la tin Mountaineer. Epitome of Telegraphic News. COHPIUB VHOM TIM OMaONIAN. DATES TO NOVEMBER. 0. Atlantlo Kcw. New York, Nov. 16. Gen. Grant visited the Union League last night. He was welcomed Itv Vi(.n Pn.diHf.nt. Rmilfmnn tarlm a fi a I liunlr- - J ' " I " -"i .,w iuff hi in for his victories, alluded to the foul wrong committed by the French in occupying Mexico. Grant replied: "There is one senti ment in rour address which is mine also the one touching the future of Mexico." This was received with cheers. Speeches were made by Generals Meade, De Troblnnd and uinertr A frpntlpmnn u-iir, n ri vail (A.flaw Bant Smugglers have been uuusually active during Tiitlftp vhn naml iIia namtt rt SinntA. TTai. . , .. ... " lan lo obtain, charge of money belonging to ine national union uommission, nuu vuio nas been in the old Capitol lor lereral mouths, was released without trial. The limes' special savs ; Freeman Clark Comptroller of the Tre-isurv. is eniraorel on bis report, lie will recommend the removal of the currency bureau to New York. Secre to.. tr,.n,.ti.i. ..,,.., a i J 11 1 - j ii 1 1 u b u j nuu maua V 11 u ta 1.1 u I TJ i. U 111 tuendation when Comptroller last year, will tiroonuiv renew me recommenantion in uis report as Secretary of the Treasurr. ' Yesterday the Government refunded the tuonev derived from the uroceeds of confisca ted property, in pursuance of the act ot March 1 HKr. 'Plift aTHaaa In ahind tl,n mnnaaar araa ha - " - " ".v wu iuiiiv; " luoded, is one in which the claimants, former nirnnn nf nnnfl apnl At nrnnB.ta nlinw lira! " 1" "l"' J mi-. they wore loyal citizens, and supporters ot the TTninn nraltartltiolaanfaimi llin funt " t I I, a, n h a l II I u II j 11 1 ' Illijlllliuillg aaJV1 lOVk VI I II VJ UUDU" donmeut of their property at the outbreak of the rebellion. The properly is located at Alexandria, Ya. A large number of such cases are Dendine and under war. Contracts will soon be consummated for mail service in the various States, to go Into effect on the 1st of January, 1866, and expire June, 1867. The bids made for the service have been slightly in excess of the rates for Utvilj lia mJil wai alio DOUIQ lUUtCS. Nathaniel 11. McLean, formerly Assistant Adjutant uenerai to uenerai isurnaiae, who urta nrrlnri.(i Ifa th. Punifirt milt tmn roar. - - - - J " Ago. as he alleges, to prevent his testifying Against Hesh, then about to be court-martialed in Cincinnati, is preparing to bring his case before Congress, and promises to. throw much light on that transaction. The Times' special dispatch says: Governor Parsons left for home yesterday with two bun itrArt nnrtinn. fnr citianna nf lluhama u u - v. .u. "iii d iv u ii iuvuau n 1 I J av Gen. Banks' strictures on the conduct of the navy in tbe Red river campaign. lumirfll PapIbp tarill annn nukltih a .anlif In The Tribune' special says : Tbe President is more than usually annoyed by pardon seek Ml fn-riat. 111. ..mavlfan I ll a I Via nil A van lu uiij iiiiiiaiaEu IUIII UB IIICU .U overwhelm tbe South with pardons and kind ness, out iron, iue turn ot events ne oegan to tntult mem incapable of appreciating magna nlmtlv Several efforts have been made to force a oeuigereni construction upon tbe action of lue Navy Department in ordering off to certain nlnAAa filiina nf n a Tna fanta a -a fViat li,..- Jimvn w. " i I . II VI inula 1. 1 I! mill D u II drV nftVAl VAaQAll haVA liBfln riFataii-Ait tn fnrBlnn - J - - "l-ll-H 1 II I . I I. and domestic stations the same as in tbe years oeio.e me war, insieaa oi allowing luem to rui iu iue navy ynros. Tbe Tribune's Fort Smith. Arkansas, enr respondent lays tbe rebel Cbocktaw and Chickasaw Indians are waging a terrible per Becuitoa'againsi ine colored population. RinftA th. Pnnnptl hAlrl a tMa nl.n. t,. Tn rtinn. At-A (nnAnaAd hanaiiaa iIiai mnaf auhmii v iui, umil to emancipation, and determined to vent their il. Li..).. . . iubiiub upuu iue oiacKs wdo nave Deen meir slaves. They abuse them in every way thev can. beatintr soma to death snia ah nm In it others. Tbe negroes are coming to this Fort for protection. JV'ew York, Nov. 16. Tbe Montezuma from lvi ncrfltnn-. .lumnlna has aii-IvaI. Qen. O'Connor has assumed command of iue uriusn troops ana ine voii'n'eers called out by the Governor Geteral, Tire Commercial's- Wasbingtou letter says tbe Appointment of Gen. Logan as Minister to Mexico is believed here to be based on tbe TiromigA that tllA P'fAnr.h tpnnna ahalt ha anlili- drawn from Maximilian's-dominions at the some time that the United States. Army of Ob servation shall be withdrawn from tbe Rio Grande, and armed emigrants to Mexico will be discontinued. Wathinntnn nlnv IT. Tha flAraaiLman la i kept advised on the subject of tbe cholera abroad. The latest dispatches show that it is disappearing from Palmero and spreading over the peninsula of Spain and Portugal. A7.H York, Nov. 16 A special dispatch to thA ITrnlA HatAf) Tn nnfn I Vi t lA h ai.- , i-.u. il" lvi, v,. aw u, DtlJO thlat IntAfiRav raftllamant nrAtrAllAl . I I . . I. 1 1 . V. jGBLGIUa,, v Tbe Governor placed troops at the dispoial of tbe Mayor, who informed blm of a probable early atlack on the city, and gave instructions iw maa no luwuy .hrioyuerB iaa poesioie. Un Tuesday night Col. Leary's haute was pelted with brickbats. - To-day's Leader says : Great preparations tinva been maiI'ABiinh Ha nnattnn. -nrl patrols, doubling tbe police force, etc, and Ua U . 1. r . 1 .111 ug uuiiva ui ius xviyai artiuery are con tinually harnessed and held in readiness. Many discharged American soldier. a in th city, and an attack might be looked for. Mayor Gunther was renominated last eve ning by the McKeon wing of the Democracy. iuiiu i. jcarmer was nominated by wbat is called the " Army and Navy League." Tbe l'ost'i Waahinirtnii riijn.tnh Th President has recently decided to issue rations io vue Biiuering ireeamen ot the Southern States during the coming winter, and also to take such while persons as may be destitute. mu. Tt i i iua rresiueni nas recently declared that freeamen shall hurt full nania.tUn in w . va - i v vivij i at burnt right to settle on the public lands of Florida nuu, uww upon ior pre-eoipnon. WALDItOS IIROS.. "Wholesale Sc Retail Druggists, '- -. oirocii JLyaiiea. -iipirnii. WBNOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY FIRE nrfMtf fltnnA l.llil.ltntr nmiiuUa Tll.l. 11111 Co., and offer to the public a full and complete etock of Druna, Medlciues and Chomlcala, oonalatlng iu part of n.KUBKflK. 1.AMP WICKS k C1IIMNKVR. 1'ITUUIi'WTWB 1 1 ii li ci ' iiiii iiii.ii.u, 41VIi3, AIiCDltOI 8A0R, AU1I). BI'ONORS. LIN 8 RED, LKKCIIE3, JaAItu, C011KS, CASTOR AND INDIGO AND IS K ATSKOOT Oil. LANPHLACR TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS. ANU T A T ir'TvrT' TVT irT-aT-invrniu ' ' KAAV'a i" lliin itilr nf BiVnV ilnitllB I. .r il. a . a...-. v. i i iinvi uwua i a ui aim miesi AIIU DHI quality; new styles ond large KKmirtiuenta, inch u 1 IIIII aj'Q llLllliitl lLill V a f i. ' aiw u. ii u a ..i.a w a , jmin, I.UUIN'8 TU1LKT aOAf, i'laKSlT, rujtjura, bhavino, COS.MKTICS, II AT, UAII1011.S, CI.0THK8, COMJONK. TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND " MA1LBHU8IIES TiHlTH PnViiKitfl a mii PAvina PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, cui luruiuniiii iui uoa. Our fucilitloa fur buying jrfod-re second to none in the State, and we shall At all times sell at a small ad- uunnam W.i A I J II di. xrn.ii-ini Ttu.D a vim won. Mccaiij smug nuu fliiinii urunifl. PHYSICIANS rRKSflMPTIftVa Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night It E 1I O V A. L . GATES Nc CIIAPIN, WHOLESALE I RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Hare Remored to RUDIO'S STONE RVILDIG, WASHINGTON STREET. TIAI.l.KS. mTIIERE we will continue to eell article! usually WW Iran In a Vlr.t.nt.ia. u .a nn 1 l.KH.S THAN ANY RTOKM IN TUB. nrTV A... ...b- v w ..u... ... . I..I.-W.IWS a.iuK u.uiai, ra au IBI U0lia oonelBte In part of Patent Medicine,, Ture Wln? and Brandy, extracts, Fancy At Common Soap, (Sponge,, ilulr Brualiea Truaeos, uracea, Corks, Aclde, I'aints. Tooth Powder. Varnlshe,, . Alcohol, Oil., Hops, Bohemian Toilet Rata. Kiinnnptart An PTSICIANS, PRKSCRIPl'lOXa Carefully Compounded. Give ns a call and satisfy y up- 11. li. lUAfUl, iniUtll . JUSTIN UATES. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN 1 FEED1.FEBD!! SHORTS, AND FEED OF ALL KINDS, FOR BAB BY It. H. LAW, 24 Front Street, Portland, Opposite 0. B. N. Warehouse. nlO:tf. MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING TM-TSS O'ROURKE DK3IRES TO INFORM the has Just received a fresh supply of ITn slil on able Goods. Tltfi ltttiPtt Pnria Knir Vrtrlr tA Qa- V i ii - " " n"-'"""! IIAIO, IWJHHJINS. IaAUKS. VKATII KkR. V1U'lrIIU m A ..!! 1 t, ' , ' . ' w" "w, nv, A mii nuu weii-seieciea assortment of Ladles' Heady-Made Garments Also, a Fashionable assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! RTAMPTVn TIT t..ti. one nt snore notice. BONNETS Bleached and Pressed1 . - j "'in .limning. a-jiiivin u tun mitral Biyie. a inrge assortment or Children's Rcady-Madcr Clothlntr Constantly on liand. Having secured, the serTlceit.of a First 0la Drum Maker, I am prepared to- cut and fit I n .1 in. I ani m. 1 1 ., l Ti 11 Hi 11 .i il r. . ... . .r . n,,u viiiiiiiqti a invaooEis .no lilAn 1A. TIIIKD STREET, one square east of the CKthoHe Church. iy21-.ini. NEW SALOON. NBW STONE STORE, WASIUNGTON STREET. THE UNDERSIGNED would, respectfully annonno that he will open first-class Saloon In French A Oilman's New Stone Bnlldinx, THIS EVENING, and ll prepared to serve cuitomort with the hest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. iilaSU, A EREE LUNCH Every day and Evening. oc2Stt , JOHN RlWDLAtin; J.J UK EH, Main sireci, uaiies, WnOUSAU AND RITAIl DCAUB l!l CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUTI. PIPES, &o. AlWATB IS 8T0K1 TBI BUT BlUNDI M Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. . l'OCKKT CUTUtRY. POKT MONIKS. COMBS end lmUSHES, of It hide, PKRFUMKRY, ot eTerr deecrlptionV CHINA ORNA5IKNT8 TOYS, DOLLS, etc. ' FISH HOOKS And FISHING TACKLB. MUSICAL INSTKUMK.NT&. VAMnV IH.l.J a - ' .. i' yimaiij, mvt Also Powder. Shot, Lead, Powder Pftwlra, Baskets, and j m tiei-j iuu umimnjo to mention. " Interior dealers supplied with Cluars. Tobacco, etc. VEKY IMPOBTA1NT ' " TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and 11AB.ROOM8. TTTT.TITa rvivuvu Iliviun nniTnuai mavn u Jv .Vw .in. i i,.iii.i. uuvuni Alia r. .1 -tire Stock or Merchandize and Book Account, of tlie late Arm ot M . Seller aV Co.. in till. cltv. to which ha haa uModof tils own linportntlon (while doing huslniuu In . uniuj Au aiiimaiuBe cauva ui wit ue.i manui.ciurea crocKery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery .uoouing-Glaases and All Kinds of Oils. All nrwl.ll.ll aITau m.b ....aJ ..i.. it . lng to buy any of the a bote-mentioned articles, will do n ..ioavuii umui c uurcuABiug enewnere. Ordura frnm 1a IhI..I... .nm,l. .11 1 1 ill tn itIva ma KAC I i i -T. if . -wm, wuii k w van un me. Kudio's Stone Build inn. Waahtntrtni. ntrf.BC liniut vnuvn, uinrvu it ill, lOOO.-milll tl HOOT AND SHOE STOltl. F. WYCKMAJN . WTAS RKMOVED IIT8 BOOT AND BIIOK nearW onnoHlta Mmulv's linii ri,aH i.. t... ciuuBiu in Dquainir on Main airnAt I Half rnnntv.i.1 illraAt QA L' i , . VU ..vuv iiviii unu TldUUlBCU, ID HQ' MBwniij nut sun wen seivctea sioCKOI BOOTS AND SHOES, of tlie'rery best auallt, and lnteit atla EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET IncluiKnir tint trttxA wm raxw nn,miui wU j Aiuri, Aisu, targe auortinent oi. jL.aaie8' ana Children's tlnU OfthA IntAflt Slvlol tnji M..I..J W il. a 1 11 , .T' JM " '"VD,,DU "wui ine oest VK- r iuy MBorimenh or FINE DRESS BQt-VTR AVaW3fintlaniaii ajrlin liraf.. a. vM. 11. . I n . n. , : - a mail own or onoe. made to order, can rely npon obtaining neat and u nt. ' V U'VriziiiiT ai.i . . "18-tf Opposite Moody'ella'll. Oregon Steam Navigation Cos INUTICE! Tn?.LIX!.WINa RiTBS OF FREIGHT liaTt Dem Grain, Tesretables. Tail FromWallulaiUmatlllatoPortland, (1600 per toa weight iv a vi binuuiiiiii ,n, HJ On Wool, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland,., 40 02perlb 4aiiea iu rortiana.,M .M...i On Hides. rrom naiinia and Umatilla to Portland $0 60 encli Anuu. .orortiana - 87 " t ..i . . M ..' 8.0. REED, President. Portland, Sep. 23, 1868. ,ep!7-aint, Gr. BRADFORD, IMP0KTEU AND JnmiRn nv AVines &; Liquors, FRONT STREET. Portland, . . Ora. -FFKS FOR 4JALB A VJSRX LARGE ASSORT Brandies, Wines, Liquors, I Case &c., &c.. Goods, &C. TJ" '""do,1' Prticularly Invited to examine my St ml halnra nnmli..lin ... - ,,., ,8 au-ti NOTICE TO FARMFRR flMIE DALLK8 LDUDKR AXn uiNniininiivn aa. vwi A a an, ienuT .mania 1 . . muiiiiiv i... r.,. . --"' JTLOTJTtllYQr MILL to their Steam Aami and Tw. V..t. t avwa riwiwii, ru fcll IS VUT, anU rrniiUW ,,1"lre, ,0 CH01' KE. tiRIND WHEAT and i.. i . . S . ? S'mi Keel sainiuctlon. On . 'i .tj auu auB maio FXTRA FAMILT FIJBUR, SECONDS OR ltllDDi,TNQ3i Bit AN AND Rimnim CHOP SKKn. niiintriTw n.n Also. . AiiaYarlhi ..tlnl. innu . . . Corn. "aw. a v aisaij, irom new ba hi kv""' Bmrkt Pdc P"1"1 tor WHEAT, CORN and Dalles, Not. 2, 1866. ,7 ' "fjiy II . . Ml H 1 1 K A rA ATMBS.LEE8ERs rRENCH MILLINERY STORE. Onsailt. Cnha aV n.i.i. YOCANFIND TIIB LATEST AND MOST FASII- Bu UUAlxllCTS, MATS, FEATHERS,. ' FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, Dress Triinmln jk, .v.r?hv.Ams.lnA!r"'"'To, ,0 ,i l'urticular attenilonld to - PHICJi8v umDroiaery and Braiding Stamping. COBKXH OF 8KC0HD AND WASHINGTON BTRKETS DALLES. OREGON, r. JOHN EPPINGEll Proprietor jn. unking niiea up me biT Murket in the BKT BTim, will keep comtant- ty on hnnd all sort, of tresn ana cared laeais. Of the beat quality AirnUhed at the LOWEST BATB B1J motto II 10 " riiGASE ALU" (ARTIES IIAYINO 8U1'KKI0R STOCK FOR BALI aina uu nvii au call a. IU0 JEranKlin Mai Rat. Ii.iiu t iitu us. vn I. Dalloi, February 10th, 1888. TI ASUlITOIV MAKMET, couiis 01 . COURT AND SECOND BTRKETS, DALLES, OREGON . AVHCHEI.BACH, Proprletos. Wlliai KEEP c constantly on hand all the Tarle- , btie. thut ill niarlrut a n..ii.i- afford, of .w PBKSH A: CURED MEATS, ana ai waya or tlie btet quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS; supplied on reaaouabl tnrmi Tbe undoriil est eaah price for AT CATTLE, Parties TLlng S in good condition, are requested to cn 0n him befor going elsewhere. MICIIKLBAOH. Danes, March 8It,M66. EuhSltf CITY MARKET. S. LiAVBER & Co.. r -rvvsi tya- ' Will keen eoustantlv Ml ttan1 111 tlAaa MEATS OF ALL Klivn lilBKK AI, SHARK 0B BATROVAflE l an assoatmenti of Meats and of aa good at qual ity, ae the country affords: and win i .m. auillilinu, D WS inKI IO 6lU AB tTOO.1 Deliver thsiiuna tn Pnrnti. . a.www,S M tUu VlibY, Parttfla hnvlnv 8iii.a,lAu fitn.ii .. . ".. . b ""ffuvi u ivvi iur nua win ao well ts ' give us a call before disposing oi it olsewliere. 8outUeast oorner of Woahinfcton and Third Pte. -nvvi .aosiers iiiaoftsmitb fihopt - M. BROWN & BEO.. nm ram aw-i.. ANCY STAPT.m PEYGOObS! OROCER1ES. PROVIBamh Mr. M. mmwM v.i . ' " are .Mrt'?01. Ba Francisco, av - HiDnt luucemenu 10 VurohUAra l B'"'" Store, north aide Mtn ,t,t, D,n,,. -sip TUCitANANfofllrtd?151102 oMopied A. V. For Sale at a Law i-nM Fnr a nrlvnfA ..u.-.a.. . . . .. . Ten Booms. Finished Ini fh o. - i-a u I J 11. nnd enihracea every couenlence. To Ii '. einug a Ketlred and Pleasant Home. ann.ri.". . "r nesa. ; ,. I"' "nient to buai. Th. ILr..Vnd Fun ?a"e wiifl Z!2Eim ulai Sqni;, at! W aWn- " P- , n IiLLH. FAIQll A (Wis Ivanai.. ' i. W. GURLEY, DENTIST. Main R . nfa.ii. n wwrftrr t ii Lai.n..n... W ,.v"."B,orJll'l jrU''l'lC INFORM chit.y,,,yha;ng ?;.drm".odP;ct less onal tour tli-.,.ii.v. i.. . -""e-. ai'o aaainea, ue Una 1 I I I r again resumed the practice of BKNTidrn v i. . formerly occunl. L i.STi. ....T.r.RY room Wood A- Butler, l'hJtograLi "aIIs T i aT dron Bros.' Dn'ig slo? ll.''i !.V. '"' Entire Denture on Gold Base. .18 j ,m. Onld w irn.T ,,,u",.Jo":i"lte Base 84 ii Cold Killings inserted from one dollar unwVrd Chlldrens' Teeth ntnst.A ,.. """r "pwara. F . DU. TT Tfvr I Watchmaker and Jcvrelcr MAIM fiTDepar . . . "7 "".UALl.l.S (1WX1 BOOB 10 HI AsljAT 01-noi.V D-iaWnia, JEWELRT. Stacleeriery, '? SMti W. ' Tl',r',.cu!ar aitenUeninald to Mnairi J irSS.-W'Jr, .to. AU Watch;i1. . v n ah ; " 'Z montha. . .. r.h.rwVt5r..t.n,d.oi?;r """ Vufr JOS-UXMrl ELPELT Wliniva it .M . 3 jtm jutaii, DKaiuoi iir Taney & Staple Dry Goods. CLOTHIMC. BOOTS AMD SHOES BATS' AND n a pv att Gcnllciiici'8 Furnlshlnr Goodt. StfX1"00' Bt0,, Btore- co"' "f Main ,d ConH . oc4-lf MRS. L WUITOC- 35112 w PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS VTaSnlnsrtnn Mra. II StorT SIZ Vf OALtERTover L .iT-ii wo' r.etfv annonnc. i.ia I -vsw wiHiiinir - " those wishing rhotosranhg. r,aru a ri.t- ... o7.rd'i.tSurLhn-Jch?fl-oc21:tf. "wnIe,''oChl'dren Pictures. IIiubt Muitw. . J.H. Afnapnv- MARTIN & MURPH Y. .' &eitfA .