onniaiiucr. Southern Politics. Under date of October iOtb, the correspondent of a Philadelphia paper wrote from Wash fogton : - We hare roost enaouraging reports from the South, with reference to the representatives nominated, and those t toe nominated for the next session of Congress. Almost, If not quite, to a man, they will be able to t-ike the "test" oath of 1862, and this will dis arm the radical power at once. The Soath is not too blind to see that the game is in its own bands, and it is act ing cautiously in the matter of its nominations to. make sure that every one (ia the language of old Zach Tay lor) is "fit to be made." No clearer proof; of the determination of the South to be represented could be of fored than the spontaneous and un Belfish withdrawal of all from the can vass who cannot moot the "danger" at the threshold, and the giving place to those against whom the radical bhafts will dash in vain. Turning Tobacco Ashes to Ac count. The schooner Severn has nailed from Richmond for Baltimore with a cargo of five thousand lour hundred bushels of tobacco ashes. The ashes are the net result of the tobacco smoked up in the big pipe of the evacuation conflagration. It was gathered from the debris of the to bacco warehouses burned. The ashes will bo turned to account by the cute Northern farmer as a fertiliser of tbo soil, as it is well known that ashes of any kind, and especially tobacco ashes, possess fertilizing qualities not second to eithor lime or guano. Richmond Whig. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. FllKHII HTOCKI DUSENUEliY & IIKOS., DbIUi and WnllaWalla, Duuua in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Miners' Outfits, ; Boots and Shoes, Clothing, . Hats and Caps,' ' " ' i Groceries, And a fall Assortment of General Merchandise. Buying our Ooods exclusively In the Sun Francisco market, ana making none but cosh purchases, we lire enabled to se 1 90 per cent, cheaper than any other limine at the bailie DUSIiNUKKY BROS., inl-tf Dalles and Wallu Wnlla. HOW TO SW'ii JIOAfJl7"! " 1 CALL AT TU NIW Family Grocery and Frnlt Store, Corner of M'tMlilugton and Second Streets. TITK UNDKIISIONED WISTIKS TO INFOHM TUB people of the Dulles, nml the public generally, tliut be baa large ami well elected Block of FAMILY GBOCEHIES, CANDIES, ArUTS, Ac, Which he will sell' Wholesale and Kotull at Seduced I'ricu fur CASH. Also, constantly on hand the Choicest Article or 'UKflI DUTTKIt ami .OUrl. Also, every variety of FRUITS and VKUrlABLKS in their season: Persons from up the country, wishing quantities of Eggs and fruit, by sending in their orders, will receive the strictest attention, and have them tilled at tlicXoioett Market Iricet. Jvll-tf C L. JKWKI.L. Divorce Notice. IN Tns CIRCUIT court ok tick state OF 011KOON FOR TUB COUNTY OF WASCO. Maria 1. 1. Jjeeserer, 1'lulutllf, ) ., ,. . vs. ' ( Suit in Equity for Charles 0. Beesercr, Defendant, f Mvura. fBi CHAIILKS C. BKHSJihER, doremlant: In the JL name of the State of Oregon you are herehy suui Dinned and required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff, uovr on 11 In In the office of thetlurkof the above entitled court, wherein aatd plaintiff prays lor a dissolution of the marrhnre contract now ex isting between you and said plaintiff, allodgltig ftir the cause thereof harsh and cruel treatment and personal in dignities, committed by you towards and upon said plain- cm, wiereuy renuenng iter uie uurueiisoiiie. Mow. there fore, tf you fall to appear and answer said complaint, within ten days from the time of service of this sum mons, If served within this Connty, and twenty days It served within any other county in this Slate, the said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed fur in saw! complaint, and will take judgment against you or cueis, uiHourseiuanis nan expenses in tills suit. By order of J. U. Wilson, Judne. O. N. DK.N Y, Solicitor for Plaintiff, November 3, 18BS. n8:6w J?. A- - : Hi Mi ' Manufacturer and Importer of CARRIAGE, CONCORD, BUGG AND STAGE II It NESS Saddles, Bridles, W hips. A genoral assortment of Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. 49 Onlers Solicited. Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. F. A. 1IAKK, Jo:lltf Main Street, fronting Washington, Dalles. POUT LAND 1 OliJ)SlV AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRFT 8TKKKT, between Yamhill and Morrison. Steam Rnglnea of Troin 4 to4u horse power.either Portable or Stationary. Also, CIK- s-y. Oil LA It SAW MILLS jfi COSII'LETK. constantlv 7 S onhand. Also, llay Pres ses of all sixes; Planing Machines,) Woodworth's pattern,) Wrought and Cast Iron work for Ver tical 8awandUrlst mills; Brass and Iron Castings , " r and WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish, Quarts Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can befoswartlcd to any parfof the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, wo pounus. Moris fowbti 6t Agricultural implements manulnctured loonier at fhevery LOWKST CASH PK1CE N. B.Particnlor attention paid to RKl'AIRS. fe'20-tf Ul voice Aollce. IIuoh Williams, the Inevitable. An exchango sajs : " In the year 1664, on iho otb of December, tt boat cross ing tho Menni Strait", with eightjone passengers, was unset, and onlv ono IN THKC1RCUIT COUKT OFTHi STATU OF OREGON rim iriK uuiN'i y of wasco, t kin....... Ui-I...;v " ' -, i SuU in Equftyfor Imvld B. Shli.mnn. Defendant. J mwrix. fsiyj BAUD K. MIU'.MA.N, Defendant: In the name of JL the state or Oregon, you are hereliv sunimoiied and required to appeur and answer the complaint of the - . . tt i I uuvv iNiitivu ,iiiniit, ihw on n io in ine omce ox me Ol me pUSBUngers, li man namca HUgn Clerkof the above entitled c urt, wherein sad plaintiff VVi lintriR wna anroil tin Ihn amnn P'js oissoiuviow 01 me mitrriaKe coniraci now ex- (lav, in the year 17oO, another boat cause thereof, wiliul ditwrtiou, lor the period 01 three was unset, oonUinina about mxly i a. ST." Benaei'S, and everv PbrsOO ierIHhed "oai ine time 01 serviceoiiiiisBiiuimous, It sorveuwith- . r ' - I I In this Conntv. and twlltv iIiivm it lutrvvil wilhin nnv 'With the exception Of OIIO, wIlOHe riamo other county in this Hlnle, the said plaintiff will apply wna Tlnirh Willil.ms- ami ihn nn Kir, "' Curt for lh reller prayed lor In said complaint, wan liuga llllt'ms, ana me On Oin lml W ,ke ju.lgmeut amaiust you for costs and die- Ot AUUSt. lo-U. a third met the Same I bursemenuin this suit. Iy order of lion. J. O. W il- ;a..i, K..r llw, .. f .1.5- . '. . . O.N.DK-NNY.BoIicltorforPluinllff. SIGNS! SIGNS1 SIGNS! O. S.SAVAGE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS i WINDOWGLASS VARNISUES, Onlers. Putty, Brushes, Olne, etc. Fiitxr HaiiKiiiKs, Window Shades, Fixtures, Ac. 1-tf DaLLLS city urvg store. Divorce Aotlcc. IN THE CIRCUIT COUKT (IF Til K8TATK OF OIIEQON FOU WACCO COUNTY Jennetta Jaqnes, Plaintiff,) vs. voaif tn (juity, Chester Jaiiues. Defendant, I IN Til K AAils Or cTATR OF ORF.OON, TO UllhbTKK JAQUK8, defindant : Yoa are hereby sum atoned and resmired to appear and ainwer tfie complaint of the above named plainili', HImI with the Clerk of the Circuit Court ot the Slate of Oregon for Wasco County, praying Tor a aivorce irom o tr cruel aud Inhuman treatment, committed by yoa, and personal indiuitien, reuerMK her III buidensomet and II yoa fail to answer the said complaint, as require.! by law, the said plaintiff win appiy to i ne uiun tor ine ronei aomaunea tiierelu, InolTOwl WA11K M KKLLY, November lg. 1W. Ally's for Plaintiff. were no more than t went) , five; and, Bingular to relate, the whole perished with the tho exception ol one, whose. name was Hugh Williams. ' The President's Policy. Presi-. dent Johnson's policy thus fur has been eminently judicious, wise and just, and no less faithful to principle lie has not done all things precisely as we would have done them, but he has aotod firmly and honestly, though cautiously, and be has gi?en os no reason to fear that he will surrender an iota of that great dootrine ot uni. ver'eal equal rights which is the ub Stance and inspiration of his domoc-. racy. At least we shall not rear it, unless he is deserted by the men who nlar.nd hirn in no war. and so ! forced r ' I ft,.i,ntw Htatji nf lkraitn. At lillklie nnrltitn. tn ttiA tilvh. by them to accept of the necessary Mt biii., u. g. K id aim ixtweea the hours or a ha n in nlhss nt.urtamm 717 V J'df I O'clOC. k. .. and OCIOia, F. M.. Ufl SAIUKDAli r " T1IH 2ND DA OF DWIKMIIKK. lSUSv. to satisfv the above execution, amonntlny to JoJ and Du-lOO dollars. til V7-10U dollars, costs of actio and accruing costs, with Interest from the wtu day ot pepiemner, 1000. m one percent, per mouth. utlAHLKS v) rllTM, enerin 01 tt mhco wuuiy, vru(on -rT TIHTUK 0F AN EXKCUTION TO MB DI MM reeled. Issued ont of the Circuit Court tor Wasco Ciaeiity, Oregon, In favur of Jacob Coasor, M. Q. Consor, ami John A. Consor, and against Pater Kaffner and An drew Clarke, and lor want of personal property 1 have thltaay levied npon ilia i.ttiowuia; descrtned real estate, situated la Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, to-wit; West one-half (K) of lot three (S), ia block ten (10) in Lsughlln'i Additioa to Dalles City. I will proceed to sell the same in front of the t'oart Honse door lu Waeo SlierlaT'a Sale TY VIRTU J OF AN BXKCTJTION, sail to sss Mrect- ed, out of the Circuit Court. Ooautr of Urant. UUte of Oregon (for the foreclosure of tuorlgage), la favor of l w. rietcuneiner, ei. ai- riainliOis and against John Johnson, at. al.. Defendants, I have this day levied upon acertain tract or parcel of ground, eituatedaud lying la Canyon Street, Canyon City, Couutv of Uraut. StaU ol Oregon. It being thirtyalz (iM)) feet front, aud sixty-two (6'lt feet deep, mora or less, aud bounded on the Wast by Canyon Street I on the South, by O'Uourk's xrouud: on tho North, by M. 0 silo's ground, together with all of the tenements and Improvements thereunto belonging. I will procee I to tell the same In frout of the Court House door, In Canyon City, Orant County, State ol Ore gon, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash la hand, In Uuited, States (sold Coin, between the hours of 12 o'clock, M. ana o'clock, r. at., on katuuday, the Stli day of DUCKMBKH, 1SU6, to satisfy the above Execution, amounting to Sixteen hundred and tulrty seren 60-100 l,tW7 IO-100) dollars, la Uuited StsAi (J old C ilu, principal, and the further sura of thlrty-eix 10-100 (!M) 7-100) dollars, oosts ol this action, and accruing costs, with uiteioet from the 28th day of October, at the rata ot un per cent per auuuui. 11. P. BERRY, (Sheriff. By W. W. Wbippu, Deputy. Cauyon Qity, November 6, lent. alKtw WASTED. : : . VfTNlEOO COUNTY ORDERS, at the Office of the 1 Oregon Steam Navltatlon Company. PaJhM, Nor. 17, 1804. W. U. BRADFORD, Ag't. Pt R. W. CltanALL, Deputy Sheriff. Dalles city, otemle iw. tana. noMtw DAILY MOUNTAINEER POWKH PRESS BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and B DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Kxecnted with accuracy and dispatch. , IV A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best, and AT BATE8 AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! to order: Cards nnd Hi 1 MI e ads.. checks, Drafts, receipts. POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS. ofc, te ore., raiKTID IN TBI MOST ATTXACTIVI KANNXM. AUO, WAT-BILLS, BILLS OF FAKE, LETTEH HEADS. HECEWT BOOKS, BILLS LAD1KO, Pricfs mid rampSiJefs, YISITlSa, WEDDWQ AND "AT HOME" CARDS Drutteista' Labels, In short, everything that can be done in a Rook and Job Printing Office, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest eise and most showy Posting 131 II and which will be turned out in a style that cannot fail to insure entire satisfaction. oua rAcaiTirs roa tin xxicrjTioH or ' DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most bwiutlfuKColori, ghndea and Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills! , from a single Sheet to the jjargeHt JUanimotli! 1 ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, I'lRFLMRSt LABELS, Aic unsurpaBHed by thone of any other estiibliuliment iu Oregon. We devote special attention to this branch of tli buBineHs, and ure continually adding to our already oxteuw , live and well appointed afleortnient of nmteriul. NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. ufc- etc- iff., Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock o. FANCY INKS, TINTS, AC, Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled in the State. The principle upon which business is nsked for this e -tablisliment is, that porsons will Consult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that office lu which their money can be expended to the best advantage. To tins end we solicit all lu want ot good rriiiuiiit, at very reasonable charges, to call aud examine specimens, and. judge for yourselves. Orders Irom the Upper Country Will have our special care, nnd friends from the Interior may rely upon haviug their orders niled promptly, as wv HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWtfl PRESS In tbe Stale ol'Oreson!, P.CRAIG, WBOLB8ALI AMD RITAlb DEALER IN DRUGS. medicines' Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT SI BUR: INKS, c fl-tf Address: mlS-tf MOUNTAINEER OFFICE lallea. UroKOO. , DR. DAVY'S. SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the 8KXUAL OHGAN8, f nHia prompt and tfflcutious ltemedy for tbe cure tihouorrcea. Uleet, htrictiires, and Incenses of tha- Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without tlietenat restriction to diet, exposure or change in application business; It will radically cure any cane which can ba produced. The disease It removes as speedily ns is coi sisteut with the production of a thorough and permauenl cure, runner, the disease cannot be contracted: II Ilia bl't'.C'IHC Cu.MI'uUM) Is taken when exposed, Its ingredients are ejitirel y vegetable, and no injurlona effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by its use. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Bent by Express carefully packed. uuair.i it.li, BMiTU a lit an. Agents, 401 and 403 Battery street, cor day. Jy22-6m . Knn Francisco. B. B. BILL. A. J KAMR. DRUGS AND PATENT MED1V1XES1! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! . , final MitlleiMent. UlTOTTCK Or FINAL 8KTTLEMKNT of the estate JJ JAMK8 LAOUULIN, deceased In the Coouty tiairtof Wasos County. Oregon In Probata Notice Is hereby given that it. II wood, Aitintntetrator ol the above estate, Las tiled ins anal account in tue uonnty uourt ot Wasco Couuty. and aray. for a final settlement of said estate. It la therefore ordered, tnat Mid application ne heard on Monday, the 11th day of December, 18115, at the Court House, In Dalles City, lu said county, and I hat no tice hereof be published in the Dalles Mountaineer. , O. NiDKMNY, County Judge: . November , 1801. nlU:.w Filial Hettlcanemt. -fATOTTCE OF FINAL KTTI,KXKNT or ths estate ol JlX WILLIAM O. LACUUL1N, deceased In tliein ty Court of Wasco County, Oregoa In Probata Notice is hereby given, that H. II. Wood, Airotlnislrator of the above etlate, Has Died nie nnai account. In the County Court of Wasco Connty, and prays for a final settlement of said astatav Jt is therefore orderod that said applica tion lie heard on Muuday, the 11th day of Docomiiur, A. D. 186. At the Court House, In Dalles City, In said Coou ty, and that notice thereof be published In the Dalles Afountatneer. V. fl. 1 trim, vouuty Junto. No vomber , UOfr. ... :...- - v DlO: S.IiEMOIV, WDOLXSALI AMD IXTA1L DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OIIEGOJV. S LEMON Is able to supply parties In want of Drugs, . Patent Medicines. Chemical., Acids, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated wita tna WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. tjr Physicians and Merchants Intending topurchi for the alines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety. i ' S. LKMON. ap.3:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. SELLIfttt oir at lost: . "Wunscli & Co., IvriLL CLOSK OCT THEIR STOCK OF MKKCIIAN- T DISK, at their place of business, at the Dalles, In oroer to go ine nines, meir stocx emoraci Dry Goods, Clotlilng, Boots, Hats AliU GENERAL MERCHANDISE, All which will be sold at COST, (or CASH only. 4jV All who know themselves Indebted to our firm at the Dalles will please call and settle as soon a. possible. Those who have been accommodated wa trust will not delay ns unnecessarily, but be prompt in squaring up ac counts, call anu see us, ail ana everynotiy 1 aull-tf M. WUNSCH CO. MANTUA XrlA.l121. rnVBS. MATTIK IIOLBROOK would respectfully In- iTjl form the Ladles of the Dalles and vicinity, that she has opened a shop In connection with Miss O'Hourks, where she Is prepared to do all kinds of work with neat ness and dispatch. Having Just arrived from the Kast, sue hopes to ua auie to please an as to sorra aud ranniuu Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. THKKH DOORS West ol Ithe Corner of THIRD and UNipN HtreeUi oc21iUiS HILL & KANE, WHOLESALE AK9 XRilL OXAURS III Groceries. Dry Goods, Liquors AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. STOHAGK AND FOltW AUD1NU. Goods conslgued to us will meet with p'roper attention References t roxTLAan. sAiin. IT. W. Corbet, Robblns A Co., Richards A McCracken, W. C. Moody A Co, II. Law, O. Hnmason. Umatilla Landing, Sept. 8th, 1883. JACKSON SALOON! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, TIIR UNDF.R8IONKD, HAVING REMOVED FROM XUK "BKLLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO GateH' New Ilnilcllinj, Beg to Inform the public that they are prepared to serao their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars THE MARKET AVVOHDS. At 80, A Free Lnnch I very day and evening. ANTON LACER tL E9IIL 8CHTJTB, dect-lf i Proprietors. Hard Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WJC BK.O TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man ufacturers and Dealers to the Large and Com plete assoatmeut of CAltklAOK and Vt'AUON MATER I ALd wo ure constantly receiving from the Kast. specially selected for the California market, comprising, Oak, Hickory, and Second Orowth Ash IMank, Hickory Axlee, Wagon Poles, Hubs, Hpokes, felloes, Kinis,bhatts,Ao. Ac. which wa offer at the lowest Cash Prices. Amt- urders addressed to our house will receive nromsv attention. . . N. W. IIHAOUI k CO jelo:3ni. ' 3D A SI Battery Street, Kan Francisco, ' and 17 A 1U Ssveuth Street Sacramento. 0. WAiranoosE, 11. W. BHioo A Co., J. W.Lrsis Ban j ranclsco. , Bacramento. . New York O. 13. BHOOKS, M. Office At Dr. traic' Drag 3 to re ' i DALLES, OREGON