9a iltr Mouutaiiucr. Epitome oi" Teiesrapliic News. rOOHPILKD ISOM Till OREOONI.IK. DATES TO NOVEMBER 30. Atlantic Kcwi, new 1 Of, tinv. 14.Thn nrnnnllnr nfnM. tana, from Mew York for San Francisco, was Ht Rio Janeiro Oct. 3d, after twenty-six days Raleigh, Nov. 16. Official vote of the Fifth uuoKreBBiunni lisitici. boowb mat tteulora HrAwn Iq nlnntpil nvnr TTiiwa Kv Qfl vniaa Philade.lphia,Wov. U. Washington L. Lane, A', i .. ' L. r t j j . i i uuim'i ui iuv jicacier, uitru ims morning. : Aisie York. Nor. 15 Tha Tim,,' onnnl.l saja: Two companies of Hancock's corps, uiaiioneu nt Aioanr, were aiapiut-tiea to liur lington yesterday. It is supposed they are destined for Maine. - ' The World? t Washington special Bays that Gen. Sanborn has been appointed by the Praaident. Atrpnt tn hiirmnnitB ilia tVauH man , q . " ......... .uw made free in the Choctaw and Cherokee na tions Dy tne recent Indian treaty. Lawrence. Kanitnjt. Nnv. 14 f!nl ftravA. special inaian Agent, and Uol. Dodd, Agent v. n xT . i i . i . , ur Aiiivnjus, icu uere 10-uay wnn a train of twenty-five wagons laden with agricultural implements and a auantitr of troodaand nra- enti i for that tribe. About 8,000 Navajos have agrecu iu seme on recos river and aban rlon thnip wild narAtrtt lif' " Kew York. Not. IS. The TVi'jmim'j annflnl dispatch says : By order of the Secretary of vrr -1 ra . -n -. i m mar, tue name oi rori Klcnmond, INew I org harbor, will be changed to Fort Wadawortb Philadelphia, Nov. 15. The through train from Newark for Washington, which left at 8 o'clock this morning, ran through the turn table of the New Jersey Railroad. Two men were killed and several injured. ' A Washington special says : Oen. Steele represents the Imperial force at-Matamoras aa completely beleagured. He expresses the ouinion that the French will ha nnmnalliM .. surrender to the Liberals who hold both banks of the river, and environ them on all sides. The Liberata hava aiithnntin Inform-tinn that three weeks ago the Imperialists were reduced to one-tbird rations, and they are completely cut uu irum v era uruz ana ramptco. The Timet' Havana letter of November 8th renOrtB the defftat and fanhir nf lhn P' publican General Ortega, In Michoacan, and the destruction of his whole army. His troons were divided in thro, hnrlio. nninM Morelia, and so they were beaten in detail and dispersed, 400 prisoners remaining in the hands of the Imperialists. The Republican General Diaz, Ib said to have led the attack on Morelia. Though at first successful, be was finally beaten. The Republican General Ro tates was defeated at Alamos, in Sinaloa. Tbe adhesion of Lower California to the Empire is annonnced. New York, Nov. 15 The steamer Periia iron. Liverpool on tne 4tn has arrived Tbe Danish Minlstrv have ranio-norl Tbe preliminaries of a treaty of commerce between England and Austria have been con cluded. . ' Chicaao. Nov. 20. 2:45 p. v Th r.t-t- Shenandoah arrived at Liverpool, and was sur rendered to the British Government with her captain ana crew. Signed, RANKIN, ' Affent of thn AaBiniatait Pnn.a New York, Nov. 14. The Hartford Currant vi jcowiuu), any a it ig iniormea semiom cially, that a company of marines from Can ada crossed into Maine for the purpose of ar resting deserters. The men refused to re turn with the officers, and applicatioh was maae to tne united States authorities to nave mem given up which was refused There was dancer of an nnthrenlr Hancock's corps is ordered te rendezvous in Maine. A company attached to Hancock's corps in that city, left for Augusta, Maine, on Saturday evening. The Hartford Poet says the company left the city on Sunday for AuflrustaT. it ia rumnrnd nifhii in nnnvanf t,a ; Fenians from entering Canada, or to prevent uiiiiDii ouiuires irora capturing aoserters ' from their army who have fled to the United O.-A otui.es. New York, Nov. 14. The Herald Milled ville dispatch says : The new constitution of tieorgia, constructed by the State Conven tion, was adopted as a whole Nov. 6th. As it was adopted the State debt contracted to mil tue reueuiou IS repudiated. New York, Nov. 16. A fireman's riot oc enrred in Jersey City this evening. Several persons were injured- Tbe riot was quelled bv the sheriffs and some arresta mnrlo Richmond papers say that at the opening of tbe United States District Court in Richmond, Nov. 14, Martin F. Conway was the only lawyer who couiu oe aaroutea to practice. Mo others hare taken tbe necessary naih. A special dispatch to the Tribune says that the rebels defeated all tbe Union candidates in Northern Alabama. Prank TT (lmiu h. murderer of Gen McCook, was elected sheriff of Madison county. Rev. J. P. Morris who declared that be could not take tbe oath, and any man who could was a black hearted traitor to tne outn, was elected to Congress from tl.ji m . i UinulBOD LHBiriCt. waldron nnns.. . Wholesale & Retail Druggists, ia mil BiTvvti atui-s.. urviroii. WE NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO BTORYFIRB nrndf Rtnnn lmilillnip nmuialta ltlnnt. Mill... At Co., and offer to tlx publlo a full and eomulete stock of Drugs, Mediclnoi and Cliomlcale, consisting In part of B.EKUBKKK, P WICKS ft CUIMNEYS. ALUUHUIi, BAOB, LINSKRD, LEKOIIKS, LAKD. OnilKA. CA.T0R AND . ixnioo avt NKATSKOOT Olt. LANPUI.ACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER. BRACES, SUPPORTERS, AND PATKNT IVTMnTriTIVTIT'SI. Our atuck of FANCY GOODS I a of the flneat and beat qunmy;"uew styli-s onil large aiwortnienta, anch aa UTltlN'H PMWVIIKMItV II A I tt rUMAUKS. S1IAVINO, Uun.M KT1U8, HAT, UA1H 011,8. CI.OTIIRS. COI.OGNH. Tfinrii ivn FANCY 80AP8 AND NA1LUUU8HE8 PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, J.J UK EE; VH0LI8ALI ATJ KKTAIL TlKAT. IV "v CIGARS, ' TOBACCO, SNTIFF, piPEs,:ito..'.. ALWAYS IK BTORI TBI BIST nuM 0 Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. IBliAIlNU CAIIDS, POCKKT CUTLERY. PORT MONIKS, COMBS anil BRUSHES, o' all kinds, PKRFUMBRY.ot every description, Oil TV 1 nuWIUUVnia ' TOYS, DOLLS, etc. iisu uuoRSand FTSHTNQ TACKLR. MUSIOAr. TMRTimxiuvTa ' FANCY flnnni i. ' A 1 It ft PnvSw flhnl l.a.il T,A. m-.i...- , ' i-..it, iuwuiii lllIUlJMH0U,inil many other articlea too nutneroQi to mention. - . Tntilni-n1 ...II.J -.i.u m . ... T- n)iiiu Mini inrn, -xoDHcoo.eie. at lose than Portland prioea, with frehtfit added. oo-8 PRANKLTN MATlTrr.T. . . CORNKR OF8KC0ND AND WASUINGT0N STREETS VALUES, OREGON, JOHNEPPINGKR Proprietor rVlK UNDKKSIUNKO JL liavlnir fitted op the above Market In the Bife-T Bri tE, wUI keep oonatant- v. r,itM,n.i 1.1 1 1UCUIUUW U11,U0C, Ourfocilitlus fur buying goodi are second to none In nio auu no niir.ii nij an iimup Bell at S imUU tUl" VtUAV-Q bUDII UVOUJ DBIVS ItllU BUIHit UrUlllS. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all houra of tbe day and night. Dnllna. ftnnt 0. lfiKA. . ...li r REMOVAL GATES Sc CIIAPIN. WU0LE8ALK k RKTAIT. DEUGGI8T8, nave nemovea to RUDIO'S STOKE IIVILDIIVG, WA8UIN0T0N STREET. DALLES. "WHirnKRK we will continue to aell articlea nanally w v Kept in a rirswjiwts urux store, at 2D per cent. AM I U V DKluu TU Inlin m,ir ... W w wwjp. au Eii.irvinM WIUI DIUID, ll LKSS THAN ANY HTOHW TN THE PITV coitaiBia in part oi Patent Medicines, JSxtracta, Bpongea, Truxaea, Braces, jrainu. Yarnlepea, Oils, Our stock VlSlt, Y IMPORTANT TO i Merchants, Families, Ilotcls and iiAU-KOOMH. i "TTTT.TTTSI TTR A PMVI) irivtun nvritvn nnn . v lire Stock of MerchnndiM and Honk ArcAnnti nf At a i. ' oener in uiu city, to which he hiu u iuiiudubu oiwi vi me ue manuiacturea urockery, Glassware. . Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery booking-Glasses and All Kinds of Oils. All nf wt.IoK 1.. nira . n . . Ing to buy any of the Rbore-ment toned article,, will do Orders from the Interior pnJhiptly attended to, and iihumu av Ki" ovruto. mm v mu iu can on me. Uudlo'Bt3tone UulldiuE. waahintTton strtmt. DaIIm. JUUU8 KUAKMKR Dallei, March lTth, 1865. mhlTtf lv nn littnil ll invia rf res ii ana cured meats, . Of the beat quality furnished at tbe LOWEST HATE My motto la to " f LEASE ALL." PARTIES HAVING SDl'KltrOR 8T00H. TOll SALv Will do well to call at tlie 1'ranklln Market. Dalles, February 19th, 1801. i , .. . WASHINGTON MAItKET, oornu or v COURT AND 8EC0ND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON juhw MiCHEliBACH, Proprietor. , wiiai, keep c constantly on hand all the yarle- i Lie. mat Ana niiArKHt ran nn.. Lin ... i .ir0rd.of .f , irrki FRESH Ac CURED MEATS.' and always of the btst quality. , FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBUATS . supplied on reasonable terma., . . i Tbe underalgneq la alwaya pmpared to pay the liter eatcaeh price for FAT CATTLE. Partlea BaTing stockr in ffood condition, are reaueittad in (.nil nn him n.r., golnff eUewliore. JOiHa MICUKLBAC1I. Dalles, March 8lat,186S. - ih8Wf Pnre Wins, .nil lirannv. Fancy A Common Soap, uiur iirunnes CorkB, Acids, Tooth Powder, Alcohol, IT ...IB Bohemian Toilet Seta. Kunnnrtant. An. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS Carefally Compounded. Give na a call aud satisfy ynur- BoiYon uen'ro uruiiMiug eieewnore. xi. si. vu&.ifl, Lniuiij JUDlln UATJSS, TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN! FEED! FEED1! SHORTS, AND FEED OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAE BY n It. II. LAW, 9J Vmnt. Rtisutt VnftUnd - Opposite 0. 8. N. Warvhouse. WTAS III IP. WYCKMAJN , RRMnVPn TTT8 BAAT A VTi OVrrvn nearlv nnnoRitA Mn.ulir'a Hull hiu l.. Just received, direct from San vVaucIhco. anun- ubimiijt uu uu wait idieciea siocs oi BOOTS AND SHOES, Of tlie'TSrV bnat nnnlUw nA Intm. s..1u EVER BROUGHT TOTHIS MARKET, Including the celebrated ENGLISH HUNTING SHOE manufactured by Benkert. Also, a large asaortment of Ladles' and Children's Gaiters, Of the latest 8typa, Juat received from the beat Phil adelphia niakers. Also, a Tory large assortment of FINE DRESS BOOTS. strGentlemen wlin nrofar tn A uatm H ov. made to order, can rely upon obtalnlne a nent and easy ' ivnaiAn, xuaio sireei. CITY MARKET. S. LAUDER & Co., Proprietors. Will keep-oonatantly-on kand-(he best ltlEATS OF ALL KIDS. A LIBERAL SHARE Of PATRONAGE la jrm. xiiiciieu, ea wa exyeel to keep aa gooj mi mom i iiticii. ui Hawaii Hiui ni trnm, nn. lty, aa tbe counts affenlsr and will Deliver the tame to Purchasers la the City. Parlies having Superior Stock for sale will do well to If. us a call before disposing ol it elsewhore. 8. LAVllKlt.ACo., Southeast corner of Washington and Third Sts Pppoalt. Koster'a Ulacksmlth BIiod. at selO-sf Opposite Moody's Uall, n!9:tf. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING f 188 0'ROURK R DBSIRE8 TO INFORM the has Just receired a fresh supply of Fashionable Goods,. TliA latin Ptla. Vn V.t .-J O T I . ns in, Amir mm chu rmiiciBCO HljIOB vmwvua m l -..n i ii i L .... . V Ladles' Ready-Made Garments. Alao, a Fashionable assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! done at short notice. HON NETS llleached and Pressed iu tu tuieHi aiyie, a large aasortinent or Children's Ocady-Mado Clothlnsr Conatantly on. hand. Having secured the services of a First Class Dress Maker. I am prepared to cut aud fit TjAflIa.1 and Phll.lpnn'n nilPDQVO I mnitfa THIRD BIUKKT, one square out of tbe Catholic NEW SALOON. NEW STONE BT0RE, WASHINGTON STREET, jnuKKSKinisu would resnectfu lv nnnnnnn t ll. Avlll nnnn n A..l..l.u u,.l i u i. . Oilman's New Stone Bnll.lln, THIS EVENING, and la B)VA TV I.U9AUU1UI. WIAtl AllO UOSl OI Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ALSO, A EREE LUNCH Every day and Evening. ocsstr. John niNnr.AtiR Oregon Steam IVavigatlon Co.'s NOTICE! THE FOLLOWING RATES OF FREIGHT have been establlahed: Grain, Vearetables. Tallow. Ju. 'u TiR!!Ula o,,,ltl"ltoPortland,$I600 per ton weight naviiinuiin .. t W " . On lVool. From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland 40 02 per lb ituitn) 10 roriianu. i u it On Hides. From Wallula aud Umatilla to Portland, tvajiei to roriuum M Portland, Sep. 23, 1806. ...$0 60 each - " 8. G. REED, Preaident. aep27-2inls W. P. M I L L ER. (Successor to Payne A Co.) AUCTIONEER Wn.L ATTEND promptly to Sales of Real Estato, DrV Goml.. (trfM.Al-ln. Ilnpuw nnJ U..I.. AA'llI rocelve and forward Goods entrusted to his care; sell Grain and Hay on Commissiou, aud rent Real Estate UnOIl RoiUOnalllA tnrmi fVinnUnmanln D.,tl.ll..l a-l- Days . Tuesdays and Saturdays. MAIN STREET, DALLES, nlT. A.- Gr. BBADPOBD, IMPORTER AND JOBBMl OU Wines & Liquors, FRONT STREET, Portland, . . - Oreirnn OFFERS FOR 8ALB A VERT LARGE ASSORT meat of .Brandies, Wines, Liquors, Case Goods, JV3 The TpoIa nat4lA.il..1. a. . . Stock. LufnrA niirrlinMiniT aUnul.... . r v,nl"fi nU'M-TI NOTICE TO FARMFRR. 'V Sulkv9, LDMD8 AND MANUVACTURING wu una rwouiiv niiitciiea a FLOURING MILL to their Stoam fliuh nrl tw,. AA. u id. ma.. . . '""a nA,iu4 iu ini uiir. una ,r.,1Vw I";8PRr(l1 ' CHOP FKKD, GRIND WHEAT and -"" - "..mi. w. gire uio nasi BiiuslactUiu. On Aiciuu (.uu.AmiAiy hqq ioj mile VXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, , URAN AND SHORTS, 01IOP PKKH' Ollinirnij Tjnntt AlSn. a finnArlnin nxtlnln nt 1AtlAf ...... . Corn. , "v'v vl aitaii, irom new liAilr t'i?hMt msrktt prlM I for WHEAT, CORN and Dallo.,Nov.a,1805. FOR SALE. FIRST CLASS, SECOND HAND PIANO, can be had via AwiauuaMv auaausa .nquire at tnis umce. or of no5lAt A llr . i. ..... . 1VOTICE. 1 S. TOLLAND IS MY AUTHORIZED AGENT to. ja , .miiu ao ooneciuig ana settling up my buslnesa, during my absence. Thoso Indebted to ma or to Payn. - n.iM.j.ieiA w pity nini lmmeuiateiy aim aav. I costs, as ho has orders to collect. F. A. 0. PAYNE. iaiioa, nor. ih loua. li.r FRENCH MILLINERY STORE Opposite Cohn ttv Bohin'a. YToNC,FBT"E,i?.T. "OS! JAB UO.WLTS, HATS, FEATHERS FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, Dress Trlmmliir jb, In order tn m.fc. . . ,..:T' that a BONN vt. ir I i:"''':"10" " oocomes necessary idorn theh" """"i-omely Trimmed, .hould Pitlcular atVentronpald to DU"AB,ilS fKIC,i8' Embroidery and Braiding Stamping. U. BROWN & BR0., namiUA. KUAUTlU.B.aUliailt FANCY AND STAPLE ' DEYGOODSI' GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, do. Mr. M. DROWN, h.in. . are enable,, , ofle, g,7nd7.." o pVcnr'wt mr eiune atore, north aide Main street, Dalles. FOIl 8ALK. or bale at a Low Firnro . bde.l!r,Ti,e,,d,OC " n'on 4Mlr-'f locality could . 7 .. -n T,1" "rou",1 ornameuted with shnibberr and the building, contains T Ten Rooms, Finished In thn Boat fi,ri and embraces every couTpnlenrn. Tn . ..i 1. slrtoB Retired and Pleasant Home, convenient to bnstT .. .I " "soiu togetner orsounr- ; ' P"l'ermay desire. Fur Itaitho rtL- t"""" - nnl.tf W iLLS FAR00 A CO.'S. EXPRESS OFFICE. : . W. GURLEY, DENTI&T. Maiu St.. Dtvll... n... 1W "ulJ" 'AA.oi'j5t;TrULLY INFORM i Tu i ci'l,en of tl"is place and vl- v.....,, twit uaving returned from a pro less onal tour thri.ni.1. ti.. L . .-.".... .n AAiiiitiB, ne nas I I SI attain resumeil Hm m-nntu. r i.L.A.m.nn... . .. rnierjjccupied Cy him In VuUd''ic IZmZ dB'KM , ...VM. . uuuuouance oi th. same. . t,8T S-10-8. Entire Dentnre on Gold Base.. .ion , ; upper Denture, Gold Daee. on i i. n iiS':V,erl,f Vul" Base 84" ii Go d t illitifc. inserted from on. dollar upward ChUdreiis' Teeth extracted free af charge. ,.13-tf F . X Til TT ivr Watchmaker and Jeweler MAIU QTHeev a.... t .....1. w AIA.A5.I, UALLES, (kiii door io tns absai orncs.1. T.iE! " H WATCHES, JEWELRY. 8recracle.rciiriory.ArW'"r War wZm,1. r C "."""'" P"ia to repairing nnettui4S wSeTltt WatcblsrepK, urae Irom the upper ooontrv hv v, r otherwise, promptly attended to' ' Vulfit? nu KLTAIL BBAIIB lit Fancy & Staple Dry Goods. ! CLOTHING, BOOTS ANn uM , rw . MM . sJJ-a-f O ij i.'J pv a1 vr. Cenlicmett's rurnlsuIuy Goods. Street.: 0'"u corn Main and Court oci-tf MRS. L. WHITE'S KEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS.5 TTAVIN0 NEWLY FITTED UP THE OAITwnv those wishing Store, would .0 nWZ Photographs, Cartg de Tlsitc. Ac Umn.TMABT.lt. 1 J.M. MvaruT. Sc MURPHY, - m j a-ui-in w.