WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOV. 20, 1805. Parties art still leaving Boise for Blackfoot. A light fall of stow occurred in Boise Bnain on the 18th lost. Indians till infest the road between Boise City and Owyhee. Tn man killed by Boise at Walla Walla a week ago, was named Pox. Wibn the weather n very foggy in the Wil lamette Valley in winter, the people hope foi continuation of ' fine weather." Hibak Kotuz bus been convicted in Boise of murder in the first degree for killing a Cbi- Daman. - Many of the troops lately in the Confederate army are enlisting in the armies of the United 'states.. Wi have received from BT. M. Waite, Secre tary of the State Agricultural Society, a pmphlet containing the premium listot the lite State H'air, the Constitution of the Society, the opening address for 1865, an essay on sheep-husbandry, and much other interesting matter. It is handsomely printed by the TUB OCEAN STB AMKRS AND THB CO- LiVMUlA RIVER ROC TK. The power to maintain tho trade to the mines in Idaho and Eastern Oregon, by way of the Columbia River ronte, rests mainly iu the bands of tbe owners of the ocean steam ers plying between San Francisco and the mouth of tbe river. The companies owning tbeae ships bare heretofore carried passen gers and freights at rates which can only be described as exorbitant. Their profits in con sequence have been immmense. They might have been even greater if tbe direct tine of trans portation bad been followed, but tbey have chosen to follow instead of leading; to go out of the way to build up tbe interests of others, instead of keeping on tbe natural route and building up their own interests. By this policy they have aggregated in the bands of others a sufficiency of capital to build up an ocean steamer opposition which they are not likely to be able to compete with, unless tbey aim to carry freights to be delivered on tbe direct line of trade. Tho number of steamships on tbe Pacific Coast is so great that, if our mining trade were taken away from those now running in it, the shipskthu thrown out of employment would probably find ro ether field of opera tions. In fact tbey would become something worse than a total loss, as tbe care of them and necessary repairs would be heavy items Farmer Office Wakla Walla Hri-We condense from of expense, with a very remote prospect that lh. S, nf 9.1th in., th. following : 7 W0Uld 09 Callea ,Dt0 U9e R8a,n The annexation queetion has been re-opened, 11 la ooi! reason, ble, however, to give the and is being argued at length with great ncumen. The apparent disadvantages of tbe Msumption of part of (be State debt is plainly compensated by the regular administration of justice; the advantages of the Insane Asylum and the Penitentiary, which the State already proprietors of these steamers credit for ordi nary forethought, and if we do so the conclu sion must be arrived at, that they intend to strenuously exert themselves to maintain tbe trade and travel by tbe Columbia River route. Tbe method of doing this with certainty is has built; theSpecffio Contract Law, which easily solved. The advantages of speed, cheap. raonot be obtained .from tbe Washington Ter rltory Legislature, and the general considera tion of being citizens of a State- instead of a Territory. The effects of the hurricane in Walla Walla Valley on tbe 19th inst., were very severe. Hay-stacks were overturned and scattered ; partially completed bouses were blown nbout promiscuously; limbs of trees twisted off, and a general Injury or destruction of i things exposed to the fury of the winds. Tbe news from Kootenai is very discourag ing, not more than sixty men will stop there the coming winter. By another year the mines will probably be abandoned, for tome years, ' Sheep and- Cattle Movsbsnts. We learn that several bands of cattle have crossed the Columbia above this point, and are to betaken to the Attanum, Eeetitas and Yakima valleys. A portion of tbem. are stock-cattle, and the owners intend to loode these for tbe purpose of breeding stock. There are already fifteen families on tbe waters of the Yakima, and tbe inducements held out are so brilliant that tbe rapid settlement of that section is almost a certainty.. A great portion. o the sheep taken to that side of the river are intended for breed ing purposes, and this important branch of industry is-receiving all the attention, which the most hopeful can expect. In tbe spring a considerable reaction will take place among immigrants who have gone down to tbe Wil lamette Valley to settle. Satisfied with the drenching railns, the Oregon mist and the fathomless mul-holes of that country,, they will come east of the Cascade to enjoy a glimpse of sunshine. These erratic- move- Columbia Lodge, Ho. S, I. O. O. F. MeeU every Thursday evening at 64 o'clock, iu Oaten' Hall, corner of Second and Court Stroets. Brothers (n good standing are Invited to attend. By order. N. G. Isaac F. Bloch, -San Francisco. C. 8. MlLLML Sia.-SciuwBAcnr.R, Dalles. NOTICE IS nBKEDT GIVEN that the Co-partnership hereto fore existing: between K. 0. HARDY. C. L. MITCH ELL end P. W. THOMPSON, doing a mercantile iiusl ness In this place, under the name of K. 0. Hardy A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and hereafter me business ot said nrra will be conducted by Js. u. Hardy, who alone Is authorized to collect and settle the; accounts of sold firn. E.C.HARDY, - I C. li. MITCHELL, Bnsnnvllle, Grant Co., Oregon, F. W. THOMPSON. .. Nor. 13, 1806. n29:lro TOYS I TOYSjJTOYS! TOYS! FOR TOYS AKU FANCY GOODS For the Holidays, we recommend all dealers In that line to the BASKET AND TOY EMPORIUM of ' THOMAUKH ft ZUIN, 820 and 822 Battery Street, n28:3m I - San Francisco. Bloch, Miller Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN Wines & Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of CLOTHING- Boots & Shoes, . Under Clothing, Blankets, etc., etc., etc I Dissolution Aotlce. fXI11" FIBM OF J. W. MILLER ft CO. have this day H. atsnosea oi their tiiiscltv to Messrs. Bunnell ft Miller, who will continue the business at the same tand. Mr. Thomas Miller Is authorised to settle nil liabilities and collect all debts due, All persons knowing themselves Indebted will please come forward and settle and save cots. J, W. MILLEU ft Co. Dalles City, Nov. 23d, 1666. n23tf SELLIlsTO OFF!! BELOW COST!! The entire remaining Stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVER & PLATED WARE, Must lie disposed of within the next thirty days, RE GARDLESS OF COST. Call and examluo the stock, bnv your Presents now, and forthwith, and it will be at a saving oi at least iiri v run cknt. At Will. UiUIVU AUDI'S n25tf - Jewelry Btnre, Main Street, next door to the Poet Oiuce. .ASSA.Y OFFICE. WE HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION wfih our business, under the entire supervising of Mr. Miller. Vi mdi returns In liars in six hours We guarantee all our Assays and pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE for liars. We also pay the Highest Cash Price for Gold Dust. BLOCH, MILLER ft 03., my6tf Cor. Main' and Washington streets. Dnlles. SE LLING OJPJP AT COST, TO CLOSE BUSINESS t nets and directness, all enter into the conoid, eiation of the question, and the tnx so long paid to the diversion of freights up the Wil laraette River is matter tf Bpecial Import in this connection. An attempt will be made tbe coming year to maintain this diversion and to establish tbe present line of trade from San Francisco to the mines to tbe east. Steamers running between. Portland and San Francisco, in the Interest of the former place, will be placed on the line, and the San Francisco steamship in terest will bare a struggle to maintain their connection with the trade. By offering the mining trade the advantage of direct trans mission of goods, and moderate fares and freights, they will naturally secure the patron age of that class of people ; but without this direct movement they will bave to carry goods and passengers in that very Interest which will be all tbe time striving to drive- tbem out of tbe trade. As we have stated before, tbe larger part ol tbe freights coming into the-month-of tbe Columbia River is destined for the "mines, and is either owned by tbe San Franciscans or traders in tbe mines. Each and all of these-desire tbelr goods to be for. warded by tbe most direct route, which Is also tbe most economical. There are some respects in which tfils ques tion Is of vast Importance ro a considerable portion of tho people of tbe Willamette Valley, and tbe steamboat Interests on tbe Willamette River. To tbe agriculturist it Is Important .that be Bbould have tbe most direct means of transportation, so that be may bring bis goods Into market so as to compete with the California producers ; to- the steamboat man it is. important that tbe trade shall go by wa Umatilla., 13 o i s o; , AND IDAHO Express and Fast Freight Line. THI9 LINE IS N0W7k COMPLETE RUNNING order from Umatilla to Idaho City, via Boise City, and prepared to carry Freight and Valuable Packages between these and all intermediate points with certainty and despatch. Tbe Llnela Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely JNew Thorough-Brace CONCORD Amk. 'gm WAG ONS, TytSsg THE UNDERSIGNED would respect fully lnlorm thelt patrons and the puhllo at large, tliat they wilt commence to sell this day, their lai ge and kaudisoiu Btock of Clutlitnsr Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Fancy Goods, Hats ft Caps, Ladies' Sl-ies, Boots ft Shoes, Children Shoe) Rubber Goods, Hats, Blankets, Salem Clothe, Ac, 4c, ftc, A.T COST. In order to retire from business, the above Stock must be sold within Sixty Days, and STRICTLY AT COST I All persons Indebted to the firm will please call and) sot tie their bills immediately, thereby savins; all nnne cemary future trouble. C011N ft B0I1M. Dalles, Oct. 2, 1Bd. oclitr. Oregon Steam Navigation Co. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ,1 Which ensures Speed and Safety In the transmission of freight, never berote ottered to Idaho. We offer Supe rior inducements for Shipping Goods from San Francisco and Portland to Idaho, as our arrangements with the ocean Bteamsmp uompany ana tne Oregon Steam Navi gation are such that all Goods shipped by this Line will not be subject to the usual dolays, but pass through as. Fast JTreiglit. Goods shipped from San Francisco to our care at Port land, Charges will be paid and Goods shipped to destina tion. O00DS SITOULD BE MARKED: CARS B. It. D. ft CO, F. LINK, and Shipping Receipts sent to onr Agents Bi roriiHiiu aim uimuiiia. Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will be forwarded with tfispatcu to Owyhee and South Boise. PASSENGERS1 CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Families will be furnished1 with Superior Ac commodations In New and' Easy Riding Thorough Brace I f rnenl of tho irrepresible Western man are to ,ter instead of across the Cascades Range by be expected. Until they baive-gone to tbe lug fftrroer' own teams and patk-tralns. Tbe western limits of land-travel it is impossible- to detain tbem.;, but after their curiosity is satlsfiad tbey reason cooly, and weigh closely tbe relative advantages of tbe two sections, and choose according to their needs, means nnd tastes. Tbe increase-ef sheep and stock raising on the pastures on tbe central plains of the Columbia Basin will soon be forced by circumstances, even if nothing were done to stimulate It. The present stock of sheep in the Willamette is so great that it must needs seek distribution over a greater area, and tbrre is but one direction in which It can be branched that is, up tbe Columbia. Tbe 250,000 sheep now in tbe Willamette country will fully stock that section la tbe coming Tour years, and even now it stands sheep-grow- a.i In h IaaLI A 1 I I. .!.! beep mav be led and become nrofitable. Th. BDl ,,n from $3 " 5 aod M c whl policy ot cutting up tbe lands la that valley man can auora to worn ror any bdco wages into smau uoidings will hasten tbe exodus or I for years to come, tbe Johns are to have a ucvji uvui iuene' ituaoce. steamboat line operating, up tbe Willamette roust see tbat In shifting freight at Portland it is adding ao item of expense, wbicb'ls one ef several, wbich tend ultimately t drive the transportation of produce into other channel's Tbe advantages of carrying on a long section of tbe river, instead of a short one are so ob rious tbat they require no discussion. By tbe oompletion of tbo works at the Oregon City portage there are practically only two river sections between the Willamette Valley and the mines. A Cuisise company intends to introduce some thousands of laborers Into tbe Boise mines tbe coming Tear. There is in that country a vast field for laborers who- are con te ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, until further notice, - Tlio PasBcnjev Train to connect with steamers- FOR UMATILLA & WALLXJLA Will start from the R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Ill nnday a, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 4l30 A. M. THE STEAMERS "ONEONTA" or "IDAIIO," CAPT. J. MoNULTY Commander, Will leave BALLE3, DAILY. (Sundays excepted) at & o'clock, a. m., connecting by the CASCADE RAILROAD, with the steamer "NEW WORLD " or " CASCADES," CAPT. J. WOLF Commander, Portland. Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms. We lav over eicn night on the Road at Good and' Convenient Stations, so mut yasseugors win uoi ua uepnvea oi regular East AGKNTSt RICHARDS ft McCRAKKN San Francisco RlCrUKDS ft McCRAKEN Portland JUMrxu TKAL Dalles POWELL ft COK i Umatilla B. WILKINSON Le Grand M. DuKKLL ft CO Boise City M. DuHKLL ft CO Idaho CHv MAJOR SPEKIt Rocky Bar (South Boise) DuRELL ft MOOUK Hnby and Silver Olrros B.M. DuRELL & CO., n25tf, Proprietors. AUCTION M COMMISSION. JOHN WI JL.LIVMS.. AUOTIONEEE, IV on 10O, Main Street, Dalles City. WriLL ATTEND TO Tint SELLING AT AUCTION m w ol uenerai Merciiandise, Real Estate. Groceries. noises, now nuu cecoiiu iiuuu f uruuure, DIOCKB, AC., 0. Regular Sales Day Saturday Out-door and' Special Sales attended to In ao nart of the City. Liberal Advances made on Consignments, nUhSm. - JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. W. B. BRADFORD, n!2tfj Ageut O.S.N. Co. Dalles. Nov. 13, 1866 REMOVAL. J. GOETZ, Dalles. F. KOENIGSBERGER, San Francisco. W. P . Ml L L E Ftr ; (Successor to-Payne ft Co.) WILL ATTEND promptly to Bales of Real Estate, Dry Goods, Groceries. Horses, and Mules. Will receive and forward Goods entrusted to his care: soil I Ta Ilia Dry Goods, Groceries, Horses, and Mules. Grain and Hny on Coi upon Reasonable terms. Days Tuesdays ana Saturdays MAIN STREET, DALLES. nil. mission, and cent Real Estate Consignments Solicited. Bale NOTICE. 171 8. HOLLAND M MY AUTHORIZED AGENT to ? a attend to collecting and settling; up my business, during my absence: Those Indebted to me or. to Payne ft Co., are requested to pay him immediately and save oosts, as he has outers to collect. F. A. 0. PAYNE Dalles. Nov. 13, 18116. f 1311. 13. V. MITCIIELT.. OrncK WALD RON'S BtJILDirrC?. Basinmoa Corner of Third and Washington Streets, FOR SAL.C A FIRST CLASS, SECOND HAND PIANO, can be had on reasonable term. Inquire at this Office, or of rfw A.w.mwusOfi. J. GOETZ &, CO., TOBACCONISTS, Have removed to Rudio's New Stone Building, : Washington Street, near French ft Oilman's, and havsn. opened a well-assorted stock of HAVANA and DOMESTIC SEGARS, V 11)111 Nl A and WESTERN TOBACCO,. FRENCH and SCOTCH BNUl-'K, MKERSCilAUM nnd other PIPES, . PLAYING CARDS, SPORTING GOODS, -1MD1AN and FANCY.000DS, ftc., ftc The-trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICES? II LACK FOOT EXPltESSo. DWIG1IT & BACON, Proprietors. riMlK PUBLIC ARE HEREBY INFORMED that vte JsV have coneluded arraugviuenls for thettransaction of.' Express Husiness TO-ANftFBOM THE BLACK FOOT COUNTRY l. . and li'ave commenced makir.g regular trips from WALLA. WALLA, via Lewlston, to VIRGINIA CITY, HELENA, Ol'lilll ft BLACK FOOT CITY. All business entrusted- . to us will be attended to v;lth promptness .nd dispatch.. - 4T Particular attention paid to COLLECTIONS. Wilt leave on their second trip, starting from WalUv Walla, October 3d; Lewiston, October 6th. sel8-2in Tax-payera ot Wasco. County.. Bncnirr and Tax CollictoVs Orrrci. V Warn County, Oregon, JVev. 14, 18S5. J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES, that the time for pay lug State and County taxes for the your 1806 wilL expire on- irliUAX, VKVKMUKH TUB 1ST, All taxes remaining unpaid on personal property after thap date will be oollected the same as on oxecution. CIIAS. WHITE, BherlS wi Tax Collector Wasoo-Co-, Oregon. Pftllcs City, Nov. 14, 18B6. nolt-gwd 1. 1. BAR.. H. H. OATIS. GATES & Attorneys & Counsellors at Ijiw, DALLES, OREGON. NOTICE. GEORGE LIEBE Is my duly authorised agent riurlnc. " my absence in the Eastern States, to attend to the collection ot all accounts due nis, and also th- late Una of Wlutornielr ft Muugsr. . A. WlNIEMUCUt.