Taa Ap pnoAOHiNa Comet. The comet now muking its way towards the earth itt known as Jiielu s comet, and lias on several occusions puwsoil near enough to the earth to be seen. Ihe elements 01 its orbit and the pa riod of its reo!ution around the sun were calculated by M- Biela in 1826 The putt) ot this comet passes very near tbat of the earth so near that the matter of the comet includes a rart of the earth's crbit at one time, t was predicted that this comet would collide with the earth in 1832, and that our planot would be blotted out of -the solar system, but the comet crossed our oibit on the 29 ih day of ot October, and the earth did not ar rive at the point where the collision was to have occurred until 32 days after Just 52 millions of miles behind time. This comet makes its revolu tion around tbo sun in about six and throe-fourths years. It may now be seen with tbo aid of an ordinary glass, and will be visiblo to the naked eye in a short lime. On the first of No vember it will, on its way to its peri. Iielion, approach the bright star Mar hub, (Alpha Paa,) one of the four bright stars that form the equure of Pegasus. Then pursuing a southerly course, it will cross the Celestial equa tor about the midJle of December, cross its old path of 1846, near where it separated into two comets, and the end of February, its presumed nearest approach, its distance from the earth will bo something less than twenty millions of miles. The above siato inents are lounde 1 on scientific author1 ity. Those visitors have over been a terror to the superstitious, and their approach has been looked upon as a sign ot war, postilenco and famine. It is held by some that these bodies even tually lull into the sun and become a part of that luminary. Whence they come and their destination, as well as the nature of their physical organiza tions and their uses, are inquiries which surpass the limited power of tbo human mind. Time and science may in the future unyeil the mystery in which these strange bodies are en veloped. New Mincral. A new mineral of load has been disnovored in Chili, con taining ton per cont of iodine. Iodine has lately became very valuable, on account of its extensive use in photo graphy, and of the discovery, by Dr. lloffman, of a new dye, having this element amongst its constituents. It Is said that one cargo of this now min eral will represent a fortune. As a further illustration of tho progress that mining, advonture is making in Southern Amoricu, a mine of bismuth has ruconlly boon oponed in Bolivia, about two-thirds of tho way up the highest of ail the peaks of the An desthe Iljampu Mountain. Bismuth, has lately insreused in value; and fifteen thousand feet above the level of tho ocean, only slightly beneath ibe lino ot perpetual snow, men aro setting to work to obtain it. Look to Your Black Sand. The black sand from placer tailings, some times, contains goJd (auriferous sul phurots). It would be well or miners to ascertain if they have such sand in their tailings. A mining company at North Sum J uan, Nevada oounty, are saving the black sand, having ascer tained that it contains about halt tho gold in their claim. They have now put up pans lor grinding and amalga mation the sand, and expect to save all the gold. A woman could more easily closo forever her mouth than bcr heart. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, FKKSH STOCK! IHSIJAI.LltV Ac tlltOS., Dalles and Walla Wall, , , DKALKHB 111 Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Miners' Outlits, Hoots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Groceries, And full assortment of General Merchandise. Duvln. our Ouo.la exclusively In the Sun Francisco market, aim makinu- none but cash nurclmsoa. we are miuiiioii tn I 20 per cent, cheaper than any other limine at 'the Dalles! ilUSKNIIKKY IIIIOS.. 'nl-tf IMllns and Walls Walla, SJULLI.tt OFF AT COST "Wunscli Sc Co., 1M. CLOSE OUT TIIElll STOCK OF MERCHAN DISE, at their nhoje of baroness, at the DaIImm. in order to go the Mines. Their stock embraces Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Hats GENERAL MERCHANDISE, All which will be aold at COST, for CASH only. Air All who know themselves indebted to our Arm nt the Dalles will please call and settle as soon ns possible. Those who have been accommodated we trust will tint delay its unnecessarily, but be prompt iu squaring up oo counts. Cull and see us, all and everybody I lin-u Bl. vt u.tauu & CO. HOW TO SAVB3 JSOAUY CALL AT IBB NEW Family Grocery and Fruit Store, Corner of WssliIiiKton and Second streets. rfTIIIB UNDKIiSlOXKl) WlSllKS"TO INFORM THE JL people of the Dalles, and the tmhlin irtuumtllv tl.ut lie lias a largo and well selected stock of ITVBXILY GKOCEHIES, CANDIES, A'UTS, be., Which lie will sell Wholesale and Retail at KrdiMit ltiut fur CASH. Also, constantly on Imnd the Choicest nnicie oi rnr.Bii liuxiaii ami r.uus. Als. every variety of FRUITS and VEUETAULES iu their season Persons from up the oouutry, wiahluit quantities ol Kicks and Fruit, by sendluu; In their orders, will receive the strident attention, and have them tilled ut the .m.M ilurktt l-ricct. Uvll-tfl C. L. JhWKI.I,. ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, jTiain aii-eei. corner 01 court. OLD MACK. TIlK PIONKKll COOK, would respect fully .iilitnu the nublic that lie ha fitted uu the abuve Chop Hnutie. and In prepared to servo up MtiALS bdu i.u.mju in ine uerfi niyitj tutu at uie uiioiu-at notice. HALLS and PAKTIKd furnished w th up pels, iu the beitt etyle and on the m.irit rettauiiable tt-rntii. lu'evtry Btle. i'nviite Kuuins for Ladles. JbiOUtS. OA-ION ALL Divorce Notice. IN TITE CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB STATE OF OREGON KOIl Ulti COUNTY OK WA8UO. MaiiaL.Jf.liesHerer.Plulu.itr, J Suit in Equity for Charles C. Bensercr, Defendant. J source. Iyo (JIIAHLES U. UKSdKuiilt, dorvndunt: In the nit mo of the fctate of Oreirou you are hereby aum- numed ami ronuirfd to appear ami aiittwer the complaint of the above ikiikmI plaintiff, iiuw uii tile hi the ultlce of the clerk ol the above untitled court, wherein said plaintiff ! trays lor a diHolutliui of the iintrrlngd toiiiract now ux uting between you ami said plaiiiiiit. alleduliiK for the canne thereof harsh and cruel troatinout and pursoiial In- ainitieM, coinuiitteu vy you towtinidana upon said plain tiff, thereby rwin.oi lni; her hie bunlenthiiue. Now, there fore, if you tail to appear and answer paid complaint, within ten days from the time ot service of this num inous, if served within this Cuuuty, and twenty days il served withiu any other county iu this State, the said iiaiiittn will apply to tue Oui t tor the roll! prayed tor u said O'Miiulaint. and will take Judiruient auainst vou for costs, disbursements ahd expenses iu this suit. By order of J. U. Wilson, Judj;e. Diwy, Solicitor forl'laintiR, November 3, 1806. ut:bw Divorce Notice. IN TUEC1RCUIT COUKT OKTII '"fclATK OP OREGON t'OU TtlK UULM Y Off WASCO. Harriot E. Ehipuiau, FlaiaifT, ) Sul ,iMf, f' vs.. y ;: . L-avId K. Shipman. Defendant. ) "lvm f m0 UAV1JJ K. HUil'MAN,lJeIendant: In the name of the state of Oreicun, yuu are here'-y summoned and reiiuired to appo ir and answer the complaint of the nuove iiameu piamtin, now on nie iu me omce oi ine Clerk of the altove entitled court, wherein sa d plaiutiir prays lor a dissolution of the mart tuge contract uuw ex isting bftwi'eu you and said plaintiff, alioging for the cause thereof, willul d-uriiout tor the period o three years of said plaiutitT by yuu. Now, therefore, If you tall to appear ami answer B:iiU complaint, within ten days from the tune of service of this summons, it served with in this County, and twenty days U served within any other comity Iu this State, the said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in said compl.iiut, and will take Judgment against you for costs and dis bursements iu iiiissmt. Jiy order oi lion. j. u. ywl- Son, Judge. O. N. DENNY, So, id tor for PlaiutitT. Kiovemuer 9, laoD. n8:uw Miciill's Sale. BY V1HTUK OF AN EXECUTION, and to me direct ed, out of the Circuit Court for the County of Uia t. State of Orotn. (for the f oreclosure of a mortg ine) iu favor of Joi n Umbo, i'inhitilT, and ajiainst E. M. Towuxend, Defendant, 1 have this day levied upon a cer ttiiu tract or parcel of Koil Property, situated and lying In Canyon City,Urant Ctaiuiy, Mate of orenn, boiindeu and described as follows: Ctnumeucingat tlie Southwest corner of C. 11. Miller's houxa, ami running Hast thirty three feet; thence South, thirty-five feet; thence Went, thirty feet, more or lens; iheuce (orth, thirty-five feet, to the point of commencing, I will proceed to sell tho same Iu trout of tl e nui t House door, lu Can you City, Grant County, State of Oregon, at public auction, to the h gho-tt bidder for rash lu hand, between the hours of 12 o'clock, M. and 4 uVlm-k, p. M.. on CsA'L'UHDAY. the Oth day of DKCEM 11 Kit, 1805, to sat iufy the above Kxecutioti, aiuouutiug to Uue hundred and Ave (I0o) dollarp.aiid ror the further sum or twenty-eight 61-1UU (28 MHO ') dol lars costs of tins action, and accruing cmts, with interest front the 2Stli day ol October, lHttt, at the rate or ten per ent per annum. M. P. 11EKUY, Sheriff. By Wm. W Wuiipi,i. Deputy. Canyon City. November tl. lHijft. nltWw IT. HKE ' Enjoyment soon woariea both itself and ua; effort, nover. Pleasure muy be at the holm, even if youth U no longer at the prow; Bhain without pluck is as valueless as pluck without bruin. Final M'tlleiiicnl. fVTOTICB OP FINAL SETTI.KMKNT of tlie estate of XX WILMAM 0. 1.AUUIII.IN. decensed In tlio'Juttn iy Court of Wasco County, tirrgiui In l'robutu Notice Is herol.y given, thut It. II, Wood, Ailmluls: rotor of the above ettato, has Died his final accounts In the County Court of Wiikco County, mid prays for a final settlement of mild estute. it Is therefore ordered that said applica tion be heard on Monday, the 11th day of December, A. D. 1M1A, at the Court House, In Dalles City, In said Coun tr, and that nutlce thereof be published in the Dalles jfountoffteer. 0. N. DKMNV, County Julre. Koveiubor 9, 1866. u!0:4vr Manufacturer and Importer of CARKIAGK, tO.V OKD, I1LGGX SD SXA.GE II A R N E S S ' Saddles, Krldles, U lilps. A genornl assortment of Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. AS' Orders Solicited. Kenalrius done with neatness and dlHpatcU. V. A. UAKU, Je:iitl Main Street, frontinx Washington, Dalles. P UTLAi l F O U 1 1 It Y AND MACIIIISE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. 4T5tenm Knelnci offrom4to4o horse- jVa4Ya. power.tither rortablo or Btatinnury. UULA COM on hand, ses ot all sizes; IManitiK Machiiies,( Wood worth's pattern.) Wrouirht and Cast Iron work for Ver tical Sawand U rist lull Is; Brass and Iron Castings uuu WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines as the welifht of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, U00 pounds. Horse Powers & Agrioulturnl Implements manulai'tured loonier at the very LOWEST CA.Sli I'lllCE U.l'artlculor attention paid to REPAIRS. fe20-tf IU, It SAW MILLS MAM&ma ',XrtH3 I'LETB, consiantly KgSJWA .Also, Hay 1'rci- MqmmmifJ SIGNS! SIGNS! SIGNS! O. S. SAVAGE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. DEALEll IN . (V t'g. PillNTS. OILS WINDOWGLASS VARNISHES, Colors. Putty, Brnnhes, Olue, etc. Paper llnnninns. Window Shades, Fixtures. Ac. 1-tf U A CITW DRUG sTOUET P. CRAIG, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. 1-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES.'! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES'!! DRUGS AND PA TENT MEDICINES!! S. LEMON, WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL - DRUGGIST, Washington 8treet, between Main and Second Street! U1I.I.E8, OREGON. 1 LEMON Is able to supply parties In want of Dram, Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumeryt and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest nmrket ratee. ttfr 1'riyniciann anil Mercliantt intending to purcliaue fur tlie Mines, will do well to give tilm a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety. . 8. TjEMOK, ap.3:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. Jw7TilTi70rit x, CO., (snccensori to bunnri.1. muiR.) U0Lt8AL AMD RKTAIL DIALKI18 IN Stoves, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron Urazler's Copper, ... Lead ripe, Copper, Force & Lilt l'umpi, Zinc, Brass & Iron Ware. Ieatl I?lpo, Sec, Sen. 3- JOB WORK, In all Its branches, attended to short notice. MAIN S'lUKKI, Dulles, opposite Bloch Miller A Co. apltf-tl MANTUA MAKKlt. MKS. MATTIE U0LBR00K would respoctfully In form tho Ladies of the Dallua and vicinity, that she lias opened a shop In connection with Mislo'ltourke, where she Is prepared to do all kinds of work with neat ness and dispatch. Iluvinp; Just arrived from' the Kast, the hopes to be able to please all as to Form and Fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. TllltEK DUORS West oi the Corner of Till II D and DMON Street!. . ' ocaU;iu DAILY MOUNTAINEER ' POWKB PUKKB j BCGK& JOB PRINTING GFFICE. First Street, between Maiu and B DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Kxecuted with accuracy and dispatch. MA STVL THAT WILL COM PA UK FAVORABLY wllh the very best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP, AS THE CHEAPEST tO ORDEftf CaiAd and Iti I I-II ead . CHECKS, DRAFTS, XECBll'TS, POSTERS AND PU0GRAMME8 FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS, etc., tc et-cn fhinteh w tat host atteactivi kuwut. also, WAY-iILLS. MILLS OF FARE, LETTER HEADS. RECEJJ'T BOOKS. BILLS LADING, triel and r.nuiil.lcls, VISITING, WEVDIXO AND "AT HOME" CARDS Drueclnts' Lrtbels, In short, every thing that can be done in a Book and Job Printing Office, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, tn the largest sixe and most showy Costing Bill and which will be turned out in a style thut cannot fail to Insure entire satisfaction. oi' a riciUTiis roa mi exicotios or DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints, Such as Fancy Posting Bills! From a single f licet to the Largest Mammoth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CAR US. I'URt UMERS' LAl!ELS.n Ate unsurpassed by those ol any other establishment in Oregon. We devote special attention to this brunch of the busiueRS, and are continually ailuing to our already exten sive aud well appointed, assortuieut vt material. NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. tc c tiV Of the moat modern and eltttmrate duBigns. Our stock o FANCY INKS. TINTS. AC. Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled lu the State. The principle upon ahicii business Is asked for this es tablishment is, that persons w ill coimult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that ollice lu which their money can be exwnded to tho best advantage, Tu this end we solicit all iuwautol good I'rintiuii, at very reasonable charges, to call and examine sueclmeus. and Judge lor yourselves. Orders from the Upper Country Will have our special care, and friends from the Interior may rely upon having their orders tilled promptly, as we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED bORDQN POWtH PRESS In the (State of Oregon I Address: , , MOUNTAINEER OFFICE mltl-w Dalles. Oregon. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUN.I), An Expeditious Cure for all discuses of tho SEXUAL OUGANS. rjmilS prompt and i mentions Remedy for Ihe cure M Ohonorioeii. Oleet. Strictures. Hiid I isenses of tha Urinary Crgnus. mattes a speedy cure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change in application i business; It will niditally cure any cure which can be produced. The dicnte it remove as tueerfi'v as is con sistent wllh the production.! a tlituough and pel ninnvnt. cure, runner, ine uiseai'e cannot bu contracted if the Sl'liClHC CuJII'OUMl is taken when cxponcd, Its liigroilieuts ate entirely vegetH'ile,uiid no injurious effect, either constitutionally or locally, cau be caused by its uie. Price One Dollar and Flftv cents ner bottle. Pent l.v Express carefully packed. UJbThTTh.lt, SMITH 4 DEAN. Agents, 401 and buttery street, cor Clay, Jy22Hm. ban t rnncinco. Iliri-tl "VVootl Lumber. CARRIAGE AND VAGON MATER'ALS WK llEH TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man uluciurers aud Dealers to tlie Larue and r.'oni plete oxsoitmeut of OAhiilAUK aud WAliON .MATKKI A 1.8 we aro tonstnntly leceiving from the lust, opecially selected lor the California lion set. comprising, Oak, mcHury. aim cecum! urnwtll AHII I'lanK, tiicKoiy Axles, Vtagnu Poles. Hubs, Fliokea. t ellois. lilm-. t halts, ic. Ac. which we offer at the lowest Cash Pi Ices. 4f.aV orders addressed lo our house will receive nrnnin attention. N. V. , liltAOO A CO., Jel6:Jtu. 29 k 31 Dnttery Street, tan fritnclrco, and 17 A IU Hevenlh htret Kupruiniitn. C. WATEiinouse, II. W. Ilmoa A Co., J. W . l.tsna can irancisco. Hacrauioiito. New York H. U. HILL. A. 1 KANK. HILL & KANE, WIlOLItBAU tKO UtTAIl. DKALXRS IN Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. BTUltAUU AM) t'OltWAIIDlNO. Qoods consigned to us will meet with proper attemloa lteierencea i roKTI.AKtl. DALLU. II. W. Corbet, Robblns k Co, - ltlchards A McCracken, W . C, Moody A Co, U. '. O. Ilumason. TJiuatilla Landing, Sept. 6th, 18113. JACKSON SALOON ! COItNEIl COURT AND SECOND STREETS, IJVLLICS, ORUOUN, " TIIR TJXOEnBiaNKl), HAVING REMOVED FROM THE "Ulil.LA UNION" CELLAR, 1M0 , Gates' IN'ov Iiiiildin, Reg to inform the public that they are prepared to serve their customers with the best , Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET As'VOItDS. ALSO, A Free Lunch. I , Every day and evening. ANTON LACER dtv EMIL, BCHTJTZi docg-lf . Proprietors. C. IS. I3UOOKS, M. X. Office At Dr. CraiftV Prua Store. . DALLES, OREGON,