SATURDAY MORMXG. NOT. 25, 1805. Capt. L. Whitb'8 steamboat, building at Colvillo, was to be launched about the mid' die of this month. ' ' ' Th Browubvillb Factory The woolen factory at Brownsville baa been rebuilt, and ii now ready to receive the machinery, which it on the way out from the States. Hill Bkachsy has made a proposition to the Post Office Department to carry the United States mails from Boise City to Humboldt City, Nevada. " Thb people of Utah complain that the quota, of arms due that territory has not been turned over to the authorities. .The Vedette retorts, that the . use made, of government arms heretofore distributed to the polygn atnists was to murder peaceful immigrants and at8n8:lnate United States soldiers. Cool and Convenient. The editor of the Owyhee Avalanche started on a tour in the mines in bis bailiwick, and says that be " dressed ourself in a pair of spurs and a six shooter." Be was well fixed for either light ing or retreating, and the tropical breezes of November must have been very agreeable, with such light habiliments. During the exhibition of the Miltonian Pan orama at one of the towns up the Willamette, a Baptist minister became so. absorbed with the view of the garden of Eden, that be mis took himself for Adam and a pretty girl tor Eve, and incontinently bugged and kissed the aforesaid damsel in the most innocent man ner. An investigntion showed that the affair was only an " accident." Election Returns. The following returns of the special election hare been received : At Fifteen Mile Creek precinct, llogue, (Union; received 18 majority ; nt John Day precinct, Hogue, (Union) received 1 majority. From Grant Couu'y we have received the following: Canyoii City, Hogue's majority, 6; John Dny City. Gates' (Dcm.) majority, 28; Marysvillc, Gates' majority, 3. Cause or Cholera. Raspai, an eminent chemist, hnde took, in 1838, to trace the cause of cholera to the pioduction of micro scopic insects, by the stagnation of water in connection with morbific matter. These . are called culex, of which there are many species. Tbcy are generated from the pest bouses of plague-stricken nations in Asia, and are brought west by travel, and perimps more in that direction, by some law of nature. These Insects, it is faid, are taken in by res piration and are dUtributo l throughout the system. They are gifted with a pecnl ar virut which influences the stomach, and the result is cholera. It is said that dissect on after death f om cholera shows the excoria tion p'oducod by these insects, with a 1 the signs of inflamation which would naturally arise from such a cause. Raspai goes on to say that simply because this theo y of the . origin of the epidemic U not kept in view, the efforts of physicians so often fail to check the disease. J Moub Indians Killid. By the arrival of ; the Cufloi City stage we learn that a sharp fight occurred up the South Fork of Juhn Day River, founeen miles above where the : road from here to Ciifton City cros.-es that stream, on the nihilist. It appears that a party of eighteen men from Capt. Sniall'e ' Company at Camp Watson were out scouting for Indians,, nud at the point designated c-uiie on a camp of about forty Indians. The white divided, the whole being under the command of Capt. Small' orderly sergeant, Garber, aud one half of the party attacked the camp, while the balance remained to guard the pick-train. Sergeant Garber wus mortally wounded at . the Drat fire by a shoUlhrougb the bowels, and bis men at once routed the Indians, kill ing abot a do n of them in the pursuit. Ai soon as the action was commenced, the guard with the pack train earn up and took part in it. Garber is spoken of as a gallant man. anil was greatly beloved by the soldiers.' lie lived 1 ami) the next day, and his remains are on the . way down to Vancouver, where they will be Interred. The soldiers took lour horses, about ' tea thousand pounds of hnree-ineat and beef, : and three hundred deer and horse-hides. The meat and hides were destroyed, with all otber articles of use to the Indians. , . . . THE! LAWS OF OREGON. The people of Oregon may congratulate themselves on being the best governed1 people n the world, if a code which proposes to re gulate everything which any human being will ever be likely to want to do, is taken as proof to that effect. Lovers of comia lit erature will do well to devote a leisure mo ment occasionally to those lacitious produc tions known as the Code of Civil Procedure, the Criminal Code and the General Laws of 0. egon. The author of one of these acts, in a funny mood, says that attorneys must be of "good moral character," as if it were possible for a man to have a bad moral char acter. In the chapters defining the de meanor of attorneys in oomt, they are ex pected to refrain from "personalities," and for fear the examination into their "good moral chacrater," has not been sufficiently stringent, the law defines a great many rascali ties which they must not perpetrate, unless they would have affixed to them the stigma of a bad morul character. Tha most mirth-provoking passages are those about evidence. By this masterpiece of legislation the necessity of reading the law-doctors is.done away with', and all know ledge upon the subject is compressed into a sm ill volume, about the size of one of the Books for a Corner, or An Hour's Reading for a Dime. In fact, for the Rinus-meot it affords, the volume ol laws is fully as valu able as the class of works mentioned, and it is an exemplary act of economy to read the laws and save the dime. The versatility of the principal writer of the code is only equalled by his industry, and his judgment by hivconsistency. Taken altogether, bis Btntutes read like a syllabus of a young law student who has "crammed" from Levi'icus, Draco's Codo, the Laws of Solon and Lyiu'gus,. the Pandects and In stitutes of Justinian, the Civil and R ligious Code of Mahomet, the Code Napoleon and the New York Practice Act. It secrm to have some reference to the Discipline of Zamolxis, and the critical Btudcnt may find where he bas. succeeded in extracting an idea from the Unwritten Cede of Old Lawyer, the iminent Nez Perces Chief, orator and law-giver. With all this variety, our laws have the advantage of differing, in the whole, from those of every other civilized people. Under tliU code, indictments grow like mush rooms, and the officers of the law wax fat. An obnoxious individual may be run out of the country by a threatened prosecution for a sin of omission," as well as a commission, and if any man does not think it can be doi.e, and defies the powers that be, he W bold beyond wisdom The whole stntutes of t io Stato, in general, are worthy of the in tclligence of a community where a man is still counted a lawyer after he has gravely proposod tn abolish grand juries, and con fers one of the best offices in the nation on a man who did not know that Congress has the absolute right to fix the time of holding elections for members of the Ilou-e of flepre scntatives. PROCLAMATION OF THANKSGIVING Wukrkas, The President of tbe United States has issued a Proclamation of Thanks giving as follows, to-wit: Whereat, It has pleased the Almighty God, during the year which is now coming to an end, to relieve our beloved land from tbe fearful scourge ol civil war, and to permit iod secure the blessings of peace, unity and harmony, with a great enlargement of civil liberty ; and, whereas, our H avenly Father has so, during the year, graciously averted from us the calamities of foieign pestilence and famine, while our granaries are full of the fruits of an abundant season ; and, where as, righleosness exalls a nation, while sin i- a leproacb to any people; now, therefore, I, Andrew Johnson, President of tbe United States, do hereby recumu.end to the people thereof, that they do set apart and observe the First Ihurtday of December as a day of National Tbaukgiving to the Creator of tbe Universe, for these deliverances and blessings. And I further recommend that, on that occasion tbe whole people mane confession of our national sins against His infinite goodness, and with oue heart and one mind, implore the Divine guidance in the ways of national virtue aud holiness. And Whrrias, the people of Oregon have abundant reason to be thankful to Almighty Uoil for His unnumbered blessings. Therefore, I, Addison 0. Gibbs, Governor of Oregon, recommend that all the people of the State observe tbe 7 1 h day of December next, in the manner designated by. the President. In testimony whereof I hereunto Isaac F. Block, - 8an Francisco. C. 8. MlLLBK, Bio. ScHAtf bacher, Pallet Blocli, Miller WHOLESALE - Gr JEL O.C'E TL S , AND DEALERS IN Wines & Liquors, . And Importers and Jobber a of CLOTHING Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing:, Blankets, etc., etc., etc. ASSAYOFFICE. WE HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION wl'h our business, under the entire supervisioa of Mr. Miller. We niake returns In Bars in nix hours We Ruarantco all our Assavs ami pay tha 111(1 II EST CASH PKICM for Dara. We also nay the Highest Cash Price for Gold Dust. BLOCfl, MILLER 4 C)., niy6tf Cor. Main and WaiOiinuton struts. Dalles. SE L. L I IV GJ- O PP AT COST, XO CLOSE BUSINESS I B I set my band and cause tbe Seal of -f' the Slate of Oregon to be attached, this 21at day of November, 1865. By the Governor, A. 0 GIBBS. Sauukl E. Mat, Sfcretary ol Stive. TB-! Dissolution itotice HE FIRM OP J. W. MIX LEU k CO. Iinre this dny liHiKwed of their entire stuck. In thin city to Met), Bunnell Mil Iff, who will continue the Imsiuens at the same -tand. Mr. Thorn tin Miller to author if eU to settle all liabilities and collect all ilehts due, All peruons knowing themselves indebted will please come forward and settle and save rvts J. W. MILLKU k Co. Dalles City, Nov. 23d, 165. SELLING OFFlF BELOW COST!! The entire remaluing Stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVER & PLATED WARE, Must be disposed or within tho next thirty davs, RE GARDLESS OF CuST. Call slid exaiuino the stock, bay your Presents now, and forthwith, and It will be at a saving ol at least FIFTY vy.v. cent. At wn, uiuMjAuiti'g nMtf Jewelrf Store. Main Street, next door to the Post Office. THE UNDERSIGNED wonld repcctfully intorm theli patrons 'and the public nt large, that they Will commence to sell this day, their laige and handsome Blt'l'K ot. Clothing Dry noons. furnishing uoods, Fancy tiooils, Hats a i;aos, x.iititi'H' ci ns, Bouts 4 Bliiies. Childr..., Shoes, Ituhtier Uoods, - Huts. Blankets, Salem Cloths, io., 4c, tc , .A. T COST- In order to retire from business, the above Stock musi be colli within Sixty Days, and STlilCTLY AT COST! All nornnnd indebted to the flrm will nlenpe mil and settle their bills immediately, thereby paving all unn cewmrj future trouble. (JOHN A UOIIM. Dalles, Oct. 2, lboo. , ociKf. Oregon Steam Navigation Co. WINTER ARRANCEMENT. Umatill - TTTTiTTft AND IDAHO Express anil Fast Freight Line. 11III9 LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING . order from Umatilla to Idaho Citv. via Boise C'ltv. and prepared to carry Froliiht and Valuab Packages between these and all Intermediate points with cortaiuty and despatch. The Line Is Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace CONCORD ON AND AF1KR MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, uotlt further notice, to connect with steamers FOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will start from the K. It. DEPOT DALLES PITY, e Mondays, Wednesday, aud Fridays, at TUK STEAMERS "QNEONTA" or "IDAHO," CAPT. J. MoNULTY,.' Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sunday e cepted) at o'clock. A. H..conuectiu. by the CASCADE KA1LU0AD, Willi the steamer "NEW WORLD" or " CASCADES," CA1T. J. WOLF i Commander, f. Pnrtlanu. W. B. BRADFORD, Dalles, Not. 13, 186ft. nl2tfj AkouI o. S. N. Co. REMOVAL. . OOETZ, Dalles. V. KORMGSRERGF.R, Puu franclsce. Mostiiiied Out. We understand tbot Col. Geortfe 43. Utirrey bus been mustered out ot the volunteer service of tbe United Suites Li' Cut. .Drake takes command of tbe 0'eon Iiitnulry, UDd as ruukini; ollicer takes command of tbe Department of Columbia. Col' Currey butered tbe sen ice 'our years n0 as Captain of Company G. 1st Oregon Cavalry. During tbe year 1802 be was stationed at Fori Walla Walla, during wbicb tune he wa in command of a number of detachments, to compel respect to law on tbe part of tbe Icdtans In oue ol them, tbal to Grande Ronde, be characteristi cally entered tho Indiau hut, about receiving tbeir fire, but fortunately escaped injury, and killed aotl) of tbe Indians, itie lollowing year be .was in commaud of a large force wbicb proceeded to Foil Hall, and scoured the country south ol Snake River. In 18ti4 he was in commaud of an expedition which traveled nearly tbtee thousand miles, aud bad several bribes with the Indians Upon bis return be took command of Fort Walla Walla, and after tbe muster out of Col. Maury, he command d tbe Department of the Columbia lu all tbe relmious sustained by him, be was characterized by coolness, self possession and and courage. He was ever ibe Iriend of tbe nrlvate soldier, nnd it is not loo much to say the soldiers all believed in Currey. It George II. Currey bail b en in active service at tbe Kant, be would either have been numbered ilb the dead or stars would bnve beeu ou 'ii shonltleis We wish him success iu bis return to civil life Oregonian. Till great c utiayratiou lu Constantinopl e which slopped the ravages of the cholera, destroyed eight thousand houBcs. Which ensures Speed and Safety In the transmls-ion of Freight, nevnr before offered to Idaho. We olTor Supe rior inducements riirShippiuK Ooods from taii Francisco and Pih-tlaud tn Idaho, as our arrangements with the Ucnati BtoaniMiiip uompany and the Oregon Steam Navi gation are sucn mat an uoous snipped by this Line will uui.uo sutueci io mo usual ueinya, inn pass lurough as Fust ITroisflit. Goods shipped from San Francisco to our care at Port land, Charges will be paid and Uoods shipped to destlua- iiun. OOODS SHOULD BB MARKKD: CARB B. M. D. k CO.. V. LINK, and Shipping Receipts seut to our Agents Bl t'oriiHuu ana uiaaiuia. Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line and Collected at Destination, (loud, will be lorwarueu Willi uiipatcu to owybee and South. Boise, m rASSKNOP.RS CARRIKD AT OIIEATLY REDUCED RATKS. Families will be furnished with Superior Ac commodations in New and Easy Riding Thorou. h Brace natrons on toe .noai uuerai Terms. lav over aacn night on the Road at Good and Convenient Stations, so iuhi pasaeugers win nut ue nepnvou 01 regular resU AGKNTSl RICHARDS McCllAKKN San Francisco HIIUIMILH McCllAKKN Portlsnd JUSKI'It THAI. Dalles j. 11. nii,ai.ou.i .........LsOran I B. Jl. DultKLL, a CO -..Boise Citv B. M. DuRKLL a CO Idaho Citv MAJOR Bl'KKIt .Rocky Bar (South Boise) DulllSLL JiOOME Ruby aud Silver Cities B. M. DaUKLL CO.. "2tf Proprietors. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN WILLIAMS, .AUCTIO NEER, No. 100, Main Street, Dalles City. WJLL ATTEND TO THB SELLING AT AUCTION ol Oeueral Merchandise. KmI KsiatA. il.u.,iri - Horses, New and Second Hand furniture. Stocks, co, o. Ilegrular Sales UaySaturday. . Oat-door aud Special Bales attended to lu any part of Liberal Advances made en Consignments. nHfrSinj JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. rlS. H. W. MlXCllaiiH Ornoi WALDRON'S BUILDING, RumiNci Corner of Third anil Washington Streets. J. GOETZ Sc CO., TOBACCONISTS, nave rt inuvea 10 Hudio's New Stone Buildiner. WuhlDgtoa Street, near French Uilniun's, eud hv opened a well.assortod stock of - 11 A V AN A IIUU 1MI.MK.-TIU MKUAHs, VlllOlNIAaiid WKSTKRN TOUACCO,. FRENCH anil SCOTCH SNUFF. MEEIIKCHAUM nnd other l'IPKS, PLAVINO CARDS, BP0RT1NU OiJODS, INDIAN and FA - CY OOODS, Ac, Ac. The trade supplied at LOWEST MAKKKT PRICES'. BLACK FOOT LXl'l.UKN. DWIGIIT & BACON, Proprietors. rjMlK PUBLIC AHR IIKKEUY INFOhMED that we M. have eoucluded arraiiKements fur the transaction of Express liuMiness TO AND FROM THE BLACK FOOT COUNTRVt and have commenced makli.g regular trips from WALLA, A i.L, A. via irfWlston, to V II1U1MA 11TY. UKLKNAk 0PU1R A BLACK FOOT CITY All bullous entrusted te as will be attended to with pronipluriv ..nd dispatch T Particular attention paid to UuLLEOTlONS. . Will leave on their second trlii. starting from Walls, ' Walla, October 8d; Lewlstoii, October Mil. sel9-2m To tho Tax-ia j en of Wasco County. lorarrrAtftiTtxCoLLicTOE's Optics, V ffuico County, Ortym, tin. 14, 1806. f NOTICE I UEREHY U1VEN, that the time for pay ing State and County tuxes fur the year 1806 will expire on FRIDAY. TUK 1ST, I8A, All taxes remaining unpaid on p-rsoual property after that date will be eollected tlie same us ou execuii'i n. CHAs. WHITK, ' Bherlfl ind Tax Collector, Wasco Co., Oregon. Dalles City, Nov. 14, 18U5. - u16-2wd h.b.oatks. i.s.nn. . GATES &. IIAIT, i Attorneys & Counsellors nt JLaw ' DALLES, 0RB00N. . FOR 8AI.1:. AFIR8T CLASS, SECOND II AND PIANO, can be ha on reasonable terms. Inquire at this office, or of oc3tf A. W.FEROOiiOM.