidery ami Braldfng. PINKING done at short notice. BONNETS Uleachod and Pressed in toe latest style. A large assortment or Children's Ready-Made Clothing Constantly on hand. Having secured ths services of a First Claw Dress Maker, I am prepared to cut and At Ladles' and Children's DRESSES and CLOAKS. THIRD STREET, one square east of the Catholic CDurcn. nr?1m. NEW SALOON. NEW STONE STORK, WASHINGTON STREET. milR UNDERSIGNED would resnectfullv annnnnce M. that he will oncn a first-etnas Saloon in Oilman's New 8tone Buildinjc, THIS EVENING, aod.lt yrviMivu u iom uuiiuiuara wim cue vqh or Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ' ALSO, A , EREE LUNCH Every day and Evening.' c28tf. JOHN HINDI AH B, J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Main St., Dalles, Oregon. HAS REMOVED HIS BOOT AND SHOE STOKE to the building on Main street. nearlv opposite Moody's Hall, where be has Just reoeivod, direct from San Kraucisco, an un usually Due and well selected stocKoi BOOTS AND SHOES, of the'very best quality and latest styles EVER BROUGHT TOTHIS MARKET, Including the celebrated ENGLISH HUNTING SHOE manuiactnrea by uenkert. Also, a large assortment of Ladles' and Children's Gaiters, Of the latest Styles, just received from the best Phll- aaeipnia makers. Also, a very large assortment or FINE DRESS BOOTS. J-Gentlemen who prefer to have their Books or Bhoei made to order, can rely upon obtaining neitt aud nay nc. Jf. w xukmah. Main aireei. elO-tr . Op poiite Moody's Uall. .A.. C- BRADFORD, IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF TViues Sc Liquors, FRONT STREET. Portland. - - Oregon. (TkFFKKS FOR SALE A VERY BARQB ASSQRT. W meut ot Brandies, Wines, Liquors, Case" Goods, S- Tho Trade ts particularly Invited to examine mv sfjcK uoiore purcnaeiiig eisewnere. aua-ti Oregon Steam Navigation Co.'s NOTICE! fWinB FOLLOWING RATES OF FREIGHT have been JL established: Grain, Vegetables, Tallow, itc. FromWallula A Umatilla to Portland, $16 00 per ton weight . iaiius lorortiana jw FRANKLIN MARKET. : CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON BTREXTS DALLES, OREGON, JOHN KPPINGBH Proprietor FBJ1IIB UNDERSIGNED JL having fitted "tip the above Market in the UKrT STYLE, will keep coastant- ly on hand all sorts of - t resn ana sjurea xrieaiii. Of the best quality furnished at the LOWEST RATE My motto Is to " PLEASE ALL." . pARTIES HAVING SCpeUIOR STOCK FOR SALS will do well to call at the Franklin Market. JOHN EFPINGER. Dalles, February 19th, Wl. WASHINGTON MARKET, coiitia of COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. nbpconstantly on hand all the varte- j 1 ilf 1 that the market can possibly aflord, of XfllKSH Ac CURED MELA.XS. and always of the btst quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. Tbe ouderslcnea Is always prepared to pay the hlgh eat cash price hit FAT CATTLE. Parlies having stock In good condition, are requested to call on him befuaa going elsewhere. JOHN MICIIULBACH. vanes, otarcn met, isou- uuoAbi CITY MARKET. S. LAITDEK & Co., Proprietor. Will keep constantly on band the best JTI EATS OF ALL KINDS. LIBERAL SHARE OF PATRONAGE is solicitsd. as we expect to kei p as kooJ CT'V.a' an assortment of Meats and of as good as qual-j Ity, as tlie country anoras: ana win Dalivsr ths i&se t Parohasers in the City. ' Parties having Superior Stock for sale will do well give as a call before dlsposlug ol it elsewhere. o. liAuunik a vo., Southeast corner of Washington and Third SIS. i Pyposlto Foster's Blacksmith Shop. M. BROWN & BRO., Ybouuuu aid una piiLins m FANCY AND HT-A-PJSJ - DEYGOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &e. Mr. M. BROWN, belnir a reildet of Sun Francisco, ire enabled lo oHer pjreut Indcemeuti to purcbuert. H reepectiuiiy invtte th public loeftmunotir itoclt brovt purcliBiiug elsewbero. ral5ti etuue tHon; north itiM Slain ttvftl, Dftlls. it . T ... - ,., ,, ...... .,. . BLACK FOOT EXPKESS. DWIGIIT & BACON, Proprietors. aIIE PUBLIC ARB HEREBY INFORMED thai we . have concluded armugemeuts for the transnotion of Express Dusinesisi TO AND FROM THE BLACK FOOT COUNTRY! and biVe commenced maklr.g regular trips from WALLA WALLA, via Lewistoti, to VIRGINIA CITY, HELENA, Of Hill A BLACK FOOT CITY. All business entrusted . to us will be nttended to with promptness nd dispatch.. Vr particular attention pain to COLLECTION!!. Will leavo on tholr second trip, startiuc from WalK Walla, October 3d; Lewlston, October 6th. se!9-2m W0ULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM w w tne cltiaens or this place aud vi cinity, that having returned from a pro fessional tour through the mines, he has again resumed tho practice of DENTISTRY, In the room Sit . J uvtupieu oj mm, in tne nuiidlug occupied by Wood A Butler, Ph jtograph Artists, and aiijolning Waf dron Bros.' Drug Store, lie takes this method of ei- lenuiug iiuiu.1, ior ine unorai patronage heretofore e- muueu to uiw, man solicits a continuance of the same, LIST OF PHIOIS, Entire Dentnre on Gold Base .........$180 to $226 -'. upper nenture, Gold Base , 90 u ijo " Denture, Vulcanite Base 10 " 126 " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Baa 34" (6 uom rulings insenea irom one dollar upward, uniidrens- Teem extracted free af oharge. selg-ff ! FOR SALE. , A FIRST. CLASS, SECOND nAND PIANO, can be bad .cm on raaionapit lerou. inquire at this Office, or of.. On Wool, From Wnlldla and Umatilla to Portland, 40 02 per lb ijauas to rortiana x On Hides, From Wnllula and Umatilla to Portland, $0 60 each nanus to rortiana VI . G. REED. President. Portland, Sep. 23, 1806. sep27-2mls NOTICE TO FARMERS. rpnllB DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING, A. COMPAN X has recently attached a FLOURING MILL to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, In this City, and are now prepared to CHOP FEED, GRIND WHEAT and CORN, and warrant t give the best satisfaction. On band coustantly aud for sal FXTKA FAMILY FLOUR, SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, BRAN AND SHOUTS, CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. . Also. Bnperlor article of CORN MEAL, from new vorn. The highest market price paid for WFIBAT, CORN a BAKI.EY. . 11. A. 1I0GUE. Agent. Dalles, Nor. 2, 1866. n3tf. AX MRS. LllllilSIClt'f- FRENCH MILLINERY STORE. Opposite Colin dk. I ohm's, trOU CAN FfND TUB LATEST AND MOST FASH JL ION ABLE GOODS,- in the line of IIONNETS, H4TS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, Dress Trimmings, Sco. In order to make dress complete. It becomes necessary that a BONNET or II AT, Handsomely Trimmed, should adorn the Dead. , ... Give me an early call, and I will endeavor to salt everybody In TASTE and at REASON AB1.E fUIUKS. Particular attention paid to Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTU j OF AN EXECUTION, and to me direct, cd, oat of tlie Circuit Court, County of Grant, bta of Oregon (for the foreclosure of mortgage), in favor of L. W. l'letchheliier, et. al Plaintiffs, and against John Johnson, et. aL. Defendants, I have this day levied upon, a certain tract or parcel of ground, situated and lying in canyon Mreet, canyon city, county or urant, Slate or Oregon. It boing thirty six (30) feot front, aud sixty-two (62) feet deep, more or less, and bounded on the West by Cauyon Street; on the South, by O'Runrk'a ground; on tne norm, ny itl. uauo s ground, togetner with all or the tenements and Iniprovements-thereunto belonging. : I will procoel to sell the snme In front of the Court -House door, In Canyon City, Grant County, State of Ore-' Eon, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash iu ' and, In Uuited States Gold Coin, between the hours ef 12 o'clock, M. end 4 o'clock. P. hi., on SATURDAY, , the Ulli day of DKUKMUKU. 1868, to satisfy the above Execution, amounting to sixteen hundred and thirty- Coin, principal, aud the further sum of thirty-six 70-100- ieven60-100 (1,6117. 50-100) dollars, in United States Gold, ' (36 7-100) dollars, costs of this action, and accruing coats, with Intoi out from Ihe 28th day of October, 1866, at the rate oi ten per cent per annum. l. tinnrnv at i. SO,r. BBllilX, DUVElll. By W. W. Wmmi, Deputy. Canvon City, November 6, 1806. nl8:4 fcllEUHVl 'S SAL.K. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION TO MB Di rected, iMaed out of the Circuit Conrt for Wins County, Oregon, In fnvur of Jacob Consor, M. G. Censor, and John A. Consor, and against Peter Rnffnor and An drew Clarke, and for want of personal property 1 hav ' mis nay levied upon the following described real estate, j situated In Iifllea City, Wasco County. Orecnn. to-wlt .- Westonc-balf()of lot three (3), In block ten (10) In Langhlln's Additlou to Dalles City. I will proceed to . sell the same In front of the Conrt lloase door In Warn Connty, State of Oregon, at publio auction, to tbe high- -est bidder, for U. 8. g Id cc in, between tbe hours of o'clock, A. .. end 4 o'clock, r, ., ON SATURDAY, T1IK 2ND DAY OF DECEMKER. 1866, to satisfy tlx . aDove execution, amoun'ing toI-TO and 90-100 dnliara, (6 97-100 dollars, costs of action and accruing costs, with , i Interest from the 20tl day of September, 1806. at per oeut. per month. ' CHARLES WHITE, -'. v fcherin ol wao county, Oregon. By R.'W. Oiahbau, Deputy Sheriff. . Dalles City; Novembor 1st, 1866. '. '.' no3-4tw '. Divorce Notice. IN THE CIRCUIT COU RT OF THE STATU OF 0REQOK" FOR WAfCO COUNTY. . . . . ...... ' Jennetta Jaqnes, Plaintiff,) " .. vs. xuitint:qvuy. i rn,M,.. v.,,,,.. n.cn.,Kn. I IM TH K NAME OF THE STATE OF OREOON, TO ' CHESTER JAQUEB. defendant i Yon are hereby sax. I moned and required to appear and answer'- theeomDlsint , of the above named plalnth', Bled with the Clerk of lb '- circuit conrt ol tne state ol Oregon ror Wasco Counts, I praying fur a.dlvorce from yon for cruel and Inhuman'- sltf treatment, committed by yon, and persons! indlgnltkwj ' i.uviorwiK r,inv uurueuiooje: ana u yon ran to auswvr tbe said complaint, as required by law, tbe aald plaint lit 1 will apply to the Court fur the relief demanded therelnvii. A. w. ffjiguson. Embroidery said Braldloc; Stamping, Ho. . w au7; , usV