en 9at Mitritiitamccr. MSS 1'J -'irSEEV ; ...... ..... ... T- 00 ' jiain sireci, vanes, WH0USALI IKS UTAH, DEAUS IS CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, . PIPES, &o. Epitome of Telegraphic News. fooxrasD rnox thi obeooniax. 1 DATES TO NOVBBIDKH 3a. Washington, November 26. The greater portion of the President's message bits beeu placed in type to-day. I: will be completed in ample timo'to be delivered, to distant cities by special messenger, to be hnnded to the p es' tlie day it is presented to Congress. luo lepons 01 the secretaries of toe treas ury nnd Interior are complete, and being placed in type. Neto York Nov. 26 The Herald snys : TliU cession of the U. S. Circuit Couri, with either Chief Justice Chase or Judge Uadtr wood presiding, has been or ered to com mence at Norfolk, Va., to-morrow.: It is thought by some that his business Will be the trial of Jeff. Divis. . . . Airier from UoorgU says, that the late rebel General Jordon Is practicing law in Atlanta. Wheeler is in the commission bus. iness at Augusta; Get). Uurthell is practic ing law in Atlanta; Gen. Anderson is in the commission business ai the same place; Gen. Hardee is at cSavunah and Howell Cobb at Macon. Raleigh, Nov. 20. The Legislature meets to morrow. Large numbers have arrived. Governor Uolden is still confined to his bed from sickness. Messrs. Poole. Reed, Uolden and others mt spoken of iiusonnection with the Souatorship. It is thought the Consti tutionul Amendment will be r.Uifi'jd by ihe Legislative. Prominent gentlemen who have been to Washington are not vo y hopeful as to the future of the State nnd reconstruction New York, Nov. 27. The Timet special eays a premineut member of the denote Fi ll mce Committee announces hid intntiun to urge upon Congress a rednctiou of Govern ment btxes to tho amodnt of fu 1 one hun dred millions of dollars. Ho alledgei that the revenue aftet this reduction shall have been made, will be sufficient to pay the ex penses of the Government, besides leaving a large sum to be applied to the public debt. In making up the statistics of the Treasury Department, the fact is disclosed thatln the fiscal yeirs, ending June, respectively of 1862, 1863 and 1864, notwithstanding that we bad 1,000,000 men in the Sold, and thus withdrrwn from labor, we exported to for eign countries two and-three qn irter times more ham and bacou than in 1858, 1859 and 1860. ' New York, Nov. 26. A letter from El Paso, Oct. 9th, says : News has been received hero that Gen. Brancourt, commanding the French In Chihuahua, had issued orders to his com mand to make necessary preparations for the evacuation of the city, preparing to concen trating his forces at Durank. The writer of tho lettor expected that the State of Chihua hua would be free from the French by the 1st of November. lie says Juarez bas re ceived reports from tbe several commanders of the army of the Republic, that over 2,000 Mexicans will be summarily treated by tbe court mar tiale of Maximilian, and condemned to death. Tbe sentence in every case is speedily executed, there is no instance, in which mercy is extended. New York, Nov. 27. Tbe IleralcTi dipatch fays a petition signed by many leading New "i'oik merchants and importers, recommend ing the appointment of Henry A. Smythe, of the Central National Bank, to tbe Collector hip, was, on Saturday, presented to the Secretary of tbe Treasury by a delegation in behalf of the signers, and was by the Secre tary referred to tbe President for considera tion. . .. Nearly all the privates in the reserve corps tave been ordered by the late order of the War Department to leave the service, and have been blustered out in large numbers. The officers, however, have been kept in Service.;. Most of tbem are utterly incapaci tated to pursue their former business. As bas been found 'from official reports now coming to the Department, and' from other sources these officers remain in service and in order to obtain a place for tbem in the tegular army, if it shall be determined to retain the veterans in' that organization, an enabling aot is proposed io be .submitted to Congress, to be enacted into a law, which will provide for tbe admission of the veteran reservo officers, retaining their present grade and rank as near as can be, upon a certifi cate from the board of examiners of their competency and fitness for the position. ' ' It is understood the Socretary of war fa vors this plan. . Gov. Hamilton In Ills proclamation calling tbe Texas Convention says : All qualified ' vqtefs b,aing taken tbe amnesty oath, or beiug pardoned, are eligiole,, even if the oatb was taken or they were pardoned subsequent to tbe election. ,' '"; - ' New Orleans, Not. 20.i-Tba test oath has been argued Defer tbe District Court here fof two days. ' Judge Turall Intimated to-day that be considered the law was unconstitu tional. -V'. V- A Monroe, 'Louisiana pape speaks encour agingly of tbe prospects of the cotton plant ing in that section. Tbe planters rrt disposed to aire the freedmen ni)c(. 1 j The same paper says that a largenumber of I eml arrant 'from M Alabama' 'aid contiguous Statei are going to -Texas. 1 ' 1A 1 Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. WE NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY FIR R prnr Stuns building, opposite Bloch, Millar Co., and offer to the public a mil ami complete stuck of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, consisting in part of KKHOSKNR. LAMP-WICKS a CHIMNEYS, TURPENTINE, 110P9-, , ALCOHOL, . - BAGE, AOID3, 81'ONOKS, . LINSKED, LEECHES,' LAUD, CORK., CAMOR AND INDIGO AND NBAT3FOOT Oil, LANPBLAOK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER . BRACES, SUPPORTERS, . AND PATKNT M KUIOINKS. Oar stuck of FANCY 0001)3 I of the flnust and best quality; new styli-sond large assortmeuts. such as i.nnlft OKIIRTTKUIIV li.lu ' LUBIN'S 1'liKFUKKItY, 11 AIR. LUBIN'8 TOILET SOAP, FLESH, POMADES, SHAVING, CdSMKTICS, UAt, UAIltOII.S, . - ' CLOTHES, COLOGNE, ' . TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND , MAIL BltUSIIES tJOril POWDERS, AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our facilities for buying goods are second to none In the State, and we shall at nil times sell at a small ad vance from cost. Heady sales and small profits. PHYSICIAJfS N.KSCR1PTION8 Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. DHo.Sgt.B, 18'I6. eelO-tf IlTJE i O V" -A. Li 1 GATKS ate CHAPIN, WHOLESALE A RETAIL D R UGGISTS, Hare Removed to RUDIO'g 8TONU IIITILDIIVG, ' WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES. ' WIIKREwewill continue to sell articles usually kept In a Kirat-ClHss Dru Store, at 20 por cent. consists in part of Patent Medicines, Extracts, Sponge,, Irnases, Braces, raiitts. Varnishes, oils, Our stock Pare Wlm-s and Brandy, - Fancy A Common Soap, ilafr Brushes Corks, Acids, Tooth Powder,. Alcohol, ' Hods. Bohemian Toilet Sots, Supporters, Ac, PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded. Give ns a call and satisfy y or ulvus before purchasing elsewhere. II. L. CHAPIN, nlDtf JUSTIN GATES. TO TEASKTEIlSTNirMlOTEN! FEED! FEED!! SHORTS, AND 4 FEED ALWAYS IH BTORI TBI BUI BRANDS Of ' llsf.irs, Tobacco, Matches, Ac. PLAYING CARDS. POCKET CUTLERY, PORT MONIES. . COMRS nnd BRUSHES, o' all kinds, PERFUMERY, ot every description. CHINA ORNAMENTS. , . TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FIB HI NO TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. Ac Also Powder.Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and many other articles too numerous to mention. . A" Interior dealers supplied with Cigars..Tobacco.etc. at less than Portland prices, with freight added. - oc-8 VERY IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and II A.R-ROOMM. TULIUS KRAKMEK HAVING BOUGHT THE FJN- tire Stock of Merchnndlie and Book Accounts of the lute Arm ot VI. Seller A Co.. in this citv. to which he has added of his own Importation (while doing business ia roruanu) an Immense stock ot the best mnnutactured Crockery, Glatmware, Plated Ware, Lamps, ChandclierN, Table Cutlery Booking-Glasses and All Kinds of Oils, All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wink. lng to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. uruera trnm the interior promptly attended to, and gouos pacaea to go secure, von i inn to can on me. Hudlo-sHtone ituilUlug, Washington street. Dalles. JUUUS KUAEMKK. Dalle. March 17th, 1886. mhntf BOOT AND SHOE STOItE. F. WYCKMA.JN. FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREGON, JOHNKPP1NGKR Proprietor TIIH UNDERSIGNED having fitted up the , above Market In the UU.T STYLE, will keen constant ly on. hand all sorts of , . Fresli and Cured Meats. Of the best qnattty furnished at the LOWEST RATI Sly niotto li to " PLEASE ALL." PARTIES HAYING SCPEKIOR STOCK FOR BALI will do well to call at th Franklin Mavkrt. . Dalles. February Iflth, 18M. - 1 OS ALL KINDS, FOR SAB BY II. LAW, nl9:tf. 2S Front Street, Portland, Opposite O. 8. JV. Wsrfihnne. MlLLINEttK AHD Ultt MAtviiXu, , 1f 188 O'HOURKE DESIRES TO INFORM the XTJL LMIIos or Dalles and vicinity, that alio has Just received a fresh supply of .Fasulonablo Goods, The latest Paris, New York and San Francisco styles of BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, LACES, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, o. A full and well-seleoted assortment of Ladles' Ready-Made Garments. Also, Fashionable assortment of DRESS TR I M M I N G S ! 8T AM PING for Embrolderyand Braidfns. PINKING done at short notice. BONNETS Bleached and Pressed in the latest style. A large assortment of ,- Children's Beady-Made Clothing Constantly on hand. Having secured the services of a First Clas Dress Maker, I am prepared to ent and fit Larilm' and Children's DRESSES and CLOAKS. THIRD 8TREET, one aquura east of the Catholle Unurch. - n'"-"-. ' NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON 8TKEET. - THE UNDRRSIGNBD would respectfully annnnne that he will open a first-class Saloon in French A Oilman's New Stone Bnilding, THIS EVENING, and Is prepared to serve cmtopiors with the best of Wines, Liquors , and Cigars. ALSO, A . ' ... - EK1GE IUNCH"""' Every day atu) Ereolug. ,' ' " v f ' ocWtf. - JOnjr'klXDLXtlB. . J. W. GUR.LEY, DENTIST, .. .. a., iMifi, urcien,.'! WW tl HAS REMOVED HIS BOOT AND SHOE STOKE to the building on Main street, nearly opposite Moody's Hall, where ke baa Just reneived, direct from 8itn Fraunisco, an un usually Sue and well selected stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, of the'very best quality and latest styles EVER BROUCHT TO THIS MARKET, including the celebrated ENGLISH HUNTING 8IIOK manufactured by Uenkert. Also, a large assortment of Ladles' and Children's Gaiters, Of the latest Styles, just received from the best Pull- aaeipuia matters. Also, a very large assortment of FINE DRESS BOOTS. Gentlemen who prefer to have their Boots or Shoes made to order, can rely upon obtaining a neat and easy u a. n lu&aiAPf, fliain street, - selO-tf Opposite Moody's Hail. -A-. Gr. BRADFORD, IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF Wines & Liquors, FRONT STREET. Portland, - - - Oregon, flFFEKS FOR SALE A VERY LARGE ASSORT J meat ot Urandles, Wines, . . Liquors, Case Goods, etc., ke, Ilc. far The Trade la particularly Invited lo examine my ,w. UdIVI s JUl vlIWBi OIBDnllur,, aUt-U Oregon Steam Navigation Co.'s NOTICE! npnK FOLLOWING RATES OF FREIGHT hate been M. eatauitsiieur - Grain, Vegetables, Tallow, &c. From Wallula A Uuiatlll i to Portland, $1600 por ton weight WASUir.L,TOi MAItKliT, ooitan or COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JUttW MICHELBACH, Proprietor. PSR5, WUL KEEP 'J?-tfcenntly on hand all the varle- euattaMHiiies mat ilia market can possibly afford, of .. FBKSH Ac CURED MEATS, , uu aiwa;a ot toe beat quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS " A supplied on reasonable terms. Tbe undersigned laalwavs iin,nnrw1 in , n. vtw est cash price fur FAT oatti.k V..i In good condition, ara ciuested to call on klm befoso going eUewhe. JOlHN MIC11KLBAC1I. iiattea, JiaicU 31st, 1885. . rnhOltf CITY 3IARKETs S. LAUDER ML Co.. Pronrlatara Will keep conitBiitly on band tli btut AlEslTS OP ALL KINDS. ; ALIBBRAL SHARE OF PATRONAGE Is solicited, as we exntct take, i, r.i 1 .. uu oi as gooaaa qual ity, as the country affords: and will i DalWer th lame t Parohaiara In tfc Rlt. Parties having Superior Stock for sale will do well as give tu a call before disposing ol It elsewhere. o . o-LAUBER. A Co., Bouthwst comer of Washington and Third At. ryosi, avosier s macksmlth Shop, fg M. BROWN & BR07, ' L - WM0LESAM AMD B1TAIL PIAL1RB IH . FANCY AND STAPLE DEYG-OQDS! WKOCBRIES, PROVISIONS, &o. Stone Store, north side Main street. n.n.. i2i . VV , For Sal nt n r ci..... I www igurr. v For a private residence, mo more desirable locality eonVt Ten Booms, Flaished In the Bust fifviA ! ftnd mbracei iTnr mhmhI.... ; Jirlng a Itetlred a,f Plea.iro7.,7onTenU."b,5 !". PI.rtnnlty Is now presented that sold, n, oBt l!ltrd ""M"n aold together or sepaa VVKLLS.rARGOACOifliryDns-aan.'J' . - t. i) J W 1 l. J V - I Ji3 H MT Watchmaker and Jereler eimn o iter. I , DALLES, : xi book to tbi asiAi ornot,) 1 ' ' rVWfJSUJS F,NB WATCHES, JEWLRT.:o' ' ifiSSSSZE 'Alffihl'repS n warranted for .,,,,,1,. nair.uea repaired tf U. B. All ordera from the upper country, bt Im ' otherwise, promptly attended to. ' aull-l, ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE,1 Main Street, corner of Court, 1 OJitCrK'n P'0Nl!KK COOK, would reap; fully inform the nuh n ik.t i.. v.. ?lw..?'!"?.,.Iu"?' prepared to serve i un MKAL1 baTis r.nH pi's 'rvl ,'?d ,h- "' BALLS and PAHTIE8 furnished with suppers, la tb best style and on the most reasonahl ,lV 7 B V". OYSIEKS io every atjle. Private Rooms for Ladies HOtJSW OPKN ALL nioht I TS-VCtT,THii-i. aanw MlAJt) VmAXJkM 1M X Fancy & Stanle Drv GtA CLOTHING. BOOTS AMD SMOrn ' ANU CAPS, ANjj' . "" Gentlemen's Furnlttlilnar finsi. 8treiT.I'uof et0",:e,:n,"r;0f..Mf.,Bj to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, In this City, and .T. MRS I '": AUITC'C ' are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UIUND WUEAT and I JLL w "nMt 3 CORN, and warrant to give the beat aatUfaotlon. Oa HEW PHOTtlflTtAPTf DhftlfO ' liana constantly and for aala , , , . , I ... , . avviug, wusningion Street. . i nATlKa NEWLY FITTED DP THE GALLERY eve ix-gnar's Store, would resDMtfull those wuliing . , . . .. . , ."" " , y ' PhQtograpbs Carts' de yislte, 'ic!, ,' , that they will do well to give her a call. Particular at. ocilWf! ? ,0 , l?iMi CUUdrem Pictnrea. , On Wool, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland,, iftuios io rortianu...M ...40 02 per lb On Illdesj From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland.. " Dalles to Portland . 87 8. Q. REED, President, Portland, Sep. 23, 1866, , , . . ... septf-limls NOTICE TO FARMERS. f MMIS DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING JB. COMPANY has recently attached a , . FLOTJItING MILL the cltlaeiis of this nines and wU cliiity, that having returned from a pro fessional tour through the mines, he has again resumed the practice of DENTISTRY. In tha formerly occupied by him. In the building occupied Wood A Bntler, Photograph Artists, and adfninlnv VI dron Bros.' Drue Store. If tka ti,ia nr,ihj ' tending thanks, for tha liberal patronage heretofore e m uim, ana soiieits a continuance of the same. ' Entire DeiHore on Oold Baae..:...i...:....;.'.4190 to $225 . Upper Denture, Gold Base. 90 )J0 ,, " IMntnre, Vulcanite Baae.......ta J m m . " Upper Denture, Vuloanlte Base...., 86 u M . Oold FlUlngs inserted from one dollar apward. Chlldrana' Teeth eatraeted fmaf'ehare.v ..w1.t '-'VL'IJi itj F01 .SAJLE. ,. t , AFrttST CLAP SECOND BAND PIANO, cam be had on reasonable term." Inquire at this Offlcs, or of oltf - A. W. FERGUSON.'- .FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, ..-. SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, ' " -' : i BRAN.AND8IIORT9, . ' CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED, Alio, a Snoerlor article of COHN MKAt. from w Corn. ' 1 ' v The hlirhett market nrlca paid for WHEAT. CORN and nAni.Ki. , U..A. IIUUUE. Asent. Dalles, Nov. 1865. ' , n3tf. . AT LEISS lull's We :P. M ILLER, I .. '. - - filliWIakaaan A Daaaaa.. . . ,". FRENCH MILLINERY STORE. A.tJC1?IOIVEI3I,:' t WaC ' , :j. & Oppoalte Ce)hn Bohm'l, ' 7 ATTEND promptly to Bale. of 'iW VrOTJ CAN FIND THE LATEST AND MOST FASH- JL lONAULEOOOUB.tn thellnenf J IIOMIVETS, II ITS, FEATHERS, - FLOWERs, EMBROIDERY, I' DresH Trimminira, "icis."' . In order to make dress omnletaL It haminuui MAwaff inasasHiKinn'i'or HAT, Uandsomely Trlmaea, should ladorathe head."- v ' ' 'i- ! an early onll, and I will endeavor to suit everybody ta TASTE and at H BASON ABLE PUICBS. awiiumwioorj auu Drautuaf; oiwtmpuiBi, ' T T DrJ ,0"d, Orocerlea, Uorsee, and slalee. V. tR receivaana forward Ooods entrusted to bis care: sell Grain atid Hay oa Commlsalon, wnd rent Reai'KttaU upon Reasonable terms. Consignments Solicited, gala; Tuesday and Satqrdays. 1 ' .'" t MAIN STREET, PAUE8, .i I air i l?g!f,?rA,yf'.-,-.vtf ..U:;;.-.J.M,ltBw;1 MARTIN & MTJXlPlI Y,' .it-.. h Attorneys-at-sLawj' ' ' '!" ' 'owYh"0,