Czl v 0rtnt'ainccr. TUESDAY MOKMXG, DEC. 5, IS05. Capt. VVuitc's steamboat nt Culvilla is called "Forty-Nine," in allusion to her con struction near the 49tb parallel. Thirb is much, litigation in Grande Ronde, which is attributed mostly to two mischief. ' making lawyers at La Grande. , A Financial article in a San Francisco paper contains a couplet from Goldsmith's poems. In consequence there is more poetry ! thanUoth in It. VAuotion Sak. John Williams, Auctioneer, t 'will sell, this morning, 'bo handsome resi dence formerly occupied by W. H. Newell. This Is a fino opportunity to purchase a nice piece of property. Sale at 10 o'clock. Parker Pii.lshitry of the Anti-Llaverg Standard thinks that Andrew Johnson ought to be impeached. He considers tho Presi dent's policy of reconstruction "practically failure." So does Fred. Douglas. WittDKLti Phillips is delivering alectuie proving that the South wis victorious on the issues involved in the great civil struggle. If the South is actually victorious, what will probably be the condition of thatsection when it is properly thrashed? Tub Jacksonville Sentinel regrets the retire moot of Mr. Malone from bis editorial labors ' on the Reporter. If he bad only remained un til the June election, the Sentinel thinks be would have written the Democratic patty into a minority in Jackson County. Skates. Mr. J. Goetz has just received a slock of fine skates, which he offers for sale at reasonable pricos. Here is a chance to provide for winter amusement; and parties . desiring to avail themselves of it should call early. Horaob Giikslby thinks that when major ities and minorities do not agree, it is the fault oftbe majority. Thisisadangerousadmission, as,nccordingtosuch rensoning the coppei bead minority is ill treated by the Union majority, and the Indians of Idubo and Montana are right in their treatment of tho whito majority. Alf. Slooum, Treasurer of Boise County, has been imprisoned for refusing to pay to Dr. fc. Smith, Territorial Treasurer of Idaho, th amount due the territorial -from Boise County. Dr. Smith bas been commissioned by Caleb of the Dale as Territorial Treasurer, and his right to act is denied by the County authorities, who feel certain that the money is safe in Slocum's . bands hence his resistance. Tim United States Mails. Col. Markland the Special Postal Agent, will probably have some rather difficult questions ia postal arith metic to cipher out, if he gives the affairs in this country, belonging to the Department, ranch attention. He will have to reconcile many antagonistic Interests, and dissect many one-sided statements. Of the first-mentioned class, be will be required to find out bow a line which cost $00,000 a year for four yearsi should receive $225,000 for one year. ' It will also puzzle him to account for the reason wby the contractors did not throw up the job, by paying a forfeit of $20,000, and kept on run ning at an implied annual loss of $135,000 a year, lie will also De expected 10 explain tue advantage accruing to Oregon by having the mails carried from seven to fourteen days, out of the way, after they pass Salt Lake City, instead of baviog them brought direct from the Mormon metropolis overland in two days less time than is required to carry them to Sacramento, seven hundred miles out of the way. The most gigantic problem which he 'will be called upon to solve, will be to prove thai three hundred thousand people are accommo dated by tho present mail arrangements be tween Lincoln aud Portland, aud the eminent propriety of sending the cuils from the States by the way of Great Salt City, Sacramento and Portland, to be distributed in "a portion of Idaho and Montana." These are a few of the puzzles which be will be called upon to unravel. In advance, it is proper to give Col. Markland credit for some knowledge of the business upon which he comes to this country. Up to this time, we have not beard of bis de livering temperance lectures, or theorizing on reconstruction, and other bewildering ques tions. These are good signs. We bope for further favorable developments of bis ability and character. Flour is sold as cbenp as five dollars a hundred in Suit Lake City, in greenbacks. Umatilla, Bo isc AND IDAHO Military. The Patifie brought to Van couver last week, Col. C. S. Lovell, H h U. 8. Infantry, to command the Department ; ' Copt. Hodges, A. Q. M., to succeed Capt. "Weeks as Chief Quartermaster j Brevet Capt. . Bainbridge, Regimental . Quartermaster of the Mth Infantry, and Lieut. Downey, Dr. Wagner, 125 recruits for the 2d Battalion, 14th Infantry, and a regimental band of 25 ' pieces. .. . ' To ' bi Bono. Kurtz, wbo murdered a Chinaman at Idaho City, bas been sentenced to be hang on the 18th of January, I860. It looks like a coriature of justice to bang a man for killing a Chinaman, after so many 'red-handed, villains have gone DnjKnlshed for murdering White men, but it is never too . 'lite to make a good beginning, in such matters-. Kurtz probably deserves death as richly ss any man now living. The murder T'4 Post dastardly in conception and exe entipn. At this price flour from Utah would control Exprcss Fast Freight Ul$. the Montana market, but for the miserable rruiis LINF. 13 now is COMPLETE itUNNiau M. , quality. ' , ' Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. Fl eets every Thursday wetting At o'clock, lit Gates' Hall, eonier or Second and Court Streets. Brothurs In good standing are Invited toattond. Byonler. N.O. SKATES! skates:: An Invoice of SKATES Jmt recetrod by dutr J. uukiz. a vtj., Washington Street, near French 4 Ullntan. Dissolution Notice. THEC0-PA RTNEUSIIIP heretofore exiting between A. I, A UK II and B. fiCHUTZ. under tho (name of Latter Schutr., In tho .lack'on 8nloon, Is this day Hs solved by did nil consent, Mr. Lruer bavins sold out bis Interest to K. Hcliuts. who will continue the busi'irss on Ills own account. All debts due tho late dim will be paid to E. Scliutx, who will settle all liabilities. A. LAUER. Dalles. Doc. 1st., 1866. .. BOIIUTK. Thankful for past patronage, the undersigned would riwpecttully inform his friends thafrhe will ever bo found at the old stuud ready to dispense his choice liquors to them. B. 8CI1UTZ. Ueglrable rroperly lor Hale. WILL BE SOLI) AT PUBLIC AUCTION, on TUES DAY December 6th, at 10 o'clock, a. m., the handsome PRIVATE RESIDENCE on Union Street, near Main, lately occuphdby Win. H. New II, Kq. The lot fronts 60 feet on Union Street by a depth of l'Zil feet, nnd is in till reapects a most deslrsblo location. If not sold previously at private sale, it will be sold at Public Auc tion, o.. tlte tlay above stated. Particulars to be hud on application to JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer, di.2:3t 1011 Main Stnet. SELLING O 1 1 AT COST FOR THIRTY DAYS LONGER I ! LAST OTI-AJVOE ! MESSItS. COIIN ft BOIIM wonld hereby Inform their customers and the pnbliclat lame, that they u ni mn.ilmiB to sell AT COST, for thirty days. longer in order to give one n chance to make presents fur the Ilollduys. y'e will eu lite uaiance oi our iuv, vu sistiug of Kii'h Black Silks, Cents' Clonks, ltich Poplins, Beaver Coats, (JlOPHS, WW loins, Shawls. Pants, Dry Goons. ' Embroideries, Huts t Catts, Boots 4 Shoes, Ac, 4c, Ac., Ac, AT SAN FKANC1SCO COST, Without PrplirM and Ecn"nS-B. - This will be the last chance to get bargains, prior to closing the concoru. . cuiia Jiuun. N il.- All llllls must bo nald bv th First of January 1806. If not settled within that time, 'lie same will be placed In legal hands. .order from Umatilla to Idaho City, via Bol.e City, ami prepared to carry Frulcltt and Valuable Package between these and all Intermediate points with certainty and despatch. ' The Line Is Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace CONCORD tM WAGONS, Which ensures Speed and Bnfi-ty In the transmission of freight, never befure oflVred to ldsho. We oner Supc. rior Inducements fur Shipping Good from San Ftnncii-co and Portland to Idaho, its our arrangements with ll Ocean Steamship Company and the Oregon Steam Navi gation are such that all uoods sltlppeil uy tins Line win not be tulduct to the usual delays, but puss throuijh on Xnst Freight. Goods shipped from San Francisco to our care at Port land, Charges will be paid aud Uoods shipped lo destina tion. GOODS SHOULD BE MARKED: CARR B. M. D. CO., F. LINK, and Shipping lleeelpte sent to our Agent at Portland and Umatilla. Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will bo forwarded with Dispntch to (jwyhee and Sooth Boise. TASSENOEItS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Families will be furnished with Euperlor Ac commodations In New and Easy Riding Thorough Brae. Wagons on the Most Liberal lerms, We lay over each night on tlte Hood at U.jod and Convenient Stations, m that passengers will not be deprived of rcgntar rest AOKJNTbl RICHARDS ft McCKAKKN San Francises) KICIlAltllj McCRAKKN...... Portland JOSEPH THAL......... - Dallcts POWELL ft CE Umntilla J. B. WILKINSON LeGraud B. M. DultKLL A CO .Boise City B. M. Dl'KKLI. 4 CO .ldnho City MAJOR BPEER ......... Rocky Eur (S..uih Boise) UultELL A MOOUE lluby and Silver Cilia 11. M. DnRKl.Lt eV CO., n25tf Proprietors. Isaac F. Blocs, San Frauoisco. C. 8. Muxes, Em. SouAWiiAcniR, Dalles. deltf. IV OTIC I J 9 HEREBY GIVEN that the Ce-parrnershlp hereto fore existing between E. 0. UAUDY, 0. L. MITCH ELL and F. W. THOMPSON, doing a mercantile busi ness in this place, under the nume of E. O. Hardy A Co., Is this day atssoivea uy muiuui consoni, ana iiecenuiT the business of sahl firm will be conducted by E. O. liardy, who alone Is authorized to collect and nett'e the accounts of said firm. E. C. HARDY, J. L. MITCHELL, Busanvllle. Grant Co., Oregon, ' t. W. THOMPSON Nov. 13, 1805. n'.:lm TOYS I TOYSMTOYS! TOYS I FOR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS For the Holidays, we recommend Ml donlers In that line to the llASn.EX anu tux fijifuiuuiii m THUMAUEK A 7.UIN, 820 and 322 Battery Street, n28:3m San Francisco. DUhoIuIIoii lotlce THE FIRM OF J. W. MILLER A CO. have this day disuosed of their entire stock, in this city to Messrs. Bunnell A Miller, who will continue the business at the same ptand. Mr. Thomas Miller is authorized to settle all liabilities and collect all debts due, All persons knowing themselves Indibted will please come lorward and settle and save costs. Dalles City, Nor. 23d, 1806. J. W. MILLER A Co. n23tf I Abristed. Frank Williams and Daniels, alia ; " Hoosler Dan;" were arr'osted at fortlaqd, oo auspicioa of the. robber of tho safe .-"t tbe t0rleaD hotel, in Umatilla, oo the 13th alt!1, by which' robbery' J. H. Beck- Um, a wortbj and enterprising packer was i eprired of $3,5u0. and left almost' destitute. The parties-Arrested had on' deposit, and about their persons, about the amount loBt 'by Mr. Beckham. ' As they are known to hare been -without money at Umatilla, and are men of bad antecedents, their committal to 'jail probablyi placet the J right, men lu(tt)e ight plce, Tbey arrived at Dalies last aight, on their way to Umatilla' for examlnatfqa. TuTCbioo Kouii. Tbe S. F. Flag of tbe 10th of November contains tbe Itinerary of a ttaveler from Bolee toDogtown, in California, which interesting narrationcomprisesthe briel peyiod of "seventy-odd," days. H decuples over two newspaper columns, and its' contents may be gathered from tbe "sub-heads," which run as follows: " Journal of a Stage Trip from Boise to Chico Indians Standing Guard- No Houses No Stage Stations Staging under Difficulties Soldiers Still on Guard A Ghostly Place New: Compaolooe-r Danger Abead--Team gives ont Awfully Co1dJ-Grbb Out Rain and Snow Passengers on Foot Gloomy' Prospect! Toad Town-i-Siuanville and otber Civilized Places Reach tbe Settle. ments ' at Last From Boise to Dogtown In Seventy-odd 'Daye'.,'As TeHbw-plu'sh'' would say, " Commenk is yewseless.,, ; - - J , ;, Tfsi . thermometer .tands at, 1Q 'degrees above zero at 1 J o'clock, a. m. ' .t l-.ii j -. 1 '"t ,.U.i t .4.1 i'll! .in t. silli'l SELLING OFF!! BELOW COST!! . '' The entire remaining 8tock of ' WATCHES,. : JEWELRY",." " . CLOCKS, . . : SILVER & PLATED WARE, Must be disposed nf within the next thirty days, RE UAKDLE8S OF COST. Call and examine the stock, buy your 1'resents now, and forthwith, and " will be at a saving of at least FIFTV PEH CENT. At WHi BIBSBAWI'S ' ' n25tf Jewelry Store, Main Street, next door to the Post Office. To. tbe Tax-payers of Wasco , . County. SHrturv ahb Tx Coiixotob's Ornci, 1 .'1 ' ' !.. Wmca County, Oregon, Am. U, 1M. ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the time for pay. lug State and County taxes for the year 1806 will expire on FK1DAY, DECEMBER THE 18T, 8. All taxes remaining unpaid on. personal property after that date will be collected the same as on execution. . CHAS. WHITE, RherlS ni Tax Collector, Wasco Co.; Oregon. Dalles City, Nbtj M, 180 t - ; noHV-2wl AlCTION AND COMMISSION. . J O II N , W I Tj U I A M 8 , i. TJCTIOISfEKR, No. 100) Mala Street, Dalles City. WILL ATTEND TOTIIE SELLING AT AUCTION ol General Merchandise, Keul Estate, Uroteri s, Horses, New and Second Hand Furniture, Stocks, c,c. Regulai Sales DaySaturday. ' bmt-doot iod Special. Sales' attedJed)o in any part if the City. :.,.'.,,,,. ,,, e.i-v Liberal Adfancet made on Consignments. mlOJm. ,. JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer.' mTilrm. ..., , , , a. a. iur.' i GATES . .Sc . HAFT. Attorneys ti Counsetlors at LaiT, .SiiAJe. );J Ji. .:In Blocti, Miller & Co, . WHOLESALE GR O C EB S . AND DEALEItS IN "Wines &, Liquors, - And Importers and Jobbers of CLOTHING-. Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing, Blankets, ' etc., . . etc., etc. ; .ASSA.Y OITFIOB. WE HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION with our business, under the entire supervisitio of Mr. Miller. We make returns in Bars in six hours We guarantee all our Assays anil pay the 111UHEST CASH PIUCB for Bars. W also pay the Highest Cash Price for Gold Dust. BI.UCII, MlLLrn s VJ., DtyBtf Cor. Main anil Washington streets, Dalles. Oregon StearaKaigalion Co. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AF1 EH MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, nntB further notice, , Tlio Passenger Train . . to connect with steamers FOE UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will start from the R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 4t30 A. M, THE STEAMERS "0NE0NTA" or "IDAH0,w CAPT. J. MoNTJLTY,. ....Commander; Will leave DALLES, DAILY, (Sundays excepted) at o'clock. A. Hqcouuectiii( by the CASCADE RAILROAD, with the steamer CAPT. J.'WOLJ,.... -.....Commandisr, I fo. Portland. W. B. BRADFORD," ) Dalles. Not. 13, 1866. niarj Agent q B. w. t;c. ' REMOVAL. J. GOETZ, Dalles. I. K0ENI08BER0ER.. -, ' . San Francises)) i J. GOETZ & CO.', ' TOBACCONISTS Radio's New iStorie Biiildmsr, Washington Street, near French 4 OiUnau'st Slid has oueued a well-assovtes stock of .. . ......... . .v. ...... ... . avi .no. '- UAIAnASBa waiAniibanvAiio) . VlBttlNlAand WE8TEUN TOBACCO,. FRENCH and SCOl'CU SNUFF, . ., MEERSCHAUM s4 other PIPES, SPORTING GOODS;' ' ' J B ' 1 ' INDIAN and FA.NOY GOODS, ., tr. " ." The trade supplied at liOWESt MARKET TRICED NOTICE. ; f Y2 8, HOLLAND IS MY AUTUORIZKD AGENT t iJL' "a attend to collecting and settllug up my business, during my absence Those Indebted to m. or' to Payn k Cow ar. requested to pay hint luuueulaLly and sat ooets, ashs liMrlenitocolltK-, Ft A. p. PAYNE. ilalios, nov. ia, looe. iti t)it tt.' W. MITCHEliti ciii-.triai-WALDROK'S BUIEDIKOoS XxlrsUCs Corow at Third and rYashlngtoa BjiMlSk