SUSDAY MORNING. HOV. 20, 1805. vNTttliBUBi.-'WelUFar(ro Co. brought down last evening $118,000 in dust, priori pally from Boise and Owjhee mines. Mb. Richardson, the Tribunt't special cor respondent, arrived in this city by the boat . from above, last evening. He bag made the circuit by San Francisco, Salt Lake, Montana and Idaho, since big visit laBt summer with the Colfax party. His journey has been tlirougtr a most interesting section of coun t'y, which deserves and will doubtless re ceive,, a very full elucidation at his hands. A CH'Anob. Now is the time for parties de ' siring try purchase fine presents for their friends, to procure something handsome. "Win. Birnbaum is determined to close out bis Sto.k of jewelry, gold and silver watches, silver and plated ware, Ac, at prices far be low cost, in order to wind up bis business by the 1st of January. Those desiring to avail themselves of this opportunity should call early. Thk Cosmos Miming Company. The ten Stamp mill of the Cosmos Gold h Silver Min Ing Company, at Owyhee, is well under way A building 54x60 feet has been erected for . the mill, and all tbe machinery is now on the ground. The Company owos tbe Silver Le gion Lode and' an extension of the Morning Star. Several bands are now employed .in extracting rock from these mines, and by the first of March tbe mill will be ready to worK SiCvslR at oOtt Doobs. The Vancouver RegitUr says that fine specimens of Bilver bearing quartz have been exhibited in Van' couTer, purporting to bave been found some where between tbe Dalles and Mount Hood. Silver can be seen in the rock with the aid of a microscope. It is said that silver-quartz hag also- been found on tbe head of Hood Kiver by other parties. It would seem reason able that the continuation of the broken and comminuted quariz-veins of the Santiam and Moialla may be found cropping out in a better shape in tbe gorge of tbe Columbia, where it bas broken through the Cascade range. Tbe matter ought to be investigated at a proper time with tbe pick aud shovel. Deficient Sidewalks. There are, in tbe city, several pieces of sidewalk which en danger pedestrians, and already several per . bods bave mot with accidents more or less Injurious. It is the duty of the City Marshal to report the existence of "man-traps" such as these) and of the city authorities to have J them repaired. Ia case of serious physical injury to any person from the existence of defects ia tbe 6trectB the city may be made liable for damages, amounting to more than the present annual expense of the city government.- From this fact it seems to be only proper that the authorities should bo partic ularly careful to prevent anything from oc coning which would- have such a disastrous euect on tbe nuances ot tbo place. Fbom- Hakniy Lakb Vaily. We have in formation from Harney Lake Valley to the 18th inst. On tbe 12th of tbe month, Brevet Major Perry's detachment of Fourteenth Reg Ulars arrived at Iudian Spriugs, and on tbe 13th be relieved Capt. Soottund bis command of California and Washington Territory vol ' untecrs, consisting of ninety-four enlisted men. On tbe 14th Capt. Scott and-command took their line of march for Fort Dalles, and may be expected to arrive tbe coming week. - Major Ferry baa with him sixty-four men of the Fourteeetb Regulars, and twenty of tbe Oregon Infantry, under command of Lieut. Barlow. Major Perry is an officer of disting uished merit, who has won eaeh step in the service by wounds and gallant conduct. Ow ing nothing to frieuds, he bas risen to his rank, while yet almost boy ia years. We - learn that he was highly impressed witb tbe practicability of a winter campaign, and tbe judicious measures which bave been taken to varry it into effect. ' N Lieut. Uobart relieved Lieut. Rithbunos quartermaster at Iudian Springs. Capt. Wil- liams is still at bis post on Silva River. Mai Perry has made a requisition tor a dotatcb- . luent of twenty cavalry for bis post, and they uugbt to be eent forward at ouce. As soou . as the men are made comfortable in quarters, tbe valley will be scoured by scouting parlies . so that Indians coming into it will do so at tue peril oi tneir lives. WASCO COUNTY OFFICIAL.. The following' are the official returns for Wasoo County, at the special election: Phecincts. Hoodb. (U) Gates. (D) West Dalles 96 173 East Dalles 83 63 Hood River 11 IS Falls.... 1 2 Des Chutes 10 3 John Day's 7 2 Fifteen Mile Creek 21 3 Tygh Valley 3 19 Totals 238 281 Gates' majority , 43 Col, Gates' majority in the district, as far beard from, is about 65, with two precincts to bear from, which will probably reduce it to fifty. Thb Vancouver Regitter states that a party of immigrants failed in the attempt to pass tbe Cascades, on tbe Nachess Pass route, and came down to Vancouver, after suffering the loss of a considerable portion of their stock in tbe mountains. IsiiO F. Block, San Francisco. C. 8., gio. SCUAWBAI-nER, Dalles. Wells, Faroo & Co. now run an express to Rocky Bar, South Boise. BIRTHS: Bloch, Miller & , WHOLESALE , ' O I, O C JU It , - AND. DEALERS IX ( Wines & Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of Boots & Shoes, ' Under Clothing, Blankets, etc., etc., etc. ASSi?s.YbFFIOE. WE HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION with our business, under the entire Mipervisiun of Mr. Miller. We make returns fn Bars in fix honra We guarantee all our Amavs and pay the I11GIIK8T CASH i'KICli for Bars. We abo pay the Highest Ctwh Price fur Gold Dust. BLOCK, MIIjLEU A CD., my6tf Cor. Main and Washington ntntH. Dull!. SELLING olFl? -AT COST,. O CLOSE. BUSINESS T In tills city. November 25th. tbe wife of A. I. BloohJ of a eon. Tbe printers In this office drank a health to the little stranger in a bumper of sparkling champagne. TIIR UNDERSIGNED would repectfully Inlorm theli patrons und the public at large, that they will commence to sell this day, thoir huge and haudson BIOCK oi Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F.- Meets every Thursday evening at 6 o'clock, lu Gates' Mall, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers in good standing are Invited to attond. By order. N.G. Clothing Furnishing; Goods, Unit A Caps, Boots Shoes, Kubher Goods, Blankets, Dry Goods, 1'ancy Good, Ladles' S", Children Shoes, Huts, Salem Uotlis, Dissolution Notice- THE FIRM Of J. W. MILLER A CO. have this day disposed of their entire stock, in this city to Messrs. Hunneli A Millor, who will oontinue the business at the bailie nnd. Mr. Thomas Miller is authorized to settle all liabilities and collect all debts due, All pursuns Knowing themselves indebteu will pioose come lorwaru and Bottle and save co-its. J. W. MILLER A Co. Dalles City, Nov. 23d,lS6. niBtf SELLING OFF!! BELOW-COST!! The entire remaining Stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVER & PLATED WARE, Must be disposed of within the next thirty dnvs, RE 0AHDLB3S OK COST. Call and examine the stock, buy your Presents now. and forthwith, aud it will be at a saving of at least FIFTY l'KK CKNT. At WM. UIRNBAUW8 n26tf Jewelry Store, Main Street, next door to tbe Post Office. Umatilla, Boise, AND IDAHO Express and Fast Freight Line. TMIIS LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING . order from Umatilla to Idaho Citv. via Boise Cltv. and prepared to carry Freight and Valuable Packages netweeu tnese ana all intermediate points with certaiuty and despatch. Tbe Llnets Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace -vtcw CONCORD Mmm wagons, Ac, Ac, Ac, j. T O OST. In order to retire from unfitness, the above Stock mtut le Bold within Sixty Days, and STRICTLY AT COST! All persons indebted to the firm will please call and settle their bills immediately, thereby saving nil nnna ceomiry future trouble. , COI1N A BOHM. Dalles, Oct. 2, 1605. oc3tf. Oregon Steam Navigation Co. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, until further notice, Tlio Pttssonger Train. to connect with stcamors FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from the R. R. DEPOT DALLKS CITY, on Mondavi, Wednesdays, and Fridays. t 4l30 A. W. ' THE STEAMERS "ONflONTA" or "ID AII0," CAPT. J. McNULTY Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY, (Smutty excepted) at 5 o'clock, A. n.,conuectint, by the CASCADE RAILROAD, with the steamer "NEW WORLD" or "CASCADES," CAPT. J. WOLF Commander, fo- Portland. W. B. BRADFORD, Dalles. Not. IS, 1866. n!2tfj Agent O. 8. N. Co. . REMOVAL. J. G0ETZ, Dalles. . KOENIGSBKROEft, Kan Francisco. alvanjzbd Aoaik. Tbe advocates of thel Chico route in tbe southern mines of Idaho, bave all at once been thrown into a spasm of renewed activity. Tbe continued reports of sales of California produce, which came over that route, looks as if tbe loss of tbe stock belonging to Gen. Bidwcll's stage-line bad' only strengthened tbe purpose of tbe Californians to renew tbe contest for tbe bus iness of supplying the mines of Owyhee and Boise. Ordinary wisdom would appear to indicute tbe necessity of some concert of ac tion to retain this trade, but it is not likoly to be lmd until our competitors have either secured great advantages or spent much money, to our detriment in any Case. If things keep rroingon for the next two years as they have for some months back, the travel and transportation id likely to be eo directed mat no po-iticular route will derive mmti benefit from it. Ono thing moy be depended upon i The Californians will take the advan tage of tu e fact that draft stock is cheaper there than here, to load a vast number of wagons for the Idaho mines, hoping to find here that continuous employment which tbey are seeking. If tbo Cbico ronte should then appear to bo even as good as fioui tbe Cjlumba, they will have made a great 8 ride lowarus securing tuo tra le to (.nliforn a. Which ensures Speed end Safety In the transmission of rroiKtit, never Dctoro onered to Idaho, no oner Supe rior inducements for Shipping Goods from San Francisco and Portland to Idaho, as our arrangements with the Ocean Steamship Company and the Oregon Steam Navi gation are such that nil Goods shipped by this Line will uot be subjoct to the usual dolays, but pass through as Fast Freight. ' Goods shipped from fan Francisco to our care at Fort- land, Charges will bo paid and Goods shipped to destiua-N tion. GOODS SHOULD BE MARKED: CARS B. M. D. A CO., F. LINK, und Shipping Receipts sent to our Agents at rortiaou aim umamia. Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will be lorwarued with Dispatch to Qwyhee and South Boise, sj PA8SENQER8 CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Families will be furnished with Superior Ac commodations in New and Easy Riding Thorough Brace wagons on tue most Liberal Terms, We lay over eocb night on the Road at Good and Convenient Stations, so that passengers will not be deprived of regular rent. AGUCNTSt RICHARDS A McCltAKKN gnn Francisco RICHARD.-) McCRAKEN Portland JOSEPH TKAL Dalles B. WILKINSON .... Le Urnnd B. M. DtflthXL A CO...... ,.. Boise City B. M. DuRKLL A CO...'..., . Idaho-City MAJOR SPKKIl Jtocky Bar (South Boise) DuRELL UOOUK Ruby aud Silver ClUoa U. HI. DuRELL A. CO., n26tf Proprietors. J. GOETZ & CO., TOBACCONISTS, II live removed to Rudio's New Stone Building, Washington Street, near French A Gllinuu't, end hav,. opened a well-assorted stock of HAVANA and DOMESTIC SKOARS, V1BG1NIA and VYKHTKKN TOBACCO, FRENCH and SCOTCH SNUKF, ' MEERSCHAUM and other PIPES, PLAYING CARDS, SPOUTING OOODS, INDIAN and FAsCY GOODS, Ac, id The trnde supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICES;. BLACK FOOT DWIGIIT & BACON, Proprietors; THE PUBLIC ARE II EHERY' IN FORMED that we hare concluded arrangements for-the transaction of Express liusinesB- TO AND FROM THE BLACK FOOT COUNTRY !' and have commenced rmtklt.g regular trips from ATALCA WALLA, via Lewlstoii, to VIRGINIA CITY, HELENA. OPUIR A BLACK FOOT CITY. All business entrusted to ns win lie attenoeii to v illi promptness and dispatch. sr Particular attention paiil to COLLECTIONS. Will leavo on their second trip, starting from Wnll Walla, October 8d; Lew laton, October 6th. se!9-2m. To the AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHI W I LLIAMSi -A,UCTIOSrEIiR, No. 100, Main Street, Dalles City. WILL ATTEND TO THE SELLING AT AUCTION ol General Merchandise, Real Estate, flrocerli s, Horses, New and Second Hand Furniture, Stocks, Ac, Ac. Regular Sales DaySaturday. Tax-payer County. of Wasco EBEitirr k Tax Colliotoe's Omci, ' - Wuico County., Ortgtnt, Am. 14, 1808. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the time for pay ing State aud County taxes for the yoar 1806 will expire on FRIDAY, DECEMBER TI1H 1ST, 18'U. All. taxes remaining unpaid on personal property after that, dato will be collected the same as on execution. . CltAS. WHITE, Slierld ind Tax Collector, Wasco Co., OroRon.. Dalles City, Novs H, lV6o , nol6-2wd Out-door and Sneclal Sales attended to In nn imrl nf . - r M1B Jt y t m. a. OATsa. 1. 1, run.. GATES & HAFT, . Liberal Advances madcon Consignments. Attorneys & Counsellors at lMvrr BlfcStm JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. . . . DALLKS. ORRfiOW. JC-. IS. W. MXTOliiLIi. Opficb WALDRON'S BUILDING. ium; vomer oi mini ana n asuington Mreotf. I oc3tf A. W. FERGU30. FUR SALE. A FIRST CLASS, SF.COND IfAND PIANO! can be bs4. on reasonable torus. Inquire at this Office, or of