iwutainccr. Epitome of Telegraphic News. fCOMHLSD MOM ORKUoMA.t. DATES TO NOVJBSIUeSH S3. New Orleani, Nov. 18. Tlie Miaaissippt House ol Asiuwuly baa partly revised its re fusal IQ allow pegro testimony against w biles. It baa low passed, by 47 to 43, a law addiDg lo tbe previous law tbat iu catet iu wliicli tbey (negroe?) oiler themselves- as witnesses lliey shall be parlies to Hie rucord. tbe follow ing : " And iu coses in which they are parlies boll) plaintiff aud deleudaut, and iu all crim inal cases iu wbicb tbe olfeuse charged wus committed agaiusl the person or properly of a frerdiuan, tree negro or mulatto bo offered is a witness ; 1'rovided, no lieedman, free negro or mulatto ebali be txsmiued as a wit ness in any case whatever, only upon tbe etand in open Court." Tbe Slate tieuate will doubtless adop ibis section. From Alabama we learn that the Congress "men e.ect are as lollows: First District, G. 0. Langdnu ; Second District, Uiorgo (J. Free maii; Tlnrd District. Uulleu A. 11 title: Fourth District, Joseph V Taylor; Fifth District, Col. Siiie!. Iu ibe Sixth District the returns are incomplete. Taltahatsee, Florida, Nov. 18. Tbe Conven tion bits annulled the Ordinance ot Secession, abolished Slavery, declare all iubitbilantB of tbe Stale, witbout distinction of color, tree, Hu l that uo person shall be iticotupeleut to testily as a witness on account of color in any mailer wnereiu a colored person is concerned It also repudiated tbe Stale debt contracted in support of the rebellion, amended the Con stitution iu other respects, aud adjourned. A'ew York, Nov. 22. A special says a letter from an Alabama postmaster says the union men are rigidly excluded liom reconstruction . couventious and olbcial positions. . The World' t speuiul suys the supposed ob ject of ibe coucentratiou of torces in the vi ciuity ot Auiouin, Texas, is tor tbe purpose of looKiug alter ibe Hrencu troops. FQ'oris to secure tbe parole of C. C. Clay are unsuccessful. Several personal appeal have been uiaae by Mrs. Clay. Ureal stress was laid ou tbe statement that Clay volutnnly surrendered biiuselt on hearing that be was cbarged with complicity in tbe assassination I lie guards ot soldiers that have been sta tioned nrwiiuii the While House for tbe last two years, were yesterday by order ot Presi dent Johusou removed. New York, Nov. 21. At tbe Musical Hall last night Feruuudo Wood was nuuiinaieii tor Mayor, but declined. Joliu Deckers was ibeu nominated, aud Uicbard U. Go uinn was nom inated lor Corporatian Council. Tbe lailer Domiuaiiou was made by tbe Tammany De mocracy. Waslungton, Nov. 21. Tbe consul at Mar seilles represents to the State Uepatuien that the cholera has entiiely disappeared from tnat city. 1'as-engcrs going west from Marseilles bave now au u iterruptod passage witu tueir uaggage to fans- Returns of tue iNortb Carolina election are not in, but ii is expecied tuat Worth is elect ed over Holden by 11,000 majority. Tbe Newberu Times says the truth is tb whole South 1ms been guilty of acts of th nio.-t stupendous nature, but not known to any of tbe people. It fears i hey will have to pay tor it sonny by two years more o probation aud Buffering under military gov ernment, it men out : aud tbe Lcsislatu will accomplish wbat tbe Convention leaves undone. We can bave u .new election 1 men to Cougress who are in lavor of the federals, and may get in during the session otherwise alt will be lost tor tbe present. New l'ork, Nov. 2U. The commercial'. Washington vpecial says tbe leading Unio men are urging the consideration of financial matters iu tbe opening ot the ses.-ion, leav ing tbe admission of Southern members un til after Christinas, by which time harmony wiw.uu assured. Maj.-Uen Frederick Steel leaves on th California. to-morrow, to assume comraan f Washington Territory, made vacant by . i ...... i. nr t . - iua uemu ui urea, lv.igui. Neu York, Nov. 20. The steamship City of London, from Liverpool to tbe 8th and Uueenstown the 9 b has arrived. The pirate Shenandoah arrived in tbe Mer ey on tue 6th and surrendered to the cuard . ship Donegal. , Sb is now in tbe bands of the naval authorities. Cunt. Waddell states tbat the first information be received of tbe close ot tbe war was on the 30th of August irooi tue ttriusn war vessel JJaraconta. an that she immediately consigned her guns to the bold ot tbe vessel and steered for Liv erpool. - The London Ntici says the Americans may be inclined to say that it whs only -fitting tuat uer end should be uritisb as ber origin but cannot help asking bow she has been able' to pursue her course without the least . molestation from the American Navy. 11 Can it oe possioie tuat tue expectation of recov ering. compensation tor tbe losses, resulting from her depredations, Iroiu England, made the American Government less eager, lor ber capture tuan she would bave been other wise," and comes lo the conclu ion that it would be. one of the strong -st practical or guments against the admission of such lia imities against England. WALDR051 UUOS.. Wholesale & Retail Druggists, I main street, wanes, fjregou. WI NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO 8 TORY FIRE proof Stone bnilninl. CHinuefte Hloch. Miller A Co., and offer to the public a full Kiwi complete nock of vrugs, medicines ana uiomicais, consisting In pnrt or KEROSENE. LAMP WICKS CHIMNEYS, TURPENTINE, HOPS. AMJlillilu, BAUK. ACIDS, SPONGES. LINSKED, LEKCHE3, LARD, CORKS, CASTOR AND INDIOO AND N KAT3F0OT Oil. - LANP11LACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS, AND PATKNT MtCIJICITVTlCS. Our stock of FANCY Q0JD3 I of the Arrest and best qunlity; new styles ond large assortments, such as LUrtlN S rKllrUKKKi, 1IAIII, lAlll BT'MLfcl' SIMP, FLUSH, UJiAur.a, BUAV1NU, . C'JSMKTICS, U AT, 11 Al II 01 1 J?, CLOTH'S, COLOONM, TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL BRUSHES T.tOTH PjWDKRS, AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. our nu-iiitiva lor niiving goods are second to none In me Bime. ana wo slum at all times sell at a ainull ad vance from cost. Heady tales and mall profits. physicians' riiKscRiprioxs Carefully compounded at all hours of tlio day and night. irnuos, oepi. V, 1000. . SOIU-II JZ E JYL" OVA L r GATES He OIIiVPIlST, WHOLESALE & HBTAH, DRU GGISTS. Have Removed to IIUDIO'S .STOXIi II1JILDIXO, WASHINGTON STRKKT, DALLES. WIIKHK we. will continue to sell articles unmlly kept In a Kir-t-ClilK! Di'llir Sluro. lit 20 ner cant. LE8S THAN ANY STORK IN THtt CITY. Our Hock consist! in p:irt of Patent Moillclncs, Pure Wln and Drandy, fcxirucia, Irancy a Couimun aoap, SpongM, Uair Brushes Trusses, Brace, Curks, Acids. l'aliitB. Tooth Powder, " Varniil, Alcohol, Oils, Hoa, liohemlan Toilet Sots, euprlorteni, Ac, PniSIl'IANS' rUESCKIl'TIOXS Carefully Compounded. Give nt a call and satlaly y ur selves before purchasing elsewhere. UJ. CIIAfil), InltlttJ JUSTIN OATES. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN! SHORTS, AND FEED OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAB BY L JTJ EBB, Main Street. Dalles, WBOLISAU AMD RITAIl BAUB IR CIGAES. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, &o. ALWAYS lit STOKI TBI Bin BRANDS Of Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. 1JLAYINO CARD8. : . I'OCKKT CUTLERY, PORT MONIKS, COMBS- and URUSIIES, a' alt kinds, PK11KU.M KltY. ol every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS. TOYS. DOM.8. etc. VISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLX, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. Ac. Also Powder. Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and many oher articles too numerous to mention. Interior denlers supplied with Cigars. Tobacco. etc. at less than Portland prices, with freight added, oc-8 FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER 0 SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREGON, , JOHN EPP1NGKK Proprietor -,' riHB UNDERSIGNED " ' wyr Jsl harlng fitted npthe JT" jjsJT hoT Market in the BE T 'tfW L ' ' . STYLE, will keep constant- i siitssk ly oa hand all sorts of ft reMi and Cured Menls, Ot tks best quality furnished at the LOWEST It ATI My motto Is to "PLEASE ALL." PARTIES II ATI NO SUPERIOR STOCK FOR BAH will do well to call at the Franklin Market. , JOHN JSPMNGMt. i Dalles, Febraary lth, 1866. , VJE11Y 1 31 13 O It TAM TO . Merchants, Families, Hotels and UATt-TtOOMH. 1TULIU8 KRAKMEIl HAVINO BOUGHT TUB KK- f lire Stock of Merclmndlso and Book Accounts of the late firm ol M . Seller k Co. . in this citv. to which lie has added ol his own Importation (while doing business la t'oriianuj an umueiisc block ot the best manufactured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Cliandcllcm, Table Cutlery Looklngr-GIa!icti and All Kinds of Oils, All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish- Ing to buy any of the abvv-niutionod articles, will do wen lo give me a csll lielore purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the Interior promptly attended to, and goons pacxeu to go secure, lion T mil to call on me. iiiiu sBiune iiulldlng, naslilnginn street. IMIa-e. JULIUS kRAKMaR. Dalles, March 17th, 1806. mhlTtf - - IP. WYCKMAJ,, REMOVED 1118 BOOT AND SHOB street, ETAS i,io me Diuiding on Nula slreet, : nearly Ohnoslte M (null's Hall, whore ke baa ' Just ronoiveil. direct from San e'raurisco, an un usually nue aud well selected stock of BOOTS A.NT SIIOIS, of the Terybest quality and latest styles ' EVER OROUCHT TOTHIS MARKET, Including the celebrated ENGLISH HUN'TINO SnOK manuisctnrea vy Benkert. Also, a large assortment of Ladles' and Children's (.alters Of the latest 81 vW lust received from th kui im.ii. aueipuia maaors. also, a very largo assortawu. of FINE DRESS BOOTS. sTQentlemen who orefer to hare their R..nia ns Shna.' maue to order, can relv unon obtalnluff a nmit u,i u.v a. n loaniAA. nn iiravL seie-tf Onpoaits IkI)'s Hall. nl9:tf. i It. II. LAW, 2S Front 8tret, Portlnnd, Oiposlte 0. 8. N. Warehouse. -A.- O. BRADPOItD. IMPORTER AND JOBUER OF ' fROKT STREET, Portland, Oresroa, rFFKIIS FOR SALE A VERY LARGE ASSORT w meni oi Brandies, Wines, Liquors, - Case Goods, &c, . . &c . Vc. 3-The Trade Is nnrtlcularlv Invited In .. ,l i..r. u.'i , , r" " MILLINEUlf AND UUE itUaWtl. m WISS O'ROURKE DESIRES TO INFORM the 1.1M. Ladles of Dalles and vie In tv. that alia has just received a fresh supply of ITaslkloiitxble Goods, The latest I'arls. Now York and San Franclsi-n .fvi. of BilNNETB, Il.tTS, RIBBDNd, LAOES, FKATHBIlS, rjftHE FOLLOWINO RATES OF FREIGHT have been FLOWERS, o. A full and well-selected assortment of X established: UBJ nv been Ladles' Heady-Made Garments. Also, a Fashionable assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPING tor Embroidery ami Braldfng. PINKING done at short notice. BONN Eld Bleached and Pressed in tue latest style. A large assortment of Oregon Steam Navigation Co.'s Grain, Vegetables. Tallow, ttc From Walluls Uinallll i to Portland, $16 OU per ton weight awsHivsi ivfuiiinuu,,.,,,,,, f 9V On Wool, Children's Ready-llalo Clothing i Constantly on band. Having secured th services of a First Cla-s Dress Maker, I am prepared to cut and lit Ladies' and Children's DRESSES anil CLOAKS. ' THIRD 8THEEI, one square east of tbe Catholic unurcn. oc'i1:m. NEW STONE STORE. WASlIINGTON STREET. . rnsiiK u.iuKiiaiuBU would respactmily annonnc JL that he will open a first class Saloon in Freuch k Oilman's New Stone Building, THIS EVENING, and is iitvpaivu mi cuiuMuerv. aim tno uestor - v . Wines, Liquors anil Cigars. . ALSO, A EnEE;LTJNCH Every day and Evening. ociiBtf.. JOHN IUIsTM.AH B. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST" Main St., Dalles, Oregon. WOULD RE8PECTFULLY INFORM ' the citizens of this place aud vi cinity, that having returned from a pro tesslonal tour through the mines, he luu again resumed tho practice of DENTISTRY, In the rooms formerly occupied by him, In tho building occupied by Wood k Butler. Phitoirmnh ArtUl. ,,n.l .H, .!.,.. vi-..i Jru" , prg K'" 0. He takes this niothod of e- From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland,... jatius w roriiauu t..a.. ...JO 0! per lb On Hides, Front Wallula and Umatilla to t'orllaod,., jaiiua su jrortiauu........ .,. Portland, Sep. 23, 1805. $0 M- each " S. 0. RED, IVesldent. sepn-2mls NOTICE TO FARMERS. rgUlK DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING JSL wJurAas una receutly attached a FLOUHING MILli to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, in this City, an are now prepared to CHOP FEED, GRIND WHEAT an mmi. una warrant to give tue best satisfaction, band constuutly aud fur sale FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, ' , '.. SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, ' . ' BRAN AND SHORTS, . CHOP FEED OUIOKEN FBED. A1soT a Superior article of nnitM si us i. Corn. , T. ?ll?L,'?he"t matketPfIPaU for WHEAT, CORN and 11- A. liUUUK. Avnnt. ; Dallo.,Noy.2,1866.. , ., . ' "aUl. FRENCH MILLINERY STORE Opposite Cohsk &, Bohm'i, tending thanks, lor the liberal patronage heretolore ex- V,V2A!J.FJN,R TUB LTEST AND MOST FAStt tended to blot, aud solicits a continuance of the sums. 10NABL5 UOOUS, In the line of t list or paiL-itf. Entire Denture on Oold Base...: f. i...,4lgo toti25 uuper uoniure, uoia llase un Hi w,u,, ,HM.DU, H JO . - upiicr seiure, vulcanite Base 85 " th irAA U.lltnM lu. I .... . , . v" X. ,r. . iruiiioiieooiisr upward. viinurens- xeetn extracted free nf charge. se13-tf FOR SALE. AFIR8TCLA88, BBOOND HAND PIANO, can be had on reasonable terms. luauire at this office, or of : ec3tf A. W.FKRUUbON. IIOJVNETS, HATS, F FATHERS, ! FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, Dress TrlmmluifH. Ac a. In order to make dress eomplete, it becomes necessary Hint a BONNET or HAT, Handsomely Trimmed, should adorn tbe head. ' . " Uive uie an early call, and I will endeavor to Suit ..eryoouy in tastis ana at REASONABLE PRICES. Particular attention paid to . , , ' Embroidery and Braiding Stamping. ooaaisor COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES. 0RF.QOH JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor.. , -TWW Wlbb KEEP c .constantly on baud all tbe varle- i rfWUst.tles that the market can possibly allurd, of . XTllHSrl Ac CURED MEATS, and always of the bst quality, . FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. ' Tbe midcrslKtieo. Is nl'srays prepared to nav the nrsh- estcush price for FAT CA'Xl'I.E. turtles having stock In good condition, are requested to call on him before going elsewhere. JOHN MICHELBACH. Danes, March 31st, 1866. mhSltf CITY MARKET. S. LAITI1ER & Co.. i'rODrletori. Will keep constantly on hand" the best ft! 12 ATS OP ALL KINDS. A LIBERAL SHARK OF PATRONAGE Is A solicited, as we expect to ke i as sooJ - - -. - . k: an assoninvut 01 Aivais anu er a goeu as aual- ny, as uie cuumry anorus; ana will . ' Belivor the tame to Purchasers in the City. Parties having Superior Stock for sale will do well as. give us a call before disposing ot It elsewhere. b. i. a u u tit. CO., Southeast corner of Washington snd Third Ste. Pppoeite Roster's Blacksmith Shop. M. 1SR0WN & BKO., sguuu am airiu. diauis ui . , FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS! OIlOCEniES, PROVISIONS, &C. Mr. M. BROWN, being a resident of San Francis. ' are enabled to oRrr great indcenients to purchasers. W niiiii; m. ne me puunc to exammsonr stock befoifl I'lirt'lnwlilg elsewhere. lul6-tl sJsT Stone Store, north side Main street, Dalles. FOU MALK. Tni! HANDSOME ItKSIDESCJS occupied by A. BUCHANAN isoffereii , For Sale at a Low Figure. For s private residence no more desirable locality could be desirrd. The grounds ure urnaniouted with iLrubbur and the building, cuutulns . Ten Booms, Finished in the Best Stile. and embraces every cnuveelence. To a gentleman de siring Retired and i'hrnsHnt Home, convenient to buss, ness, an opportunity la now presented that seldom offers. 'J he House and Furniture will be sold together or sepas ately, as the purchaser may desire. For further parties V ELLS, FARQO k CO.'S EXPRESS OFFICK. IP 13 13 H M . '. . . , WalciicnnLvr and Jeweler. , MAIM STREET, DALLES, (nut coos to iui UBAT orrtcs,) , :, nrlALER IN FINK WATCHES, JEWELUT, . mrtfisa nun an I- i . i .w.jwnc uuiu reus, silver and I'm. ah w ih Spectacles, Cutlerv. Ac. -. . sTFarllcular attention paid torenalrlm flint batches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. AH Watches repaired li IrtA WUI-H.,n.l Iu. . .1.- . - i..o iiiuuiiia, - N. B. All orders from the upper eountry, by Expraa or otherwise, promptly attended to. anil II ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, ' Slain Street, corner of Court, OLD MACK, TIIK PIONEER COOK, would respect. fully inform the nubile that lie has fitted up (be above Cbou House, and is nrennred in .niivn. : and I.U.NCH in the best style and at the ahort.at n.,iir- BAt.liS unit PARTIES rurnlshed ,lh sappers, In tbe1 best style nud on the most reasonable ti-rsis. OYSTtlte in eviry stjle; Private Rooms for Ladles. HOUHb. O l'KJf ALL NIGHT, J O SlSI?ri ELFELT, ' WaoItS lLS allS HTAIL DULIk M ' , Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, ' CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES . , J ,, UA2S AAO CAPS, -AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Coodn. 4 Streets " coru"r "ta'n and Court oc-tr MRS. L. W HUE'S INI EV7 PHOTO OH A pit -RonnrTQ : i WaslilntTton Mrcrt. n AVISO NEWLY FITTED UP TIIK GALLERY over Degimr s Store, would respectfully announce to sJ ' those wishing , . , , . . " rhotosraDhs. Carta A xuu i . w ss aHatv that they will do well to give ber a call. Particular at tention paid to taking Lud.es aud Cbi'dren. plrii... i oc21:tf, " W. P.MILLER, (Successor to Payne k Co.l " ! ' jsl. LIUTIONEER WILL ATTEND promptly to Sales of Real Estate, . Drv UuoUs, Urocerlee, Horses, aud Males. Will .ii.i lorwaru uoous entrusted to bis nr., uil ir,.i.. .i " : ... .... ,,,,, u voiouiTssion, aim rent neal Estate upon Reasonable terms. Couslgumeuls Solicited. Sal .' Tuesdays and Saturdays. '. MAIN STREET, DALLES, nit. "' Hxaav Mikvim. " 1 . MARTIN AiMUBPHYr . Attorney s-at-Latv. OFnOKS-Idaho City, Beiss County,. T.l Rnby CK ' Owyhee Uouuty, I, X. smle-tt