3 atln ftp itittatnccr. LETTER FROM DAKER CITY. Bakeb Citv, Nov. 23d, 1865. Editor Mountainebr : Our little town, vhicb has boen established since the ereciion of Col. Ruckle's quartz mill, is growing ra pidly. We have a number of stores, a hotel, butcher shop, post and express offices, and many new dwelling bouses are being built. Three stages pass through daily on their way to Boise and Owyhee. The Thomas & Ruck. . le road, via Warm Springs is fust becoming the favorite road, and from experience, I must say has a decided advantage over all others, and is destined to be. the main trav eled one this winter. The government train passed over it a few days since, and although there have been heavy rains in the moun tains, tho wagon-master said it is far the , best road. vj Col. Ruckle has been here for the part ten days, giving his personal attention to the 'working of his mill and lode, which are now working splendidly, and the ore coming from . the depth of 130 feet is very rich.. The mon ftt work on tho lode who visit this town jvery Sunday to spend their loose change fay that the lode is growing richer as they go down, and . that when they strike in the lower tunnel, at the depth of 250 feet, ... ... mey anticipate tue richest results ever known. Thirty-seven pounds of amalgam were taken out from the two upper plates a few days since, without disturbing the bat teries, which are now pounding every day and night, and the Colonel intends to keep them thumping until the ice stops the mill, which probably will not bd for two or three weeks to come, as the weather continues very mild. The farmers are now preparing their ground with the anticipation of raising heavy crops next season. Ramon WALOROS BROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. XTS NOW OCCUPY OCR NEW TWO STORY FIRE V proof Stone building, opposite Bloch, Miller i;o., ana oiior to me Drugs. Meriicinos an. KKUOSKNE. TUKPKNTINE, ALCOHOL, ACIDS, L1N8KKD, iiAIUI, and olTur to the public a full and complete stock of id Chemicals, constating lu part of LAMP WICKS CHIMNEYS, HOPS,. ' SAGE, Sl'ONOES, . LKKCIIBS, COUKS, INDIOO AND LANPDLACK. CAMTOR AND NKATSFOOT Oil, TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS, AND . PATENT MKDIOINK8. Our stock of FANCY Q09l)8 1 s of the finest and best quality; new styh-s ond large Assortments, such at LUHIN'S PHKFUKKKY, HAIlt, LUHIN'S TOILET SOAP, 1 LKHH, POMADES. 8IIAVINQ, UOSMETIUH, HAT, HAIItOll.S, OI.OTIIKS, COLOGNE. TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL UKUSIIES TOOTH POWDERS, AND COMBS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our faculties for buying goods are second to none in the state, And wo snail at an times sell at a small au- vance from cust. .Heady sales auil small profits. PHYSICIANS' PBESCUIPT10XS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night, Dalles, Sept. u, law. seiu-ti JZ E TSL O V .A. L . GATES &CIIAPIN, WHOLESALE RETAIL . DIRUGrQISTS, nave Kemovea to RUniO'S STONE IllTILDING, WASHINGTON STltEET, DALLES. WIIEltE we will continue to sell articles usually kept In a FirHtClas8 Drug Store, at 20 per cent. LESS THAN ANY STOKE IN THE CITY. Our stock consists in part of Patent Medicines, Pure Wines and Brandy, extracts, fancy (jommou soap, Sponges, llolr Brushes TrusBes, Braces, Corks, Acids, Paints, Tooth Powder, Tarnishes, Alcohol, Oils, Hops, Bohemian Toilet Bets, Supporters, 4c, PHTSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded. Give us a call and satisfy y ur- selves ueinre purcnasing eisewnere. 11. u. CllArlf), InlVtri JUSTIN UATKS. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN! FEED! FEED 1 1 J . J XT K EH,; Main Street, Dalles, , WB0U8M.1 AND RETAIL SEAUS IN CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, .Sco. ALWAYS IN 8T0KI TBI BEST BltisDS Or Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. P LAYING CARDS. POCKET CUTLERY, POUT MONIES. COM11S and DUUSnES, o all kinds, PERFUMERY, nt every description. CHINA ORNAMENTS, . TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISniNO TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. FANCY GOODS. Ac. Also Powder.Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, ejid many ether articles too numerous to mention. uf" Interior dealers supplied with Cigars. Tobacco, etc. ai teas man roruaua prices, wmi freight added, oc-s VERY IMPOliTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and BAR-ROOMS. TULIU8 KRAKMER HAVING NOUGHT TnB EN- 9 tire Stock of Merchandise and Book Accounts of the late firm, of M. Seller A Co.. In this city, to which he hi addedrof his own Importation (while doing businesain roi'uiumj an immense stock oi tue beat mannlactureu Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery jLooking-Glaases and All Kinds of Oils, All of which he offers at roduced rntcs. Persons wish. lng to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to give mo a call beiore purciiatttng elsewhere. - Orders from the Interior promptly attended to. and goons paraea 10 go secure, utm t iaii to call on me. Kuutos stoue uulldlug, nashlngton street, Dalles. JULIUS KRAEMER. Dalles, March 17th, 1805. mhmr BOOT AAI SMOI3 STORE, F. WYOKMA.. A TkTTTT TUT US A TBTriTim CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON ETREET8 DALLES, OREGON, JOHN KPPINGKR Proprietor fflUK UNDERSIGNED M- having fitted up the above Market in the 11K.-T STYLE, will keep constant ly ou baud all sorts of Fresh and Cured Meats. Of the best quality furnished at the LOWEST RATH. My motto is to " PLEASE ALL." PARTIES HAYING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR BALI will do well to call at the Franklin Market. JOHN EPI'INGER. Dalles, February 19th, 1866. v WASHINGTON MARKET, ooRNimor COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. WIL.I. KEEP c constantly on hand all the Tarle-1 flea that the market can imli,i ' ; afford, of . 1TRICSH & CURED MEATS, uu always oi the hist quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS. supplied on reasonable terms.. The undorsiKiiea Is alwavs nrenarM in i.. !:,... est cash price for FAT CATTLE. Partly i,.in. ..Aw In good condition, are requested to call on him before going elsewhere. JOHN M1CUELDACI1. Danes, March 3Ist,lS05.. mhRlif CITY JXitlTI'lT" JLAUJBER & Co., Proprietors. Will keep constantly on hand the best MEATS OF ALL KBNDS. A LIBERAL 8IIARB OF PATRONAGE Ii J, solicited, as we expect to keep as good au assortment of Meats and of as good as qual- Ity, as the country affords: and will si Bolivar the same to Purchasers ih the City. Parties havinir Sunertnr Rtivir tn ..i. n, .i- give us a call before disposing ol It elsewhere. - B, LAUBER, m Co., Southeast corner of Washington and Third Sti. i ppoaiie Roster s Blaoksmlth Shop, ft BiRAN,, SHORTS, AND FEED Tue Portland and Sacramento Mail. Tbe Oregonian announces that Col. Mark land, tbe Special Postal Agent, intends to report in favor of tbe reduction of tbe aervice between Porllaod and Saeramento. to a weekly mail after June next. Without calling in question tbe importance of tbe daily mail to the peo pie adjacent to tbe route, we must protest tigainst the idea gaining circulation that it is looked upon as a necessity by any person liv ing in the Columbia Basin, unless that indi vidual has interests in tbe Willamette. So far from its beiug eorrect, It is looked upon us an absolute injury to the best interests of tbe entire interior.' 'Neither does it serve, in tbe delivery of mail matter or passengers, any Bart of Montana. Idaho or Eastern Drpo-nn' As we have before shown, it carries tbe mails MILLINERY AND DRESS-MAKING. from seven to fourteen days out of the direct line of travel ; it carries to and through Call tbrnia persons whose original destination is tbe mines on the waters of tbe Columbia, and continually militates against the general in terest of our section. If the service is to be continued for tbe benefit of tbe Willamette Valley and the partially depopulated district of Northern California, we find no objection HAS REMOVED III8 BOOT AND 8II0H STORE to the building on Main street, nearly opposite Moody's Hal), where he has Just rooeived, direct from San Francisco, an un usually one ana well selected stuck of BOOTS AND SHOES, of the.verybest quality and latest styles EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, Including the celebrated ENGLISH HUNTING SHOE manuiactnrea ny uenkerl. Also, a large assortment of Ladles' and Children'! Gaiters, Of the latest Styles, Just received from the best Phil aueipuia matters. Also, a very large assortment of FINE DRESS BOOTS. 43-Gentlemen who prefer to have tholr Boots or AIiium made to oruer, can rely opon obtainin M. BROWN & BR07: VRAMIlll ...... . ffANCY AND STAPI.Tfl DEYG-OODS! Mr. M. BROWN, being a resident of San Francisco 2?SJ!1 't. to purc!.r.!0,v! respectnniy invite the public to examln.uur stock bofoii 16-tr 4 purchasing elsewhere. ,,,! ,3 mw Bione Store, north side Main street. Dalles. FOK SALE: T"" ?Mif JJSSDMM b' A-w- For Sale at a tow Figure. iir a neat ami easv .For. Private rosldenco, no more dostrable localltv mnt.i St. Jf. YYVOKMAN, Main street, fcT, K1""1 "fau'entad with sLrubbcrj el6-tf Opposite Moody's Hall. nd u' bulltlincoutains il 1 v I T, TTT Tei Rooms, Finished In tho Best Stile. urcsoii Meara Jiviffalioji Co.'s nd ! every convenience. To a centleman ,1.. TTrf-vmTiw-i . a uetlred and I'leasant Home, convenient to bus NOTICE! rulropwr"."il! 01 ALL KINDS, FOR SAB BY It. II. LAW, From Wullula Umatilla to Portland, $1600 per ton weight mum ,UEUi(muu.H Hl Ov. " On Wool, From VTallula and Umatilla to Portland 40 02 per lb sii( tu jrur.iauu....... .,... Jt nl0:tf. 24 Front Street. Portland. Opposite O. S. N. Warehouse. . M TJJISS O'ltOURRKDKSIRKS TO INFORM the 1.1 JL Ladies of Dalles and vicinity, that she usa Just received a fresh supply of ' Fashionable Goods, The latest Paris. New Tork and San Francisco ntvlns of BONNKTS, HATS, ltlllBONS, LACKS, FUATIIF.KS, rijunr.ivo, ac. a mu anu weu-seieciea assortment of Ladies' Ready-Made Garments. Also, a Fashionable assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! busl The House and lf,.rlt;r .Vi k.T"'' .Tul'ul onw- THE FOLTXJWING BATES OF FREIGHT have been e purchaser may dosirV JFw further naSS established: ulara, Inquire at ocl tr flraln VS1.. WELLSjFARGO CO.'S EXPIIEB8 OFFICk! ' . uwib.b r , WCIN I lo I St., Dallei. Orrcnn. mm uulu nr.oi-EUT ULLY INFORM WW tho cithteus ufthlanlAn ...J.i clulty, that having returned from a pro- , lesslonal tour tlirouirli the ml,,.. i, h.. again resumod the practice of DKNT18TKY, In the rooms formerly occupied Ly him, In the building occupy bi -Mood Uyler, I'hotogrnph Artists, and SuSgVA dron Bros.' Drug Store. He takes this met hod "of . , p.,.,,. . wuiinuauctt of the same. LIST OF PUICM. -Entire Denture on Guld Base .1180 to upper uoniure, uold Base.... an .i vm " Denlure, Vulcanite Bulr""1 JS Dimur Dent,,,-- v.,li.l V," " ?!!li,ilf""!,ff,?f"rtd ,rom nedollar"upV'ard; " "" ""HWHeajree ar charge. selS-tf F1 . DEII TVfT STAMPING for Embroldcrvand BrniilfnE. PINKTNfl hut It will h hard 1 nr..,,,. .a.m.. ?"? hort notice. UONNKlS Bleached and Pcessod - " r.-.. .v.y,i.uii , ln too latest style. A large assortment of ol a mail route from the people to the east of Children's Rcady-Marte Clothing Constantly on hand. Having secured the servlcos of a first Ulaw Dress Maker, 1 am prepared to cut and nt Lamas- ana cininren's dkkshkh and CLOAK 8. THIRD STltEET. one snuare east of the Catholle Church. oc21:3m. NEW SALOON. NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET- raillK U.NDKKHIiJNED would respectfully annnnnc us, wuica is of no practical value to them not vo any, from some points 01 view, BQ actual injury. If the commercial elements of population in this section of country will more for a new through line by tbe northern route, they will be doing something which will aubaerva tha mmmnn tfi.,.. r t , . , . , . , , iuci that he will open a first-class Saloon In French 1 to their Bteam Snsh. and Door Factory, In this City, and VOteresi , and thus bring: to its Support the en- Oilman's New Stone Bnildlng, THIS EVENING, and Is are now prepared t CHOP FEUD, U1UND WHEAT and tire community. Uolesa this la dons thn nrl. PrPreu 10 cuitomors with the best or cuiin, ana warrant to give the best satisfaction. . On. vation of our neighbors, in the loss of the Wines, Liquors and Cigars. tuny, mail, will be looked upon with an entire AL90' A indifference, and we shall Drove that it wa.nr ERKE LUNCH no interest to n, oy being rather pleased than tTerT lna """"'"S- On llldes, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland,.......) SO each uaiws to I'orttana 8;i " 8. 0: REK.n PrulHntil. fortiand, Sep. 23, 1S0S. , sop27-2mhi V. Gr. J3ItA.Dir,On,l, IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF ' rVViiies &e Liquors, FRONT STREET. Portland, - - - . Oregon. jTkFFEHS FOR BALE. A VERY IARGU. ASSORT V men l oi- Brandies, . Wluesr JLlquon, Case Goods, &.C., &.C., &c. 43 The Traile rs nartlcnlarlv Invited to oxamlna m .1r l...r.M. I I I 1 oi. .v. uaiui. iiiiiuiinaiiig eisuwuere. aHZ4 tT NOTICE TO FARMERS. f BHR DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING. jl iUJirAa z uns rocently attached a FLOURING MILL a otherwise that it has been given up. JjAKR SuPaiOB AND POQIT SOUND BaILBOAD.. A late dispatch from Montreal. Canada, a&va u Col. RowUnd as Commissioner of the North ern Faciho tlailroad Company, Is bere confer ring with the- Canadian Government and others, relative to uniting British capital with me grants of me united mates in the cm. oc'28tf. JOHN R1NDLAVB. W. P. MILLER (Snccessor to Payne t Co.) AUCTIONEER WILL ATTEND promptly to Sales of Real Estate, Dry Goods. Groceries. Horses, and Mnlea. Will receive and forward Goods animated tr. hi. c.r. mil Grain and Hny on Commission, and rent Ileal Estate atrnriinn nf a. T .b. Q.i. . j n , b . "" nu uny on uommiBsion, and rent ilea Estate miction of a bake Superior and Puget Sound upon Reasonable terms. Consignment) Solicited. Sale unu. vwi. uwisnu is conuaeut me cam- i v" meroial Influence ol Canada will be most fully accorded to this proj.eot as one of great na tional importance to the people of both coun tries, and he hag no doubt bis mission will be erownea with success. , i . Grassht?, who killed Garret, in Umatilla County, has been acquitted. - Tuesday and Saturdays. MAIN STREET, DALLES, . . nlT. NOTICE. 17! 8. nOLLA.NO 18 MY AUTHORIZED AOENT to attend to collecting: and settling- no tnv l.n.lna... during my. absence. Those Indebted to me or to Payne Co., are requested to pay him immediately and av costs, as he has orders to collect. F. A. 0. PAYNE. CORN, and warrant to give the best satisfoctlou. uanu coD.taniiy ana lor sale- . FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, , . SECONDS OR MIDDLINGSv BRAN AND SHORTS,. CHOP FEED, CIIKIKEN FEED. Also, a Snnerhw article of nnnw xtvar. a.. ' . - -. ..UU. 11V. Corn. The highest market nrlce naid for WFTKAT rnnu ..j uniti.ni. U. A. UOGUE. Awnt. Dalles, Not. 3, 1805. n3tf. AT Mils. JL-liiKSIilt'trJ FRENCH MILLINERY STORE. Opposite Cohn IJ ohm's, YOU CAN FIND THE LATEST AND MOST FASH IONABLE GOODS, in the line of BONNETS, U ITS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, Dress Trimmineg, Sco. In order to make dross enmnlete. It limu n-i..... that a BONNET or HAT, Handsomely Trimmed, should adorn the head. Olve me an early call, and I will endeavor to suit Teryonny in inn in ana ai llHABUNABLB PRICES, Particular attention paid to . Embroidery and Braiding Stamping. Watchmaker and Jeweler MAIftl CVnrr H . . . t (Hutr sooa to tot aiuur orrica. r.?.AtE,l J'' FINE WATCHES. JBWMt.nv y ULOCKS, Gold Pens, Sliver and Plated War ( Bpectacles, Cutlery, Ac. ! -Partlcular attnil . . ' 1 atch. CocK JewelryT .IT Alt cb..7.n3S me warranted for twelv months. repairea bj n.o. ah, oruors rrom the upper country, by. Kxnrea r otherwise, promptly attended to. 7' "uifZI" JOSEPH ELPELT. (nnfreita w . ' ".iwtwftin anu MTA1L D KALES IN Fancy & Staple Dry Goods CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, I1ATS AND CAPS,. AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Stro'e'tsf"00' BU"" fitre' COrner of Mttln Court . ' OC-U MRS. L. WHITE'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, rutningron Mreet. TTW AVINQ NEWLY FITTED UP THE OALLERYover w.,E" ' WUUld r"Ptfny announce to all Photograpns, Carts do Visits that they will do well to (rive ber acall. Particular at Ji'.'.?""1 10 taklu! Ladi" ai ehi'drens PicturM. ' "aillattii.., ; ; j.m, Muu-ar. MA. R TIN Ac AtUIIPHY, Attornejx-at.Law. . n OFFICES-Idaho City, Boise County, I. T.j Jtnhv ni, Owyhee County, I. T. anl&.tf NOTICE. G E0I10K LIEBE Is n,y duly authored aent dnrln, my absence In the Kastern States to attend iu thi of Wintermcir Munger. A. WINmitEUl.