CO JP ESS3VOL. o. DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBEB 88, 1805. NO. 03. : PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, (MONDAYS EXCEPTED,) BT E. G. COWNE & J. 1IALLORAN, BD1T0R8 AND PBOPaUTORS. 1'iEKB Twenty-five centt per week, payable to the carrier per month, by mail, tl; three month, $160; iiz mouths, $6 ; one year, $8. Advertisements inserted at low rates. - Job Printing, i Every description of plain and fancy Job Printing exe ntod with neatness and despatch, and forwarded as per order to any part of the oouutry. Payment Jor Job Print ng must bt made on deliver) oj work. UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. HANDLEY & SINNOTT, Prop'rs. THIS POPULAR HOUSE, 0INTR1LLT LOCATED, Near the Steamboat landing & Railroad Depot, IIus been recently enlarged and improved, and, will now accommodate 300 GUESTS. 5 T WILL BE CONDUCTED u heretofore, as a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, and the patronage of the traveling ubllc is respectfully solicited. G jT Dtggage taken to the House free of charge. House open all night. ' LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles, Oct. 4-tf. EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIN STREET, DALLES, OREGON, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IN THE CENTRE Of BUSINESS,. Noar the Steamboat and Eailroad landing! Superior Accommodations for Families and can Ao commodate One Hundred and Fifty Quests. Meals 60 est. Lodging....-.......60 cts. - Fire Proof Safe for deposlteof valuables. . T8 House open all night. Baggage tnken to the House free of charge, TIIOUA8 SMITH, nh8-tf Proprietor. FAMILY GROCERY STORE!! S. FRANK, " ' DEALER IN FAMILY GROCERIES, " . , TOBACCO AND SKGABS, ALSO FRESH AND DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, Ac, Ao. ' And every article usually found in a First-class Family Grocery Store. MR. .FRANK has Just received from below an entire new stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS &0, which he will sell at low rates for cash. Heads of fam ily and others are invited to call and examine his stock. Goods delivered in any part of the city free of barge . GREENBACKS TAKEN AT TO CENTS. - 8. FRANK, Main street Jy30:tf. - - A few doors below the Poet-Offloe FURNITURE! FURNITURE . DIERLAM Sc WENTZ, )rNITTAj. CORNER THIRD AND B STRUMS . 7 I II I I Jill ,1 rtttlla. flltw klva nn l..nit . j , -...-.-....I Household furniture, embracing Tables, Chairs, Bureaus 'Beds and Bedsteads, Bedding, Carpets etc., etc, all of which will bo sold at low rates. Furniture Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. Also, on hand Mattresses and Pillows. Spring Beds made to order, aula WK. K0ABD8. 0. . KOQIL. WM. MOABUS &.CO., CITY BAKEEY, AND FROVISION STOSSi Corner of First and B Streets. ' WHOLESALE AND RBTAILDKALHK8 In BREAD, CRACKERS and Family GROCERIES. tK30rden from a distance carefully fllled and promptly dispatched. - 1-tf MEDICAL CARD. A. C. STEPHENSON, 91. D., RESPECTFULLY tenders his professional services In the several branches of medical practice, to the eitlsensof Dallesand vicinity. Particular attention will be paid to female diseases. Cbronlo diseases of whatever type or grade, will receive prompt and efficient treat- Dent. Office, adjoining Waldron's Drug Store. no26tf BOOKS! BOOKS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. sOUIIUUIj jUUUH.S,BTATIUNKIir, 3 Standard aud Miscellaneous WORKS, , Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAI'KU8 Ao., Ac by every Stoamer. Post-Office Bookstore. Main street, Dalles. . ma7-tf U. J. WALDRON A CO. FursX Furs! TW& HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH FOR Beaver, Otter, Mink and Coon Bklns, By RICHARDS A McCRAKKN. Portland, Sopt. ST, 1806. oc4:8m. - FOR BOISE MINES DIRECT. m -ww w" WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE OF CONCORD STAGES, , CARRYING . THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND . , , Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to PI cerville, (Boise Mlnee.) Through la Two and a Half Days Connecting with the Wallnla Line of Stages, and th Boats of the 0.8. N. Company. ' GEO. I. THOMAS A CO., ap27-tf Proprietor NOTICE. THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY Will carry FST FEEIGHTS FROM TJ TWC JL. T I JLa 31. .A. , AFTER THE FIR8T OF OCTOBER, AT THE FOLLOW ING REDUCED BATES: To Boise City. .............. 15 Cents per pound Idaho Clt....-.........!0 ... " Owyhee ...0 For less amounts tlian one hundred pounds an addition of Five Cents per pound will be charged. TIMK FHOM UMATILLAi - To Boise City, 3 Days. To Idaho City 3 1-3 Days. TO Owyhee, 4 Days. JOSEPH PINKUAM, Agent. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1866. oc!8:tf. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND " rJUL.I4IA.IlX ROOM, F. M. HUNT, Proprietor, CORNER OF , . Main and Court Street, ap21-tf " Dalles, Oregon. 4 IV EW HEARSE! THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO INFORM THE CIT liens of the Dalles and vicinity that he has received a NEW UEAR8B, and will Attend. Funerals on short notice. This is the first, and at present, only Hearse In the city. I. M. XVANB EUle, May 19,1868. my:20-tf. QUARTZ MILLS! And all kinds of Machinery Manufactured at the OREGON IRON WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and 7TH streets, PORTLAND. A.. 0. GIBBS CO., ' ' Successors to Portland, Deo. 6th '64. de6tf E. L. Jones A Co. DK. S. F. WALLACE, PHYSICIAN & S UB GUI OA ornoi . Sear Gates & Chapln's Brag Store, MAIN STREET. DALLES, apldt COLUMBIA BREWERY, LUDWIG & SCIIANNO, Props. DALLES, OllKGON. IIIO LEST PRICE PAID FOR BARLEY. an!86!tt. NOTICE. I HAVE TniS DAY re-purchased my stock of goods, sold a lew days since to Mr. J. B. Crossen. All debts due the concern will be collected by me, and not by Mr, Crossen, as heretofore published. n8:Iw 0. L. JEWELL. Reinoral. , DR. BELT has removed his offloe from Dr. Craig's Drug Store to Waldron's new Stone building, up stairs. ocahtf. D. WM DOVTUITT, ATTORNEY A.X LAW, BANNOCK CITY, Idaho Territory.' sT Particular attention paid to Collecting Debts. , " L. O. STERNS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law AND NOTAH V PUBLIC. OFFICE On corner of Washington and Main streets, Canyon City, Grant County. Orogun. p20tt IBIL1IASOJV & ODELL, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTICE IN THE SUPREME AND GIB cult Courts of Oregon, and the District Courts 0 Washington Territory. Particular attention paid to the collection of Claims. 0. UUMAS0N, Dalles, Ogn, . v . J. A.ODBLI NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN not to trnst my wlfo on my account, as I will not be responsible nl:Jw , JULIUS 1ANQE. EllENC.JU & OIL MA IV, IXFOETEM AMD WHOLESALE Dealers in Wines, Liquors GKOCKHIES, , : Miners' Goods, Doat Stores, &c, HAVE EEHOVED TO THEIB NW STONE BUILDING, ooaREK or Second and Washington Streets, DALLES CITY. NOW IN STORE A LARGE AND COMPLETE AS sortmcnt of the very best brands of WINES AND LIQUOHS. Also, a lull assortment of . GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. 49s Constantly receiving our supplies direct from New York aud-San Francisco, we are able and willing to sell at a very small advance on San Francisco prices. They hope by adopting a striotly sorreot and prompt method ol doing business, they will receive the patronage of the pub lic sclu-tf EBtublisUed IW57. BALDWIN BRO,, DEALERS IN GROCERIES ! CORNER OF Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J. 0. BALDWIN mh21-tf F. W. BALDWIN. FJEtEJD. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION. AND ' FBU1T STORE, Washington Street, opposite French A Oilman's, Dalles. Has on hand a largo aud well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh Kiitter Sc Eartf3, Received daily. A large lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. FRESU VEGETABLES every morning. AU articles warranted. , ' Give Me a Call, Everybody ! PRICE!! LOW. anl8:tf F. LTEBB. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. A. It. BOOTH, . WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND OEtTEEAL DEALBB ISJ . TSL EEOIIANDI8E ' S A , . . ,. .. ITllIlEStS) SUPPLIES. FACE AND SADDLE H0KBE8 FOB BALK. FREIGHTS C0NSIGNFD to ray care for Colvllle Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re ceive prompt attention. White Bluffs, Oct'. 1st, 1864. J oc.itf E. P. FITZGERALD, DEALEE IN . HAEDWAEE Iron and Steel. ' Entry JJiieription of miners' and Mechanics' Tools, AND Farming Implements. SHIP CHANDLERY, GROOER1E8, CLOTHING, AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Crockery and! Glassvrai . ' B. P. FITZGERALD, flO-tf ' DalUt, Oregon' .1. DALLAM.. 0. W. ABU IS. . . O. W. AEMES ARMES & DALLAM, Importers and Jobbers of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, ; BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE. Ao. And Manufacturers of California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, Ac. 217 210 Sacratneato Street, between Front and Davis, Ban VraDoisco. ocll:8ni(Uw. IT TILLMAN, OLE ADEN IN OALirOENIA (OS ' TILTON & MoFARLAND'S Fire Sc Burglar Proof Safes. STEEL-LINED VAULTS, '' WITH Combination Loclc. XsT-Constantly on hand a full assortment of SAFES. AS BATTERY STREKT, Jy6-6m Ban Francisco. W. J3. BIGELOW, Receiving;, Storing;, Forwarding AND Commission Merchant! Advances made on Consignments. MAIN 8TRKF.T, Opposite the Umatilla House. ' WnNhlnffton Wagon Itoad. TnB UNDERSIGNED WOULD INFORM THE Travollng Publlo that the Washington- Wagon Road from Portland and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades is well being kept In good traveling ordor for wagons and stock. H.O.nARDY, ' Dalles Jam. Uth 1866. Janlltf Bole Proprietor, v A, CARD FOR TIIE Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. BADGER & LINDENBERGER, Nos. 411, 413 and 415 Battery Street, Cor. Aeronaut, San Franeleeo. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIRE NEW AND FRESH STOCK , WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer chants to our usually large stock of Goods. Our stock comprises every article In tbe Clothing and Fur nishing line. We have constantly on hand the largest and greatest variety of Casslmere aud Wool 11 Aid of any house In San Francisco, and our prli es for these ' Goods are less than those of any house, as we receive them direct from the manufacturer's consignment. Our stock of Hummer and Fall (loops Is particularly attract ive, and the great feature to the country merchant is the nnusually low prices. less Than the Cost of Importation! We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES in the Dry Goods line, which Goods we have purchased In this market un der tbe hammer, and are offering them at New Yolk Cost, and leas. , . , , . . We publish this card In order that we may make new acquaintances, and induce those who have not heretofore purchased of us, to call and examine our stock. , Good Articles and Low Prices! Are the greatost Inducements to all who purchase to' sell again. Merchants who buy of us can make a good profit, aud sell to their customers at a low figure. We remain, respectfully, , -Your Obedient servants, - . J BADGER A LINDENBERGER, ' Wholesale Olothing and Uat Warehouse, Nos. 411, 413 and 416 Battery street, Bon Francisco, April 1, 1606. . Jo.9-8mw. UOUOli THE SUMMEB 110 1 - ON THE . SEA BEAGH; rjMUIS DELIGHTFUL aND CELEBRATED SUMMER JL Resort, situated on Clatsop Plains, a short distance from the Ocean, Is now re-opened and ready to receive guests. - . This resort possesses attractions unsurpassed on the Pacific Const. It has a splendid beach for riding, walk ing aud bathing; beautiful scenery and surrouudlngs; berries of all kinds abound; a beautiful trout stream and abundance of game. , ' TilK TABLE is constantly supplied with salt aud Iresh water Ash olanu and crabs, elk, bear and feathered game, and the freshest of country produce. The climate Is selubrlous This Hotel offers every thing that could be desired for the comfort of guests, both well and sick. - The Proprietors respectfully ask the Health and Pleat Ure Seeking Public for partronage, that they may enabled to make the " Summer House " a permrnent ln stitutlon of the country. LOWELL A Kll'l'H. May 9th, 1806. mygtf SELLING OFF AT COST! My entire stock of STOVES AND TINWARE, ALSO, T I NMA N'S'TOOLSs TUB WHOLE embracing a line stock, ever article of which will be sold at COST, as I desire to close out business. Also, one GRAND PIANO, in good order. Also, for sale, the IIOUBB AND LOT, on Second Stieet, next to the corner of Washington. The House is twe stories, with a basement, and (swell adapted to the hotel bnsiness. Also a lot of BEDDING, comprising abont twenty-five Beds. The whole will be closed out cheap. For further particulars apply on the premises. au9:3m ALfiKRT nKTTTvnuw. . ' NEW EIIUIT,. G1IOCE11Y AND . i PROVISION STORE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and X the public generally, that he has Just established oa Main street, next door to J, Juker, Tobacconist, A NEW STORE I where he keens oonstantly on hand a large assortment ot a-imjLvu rnuii . aibo, in store a compiote stock oicbolce GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, VEGETABLES, do. " " " "... v. .uiu, .uuicnu. aim retail, a. juju DUOKD PRICES. Come and see and satisfy yourself. . """""i tlUUn DrUolTOe LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner, Washington and Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. , FIR8T-CLAS8 HOTEL. LARGEST IN THE ST ATX. Charges Itoasonable. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats and eonrey -.iiu iiiair uBKgnge .o tne House Free ec Charge, or to any other House In the Ciry for 60 cents. P. S. HOT AND COLD BATHS in the House. ' ' All eW at.aM.u sr.- r iia tt . cello and Astoria land at the Liucola noose Whart V. I. STEt'lIENSON DENTIST. HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE 0PPO site Bloch, Miller A Co., where he Is prepared to do all kinds of nPMTi I AriDir . . . . fivuni . n a skillful and well flnlshtd manner. TEETn Inserted from one to an entire set, on Gold or Rubber Plate PHl-M Mnn. f... U ..I I III . . ,. . - aold pTt,;ffom 7 Silk 10 86' " r rersons having work done by me not pro-lug sat. jjory will not be required to receive or pay fof thi .UlU-.l . . . 1 i r y i r T3It. V. H. STJEEH,E, ACTING ASSISTANT SURGEON, TJ. B. A. ornoEAi; WALDRON & BROSJ' DRUG STORB