CO U 111 ' B fx .Jn. .. Lr; I kr tV f WWf fS!ri 7 "5 si-Aa voo DALLES, ORRGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, ISOS..; no. or. a b I I d Hx , . narai v i i h i vassal sw li 0 i B Jin Hi G I MSf, 4 PUBLISHED EVERY 5I0RNING, (MONDAYS IXOIPTID,) BY E. G. COHSE &. j. IIALLORAHT, EDITORS AND PBOPgHTORr. ' Teems Txtnly-firftomU per week, payable to the carrier per month, by mall, $1; three months, (2 60; six " months, ti ; out' year, $8. Adv,ertleeuienU Inserted at ' low rates. . Job Printing. ' ' ' ; . . Kvery description of plain and fancy Job Printing axe uted with neatness and despatch, and forwarded aa per -order to any part of (he country. Payment Jor Job tint ing mutt be made on delivery aj work. I UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, bRECON. .. . HANDLE Y & SINNOTT, Prop'rs. THIS POPULAR HOUSE, ONIItAI.LT LOCATED, ITear the Steamboat Landing & Eailroad Depot,1 Has been rocoutly enlarged and Improved, and will now accommodate , HO O GS-TJE ST. S . T WILL BK C0NDU0TBD aa heretofore, aa a FIRST JL CLASS HOUSE, and tho patronage of the traveling public is rospectfully solicite 1. uaggage tuxeu to the llousolroe or charge, Ilouse pen all night. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Ballet? 001.446 - ' . -, . r - EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIM STREET, DALLE8, OREGON, r THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. , IX TBI CENTRE 01 BUSINESS, , ' ' . " Kear the Steamboat and Eailroad Landings Superior Accommodations for Families aud can Ao commodate Oue Hundred and Fifty Uuosts. . . Meals ..50 est. Lodging. ........... 60 cts. Fire Proof Safe for depositoof valuables. ... f3 House open all night. Baggage taken to the Houaa free of charge. THOMAS SMITH, mh8-tf .- - . Proprietor. ' FAMILY 1 GROCERY STORE!"! S. FRANK, ' : : DEALBK IN , . r FAMILY (iHOCERIES, ' TOBACCO AND SEGARS, :. ; ALSO 'FRESH AMI) DRIED FRUITS, f , VEGETABLES, 4c, c. ' ' ' I And every article usually found In a First-class , Family Grocery Store. MR. FRANK hae Just received from below an enttrt . new etock of . ; i GROCERIES, PROVISIONS &cj which be will sell at low ratea for cash. ' Ileada of fam ily and others are Invited to call and examine hla atock. 9" Goods delivered lu any pari ol the city Ireeof euarge - 4WGRBENBACK3 TAKEN AT J CENTS. . 8. FRANK, Main street ; Jy30:tf. ' ' A few doors blnw the Post Olllce - FURNITURE!-rURNITURE" ' DIKULAM & WENTZ. ' cOTll'r,tt TOIts Klt T1H HI) AND B STKKKT3 j0&$F!qfk Dalles City, haveun hamt'a variety j Household' Kurniture, einhraclntr Tables, Cbalrt, Rnreaua 9 iletlsaud Itedsteads. Redilitig. Carpets , tc, etc., all of wnlch will bo sold at low ratea. Furniture IteiHilred, and Upholsterlnic done to order. AUo,on band Mattriwseaaiid Pillows. Sprlnit Beds made to order. a"18 Wil. MOABna. j0. B. KOtOKI.. WM. MOABUS Si CO., . ; CITY" B-tilLKY, AMD TRO VISION STORE, - Oarner of First and II Ktreeta. ' WHOLESALE AND ItE'CAIL DKALKKS in BREAD, UltAUKEHSand Family UIKJCEItlKd. ... lB.Orderafroiuadiataucecarefiilly filed and promptly dispatched. - 1-tf MEDICAL CAltl). t.. A. r.STEI'UE VSOIV, HI. O ' RESPECTFULLY tenders bis professional aervlcta In the several branches of medical practice, to the itixens of Dallesand vicinity. Particular attention will l.o paid to tvmale disease. Chronic disea' es of whatever type or (trade, will receive prompt and efficient treat ment. OIHca, adjulnlnir Waldron'i Drug Store. : nojotf BOOKS! BOOKS! ','Ut(.KS iLR AN It RETAIU.- at) OLIIUUI. lllUK.S,STATIINKKYt Staiidaid and Miscellaneous W0IIKS, LXatt N0VEIA MAGAZINES, PAPEKS. ccH etc.. by every Btoatners, Post-omct VooKatore, 3UUu street, uauea. t i I m74f II. J. WALDR0N jTCO. X'!' Xurs ! ; TUB III0.IIEET MARKET nUCE PAID IN CASH - m - : I tteaver, Otter,' Mink and-Coon' 6klns. r . ny 1UCHARD8 k JIcCBAKEN.I rartlaud, Sept. 27, lkuft. eci:3ni. ' FOR BOISE MIXES! DIRECT.1 THE WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE OF CONCORD STAGES, ; : CARUYINQ. THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND .., Wells, Fargo & Co.?s Express, la now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to PI cerville, (Hoist Mints.) Through In Two and a Half Days Connecting with the Wallula Line of Stages, and tb Boats of the 0. 8. N. Company. GEO. V. THOMAS i CO., ap27-tf - Proprietor NOTICE. . THE TIONEER STAGE C03IPANI ; i Will carry ' FA3T, FREIGHTS ' ' 'FROM - ' XJ M A. T X L. 1 JSl. , AFTER THE FIRST OF OCTOBER! AT THE FOLLOW ING REDUCED RATES: To Boise City 15 Cento per pound Idaho City..... at) u , Owyhee , 0 " :For less amounts than one hundred pounds an addition of Five Cents per pound will be charged. TIME PKOM UMATILLAi To Boise City, 3 Days. , To Idaho City 3 1-2 Days. TO Owyhee, ,4 Days. . - JOSBPU 1'INK.UAM, Acent. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1B05. ; ool8:tf. M OUNT HOOD SALO ON , , . AND DILLIAUU ROOM, Ft M, IIUNT. Proprietor, , CORNER OF Main and Court Streets, ap21-tf ' '! Dalles, Oregon. NEW HE ARSE! finilK UNDERSIGNED BEOS TO INFORM THE CIT m. liens of the Dalles and vicinity that he has received a NEW HEARSE, and will Attend Funerals on short notice. This la the flrat, and at present, only Uearso in tbo city. .-' ... ' ' I, M. EVANS ' ' T. .lles, May 10, 1806. " niy:204f. ' CiUARTZ v MILLS! And all kinds of Machinery Manufactured at the OREGON IRON WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and 7TII streets, . PORTLAND. - 'c , A.. 0. GIBBS A CO.. " '' Successora to 1 Portland, Dec. Bth '04. 1 deOtf E. L. Jokes t Co. . DR. S. IVWAMjACIS, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON - ' ' ornci Near Gates A Chapln's Drag Store, MAIN STItfelKT, DALLES. aplBt ; COLUMBIA BREWERY El'inVI5fc Still WO, Props. ' nAI.LlCS, OHKOON. man est price paid roirn srlet. , ,auaO:tt. ' . .". .... ; NOTICE. In AVRTHISDAY re-pu,chscd my stork of goods, sold a tew days since to Mr. J. 1).-Cross. All ilubts due the concern will bt collected by me, and not by Mr. Crosen, as heretofore published. - n8:lw ..... 0. L. JEKIX stairs. Removul. ' R. BELT has removed bis office from Dr. Craig's urug Biort to watdron'e new Stone building, up ocai:ti. I. WU HOLT BUTT, ATTORNEY AX LAW, : " BANKOCK CITT, Idaho Territory. - tjar P trtlrnlar attention nalil to Oollectlng Dehta. 1 li. . TfcltN!S, Attorney and Connsellor at Law - AND-" ! ' ; , . NOTAUY, PUniilO. OFFICE On corner of Washington and Main streets, Canyon City. Grant County. Oregon. ap20tl ISIJ.HASO.II A; ODELLu ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS ATLAW ,Vll,,l'J'UA0T'0,e ,N raK SUPREME AND CIR w t cun uouria oi urtgon, and the District Courts o VltHriiiigtou Territory. , . . , , I'nrtlcnlar attention paid to the collection of claims. O. UUMAS0N, ' .! . Dallea,Ogu. J. A.ODELI "VOTTCE IS HBREBroiV EN not to trust my wlfo on my account, at I will not bt respmislt It " 1:2" ,.. JULIUS LANGE. '- - . v) :.- ll't j V U E N C U & I L 31 A IY, , :' IHPOKTEaa ASS WOOLXSAU Dealers in Wines, Liquors, GUOCK1UK8, Miners' Goods, Boat Stores, &c., . . . BAVX 1EHOTED TO THXIl , NEW, STONE BUILDING, OOUCEROr . ' Second and Washington Streets, DALLES CITY. , NOW IN STORE A LARGE AND COMPLETE AS. tortmcnt of tb very btst brands of , ; WINES AND LIQUORS. Also, a lull assortment of GROCERIES &, STAPLE GOODS. Constantly receiving our supplies direct from New York and San Francisco, wt art ablt aud willing to sail at a very small advanct on San Francisco prices. They hope by adopting a strictly correct aud prompt method of doing busiuess, they will roctive the patronage cf the pub- no. seiu-ti EwtubllMUecl IHG?. BALDWIN BRO., ' ; ' DEALERS IN ' ' oiiooiisifcrEs ! ' CORNER OF ' ' . Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J.C, BALDWIN mli214f F. W. BALDWIN. FRED. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION ' AND ......... . . ' TFRUIT STORE, ,' Washlniiton Street, opposite French A Oilman's, Dalles. Has on band a large aud well-assorted stock of : GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, I-resh. lJuttcr &. :Ejff, , Received dally. A largo lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. FRE8II VEGETABLES tvtry morning. All articles warranted. : r - Give Me a Call, Everybody! PB1CKSI LOW. ' au18:tf F. L1EBR. ; COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. A.. Tl . T3 O O T II, WHITE BLUFFS, W.. T - . : , , i FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT,' ' AND 0EKEEAL DEALia IV ' " ' MERC II A N D I S E . ! M 1 M E El S V B P P li 1 13 S . PACK AND SADDLE HJS3E3 70S BALK. FREIGHTS CONSIGN FD to my cart for Culvlllt Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re ceivt prompt attention, ... i . . , . White Bluff's, Oct. 1st, 1861. ocjtr li. 1.. AlTZOERAIiO, DEALER IN HL A. -R D W A. R E Iron und Steel. ' '' i'wry Ducription of '' ' Miners' and Mechanics' Tools. , AND . , . . Furmlng Implements. ! HIP CHANDLERY. GROCERIES, CLOTHING, AND . .. STAPLE DRY GOODS, Crockery and Cilassvrai . K. P. FITZGERALD, fl04f Vallei, Oregon ' 0, w. ark as. O. W. ARMES : ARMES &, DALLAM, .i Importers and Jobbers of WOOD AV WILLOW WARE, BRUSHES TWINES, CORDAGEAo. And Manufacturers of California Palls, Tubs Brooms, Ac. 217 210 Sacramento Street, between Front and Davit, ban Francisco. ocll:3mdaw. . JPT ILLMA N BOLE AOBNT IN CALIFORNIA 101 TILTON & - MoFARLAND'S fire A Ilurglar Proof Sales. ' STEEL LINED VAULTS, ' iritn Combination Lock.' i ' JXar-Cvnstahlly ou baud a full assnrtnient'of SAFES. , 318 BATTERY STREET, ! JyMm . San Francisco. W. I. BIGELOW, Receiving:. Storing Forwarding: -.'.. v . ' AND , , Commission . Merchant ! , Advances made on Consignments. ' MAIN STREET. Opposite the Bmitllla House. : 1 WnxlilnKtoii Wagon Road. HIE . UNDERSIGNED ' WOULD I FORM THR Traveling Public that the Washlnztnn W.nrni, n...,l from Portland anil Vancouver to the Utiner OucaiIm la well being kept in good traveling order for wagons aid v .4 4 , ;.C. II4RDT,'. , - n .11-. T Hal. Inst i e . a ... . AwiiHijuu.iiiu loutf. .jtiniAlx ooie Proprietor- A CARD FOR THE , Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAM FRANCISCO. I ! BADGER & LINDENBERGER, No. 411, 413 and 415 Battery Street, Cor. Merchant, Han ft'ranclaeo.. , Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIBE NEW AND FRESH STOCK Wl WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer chants to our usually large stock of Goods. Ou stock comprises every article In tle Clothing and Fnv nishiug Hue. We have constantly on band the largest aud greatest variety of Cassimere and Wool HATS oi any house in Saa Francisco, aud our for these Uoodi are less thin those of auy house, at wt receiws them direct from the manufacturer's consignment; Out slock of Summer aud Fall Goops Is particularly attract ive, and the great feature to the country merchant it the unusually low prices. . . . i . , Less Than tbe Cost of Importation! We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Good lino, which Goods we havo purchased in this market un der tha hammer, and art ottering Uitm at iisw Yoik Cost, and less. We publish this card In order that Wt may make new . acquaintances, and Induct thost whobave not beretoloae purchased of ns, to call and examine our ttock. Good Articles, and Low Prices I Are the greatest Inducements to all who purchase tt sell agaiu. Merchants who buy of us can make a good profit, und tell tb their customers at a low figure. We ruuaiu, respectfully, Your Obedient servants, ' ' BADGER A LINDENBERGER, v . . , , Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, Nob. 411, 413 aud 416 Battery street, ' Bon Francisco, April 1, 1806. . JeaU-gmw. 110 ! Full THE SUAIMEU 110 1 , ON THE SEA BEAGH. fBMUS DELIGHTFUL aND CELEBRATED SUMMEIt JB. Resort, siiuated on Clatsop Plains, a short distance) from the Ocean, is now re-opeued and ready to receipt . guests. ' This resort possesses attractions unsurpassed on tha Pacific Coast. It has a splendid beach for riding, want ing and bathing; beautiful scenery and surroundings, berries of all kinds abound; beautiful trout ttrcain audabundanct of game. THlfl TAnLK ." : is constantly supplied with salt anil Iresh water flsli clam, and crabs, elk, bear and feathered game, aud tbe freshest of country product. - - ' ' ' The climate is salubrious This Holel offers every thing that could le desired for the comfort of guests both well and sick. ' '. . n The Proprietors respectfully ask tha Health and Pleas ure Seeking 1'iibllc for partrunage, that they may ennbied to make the ' Summer House " a peruirnent in stitution ol the country.. LOWELL 4 KIPPEN. May Dili, 18U6, . mytf . . SELLING OFF AT COST, lly entire stock of : '' STOVES AUD TINWARE, "' ' ,: "' ' ' -ALSO,' ' ' ''., , TINMAN'S TOO Is S . TllE WHOLE embracing a lint stock, ever- article . of which will be sold at COST, as I d unite to close out business. Also, one GRAND PIANO, lu good order. Also, lor sale, the HOUSE AND LOT, ou fecund et,eet, next to the corner of Washington. The Huuse it iva stories, with a basement, aud Is well adapted to I lie hotel business. Also a lot of BEDDING, cuuiprls ng about, twenty-live Beds. The whole will be clusid out cheep. For further particulars apply on the premises. au9:3iu - ALllEKT BEITIN0EN. ii;w i in it, qitocEiiir AND PROVISION STORE.' rpHE UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HI8 FRIf'NDS and X tbt public generally, that he baa Just establiabed oa Main street, next door to J. Juker, Tobaccoulst, ,. n A NEW STORE I - l where he keeps oi nstantly on hand a large assortment ot selected FRUIT. Aiso. u store a complete stock ol choice GROVICH11CS. fttv VISION 8, VEUETAULKS, On. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, ut RES DUCED PRICES. Coma and sat aud satisfy youraeir.; ' teia-tf JOHN Sl'USITO. ; LINCOLN HOUSE, ( Cvrner Wathlnglon and Front HtreeHs PORTLAND, OHEQ0N. 1 IJIR8T-CLA8S II0TF.L. : LARGEST IN TnE 8TATH. Charges Iteiuonalile. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats' and convey I" "StA.'ia an ilia iii.iU4ntj fltjrj my Cbarge. or to any other Uouho in tti 01 ry for 60 cents. - u ftnvutu sa i - - . vvvrini rniuritjiutr. P.S n VT AND COLD BATHS in the House. All the Steamort fur Oregon City, Vancouver, Montis cello and Astoria land at the Llucolu House Wharf. tepl:3m 1. 1. STEPIIENSOIl DENTIST, ' YTAS P.EMOVRn HIS nHlM nvno. '-ll AM tittBloch. Mlllor a Co. whara ha B- Vll' V it prepared to do all kindt of ' nrMTii iAnoi . wtai, i ni.. ,i wilK) In a skillful and Well flnhlud manner. TEKTlt Inseitof from ont to an entire set, ou Gold or Rubber Piatt.. ' Prices range nr Rubber Plate, from tli toSSe; Fa Gold Plate, from $75 to $125. ' dr Personi having work dont by roe not proving sat isfactory will not be required to rtctlvt or pay Tor tur sm..." : ' t i . .. . : . aul84i 13 1 i. 'ALi II; STJ3IS1J13, ,v- ;acting Assistant surgeon, v, t. 'a'.' ' ' I V, 7- :-,' iitrnoiAi; ., ,, TXT A T.TtOrtW A udo I nnn, I ""rr y. ..tfftlq -xvy vr oxsjiiXt