r Tbi Riasom. Tho Idaho World remarks that tht reason ihown for the jealousy of the San Francisco Dress. In general, towards the nines on the waters of the Columbia is ac counted for by the fact that the moneyed men of California have many millions Invest ed in the mines east of the Sierra Nevada and south of Humboldt. It becomes necessary, in consequence of this fact, for the press to -labor unceasingly to keep down favorablo re ports from other quarters, lest the depleted minlog population of their mines should be still further thinned out. The propriety of this policy should be conceded by the public press in this. part of the country, and we should rely on our own means of reach ing the people of other sectiobs with informa tion of our' resources, and inducements to money and labor to come among us. ' Tbi stream-tin at Owyhee has encouraged prospecting until a lode charged with oxides of tin has been discovered. The Idaho State) man says the lode is two miles i.p Jordan Creek, from Ruby City, and is two huudred feet wide. .As honest miner, on the road to Blackfoot, said that he bad prospected about every stream on the Pacific slope, and when be dies be pro poses to try the sands on the river Styx. Wool Manufacturers' Association. An association, composed of the wool manufacturers of the United States, has held its annual mooting at Phila dolphia, and has formed an alliance with the iron and coal interests of Pennsylvania to support a high pro tective tariff. Indood. Henry C. Ca roy, the woll known protectionist, de clares that the conflict through which we have just passed is a national blessing, bocause it has made high tariffs necessary. " we have," said bo, " gone through a little bit of a squab ble, nothing moro. It has cost us tbreo or four hundred millions of dols lars, but it is really worth to us twen ty hundred millions. It is tho first time in the history of the world that war bas proved a groat boneht." This extraordinary language plainly denotes that an attompt is to bo mado at tho coming session of Congress to increase the duties on iron and to re tain cheap wool on the free list. Tho Association has as its Secretary Jos. L. IIaye8, originally of Boston, but for eomo years past a residout of Washs ington City, where he was a success ful lobby-lawor until made Chief Clerk of the Patent Office on tho accession of Lincoln to power a place which be retained until Secretary Harlan commenced his work of reform. The largest woolen mill is that of the Pa ' cifio Company, at Lawronco, Mass., which in 1861 consumed upwards of three million pounds of wool. SP&lNG and summer goods. t " FHKSH HTOCKI " DUSENBEUY & ISltOS., Dalles and Walla Walla, DAUKS III V Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Mliiers' Outfits, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Groceries), And a (nil assortment of General Merchandise. Buying our Goods exclusively In the San Francisco market, and making none but catili purchases, we are enabled to se 1 20 per cent, cheaper than any other HotiBe at tho Dalles! DUSKN1IK11Y A 111(03., tnl-tf Dalles und Walla N ulla. MOW TO SAT 13 MO.Viiir! CALL AT THE NEW Family Grocery and Fruit Store, Corner of Washington and Secoud StruotB. 11HE UNDKKSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM TIIK . people of the Dalles, mid the public generally, that he has a large and well selected stock of 1TA.BXILY GBOCEHIES, CANDIES, NUTS, Ac, Which he will tell Wholesale and Rotall at Seduced iVt'cei fur CASH. Also, constantly on hand the Choicest Article of FHKSII 1IUTTKH and KU08. Also, every variety of FHUITS and VEGETABLES In their season. Porsous from up the cotiutry, wishing quantities of 'Eggs and Fruit, by sending In their ordors, will receive the strictest atteutfon, and havo them filled at the Lowest Market Fricet. ; Jyll-tf J 0. U JEWELL. ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Main Street, corner of Court, OLD MACK, THE PIONEER COOK, would respect fully inform the public that ho has titled up the above Chop House, and is prepared to serve up MEALS and LUNCH In tho bost stylo and at tho shortest notice. BALLS uiul PARTIES furnished w th suppers, in the host style Hnd on tho most reasonable terms. OYS'i'EKS in every style. Private Rooms for Ladies. HUUHU Ol'KN ALL NIGHT. Divorce Notice. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OK WASCO. Maria L. If. Besserer, PluiutifT, Suitin Equity for Charles C. Besserer, Defendant.) IKvaree rMO CUARLKS 0. BEH8E11F.R, defendant I In the JL name of the State of Oregon yon nro hereby sum moned and required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff, now on file In the office of tho clerk of the above entitled court, wheroin said plulutitf !irays for a dissolution of -the marriage contract now ex stlug betweon you and said plaintiff, nlledging for the causo thereof harsh and cruel trcatmont and personal in dignities, committed by you towards and upon said platn tilf, thereby rendering her life burdensome. Now, there fore, if you full to appear and answer said complaint, within ten days from tho time of service of this sum mons, if served within this Connty, and twenty days It served within any otlior county in tills State, tin said planum will apply to the uourt lor the rollel prnyed for in said complaiut. and will take judgment against you for costs, disbursements and expousoe in this suit. By order of J . Q. Wilson, Judge. O. N. DENNY, Solicitor for Plaintiff, November 3, 1806. n8:0w The GnowTn of an Oil City. Tho growth of Oil City is wonderful. Five years ago thore was scarcely a ham dred inhabitants; now the estimate i? 8,000. Buildings are going up with surprising rapidity. Ono real estate agent sold two hundred building lots recently at an average price of 82,500 per lot. 1'etrolians predict a great city. There is neither, a house for sale or a room to lot at any price. The offices are completely covered with signs. It is not an unusual thing to a l'etroieum uompany,a Lawyer, a rhy sician, a Civil JSnginoor, and a Real Es tato Agent, occupying a small office tnat is scarcoly large enough to con -tain a desk, a table, a stove and four chairs. Each roan has a square foot of room to transact business in ; but this crowded state of things will be remedied somewhat. Lumber dealers from Cleveland and other places are - arranging to deliver lumber at Frank, lin on short notice, and the lat'o exor bitant sale of building lots indicates that thore will be a heavy demand. The railroad is completed to Oil City, and will soon be in perfect running order- ' This will give a strongimpetus to business. Oil has been accumulat1 ing in the shipping yards wonderfully. When the Alleghany breaks no less than 100,000 barrols will be awaiting transportation. Qil City Monitor. Divorce Notice. IN TUEC1RCUIT COURT OFTHR STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF WASCO. Harriot B. Bhipman, Plaintiff, ) ut , ,.,, - vs.. y ".r '":'"' Imvld E. Shlpman, Defendant. I aw. rgODAViu N. ell tl Ai AN, Defendant : in the name ol JL the State or Oregon, you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named piaiutltr, now on tile In the ouice or the Clerk of the above entitled court, wherein sa d plaintiff ways tor a dissolution or the marriage contract now ex sting between you and said plaintiff, alleging for the cause thereof, willul desortiou, for the period ol three years ol saia piaiutiii uy you. now, tnereiore, 11 you tail to appear and answer said complaint, within ten days from the time of service of this summons, it served with in this County, and twenty days If served within any other county in this State, the said plaintiff will apply to tne uourt lor me relief prayed ror in said complaint, and will take Judgment against you for costs nud dis bursements iu this suit. By order of Hon. J. 0. Wil- bun, Judge. O. N, DENNY, Solicitor for Plaintiff. November a, IHttft. . n8:ow HAKE IT. .A.. Manufacturer and Importer of CARRIAGE, CONCORD, BlTGGl AND STAGE HARNESS Saddles, Bridles, W hips. A genoral assortment of Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. 5- Orders Solicited. Repairing dono with neatness anil dispatch. F. A. HAKE, Je:lltf Main Street, fronting Washington, Dalles. 1 AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STRKKT, botween Yamhill and Morrison. CJtemiv Knglnei of from 4 to 4o horse- iiuwur.either Portable or Stntiormry. ,tnd ttkmmsm AIbo, CI 11- CULAR SAW MILLS COMPLETE, constat! onhand. Also, Hay see of all sizes; Plant Machines, (Woodwortli pattorn.) wrought Cast Iron work for Ver tical Sawand Grist mills; - i!cZM &!: Brass und Iron Castings -sao5t. and WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to famish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwnrdod to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire machiuory will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Hnrsn Fnwnrs oc Amnnitnrnl implement! manufactured to order at the very LOWEST UAHU PltlCH N. 11. Particnlor attention paid to iifii'Ai us. leaMi Divorce Notice. IN THE CIRCUIT COURTOFTIIE STATE OF 0REQ0N FOR WASCO COUNTY. . Jonnetta Jaques, Plaintiff,) vs. ysuutn isquity, Chester Jaques, Defendant. I N TIIK NAMK OF THE STATE OF OREGON, TO CHESTER JAQUES, defendant: You aro hereby sum- moned and required to appear and answer tne complaint of the above named ptaiutlir, filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon for Wasco County, praying for A divorce from you for cruel and Inhuman treatment, committed by you, and personal indignities, - , i 1. lir .... . .1 1 1 .. i. : 1 . .. iouuuiiii iici mc uuiumiwuiQi miu ii jiiu iuii iu miswer the said complaint, as required by law, the said plaintiff will apply to tne uourt lur uie renet demanded therein nol7 OWI . lVAJTK A KriLLl, NovomberllS, 1805, " Atty's for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE. TTBY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION TO MB DI- MJB reeled, Issued out of the Circuit Court for Wasco County, Oregon, in favor of Jacob Con so r, M. O. Consor, and John A. Consor, and against Peter Ruffner and An- drow Clarke, and for want of personal property 1 havo this day levied upon the rollowlng described real estate, situated In Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, to-wlt: West one-half of lot three (3), in block ton (101 in Laughlln's Addition to Dalles City.. 1 will proceed to sell the name in front of the Court House door in Wasco County, State of Oregon, at public auction, to the high' est bidder, for U. S. g'dd coin, between the hours of t o'clock, A. M. and 4 OCIOCK, p. it.. UN BAXUKUAK THE 2ND DAY OF DECEMUKR, 1806, to satisfy the above execution, amounting to $203 and 90-100 dollars, $0 97-100 dollars, costs of action and accruing costs, with interest from the 2tfth day of September, 18115, nt one per cent, per month. CHARLKS WHITE, . euenn oi wasco uounty, Oregon. SIGNS! SIGNS1 SIGNS! O. S. SAVAGE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. SEALER IN PAINTS, OILS t WINDOWGLASS VARtUSUES, Colors. Putty, Brashes, Glue, etc. Paper Hangings,Window Shades, Fixtnres, ftc. 1-tf UAL.LES CITY DRUG STORE. P. CRAIG, WBOLESALB AND RETAIL . ., DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumerv, Fancy Soaps, rATKNT MKUIUINKg. C l-tr DRUOS AND l'ATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES 11 l)y R, W. CftAiTDALL, Deputy Sheriff. twites uuy, woventuer 1st, ihiia. rnoS-4tw Final hettlcmeui. S. L.EMON, WB0LI8ALI AND BZTAII. DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON. 4 LEMON Is able to supply parties In want of Drugs, Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every othor article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS At the lowest market rates, Physicians and Mo reliant Intending to purchase lor tne Mines, win uo well lo give mm a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 la great variety. 8. LEMOX, ap.8:tf. Washington St., botween Main adn Second. SELLINtt UiniT7COST 31. Wunsch & Co., YiniX CLOSE OUT TIIEIU STOCK OF MEIICH AN. II DISH, at their place of business, at the Dalles, in oraer to go llie Mines, ineir stocg emuraces Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Hats AHiU GENERAL MERCHANDISE, All which will be sold at COST, for CASH only. 4btf All who know themselvoa indebted to our Arm nt the Dalles will plcaso call and Bottle as soon as possible. Those who have been accommodated we trust will not delay us unnecessarily, but be prompt in squaring up ac counts. . iwu ana see us, an auu everyoooy i JAMKS LAUU1ILIN. deceased In Court of Wasco County, Oregon In Probate Notice the - County Is "TOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT of the estate oj Jlw hereby irlven that H. II Wood, Administrator of the above estate, has filed his final account in the County Court of Wasco County, and pray, for a final settlement of said estiite. It Is therefore ordered, that said application be heard on Monday, the 11th day of December, 1805, nt the Court House, In Dulles City, In said county, and that no tice hereof be published In the Dalles Mountaineer. . O.N. DENNY, County Judge. Korember 9, 1804. nlotlw aull-tf M. WUN8CII A CO, MANTUA MAfiKlt. ItfRS. MATTTB HOLBR00K would' reinoctfullv In A.TJL form tho Ladies of the Dalles and vicinity, that she has opened a shop in connection with Miss O Kourke. where she Is prepared to do all kinds of work with neat ness ana dispatch. Having Just arrived from the East, she hope, to be able to please all as to Form and Fashion Clonks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order, THIIEB DOOK3 West ot ;tlie Corner of THIKD and UNION Streets, oc21;oj DAILY MOUNTAINEER POWER PKKSH 00K&J0B PRINTING OFFICE. First Btreet, between Main and B DALLES OREGON. . CB PRINTINCOF EVER Y VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. IN A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best, and AT BATHS AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST; io okdeb: Cards and II i I I-M cads. CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, 0STERS AND PROGRAMMES . FOR HEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS, rfc, die, .. pmsTr.n i.i toe most attbactivi muinu. auo. WAY-DILLS, BILLS OF FAKK, LETTER HEADS. REVEWT BOOKS, ' t JJ1LLS LADING, Rriefs and Pamphlets, riSlTIKQ, WEDDIXQ AND "AT HOME" CARDS Xruggists' Labels, In short, everything that can be done in a Book and Job Printing Oflico, from the smallest and most delicate Card r Circular, to the hirgest sizo and most showy Posting Bill and which will be turned out in a style thut cannot full to insuro ontiro satisfaction. 0(JH FACILITIES tUH fill IXICtiTION OF DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills! From a slnele Sheet to the Largest Mammoth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, I'URFUMERS' LABELS, rfc Are nnsnrpnsseil by those of any other establishment in Oregon. We dovote special attention to thishranch oflho. business, and are continually adding to our already cxtuu sive and well appointed assortment of matorlnl, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. liC. rfC, itC, Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock o. FANCY INKS. TINTS. AC. Are of tho finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled in tho State. The principle upon which business Is asked for this es tablishment Is, that persons will consult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that office In which loir monoy can uo expended to tno ucBt auvaniage. 'io lis end we solicit all in want of good Printing, at very reasonable chnrges, to call and examine specimens, and Judge for yourselves. Orders from the Upper Country Will have our special enre, and frlonds from the interior may rely upon having their order, ill loo promptly, a. we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In. the State of Oregon ! Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf Dalles, Oregon. DR. DAVY'S SPECTfTc" COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the SEXUAL OKGANS. riHIS prompt and efflcatlou. Remedy for the cure i, ' EL Uhonorrtua, Oleot, Strictures, and Disease, uf the Vrinarv Orizaus. makes a speedy cure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change In application t business; it will radically cure any case which can be -produced. The disense It removes as speedily as Is cou , sistont with the prodnction of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease cannot be contracted if the SPECIFIC COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, Its Ingredients aroentiroly vcgotablo,aiid no Injurious -cfToct, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused f its uso. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Bent by Express carefully packed. uuDiJsnfin, Burnt a vtiAn. Agents, 4ul and 403 Battery street, cor Ciny, Jy22-6m. 8au Francisco. H. H. HILL. A. i. KAMB. HILL & KANE, WnOLISALI ADD SET AIL DIALERS III Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors'! AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. STOUAOH AND F0HWAHD1NU. Good, consigned to us will meet with proper attentlec Reierenoesi PORTLAND. DALLES. II. W. Corbet, Bobbins A Co., Itlchard. A McCracken, W. O. Moody i Co, II. Law, O. Uumasou. Umatilla Landing, Sept. 6th, 1803. JACKSOIN SALOON I CORNER CO CRT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON. TnB TJNDER8IQNF.D, HAVING KF.MOVED FROM TUB "BELLA UNION" CKLLAK, INTO Gatos' New Building Beg to Inform the public that they are propared to sert. iueir customers wiiu tne dob. Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MARKET AFF0KD3. ALSO, A Free Lunch. ! Every day and evening. ANTON JLAUKH. dc E1IIL. 8CIITJTZ, dec!-lf ' Proprietors. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS 1 WE II EO TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man ufacturers and Dealors to the Large and Com plete assortment of CAIIHIAOE and WAGON MATEKI ALS we are constantly receiving from the East, specially selected for the California market, comprising, Oak, Hickory, and Second Urowth Ash -Plank, Hickory Axles, Wagon Poles, Hubs, S)oke., Felloes, ltiins, Shalts, Ao. Ac. which we oiler at the lowest Cash Prices. ' JtJt Orders addressed to our houso will receive promp atteutlon. N. W. 1IHAQU A CO., Jol6:3m. 29 A 81 Battery Street, San Frunclsco, aud IT A 19 Seventh Street Bacramento, C. WATronousE, H. W. lliuoa A Co., J. W. Lestea Ban Fianclsco. Sacramento. New York; , O. XI. BROOKS, M. 1. Ofllce A.t Dr. Craig's Drug Stores ' DALLES, OREGON, -.t v