THUBSBAY MORNING, NOT. 30, 1865. Caleb Lyon os Lyonbdam. Since Columbia Lodge, wo. s, i. o. o. f I X t- - rll. .... .... .1. Aly .MuIp In n.v. 1 the return of Gov. Caleb, of Lyonsdale, BM ,, of Eecond nd Court Btreetfc Broth. in thai IjVOtl of Trfahft TerritOrv. ft Verv good standing are tnvlted to attend. Br order. N.G, spirited contest has been goiDg on be- ' laiio F. Blooh, Ban rrenciaco. C. 8. Miixn, -.- SlO. SCHAWBACnEK, , Dallei fa NOTICE tweon some of tbo representative men "js hereby given that the co-partnership hereto abb peupio ox vwyuco iuob. upuu 0f jne jw0 political parties as to wno kll and f. w. Thompson, doing a mercantile bn.i. I ' t i uc wo iu vino inovo, uuuw tuu uauie ui Xj. v. iiniuj vu.f 18 tO have &nd hold hlS gubernatorial jB this day diSBotTed by mutiml consent, and hereafter a I tl.m t.nalnaH n mat A fi.n will t. .n..,l.,nlu,1 lia V fv their new church with " pious pride." fure existing between E. 0. HAKDY, 0. L. MITCH . ai.d F. W. THOMPSON, dolima mercantile busi ness In this place, under the name of E. 0. Hardy A Co., . ., I the business of said firm will be conducted by E. O. llOnSblD for tlie purpose Ot " running Ilardy, who alone Is authorized to collect and settle the I iMvtnntl nf ..1,1 Arm V fl f f A 11 ft V him. Like Andrew Johnson, he is c.'l.'m itch ell, .- . . n. . Suaaovllle, Grant Co. Oregon.. P. W. THOMPSON, claimed aa the special mena 01 ooin not. 13, iso6. naim Am persons in San Francisco are compelled by law to be vaccinated or unffnr fin ft or imnrinonment. t partios, and like his chief, must be Baia lD" JuaS8 curiae win content tQ wftU unU1 both or either of , resign theSuprcme Judgeship 01 ldano thfim CQmQ to him The Dem0s Territory soon. cratio Bflpirant8 for tho honor of man James TTixman, who killed a col- aging the Governor, make a very V1BU UWB U .BUeiUl VIKT mHwHI M J I B (.1 U1J ll UUlUt UgUlUOIl tUCIl VjJjJVUCIJ HO, ago, has been acquitted. A movement is on foot in Owyhee to fit oat a party of one hundred men to go against the Snake Indians np the Malheur and Owyhee rivers. Mr. Patterson, a son-in-law of An drew Johnson, and Senator elect from Tennessee, took the oath of allegiance lhe Goyernor , eft in doubt which by giving prominence to the fact that much pleasure was felt among thorn when it was rumored that Wm. II. Wallace, of Fort Laramie notoriety, bad succeeded bim (Caleb of the Dalo) in othce. Tiio unionists retort dv the usual expressions, and declare that they never loved Wallace. And so to the Southern Confederacy, and held the office of Circuit Judge under that dofunct institution. Ho has been par doned. Very Liberal. A local writer in the Idaho World says that in Boise there is a demand for four hundred of .if, MrW la imminu. Tfth Garber, the Orderly Sergeant Roinmnn urn in nnrnnnt. ihftv had het. I " G" First Oregon Cavalry, arrived ter be on hand by tho time the Conti. at Fort Me yay evening. ncntal arrives at Seattle, with a speak- borgeant Garber was one time a 01U . in,trHrnr,et. or elne thev will hare but 2en 6f thl8 PlaCe ftnd bor0 a h,Sh reP a slender chance of getting oven one utation a8 a man of BPirit and good of God's best gifts. foolin8- Ho entorod the Borvice from the highest motives of patriotism, and XDEJOHN , XOBNEI JJODE. XniS TOYS! TOYS TOYS! TOYS! FOR TOYS AIWO FAIVCY GOODS For the Holidays, we recommend all dealers in that line U tue UABlUSi An i) to KMi'umu Ji ot THUMAUEK .UIN, 320 and 322 BatterT Street. n28:3ra San Frnncinco. Dissolution Aotice- THK FIRM OF J. W. MILLER 4 00. hare this day deposed of their entire stock, in this citv to Messrs. Bunnell Miller, who will continue the business at the same stand. Mr. Thomas Miller Is authorized to settle all liabilities and collect all debts due, All persons knowing thomselvos indebted will please come forward and settle and save costs. J. W. MILLER k Co. Dalles City, Not. 23d, 1868. n23tf SELLING OFF!! BELOW COST!! The entire remaining Stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVER & PLATED WARE, Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE GTXtO C E B S , AND DEALERS IN Wines fc Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of. CLOTHING- Boots & Shoes, N , Under Clothing, : ' ; Blankets, etc., etc., etc party loves him best. In the mean time he has issued a DrOClamation Of I Mn't disposed of within the next thirty days, RE- tnanKBiriViner. WUlCn IS QUUO as mUCIl I your rresencs now.ami inrtnwith, sua u will oe at o Bl . - . saving of at least FIFTY l'ERCKNT. At WJI1. BlliailAUIU'H n25tf Jewelry Store. main Street, next door to the Post Ofhce. A.BSATST OFFICE. WE HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION with our business, under the entire superTisioa of Mr. Miller. We make returns in Bars In six hour We guarantee all our Assays and pay the HIGHEST CASH PKICB for liars. We also pay the Highest Cash Price for Gold Dust. ' BLOCH, M1M.KK UJ, myotf Cor. Main and Wellington streets. Bailee.. SELLING OFF AT COST, TO CLOSE BUSINESS I tTNDERSIOKED would respectfully Inlorm tnefi JL 1 a literary curiosity as his LewiBton message. I ARRIVED.-The- remains of George of Co. Umafilla, BoiBe AND IDAHO natrons and the nnblic at laree. that they will commence to leu mis uay, ineir luigo anu uauusuiipi Stock or lothiuir Dry Goods. Hals A Caps, Ladies' S-3ei, Boots A Shoes, Chlliln.... Shoes, Rubber Goods, Uats, . Blankets, Balem Cloths, Aci Ac, Aaf AT COST. In order to retire from business, the abore Stock must he sold within dixit Diws. and Express and last Freight Line, strictly at cost: All nersons Indebted to the firm will please call and rpjuiio i.iurc la nun in wni'iiEiia nunsinu JL order from Umatilla to Idaho Citv. via Boise Cltv. and prepared to carry Freight and Valuable Packages between these and all intermediate points with certainty anu aespaicn. The Line la Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely Hew Thorough-Brace CONCORD WAGONS, : settle their bills immediately, thereby saving all unne cesBary future trouble. C0UN A 1)01 1M. Dalles, Oct. 2, 1805. oc3tf. Oregon Steam Navigation Co. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. mrn 4 It a tmnn tail Art nf Hni nrrn lKiiimi V "v" B .u.6 transmission of JN AND AFTER MONDAY, N0TEJ1BBR 13th, until Vr turtuer notice, Tlie Passenger Train to connect with steamers i. iL.z-v I- " a - - a Wlllch) JBlUtJ UWP.BttVBluo UWVUOUdraiMrae, BnAar. Unhd rnnnmmorifiArl h moolf Freluht. never before offered to Idaho. We offer Smw .r a ma.Ia or..t, I I rior inducements for Shipping Gitods from San Francisco Of a new dlSCOVery made On the SOUth- t0 nll w;th mfaom he Was Connected and Portland to Idaho,i. our arrangements with the tif TV Ifn,.ni.:. km I . . . . .. Ocean Steamship-Company and the Oregon Steam Navl. "W1 V " ' in ine flervice,ana oniy neeaea a wiaor ZTt.l": T TOR UMATILLA & "WALLTTLA JTast Eroigllt. Will start from the R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITT, on at. fr,n s.n in, tn .v, .i iw. "yi vvtuniiusvi, anu rnaayi. as barney ureen, jonn u. watson ana fiold t0 havo booome consDicuous. In Adam Conrad. The discovery was ,he battle in which be wa9 mortallv - made Saturday, 11th inst., and contains woundod he fought for 80me tiroe after a leuge 01 aoous eigni, ncue8 id wiiiio he waB burt Uq wa8 brought back ness. A claim of eight hundred feot WnUnn. TOhfir , K on was located bv the above named tar io.u s. .t, Advance Charges for Transportation Paid - a bug AUliU lllDV.i bUU UUV lUIIU n J OH i n 1 1 . I .. t ..i. . .1 1 hi.. ' w o 1 uj me uiiu viuiiwhnii Auoiiinfiuii. uuuus will ue land, Charge, will be paid and Goods shipped to destina tion. GOODS SHOULD BE MARKED : CARE B. M. D. A CO., F. LINE, and Shipping Receipt, sent to our Agent. at ronianii ana u Manila. ties. J. fie quarlZ. SbOWS iree COla in I fifrnt. TTia Ihrnitrhta hato ocMnntlv forwarded wltu Dispatch to nwyhee and South Boise ntitios, ana also sul- phuroU of silver, .... .. .1 consiaerawe quantities, antt also sul- about his dutv to the last moment, as passengers carried at greatly reduced , RATES. Families will be furnished with Snuerlor Ac- his last words were to order the bugle i n and Kuy Hiding ThouuBct o I Wnifons on the Most Liberal Terms. Wa lav over each OWYHEK QlIARTfc MlT T.fl "RfiforB I tO SOUnd tO Change the CUards. He night on the Riid at Good and Convenient BUtlona, so 1 " " 1 mat passongora win not ue uepriveu 01 regular rest. last August there were running in the WIU De inisen to v ancouvor lor ounai. agemth i r .li :n I KiuiiAiiua mcuiiAnisn Ban Francisco Ovryhee mines one eightsstamp mill, T Spi:ciale lection. We have a !iiu.s Portland J - - 1 .1 i I - I JU..I'll ItAL a ULB .W1 "VO uu uuo WI lon BiautpB. u d reliable. flbont WWttl. pnii..- UmatIHa Rin. tkarv tV,a vnlln.min mill Knrfa. ... . ' 1 J Jl. nlLHinBUfl. LcGrand ...v- , the reBuU of elecUorjin Grant B.M.DURKLLACO. Bols. City a lhar smead ar hnon. lnmn An I .iwinoony STAMPS 4i30 A. JM. THE STEAMERS "0NK0NTA" or 'IDAH0,w CAPT. J. MoNULTY, Commander. Will leave DALLES, DAILY, (Sundays excepted) at 5 o'clock, A. M., connection by the CASCADE RAILROAD, with the steamer "NEW WORLD" or " CASCADES," CAPT. J. WOLF,.. Commander, hi Portland. W. B; BRADFORD, Dalles. Nov. 13, 1808. nl2tf Agent 0. 8. N. Co.- RfiIOVAL. . J. G0ETZ, 1XH10S- F. K0EKI0SBRRGER, San FranciMO.. We give the majorities, as Shoenbnr Mill finished Moore 4 Vast " N. Y. & O. G. & S. 11. Co Sinclair Co ... , Grenteback'i Jackson......... CoBDQOBr... mm 10 ... 4 20 20 10 ... 10 .... 10 County, follows : PRECINCTS.- HOQCB. GATES. Canyon City 9 00 John Day City 00 - 28 Marysville 00 3 Camp Watson .. .61 CO Union ...U 00 Totals 82 ' 31 From this it appears Mr. Ilogue's ldohoCitv MAJOR Bl'KKIl Hocky Bar (South Boise) DuRELL A MOORE ituby and Silver Cities B JI. DuRELL CO., MaU Proprietors. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. T r TT TV VV T T T T A a w WW Jm .A M-M JL. U 3k, JJX UOTIONEIllR, No. 100, Main Slrect, Dalles City. WILL ATTEND T8 TUB SELLING AT AUCTION ol General Merchandise, Real Estate, Grocer!' ., noises, new auu oeconu uaua ruruuure, Slocke, AC., AC. Tbo official roturns will be needed to Total......... .......... . . 84 To these add 23 stamps, and there are now in Owyhee 107 stamps, which majority in tho part 6f Grant County Kegular Sales Hay-Saturday II- ml ' r ii . .n. I .. . . . i . . . ,, T... ,, Out-door and Spocial Sale, attended to In on part of will all ha In fn 1 1 Anawn hn Hn.i rm nrhinn la innlnHn1 in IhA ViftAAnlU .(.,.... ' I . VT... M.a Kv au mil 1 j;vi llliuil tj J ull mgi I ..ivu id auuiuuvu IU IUU r llbvvilbu I in. lliy. T, ' r District is 51 and as Col. Gates re- Liberal Advance made on Consignments. , JAUUBlttl. OUU10 BCUUUUroi DBBroUi I . , . :..-,. w . I nl9:3m. JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. bed the smallpox hospital east of town ZT , ' i - 7' of thirtr.Bix nftim nf hlnnkntB. hnila. " " w vuiub r i , nillnwH. nonlctncp rtt.nnniln.nnrl nil tlio ' conveniences which ' it contained determin0 tbe qqeBtion- There is muoh apprehension that the Sporting Intelligence. Sorr.o bedding will be taken off and sold to " sports " visited the military post at houses of entertainment up the count Dun Glen, Nevada, after pay-dar, try, and thus the dreadful scourge of I hoping to makoa"raiso" from tbe boI smallpox will be let loose on tho noun- diers, who wcro very," flush.". They try. The bedding was all carefully opened on 'faro" with $2000 "start washed and fumigated, but these pro. W. P. M I L L E R r (Successor to Payne A Co.) AUCTIONEER WILL ATTEND promptly to Bales of Real Estate, Dry Goods, Groceries. Hones, and Mules. M il receive and forward Goods eutrusted to his care: sell Til til A cautions constitute no security against the spread of the disease. It is quito certain, that the theft was not corns milted by Indians, as they are in moi tal dread of the smallpox, and know that the building was used os a pest hoase. : . . Grain and liny on Commission, and rent Real Estate upon jicasonauie terms, uonslgumeuts Solicited., gale xiays Tuesdays ana Saturdays. MAIN STREET, D'ALLES, nlT. NOTICE. K1 S. HOLLAND IS MY ACT1I0RIZKD AGENT to J. GOETZ te CO., TOBACCONISTS,, Ilnve removed to Rudio's New Stone Building, . Washington Street, near French A Oilman's, and lniv opened a welbaBsorted stock of llAVANAiinu JJUHKBTIU BbUnltS, VIBOINIA and WESTERN TOBACCO,-. FRENCH and SCOTCH SNUFF, MEERSCHAUM and other l!ll'E3,. PSAYING CARDS, SPORTING GOODS, INDIAN and FANCY GOODS, Ac, Ac The trade .ujiplled at LOWEST MARKET PRICES. II LACK FOOT EXPHESS DWIGIIT & BACON, Pwprletors TUB PUBLIC ARE HEREBY INFORMED that wa have concluded arrangements for the transaction of Kxpressl3usines TO AND FROM THE BLACK FOOT COUNTRY! and have commenced maklr.g regular trips from WALLA Yt AiiLA. via Lewision, to VHIUIJNIA urn, lllsi.l!.A', 0PH1R A BLACK FOOT CITY. All business entrusted to us will be attended,to with promptness and disiatch-. W Particular attontlon paid to uuiiLKUTiUNB. Will leave on their socond trip, starring; from Walla Walla, October 8d; Lewistbn, October 6th. sel9-2ui Tax-payers of Wasco County. Emirr Aim Tx Cotxictoa's Omni,. V Watco Vountj, Brtgtm, A'ot. U, 1806. . attend to collecting and settlitiir an mv luinlnau Ar " nnrl hn nnlrlinra ( fnnlr in 1 Vioin I durluit my absence. Tlwse Indebted to me or to Pavnn " 1 " " " " WW.W.WBW .VVU ... IIUU1I I . - , .... i v,ni. iciimicu iu puj iniii iuinieuia(eiy ana save nnancos vorv suaaoniv. l ne "SDorts COB," ,1M oroersiocoiiect. jr. a. o. paxne, Unllcs, Nov. 19, 18BS, piayea on until they bad "soaked" their six-shootors, jewelry and "faro- tools" for more than they were worth, when they left poorer and wiser men. The soldiers invite anygentleman who is on the (:sport" to come to Dun Glen. 141 f rut. U, W. MIXCIIJELI. Office AVALDKON'S" BUILDING. Krainrec Corner of Third and Washington Strests. FOR SALE. FIRST CLASS, SKCOND HAND PIANO, can be had. la on reasonaoie terms, 0t8tf Inquire at this OIHce, or of A. . tuituusuw. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the time for para lni State and County taxes for the year 1806 will expire on FKIOA I, UKUE.UUKK T11K 1ST, JB'Xi. AH taxes remaining unpaid on personal property alter that date will be collected the same a. on execntion. CHAB. WHITE, Sheriff md Tax Collector, Wasco Co., Oregon.. Dalles City, Nov. 1-fc, 1806. nnl5-awd K.n.OiTEs. . - 1. 1, narr. GATES & IIAFX, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, DALLES, OREGON. NOTICE . GEORGE LIEDE Is my duly authorlied agsnt daring " my absence In the Eastern States, to attend to the collection ot all accounts due me, and also th late Arm of Wlntermelr A Hunger. A. WlNTERMiJil.