SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. HAKE DAILY MOUNT AINEERNl latin TP. Jk.'. C7 rV ..- The President's Policy. Tho sub- joined extract la from the Nevada Ga zette, and is about as eonsiblo a view of tbe aims of extremists as we iiave met:. Tbe Sacramento Union sayis th "result of tho election in North Caro. lina will gratify all tte original oppo nents of the President's generous and leniont policy J" We have no doubt that it will, and the same men would be more gratiSod still if the rebellious spirits in tho South would organise another war.. Anything that will keep up turmoil and trouble in the country, and postpone tho settlement of ques tions growing out 01 the rebellion, will gratify the opponents of the Pres ident's policy. Nothing gratifies them rnoro than tho continued manifesta tions of a rebellious spirit in tbe South, and they have done, and are still do ing everything in their power to keep alive the antagonism of tho soctions, for no other purpose that we can im- agine, but to lorce tbe uovernmeni to continue the military rule in the South. The extremists of the two sections played into each other's hands for years, until they succeeded at last in involving tho country in a civil war, and now that tbe war js ended they continue tbe same game with the view if possible of plunging tho whole coun try into a state of anarchy. The men who are continually denouncing the President's policy would never be sat isfied unless the South would conform in all particulars to their peculiar ideas. To what extent the President's policy may be indorsed by Congress will, of course, depend much on cir cumstances; but that it will be sub stantially approved, we have no doubt Each House will be the judgo as to what membors of Congress shall be admitted from the different Southorn States. Manv who have been elected cannot bo admitted, for they have taken part in the rebollion and cannot take the oath required. But the mere fact that somo are excluded on that account will be no reason for exclud. ... ing others from the same Statos who are qualified. A Steamship Project. The Walla Walla Statesman of the 24th contains a letter from the Dalles, from which we extract the following: . Late advices from New York report the organization of a J oint Stock Com pany, to take charge of the steamship business on the Paoifio Coast. The new organization is to be known as "I he California, Oregon and Mexican Mail Steamship Company," and to have a capital stock; ot Z,UUU,UUU. of which iiva Ilolladay retains two-thirds; the remainder being taken by the other di rectors. ' Tho Board is composed as follows t Paul S. Forbes, tbe eminent ship owner of New .York, John Boll, Samuel S. L. Barlow, Cant. W. L. Dall, of California, (formerly com mander 01 tne northerner,) John n Eussoll and Ben Holladay. The Com pany have already purchased the side wnoei steamer Urijlamme, now sup. posed to bo on her way to San Fran Cisco from China. This vessel is quite new, is of the same size of tbe Sierra Nevada, with less draught of water, and reputed to bo very fast- Another vessel of tho samo character is to be built by the Company. With little exertion on the part of our ousiness men east of tbe Cascados. the new Company could bo induced to land their steamers at Astoria, and dis- cnarge at tnat point tho freights der , tined for the Columbia .River. The Oregon Steam Navigation Company , nvu.u oidu uuii miu juy mis now en. terprise, and run a daily line of steam ers between the latter place and the Cascades. This would not onV have the effect of saving shippers to Idaho .and Walla Walla the lighterago tax and reshipping at the "Emporium," bat would also lesson tho rates of freights tflU per ton. - DUSENJBEllY Ac II1KOS., Dalles arid Walla Walla, . . . -HJULZB8 lit . Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Miners' Outtits, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Groceries, And a tail assortment of General Merchandise. Buying our Goods exclusively in tho San Francisco market, and makfug Rone but cash purchases, we ure enabled to se 1 20 per cent, cheaper than auy other House at the Dalles! tnl-tf Dalles and Walla Walla. HOW TO SAVJU MONEY! CALL AT ini HXW Family Grocery and Fruit Store, ' Corner of Washington and Second Streets, TUB UNDKUBIGNED WISHES TO INFORM TIIK neoole of the DiUIes. and the uubllc Keuerullv. thut he hoe a largo and well suloctod stock of FAMILY GKOCEHIES, CANDIES, NUTS, &c, Which he will sell Wholesale and Retail at Reduced iVicej for CASH. Also, constantly on hnnd the Choicest Article of FKKSH 11UTTKR ami KG OS. Also, every variety of FRUITS and VKUKTABLES in their season Porsous from up the country, wishing quantities of Eggs and Fruit, by sending in their orders, will receive the strictest attention, and have them filled at tho Lawut Market Price: Jvll-tfr 0. L. JEWKLL. Divorce Notice. IN TIIK CIRCUIT COURT OF TIIK STATE OF OREGON f OK THK COUNTY Of WASCO. Maria L. F. Bcsserer, IMaluUtf, ) (n gj Charles 0. Beeserer, Defendant. ) Vimrce. r10 CUAKLES u. DKSSEIIER, defendant: In the JL. name of tho State of Oregon von are herehv sum moned and required to appear nnct answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff, now on file in the olllce of the clerk of theabovo entitled court, wherein said plaintiff firays for a dissolution of the marriage contract now ex sting between you and said plaintiff, alledcing for the cause thereof harsh and cruel treatment and personal In dignities, committed byyou towardsand upon said plain tiff, thereby rendering her life burdensome. Now, there fore, if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, within tea days from the time of service of this sum mons, If served within tills County, and twenty days il sorved within any other county in this State, the said plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the relief prayed for In said complaint, and will take judgment against you ior costs, aiBuursemeniB ana expenses ID tnis BUlt. Ily order of J. O. Wilson, Judge. O. M. DENNY, Solicitor for Plaintiff, Novembor S, IMS. n8:6w Manufacturer and Importer of CARRIAGE, CONCORD, HUGO AMD STAGE! HARNESS Saddles. Bridles, Whips. A genoral assortment of Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. AW" Orders Solicited. Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. r. a. uaiie, je:iui Main street, ironting nasmngton, unites I'OilTLANi) tfOUNDUY AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. .NtHm Knirlnel - 3 of from 4 to40 horse- - wasS?ls ? power.eithor Portable or ffiX.xx' fV5 Stationary. Also, C1U- -Jfe.'llkS3 cui.Aii saw mills s nt&. .. ' V. COMPLETE, constantly f Jf.lfewlji'il on hnnd. Also, Hny Pres- sg GW&.WiFZ&i i 1 ? : sos of allslws; Planing r.'.r fWlA 'S M-M. .... fuiAiiir.i,M'. . - pattern.) Wrought and Cast Iron work for Vor tical Sawand Grist milh Y1A-U ..n.t ln.n Pn.lln.M moan ouu .vw . L and ' HROVGIIT IROS lVORK every description.' I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwnrded to any part of the mines the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed a, 000 pounds. TfnriA Pnvsri & Agricultural Implements manufactured to order at tho very LOW EST CASH PRICE N. B.Partlculor attention paid to niii'MKB. team Suit in Equity for Divorce, Divorce Notice. IN THEC1RCUIT COURT OFtns STATE OF OREGON Full THE COUNTY OF WASCO. Harriet E. Sulpmau, Plaintiff, vs.. David E. Shlpraan, Defendant. -u DAVID K. BH1PMAN, Defendant: In the name of L the State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff, now on file in the olllce of the Clerk of the above entitled court, wherein sa d plaintiff irays ior a uissoiuiion oi cue marriago contract now ex sting between you and said plaintilf, alleging for the cause thereof, wlllul desertion, for tho pertoil ot throe years oi saiu piaiuiin uy you. now, tneretore. II vou fall to appearand unsworsnid complaint, within ten days irom ine time oi service ot tins summons, il served with in this County, aud twenty days if served within any omer county in mis Dtaio, tne saiu piaintlll will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, and will take Judgment against you for costs aud dis bursements m tins suit. Ily order of lion. J. u. W ii bow, Judge. 0. N. DENNY, Solicitor fur Plaintiff. November 3, 1800. n8:0w Divorce Notice. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTIIE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASCO COUNTY. Jennetta Jaqnes, Plaintiff,'! vs. Suit in Equity. Chester Janues. Dofendant. I 1H THIS HAWK OC 111 K STATE OF OREGON, TO CHESTER JAQOES, defendant: You are hereby sum moned and required to appear aud answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff, filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court ot the Stnte of Oregon for Wasco County, praying ior a uivorce irom you ior cruel and mnuman treatment, committed by you, and personal indignities. rendering her life burdensotiio: and if vou fail toanBwer the said complaint, as required) law, the said plaintiff win appiy 10 me vourt ior ine roiior demanded therein. nol7 owl , WA1TB ft KELLY, November 15, 1805. t Atty's for Plaintiff. SIIHRIFF'8 SALIC. T"Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION TO MB DI- 13 rocted. issued out of the Circuit Court for Wasco bounty, Oregon, in favor of Jacob Uonsor, M. U. Consor, and John A. Consor. and against Petor Rnffner aud An drew Clarke, and for want of personal proporty 1 havo wis any levied upon tne i mowing described real estate, situated in Dalles City. Wasco Countv. Oreiron. to-wlti neei one-nan oi lot tnreo in block ten (10) In Laughlin's Addition to Dalles City. I will proceed to sell the same In front of the Court House door in Wasco County, State or Oregon, at public auction, to the high est bidder, for U. 8. g Id coin, between the hours of o'clock, A. M and 4 o'clock, p. it.. ON SATURDAY. THE 2ND DAY OF DECEMBER. 1806, to satisfy the above execution, amounting to $203 and 90-100 dollars, $11 U7-1W) dollars, cOBts of action and accruing costs, with interest from the 20th day of September, 1805. at one per cent, per niuntn. uiiaui.es white, onerin oi wasco uounty, Oregon. Ily R. W. CiANDAU, Deputy Shorlff. Dalles City, November 1st, 1806. fnoWtw SIGNS! SIGNS1 SIGNS ! O. S.8AVAGE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. DEALER, IN PAINTS, OILS WINDQWGLASS VARNISHES, Colors. Pnttv. Brashes. Qlne. etc. Paper IIanglugs,Wlndow Shades, Fixtnres, Ac 1-tf lill DALLES CITY DRUG STORE. P. CRAIG, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumerv, Fancy Soaps, PATBNT MKD1UINKH, C. 11-11 DRUGS AND PATENT MEDWlNESl! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! BGQK &JQ3 PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and B DALIES. OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. JK A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best, and AT SATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST '. to obdik: Cards and Rill-Heads. CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS. PRTMTKD IN THE HOST ATTBACTlYI XANNUl. ALIO. WAT-BILLS, HILLS Or FAKE, LETTER HEADS, RECEJPTBOOKS, , BILLS LADING, Uriels and Pamphlets, VISITING, WEDDING AND "AT HOME" CARDS DrugglBti?' Labels, In short, everything thut can be done In a Bonk and Job Printing Office, from the smallest aud most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest size and most showy Posting Bill and w hich will be tumea out in a style mat cannot full to insure entiro satisfaction. OUR rAClLITIES rOK Till XXICUTIOif or DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shados and Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills! From a single Sheet to the Largest Mammoth, . ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, 1'VREVilERS' LAEELS,ta Are uneurpasHed hy those of any other establishment in Oregon. We devote spocial attention to this brunch of the business, aud are continually adding to our already exten sive and well appointed assortment of material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. U-t.f Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock o. FANCY-INKS, TINTS, &C, Are of tho finest Quality, and for rlchuess of color and durability, cannot be equaled in the 8tate. The principle upon which uusiness is nsaeo ior inis es tablishment is, that persons will consult their own inter, ests, by awarding their custom to that oflice in which thoir money can be expended to the best advantage. To this end we solicit all in want of good Printing, at very reasonable chnrgos, to call and examine specimens, and judge for yourselves. Orders Irom the Upper. Country Will havo our special care, and friends from the interior may rely upon having their orders tilled promptly, as we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the State ofOrcconl Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf Dalles. Oregon. "DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An ExpcditlouB.Cure for all diseases of the 8KXU la ORGANS. fTBIIlS prompt and efllcatlons Remedy for the cure j JL Ohonorroea, Olcet, Strictures, and Diseases of the Ciinarv CnranB. makes a sueedy cure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change in application ' business; it will radically cure any case which can ba produced. The disease it removes as speedily as Is coif . sisteut with tho production of a thorough and permanent cure, r un Hit, the disease cannot ue contrncieu u tne BPKCIFIO COMPOUND is takon when exposed, It ingredients are entirol y vegetable, and no Injurious effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by its use. Price One Dollar and Fifty corns per bottle. Sent by Express carefully packed. llUBlr.ll.KH, D.ui lll unso. Agems, 4U1 and 103 Battery street, cor Clay, Jy22-(!m. Bau Francisco. ' H. II. HILL. .A. J. EANB. HILL & K A. 1ST E . WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL DKAURS IN Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquorsl Final Settlement. mjOTICH OF PINAL SKTTLEMKNT of the estate JAMKS LAUflULl N, deceased In tho Couutv Court of Wasco County. Oregon In Probate Notice is hereby given that K. il Wood, Administrator or the above estate, has filed his final account in the County Court of V) asco vounty, and prays lor a nnal settlement of said estate. It is therefore ordered, that said application be heard on Monday, the 11th day of December. 1805. at the Court House, in Dalles City, In said county, and that no tice uereot nepuuiisued in tne Dalles Mnuntatneer. U. n.DEftfl i, county Jmlge. November 0, 186S. nl0:4w - Final Settlement. NOTICK OF FINAL SETTLEMENT of tho estate ol WILLIAM 0. LAUQ1II.1N, docenscd In the Coun ty Court of Wasco County, Oregon In Probate Notice is hereby given, that H. II, Wood, Administrator of the above ettatef has filed his final accounts in tho County Court of Wasco County, and prays for a final settlement of said estate. It is therefore ordered that said applica tion he heard on Monday, the 11th day of Deoomber, A. l. iboo, at ine uotiri iiouse,in vanes uity, m said Coun ty, and that notice theroof be published In the Dalles Mountaineer. 0. N. DliKN Y. County Judge. November , 1865; - ulOilw S. LiEMON, WH0LI8AU AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Washington Btreet, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGOiV. 1 LEMON Is able to supply parties In want of Drugs, Patent Medicines. Chemicals. Acids,. Perfumery, and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. y Physicians and Merchants Intending to purchase for tne Mines, will do wen to give htm a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety. 8. LEMON. ap.3:tf. Washington St., between Main adu Second. SELLING OFF AT COST! M. Wunsch & Co., "AUriLL CLOSE OUT THEIR STOCK OF MEIICHAN- V DISH, at their plnco of business, at the Dalles, iu oruer to go tne Mines, xneir stocg emuraces Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots, Hats GENERAL MERCHANDISE, All which AYill be sold at COST, for CASH only. Jtf All who know themselvos indebted to our firm at the Dalles will plumocall and settle as soon as nossiblo. Those who have been accommodated we trust will not delay til unnecessarily, but be prompt in squaring up ac counts, uaii auu sue us, an auu oYoryonuy i AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. STOllAUK AND FOltWAHDlNO. Goods consigned to us will meet with proper attention References t PORTLAND. SALLEB. II. W. Corbet, Robblns A Co., lllchnrdB & McCracken, W. C. Moody A Co II. Law, O. llumason. Umatilla Landing, Sept. 6th, 1803. JACKSON SALOON ! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, ORECION, anll-tf M. WUNSCH A CO. MANTUA MA.lt Kit. HiWItS. MATTIE I10L1IR00K would resnectfullv In- 1TA form tho Ladles of the Dalles and vicinity, that she has opened a shop In connection witli Miss O'Konrke, where she is prepared to do Jill kinds of wdrk with neat ness and dispatch. Having Just arrived from the East, tho hopes to be able to pluase all as to Form and Fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. TIIIIEE DOOIIS West oi ;the Corner of TIIIHD and piieeis. oc&ljttie THE UNDEHSI0NED, HAVING REMOVED FROM 'Ilia "BELLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gates' New ' Building1, Reg to inform tho public that they are propared to servsj their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, III 12 MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A Free Lunch ! Every day and evening. ANTON LACEH cfe EMIL. SCHUTZ, docC-if Proprietors. Hard. Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS TSTE RBO TO CALL ATTENTION of Carrlngo Man r V nfacttirers and Dealers to the Large niul Com. ploto assortment of CARRIAGE and WAUON MATKKI ALB wo aro constantly receiving from tho East, specially selected for the California market, comprising, Oak, Hickory, and Bcooud urowtu Asn riann, Hickory Axles, Wagou I'oles, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, Rims, Bhalts, Ac. Ac. which we offer at the lowest Cash l'rices. 43 Orders addressed to our homo will receive promp attention. N. W. 1U1AUO A CO., jolDtfm. ' 20 A 31 Battery Street, San Francisco, and 17 A 1U Seventh Street Sacramento. 0. Watrrhousk, II. W. IIraoo A Co.. J. W. Lestrb San Francisco. ' Bacramento. New York . O. 11. BUOOKS, M. r. Offlce-At Dp. Craia'B XJrua Stoww , DALLES, OREGON: . .- . ;