gailj IJUirataitutr. Thk New Code of Politeness. Since the doctrine of women's rights began to be preached, and the strong xnindod of tho sex have undertaken to do manly work in a manly way, there is a marked decline of chivalry and and, gallantry among the men.' Tbey not as if they thought, 11 These cren. tares are able to take caro of them selves, why should we givo them any more deference or attention than if they were the men they aspire to be?" This will never do. The men must be taught to know their places. If not spontaneously polite, they ..must be so on compulsion, and the way to bring them round is to treat tbom like tho bruts they know themselves to be. ;Somo of our ladies understand how to do this to a charm, and make it evident on all occasions lhat jn their Opinion broeches havo no rights which petticoats are bound to respect. If one of them enters a railroad car and wants a seat already occupied by a man, she juBt plants herself before him and says by attitude and expression, Get out, or you are no gontleman 1" Of course he gathers up bis incum brances and gets out, and the lady bouncos into his place without as much na a word or look of gratitude. When two' or throe such ladios walk together in tho street, they go, io opon line so as to sweep the pave, and tho gentle man who wishes to paBS them must either rush between thera,which would be an outrugo, or take to the gutter, which is not agreeable. But the ladies rnust not budgo an inch to accommo date tho mule man, for that would bo ,to yield thoir right of eminent domain. In fact their cue is, always and every. 'where, to assort their prerogative, to demand and accopt polite attentions und never to make any returns in kind.;' Their duty is done if ihey sub- mit to tho gallantry due to them on .Women ; or whero it is not voluntarily yielded, demand and compel it with tho boldness once' supposed to be pe culiar to tho other sex. It is a difll- "Scult and sometimes embarrassing role, Ibis playing man and woman on the the same legs, but the spirit of the now' aire tequires it and it must be done. Young ladies blush and grow embarrassed in the effort, but let them porsovero; and when thoy get scnigsry and ot a dubious nge, and soured wnn long waiting for offers, they will find that nothing is easier than to crowd and snub and drive the other sex, and , compel them to exhibit proper defer (enco. If they fail to. secure admiin tion and love, and the gallantry that tho gentleman ulways pays to the 'lady)rlhcy. at leant assert themselves decidedly, unu kivo overybouyjo un derstand that they "know tin ir rights, 'and knowing, dare maintain them." ' Springfield Jtepublican. . .-r .Emigrants for T(llamook. Tillu moo It seoms to be getting her share of the new emigrants. It is sunt ilial over fifty families havo gone over into Tillamook valley this fall, and yet 'thero is room for many more. There .4s now a good trail leading from Sim mons' ranch, noar the head of Panther creek, in Yamhill county, acoss the coast chain of mountains. I lie trip . can be mado aoross on horseback in. a day. No wagon road is y.t opened but those who have traveled over tho trail say a good roaa can be made There is a toll gale on the trail, whore -tone dollar is collected of each man arid horse, that is if the pioneer doosn' dodge, the toll gatherer, n they not unrrequenlly to savo their dollar, JLttoria Gazette." ' ; ' ,"' Pasenoeu8 by the Constitution re. ' i .toort.moetinif a French steamer com fng out of AeapnleO to bring down from "Ma's ttlan a full regiment to-as sist in attacking Alvai'iiz'ri forces, why were starving out' ol town. ;J5ggs Wcre foiir delltjra per dog-h and other A Ar idle In pro'poriion'.'- Alvarez bad tjad two thousand', men, indiflYiimly armed, but well posted In, mountain! . . -- ' '-- i SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. PBK8H BTOtKI . WISE A II U 111 & II BIOS., Dalles and Walla Walla, DULIBS ID Staple and Taney Dij Goods miners' Outfits,! Moots niul Shoes, . . Clothing, . Hats and Caps, ; Groceries, And full assortment of General Merchandise. Bnyius our Quods exclusively In the Sun Francisco market, and making none bat cash purchases, we are enabled to to I 20 per cent, cheaper than any otlier llonse nt the D.ilUV inl-tf Dalles and Walla Walla. now TO Si A VIS SWXUXl ' cau at tni nrw . ' Famllj Grocery and Fralt Store, ' Cornor of Washington and Second Streola. THK TJNDSU8I0NKD WIS1IKS TO INFORM TI1K people of the Dulles, and the public generally, that he ban a largo and well selected stock of FAMILY GROCEUIE8, ' CANDIES, NUTS, Ae., ' Which he will aell Wholesale and Retail at Heducti J'ricm for CASH. Also, constantly on hand the Choicest Article or FKKSII HUTTKK and EUU8. Also, every variety of FHUU'S and VKUKTABLKS in their season Persuu. from up the cunutry. wishing quantities of r;fCK ann mm, uy sending in tnetr orders, will receive the strictest alteutfun. and have them filled at the Laxat Market frictt. Jvll-tf I C. L. JKWKI.L. Divorce Kollcc. IN TiTB CIIICUIT COURT Or TUB STATE OF OREGON FUR Til B COUNTY OK WASCO. MariaL.F. Bearer, Plalu.ilf, SutHn Equily for Charles 0. TlesBerer, Defendant. ) mwrce. AO CIIAKLKS C. BKSSKUKR, defendant : Tn the . nnme of the State of Oregon Ton are herebv sntn- monod and required to appear and answer the complaint of the nbove mimed plaintiff, mfw on Ale In the office of the ilerk of the above entitled conrt, wherein said phtlnliff prays ior a uissoiurinn 01 tne marriage i-outrax-t now ca Uting between vim aim said nlalutitt, alleduliiK ftr the cause thereof harsh and crnel treHimont and personal In WW"", commitieu uy ynn townruiiana upon said plnin ilf, therehr renilerinx her life burdensome. 1 Now. th, re- fore. If you tail fo appear and answer said complaint, within ten days from the 1 1 mo ol service of this sum mons, if served within tills Comity, mid twenty days it served within any other enmity in this Btaiej, the said milium win a,,piy to me court lor the rollei prayed fur u said cmiplaiut. and will take Judgment against von lor costs, disbursements and exueusee in this suit. By order of J . ti, ttiLsoii, Jude. u. HI. Solicitor for Flaintiff, Kovember 3,18Cft. nbttiw Suit in Equity or Divorce Ki voice ftuUct!. IN THKCIHCCIT COUItT UHH ' hTATK OF 0KE00N VVK 'i n K UOtaN't Y OF WASCO. Harriot E. tliipinnii, Piuti.tiiT, lffid R. Shlfiman. Ilfft'ndftnt, 0 j)AU K, Miil'MAM, jutjlpndunt : Intliennme of . I lit Htrtm uf Or t iron, tou nr herei n Huininuiietl mid rt-iiuirt'il ttnippnr nntl Hiittner the complmnt uf the iibuTw iiHitii'd iiluiiitftT, now on file in the omco uf the CH'ikul the muovu iititli c-mrl, whoruin md plnlntiff fiinya nr n uitfitoiuiiun tn trie nurriiiKO cotitrnct now ex Btin b'-tweeu vim und liliintilt, ullcifinir for tlie cnue tlitireaf, wlllnl time it ion, for the period ot three years uf bhiiI piitintifT by you. Aow, theiet'tire. If you itiil to apiurHt ftiiBwerBtidcomplntiit, withmtt'ndnyn from thu liiue ul'norvice ot thin miiiMiiotii, It.BLrred with in tlili (Joiinty, mid twenty dnyi ll nurved within any uMier county In thm Htnte, ilie nniil pUintllT will apply to the t'liurt tor the rttllet nrttyed for in Mid cumnlnint. and will tttko JuitKiurnt Hxiiiat you for cunts mid dit bufBenienla in tlnsaiiit. Uy ordvnd Hon. .1. ii, Wih- HvJt. Judge. O. N. DE.S Y, tiu.lcilor far IMuinliff .November 3, 180o. . uK:(iw li IE 11 Manufactnrer and Importer of CARRIAGE, IOSCORD, DlGC A!lt) ' 8TAGK HARNESS Saddles. Rridlcs, Tlilps. A genoral assortment of . . , . Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. 47" Orders Solicited. Kopalring. done with neatness and dispatch. F. A. HAKK, je:lltf Main Street, fronting Washington, Dalles. . V (fii'i7JiiriiiS li it v AND ' " MACIIUSliJ 8JIQ1?, FIRCT STKKKT, between Tanihlll and Morrison. trjteam Kngtnea t3 ot from 4 to 40 horse power.illiier l'ortableor Slntionary. Also, CIK CUIAK HAW M1LW COMPl.KTri, constantly on hand. Also, Hay 1'res sea of ail siaea ; Planing n.n nM. n ihmiwi ro - pattern,) v ronunt and .tr Cast Iron work for Ver- uSS1 -7- tiral SawandOrist mills; Hrasaand Iron Castings and WROUGHT IRO WORK of every description. I am also prepared to fnrnieh Quarts Mills complete, of tho Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can boforwnrded to any part of the mines as the weiiiht of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, Out) pomids. uorao l owers AgneuiiarM lsiyioraeiui mattulactured toonler at (Tie very I.HV1 KUT OAtl I'lllCB n. ll. 1'artiiniornttimtiiin paiuto hv.i'aikb. leaMt SIGNS! SIGNS! SIGNS! O. S.RAVAGE HOUSE AND SIGN TAIKTER. DtALKH IN I'AiniTii,' OILS YINOOVGLASS VAKXiSlIES, Colors. Pntty, Brnshea, Olue, ate. Paper HaiigliiKS. Window Shades. Flitnres, Ac. 1-tf s Uli'uico Aulicc. - IN inECIllCUlTCOUIITilFTIIKSrATE OF OltEQON FOK WA CO CuU.VlY. Jennctta Jiiqnes, Plaintiff,) - ' va. VSuit in Equity. Chester Jaques. Defendant. I IX rith .AIK or 1I1K MA IK OF ()KKON, TO I CIlr.tTKIt J '.OUKS ilflVuiliint : You are hereby snni- nioned and rt-quired to aniiear and aimwi-r t ie complaint of tin. above uiiini'd pla iitb', tticii with tho Clerk ol lliu Clicuit C'lurt ot tho Stale of Ori gon tor Wasco (Vmnty, praying lur a divorce trom you lor cruel and tiibmmui irealineiit. ciiniihlltid by you. and personal lndiuiiltie. ren erliiK her lile biiideiisoiiif: and ll you fail to answer the said C'-niphtim, aa required by law. the said plaintiff will apply to tne court lor tne reiiet duinandeil tlierolu. ln,.17 0 l AITK A KKLLV. Koveililier 16. 18C5. , Ally's fir Pmilitiff. MtCltlti'ft hil.i;., 1TWT TIltTUK OF AN r.XKCUTION TO MS DI Mm rected. IshuihI out of the Cirouit t'ourt fir Wasco County, Oregon, in favor of .la ob t'onmir, MO. Cotisor, and .lohn A. Consor. and against I'eter ltuiTner and An drew Clarke, and lur want of personal property 1 havo this uuy levied uniin I' e I llowina ilescribcd r al estate. Hunted In Dalles I Itr, Wasco County Onuim. to-wlt : M est oiie-liiiiriUiof lot tliree(31 In bha k ten (10) In LauKhlln'a Addition to lialloa t'ity. 1 will proceed to sell the Miii In front of the Court House door in Wa-co Cutiiily. Slate of Oievon, at public aucilou. to the hlith' eat bidder, for U. 8. it Id ctln.hoiween the houra or 9 oYlock, a. a. and 4 o'clnk, r. ., uN SATUWAY, THK5i.Nl) HAY OF DKCrMiBK'l 18H5. to eatielr tin nbuve execution, amounting to $203 and 91M00 ilollars, $0 U7-100 doliara, cneta ol actli a and accriilngrosia, with interest from the 2Utu day of September, imt. at una per cent, per m nun. cil.viti.r.B nuriic, . Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. By II. W. f m .HDAlA. Di pnty Sheriff. Dalles City, Mnemher lit. IHfla, tnn-4t UALM ti I V UKtlU STOIIE. P. CRAIG, V - WB0LR8ALS AND ItlTAIL DEALER IN DflUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, ' I atkt irnii'ii ri! Ac. 1-tf DRUGS AS U I'A TEST tiEDWlSESU DRUGS A AD PATENT MEDICISESH DRUGS AA'D r AT EST MED1CISESU DAILY MOUNTAINEER BCOK & JOS PRINTING OFFICE. ' First Street, between Main and B DALLES , OREGON. OB PRINTMIC OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. JKA STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very beet and ; AT BAIXS AS CHZAf AS I HI CEXArSSM , . to oioia: Cards and It i 1 1 -II fads. CHECK. DKAFTS, KECEing, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOB . , . ,; . HEATRES . CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS. fc, tte dx pawrin m th host aitxactivi aiiiiu. auo. WAT-BILLS, BILLS OF FAKE, LETTKH HEADS. HECEJJ'TBOOKS. BILLS LADHftk Ilriefs and r.iiitlvl8, TlSlTWa, WEDB1K0 AKD "jtJ" HOME" CARDS DrtiKulsts' Ittbl, Tn short, every thlntt that can be done in a Book and Job Printing timce, from me smanen ana most nencMecara or Circular, to tha largest aiae and most showy Poeriug Bill and which will be turned out in a style that cannot fail to Insure entire satisfaction. our rAciUTiaa run tin xiecutioh of DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades andTiuta. Such as Taney Posting Bills! from nlnirle Bheet to the Lariceflt Zu amino th. ORNAMENTAL SliOW CAKVS, I'LX VJKliSr LABELS. M Aie nnsurpanited by thou ot any other estnlilioliment iij Oregon, we devote Biecml uttentlon to Hub brnncti ut Hie tuBiiiesi, luid ure continually Adding to our already extei sive and well appointed assort nint of material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. c, rft'., - Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock ft. FANCY IKKS, TINTS, AC, re of the flnest quality, and for rlclmes. of color amd urabillty, cannot be equaled in the State. The nrinciida nron which business Is asked for this es tablishment it, that persons will consult their own inter, esls, by awarding their custom to that otlice in which, their money can be expanded to the best advantage. To tills end we solicit all iu want ol goon riiticinir, at vary reasonable charaea, to call and examine eueciiueua, nud JudKe lor yourselves. Orders fioni I lie Upper Country Will have onr special care, and friends from the intarlolr may rely upon having their ordera tilled promptly, us we HAVE THE ONLY hV.PHOVED dORDON PUWtR PRESS In Uie Htate of Ureuonl Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf Imlles. oruKon. DR. DAVY'S S PECTFI C COMPO U IS X) , An Kapcditlous Cure for nil diseases of the 8KXUAL O 1C GANS, 1118 prompt and i-tlicatlous llcmcdy for the cuco' ( . Uhoiioriuuii. Olvet. birictures. end I lKearrs of th Urlnarv Crunatt. iiiukcs a sl.eedv cure without the least restriciioii to diet, exposure ur change in 11) plication., h buMiiiesa; it will riuliiiilly cure any cure which cup ba pidiiL-ed. 'The dipense it rellluve us speedily a is con sistent with the production of a thorough and pel nianeiit cure, runner, the iitHfiihe chiiiioi be ci'iitracieu u ita Kl'KCltiC O.iMI'UllMi is taken when exposed, lis Ingredients uie entirely vegetable. and no injurlona effect, either constitutionally or liwaliy, can be caused by its lle. - ' . . : Price One Dollar and Fifty cent, per bottle. Eent b xpress carefully packed. ll JBl bi l r.n, s iu i ii s vtAP. iigenis, aol and 4(13 Battery street, cor I lay, , Jv22 6in. San Friiiiclnco. I'lUI MltlUicu.. NOT'0:'OF FINAL 8KTTLKMKNT of tha estate oj JAMKS I.AUi.IILIN, deceased lu tha County tii.urt of Waco County, Oregon In Probate Notico ia hereby given that K, 11 Wood, Administrator of the above e-tite has (Hi d his II mil account In the Comity Court of Yt asco County, and prays lor a nnal settlement or sniu estite. It Is tlierofire ordered, that aald application be hoard on M mday. the Uth day ol Uecember, 1805. nt the Court llou.i. In Dulles City lu said county, and that no tice hereof be published in the Dalles tlnuntainur. , , ,0, M. 1B.M, Conuty Judg. N( vemb r B 18n. ul0:4w Flnl MfeUlemi'iat. " TVTOTICiBOF FlffAL PRTTLRMRVT of the tate ot X WILLIAM U. LAUUI1L N. doiensed IntluiCuun tyGiyitiif U'aaco County. Or' gun In Prubato.Noticfl Is.hereby given, Ui it U. 41. Wood, Adiiiliiisjrwor of the above wtalo, ha. tiled hla Anal accounts In the County Court of Wwco County, and pray Air a final settlement uf suld estate; it is therefore ordered that said applica tion lie hea d on Monday, ilio Ilili day of December, A.' D.'lMo, at the tVurt House, in P ules Cliy, In said Coun ty, ann that notice tuereot ne puuimueu in tna mine. S. LEMON, vrUOLEHALt AKD RETAIL DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Btrcets UAI.1.KS, OHEUO.X. SI.KMON Is able to aiipply partie. In want of Dm its, . Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids. Perfumery, and every other article enumerated wlib the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS At the lowest market rates. r Physicians and Merchants Intending to purchase for tlie Mines, will do well to give tilin a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 In great variety. ... j , .... 8. LEMON. ap.3:tf. ' Washington St., between Main adn Second. SULLUAU Oi r-AT COST TS1. yVnncx & Co., -riLL CLOSK OUT TI1F.I11 STOCK OF 5IEI1C1I AN- IT DISK, at their plnce of bmdncsa, ut the Dalle., In oruer to go tne Mines. Their stock einuracea Dry Goods, Clothing, UooIn, Hats , AftU All wnicn win ue . oiu at uiibi. ior taii oniy. Uf All who know themselves indebted to our Arm nt the Dalle, will please call ami aettle aa soon a. piwsiblu, Those who havo been accommodated we. trust will-ma delay u. unnecesnarily, but bo prompt in squaring up ao- couuta. unit auu see us, an unu everyuony i Alounl tineer. h oVemotrf, J806.' ' (V N. DhANY.. (mntv Jn lira. aull-tf ,M. ttU.NBCn A CO. MANTUA MA It Lilt. TAWIIS. MATTIK IlOLIMtOOK would respectfully In- J.T1 form tlie Ladle, 'of the Dalles and vicinity, Hint lie lias npened a shop In connection With lllnu ll.jurM where she Is prepared to do all kinds nf work witli neat ness and dispiitch. - Having Just arrived frum the bant .he hopes to be able to ploaH all as to Form and FashloA plonks, Coats arid Dresses, Cut to Order, TIIKKK DOOiia Wnt ol .the Cwraer of THIRD and VAilM Ciraeis. , - . acamna B. H. HILL. A. J KAMI). HILL & K A. N 35. WUOLtSALS AND HLTA1L DtALIKS lit . Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors! AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMEIITS.,' STwIIAUK AND KOItVV A hill M). Goods conslgiied to us will meet with-proper attenttea. lii'ierencemi t " ' POHTLAMD. . BAI.irJI. 1 II. W. Corbet, llobhiu. A Co., - l . Illchnrd. A McCrackeo, W. C. Moody A Co., II. Iaw, O. lluuiason. tmatllla Landing, Sept. ath.1883. eJACKKOIN SAJ.OON 1 COUNER COURT AND SECOND GREETS, , DALLEH, OIIJUOOJN. , -; rHF. CNDEIISiaNKI), 1IAVIVO RF.MOVKD FP.0 T1IK-1JKI.LA UNION" CELLAIUIMO -J GatOH1 Now. JLSuiltilng;,! Tleg to Inform the public that they are prepared to .err their customer, with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, SUB MARKET AFFOltDS. ALSO, A . ' Free Lunch ! Every day and evening. ANTON LAVER . KMIL SCHUTH, deoJ-if- . Proprietor ilaril Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATER'ALS, WIS BKU TO CALL ATTLM10N of Cairlage Man uracturer. and Dealer, to tlie Large and Conn plete assortment ol CAlihlAOK and la AUO.N JIATKHlJ Ai.S we uta constantly leceiving li'oiu the hast, specially selected tor the Calilbrnla Miarket, comprising, Oak, Hickory, and Second (Irow th Ash I'lank. linkory Axleo, M agou Poles, Hubs, Spokes, r ellms, lili'ns, fchaita, Ac. C which weotler at ttie lowest-Cash Pilcos. - 0Ar i.rdors addlossed to eur hause will rsrelve prom attention. W. DliAUU A CO., , jelo:3iu. 29 A 31 Dattefy Street, ban, " and 17 A IV Seventh ctreet Sacramento. 0. WlTranoues, . 11. W. Iieauo A Co., J. W. Lrera San Fraiiolsi'o. , , Saornmenlo. m Aow Vurk j e.JU, 1IHOOKH, M. r. gifllco At lr. Crulo' Drus Stol DALLES, OUliGON.J ' mj.