iriiilTWiTiii SATURDAY HOMING, BKC. 2, 1805. Tin Columbia River lias raised thirty inches iu tbe last ten days, Vigilancj! Committees have been organ ganized in the eastern counties of Virginia, to hunt down and punish horse-thieves. Tub "roughs" are visiting at Astoria. Several attempts at theft and burglary have been made at. that place, Thb Mrtntafift neck-tie " is a new style of" choker" much in vogue with a certain claBS east of the Rocky Mountains. - Gen. Bobm, ia President of a company which has Cased R. A. Alexander's extensive Iron works on Green River, in Kentucky. Tub men to build the steamer on Pen d Oreille Lake have left Umatilla for the scene of operations. The machinery for the boat has all gono forward. In Maine a rebel deserter who had served two years with Lee enlisted, and claimed the extra bounty on tbe ground that be was a veteran1.- EnitATCM'. In the noticd of Cohn & Bourn's selling off their' stock of goods, in yerterday mornirrg.'d issue, the nnme of Mr. Edenger was ma do to read Edmyor, and Mr. Bloom's P. L. Bloom insiead of J. L. 'Accident. The Advertiser, of November 29th, says that a gentleman named Livings ton, a pnssengtr by the Fast Freight Line, was badly hurt by the upsetting of a wagon, on tbe road to Boise. Mavad officers of a certain grade in the ser vice' are required to speak either French or Span'rab. " Walking Spanish " and " French leave" are strictly prohibited to officers, sail on and marines. A Cork Mter to a London paper says there is little loyalty to the throne in Ireland ; that sentiment is confined to tbe Orangemen ; but there ts faint propeut of an insurrection Tbe Fenians are without arms in the South' em counties. Dismantled-. Pending the litigation of the title tar tire Poorman Lode, in Owyhee, the contestants built forts commanding tbe line of tbe lode. Judge Kelly very properly ordered (lie sheriff to dismantle these fortifi cations, and disb ind the garrisons. Gen. Morton, of Indiana, very consistently says that the non-seceding States are setting ii bad example to tho ex-rebellious States on the negrcsulfrage question. While they treat tho black man with spite at the North, they ask ther South to give him political rights Till S'onday LaW.lf the Sunday Law in this Stme is ci eeted (o increase the religious feelingj of the people, it is a failure, as lb cursing autf swearing in the couutry baa, been quadrupled in consequence of it if it is iu tended to prevent the use of intoxicating liquors on Srnday, it is a failure, as men driuk about twice the amount tbey formerly did. to manif at their barred of the law. If it was expected to increase the average attend ADCfl at the places of public worship, it is a failure, tis the iivdiffereuce' of those who did not attend thufe'h is changed to positive dis like, not to lay, which would be nearer the truth, absolute hatred.. A3 a remedial law it is dead, as a prohibitory law it is despised and violated, ar.d, in general terms. It is a bumbng. It proposes to do by statute, what God w.mts us to do of our own free will ; and is utterly in opposition to the spirit of true religion, which bas no argument bnt pcrsua Ion, no strength bat by its instinctive vitality, and no weapon but the Cross. It is in oppo silion lo a sound policy, becanse tbe disre spect and hatred which it excites are conta gious; and by bnbiiuul disobedience to ai obnoxious law, people, in time, .come to dieo bey those which are absolutely necessary to the public peace.. It is not demanded by that higher order of far-sighted religionists, who attach more importance to a voluntary sub- "mission to the observances of religion than tbey do to an outward reipect for what the soul inwardly rebels eguiust, and can only l;eed informations, hatreds, espionage, end wickedness generally. .'', Ths Truth. The Oregon itatetman very truthfully and forcibly stttes tbe caBe, in regard to tbe elements of tbe Union party in this State, when it says that it is largely composed of men who were originally Democrats. In fact, but for the assistance of men of Democratic proclivities from 18C1 to tbe present time, tbe party wonld have been continually in tbe minority. The prevalent sentiment in tbe party bas been such that no person holding distinctive Republican principles, except Judge McBride, and Mr. Henderson, has ever been able to come before the people and control a majority of tbe votes. While this may be something to regret, rather than to rejoice at, it is nevertheless true, and the abuse of many of tbe cherished ideas of the National Democ racy can do no good to the Union party, but rather tend to its disorganization, by pro ducing discontent among men originally de rived from tbe opposition. We are not yet far enough away from the days of the discus sion of the great territorial question to afford to t d-jgmaiic on subjects which have ex cited so much trouble, and we are not relatively strong enough to indulge in dissensions. At tbe coming State election we shall need all tbe votes which the pany can mueier.nnd we are not likely to get enough, if the practice ot opening " a fire in the rear " of our Iriends is indulged in, as was the case at the recent special election iu this district. It may be very "smart" to attempt to stir up the feel ings of former Democrats, by unnecessary abuse J it may be very politic to burp upou the "unspeakable calamity or allowing Mis. sourutns to vote , it may be eminently proper to evoke the aid ol the Evil (jentn, as olten as he is sufficiently sober to put bis oar in tbe already truubled waters, but the effects can only be lamentable to the Union party. The following orders were recently issued from Headquarters of the Department of the Columbia. IlKAuQUAIlTF.Ra, DEPARTMENT OP THK COLUMIIIA, Furt Vuncourer, W. J'., Auvtmber OjiIi. 1804. 1 GBNkRAk Uhokhs, No. 15 I'ureUOill to orders from Head Quaiters, Militaiy DivUior of the Pacific, directing tbe muster-out ot set vice of all Volunteers in this Department, the undersigned hereby relinquishes command to Lieut. Colonel John M. Drake, 1st Uregou lu tantry : and will with his Stall', Uumuiiaeiuned aud nou-Coiiimissioiied, report to dipt. Win. II Kuux, (Jutnnussary of Musters, at rort Van couver, for the purpose ol beiriit mustered out of service. uko. a. (jukkhy, Col. 1st Oregon Intauiry, Commanding Dep't. W. I. Sanborn, Capt. & A. A. Uen'l. Headquarters, Department or Tin Colombia, 1 iort Vancouver. W. T. Mini. 'JUih, ltU6. J General Uhukiis No. 10. In obedience to General O ders (to. 15, dated Headquarters, Depai tmeut of the Columbia, Fort Vancou ver, W. T , November 20tn, 18bu, the under signed hereby assumes command ol tu s De partment. JiNU. M. uuaws, Lieut. Uolonel 1st urcgon in antry. W. I. Sanboiin, Capt. & A. A Gen'l. , MARRIED: In Porlsnri. November 80th. at the residence of Sheriff Stltael, by Iter. II. 0. Lippencott. K. K. Hurler or the Dalles, to Mra. Catharine Cntvn of Portland. Columbia Lodge, No. 8, I. O. O. V. Meeta every Thursday evening at t o'clock, iu Gates' Hall, corner of Second and Court 8treets. Brother! In good atanding are Invited to attend. By order. N. O. Desirable Properly fur Sale. WILT. BR SOLD AT ?OBUO AUCTION, on TUBS DAY December 6th. nt 10 o'clock, a. m., the handsome PRIVATE RESIDENCE on Union Street, near Main, lately occupied by Win. II. New II, Esq. The lot fronts 60 feet mi Union Street by a Ii of 120 feet, and la In all respect a moat dentr.ble location. If not sold previously at private aale, it will be aold at Public Auc tion, o., the day above slated. Particulars to be had on application to JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer, de2:3t 100 Main Strict. AUCTION! I will sell at Public Auction, Monday, December 4, at 10 a.m. n the residence of J. W. MILLER, Esq., on 8KCOND STREET, near FEDERAL, all the Household and Kitch en Furniture on auid premises' consisting of K,.ri r'l...t... n'..i.iu. lJoda, Bedsteads, lledillnpr, China, Glass and Crockery, Curtaina, Shades. Cutlery, Cooking and Parlor Stovns, , Lookimr Glauses. Pictures. Ac.. Ac. ' Tills aillo will bo worthy of the nltentlnn of all who desire a goad outfit for housekeepine. Sale positive, as the swner la about to remove from the cltv. . del:3t JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. S E L L I IV GJ- O J? JT AT COST, FOR THIRTY DAYS LONGER ! ! LAST CTIA.N013! MESSRS. COIIN A BOIIM wonld hereby Inform their customers anil the public at largo, that they will continue to sell AT COST, lor thirty days longer in order to give one n chance to make presents for the Holidays. We will tell the balance of our atock, con sisting of Hi. h Hlnck Bilks, Gents' Cloaks, jucn rnpnus, jjcaver :outa, Cloks, Dress Coats, Shawls. Pants, Dry Goods, Embroideries, Hals A Caps, Bouts A Shoes, Ac, Ac, Ao., Ac, AT SAM FKAKCISCO COST, Without Freight and Exrns.s. This will be the last chance to cot bargains, nrlor to closing the concern. C011.N A 11011.M. N.B. All Bills must be nnhl by the First of Jannarv 1800. If not aettled within that time, the same will be placed In legal bands. deltf. Umatilla, Boiso AND IDAHO Express and Fast Freight Line. THIS LINK IS NOW Iff COMPLETE RUNNING order from Umatilla to IdnhuCity, via Boine City, and prepared to carry Freight and Valtiab'e Packages between these and all intermediate poiuta with certainty and despatch. ( The Line la Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace -. CONCORD SkaWAGONS.H Which ensures Speed and Safety in the transmission of Freight, never before offered to Idaho. We offer Supe rior induceinenta for Shipping Oiaala from Fan Francisco and Portland to Idaho, aa onr arrangements with the Ocean Steamship Company snd tho Oregon Steam Navi gation are such that all Uootls shipped by this Line Willi nut be subject to the usual delays, hut pass through aa Fast lreiglit. Goods shipped from San Francisco to our care at Port land, Charges will be paid mid Uooda shipped to destina tion. GOODS SHOULD BE MARKED: CAitE It. M. D. A CO. V. LINK, ami Shipping Receipts seat to our Agent at Portland and Umutilia. Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line nnd Collected at Destination. Goods will be- ; forwarded with Dispatch to owvhce ami Sunlit Boise. rASSENOEltS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED BATES. Families will be luinlahcd with Superior Ac commodations in New and Easy Khiing lhonawh Brace Wagons on tho Moat Libernl Teims, Wo lay over eacn night on the Road at Good and Convenient c'tations, ao that pusseugurs will not be deprived of regular rest AOlCJNU'Ht , - RICHARDS A MeCliAKEN '. San Francleen- KICHaRD.S A McCKAKKN Portland J0SEI'I1 TEAL Dulles POWI.LL A C'UJ Umatilla 11. WILKINSON. Le Grant B. M. UultKLL A CO Bolae City II. M. lllRKLI. A CO Idaho Cilf M AJilIt ePEKK ltoeky liar (8 -nth Boise) UllKSLL A MOOKE Iluby and silver Citie 11. Si, llnUELL, tfc CO., B2Mf l'ropiietore. IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cn-partnershlp liercto fore existing hntweou K. C. 1IA1IDY. C. L. MITCH- KLI. ai d F. W. THOMPSON, doing a mercantile buai ness in this phue, under the name of K. C. Hardy A Co., la this day dleolved by mutual consent, and hereafter the business of said firm will be conducted by E. G. Hardy, who alone la authorized to collect arid aett'e the accounts of said firm. K. C. HARDY, C. L. MITCHELL. Susanvlllo, Grant Co., Oregon, F. W. THOMPSON xuv. id, looo. nzwlin Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN "Wines & Liquors, And Importers and Jubbcrs of CLOTHING-, Boots Sc. Shoes, Under Clothing, .Blankets,' TOYS ! TOYS TOYS ! TOYS ! FOR TO IS AND FANCY GOOBS For the Holidays, we recommend all dealers In that line to the BASKET AND TOY KMI'OIIIUM of TUUMAUKlt A ZUIN, 820 and S'2'2 Hutterv Street. n28:3m San' Francisco. IlEABqUABTEttB, DlP.lXTMEHI OF T I COLUMBIA, 1 Fort Vancouver, IV. X Xovcmter'Utli, lt.66, J General Uiiuers No. 17. -The V esiuent of the United having- appointed Thurs day, tbe seventh day of December next ns a day of National Thanksgiving, all labor at the different Posts in this Department will be suspended on that day, and it is locom mended that 'lie troops attend Divine Wor-t-hi p, to give thauks to Almigfity God for the success ot our arms, aud to invoke tor the smiles and favors uf a Superintending Providence, liy order of MEUT. COL. DRAKE. W. I. Sanbobh, Capt. & A. A. Geo'l. Our Utah Minks. Cumulative proofs are coming in, from day to day, of the equal richness of Utah s gold and Bilver mines to those of tbe surrounding territories. Prac tical mineralogists n n. I parties wbo have paid particular attention to examining; and assaying tire extensive silvor ledges at stock. ton, Kusu Valley, forty odd miles Irtim here, are confident Mint, with the developments now doing and the enterprises on foot, ere another year wo will have another Vuboo bore in Utah. Report from reliable and scientific sources, who have ' thoroughly tested tbe gold and silver ore of various enfiorrs around here, settle the nch resources of this ti rritory to a cerainty. Tbe excite ment about the Pub-Ranagut Lake Silver District, and silver Moontiun, is creating in. terc.-t among the New York capitalists al ready, as we understand. All that's wanted bereabonts, next year, is men, machinery and enterprise; grand developments and " dividends " are eure to follow. a(f Lake Vtdettt. Tin nomination nnd election of Qea'. Banks to Congress, does not give perfect satisfaction" io Massachusetts, among the loyal men. lie Is looked npon ns too mocli a time-server and place-man to be useful in the times in which lie lives and (he pluccs in which Le may be cast. DiMHolullon IVotlce THE FIltM OF J. W. MILLER A CO. hare this day disposed of their en tire stork, in thlacltv tn M Bunnell A Miller, who will continue the business at the aamettand. Mr. Thomas. Miller is authorized to settle all liabilities and collect all debts due, All persons Kiii.wlnir ihemaelvea Indebted will nlenao come lorward nun bmiiiv nnn anr coia J. n , A111.LEK at CO. ' Dalles City, Nov. 23d, 180S. nKitf SELIjUSTG OFF!!" BELOW COST!! The entire remaining Stock of VI ATtllLS, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVER & PLATED WIRE, Must be dispoaed of within the next thirty data. RE UAKDLESS OF COST. Call and examine the atork. l.nv your 1'reaeuta now, and forthwith, aud it will be at a saving ot at least F1FTV I'Kk CENT. At - Will. UlllXBAIIN'a n25tf Jewelry Store, Main Street, next door to the Post Office. of Wasco To the Tax-payers County. BnEBirr ANBTtxCoLUCTOii'B Optic, 1 Wiiko County, Oregon, An. 14, 1808. VOTICR I 11K11EBY (1IVEN, that the time for nay. J. inn State ami County taxes for the year 1866 will exnire on i HiUA I, DECEMUKK THK 1ST, JSHft, All taxoa remainiiiK unpaid on p-raonal property nftor tturt uate win ue ooiiecieu tne aame aa on execution. CI1AS. WHITE, Sheriff nnd Tax Collector, Vaaco Co., Oregon. DalloaCity, Nov. 14, 1SU, . . nolWwd AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN WILLIAMS. AUCTIONEER, No. 100, Main Street, Dalles City JLtTJhL ATTEND TO TUB SELLINO AT AUCTION it ol General Merchandise. Heal Eatate. (Irocori- a. liuraua, new auu cavonu uauu a urniiure, Dtocaa, SC., dtc. Regular Sales DaySaturday. Out-door and Special Sales attended to In anv nart of i mi uiT Liberal Adranccs made on Consignments nl9:3tn. JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. R. a. OATU. ; .. .. X, . Uir. GATES Ac HAFT, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law DALLES, OREGON. NOTICE. GEflltOE I.TEBE la my duly anthorlzeel "Kent durlns; my absence in the Eastern. States, to attend te the collection ot all accounts oue me, and also tli- lata nnu or ttlntermeir Hunger. a. tt ini'JKUUJUlt. Isaac V. Block, Sau rrauclaco. C. S., fclO. SCUAWllACnKR, Dallea etc., etc.. etc. JSSATT OFFICE. rs IIVB AM ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTIOlf ww wi'liour basinet's, undor the entire aunerviaina- ofMr. Miller. We make retnrna in liars in six hours We Kuarnntee n our Aaaava iiml pay the 1I1U1IE8T CASH 1'IUOlt for llnra. We also pay the Highest Cash Price for Gold Dust. I BLOCH, MILLER A CD., BiyBtf Cor. Main and alreels. Dallea. Oregon Steam Rayigalion Co. WINTER ARRAKCEMENTa .... .. r. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, unto) further notice, The Passenger IT ruin . to connect with steamers FOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA- Wlli start from the 11. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, oai Mondays. Wetluesdaia. and Krldax-a. ata 4l30 A. At. TDK STEAMERS "ONEONT A" or "IDAHO," CAPT. J. McNULTY ...Commander.. Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sundays excepted) at o'clock.. Mconuectiiit by the CASCADE It AILKOALV win, me ntaiwirr ' "NEW .WORLD" or "CASCADES, CAPT. 1. WOLP,....;....: W...Cnnmandv It" PortlamC. W.- B. BltADVOHD " Dalles. Not . 13, 18C&i' nl2tfj Airent 0. 8". N. Co REMOVAL. " F. J. GOETZ, Dallea. KOENiaSFIBROER, Han Franclacea. aJ. GOETZ & CO., TOBACCONISTS- lliive rinuvud to Rudib's New Stone building, WaahlDKton Street, near French A Oilmau'a, aud haw" opened a well-asaorted atock-of HAVANA and DuMBfTIC HEO'AHS,- Vl.e-IMA and WKfTEKN TOUACCO, UtENCII and SCOTCH SXBIF, MEEIthCHAUM and other l'll'ES, . ' l'LAVlN(iCA(tl)3, j INDIAN nnd FA -CY GOODS, c, Ac. The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRIOBH'. .-, : '. JVOl lCE. 17 8. I1C-LI.AKD 18 MY AUTHORIZED AGENT ir attend cellectlne; anil sattlitiK up my busineaa. during my absence-. Thou to me or tu Pats . 4 Co.. are requested to pay liitit immediately and aae coala, aa ho haa ordera to eollect. J. A. 0. PAYNK. Dallea, Nov. 15, 1806. jf ' OfFiejWALD RON'S BTTILDINQ. ' RiaiDiNCa Corner of Third and Washingloa Staaaajt.