C3 Epitome of Telegraphic .News. COMHLKD rtott tUt OttEQOSHS. 'Sates to novEBiuan The Mercury says llie repre-entallte of the American Government at ihii i ort bus been liocatue arrival of this vessel, lb couimunt-. cation with tbe Uu lorn authorities It is alau stated that c rtuiu commercial houses; who were lately interested iu the success of the I ouleilemcy, we e etieairou yesterday in tntikiutc inquiries regarding the Shenanduahf ttud lucre tuny be, tlieretoro, some point raised. H8 to giv.nif up the vessel. Some of ' the autnorities liuve been coiurauuicntod with, and tlreir decision in tegard to the fi nal uispos tion ot the vessel may be expected in a few days. s. . The French Qovernment had a prosecution gainst the vprnion Rationale for spreading news about Mexico calculated to disturb the public. peace. , . The lima continued to disparage the RuS- sell Kj ibinet, and says it would almost seem as if there must bo uu in erval of disorgani sation, after whicu the Cabinet willl go on With re. ewrd strength or g.i to pie. e. The issue depeuds upon themselves, upon the boldui-ss and wisdom of their policy, and upon tueir aptitude in a s milating 10 them selves the forces which lie about them. ' Me etings have been held in Manchester and P.iris in aid of tho emancipated negroes in i' e uimcu states. Hew iurk, Nov. 21. The steamship China iron) L-lVrrpool Hie lltb, and Queenstown llie tatu, Um arrived. Tue pirate Shenandoah lias been handed .over to the U. S. Consul and wll be sent I New York Her captain and crew were uu conditionally disct.ui'ged. Additional correspondence 'between Minif ter Adams and Eul Russell has been pub lisnei. lue latter nays that every n presen mion of me Amencnu Minister was imiued nteiy considmed and properly referred to the law otneers. The supplement to the London GaxetU con taitis timber additional correspondence be tweet. Mr. Adams and Earl Russell, relative to the depanure of cruisers lor the rebels from England. Earl Russell repeals (he ar gument that the British Government acted upon piecede t, and presents, memoranda Sbowiug that steps were taken in prevent and punish breaches il aeirali'y. -. The London Timet snys it is impossible for the American Government to abandon the claims for the depredations of the Alabama, but it is quite possible lor a Government 10 yield nothing, yet do nothing. We must pre pare to be told that the U tiled States Gov ernment will aviate no jo.l ul its demands, and will reserve Ihe right of enforwiiitf them, but till, when the temper of the people is calmed, When commerce has renewed the links, there will b little deposition ts dwell upon uua--VOidabli dilticitliles. , Capi. Wuddell, in bis letter to Earl Ri.sselt, which is now published, say : " in obedience to orders I loi.nd myself in ihe Arctic end ' OcIioikIi seas; fir away Irom ordinary clan- nets ol'eoninierce, and in consequence of this awkward circum tnnce, whs enured in act ' of war until Ihe 28ili of June. 1 was ignorant of ihe r vrse suffered by the Coufrderaies and the total obii e aiioti of rtie government tinder which i acted. I received I lie first news of the downfall of the Confederates on i the '21 of August, from the British bark Bar raemta, ami desisted Immediately from acts of war till I could ciimmiinicaie with European . ports, and learn if lue news was true. 1 could not have been se i.ible that Ihe tales to'd by the American ships were true, hut merely upoi .tlie statement of thi Bi llih Cap tain, I diligently sought lor precedent in law for guidance in ihe lutiire control and hual disposal ol ti.o vegel, but found none,". ' Tub Dallks hnd VAitcouyurt Road. The Idea of building n roitd from Dalles to Van couvcr, for tbe purpose of facilitating move ments of live. stock up and down the river, and particular y to benefit immigrants tno ing wtin constueratiie qmntities of stock, is now mucii discu ted ut Vunoouvcr. An im- ' por'tuut accessory of this road is'the t.ridge cross tlto Uoluiuuin nt the. dallet of tho river, itb ive the city. Immigrants com ing from the south-ast can uvuil themselves of this bridge for a cheap and speedy transit of fie river, and it will serve the add tlubul ' purpose of a trading hither tbe trade of 'settlers in the eastern seetionof Washington Territory.1 I he two enterprise have a com : mon interest, and ehonld not the projectors ' cot have nn interchange of 1 leas upon the ' inlject? ' It is by open ng thoroughfures of tliia doscript on that tbe count-y is bitilt uu: nd Inducements offered to sotllcrs and tlie commerci il public. . , Th Springfield, Mum .,. Hrpuhliean thinks -that Jeff. D.tvh ought to he tried; convicted ad sent need t.i be linng) and then pardoned -rAi-rhis tg to be' for the" sake of example-: and a. i. . -1 . ... so uiu&s trsusoa ouiuus. ' .. ; WALfrROM BROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main street, Dallas, Oregon. TK NOW OCCUPY OUIl NEW TWO 8T0HY FIRE Jrmii stone buiMtnx, opposite lilocli. Miller offer to the public a full and complete stock i Drugs, Medicines and Chomlcnls, consisting lu part of KKH08KNR. LAMP WICKS A CHIMNEYS, TUltl'KNTINE, ALCOHOL, AC1D9. LINSKED, HOFS, BA11B. ,'. . Sl'ONOKS. ' LEKCHKS, MHU, COItK. CASTOR AW INDIOO AND NKAT3P00T Oil, LANPHLACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS. AND . PATKNT MKDICIN'KS. Our stuck of FANCY GO JOS I sof tlie finest and best quality; new styles find large nssurtmeuts, such as LUHI.VS rKllfUKKIlY, 1IA1K, LU11IN B TOILET SOAP, FLKSII, POMADKS. . SHAVING, COSMETICS, . JIAT, . .. , , . UAIHOILS, .' i CLOTH'S, COLOGNE, TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND N AIL BRUSHES TjOTII POWDUUS, AND COM US. PTJRB W11IBS AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purpose. Our, mriiitleii rut buying good! are oeconu to none in tilt) State, an J we ahull at all times tell at ft sn.uU ad vance from ctt. Kettti y sale and small prutlts. . . pnisiciLxs' ruEscKirrioNS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. Holies, cups, v, low. seio-ti it E iro V. A. JL. . GATES Jic. CHA.PIN, . WHOLESALE A RETAIL " ' T RXJ Q Gr 1ST S, nT RemoveD to mmio's stoke: iivilditg, . WASHINGTON 8TKKKT, DA,ItSS. . WIIKKK w will ftontlnue to sell 'articles nsnally kept In a Virit-Cliuis l)iu store, nt '2D per cent. LKS.i THAN ANY BTOltE IN TUE CITY. Our stock consists lu part ot Patent Medicines, - Pure Win s ami Brandy, Jiitrncls, . Vanoy A Couimou Boap, Bpouges, liHlr Brnnhes ' Trusses, Braces, Corks, Acids, . Paints, Tooth Powder, Varnishes, Alddud, i Oils, H,in. Iluliemlan Toilet Sets, . Supporters, ke, PUYSIIIANS' PKESCRIPTI0.V3 Carefully Coniounded. Give us a eall and satlsty y nr selves before purchasing elsewhere. U. L. UUAfia, IlltfllJ JUSTIN OATES. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIH1J1EN ! FEED ! F-EEID ! I LBRAN, SHORTS, AND . rjF ALL KINDS, FOIl SAE BY K. II. LAW, 2S Front Street. Portland, OpHiHlte O. S. . VVnrtdiiMiite. nlS:tf. MILMNElU AND Oitli-.U AKl.MJ 1SAT18S O'UOUItKK DESIItESTO INK011M ihe ATJL Lullen of bailee un.l vleiidiv. that alio uus jus. receivea a iresu euppiy ul ITiiHlilnalto Goods, Tlie latest arls. New York and San Francisco style ofHIVNKl'S. IltTS, lllllil I.N.4, L tOKS, VEAI'llKlts. riMriana.sc, A lull aim well-selecte I assortment of Ladlea' Ueady-.'rlndu Uarmcnta. Also, a FashiouaLle assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPINQ for Embroldervaml llraldfnir. PINKING done at sliort notice. II0.X. KI'd llleuched and Pressed lu the latest style. A large assortmeut uf Children's Koadj-Ma lo Clothlns Constantly on hand. II ivlni secured tlx service of a rirsi uia s uiwm Manor. Mint prepared t.s rut and fit Ladlei' and Children's D tK-iSHS uud UIDtKS. TlllilO STltKKT. one sou ire nut uf the Rntlinlle Church. v1:.1ni. NEW 8A.LiOO.Nsv NEW 8T0NB STORK. WASIHNUT I.N STREKT. . rjlIKUIDiC tSIHSrll) would roputlully a inmiM M. tlit lie will open a tint claw Saluou In Vreuoli A Oilman' Nee KtniS) UulldliK. THIS KVKN INU, and Is pruimreu w serve ru numere aitu me nest or Wines, Lipors and Cigars. AU0, A ETC 13 E LUNCH Evsry day and Evening. x8tf. j JQH5T niXDLAXIB. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST,- Mali, St., Dalles, Oregon. WOULD ItKSI'KUTFUI.LY INFOIIM tbe cltlseus ol this pl tcu and v( clolty, that liavlng returned from a pro wwiuiiai lour mruugn llie mines, lie inu again resumed tho p lurmerly uooupieil b ooil Butler. th drou Bni'.' Druir t tendlnu thanks, Inr tud4 to uiui, au4 I Entire Denture m3old Uon... 4180 lo$225 ." Upper Demure, tlnld Base.. UU - , I'AI i 41 Dentura. Vulcanite llovie 70" 126 ' Upia-r lieulure. Vulcanite Bass - afi Hi , Gold Flilluirslu-ertedtroiao ie dollar upward. , Children Velw extracted frnnaf rhin. -'" t' . foii sai.k. , A flRSTCLASS. 8K0JX0 HAND PI tSO, fan Wliad im iw reoaunatust Sonus. . laquure at this tntloo. or of k!HI . . A. W.FEKOUeOA. do,rrapli AitUta, aada.li.dHlngWa(. ' OptMsalte Cohts II ohm's, m .,, A1TK .,' luire. He i.Icm ibis metluhi ..I ... I - I l.T'"B Bruniptly to fates i,f l,.i t tlie Hberol p.lron.i. here(..i,aJ.'M V ".".SfuVJA .:"a,...LTT N0 MOiT A8- .f .Y""r tlo.., l4 Lu u,,t s.d.clie aoouiiuuauceortlia same. -" '" ,jnilll , ""V .rl,u r; ,,i 1ST uf PHIUH. ISUm.liUlS, II via. I lslTIlERS. oonli.,uJi.I-;."T"r"' mna ikstat o . u u l jd i i Main street. Dalles, ..: VHOUSALS 4KS mmit PIALU IK CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, ALWAYS lit STORS TBI StSt ItAHDS OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches,-&c. "LAYING CARDS.' " . M. POCKKT CUTLERY,., POUT MONIR9. ' COMBS and UltUBIIES, o' all kinds, PKltfrUMKltY. ot every description, CIUNA 0HNAMBNT8. TOYS. DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, .mum . ucimi.T u n.a i FANCY GOODS, Ac. Also Powder. Shot, Lend, Ponder Flasks, Boskets, and many other articles too numerous to mention. . S- Interior dealers snpplled with Clears. Tobacco, etc. at less than Portland prices, with freight addsd. oc-8 verTimpobtant ... TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and MAH-IIOOMH. TULIDS KltAKMK.lt HAVING BOUGtIT THE FN- 9 tire Stixk of Merchandise and Book Accounts of th lute Arm of 1 . Seller A Co., in tills city, to which lie has added of his own Importation (while doing business in rortianuj an immense stock oi tlx uest ruanuiocturea Crockery, Cilassware, llaleu Ware, Lamps, ChandclIerN, Table Cutlery L.ooklngGla8C8 and All Kinds of Oils, All of which he ofTors at reduced rates. Persons wish ing to buy any of the above-mentioned artieles, will do well to give ine a call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the interior promptly attended to, and goods packed lo (to secure. Don't tall to call on nie. Itudio's Stone Building, Washington street. Dalles. JULIUS KUAEMHA. . Dalles. March 17th. 1806. mliHtf : BOOT. AJI. SHOIi STOItt;. IT. WYCICMAA 4 HAS REMOVED 1118 BOOT AND SHOE STilltEto tlie building on Mainstreel. !gi fwk nearly opposite Moody's Hall, where ke be just reoclved. direct from San rranclitco. anna- usually Due and well selected stock of HOOTS AND SHOES, of the very best quality and latest styles EVER BROUGHT TOTHIS MARKET, Including the celebrated ENOLISII HUNTING SHOE manufactured by Benkert. Also, a large assortment of l.ndlcH' and Children' Gaiters, Of the latest Slvles. Inst received from the best Phil. adelphla makers. Also, a very large assortmen. of , FINE DRESS BOOTS. sTGentlemen who prefer to have their Buflts or 8hoe madj to order, oan rely upon obtaining a neat and easy selS-tf ff. n lUJVAiafl, eiam aireei. Opposite Moody's Hall. A.. &. 13R,A.rKOXiI, IMPORTEIt AND JOBBER Ot Wines sStc Xiquors, FRONT 8TREE f, Portland, - - Oregon. OFt'KKS t-OR SALE A VERY. LARGE ASSOUT meut ot llrandles, . Wines, Liquors, Case Goods, n The Trade Is particularly Invited to examine mv stuck before purchasing elsewhere. au24 If Oregon Steam Navigation Co.'s notice : rM!E FOLLOWING RATES OV VUE1GIIT have been M. ettublished: ( Oraln, Vegetables. Tallow, &.C. FroiuWiillulaAUinatlll to Portland, $16 IX) per tou weight Dallee to t'ortiniid J 60 " On Wool, . From Vf allula and Uumlilla to Porthiud,.......40 OSper lb 'vuiiim w ruriiuuu...... i On Hides, From Wirilulaand Umatilla to I'orlleniL,, 40 60 sncli Oalloa to fort uud.. 8.U. ItEEO, lresldent. . eepfl-Miiui Poriland, Sep. 23. 18C6. NOTICE TO FARMERS. '11E DALLKS LUMUHK A.0 .MA.NUFAUTUllI.XQ X CO.uPA.SV hits recently attached a . 1 'LOU It I ING MILL, to their Steam and Door Factory, In tills City, and are now prepared to OilOP FdKU, OuIND WH MAT and UOIt.N. and warrant t give ll best satisfaction. Uu baud coasiaiitly and for sale FX Id A FAMILY FLliOlt, , bl.Cj.MltiOll HIUDI.INOS. URA.1I AND SHOItT.'t, , UU IP FttbD, CHICKEN FEED. .Corn. . a mo. Bunenor -Kriieie 01 ujil.y ukii rrm u The hlubest market urlca nald for WIIKAT rnitM n.i nm.iw. U. A. UJUUK. Aceut. Dalles,.Vuv.3,180. . ' uatt A'l MUM. LUKMEU'ri FLOWERS, EMBOIOERY,; -' DrosM 'XVImiiilna-M. Sco. ' Jn order to make drense- innlste. It becomes iiMcssarv that a II INNKT ur HAt', Iliudsouiely Triuimed, elwuld Olve me an early sail and I will endeavor to suit svervomlv In TAaTK and at Ulllav AIII.U VkIHiu. P.tnular atteailof paid to 77 , Embplderj and Braiding Otamplng. . I VV jf 1 V e ,, . I " mjWW UI.I - 1 ' I " " ... WIIMUUSlflUI. fc..ll..t. 1 ' ..... FRANKLIN .MARKET. ; COItNER OF 8ECOHB AND WASHINGTON STRF.XT9 DALLES, OREGON,- v. JOHN KXPlNGHOIl Xroprieto nnK UNDRRSIGNKft , ... I ii, "r M. having fitted np the jtrrV' IJissU, Market In the BE T pf fr-TT - STYLE, will keep constant- sJim Itsdfc ly on baud all sorts of - ' '- ''"''' . rrean ana cared jneait, i v Of the best quality ftunlshfiTBt the LOWI8I RATS . .... My motto Is to PLEASE ALL" ' PA It TIES HAYINO 8UPKH10R STOCK FOR BALI will do well to call at the Franklin Market. " JOIUL EFPINGKR.' ' Dalles, February 10th, J8. . ...!.. U AUll(TOn iHAItlifiT; ' 'oou'tao ' . .' , .'.( , CODRt AND 8F.C0ND STREETS, BALMS, 0RKOOS JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. . KEEP (Wf wtantly on hand all the rarie- Mnawjwues luai tiu niarketcan posalbl alloid, of . . r , FRESH Ac CTJXtED MEATS, and always of the b. st quality. '' ' . FAMILIES, HOTELS; AND STEAMBOATS, ! applied oo reasonabl terms. ' ' Tbe anderatinea t alvravs nmnarxt n th. ki.w. est cash price for FAT CAXTI.K. Parties having stock In good condition, an reqaented to call on him befbs gon!g elsewhere.- - . JOUM UICUKLIACU. Dalles, Marck 81st, 18W. ' niliSltf C1TV MAlilCET S. JLATJUER fc Co., Proprietors Will keen constantly on band tl best MEATS OF ALL KINDS. A LIBERAL SHARE OF PAlItQNAGK Is solicited, as we expect to ks- p as good 1 an assortment of Meats and of as good as aval-' "ie coiturry anorus: ana will Dslivar the sams t Purohasarf i the City. Parties having Superior Stock for sale will do well give us a call IwOite dlsposlug ol it elsewkese. . lt . S-LAUUtll.ACo Boutheaet corner of Washhigtoa end Tldrd Sts s-yi-osue ausier s Bloclisinltb Shop. M. BROWN & BR07, ' ouuiau ma ssauu us r AJ AND STAPLE DRY GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISaONS, o. r ctuue Btoie. nortli side Main steeet, Sus. Wll SAMii- ' For Sale at a Low Figure. Tot a private resldenco. no more desirable localif. ,'we bedesired. Tlie arouuds ar. ornaBiVuted S -IS .1 .ImZH and the building, coutains , wKMsUuuUrrj Ten Rooms, Finished In the Best Btilel anil embraces every couveulenca. T ., , .irluK a hetired au PuL'il u'L SSSS TiZ nes an oppnrtunlty Is now pre.ei.tvd that ee'n, itii.11r,e.,,"d kuritan 'lvgeher,3: 1KLLS:rAEOOA CO8 EXPRESS OrFlUit ; ivaicitmnkcr and Jeweler. MAIN STREET, DALLES, ' ; ' (T BOOS to TUB sssar orrtcs,) I CLOCK S, Quid I'eus, Silver and !Med V) are! Spertaeles, Cutlery. Ac. ( , """ SriL"twl..r,i"r,lion ,.,M ?"P'"nit B...I lie w5VJJIVJr;L., walcuee repaurad bj - U. K. All orders friuu tbe upper rnaum kv r,L, or oth-rw,...,,,, j ufmi.Z, .iSSIJ ECLIPSE CHOPTfOUSE, Main Street, corner ol court? O.MAfK. THE PIOXEKK OOOK. would reepiVt. fully lul.irni tlie nubljo that I.. a rTAWiris r?" i w".' - . p iiEalJ up HEALS tst aoilM. . W. "J at lheshoit.st no be.t.i.i.B...i:. kV:.-j.""",',.T . , u ii.i,iiri,vi,.w th suppus, in lb "" ' iry st, Ie. Priv.,. !, tor HOTJH. HKNat.i, WIGHT. .wimiiiu inuuaiuinii i u' Fancy & Staple Dr$ Gooda; CLOTHING. BOOT8 AMD SHOES S."0' "'. rn,rf ll.?u ..j c!t MRS. L. WHITP'Q 'r iNEW PHCTOGRAl'H EOOIIS. w ssbssiiikiuh Mreel. .. . IIrIIK0 .NJSW 1T'rtD ' OALI.Knt.vas- 1 hotographi, Carts do Tlslte, W that they i Oo well to id Iter a oil. is,ii1uS. w . p . MILLER " vays ,. , , r, ".""."v. aass Tueiidavsi and bs..'1.jL ' MAPSTKKkT.tMLLm. I I . , " ,' v.,-, J-M-WUrk. I Ac iJLTJ U T. U "jr I . 111. . - ' 'LL'l ' "r"Jr-aWtW.