C33 ailg UToixntainccr. OOMHUSIOATED. OUR RKSKR.VKU KESOUaCKS. UAI.DRON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. XTK NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY FIRE w DTOif Stone bulhliiia. omios te Uloch. Millar A Co.. and offer to tlx publio a full and complete Hock of Stranirers passion tliroiioh our city often Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, consisting iu part of ITIIlWIflVVD . I.1UDWI11VO . nllifUDV9 hops, SAUB, 3 V ftsk " Will your hillsides ever be cultivated?" In settling the question thus started, one fact fJ J worth a thousand arguments. Let as ao- cept the facts for answer. Agriculture on our hills has been trie 1 to a small extent, and not i yet pronounced a sucvess. A field ditcbed in, on the siJebill near Five Mi'e Creek, and sown wUli oats, did not pay. On the other and, we find farmers on the creeks slowly sexteuding their tillage to sldeliill benches bove the alluvial soil, and in Borne instances, with manifest profit. There Is a family now making a borne about two miles south of our town, in a depression , among the hills, which baa no surface wa er tin summer; but in which a well ol ordinary sXi depth yields water, as wells ordinarily do. The garden was good last summer without rr'i irnl inn viAinMil All a.hn ndfliiiA lit irnntl mol- .. . -c j - B one and utber tardea produce, among which was quite noticeable, a good crop of potatoes. An orchard, too, has been commenced, and this fall the experiment still further extended in a trial with wiuter wheat. Mr. Brooks, who ia the man making this expeiiment, binks it already a success, as it stands. Let us now suppose a good woolen factory at this place of ours we call the Dalles. Man ifestly Mr. Brooks would at once want 100 sbeep, and would be at no loss to know how to take care of them. Hundreds of others would find pleasant ppots among our hills now deemed untenable. The really productive thing of all these hills is the grass: the till age need be no more than sufficed to raise an orchard, a garden, enough grain in the sheaf to guard a flock of sbeep from a possible ie rare witi'er, and a competence becomes a foregone conclusion. The wool market may yet answer for Wasco Oounty the oft-repeated inquiry, "What are your hillsides good for?" 0 New Overland Link. Mr. Lawrence, the Special Mail Agent, bus recently been in Montana, attending to postal affilrs. He favors the establ shment of a mail line from Omaha, on the MUsouri River, to Walla Walla, running through the Montana mines The only objection ttiat can be raised to this ' route is, that it runs too close to the estab' lished overland mail line. If the people of Walla Walla would use their energies on ' this point, and secure the influence, of the Nor h-West, they might have a line estab lished from St. Paul to their place, lo come on down the Columbia to this place comparison of the di-timce will give tbe more northern route tbe preference. F om Omaha to Virginia City is 1030 miles; from thence to Wa la Walla 565 miles total 1595 miles From Walla Walla to Hellgate Is 470 miles; from thence to Fort Benton, 140 miles from thence to St. Paul, Minnesota, 800 miles total, 1410 miles. Tbe northern route has no ' considerab e elerutions until tb Uocky Mountains are readied, and these are crossed by the most favorable pass in b entire range. A large cut off may be made by keeping north of Fort Benton, and avoid lug the couUei putting into tbe Missouri River. A project of this nature will commend itself to tbe representatives of the North West, who will look upon li as a preliminary step to tho construction of that great north' em line of railway, which is to secute th China and India trade. The significance of such an enterprise would be to point tbe at tention of tbe great capitalists to the rail way project, and give it thatjrominence which its feasibility deserves. . Nkw York & Uwvhbs Gold k Silvih Min ing Company. Tbe New York and Owyhee Company are pushing the mill Intended to work some of the best lodes in Owyhee to a speedy completion. The dimensions of the mill building will give some idea of the mag nitude of the Company's works. This ia 08x71, and 45 feet in height; Quarts to run this mill is taken from the Minnesota, Colum bia and Hays & Ray lodes. Crushing will coin- ' meuve nbout the middle of December. KKItOSKNB. TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, AU1U.-S oTONOKH, LINSEED, LEECHES, LARD, CORKS, CAfTOR AND I.NDIOO AND NBATSFOOT Oil, LANP1II.ACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS, ANO PATKNT MKDICiyKS. Oar stuck of FANCY OOilUS I serf the finest and but quality ; uew styles onrt Urge assortments, such as LUHIN'S PKRFUEKIIY, 11 A 111, LUBlN'STiHLKTSUAP, FLESH, POMADES. SIIAVINO, COSMETICS, HAT, liAIIUUI.S, CLOTHES, COLOGNE, TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL BRUSHES T.JOTH PJWDKR3, AND COM lib. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our nu llities for Inlying goods are second to none In. the statu, ana we snnil at all times sell at a small ad- vame from cost. Iteaily sales and small profits. PHYSICIANS' rUKSCUIPTiOXS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. iiaues, sept, v, looo. seiu-tl XL IS ltf O V A. JLi . GATES Jic CHAPIN, WHOLESALE RETAIL DRTJQQISTS, nave uemoTeu to RUDIO'S STONE .WILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES. WHKKB we will continue to Sell articles usually kept In a Fir-t-Class Diui? Slurs, at : per oent. LESS THAN ANY STORE IN THIS CITY. Our stuck consists In part of Patont Medicines, Pure Wines and Brandy, extracts, fancy Uoininon boap, Bpoiiges, liulr Brushes Trusses, Braces, Corks, Acids, Paints. Tooth Powder, Varnishes, Ale. lid, Oils, Hops, Bohemian Toilet Sets, fcuppnrters, to, PUISIlIANSr PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded. Olve us a call and satisly y or selves uemre piirciiusing eisewnere. 11. L.CUAP1N, ulVtlj JUSTIN GATES. Main Street. Dalles, WHOLE8A1.B AND RETAIL DIALXR lit CIGARS. TOBACCO, . SNUFF, PIPES, &o. ALWiTS IN 8TOBI TBS BIST BKAND8 OF " Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. P LATINO CARDS. POCKKT CUTLKRY, PORT MONIK8. COMBS and BRUSHES. o all kinds, PERFUMERY, ot every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS TOYS. DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and PISHING TACK.LB. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS, Ac. Also Powder. Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks. Baskets, and manyoher articles too numerous to mention. sT" Interior dealers supplied with Cigars. Tobacco, etc. at less man rortiauu prices, wun treliriit addeu. oc-o V K It Y IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and UAR-ltOOMS, TUI.ICS KRAEMEIt HAVING BOUGHT TUB F.N- tiro Stock of Merchandise and Book Accounts of the late Ann ol M. Seller A Co.. in this city, to which he has added of his own lmKirtatiou (while doing business In I'oruanu) an immense &tocK ol tne best manulactured Crockery, Glansware, Plated Ware, Lamps, . CtaandellerN, Table Cutlery LooklngGIaseii and All Kinds of Oils, All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish- FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON BTREETS DALLES, OREGON, . JOHNEPPINGEH Proprietor niHK UNDEKSIONKD M- having fitted up the above Markot in the BE T STYLE, will keep constant ly on hand all sorts of rresu and cured meats. Or tho best quality furnished at the LOWEST RATH My motto is to " PLEASE ALU" PARTIES HAVING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR 8ALS will do well to call al the Franklin Market. . . , . JOHN EPPINQEB. Dalles, February 19th, 18(18. AVASIIl;TO ITIAttliKT, COBNISOF COURT AND SECOND STREETS. DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. j-PBBfe, WH.Ij KEEP -rjr-l fEp--fconstantly on hand all th varle-fcT? 'Vvl JVaUirtiitles that the market can possibly VJWi FKK8H A CURED MEATS, ana always or the tkst quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, ANO STEAMBOATS ": supplied on reasonable terms. Tbe nnderel iineo Is alwnvs urenared tn th. link s'' cash price fir i'AT CATTLE. Partial Wi., In good condition, are reaunsteil tn call n i.i... i.r. .. going elsewhere. . JOHN MICUhLBACU. Dalles. March 31st, 18g. nihhltf CITY MARKISTT S. LAtBER V Co.. Will keep oomtnntly on hand the best MEATS OF ALL KINDS. Ing to buy any of the above-nirntioued articles, will do I A MMKRAL SHARE OF PATRONAOEIs well to give me a call bofore purchasing elsewhere. xm solicited, as we expect to ket p as gooj vruers irom inn interior promptly aitenuou to, ana I an amoruuent oi meats and of as goodas qua! gin-.D ,.n,-u w kv luaiiin, uiw , mil WMii uu ,11. i ,nnwui,ii uiuim; una auuio'b stone tsuiiuiug, nasuingion street, uaiies. JULIUS KRAEMKR. Dalles. March 17th, 1865. tnhUtf UOOT AND S4)E2 MTOltG. F. WYCKMAIN . HAS REMOVED II 1 S BOOT AND PHOE STOIIE tn the building on Maiu street, nearly opposite Moody's Hall, where he has Just reoeived, direct from San Francisco, anua usually nne and well selected stock of .. uoots Aivr shoes, of the' verybest finality and latest styles Dellvw the same to Pnroliaeri in tha Clt. Parties havtiHt Bunerlor Stock tnrni.Vui .i.. ...n i- glvu us a call beforo dlsposlug ol It elsewhere. . . . D. LAUBKK. A Co., Southoast corner or Washington and Third Sis ' Pppoelte Roster's Blacksmith Shem. ' M. BROWN & BR07, MTAlb UIAUKS IK ' FANCY AND HTAPim ' DBY6POD8! unuv.jimi.a, rttOVISiONS. Ao. Mr. M. BROWN, being a resident of San Francisco, 'e enabled tn nft.r . i...in.a. , . , : EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, " "''f ' 'tlndc,n.ent. to purchasers. J Incllldlnir the celhnttiirl KNfll.TRU tlllNTITja Bltnu 0 TEAMSTERS AND D AIRY MKN I nnf.ctnr.d byBenkert. Also, a large assortment of i.auiei ana t niiaren'M uaiters, SHORTS, Of the latest Styles, Inst received from the best Phil- aaeipnia uiasors. Also, a very large assortment of FINE DRESS BOOTS. JrOentlemen who prefor to hare their Dcote or Shoe ' maae tuoi-uer, can rely upon outainfiiK a netit and eoav U.. W. TT XviilliV JUitlll iirent. l6-tf Opuueite Moody's Uall. v- vv.iiims sws v l IT iub uuuin in AX llti n e . 1. . - r nuichasiug elsewker. mik.t- "' nrn-th side Main street. Dalles. 67 OH HAL IZl For Sale at a Low Flsru rp. For a private residence no more d.ll,i i,..m ... . ?'' """"'i' '""""tod with sLrubberi and th bulliliug, contaioa , . J Ten Booms, Finished In tbe Beat Style, AND OmrOIl StCnill .ll'i?.lf mn fft'K .nd "nnic.s every convenience. To a ntl,.. . o-- -q-" " irmgaKotiriKland Pl.as.nt Honie,conveNlen. i ;...i "iu togemer orseoar. FEED THE FOLLOWING RATES OF FREIGHT have been 'i' " tu P"lias.r may desire. For farther piirtlc. established: I """' ,ul'.l.i.r.' ? in-i-ir: w KLLp, FARflQjt CO.'S EXPRE88 OFFICE. OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAE BY 'It. II. LAW. Cralu, Vegetables. Tallow, tc. FromYVallulaA Umatill.i to Portland, $16 00 per ton weight jLMuies to roruauu j ou On Wool, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland,... " joaiies to rortland........ J. W. QUR.LEY, DENT 1ST,- s.t uallea. Oresron. Wuviju rtJMSt'lsm r ULLY INFORM the citiseua of this i.lur. .,i .i. 40 02 per lb clnlty, that having returned from a pro- i 1 ii nlOttf. 25 Front Street. Portland. Opposite O. S. N. Warehouse. MILLINERY AND UUE8S-31AKIMU. MISS O'ROURKEDKSIIIESTO INFORM tho Ladies of Dalles and vicinity, that sho has Just received a fresh supply of Fashionable Goods, The latest Paris. Now York and San Francisco styles of BONNETS, UATS, RIHBONrl, LACKS, FEATHERS, viAarr.ito, c, a iuii ami weu-seiecteit assortinsut or Ladles' KeadyMade Garments. Also, a Fashionable assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPING for Embroidery and Braldfng. PINKING done at short notice. IIOM.NKTS Bleached and Pressed lu the latest style. A large assortment of Children's Bcady-Malo Clothing Constantly on hand. Having secured tho services of a First Cla-is Dress Maker. I am prepared to rut and fit Ladles' aud Children's DRESSES and CLOAKS. TlilitD STREET, oue squnro east of the Cathollo unurcu. oeilltsin. On Hides, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland....... 0 SO each Dallas to rurtiaua 3714 8. G. REED. President. Portland, Sep. 23, 1801. sei27-imis A.. CH. 13RADFOHO, IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF Wines s& JLsiquozs, FRONT 8TREET. Portland. - Orcsran. iTkFFKltS FOR 8ALB A VERY LARGS ASSORT HF meul ot Urandies, ; Wines, Liquors, Case Goods, &c, &c, fitc. J- The Trade la particularly Invited to examine my st ck before purchasing elsewherer au'24tr lessloual tour through tha mln. .K.,u riwiaiea m, practice of DENT1BI R Y, in the rooms riuerly occupied Cyhlm, In the building occ. pMb? Wood Butler, PhHograph Artists, and ailjolniiigWar. dron Bros.' Drug Stole. He takes this mU?ud.,?Zl. leuuing tiianaa, for the liberal patronage heretoloro ei. tended to timi, aud solicits a continuance of th. same! .it or rnicss. : , Entire Dentnre on Gold Base in t - upper Denture, tluld llase.. on .t iSft " Denture. Vuliaulte Base "". 70 ' 124 n Mterl'lltu,,, VulcBI,it B" 85" SP ..." ""?!?" ,0"" o dollar upward. . Chllilrens' Teeth extracted free af charge. sel3-tf F deh m7 Till Washing oa Standard romarks that " Tlie black whs never miyle to govern or mak laws fur tbo white race." That paper Watchmaker ami Jeweler, MAIN 8TRfcTET, DALLES, UBTVaa BAnn BBiA am. ruvm u IHI ABBA I vmCKf), DHAnER IN KINH WATCHE8, JRWKl.RY Spectacles, Cutlery, Ac. ' fiiyTu w?TParJ.l.cu,,',ra.,,,,""on PRld 'o repairing flni4liTalal 3! J", r"' J.ew'lry. A" Watches repaired By me warranted for twelve months. . .N:iB" A," order" from "PP wontry,by Kxpres or otherwise, promptly attended to. . aull-t" NOTICE TO FARMERS. I-JOSII'II ELFELT, fijlIE DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING I " ' "Horuau and Utah dbaub in M. COMPANY has recently attached a Tgnatr At 1 T . . FLOD11INGMILL , : w svxj, UOOQS, inviiufiivaiijiiuu woiiin respecimuy announo 1 I r , .ti ,1 n that he will oncn a first class Saloon In Freuch k to their Steam Sash and Door Factory. In this Cltv. and LWIrllNC, BOOTS AMD SMAEfi Gllman's New Stone Bnildlng, Til 18 EVENING, and IB I are now preparod to CHOP FEED, GKIND WHEAT and I ' ' ' rs j,c) a v1 n A iBn prejuirea to serve customers witu tue nest 01 1 uunn, ana warrant so-givstuo Dess satlsiuctloii. 00 u, xxmj nana constantly ana lor sale FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, . SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, BRAN AND SHORTS, Ulttlf JrEEU, CHICKEN FEED, NEW SALOON. NEW BT0NB STORK, WASHINGTON STREET. FflHE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully announo JL Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 1 ALSO, A EREE LUNCH Every day and Evening. oc28tf. JOHN niNDLATB. W. P. MILLER, (Successor to Payne A Co.) AUCTIONEER WILL ATTEND promptly to Sales of Ileal Estate, Dry Go- ds. Groceries, Homes, and Mules. Will receive and forward flood entrusted to kti onm, ..11 Uralu and Hay on Commission, and rent Renl Estate upon Roasonalilo terms. Consignments Solicited. Sale . Tuesdays and Saturdays. MAIN STREET, DALLES, . nlT. NOTICE. F S. nOLLKND IS MY AUTHORIZED AGENT to attend to collecting and settling- un mv business. during my nbsn ce. Those Indebted to me or to Payne I Also. Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new Corn. The highest market price paid for W II EAT. CORN and BARLEY. II, A. I10GUK. Agont. Dulles, Nov. 2, 1865. n3tf. A.T MRS. IsllHlll'H FRENCH MILLINERY STORE. Opposite Colin A Bohm'i, 0C CAN FIND TIIH LATEST AND MOST FAStt IONABLE GOODS, In the line of IIOiETS, II 4TS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, Dress Trlmminsrs. &o. In order to make (lrMmi,nitili.M. it imt..msi ll(ntftBONNKTr HAT, Uandsomoly Trimmed, houl'il .ili.rn 11.. 1..B., ' Olve ma an early call and I will endeavor to sul ISO Objects to making either bouse Of Con- . C-" requested t.. pay him lmn.eJiat.lv and v. rlvuJZi, ?i"nilnriatS 80ftAL" P"ICKS- ...,..,,. i,. !,,. f,i 11 costs, as ho hai orders to oollocl. , V, A. O. PAYNE I r,,0o"lr attentiop paia to greas a ''cUecker-board." I Dalies, Nor. id, 18. Embroidery and Braiding Stamptog. Gentlemen's Furnlsbln Goods. siu.prf Btole Btor' corner cf Kaia nd urt MRS. L. WHITE'S 1MEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. wasuington street. HAVING NEWLY FITTED OP Tnp, GALLERY over DcKiisr's Store, would respectfully announce to aH. those wishing , . Photographs, Carts de Tlsltc, Ac, , that they will do well to itivs her a call. Particular s tention paid to taking Lsd.os and Chl'drens Pictures. Ulnar Maeiim. J.M. Uuamr, MART I N ;jsc MURPHY, , AttornyK-at-Lavr. OFFTCF9 f.laho !slty,DelseCooutv,I.T.i Ruhr Clly Owyhee County, I. T. aplo-tf NOTICE. . . ATi E0I1GR I.TKDB Is my duly authorised stent during W my absence in ths Enatern States, to st:end to the oollcrtlon ot all accounts dut lit, and also tl 1st. bibb of Wintermelr A Munger. A. W1NTU1.ME1U.