tor n EXPOSITIOfl-lS TUERE&NUimCKI . Daclks, Nov. 29th, 1805. Editor Mountaineer From time immemorial there has been an old In dian trail between the .Cascades and Dallos, on the sonth side of the river, which, since civilization has reached this coast, has been used by white men. Somo seven years ago, tho County Commissioners mado it a county road, on paper, in the Clerk's offico; but the road is only a trail yet. More recently a company claiming incorporation under the general law, call it their wagon road, yet it remains a trail, and is loudly complained of as being bad, so' bad as occasionally to cause the loss of stock. Poor immigrants and broken miners, who aro without money, or cannot well afford to pay the stoamboat fare, and travel this old trail ot neces sity, find their way impeded by gates, and toll domandod, which from already depleted purses, they are ill-prepared to pay. If there is no legal authority to call an Indian trail a "wagon road," and collect toll upon it, how long shall the outragod public submit to such impo sition ? If this forced imposition is by .legislative authority, let the Logisla tive Assembly about to meet in extra session, examine tho humanity and justice of such authority. These toll gates, doubtless, have the effect of turn lag travel more or less from the trai on to the steamers. Whether the toll gates belong to a monied corporation who are said to have lost a few thou eand dollars in unprofitable and rocky diggings along the base of the raoun tains, or whether they are the privato property ot the gate keepers, lire ques lions of very little interest to poor men, woo pornaps, pay tueir last dot lar lor the privilege ot traveling on bad trail, and the subscriber does not Btop to investigate this matter. Izzard Wbito's steamer was to 'be launched in I week from the dateoi the letter, and it was intended to make a trip of ex ploration np the river at the earliest possible moment, and it will be done f the river stays open until the middle Deoember. WALimON BROS. Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Alain street, Danes, Oregon. WK NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY FIRE proof Stone buildtinr, opposite Illoch, Miller k Co., una offer to the public a full and complete stock of I vrugs, oieuicines aua imoinicaie, consisting iu parr 01 J. JUKE H, .nam sireei, Danes, . , WHOIMAU ADD MTAIL DUUI I! CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Sco. ALWAYS IN BTOU TBI BUT BRANDS OF Ogars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. MLAYINO CARDS. JL . KEROSENE, TURPENTINE, ACIDS, LIN 8 BED, LAKU, LAMP WICKS OUIMNEYS, UUl'Bi 8AUR, BPONOES, LKKOHBS, CASTOR AND . INDIOO AND NEAT3FOOT OIL, . LANPBI.ACK. TRUSSES, SHOULQER BRACES, SUPPORTERS, AND PATENT' M rEDICITVEH. Oar stock of FANCY GOODS I s of the finest and bast quality; newstylte ond large assortments, swell m uum:i a rr.niunnii, nam, LUtfllvB LyjlLax DOAJr, FLESH, POMADES, SHAVING, COSMETICS, HAT, HAIIIOII.S, CI.OTHRS, , COLOGNE, TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS' AND NAILBRUSHES TOOTH POWDERS, AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal nnrnoses. Our facilities for buying goon's are second to none In me oiiiio, ana we snail at all tunes sell at a small ad vance from cost. Ruaily sales and small profits. PHYSICIANS' PRKSCRIPIIONS Cnrofully compounded at all hours of the day and night. jmties, oepi. v, louo. Seiu-t! It E 1ST O V L 7" GATES Ac GIIAFIN, WHOLESALE k RETAIL JDRTJ GGI8TS, Ilave Removed to RUDIO'S STONE IIUILDING, WASHINGTON BTREET, DALLES. . WHERE we will continue to sell articles usually kept in a Flntt-Class Dm Store, at 20 nor i-nnt. LESS Til AN ANY STORE IN TUB CITY. Our stock consists in part of Patent Medicines, ' Pure Wines and Brandy, extracts, Fancy A Common Soap, Sponges, - Ilulr Brushes Trusses, Braces, " Corks, Acids, Paints. . Tooth Powder, Varnishes, Alcohol, Oils, Hops. ' Bohemian Toilet Sets, Supporters, Ac, PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Cnrofully Compounded. Give ns a call and satisfy y ur- BcifoB uuiore purcuaamg eisewnere. 11. u. uuAri, nivtrj JUSTIN GATES. POCKET CUTLERY. PORT MONIES, COMBS and BRUSHES, o nH klnda. . ; PERFUMERY, ol every description, " CHINA ORNAMENTS , TOYS, DOLLS, etc ' FISH IIO0K8 and FISHTNG TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, , FANCY GOODS, ke. . Also Powder.Shot, Lead. Powder Flasks. Baskets, and many other articres too numerous to meut ton. 7 Interior dealers supplied with Cigars, Tobacco, etc. at less than Portlaud prices, with freight added, oc-8 VERY IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Ilotels and bar-rooms. "nTULIUS KRAEMEIl HAVING BOUGHT TUB EN. 9 tire Stock of Merchandize and Book Accounts of the late firm of M . Seller k Co., in this city, to which be has auneu oi ins own importation (while doing business In I'oi'iianu; au immense atoCK oi tne best manufactured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table. Cutlery Looklng-Glaases and All Kinds ol? Oils, All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish. lng to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do wen io give me a can ueiore purcnasing elsewhere. Orders from the Interior nroinntlv attended to. and guuus pitcaeu to go secure, iron t mil to call on me. audio's stone Building, Washington street, Dalles. JULIUS KRAEMKR. Dulles, March 17th, 1806. mhlTtf BOOT AND SHOE STOKE. F. WYCKMAft, fWkS REMOVED III 8 BOOT AND SHOE mm STOKE to the building on Main street, nearly opposite Moodv's Hall, where ha ha Just reoelved, direct from San Francisco, an un usually Dne ana well selected stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, of tlievery best quality and latest styles EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. Including the celebrated ENGLISH HUNTING 8H0H manuiacmreu by uenKert. Alaoyfelarge assortment of Ladles' and Children's Gaiters, UTtiie latest Slvles. lust received from tha iu..t vhii. aueipuia manors. Also, a very large assortment of FINE DRESS BOOTS. TRANKLIN MARKET. CORKER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS - DALLES, VKWVJX, , J JOHN EIMPIIVGICR Proprietor . . rnMiR UNDERSIGNED BT'y' M. having fitted up the M$hJ? above Market in the BK.-T. ' ' - STYLE, will keep constant ly on hand all sorts of Fresu and Cured Bleats, Of tlie best quality furnished at the LOWEST XATK ' ( My motto la to " PLEASE ALL." PARTIES nAVINO SUPERIOR STOCK FOR BALI will do well to call at the Franklin Market. JOHN El'PINQER. Dalles, February 10th, 1868. - YIASUINUTON MAItKET, CORNER OF COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. WILL KEEP 0 constantly on hand all the varle- i iic. mat in. maraeican poasipiy f1 XZiKSlI & CURED MEATS. ana always of tne last quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS ;': supplied on reasonable terms. Tbe nndorsiiEnea Is alwavs hm.iI n n tt, vitv. - est cash price for FAT CATTLE. Parties liaving stock in gooa condition, are requested to call on him bofoia " vmwnm. JUUn MICHELBACH. Dalles, March 31st, 1868. . mhsltf CITY MARKET. S. JLAUBER & Co., Proprietors. Will keep constantly oa hand the best MEATS OF ALL KINDS. A LIBERAL SHARE OF PATRONAGE Is Xm. solicited, as we expect to keen aa eooJ an assortment of Meats and of as good as qual- V " wwiuiij (uiuru.: auu will . ; Deliver the same to Furchaieri in the Citr. Parties having Eunerlor Stock for ul. win An .n 4 give us a. call before disposing ot it elsewhere. , B. LAUDER, Co., Southeast corner of Washington and Third Sts. . Ppposite Koeter's Blacksmith Shop. M. BROWN & BR0. FANCY; AND STAPLE DEYaoODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. &e. Mr. M. BROWN, being a resident of San Francisco, re enabled to odor arrest lndcmnt. . B' Store, north side Main street, Dalles. FOR S ALI2, Idaho and Northern California We judgo from the tone of tho Idab press, thut in the spring an energeti attempt will be made to supply the Southern Idahojmarkets with produce from Northern California. We doubt very much whether this class of.arti cles can be carried to b'oyond Owyhee from California without absolute loss but to that point the Columbia liiver trade is euro to meet a lively compe tition, and nothing but tbe adoption of energetic measures will' prevent tbo trade from being divided1, or porhaptj wrested from the northern route. Tbe' cheapness of teams and the loading ar ticles of domestio produco in Calit'or nia are- the- principal means relied on by our opponents to reverse the press ent order of things, and it is calculated that manufactured articles by reason of their relatively smaller freights as compared to value, will follow in the woke of thin movement. The Upper Columbia. Wo are in receipt of a letter from Colville of tho 14th inst.,. which contains highly on-, couragtng reports from the mines on the Upper Columbia. Four French men had arrived from the mines with 56000, which they dug out in two weeks. Eeturning miners generally had plenty of gold. In expectation of an advance in tbe prioe of provi eions, wheat was soiling at $4 a bushel, nnd all kinds of produce in proportion Tbe weather is moderate, and has been very finoduring tho Fall months. Capt. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN I FEED ! FEEDU SHORTS, AND. C 9-Oentlemen who prefer to hare their Boots or Shoes TtJ?,???0.,1,8 EE8idENCB occupied by A. W. made to order, caa.rely. npon obtaining a nent and eaav JJUl'11AN AN Is offered . flt;ia.f F. WVCKMA, Main street, For Sale at tt LOW PJlTUrO. ' vpjwsHe aiuuuv i uail. 1 - , , - w , ' . . For a private rosldenco, no more desirable locality conld l - ii i . . T. . I bedesired. The grounds ure-ornamiit.,i .1.1. .kiiS2 uicgun oieiim iiuYigaiion to. s "",,l"bulItli,1K'00"ta"" " NOTICE! ic" "ooms, Flnlsaed In the Best Sijle. THE J0I.L0WINO RATJS3 OF FREIGHT have been "etlwd n7pu, Vlom4uiZn established: , ,, opportunity is now presented thuiZdum X't v,.. House audFurnltnr. will be sold together " " w ijcianici, StUllUlVatttJ. FromWallula Umatilla to Portland, $15 00 per ton weight Dallas to Portland 7 60 " On Wool, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portiaod... T..ll n,.i.. l 1 jsnuu. (O.X'OSHauu....t... ..tO 02 per lb OF ALL EINDS,.F0R 8AE BV K. On Hides. From Wallnla acid Umatilla to Portland,.......) 60 ench Aiuiius w jrursiaau., 87 " , O.U. UF.KD, President. Portland, Sep. 23, 1806. sopW-2mls -A.. Gr. u it r o iz jy , IMP0BTBR AND OF ately, iu the niirchase. "nT.; : "K;.'".r "P- nlara, lunnlre t ' . . V""- WtLI.8, FAKdO k Cft'S EXPRESS OFFlCjil. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST. , ' ' Mala St., Dalles. Oroarnn. . w uujju naorjiiriiruLLy INFORM II the eitiaeiia nf ihi. ..I.-, .-j -T V.....J, um. uuTiug returnea from a pro- "huuiii tne mines, henna again resumed the practice of DENTISTRY In flu. r... formorlv occunled l.v l,im tZl 'Mz,Sl iD .ro?m Ha Ukaa this method of tended to biui, and..oUUa noontlauanc. of thai i aim II. LAW, nlOitf. 26 Front Street. Portland. Opposite O. 8. N. Warehouse. -vmrra -w . I list OI ic llieS 3C JUiqUOrg, Kntlr.I)entnro.GbldBK.. .......180 ,ol22a rnntlT nTn rp-r I, i . , " . .. . ' " rnwraa d 1 ncL I . Portland. I . . . . Oresan. VERY LARQB AsaniiT went oi ' . ,f Brandies, Wines Liquors', Case Goods, MILLINERY AND DRES-MAKINU. TTMriSS 0'ROURK R DESIRES TO INFORM the XVja liailles or Ua lies and v c n tv. that aim has just received a fresh supply of Fashionable Goods, The latest Paris. New York and Han of BONN UTS. II ATS, RIBBONS, LACKS, i'KATUERS. xw iv uaaw, ju. A lull MUU nquBCIWt)1u MBBUr 1)110 111 OI Ladles' Beady-niade Garments. Also, a Fashionable assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! BTAMPINO for Embroidery and Braiding. PINRTINCP done at snort notice. UONNET8 Bleached and Pressed in tne latest style. A large assortment of Children's Ready-Hade Clothing Constantly on hand. Having secured the services of a First Clais Dress Maker, I am prepared to cut and fit LaiHos' and Children's DKE39KS and' CLOAKS. THIRD STREET, one square- east of tbe Catholic vuurcn. oc21:3m. NEW SALOON. NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. niHE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully announo JL that he will mien a first-class Saloon in French k Oilman's New Stono Ilnildlng,-THIS EVK.N1NO, and Is liiopnieu w servo cuuoiners nitn tne uest or Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars. ALSO, A EBEE LUNCH Every day and Evening. o38tf. - JOHIV RINnT.AT.ID. ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, iviuin sireei. corner oi auoiirt. kl.D MAOK. TIIK PIONEKR flOrtK .nM ,.i j fully inform tho public that he haa fitted up tho 'n order to make dress complete, It becomes necessary above Chop House, and Is prepared to sorve up MEALS '".Kt BONNET or HAT, Handsomely Trimmed, should nnil I.TfVniT In 1.a l.nat ...! .1.. .1 . I adorn tl,A li.n.l U U """"" o.j.v nuu ut tuo auurtus. nutice. I " - " BALLS and PARTIBS furnished with suppers, In the I alT me "n '"'F H nd I will endeavor to suit best style and on the most reasonable terms. I everybody In TASTE and at REASONABLE PUI0E3 v.eiJ,.lLDij Dij.n.- trillltlV AUVIIII lor JIOIOS. I --. nnvunuil IU1U V3 HOTJS K OllC A.ZuJ-i NIGHT. Embroidery and BraMlng Stamping. 49 The Trade is-navtlcularlv Invited In it.i. ti lr.iM.n,,..i..J.i..i u:. A. .. ' j.M..lnoiiIB tiBpmmr., au-I NOTICE TO FARMERS. Mill DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTUi , COMPANY has recently attached a FLOUUING MILL to their Steam Sash and Door Factorv. In this Oltv. and are now prepared to CHOP FEED, (J RIND WHEAT and CORN, and warrant t give the best satisfaction. On. uuuu cuumuutiy anu ror sate FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, - SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS. BRAN AND SHORTS, CHOP FEED, C1HCKEN FEED. Also, a Sunerlor artlcla nt ftMiw iroir. . Corn.' " "v The highest market nrin nald lnrWirsir mnv..j IIIUII'V .. ...... vvv,.,., llu . 11. A. IIOUUE. Aimnt. junnes, nov. i, muat nlltf. AT SntS. LEESEH'rS TRENCH MILLINERY STORE. Opposite Cohn A Bohm'a, YOU CAN FIND TUB LATEST AND MOST FASH IONABLE GOODS, In the line of IIOIVIVETS, HATS, FEATHERS, r LOWERS, EMBROIDERY. Dross Trimmings, Sco. Danture. Vnlranlt. n... 7. lM ni ,n"rW from on upward ' Children.- Teeth extracted free af charge. .elS-tf . F . I12ITTvr . Watchmaker and Jeweler doo 10 thi usir ornoi,) . ' xuwouivni vimerr, an. I .?!,r',.cu!ar "ttentlon paid to repalrlne- fin.d,.'n'd.,3'r "' "ffli- J OSEPH ELFELT. ' anir a ST AIL SIALKS IK : anivjr otapie jury Goods, IM MVi a ai K .winmu. BOOTS AND sunrt , OATS AND CAPS. ANIi Centlcmen s Fnrnlshln? Goodt: BtZT' Bt0D' fi're Cornw " M" a Court - oci-tr . MRS. L. WHITF'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. vTUHinngion Street. r TTAYINO NEWLV FITTED HP Tn. an,... ti.o ,.hi., "P"o"uiiy announce to all Photographs, Carts de Tlslte, Ac, " ' ' J I I uu W FA Mr haa . ..n sn. HlMllTMiaM J.M.Muapm TtT'A rv-t V tvt . 1 Attorney g-at-Law. MtVIOV.Q w. . - Ow.l T om" UT, I. T. Knby City .... . anl&-tf