P TUESDAY MOBNIXfl, HOY. 28, 1805. MlNMSOTA nisei 10,000,000 bushels of. wheat this year, and will have 6,009,007 basbels to sell. She will also bare $2,900, 000 of oats to sell. HB I STORE ASH OF THAN SPORT A TIOW OH THJB COLUMBIA R1VKR. Some apprehension baa been expressed tbat the increased production of the agricultural districts, above the Dalles, would In time effect the amount of freights up the Columbia river, and tbat in consequence, the proportion of freight to popnlation would continual! de crease. The articles of agricultural production east of this point are, and will be for many years, principally meat and bread, which form about one quarter of tbe total weight of ship ments to any mining section. These average about one and a half pounds to the man aday. Tbe time in which the mines will be altogether Bupplied from tbe fields and pastures east of the Cascades, may be reasonably anticipated at five years in the future. From tbense for ward, one quarter of the weight of mining freights will cease to pay tribute to the navi gation of the Columbia, allowing tbat tbe average of freight to the man is six pounds a Isaao F. Dt.ocn, Ban Francisco. ness be made to flow amootbly and steadily, instead of spasmodically, as has too often oeen ine case nereiorore. ionsiaeranons ni i;n neb as these will doubtless recommend them- JLU5 1V11111F 3w selves to the minds of men of mind, means nd enterprise, and the intelligent and com prehensive understanding of them is tbe trne problem on which tbe minds of our people nouia oe engaged. Th steamer Pacific sailed from San Fran cisco on tbe 24th lost., and if tbe weather has been fair at sea, is now at Portland. The Orizaba did not sail at tie time advertised, wnU'i) was perhaps very fortunate. Tfli United States Mail is carried on Sun day from Portland to Oregon City by steamer. Tbe daily mail is carried every day in the week, and tbe connection is made between tbe two- points as above stated. Whether any person is indictable under the Sunday Law for so doing does not appear. PauTibs wh have just crossed the Cocor day, and this is tbe basis of such calculations, d Alen Mountains report that there was no I founded on tbe experience of California, snow upon them on the 15th inst., but that I It must be considered, however, that tbe rain was falling very heavily, and tbe roads settlement of tbe Columbia Basin is sure to were in a bud condition. The rainy weather produce very considerable shipments of back' continued on down to Walla Walla. . freichts. which are so much nH.l tn m-i,. Truth is Stbamokr tham Fiction. In this "auction in ireignts generally, a practica issue of the paper tbe reader will observe a 019 measure, inese will consist in hides, gold story from the Montana Pott, which uornB' 000,8 W001 8na 109 10 t,me reads verr much like something: which ouebt ,aUed meat8 fflU become Bn important article ' " - I f -l L. .. i. . e i not to b believed : but we have met neraons ",u"' uul maaJ 10 come' from Montana who state that tbey have seen pieces of the gold taken from tbe lode, and that there is no exaggeration in the state ment. Believing tbe story to be cast on a very large scale, we still hope it is trne, and speak for a few gunny-sacks full for this side of the mountains. New Djooihqs. Last summer, while the ieappointed prospectors at Cceur d'Alene were ruehinjr wildly on to Blackfoot. certain iuers tbongbt tbat they were passing over JJOOIS X, SllOCS, as good diggings as they were apt to find at ny place ahead. They tried the gulches and creeks on tbe St. Regis Borgia without suc cess, but after crossing the Missoula, or Clark's fork, tbey followed along the bars of that stream, and about thirty miles below Hell- gate, and in sight of tbe Mullan Road, found One, river gold in quantities which induced tnem to locate and bo to work. Ud to Octo ber they bad done so well that the bis stories about Black loot, which is but a little over a undred miles from them, failed to induce them to go further. About twenty-five men ere preparing to winter there, at our latest aavices. Columbia Lodaro. No. ft. I. O. O. TJ Moeu every Thursday evening at U o'clock, in Gates' Hall, corner of Second and Court Streets. Broth., In good standing are Invited to attend. By order. N. G. A Tm sly Pbsoadtiok. If there should be a scarcity of provisions in Montana the com ing spring, the traders from this side should enter into some combination to procure the earliest information of tbe probable deficit until the 10th of June. ' They would also do well to have their goods forwarded as soon as the road is practicable, to the Spokane Plain or even to Pen d'Oreille Lake, so tbat by the 1st or 10th of March they may be moved toward Hellgate and the mines. An inconsiderable expense will procure early and definite information about affairs in Montana, nd those who move early will gain an ad vantage which will well repay them for their ironoie-. Fully Committed. Frank Jones, accused f forgery,, stands fully committed to the County jail, to take bis trial at the next term of tbe District Court. His bail is fixed at $1000; He had procured a continuance of the preliminary examination for ten days, on tbe plea tbat he expected to prove bis innocence by an absent witness named John Doe, fo.' tbe lack of a better one. After much search John Doe cannot be found, and an opinion Is grow ing up that be is a mythical personage a con clusion somewhat unfavorable to Jones' char Acter for veracity. After serving bis country for three years, Jones ought to have known better than to be making sueh poor imitations of other men's handwriting as those shown in me lorgea cuecks. Socntr iv Boisi Basin. The World ob ArVAfl that lhA VlMniia 1iAlrlnm , - """ v-mi. who were formerly so plentiful in Boise, are now very scattering. They have gradually drifted out of the country; been shot, hung, or run off to other places. It is a pUasant reflection, that "the boys"' are 11 passing As the matter now stands, but a small por tion of tbe live-stock coming east of the moun tains pays anything to the navigation interest, but when the supply of such stock for tbe mines is derived entirely from tbe interior to tbe east, tbe pastoral population will require an increase of transportation, which will form an important element in sustaining the present proportion of freights to population. But by far the most important considera tion, is the increased demand for transporta tion caused by tbe development of tbe quartz mines. Take for instance a forty. stamp mill. with its equipments, weighing oue hundred tons ; its annual repairs, and the beavy hoist ing apparatus of an extensive mining com pany, and add the usual ratio of supplies, and we bave a vast increase of freights over the demands of ordinary placer mines. A mining company snch as this, will work fifty hands, and tbe average of freight for five years, in cluding the required machinery, will be at tbe rate of one hundred tons a year, or some. thing over twice as much as the requirements of the placer mines. From these circumstances, we infer that tbe relation of freights to population, iu tbe com ing five years, will indicate an increase, and that this relation is likely to be sustained as long as the mines continue to be operated with an annually increasing force. There are, however, other considerations which may measurably effect this conclusion, and it seems to be the part of wisdom to take them into account. The cheapness of draft stock, on the Missouri frontier and in California, has stimulated the employment of teams from those localities to our mining districts, 'with the calculation that in the eveht of competi tion from thence proving impracticable, tbey would still find a better field here than in tbe countries wbere tbey were produced From present indications the amount of farm produce from California to tbe mines, and of machinery from the Atlantic slope will cause no small diminution in tbe trade of the Columbia for the coming year. The competition thus forced by a state of circum stances incident to tbe relations of tbe several sections, may be continued from some advan tage to rival routes which we do not at pres TOYS! TOYS !TOYS ! TOYS! FOR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS For the Holidays, we recommend all dealers Id that line to tue basket AMD TOY EMPORIUM of THUMAUER A ZUIN, 320 and .'i'2'2 Rnttnrv Rtroof n2fl:3m gun Francisco. away' and the places which once knew them will never know them any more. Tbe palmy days of the boys were in tbe time of. tbe ex citement about tbe Salmon Rivet mines, whan highwayman considered himself a gentle- ent 8eo' .r "eing do not giTe U dufl ftllow man," only a little reugh." It did seem for a while as if tbe infernal regions had broken loose upon the country, and that the choicest imps of perdition had come into the Nea Per ces country, in tbe shape of " professional gouusuisu. tun uBmiYBi oi crime can ance. It is very probable tbat no such advan tage J exist, and it is very certain tbat tbey bave not been intelligibly set forth. In any ease, the trne policy is to weigh tbe question in its true bearings, without local prejudice and aecept conclusions whatever they may be never be repeated, unless tbe small aravevarrl. makin the bet ' we can grasp. full of great and small rogues, which mark Aa idea aPPears t0 pervade the commercial the ground at Placerville, Florence, Idaho olnmcnlly ,hat " the Montana trade can be CitT. Helleate. East Bannock. Virginia nst. we can afford to submit to tbe loss and many other places should come to life wuwu uuio again to plague mankind. Lying in these ,UQQenyiT8t 10 solidly, built up tue commerce cemeteries is the concrete ruffianism .ht.i. of th6 Columbia River. A conclusion more was gathering for fifteen vears on the Padfin at TariaDCe with true policy cannot be eon. coast, and which epitomises everv crime W need Parti"lnrlv tbe trade of known to man. and acoursed of find.. Tim maD7 P'aces, so tnat wnen tbe demand Black people of Boise are to congratulated upon the ens frotn 0D there may be other poiots re MuU.uv. w u i,i-nu, i sucn a pest. I quiring supplies, and thus the current of busl C. 8. M1M.KB, Bio. Schawdaciter, . . Dallea. WHOLESALE euo O ERS, t ' AND SEALERS' IN , Wines & Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of OLOTHIN&- .ASSA.Y Under Clothing, etc., etc. OFFICE. WE HAVE AN A88AT OFFICE IN CONNECTION wlihonr business, under tbe entire eiiDervlston of Mr. Miller. We make returns in Bars in six hours We guarantee all our Assavs and pay the HIGHEST CASH PIUUH for Bars. We also pay the Ulgheat Cash Price for Oold Suet. BLOCfl, MILLER ft CJ, my6tf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Utilise. SELLING OFJT AT COST, TO CLOSE BUSINESS I THE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully Inlnrm their natrons and the public at large, that they will Dissolution notice TITE FIRM OF J. W. MILLER A CO. have this day disposed of their entire stock, in this cty to Messrs. Bunnell A Miller, who will continue the business at the same Hand. Mr. Thomas Miller is authoriied to settle all liabilities and collect all debts due, All persons knowing themselves indebted will plenae come forward unu twine and BttTO cons. J. w. JUlLtiilSli A Co. Dalles City, Nor. 23d, 1866. nXttf SELLING OFF!!" BELOW COSTII The entire remaining Stock of WATCHES,' JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVER & PLATED WARE, Must be disposed of within the next thirty davs, RE OAKDLK8S OF COST. Call and examine the stok. .. your Presents now, and forthwith, and it will be at a uring 01 at least jrnrxr i-kk CKNT. At WM. MKND AUDI'S nMtf Jewelry Store, Main Street, next door to the l'oet Office. commence to Bell this day, biock or Clothing furnishing uoods, Hals k Cape, Boots A Shoes, , Kuhher Goods, Blankets, Ac their laige and handsome) Umatilla.. Boise AND IDAHO Express and Fast Freight line. THIS LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING order from Umatilla to Idaho Oitv. via Hi.iu. mt and prepared to carry Freight and Valuable Packages "" f mi imoimeuiuie puinu wun certainty and despatch. Tbe Line la Stocked with the Beat Teams Ute country affords and entirely New Thorough-Braoe CONCORD Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ladies' S Children Shoes, lints, Salem Ckitba, Ac, Ac, COST. In order to retire from business, the above Stock must be sold within Sixty Days, and STRICTLY AT COST! AH pernonH indebted to the firm will nleaae call arid settle their bills immediately! thereby saving all untie cewMrj fiiture trouble. , CO UN B01IM., Dalles, Oct. z, 1U. oc3tf. Oregon Steam Navigation Co. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AFIER MONDAT, NOVEMBER 13th, until further notice, Xlie PasBenger Train to connect with steamers FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from the R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Mondays, Wednesday., and Frldava. at 4l30 A. M. ' IDE STEAMERS "ONEONTA" or "IDAHO," CAM. J. MoNULTY Commander, Will leaT DALLES, DAILY, (Sundays excepted) at S o'clock, A. H., connecting by tbe CASCADE RAILROAD, wun we sieaiuvr "NEW WORLD." or "CASCADES," CAPT. J. WOL Commander, foi Portland. W. B. BRADFORD. Dalles, Not. 13, 1806. nl2tfj Agent O. S. N. Co. REMOVAL. Which ensures Speed and Safety in the transmission of Freight, never before offered to Idaho. We offer Supe rior Inducements for Shipping Goods from San Francisco and Portland to Idaho, aa our arrangements with the Ocean Steamship Company and the Oregon Steam Nayl- guiiua are sucn inm an uooos snipped by this-Line will nut iw suiuuci iu mo usual aoiays, uul pass through aa fast ITrolgflAt. Goods shinned from San Francisco to nnr mm at Vnrt. land, Charges will be paid aud Uoods snipped to deetlua- UUDi GOODS SHOULD BE MARKED : CARK B. M. T A CO, F. LINE, and Shipping Receipt! sent to our Agents at Portland and Umatilla. Advance Charges tor Transportation Fata by the Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will be lorwaruea wun uisputcn to Owyhee and Booth Boise. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GRUATf.v PETirrun RATES. Families will be furnished with Superior Ac commodations In New and Easy Riding Thorough Brace J.GOETZ, Dalies. . KOENIGSBERGER, San Francieoov J. GOETZ fc CO. TOBACCONISTS, Have removed to Rudio's New Stone Buildiner.. Washington Street, near French A Oilman's, and Lav vpenea a weu.assoriea stocv oi JlAVANAand DOMESTIC SEuARS, VIBG1NIA and WESTERN TOBACCO, FRENCH and SCOTCH SNUFF, MKKU8C1IAUM and other PIPES PLAYING CARDS, SPORTING GOODS, INDIAN and FANCY GOODS, Ac, Ac. The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICES. BLACK FOOT EXPRESS. DWIGIIT & BACON, Proprietors. Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms, We lay over eacn HnilE PUBLIC ARB HEREBY INFORMED that w night on the Rood at Good and Convenient Stations, to - have concluded arrangements for the transaction WW ho.uvi. win uui uejjrLTeu oi regular reat -A-GUCJNTSi RICHARDS A McOKAKEN San Francisco RICHARDS A McCRAKEN Portland JOSEPH TEAL Dalles POWELL A COB Umatilla J. B. WILKINSON Le Grand B. M. DvRELL A 00 Boise Citv B. M. DuRELL A CO Idaho Citv MAJOR Bl'EKR Rooky Bar (South Boise! DuRELL A MOORE ...Ruby aud Silver Cities B. 91. DuRELL o CO.. rroprietora. Expressliusinesa TO AND FROM THE BLACK FOOT COUNTRYt and have commenoed maklr.g regnlar trips from WALLA WALLA, via Lewiston, to VIRGINIA CITY, HELENA Ot'HIR A BLACK FOOT CITY. All hn.lnU ,,.,.,:,'" to us will be attended to with promptness and diSDatch. ' A J-Particular attention paid to COLLECTIONS. n26tf oi Wasco. AUCTION ANDJC0MMISSI0N. JOHN W ILLIAMS, A.TJOTIONETSR, No. 10O, Main Street, Ualles City. WILL ATTEND TO THE SELLING AT AUCTION of General Merchandise, Real Estate-, Groceries, uwnqMaa. nuit dkviiu UUIUU L UTJlllUre, BtOCKS, C, AC. uegular Sales Day Saturday. Out-door and Special Sales attended to In any part of the City. Liberal Advances made on Consignments. JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctlonoer. X. IS. W. MIXCHKLL. Office WALDRON'S fftTILDING. Unwise Corner of Third and Washington Streets. WIU leave on their second trln. starting from nrniu Walla, October 8d Lewiston, October 6th. eelft-2m To : the Tax-payers County.. Satni'P Aim Tax Oomoron's Omci, V Waieo County, Oregon, Nov. U, 1808. f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the time for pay. ing State and County taxes for the year 1806 wilt expire on FRIDAY, DECEMBER THE 1ST, 18fi. AIL taxes remaining unpaid on personal property aftor tbat date will be oollectad the same as on execution. C1IA8. WHITE. Sheriff' mi Tax Collector, Wasco Co., Oregon. Dalles City, Nov- U, 181)5. WoSwd K.B.OATIS. 1. 1. HAFT. GATES Sb IIA1TT, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, DALLES OREGON. ' JVOTICE. " OE0RGE LIEDE Is my duly authorized.agent durloe my aBaenc. In the Eastern States, to attend to the collection ot all account, due me, and also th late Urea, of Wlutermeir A Munger. A. WINTEHMEljfc.