SUNDAY MOU.MXC. DEC. 8, 18(!5. Rapids, and particularly in the section north and west of the Columbia, he will find the most convenient and easily improved loca tions, and tlie finest climate. If he wishes to contrast the degree of comfort respective ly enjoyed by tho miner and farmer, be will do well to vUit Walla Walla and observe the effects of five years of moderate exert on. In that place he will also have an- opportu nity to contrast the relative financial pros pects of the farmer and miner, and this will convince him of the advantages of tbo me thod of life we recoiumend. After a practi cal lesson of this kind, most men'will be. anx ious to secure similar chances in life, and they nceti not hunt far to find them. PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS OU THE SKTT1.KIF.IT AND DEVELOP. " BIB BIT OV THE COLUMBIA. UAS1N. It will readily be perceived that, if a tithe of the vast amount of gold and silver which has been taken put of the mines of the Co lumbia Baslnj In the last five years, bad been invested in live-stock, and turned upon the grasses growing on the hills and valleys ad jacent to them; this country would now be in prosperous circumstances. Money would be plenty, and the growth of manufacturing establishments would have fair y commenced. Many persona having made thousands of dollars in the mines, and lost or spent them In foolish speculations and still more foolish dissipa tions, could have placed themselves on tbe high road to fortune by investing tbe mouey which fortune threw in their way, in sheep, cattle ard horses. . Taking the prosperous community of Walla Walla as a sample, we can see that by locat ing one hundred and sixty acres of choice jands, which cost nothing under the proyi- ions of tbe Homesieaa Law, tue seiner ge.s wUh be gecretBP t never gj,d. or bold of a property which in three or four I was in any way a parly to an "agreement that ' Tbi Policy or Forbeahanos. Joseph Holt, who was Mr. Buchanan's Secretary of Warj and is now chief of tbe Bureau of Military Justice, recently wrote a letter in reply to tbe aspersions of Montgomery. Blair, upon his conduct while Secretary of War. Mr. Blair charged Judge Holt with making 11 an ar rangement" with tbe rebels in relation to re inforcing and provisioning Fort Sumter. In reply, he soys : I affirm most solemnly that I never made, or was in any manner a party to an "armistice Colombia Lodge, No- S, I. O. O. F. Meets every 'iliursday evening At i u'clock, iu (Jutes' Unit, corner of fecund and Court Street, ltrothers In good standing are Invited to attend, fly order. W. V. Dissolution Notice. THE CO-PAItTXERPinP heretofore cxltlngbetwoen A. I.AITKIt and K. 8C1IUTZ. under the name of Lnuor k Bchutx. In the Jack-on Paloon, Is this day Is solvod by mu ual consent, Mr. I.ruer Ituvlng sold out his luterost to K. Si-huta. who will continue the business on his own account.. All debts duo tho Into nun will be paid to K. Scouts, wbo will settle all liabilities. A. LAUKR. Dalles. Dec. 1st, 1808. K. SCIIUTZ. Thankful Tor past patronage, f lie undersigned would renecttully Inform his friends that he wil1 ever be found at the old ataud ready to dispense bis choice liquors to tl'em. , - E. S0II11T& Desirable Property for Sale. WILL TfK SOLD AT ?UBMC AUCTION, on TURS DAY December 6th. at 10 o'clock, A. the liimdsnme 1'IUVATK HKBIDKNCK on Union Street, near Main, lately ocenph d by Win. II. New II, Esq. The lot fronts 60 feet n Union Street by a depth of 120 feet, And is In all rospects a most desirable location. If not sold previously at private sale, it will be sold at Public Auc tion, o.. the lny above stated, larticulnrs to be had on' application to JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer, de2:3t 100 Main Stnet. years comes to be worth thousands of dollars no act nl war would take place on tne part oi VII be goes earnestly to wo.k to improve the 'ue V,aiui Mr" Buchanan's vi ui b ' terra:' nor do I believe that any such agree- land which the liberality of the Government ment witu Davi. or anybody else, signed by AUCTION! .1 will tell at Public Auction, Monday. December 4, at lO a.m. (i the residence of J. W. Mll.LEH, Km., on SECOND BTKKET, t.enr FKDKKAL, nil tlie Huurwhold aud Kitcb en Furniture on mud premises' coualeting of Sufna Crmlw, Tiil-les, BeUrj, HeiUtcail. Ilcdillnft, , Cliiiia. (ilamt nud Cnrkeryf Curtiiins, Shades. Cutlery, Couklntf iiml Parlor Stovos, TiOoklimllaHeB, Pictures, Ac. o. This wile will be worthy of the attention of all who iiost re a m-mi. ouint Tor noiueKeepmir. aie poeiuve, us tne aw iter w auuui 10 rmtioYC iroin tne ruy. deJ:3t juii.n w iLLiAMf, Auctioneer. SELLING O F1 F AT COS T, FOR THIRTY DAYS LONGER ! ! las' given to biro, be may at a trifling expense the Secretary of the Navy, was authorized by ; put out orchards and vineyards, produce nine- tenths of tbe provisions necessary for htm- , iind family, and wilb even a limited start in live-stock, a few rears sees him a man . of wealth and leisure. Experience promises no tu'ch good fortune to the man who gives way to that unreasonable lust of goldwbich is at ones destructive of mind aud body.. In the range of every bibu'i acquaintance in tbii"country, are many miners who have accumulated much money in the mines, who would now have been rich men by simply in vesting in line of business By so doing they would have takn hold of a certain!;, and instead of following an exhausting and laborious employment, would be engaged in an occupation requiring only moderate exer. Vion, and which is above all others, conducive to health and loi ir life. This matter recum Mr. liuc'-anan, or ever existed. I aspen posi tively, that there sever was a day, during the period referred to, when the President was not perlectly Iree to perform bis duly, anil his whole duy, in defense, of the forls and other property of tbe United Stales, and to open fire from', the forts whenever, in his judgment, their safely demanded it. There uever was an hour when the guns of Sumter were "uiuz aled " by any "agreement " or compact on the part of tbe President or his Secretaries, or by iheir authority, or either of them. the batteries around Sumter were not n red upon while in course of construction was because the President shrunk from ibe dread renpon- sibilitv of inaugurating civil war, and deetne.l forbearance bis duty ; not because he was re strained by any agreement or understanding whatever' Looking nt the glorious results ol the war, and remembering ho wondrously Providence has dealt with us in lis progress, and how sublimely the firing upon, instead ol Iroru Fort Stumer, served to amuse, instruct and unite Ibe nation, and to infinite its mar- mends iteelf particularly to the attention ol ijH Hnd patriotic spirit, we slnud awe pi r tick mill mute, aud thai man would heboid indeed, who, in the presence of all that has occurred, . i j . !....f:r" .1... .i. .. "men who are now engaged in mining 'operu , lions, and uaW ng money thereby. When there are several persons engaged loethe who propose to keep on mining lor a number of J ems, they will see that by the investment of their earnings in live-stuck, they have placed mouey so as la make Ibe laigest p it . lible gains with the best of all securities. Ii will give rise to the n flection that, v. lieu the; Lave thrown down Ibe implement of uiiulug (t nlglit, they have money placed in a specula tiuu where U U growiug wlieu tney are sleeij log, or weather bound to llieir cal.ii s. The great luck of nil mining conimnni ties is some safe place of iuvestincut Mil- lions of dollars l ave been squandered by iniuing a .veutu ers, s idiily because uo pr inising enterprise preaeuted it elf fur the out- ' lay of their money. Suppose that there wa field of he kind we men iou. and that it is brought to tho ktiowle'gtt of men who Ivuve leeu successful lu the uilaes, they will at once have au incentive to eco'tiouy, fo- this Motion obtains ailace iu their uiiuds as soon S a cumulation begins Tlieie is nothing mb destructive toman, . in a uustuess potutol view, tunn Having iu possession inrge sums of mouey fur whio.i he ' ta Is no proper employment. It ulwiiys r suits iu kabit- of ex.iravagauce,or th growth of mlsef y p iuvip e in a uiau i uture, ud either one is alike injurious iu a mural . point oi view, and an i jury to tie comma nity from the effects of the xamp . Any , mitt r who look . beyooid hU present la borious mid. exbuuUtiiig mode of life, to days of future en e mid coc.fort, wl I Bud iu rhould now venture lo maintain thai tbe policy of forbearance was not, at the moiuout, the true pulley A teak loaded wl h paper and ink for 0t Union Vtiltlle, nt Salt Lake City, was I tely robbed, on the road tlio.M ssouri River, and the ni-n with the team, the d nft-nnimals, paper and ink, are all missing.' Ibe VeJetlt is orced to anive nt the conclusion t' nt 'be villainy was perpetrated by Mormon Diinite', Umatilla, Boiso AND IDAHO Express and Fast Freight Line. THIS .LINK JS NOW IX COMPLETE BTJNSTKtt .' order froni TJinaillla to ldnhoCitv. vi hoitt City,, and prepareil to curry 'rolht anil Vahmh h I'nckajres between IheseBiidHll iuteruiediate (Hiihts with certainty nd des alch..'. . : The Line is Stocked with the Best Teama the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Braoe r3tiT CONCORD WAGONS, LAST CHANCE ! Which ensures Speed snd Rifely in the tmnsmls-inn of FrelKht, never berore ofh red to Idaho. TKo ufier Snv rlor inducements for Shipping Qooils from fan I'rnncitco and Portland to Idaho, us our nrrnnirttnients with 111 ' OuRia Steamship Coinpnny and the t!refton blenin Kavi pition nre snch that all tloods ithippeil by this Line wilt not bo sulfjuut tv the ntraal delays, but puss through a Fust llc6:llt. Goods shipped from Pan Francisco to our care at Port land, Charges will be paid aud Uuods shipped Iu destina tion. " ' " ' GOODS SHOULD BE MAHKED: CAUK II. M. D. C0 V. LINK, and Bhlfiiing Receipts sent to our Agent! at Portlaud and Unfatilln. Advance Charges for Transportation raid by the Line and Collected at Destination. Guods will b forwurded with Dispatch to owyhee &bl Sonih Dulse. PASSKNOBHS CAItltlKD AT OltKATLY ItEDUCkD KATU3. Fuuillles will be lurnishvd witli Superior Ac cnniniodntlons in New and K:isy Kidinu; 'Ihoruu h Brack Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms, tVe lay over eacH night on the Road at Good aud Convenient Stations, s that passeogers will not be deprived of regular rest ' ' . 'AOENTeit, ItiritAIlDS k McCHAKKN San Frandsei KIOIIaKUS McCUAKEN ; Portland JOSKPII TKAL Dallea POW.LL 4 CE. Umatilla i. 1). WILKINSON - LtUnin II. M. DultKLL CO Dolte City U. M. DultKLL CO..-..- Idaho City MAJOR Kl'EKIl Rocky llnr (South Boise) DuRELL MOORK...... ...Ituby and fcllver Citiea B. M. DallELL A. CO., n26tf Proprietor. mfTESSltS. COnN A BOIIM woald tiereby Inform X M. their customers and the pnbilcnt Inrge, tnnt tney will continue to sell AT COST, for thirty days hn(ror lu order to glrn one a chance to make presents for the iionaiiys. vt win sell tue uaiauce ol our siuck, con sisting of Iti Ii Dlnrk Silks, Gents' Cloaks. Rich Poplins, Beaver Coats, Clo-ks, Dress Coats, Shawls. J'anta, Dry Gonts. Embroideries, llati k CaM, Boots A Shoes, Ac, c, io, Ac; AT SAM FKANC1SCO COST, Without Frfld't and Kxn-ns.s. This will be the last chance to get bargains, prior to closing tne concern. . cuua uuiiji. N.B. All Illlls must be nnld by the First of January 1800. If not settled within that time, the Fame will be placed in lejrai nanus. ai'ni. Isaac F. Bioch, San Francisco. C. S. Mit.i.m, Bia. SciiAWOicnr, Dalles- f S HHRKIIY GIVKN that the Co-partnership hereto- J roreeiisllnic oetweeti K. C. lHUUl.U. I.. Miiuil-KLLa-d F. W. Til IMI'rtON, doing a mercantile busi ness In this place, wnder the name of K. C. Hardy A Co., is this day dis'olfrd by mutual consent, and hereafter lUe businees of said arm will be condwetfd by K. O. Hardy, who abate Is aathorlied to collect and sett'e the accouuts ol raid nrm. is. u. haiiuv. C. L. M1TCIIKLL. Sasa-ivllle. firant Co., Oregon, V. W. TU0MI'8OS Nov. 13, lSi.5 n29:lm BlocJi, Miller StCo., WHOLESALE - G-K, O O S AND DEALERS IN "Wines & Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of OLOTHINa Boots & Shoes Under Clothing, Jllankcts, etc., etc.,' etc.' ASSAY OFFICE. WK (IAVK AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION wl'hour business, unOs the entire stiervisloii ol Mr. Miller. We make returns iu Mara iu six hours- Vie guarantee all our Assays and pay the iiiuiikhi CASH PKICii for Burs. .Vie also pay the Highs Cash Price for Gold Dust. UIJ'll, Mll.l.r.n a my6tf Cor. Main and Washlni;t"ii streels. Dalles.- TOYS! 10YS TOYS! TOYS I FOR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS For th Holidays, we recommend all dealers In that I (Ivfttrmi Kfnitrtl H'ir:lt?nil fft. line to the BASKET AND TOY KMPOMUM of UIt0UH OlUlIU nUiI0UUUIl VV WINTER ARM ANCEMENT. n28:3m TIIUMAUKII k ZUIN, 320 and 322 Butlery Street, San Francisco. LACNcrrgn. Vie have news from Co'villo that Capt L Whito hnd launched the steam cr built at that place, ami woul l proceed on liia trip of exploration up tbe r rcr, on or before ti e first of December. The boat wit looked upon a a perfect suceesi. A Chanok Friend SHiuIz has botioht ont Mr. Laner's interest In tho Jackson Saloon, an I intends 'Tanning lbs machine" on hU account. He wil please accept the thant-l of the printe sfbr a copiousupply of chum-pagae. Apo'Ios I'ii r tie deslroiM of ok- trtininf; fund ome furniture at n, Largain, should uttend llio Auction to-morraw, tit the residence of J. W. Miller, corner of Second and Fcde nl street. Tni returns from the special election In Grant county have been lorwa ded to the Secreturjr f ftatr and wo hiive Ik en unable lo learn the result ulliuially. .. Jas. D Aqnkw, (Dera.) ha been elected Represeptatue to ihe tuiho Legislature I'rum tht iireul centra plain of the Co ma la llasiu 1 Ada county, -o fill it vacancy V.'ii field tor stock raiaiug op rations uuequull el on the ha ltuble glone'; coutiiiniiig nd vaotagcs of cliiuuler uutrke , laaiiiifacturitig T faCiliti l ai.d agricultural locations, wbiuu ' on J need to be studied to lie T14I j uppreci- . . 1. J::..... ...u i.i v.i a Atea i UO WUUI uuuiiwj vt eir uiui uu ' 'his choice is "only' liujile i "to an unoccupied rea' of three" tinies". the size of the great Slate of Xevt York. Ou the ratera of Ihe r 'Palouse,1 on ' llto Calttiubla' above PrisU' 'Jas. L. Oun,. it U s.ild,i4 ele'ted Governor of South Carolina and not Wade Uampt.rt, as in ft t repor ed. ' 'Da. Guk v reiii jied to 1I1U city on Tlmrt st'jr last, alter an tshwiiee nt several vrrrks on a prule.sioiial lour in Ihe upper toirtilry. . DlKNtrllllion Aotico f IIIR FIIIM OF J. v; Mli.LEIt A at. have this day I ' dlsoHed of the r e the stork. In this city to lessrs. Bunnell Mliler. who will continue die business at the same -tand. , Mr. 'I honias Miller Is am horir.ol to settle all liabilities and nollei t nil I'elits ilue. All person kuott.'inir thoiitselvo4 Indt bled will please come lorward ami (Mine nua snvo rots J. n . jllLUbill m t Dalle City. .Nov. 231, 1 MIS. ' niStf LtllSTG OFF.!!" BE LOW COST!! The remaining Stock of M A I t II I S, HOI KS, SII.TF.R & ri.ATKD W4HE, Jluit lie iliajioseo of within the next thirty dava. ItR OAUUI.KSS OF CuST. Cull ami fiautlnv the stock, buy your I'resouts now. nn I torthwltn, and it will ba at a euviiut in at leiuii Ml 1 rr.k. t fclT. At VM. IIIItXnAlilll'S n26tf Ji welrv Slurs. Nofii Street, next door to too VostOMce. Tu the Tux-iiajeri of Wasco County. Fnntirr A!n T x ColuctoVs Prnoe. " IF-C trtmy, Orryom, Ao. U, 18C5. J UTOTICR l UKKKHY UIVKN. that Hie thu for nay- hi State ssnl t:anitjl taxes for tlie year 1U6 will l rf ire on ruii AV. Ui.UKMUhll tiik ioi, ia'..i. aii taxes remaloiiiir uiiiabl ui r rsotia1 pruperty Hfler thai Unto will he coiiii'tea the same as on execuilon. . CIIAa. W IIITK. Sheriff ind Tax Collector. Wasco Co.. Oreu-on. Dalles CUy. Not. I. tWio. Tn LVio d lltTION AND 10.UM1&SIUJ. J Oil IS WILLIAMS AUCTIOiSTEICR, Ke. 10O. Main Sutet, Dalles City. mrii.l. ATTEND TO TUB 8KLI.1XO AT ADCTION I IT il Ueneral Merchandise, Ileal Kstate.llrocerl s. . Horses, iew iuhi reuoiiu liana Furniture, btioiks, Ac., c. ' "Kcffulur Sales Oay SaturUay. I OutMliair aud Special Saint aitendeJ to lit any part of iiwciiy. r. . Liberal Advances made on Consignments. : IllOtttllu . J II1N H'll.l.MMH. AilClli re-r ON AND AF1 Kit MONDAY, NOYESlBKlt 13th, uotu, further notice, 'X'lio lussonerci' Truln to connect with steamers . FOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will start from tu. It. 11. DKl'OT DAI.I.KS ClTY.oa. .lloodsvi, Wednesdati a, and FilUay. su 4i30 A. JU, TIIK eTKAMKIta "ON K ONT A" or "IDAHO,? CAPT. J. MoXlIt.TY Commaaderi. Will leave DAI.LK8, DAILY. (Snnlavs e copied) al i. I u'chwk. a. M.,coiinecliu, bylheCAtlCAUlSHAIIiUOAU witti me ateasHsr "NEW W OULD w or "CASCADES,"" CA1T. i WOLF, Cointuandsrv f Pnrtlanu. tV. II. URADKOHD, Dallas. Nov 13. 181 6. nt -I rj , Aireni O. o. N. Co. ilEMOVAL. J.GOETZ. Dalles. f. KOKNianiwtoBn, eau Fiauclsco.. Qdincy A. Brooks has hen "duly qualified stieclul arent uf t a I' f Ttin'ri vliiLAa.fe. Ala I Orcguu, Idilho 'iiii Wushtul(itt te Uto.le. j ai. ,K.B.MU. , .. . . , (UTK8 ;Sc ICA.V'1 AtturuejfM Counsellors at ltiw, ' DALLES, yREiJWt. ; ; : J. GOETZ & CO., TOBACCONISTS,, iiavo atmoveu iu : TiiifHrt'a Nnw Rt.rinft RnilrHTio' WiudilruftoiL HUeet, near French k Oilman's, cud luvra opsued a weM assorteu stiwk of iiAVAAaiiu vuMK.-'Tiu er.UAap, VtUttlMA ami WkHTKiiliTOUACUO,. '' HlK.NCII and SCOTCH sIMJrVv , - - IKlllleCIIAUM and other l'll'ISS, l'LAYINU CARDS, , Sl'OlUiNUU KIDS. . INDIAN and FA CT GOODS, Sc., 4c. ' ' Tli-lrn.le .iiuplli-il a l.uWKrtr M A It K KT PtllCKX .. - AOS Is. IJ. - .r S.. ttCAfclND 18 MY AI T.I0R1ZI D AORNTl JL1 aitvud to culiectliiK and satlliiiK up my basins luring my allele e. llio,e mut-olal to uia t 10 laynl m Uo.. are requetwi tu uiy nini Immediately and sav costs, as lie lias oruers loeuiiaut. sr. . o. FAINH. Dalliat, Nov. 13. lboo. Hilll Wit. U. . V, ML'VJ II UlLfJl 'J c WALDltOfCS ; BUILDIN(J. Eiusues Coruer of Third and Washington Sic