FRIDAY MOEMNO, DEC. 1, 1865. GM.. Sbimheb Aoaih. Sometime since we noted the remarkable example of energy nod devotedness exhibited Gen. F. E. Spinner, in bis office of -United' States Treasurer. II appears tliat In four and a half years be baa only lost eighteen days;' seventeen of which were- from sickness. Bis average attendance-at bis office ba been sevonteen boars a day. Bis industry and correctness aro unparalleled. UKiiriin. Company "i," Doartn .;aiiror- Dia Infantry Volunteers, and a portion of Com- jiany M E,"' FirBt Washington Territory In fantry Volunteers, arrived at Fort Dalles yes ' terday, from Indian Springs, under command of Capt. Scott. The officers and men are to be mustered out, and they earry with tbem the thanks of our people for arduous and use ful services rendered in Eastern Oregon. Be ing denied' participation in the more import ant military events at the Bast, they have done equally as great service to the country In the obscure field assigned to them, which was one of great danger and hardship without much chance- of distinction-. v Willi- Sell. Among our advertising col umns our readers are" informed this morning that Messrs. Conn & Bobm bave concluded1, v 1 for' the benefit of all those who bave hereto fore been-unable to improve the opportunity of receiving bargains, to sell lor thirty days longer. -.It seems that tbey are determined to get rid of their stock without any regard to .cost;; we would therefore advise all those who .- bave a few dollars to spars to invest the same . nt Cbbn k Bobm's, and we can safely Say that all who comply with the above advice will be fully compensated for their outlay. We are , nl'80'sorry to- inform the community that the . ir a Tl 1 jit . juuiur parmcr, dir. o. nuu m, uuu iuo cuurteuua salesman-) Mr. P. L. Bloom, both leave here - for the States by the first of January. Mr. M. B. Edmyor, the smiling book-keeper, will re main a-few weeks longer, prior to his depart ure for the Blackfooticountry. Be will settle ' sll the accounts of the firm. TltlAIi BIT JURY. It has ever been beld under English law, that the verdict of twelve men, impaneled as a jury, is a final decision Of all questions of fact in any court of justice, unless incapacity or corruption ! proven. Behind this decision, in criminal cases, no judge can go if tbe ver dict is in favor of tbe person accused, and whether right or wrong, the decision is final and binding forever for' tbe protection of tbe party accused. Some years ago there appear ed a very powerful essay upon American insti tutions, written by Mons. De Tocqueville, in which there is a striking proof of tbe import ance attached to trial by jury, and tbe singular veneration in which it is beld by tbe people of tbe United States. That gentleman says, in effect, that he had traveled much through the country, beard sentiments of discontent in re gard to tbe institutions of tbe country, and observed that the evils of administration were charged upon each and all of tbe peculiarities In bis ''"Remarks on Bell," the Rev. B. W. Beecber has taken the ground that tbe infernal regions nr only a place of temporary puuish ment or purgatory. This is causing an alarm ing increase of sin. Hardened reprobates be lieve in Beecber, and declare they can stand any amount of "temporary" punishment if tbey can only have a good time temporally. Columbia Lodge, Ho. 5, I. O. 0. P. Meets every Thursday evening at o'clock, la Gates'. Hall, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers In good standing are Invited to attend. By order. N. 0. AUCTION! I will sell at Public Auction, Monday, December 4, at 10 a.m. the residence of J. W. MILLER. Esa.. on SECOND STREET, near FKDKRAL. nil the Household and Kitch en furniture on said premises' consisting or Sofas, Chairs, Tallies, Hods, Bedsteads, Bedding, China. Glass and Crockery, Curtains, Shades. Cutlery, Cooklnor and Parlor Stovos. Looking Glasses, Pictures, Ac., Ac. Umatilla, 13" oi s AND IDAHO Express and Fast Freight Line. THIS LINK 13 NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING order from Umatilla to Idaho City, via B"le City, and prepared to curry Freight and Valuable Package between these and all Intermediate points with certainty and despatch. The Line Is Stocked with the Best Team the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace ' CONCORD JCi WAUUiN fi, . Which ensures Speod and Safety In the transmission of Freight, never befure ollered to Idaho. We olTor 8iiw rior inducements for Shipping Goods from San Francifco and Portland to Idaho, as our arrangements with thtr Ocean Steamship Company and the Oregon Steam Navi gation are snch that all Goods shipped by this Line will not be subject to the nsual delays, but puss through as Fast Freight. Goods shipped from San Francisco to our care at Tort land, Charges, will be paid aud Goods shipped to destina tion. GOODS 8II0ULD BR MARKED : CARB B. M. D. A CO.. F. LINK, and Shipping ltecelpts sent to our Agent at Portland and Umatilla. Tl,,..ln will ltn wnrtliv nf thfl Attention of all Who of tbe government, save only that of trial by fcnrJSSSil P,I,,T" " Adyance Charges for Transportation Pakl Jury. Any projects looking to changes iq the doiat JOHN Williams, Auctioneer. OFF government's policy or management were open to discussion, but tbe subject of changing the mode of trial, in questions of right, was never advanced, and with a singular unaoipity, the mode of trial by jury was looked upon as an unchangeable institution a part of all consti tutions tbe sheet-anchor of personal rights and liberties tbe curb alike to tbe paBslons of tbe mob and the arrogance or corruption of the judge. In England it is an offence, either By speech, or writing, to attempt tbe intimidation of jurors, or after a rendering in any case, to speak, act or write in such a manner as to effect the independence of any jury to be im paneled in tbe future. By tbe most stringent provisions ef statutes by tbe protecting arm of the judge, the absolute impunity of jurors Is secured. Their verdicts forever settle ques tions of guilt or innocence, and when a man is acquitted, it is actionable to call In ques tion bis innocence; for by so doing, an injury is indicted on private character, and tbe fair ness of tbe jury impugned thus working a double injury, and above all, destroying that confidence in trial by jury,- which is tbejoe only institution which brings poverty and misery to the same dead-level with wealth and influence. If there is a man unblessed with tbe gifts of fortune, who does not see tbe SELLING AT COST, FOR THIRTY DAIS LONGER ! ! LAST( CIIATVCE! MESSRS. COIIN A B01IM wonld hereby Inform their customers and the pnblirtrt largo, that they will continue to sell AT COST, for thirty days longer In order to give one a chance to matte presents for the Holidays. We will sell tbe balance of our stock, con sisting of Rich IllacU Silks, dents' Cloalts, Rich Poplins, Beaver Coats, , Clonks, - Dress Coats, Shawls, rants. Dry Goods, Embroideries, Hats A Caps, Boots A Shoes, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac, AT SAW FKANC1SCO COST, Without FreleM and Exn-w.s. This will be the last chance to get nsrgalns, prior to closing the coucorti. C01IN A B01IM. N.Br- All mils must be paid by the First nf January 1806, If not settled within that time, the Same will be placed In legal hands. - . del tf. NOTICI? 13 IIKRI1BY GIVEN that (he Co-partnership hereto fore existing between K. C. HARDY, 0. L. MITCH ELL nnd F. W. THOttl'SON, doing a mercantile bnsl ness in this place, under the name of K. C. Hardy A Co., Is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and hereafter the business of said firm will lie conducted by E. C. Hardy, who alone is authorized to collect and settle the accounts of said firm. K. 0. HAKDV, C. L. MITCHELL, BtrsanvMe, Grant Co., Oregon, I. W. THOMPSON. Nov. 13, 1806. . u2U:lin TOYS! TOYSJJTOYS! TOYS! FOR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS rmportance or maintaining tne influence 01 ror t)l Holidays, we recommend all dealers in that by the Line and Collocted at Destination. Goods will be forwarded with Dispatch to owyhee aud South Boise. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Families will be furnished with Superior Ac comraodatlons In New and Easy Hiding Thorouih Brace Wagons on tbe Most Liberal Terms, We lay over eacti night on the Road at tiond and Convenient Stations, sir that passengers will not be deprived of regular rest AGKNTHi RICHARDS A McCHAKEN.... San Franclnco- RICHARDS A McCRAKEN Portland JOSEPH TEAL Dalliw P0WKLL A'C'K Umatilla J. B. WILKINSON LeQrnml B. M. DuKKLL A CO .Boise City B. M. DuRKLL A CO Idaho City MAJOR BPKKll .Rocky Bar (Si.uth Boiee t DuKKLL A MOOKE Uuby and Silver Cities, B. M. DitllELL At CO., n26tf Proprietors. Isaao F. Bloch, - San Francisco. C. S. MtURR, BlO. SCHAKUACHF.R, Dalles. tba jury-system on the public mind, be blindly lets go of tbat which makes him the peer of the master of millions. At this timer there Is a disposition to criti cise,-more than ever in tbe past, tbe verdicts of juries and the decisions of courts. It is an innovation which breeds disrespect for tbe law, which is our only master, and invites an archy, in wbich tbe bad and brutal triumph over tbe (rood and virtuous. Tbe inviolability of Judicial privilege is a cognate subject, and is only of less import ance because judges bave better means of pro tection than jurors. We notice an instance lately- in which judge McBride of Idaho is severely criticised for "congratulating" a person, tried before bin, on bis acquittal. This is a practice which bas its rise in those emotions of humanity, whicb alone make men better than brutes. It is a custom of all judges when a man is acquitted of a charge of felony, to 11 congratolate " tLe prisoner up on bis innocence, and to add such words as will best sooth the feelings of a man wbo bas stood at the bar on trial lor life or liberty. line to the BASKET AND TOY EMPORIUM of THUMAUKR A ZUIN. 820 and 322 Battery Street, rr28:3m Ban Francisco. Dissolution Notice. THE FIRM OF J. W. MILLER A CO. havo this day disposed of their entire stock, in this city to Messrs. Bunnell A Miller, who will contlnne the bnstness at tho same tand. Mr. Thomas Miller is authorized to settle all liabilities and collect all debts doe, All persons knowing themselves Indebted will please come forward and Settle and save costs. J. W. MILLER A Co. Dalles City, Nov. 23d, 1605; n23tf SELLING OFF IT BELOW COST!! ' ' The entire remaining Stock of WATCH US, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVER & PLATED WARE, Must be disposed of within tho next thirty days, RE GARDLESS OF COST. Call and examino the stock, buy your Presents now, and forthwith, aud It will be at a saving-or at least If it I i run UKM. AC Will. JUlllIV UA UHI'S ; A25tf Jewelry Store, Mata Street, next door to tho Post Office. To tlie Tax-payers of Wasco County. BSEnirr Ait Tax Couxcton's Officii, 1 frutco Counly, Ortgon, A'ov. 14, 1808. Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE d RO O EKS, AND DEALERS IN Wines & Liquors, ' And Importora and Jobbers ef OLOTIJINGr Boots & Shoes, UndcrClothiiig, Blankets, etc., etc., etc. assay"ofpioe. WE HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION with our bus. liens, under tbe entire Bupervfslott of Mr. Miller. We make returns in liars In six hours. We eunrntitee nil our Assays and pay the MGIIK8T CASH PKIClfi fur Bars. We also pay the Highest Cash Price fur Gold Dust. BLOCn, MILLER AC; my6tf Cor. Main and Washington streets, Dajleg. Oregon Steam Navigation Co,- WINTER ARRANGEMENT.. mm , ffcN AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, until VF lurmer uouce, Xlte l'ttssengrev Train- t connect with -steamers FOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will start from the R. It. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on". Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at iau a ju, . THIS STEAMERS "ONEONTA" or "IDAHO,"' CAPT. J. McNtJLTY,. ...... Commander- jarOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the time for pay- i"S state anu uouuty taxes hT rne year 16 will expire on KKIIMY, DECEMBER THE 1ST, W!. All taxes remaining unpaid on persoual property after that date will be collected tbe same as on cxecntion. C1IAS. WIIITT5, . Sheriff nd Tax Collector, Wasco Co., Oregon. Bailee City, Not. 14, 1806.' nol6-2wd ' Will leave DALLES, DAILY, (Sundays excepted) at S- o'ciock, A. H., connecting By the UAaUADK &AIL1UMD,- witn tne steamer "NEW WORLD" or "CASCADES,'' CAPT. J. WOLF,. Commander, foi Portland. W. B. BRADFORD) Dalles. Not. 13, 1866. nlitfj Agent 0. 8. N. Co. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN WILLIAMS. AUCTIONEEE,,; No. 100, Main Street, Dalles City. V ILL ATTEND TO TUB SELLING AT AUCTION ot General Merchandise. Real Estate. Orocerii-s. Homos, New and Second liaud furniture, Stocks, Ac, Ao. Regular Sales Day Saturday. Out-door and Snselal Bales attended to in anv nart of ureV'iiy' Liberal Advances made on Consignments. nl0:3m. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. II. B. OATU. l.l. tun, GATES Sc. HAFT, ! Attorneys & Counsellors at JLaw, DALLES, OREGON. KOTICE. - C-i EORGK LTEBE Is my duly anthorlted rent during TT rrty absence In the Eastern States, to attend to the collection ot all accounts due tne, and also the late Arm oi rtlntermeir muogor. -a. nifllJSKMJtlB. REMOVAL, J.GOETZ, Dalles. F. KOKNIGSBRROEm San Franciscev- J. GOETZ Sc CO., TOBACCONISTS. .j 9 Eudio's New Stone Building:. Washington Street, near French A Gllnian'a, and haver openea a weit-assortea stocx or hat An Annu uoaifisi'iu beuakb, VIBGINIA and WESTERN TOBACCO, FRENCH and SCOTCH SNUFF, MEERSCHAUM and other PJU'ES. PLAYING CAKDS, SPOUTING GOODS, INDIAN and FANCY GOODS, Ac, Ac. Th trade annulled at LOWEST MAUKET PRICK JNOl'lCU. 171 S. nOLLAND IS MY AUTHORIZED AGENT to JL1 attend to collecting and settling np my business, during my absence. Those indebted to mo oi to Vavn A Co., are requested to pay him Immediately and saw costs, as no lias oniers lu collect. jr. A. U f AxftH. Hallos, Noy. 13, 1865. Uf Olt. 13. W. MITCHELL. Offiob WALDRON'S BOILDIlf 6. nuiciMca Corner of Third and Washington Street.