The daily mountaineer. (Dalles, Or.) 1861-1866, December 06, 1865, Image 2

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    Wfa II" HI III i in ,
I'M '-TflTI . .. i. .... I i a very uncomplimentary aoi'ouoi oi Dia peai-I tt n T. i I In. I e n 1 u t
CJU of Oregon sod tbe few scattered, settlers of Bn of th1 A.m0.r.i. nBrlmMinn; Th. .hat.. I - . . . .
h.,i. n.,i .... iinx.n k. n, I . . .... . . I I Ynrnec unit ITfici fpoio-ht l inn.
WRllKSnAT MOKMNG DEC. 0. 1865. .. - - - ment or party rancor is not tbe least nopeiul I mv0.
W 1 ' explosion of tbe Similkameen excitement and sea of our DrolrreM ln the last five rears, and nrtms t.tnr ts KfwT comm. nriNNiNO
A pobtiom of tbe advertisements of this the Rock Creek humbug. For rosny years tt u fair to assume that the next five will be Cmatiiia to Idaho cuy, vi Boi City,
l .... . . . . .u ! il i r u nd prepared to curry Freight and valuable Packages
paper were "pied" last night at a late hour, previous to that time, the people of the coun- marked by still more desirable' and beneficial between these and all lutenmHhate point, with certaiuty
and hence their non-appearance in this morn- try bad annually indulged in a gold excite- changes. nd dmpaucb. . ' ' '-, '
tag", issue. Tfecy will appear to-morrow. ment, and rush to some supposed Ei Dorado, Grnt Wook d.r Companyi. tSST
Th. Rev. Alexander Campbell, the founder only t0 be d"BPP01Dte1. 10 retorn t0 th Regular Monthly Meeting, Till (Wednesday) evening . , New Thorough-Brao.
f th. .li.f flarrinhellites. lately .lied in """"""' i.o. u.. .rm CONCORD
w the authenticity of the moat mendacious re- Columbia Lodge, No. . 1. O. O. F. I kI&& WAGONS,J
'' ports 00 the subject of gold discoveries, Was Meet, every Thursday evening at $ o'clock, ln Gates' Which enanree Spoed and SAfety In the trannmla'ion of
A man wa, sent from La Grand, to the (peeje of MMiy not , b, Hall, of 8e(!0Ild and court street.. Brother, in fl
. Tenitentiary, at tbe Inst term Of tbe lircuit Somehow or another the public had come to go"! '"''Ing are Invltod to attend. Byorder. N.G.. aa Portland to Idaho, u. oHrNarrangementa with th
Court for Union County, for snooting at a belIev. that there must be extensive mine, of A -tV rr a v , PSltV
Chinaman. Killing and attempting to kill gold and silver In the interior, but at tbe pe- " AA " BJVA --. ; not be .uhject to the oaualdeiay., but pus. through '
Chinamen are becoming criminal offences, rind nf which we sneak, the faUh nf the nennl. An Invoice of SKATES "Fast STreigflxt.
u 4 i i .I,, i . t. ," Good, .hipped from Ban Francisco to onr care at Port.
Mr. Lincoln's remains ore still at the re- was somewhat shaken on this point. jost received by j. gobtz CO., land, Charges will be paid and Good, shipped to destiua-
ceptlon house of the Oak Ridge Cemetery, Everybody recollects the Incredulity manl- Washington Street, near French a oilman. tooopg should BR MARKED: CAMS B. M. D.
near Springfield, Illinois. The coffins con- fested at the first reports of gold in the Nex Dissolution Notice CO, F. link, and Shipping Recolpn sent to our Ageuia
UinlnghU body and that of his little boy Perces country-that bewildering doubts were , co-partnership heretofore existing between
araawaitinrr Rome arrangement before burial succeeded by golden proofs tbe steamboat L A. LAUEK and E. 8CHUTZ. under the (name ol AdVanceOiargeS Transportation raia
areawaitingBOmearrangemeniDeioreDunai, e Lauer Schuti, In the JacKon Saloon, is this day e hy the Line and Collected at Dettlnatlon. Good, will be
which is not explained to the public. exploration or Snake river, In the spring or mlvedby muiual conaent, Mr. Lrner having anld out hi. forwarded with Dispatch to 0 !' and South Boise.
oa il,. iH..Ar. nf Pil. rii. nil... Ti,n Interest to E. Schnts, who will continue the buniness on -
1 7 . - , , 1861 the discovery or JilkLlty mines in. June hl. own account. All debts due the late firm will be PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED-
THB nomination and election Of UcnpanKS tbose Of Florence, In August, and the 1m- paid to K. Schuti, who will settle all liabilities. RATE3. Families will be furnlihed with Superior Ac
tn Pnnor.iia dn.anntcivencrrect satisfaction l , . .l A. LADER. com modal loon in New and Busy Riding Thorough Unas
0 OOOgresB, QOes notgivepcrieci saiisiacnon mens0 ru9h of people In consequence, 1H the Dalles, Doc. l.t., 1866. E.SCIIUTZ. Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms, We lay over eacn
in Massachusetts, among the loyal men. He ,.,! nf laisi TU th full nf Ih.t onr nnh. Thankful for past patronage, the nnderslgned would night on the Koa.1 at Onod and Qoufenient SUtiona,
, . . . . . .. Spring or JObJ. iiytne lail OI mat year, puo- re,pecttully inform his friends that he will ever be fonnd that passenger, will not be deprived of regular rut.
is looked upon as too much a time server i0 exDectation was again dampened by tbe at the old stand ready to dispense bis choice liquors to aomnthi
and place-man to be useful in the times in .. , , , u . u tliem- E. sciiutz. ' ... . rn,iJ . rnrft
i: .j .1.. ui.u i. limited extent of Florence, but was revived by . --- r vr v 7i wri RICHARDS ft McCraken Ban Franc
wuivu uo uvc ouu uiipiuvio iu fTuinu uo . I E"l Mli A Xi Jt V- -MJ U I KICHAKDS a McUHAHEN roriiana -
marbecast tbe Warren's Diggings and Uoise discoveries. Joseph tkal .v....Daiie ,
I n . . A In the spring of 1862 the mines in the Blue AT COST, jMbom " UoSlS
Vbbv Coscmkrdablb. -The sum of $39 was MouDta.g tj imporlaDce ln tbe FOR THIRTY DAYS LONGER ! t B:M.DELLfc .
contributed by the passengers on tbe steamer ... . , . , . . ,. 4 B. M. DoRElX CO IdahoCitv
. , , , ,. - , . . . public estimation, but Boise attracted the bulk , nT anvrnrn MAJOR bpker -..Jlocky Bar (South Bolsi)
remno, yesterday, for tbe relief of a desti- f 0 ulatlon. Ia June, 863, came tbe LAST CHANCE! DuUELL ilooiUi...... Kuty and Silver CitL
tute Immigrant family, just from the plains. .. .L n u , j B. SI. DnRELL efc CO.,
The Officers of the boat contributed $13 50 dl,.C0,r f lhe 0hM PlaCe"' aD1 meU 1E8SRS. COHN ft BOIIM would hereby Inform ttf ' Proprietor
Iheofflcersofthe boat contributed 13 O0, wakea 0r lne lnCBlculabla treBgutel 0f War Jjl their customers and the pnbllcM large, that they ;
which.oaken together, is very comforting to Uountftin M wnU befor, -ni ---. '. vhSluW. 1S" s'ao fTucUo. !S5S
. the poor people who have cast their fortnne. thediscoveryofihequftr( DaU
amongst us a new impetus to mining enterprises in that Bl. h Black 8 Ilka, . Gents' jCloakj, - JtSlOCU) Jllller C VjOt)
At present the negro is allowed to Tote in district. Since then tbe energies of prospec- B'cio?ksP,UD''' Drew Coats, WHOLESALE
the following States : Maine, New Harap- tors have been stimulated by tbe discovery of ry'Soods, mbrolderle., T JJ "T?
aUire and Vermont, subject to the same con- new mining districts, which are only of less iiauftCope, ' Boota ft shoes,
ditions as white men; in Massachusetts, he importance than Boise and Owyhee, because AT SAW FRAWCISCOCOST AND DEALERS IN
must be able to read and write; in Rhode they have not yet had the required popula- withont FrtlgM and Exp-nst-s
' "Wines &, Liquors,
Island, he must be worth $130 in real estate; lion to develop their dormant wealth. This will bo the last ohanoe to Wgaln. prior to And Importer, and Jobber, of - '
in New York, he must be worth $250 over If we look at the Increase in the means of N-AllrnVmnst bo paid by th First of January rr TT T "XT d-
all incumbrances. transportation on the Columbia River, we i860. If not aeitled within that time, '.he mewliue fy J KJ JL JTJL JL V-T
. ' DAT-To morrow Is the day "bal1 flad tha true 'nde, of the relfttl'ie Pro'- "" " """oTICK BOOU & SllOCS,
"et apart by proclamation of the-President, P8"1? of th,s twxioa from 1860 Xo 186B- Al ts HKRRBY GIVEN that the Co-partnership hereto- Under Clothing,
. j .i. rt .. t o. i . u the former period, tbe Julia and Carrie Ladd J. fore existing betweon k. 0. HARDlf.C. L. mitcii- 111 i si lpf a
and the Governor of tbis State, to be ob- ,u,u"'r rwlui """" "uu ""T"'"' ell and f. w. thomi-son, doing a mercantile bust- MiailKew
anrroH as a rln nf tlmnlf oo-ivlnir ami nriivnr did tbe work from Portland to Cascades J tbe nesa In this place, undor the name of E. 0. Hardy ft Co., 'awo
erred as a Oay or tlianKSglViog and prayer. , , . ' is this day L.ol.ed by mutual consent, and hereafter etC, etC, . elC
Aa It ts Intended particularly to commemor- "aM0' an1 i "om 1118 Cascades to the lhe bulll;e of rol4 nrm wiu be conducted by B. 0. ' .
h. i,.nh..tiv...n.npi.i. n.n fr wanes, ana me tune steamer wi. irnofti wai ' "-.'S."w" I a r-t-t m,i i ,itTT'
i ' " v - r v j - - i ... . , . . . I wkvuuh ui wiu 111 1" jw. v. " -1 , i rr - i i i
- the ifaolation nf civil war thn Aflno-nra nf me oniy ooat empioyea aoove tne Dans or toe o. L. MITUHKI-L.
thO Oesolatiou 01 Civil warrttie dangers or ' ,..,, . ... r. SnsanvlllO. Grant Co, Oregon, F. W. THOMPSON 'mwTJS HAVH AN AS8AT OFFICE IN CONNECTlOH
factions, and the increase of liberty attend- Columbia. Un tbe lower section or the river, Nov. 13, 18G4. n29:lm t with onr business, under the entire .upertl.loa t
ant upon th. restoration of civil rule, it is a oU stern-wheel steamer, have been laid -TQYSI TOYS! TOYS! TOYST W.";.! rTX weSSi
proper occasion for all men to manifest their "P, and side-wheel boats of great speed an J w casu pRici. for Bar.. W. also pay th. Uighe
dependence in God and thankfulness to Dim, lor8 carrying capacity have been put on the FOR TOYS AMU FANCY GOODS c"h for 0oll D?'t' Bl0C(i, MILLER ft C J,
by a da. observance of the requirements of ' Cascade Portage 1. crossed by an for ig In .that myetf Cor. Main and Washington .tr,.t,. Daii
the day. iron railroad instead of the wooden railroad tuumaubr ft ZOIN, OTCgOIl StCfllll JtllolW011 10
Gonb up TBI Rivbb. " Iloosier Dan " and of 1860; between the Cascades and the Dalles n28:3m 20 and 322 ygjg WINTER ARRANCEMENT
Frank Williams were taken np to Celito yes- there are boats competent to carry one thou- Dissolution Notice WINTER A ,
terday afternoon, with the trtention of put- -nd ton. of freight a day, and two tbpusand TUJS&Z&&W ' ' liESS .
ting them on the morning boat for Umatilla, passenger., and above this point i. tbe rail- Bunnell Millor, who will continue ihe business at the H&i&raeSia stt&&sa fSiZStlEBsai
i ... ... j . r in j , . . same tnnd. Mr. Thomna Miller Is authorized to settle n ,
Williams is a dressy fellow, and might pass roaa " Celilo, and nearly a dozen steamer, all liabilities and collect all debu doe, All persons n AND AFTER MONDAT, HOTEMBBRlBth, nntl
in most places without suspicion of being a on ibe third .ection of the river, tbe new .iSao "ThepLiieTifrer Troln '
bad character. Dan is apparently a " stoo- steamers on the upper sections of Snake Dalle, city, Nov. 23d, lses. n23tf t with .tonmei
pld," with a ferocious looking jaw, and a ad tn Columbia, are Important auxiliaries SELLING- OFF 1 1 vnr TTMATILLA & WALLTJLA
large, unmeaning moutb. Williams was" to the trade and travel, and the latest enter- B E L O W C O S T ! ! . ' JJjJ Tfm th. a "rTdepot dalles cm,
onco arrested in this place, on suspicion of prise, the steamer for Pen d Oreille. Lake, Is Hie entire remaining Stock of Monday, Wednesdays, anet Frldayai
attempting to " go through " the pocket, of one more, but not the last, in that series of WATCIIESj ,3 A" M THE 8TBAMER8
some travelers sleeping at a hotel. The ar-" undertakings which is designed to populate JEWELRY,. (( n OI ; 1 11 A TtO " :
rest of these men is mainly attiibntable- to tbe Columbia Basin, and connect it with tbe CLOCKS, UNftUJXfA Or 11IAUU,
Officer Sanders, of Portland, who " worked SILVER & PLATED WARE, CAPT. J. MoNTJLIV, Command".'
.Lewdni,'."'8' WUb grsat diliBence and The chanKM iD ,be eIallon, of men 10 each S Kto-SiA-y
B . 4 "8 . . other, and of tbe community to tbe world, are yur "nt now, ftnl forthwith, nud it will bo at a. wtb the iteamor
' . f t .arlnn nf ir laa.l PI l TV O It'll i7 W VP . - . i a o a mwr Mm
Tni RiAa uolvbn Gatk. For seventeen even more striking than tbe developments of . BAt wm. bihnbatjiu'8 "NEW WOBLIJ Of " tAolAllIiOi
VAAm thn AtitranpA in tha KarK nf .cun I .t. . i.u m- . I &26tf Jewelry Store, iimi t nnrv r"inmBiiWr
4 ' - -..ww ww v aMu , UQ GUUUirV WCM11U. IIVH V CttrS BtTD LD 1 ir a. i. J i. n.. n' nn-. 1 UAr A. 'rvufr- -
, , ... .. . I " ffimn Bires,, next uow iw uib rus. yinuo, - nn i -nnrtnTk f
Vana aaa lina Ua A U ital- lU. I - . ... ....... . I ' - I tV Tnarlain.? v W. B. BHADlfUHU. .
Gate Alreadv w. .7. Inclined to Z. 5 'C """I! f ' , T lh Tax-payers ! Wasco Mi tfj Agent 0. 8. N. Oa.
Oate. Already we are Inclined to contest gayyung cavaliers who managed to main- . . County ' -n fr TVT C "V A. T
the claim o,f the metropolis of the Pacific, on tain a family, coflsisting of an aboriginal lady - ' . 8BniF m. Tax Coli'ct6b'. Omo., V JU. V
the ground of the grcaier production of pre- and several iithum rivrathe. by h'e deztrouB Watt0 cmnt Oregon, A'm. H, 1805. f j.GOBTV i. kokniosbrrorr. "
ii.imm mtlIn Hi. ori..t il,. . t t .J .. .u-j . ftTOTiCR IS IIKRKBY OIVKN, that the time for pay- 1 Dalle San Franclisa. the great interior or the Co management of a latio. About two-thirds of -ig state and County taxes for the e,ir 1866 will
lumbia. If we are not yet in the condition the population was liaWe to Indictment, on the i'i n pridaT, dibmukr tiik sr. isoa. am J.GOETZ&OO,
.... " . , rr ..v... taxos rcnialulng unpaid on prsonal property after that . . . . .
to wrMt the naraeof Golden Gate from the charge of confused ideas ot the titles to live- date will b collected th same as on execution. TOBACCONISTS '
Californians, we propose that the mouth of stock, and. an equal proportion of the people 'sherlfl mi Tarn Collector, weOregra-. - nv. removi to . . . , -
the Columbia be called tluK'1 Silver Gate. '.nn.l.i. 4 K. ...1.1.. .... Dalles City, Nov. 14, 18S6. uol&-2wd T)..J:r ICT-nr Cinns TinildiTlo' .
. 1 -v, - " a I JLVUU1U O A.WTT 0,
and before we baye spent bali as much shoot the top of a man's head off as to eat 'AFflTIOV AND COMMISSION. Washington street, near French ft Giiman's,ind ..
. u. 1 .u i. .. V. auviivu a vviriiuiwiviu omned a well-assorted stock of
nuuij. u 4u.... . uwo urowa s,, lBeir DreeKlast rrom tbe bauncn of a Paynae T tt TV w T T T T Tr si " HAVANAaodDOMBSTiO 8R0ARS,
I. Washoehe .1 ipr0m ft. be-the me., or that .nlmal being one of J ,S ' SKfflK"00' :
Columbia Arer. will far orer balance those,, the principal articles of diet at that time. " -A. U U IO JN LiJlji, mbkhsohaum and other PH'B8r. .
of Ff V'co' -'.i-' : K .. Society was decidedly rough, and gentlemen No. 100, Blaln Street, Dalles City. Z srR'nNGmi A ' " ' ' ' "
m lKRrJra PiJiiSATlow.-Mr. G.Owen iuended dnnclng.pnrtlcs equipped with lei- w.-rn.t ATTEND TO THB 8KLLINO AT AUCTION 1NDIANmViFmiwARRiiTMwia.i-
. VTT V ... ww:a 6F v. wHu rPsu wnujcV l fl-noral MerchaniHse. Real Estate. Orucerl. s. The trade supplied at LOWE81 MARKET PRITJjlfj.'
tl,ajirilt ngaged In collecting in- glUE'i tpurS, SIX-SboOter. and bowie-knives. I UorseNew and Second Uandornlturs,8ttK:lis,4cTc. V , , '.NOTICE.
. formation fof . dqk designed to give a full Folitics were very one-sided, arid if discos- '-Regular Sales) DaySaturday. 1 -m-m s. tiolland is mt autijorized aoknvs
.J and explicit.",ccount of th. gold and silver iion ran bigjl a map of ConserYatlve or pair!- "Ont-door and Speolal Sale attended to in any part of I JT( cc,ol,T:tt'0n,, hld," "S m, o to Payai
T mines Of UabO Territory, WllSi. Valuable OHO procttTlliei wa. likely to have tbe Ode.- . " : . . -a . Cov,are requested to pay ; nim, immeaiaiuy ano 1 ss
.,,' '. , ', , , i . . .1 ,r, 1 .:- t..t4.4 .t t! u ... ' . . JilDeraiAUKIincesinauCUOtjOIISIgnillBiiia. costs, as he lias orders to coueot.. . r.A.U.4in
mercantile, historical and statistical infor- tion tfeclded against him by th. six-shooter Jm john Williams. Anctioneer. Tiiiiies, Nov. 13, 1864. ....... 1W
. mation, accompanied by a map of tbe Tari- na aonble-herrelled shot-gun .tyle or arga- I w,.n.oAti. ! .. ... uajj., I ' ' - ' itr rfrri jipT j
Alii minincr rliatrlcta in Idaho. Mi. Owans I ment. u A AA afialltlnnlat" mtnnA Knt a 11m. I n Arrt7a ' JsV TIAWT " ' - tiiiUil.
. . . . . t . . . I . 1 m . . . . .1. I . . . ' . . . - . h I 1 . a ... . mv. ...Tin '.nttti ir si Ti
win oe m .townror a low aays rorttie pur-l itea onanca 01 attaining to great longevity la I Attorneys a, uounstiior. nt Miif h , ' urvici vAL,Lnvr( o DuiLiuimj.
oi.-Df pr0c.urng aubscribcri fo? the work. I this climate, aid seldom failed of receiving! '1 """" "-. DALLES, OREGON. ; j.., v J 1 karDao-Crntr of Third and Washlnjton
-, . r