Long and Fine Wools. Tbe late extraordinary ri80in tho price of coarse wool we had supposed was mainly owing to the demand of our government for blankets and clothing lor the soldiers. The following artU cle copied from tho Mark Lane Ex press suggests a more pormancnt and HUtisfactory reason for this singular change i " An extraordinary change in fact has taken place in the trade, by vir tue of which the long and,. the fine short wools have changed -pfaces, the former having advanced and the lat ter receded in price, especially lamb's wool, which formerly was the most valuable of any kind of native growth. This discription has fallen to about 14 ponco, or 28 coots per lb, while Lei costershire togsjs or boggett's wool from the eameshoep will letch, or has futchod 2s. Cd., or CO cents per lb, tho fleece weighing 14 lb. Tho causes for so Btrange an alteration in the wool trade are various, but may be traced in the introduction of the Alpao or Lama wool from Peru. Tbe length und fineness of this material onablofl the manufacturer to make a kind of fibrio ontiroly new to the British market, naraoly, those light giBsamcr Htuffs known ns alpacas, bo much prized and worn by our lair country women. The success of this raateri' al sot the manufacturers to work to attempt imitations of it from the long wools of British growth. Iu this they Btfbcoedod, especially Binco tho inven tion, of combing wool by machinery about fourtoen years ago, which great ly improved tho operation as wll as tho uniformity of the material upon which it was employed. By using this machine, wool can now bo combed of two-and-a-half inches in length, but it is tho long Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, Ilomnev Marsh, and Gotswolds that have so much increased in value since tho introduction of Lama Alpaca wool. Tho facility for perfecting these wools for the purposo of making imitations of Alpaoa fabrics, is one of the causes of the advanco ; for the onorraous do mand for such fabrics for foroign countries with tho supply limited to the growth of the United Kingdom, has rendered this far more Bcarco than the short wool, of which the amount from our colonies of Australia and New Zoaluud is annually increasing- Men Gossip. To spoak ill of your friona to his face is bad manners; but to asperse him to a party of mu tual friends whon he is not there is not " quite the thing." It is really saddening to find how common this practice Is in upper class dwellings. Wo once spent the day at the Louse SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, FHEHH STOCK! uisLAHi;Biv & linos., Dalles and "Walla Valla, DIAUiUa IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Dl inert' Outfits, Hoots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Groceries, And a fullassortment of General Merchandise. Buying our floods exclusively In the San Vrnucisco iiinrkut, and making none but cash purchases, we ure enabled to Be 1 20 per cent, cbeuper than any other Uuuse at the Dalits! UUbKNUKUY t IlliUS., inl-tf Dalles and Walla Wulla, HOW TO SAVE MONEY! CA1L At ni NIW Family Grocery and Fruit Store, Corner of Washington and Second Streets. THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM THIS people of the Dalles, and the public generally, that he has a large and well selected stuck of FAMILY GIIOCEUIES, CANDIES, NUTS, be., Which he will sell Wholesale and Retail at Seduced iVfces far CA HU. Also, constantly on hand the Choicest Article of FKKSII 11UTTKK and EUUS. Also, every varioty of KRUIT3 and VEUETAULliS in their soasou. Persons from up the country, wishing quantities of Kkk an(l 'rult, by sending in their orders, will receive the strictest atteutfon, and have theiu tilled at the Ltiwett Market l'ricei. Jyll-tf J O. L. JEWELL. ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Main Street, corner ot Court, OLD MACK. TUB PIONEER C00K,,.would reject fully in form the public that he bus fitted up the abuve Chop House, auu is prepared to Berve up MKALd and LUNCH iu the bent stylo and at the shortest notice. UALLS and PARTIES furnished w th suppers, io the bent style and on the most reasonable terms. OYtiTEKc in every stylo. Private Uoouis for Ladies. HOUHK OJbJbCN ALL NIGHT. Divorce Notice. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OK WASCO. Maria L. F. Measurer, Plaintiff, Equiiyfor Charles 0. Besserer, Defendant. ) divorce. rilO CHARLES C. BESS EKER, defendant ! In the 1 name of the State oi Oregon you are hereby sum moned and required to appear and answer the complaint of tho above named plain till, uuw on file in the oilice of the clerk of the above entitled court, wheroiu said plaintiff firays tor a dissolution of tlie marriage contract now ex Hting between you ana said plaintilt, alledgiug for the cause thereof harsh and cruel treatment and personal In dignities, Committed by you towards and upon said plain tiff, thereby rendering her life burdensome. Now, there fore, if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, within ten days from the time ol service of this sum mons, if served within this County, and twenty days It Served within any other county in this State, the said frlaintin will apply to tue Uuurt lor tue relief prayca lor u said complaint, and will take Judgment against you for costs, disbursements and expenses iu this suit. By order of J. 0. Watson, Judge. 0. N. DEW NY, Solicitor for Plaintlft. November 8, 1866. n8:ow U1- H X JU Manufacturer and Importer of CARRIAGE, CO. OIII), BUGOI AMD STAGE II A UNE88 Saddles, Bridles, lVlilps. A gonoral assortment of Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. AiV Orders Solioited. Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. t. A. UAKK, je:lltf Mnln Street, fronting Washington, Dalles. Pros- gfaQftJA P PORTLAND i'OUi?JiIiY AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. iMtiam Unirlnea S3 offrom4to4u horse- .-VSiPjksV powr,either Portable or fij Stationary. Also, OIK- J& $kMX rilll all O A W Mlt I.J if COMPLETE, ennstani on hand. Also. Hay Pr sesof all sizes; Planl Machines, (Woodworth's pattern,) Wrought and Cast Iron work for Ver- tical Sawand Urist mills; Brass aud Iron Casting! and WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I -am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwardod to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 1, 000 pounds. Horse Powers. Afmomturai implements manutaotiirod toorder at the very LOWEST CASH PRICE N. B. l'artlculor attention paid to ltlil'AIKS. fe20-tf Divorce Notice. IN TIIEC1RCUIT COURT OFTH STATE OF OREGON JfOK THE COUNTY Of WASOO. Harriot B. Shopman, 1'lalutifT, 1 SuU , EqU)ty far Iavid E. Shlnman. Defendant. 1 Jwr fWVi daviu N. Bill I'll An, ueienaant: iniuenameoi JL the state or Oregon, you are nereny summoned aud required to appear and answer the complaint of the abuve named nlaiutllf. now on Hie in the oHlce of the Clerk of the above entitled court, wherein sa d plalntiif prays lor a dissolution of the marriage contract now ex isting between you and said plaiutllf, alleging for the cause thereof, williil dusertiou, for tbe period ol three veiirs of said ulaiutiif by vou. Now, therefore. If you tall to appear ana nnsworsaiu complaint, wnuiu ten nays from the time of service of this summons, it served witli ln this County, and twenty days if served within any other county iu this State, Hie said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief nrayod for In said complaint, and will take Judgment against you for costs aud dis bursements ill tuts suit, liy order ol Hon. J. u. nn 80M, Judge. O. N. DENNY, Solicitor fur Plaiutllf. November 3, muo. ne:ow SIGNS! SIGNS 1 SIGNS! O. S. SAVAGE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. DEALER IN Kci) t t. a VARNISHES, VmmE? SHERIFF'S SALE. T VTRTUK OK AN EXECUTION TO MB DI BS rected. issued out of the Circuit Court for Wasco ill favor of Jacob Connor. M. G. Colisor. Of & literary man Of Soma distinction. nd John A. Consor.and against Peter Kulfner and Au ij i i , i., ' drew Clarke, and lor want of personal property 1 havo . uv duuuiu m'dv Biivnu uvuiQi i I this dav levied upon .lie lllowins uescrioeu real esutie, yet the conversation could be com pared to nothing so much as to pass ing sentenced a jail delivery of no torious cnaracters. Autnor ana ar tist viod with each other injudicial or rather an extrajudicial severity statesmen, htorary men. painters. clergymen, patriots, exiles all were arraigned and condemned. One was a coxcomb, another a common cheat, a third a hypocrite, a fourth a clever profligate, a fifth a profligate and tool combined, a sixth a snob and eycophant, and so on A little girl, ulicr returning from church, . where sho saw a collection taken up for tho first timo, related situated in Dalies Citv. Wasco County. Oregon, to-wit West one-half () of lot three (3), in block ten (10) In ...... 1.II..I. A.t.l.i.... ... ritillua f'ltv 1 will t,riU0Hii t.l sell the same in front of the Court House door In Wa'co County. State of Oregon, at nubile auction, to the high est bidder, for U. S. g Id ctiu, between the hours or V o'clock, A. M., and 4 o'clock, p. M., UN SATURDAY, TUE UND DAY Of DECEMBER. 1666, to satisfy the above executiun. amounting to S203 and Uv-100 dollars, to 97-100 dollars, oonts of action and accruing costs, with Interest from the 29th day of September, 18B6. at one per cent, per month. UIIAiara n una,, Btienu Ol n asco lAluuiy, ureguu By R. W. Ck and all. Deputy Sborilf. Dalles City, November 1st, lKtift. no.1-4tw Divorce Police. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Til E 8TATK OF OREQON FOR WAtOO COUNTY. Jonnetta Jaoues. Plaintiff., vs. -iih n jvjuuy PbnMtnr Jauiipm. Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATU OF OREGON, TO CHESTER J ACtUKS, defendant : You are hereby sum moned aud required to appear auu answer tue complaint of the above named plaiutl, filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court ot tho State of Oreiron for Wasco County, ,i,( 4 " I, i j . .1. praying Tor a divorce irom yon lor cruel ana inuuman WUttt tOOK place, ana among Other treatment, committed by you. and personal indlgulties, thinns uVia in:il nilk oil ko U;l.t lak rendering: her life burdensome: aud II you fall toanswer iuiiuvuuuu, tunii a iiiuii jiuwcu aruuuu will apply to tue Court lor the reiiet aumanneu iiierem. a plate that had somg money on it, Zim. "ibTPwrnk dui i aian t tana any Colors, Putty, Brashes, Qloe, etc. Paper Hanglngs.Window Shades, Fixtures, Ac. 1-tf DALLES CITY DRUG STORE. P. CRAIG, VB0LI8ALI AMD B1TAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, FATBNT MKUIUIWHB, 0 1-tf ttttt mrrvTT'iTm a tttthtiTj POWKU PHKS8 BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE First Street, between Main and B DALLES OREGON. ' JOB PRINTING OP EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. IK A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVOKABLT with tbe very best, and AT SATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST to ORDEa: C a r 1 s and IS i 1 1-53 ends. CBECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, OSTEUS AND PROGRAMMES FOR HEAT RES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS. ere, c, &., pnaTtn ia ins host attsactiti manner, also, WAY-MILLS, HILLS OF FAKE, LETTER BEADS, RECEU'TBOOKS, BILLS LAD WO, Rriefs and Pamphlets, , rismm, wed Dim and at uoue" cards . Druggists' Labels, In short, everything that can be done in a Book and Job rrlnting umce, irom me smaiiesi ana most aeucare Lara or Circular, to the largest sine and most showy Posting Bill and which will be turned out in a style that cauuot fall to insure entire satisfaction. OUB FACILITIES FOH THX EXECUTION OF DECORATIVE PRINTING In the moat beautiful Colors, 8hatls and Tints, Such as Taney Posting Bills! From a ilngle Sheet to the Largest Mitmiuoth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CAKDS-, ruiiruMERS' labels, rfo Are uriBurpftBBed by those ot any other establishment in Orogon. We devote Bpocial attention to this branch of th business, and are continually add big to our already extuu ire and well appointed assortment of material. EW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS.. c, rfc, tCo Of the moat modern and elaborate deigns. Our atock o FANCY INKS, TINTS, &C.f Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot bo equaled in the State. The principle upon which business itj asked fur this es tablishment is, that persona will consult their own inter eats, by awarding their custom to that ottice in which their money can be expended to the best advantage. To this end wo solicit all iu want of good rrlnting, at Tery reasonable charges, to- call aud examine specimens, and Judge for yourselves. Orders from tbe Upper Country Will have our special care, and friends from the interior may rely upon having their orders tilled promptly, as wo HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the Htate of Oregon! Address : MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf Hallos, Oregon. , Truth and time are tbe good man's mends; pity tney are so slow. Flnul settlement. TkTOTICR OF IflNAIi BKTTLKMKNT of the estate oj JAMKA I.AIIUIII.IN. ilMeaaed In the Count Uiurtof Wasco County, Oregon In Probate Notice is harehu dmn that Hill Wixul. Ailluiuistrntor of tile above A' , .it . ' I estate, has tiled bis final account in the County Court of SODr temper DlteS lilies intC One S Wasco Count, and umv. for a Hnal settlement of said fane likn nnnn. f'nrtia estate. It is therefore ordered, that said application be ittua rnto aqua ioriis. . . MolldH.v. lllh dll ' . i,tcmlbtl. im. at the . Tr . " , , I Court Uouse, in Dalles City. In said county, and that no- A tun . nuu a uuvuuue ttHUUUUU W 1 tic Hereof be puunslied lu tin vanes Arounnitneer. DRUGS AND l'ATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. LEMON, IraOLISAU AND KIT AIL DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and second Street. DAL.L.ES, OREGON. LBMON Is able to supply parties In want of Drnfrs, Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS At .ha ltwARt mnrk At rates. jyf Physician, and Merchants Intending to purchase for the Mines, will do wen to give mm a can. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety. nmm, ap.3:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. Mi. Wunsch fc Co., WMTUA. CL08B OUT TI1EIR STOCK OP MEKCIIAN' DISK, at their place of business, at the Dalles, lu order to go the Mines, xneir sioca emoracee Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Hats GENERAL MERCHANDISE, All which will be sold at COST, for CASH only. A- All who know themselves indebted to our Arm at the Dalles will oloaaecall and settle as soon as possible. Those who have been accommodated we trust will not delay us unnecessarily, but be prompt In squaring up ao- counta. Call and see us, all ami every uony i anll-tf M. WUNSCH A CO. mantua JMA.it i;: It. MHS. MATTIE U0LBR00K would respectfully ln form the Ladles of the Dalles and vicinity, that she baa opened a shop In connection with Miss O'Hourke. where she is prepared to do all kinds of work with neat ness aud dispatch. Having just arrived from the East, she hopes to be able to please all as to Vorm knd fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order, THREE DOORS West at the Corner of THIRD and DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the SEXUAL ORGANS. FjnlllS prompt and cfilcatlous Remedy for the cure H Ghonorrooa. Uleot. Strictures, and DiscneeB of tha Urinary Organs, mokes a speedy cure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change in application . business; it will radically cure any cane which can b produced. The disease it romovot as speedily as ib con sistent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease cannot he contracted if the Bl'KClFlO CoMl'OUND-is taken when exposed, Its ingredients are entirely vegetaMe, and no lnjurtons effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by its use. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle, Sont DI Express carefully packed. uuaxjvrir.!i, smith a urjAn. agents, 401 and 403 Battery street, cor Clay, Jy22-6m. Ban Francisco. Hard. Wood Ivuxiibex. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WE hm TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man ufiictururs and Dealers to tho Lnriro and Com plute Msoitmeut of CAHHI AUK mid WAUON MATKKI als we uve conmniitiy receiving irum ine rAai, njiociHiiy Helecttd for tho Cnliftirnia market, comprleiiig, Oakt Hickory, and Second Urowth Ann Flank. Hickory AxIm, Y airon Poles, Hubs, Hpukes, Felloes, Kiius, bhaita, io. Ac. which we ofler at the lowest Cash I'riccB. 4sf Orders addressed to our Iioubo will receive promt' attention. IS. W, BKAUG A CO., Jel6:Uui. 29 A 31 Buttery Street, guii Franc inco, and 17 A 19 Seventh Street Sacramento. 0. Watrrhoube, U. W. Bragq A Co., J . W . Lehtsb Ban Francisco. " cacrumeitto. New Xorft H. H. HILL. A. J. KAN IE. HILL&KANE, WQOLKSALI AMD RETAIL DIALERS In Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. 8TUHAOE AND FOKWAltDINQ. Ooods consigned to us will meet with proper attention References i PORTLAND. DALLCS. II. W. Corbet, Bobbins 4 Co., Hichards A MoCracken, W. C. Moody I Co, II. Law, O. Uuuiaaou. Umatilla Landing, Sept. Hth, 1868. JACKSON SALOON ! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, UALLKH, ORUaON. TIIE TJNDEII8I0NED, HAVING REMOVED FROM TUU "BULLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gate' New Uuildlntr. Beg to Inform the pnblic that they are prepared to serf their customers with the best M ines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A Free Lxxncli ! Every day and evening. ANTON LAUEH A KM lb KCHTJTB, dec2-lf Proprietors. C 13. IIUOOKS, m. r. Office At Dr. Craig'si IJrc Ktom DALLES, OREGON, His a sharpshooter. .; UNION Streets. oc21jui3