Satin Iftottutainccr. .WALDROK ROS.t Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalies, Oregon. J XT K H. R;f Main Street. Dalles. V80U8ALB AND RETAIL DEALER IN 1 Co.. and offer to the public a full and cotuplote stuck of I Drug. Medicines and Chemicals, consisting lit purt or KEUOSKN.E. LAMP WICKS A CHIMNEYS, TURPENTINE, HOPS. ALCOHOL, SAUK. ACIDS, 810X0 RS. LINSEED, . LEECHES, LAKU. CORK. . CA.-TOR ANT) 1.ND100 AND NKATSPOOT Oil, LANFBI.AOK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND . I'ATKNT MICDICINKA Onr stork nf FANCY 0 HIS I of the and beat Jommoi prudence urges 1 qi. illty ; new styh-s ond Urge assortments, suck u LUHI i ES r If u r. r. II I , liAin. LUBIN'S T.MI.ET SOAP, FLKSII, POMADES. SHAVING, COSMETICS. HAT. UAIItOII.3, CLOTII"S, COLOGNE, TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND KAIL BRUSHES TlOTH PdWDKKS, AND COMBS. PURE WINfJS AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. ' : Our facilities fur buying goods are second to none In the State, und we shall at ull times sell at a small ad vance from cost. Ready sales and smalt profits. rimimxs' I'BKscBipnoNS Carurully compounded at all hours or the day and night. Dalles, Sept. . selu-tf fOOMMBNICATBU. Ol'Il RKStttVKU UKSOtillCKSr s It often happens tbnl young men, in vettinf; but In life, encounter a " streak of luck " uch as to make strenuous flTorls after prosperity unnecessary ; so, too, will) towns ; And it often happens' that town, like men, are spoiled by jiroape.'ity which comes unearned. But when either towns or men find their "streak of luck" diminishing, it is evidently a plain duly to turn immediate attention to their own natural resources this wheti we would merely hold our own : if we would do more Kru. increase our trade and influence, and with these our own mate rial prosperity, we must luuk up, and use, our reiervej mentis. If left to its present scope our tiade will steadily diminish; for the merchants of the towns above us are gaiuing increased ability t) ouiaiu Mippiieg by railroad uud steamer without troubling the-Dalies; and limber. more, the liu in produce that now forms so Urge a part ol litis trade material is rapidly increasing throughout lht interior. Nor is there any prospect of its ever becomh.g leJ) lor agriculture east of us is foaleied by a standing pieiuium to the ex eat of the amuuut of its height from the Willamette Valley irrepealable it reaches the capacity of the conuiry to raise crops, or the limit of de mand. It therefore behooves men of means uni abi'iiy, who are interested in the pros perity of our city, to invest at, where in vestment is sale, in tbat which may develop new wealth and enterprise, l'rumiueut umoug our reserved resources is i uUI1 I'KOSPKOTIYK WOOL SIAIIKBT. have around Hie Dulles a sheep range ' unsurpassed in auy part i f the Pacific Slope i semi-circle of 200 miles' radius, nortti, east and south, of which this place is now, and prospectively the natural market. Oier ' this vast runge the grass is li tit, mid its entire availability for flocks is only limited'hy want of surface water in summer. When the time comes that shall call for such investments, en liglileued skill will open wells in many luland valleys, now dry, and thus increase teu and twenty foil their natural weuhu. Tiie wool trade alone Irom this region,. if properly de veloped, together with the allied brunches of busiuess it would carry Willi it, would more than sustain the present population of the Dalles. There is enough ot this to warrant the building ot a woolru factory here : water power to run it could be obtained at no greater outlay than it cost the Salem Uunipnny to lurii a branch of the Suuliam to their place, by Five Mile Creek at the Five Mile House aud bringing it Into Jown. But whether we ac cept our advantage or Jiut, our wool trade will be in lime lorced upon us, for the larger benefit of some Willamette town. Wool can now be carried from the Dalles there for.ouo cent per dound. Wheresoever manufactured it needs no prophet to discern the tact iha the wool buiuees is coming, lur history lull to reach back to a time when uieu lulled to turn grass like ours into money, U. is. s. Indian Nkwj. Tue U,li Avalanche, of the Ull) iust., contains some accouul of re cent Indian affairs in the neighborhood of th nines, which we condense Jack (Jlaik, or " Champagne Jack," a pneke in the employ of Frank Drake, was killed last week, near the mouth of the Owyhee River, on Sucker Creek. About the same time five Government mules were stolen Irom Mc Williams' ranch on Jor dan Creek. O.i the Gib iust., seven solders went in pursuit j followed down the Owyhee twenty miles, crossed over, and about fl v miles south nf the river, came upon two In dians with the mules The mules, two poniei and a gun weje captured. The two red gen try were killed and sculped in good style. A.II thestoikon Baxter's ranch on Jordan Greek was run off, consisting ol seven or eight head. , Since, our last issue, the te-lskins fired on' .man twice near the summit t iis side of Snake)- River, in the vicinity where Mr. Cox was killed Seven of the red 'devils were seen. They seemed to form two parties. As things now s,tand, au army of seven Indians could well bo separated into two corps and operate eoHy wiili puccessv . A report, ppparently reliable, bus been re ceived of a fight in Paradise Valley, Nevada, in which seventy Indians were slain by the Nevada Cavalry, "M7-ENOW OCCUPY HUK NEW TWO STOIIYKII1K ftrn a -p wmAOnC QTMTTVT V proof Stone building, opposite l!loch, Millor 4 LilurAltai , AUJoAULiU, &XtUxi! PIPES, Ac o . ' AlWAVS IK ST0K1 TBI BEST BIIA'TDS OP Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. IJLAYING CARDS. POCKKT CUTLERY, , ' POUT MONIES. - COMI18 and BRUSHES, o' all Xinds, PKHFUMKKY. ot every description, CHINA OI1NAMENT8 TOYS. DOLLS, etc. ' FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTKUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. Ae. . Also Powder. Shot. Lend, Powder Flask. Baskets, and Rianyotner articles too numerous to mention. r Interior dealers supplied with Cigars. Tobacco. eto. at lest than Portland prices, with freight added. oo-S li, 13 1VL O V -A. L . GATES & ClIAPIN, WHOLESALE A UKTAIL DRUQQISTS, Huve Itemovod to WASHINGTON STKKKT, DALLES. WTtT HKItH we will oontlnoe to sull articles uaimlly TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and IlAn-KOOMlS. THLIUS HAVING ItOUGHT TUB F.N ev tire Stock of Merchaielize and Book Accounts of the lute ftrm ot M . Seller A Co.. in this city, to which hahns added of his own Importation (Willie doing business lu Portland) au linmeiiKe. ctock ol the best manufactured Crockery, Glasstvtue, Plated Ware, Lumps, C'liaiidclierN, Table Cutlery LiOoKisig-tllasscH and Alllilndsoroils, . All of whloh he otters at roduced rates. Persons wish- Ine to buy any of tho nbove-meutitiued articles, will do well to givo me a oi.IL betore purchasing elsewhere. IITANKLIN MARKET. COItNER OF 8KCOKD AND WASH1KOT0N BTKKETS DALLES, OKEOON, 1 JOHN.KPP1NOKR Proprietor MIK UNDKItSIONKD C33 T - liavltie fitteil up the above Market In the UK T STYLE, will keep constant ly oo bund all sorts of ' FreNU mid enred itlenia, Of the best quality furnished at the LOWEST KATIi . II y motto is to PLEASE ALL." , TrjAKTIKS HAVING SUPKHIOIt STOfK FOlt BALI JL ' Will do well to oall at the Frankllu Market. JOHN KPI'INOKR. Dalles, Februnry 10th, 1868. eonnni op COURT AND SECOND STH E KT9. DA I.LK8, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. rP',V WILL KEEP j fljhJrp'constantly on hand all the varle- i VWIJUltties that the market can possibly allonl, of . FllKSTI V CTJItKO MEATS,, . - and always of the ta. at quality. ,- ( . FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS .1". supplied on reasonable terms,.' ' " ' ' Tbe underslfineq Is always prepared to pBy the Iiljth estcash prlco for FAT CA'ITI.E. Parties liaviug stock) In wed condition, are requested to cull on him before (join elsewhere. ..JOHN MIClll.LltACll. linlles, March 31st, 1SC6. ndibltf S. LAVnER fit, Co., Proprietors- Will keep constantly on hand the heat, I MEATS OV A Ms IiKiVItS. A M l! Kit A L SHARK OF PATIlOVAGEle .rfft solicited, as we expect to ke p as irooj rS'1 Orders from the iuturior promptly attended to, and an assortment of Meats and of as good as iua.WV ki'iit In a Kir-t-Class Di uir Moro. at M tier cent. Lr.S.S THAN ANY STORE IN ill H CITY. Our stock consists lu part of - Patent Modlclnes, Turo Wines and Tlriuidy, extracts, ttncy A Uommou soup, Spomtu, - itliir Jtrushes Trusses, Draces, Corks, Acids. Puiuts. Tooth Powder, Varnishes, Alcohol, Oils, Hops, Bohemian Toilet Sots, Supportors, Ac, PIIYSIIIANS' PUESCBirTIONS Carcfulty Compounded. Give us a call and satisfy y ur- tvea bul're purcliasluie elsewliero. II. L. C11A1 lututll . JusTlft UAXae ieoo1s packed to ko secure, Don't tail to call on me, Kudlu's Stone liuimniu. nasiiiuzinn street, naiirs. JULIUS KllAEMEll. - Dalles. March 17th, 1805. mhlitf nrAa RHMOVED II 18 BOOT AND SHOK ILm S'MIIK to tbe bilildlll on Main stree nearly npiiosite Moody's Hall, wberu he hi just reoelved, diroct from San Kranclseo. an uu- usuany nue anu well setecieu siock oi UOOTiii AND SHOES, of tho very best quality and latest styles EVER BHOUCHT TO THI3 MARKET, li,li,.tln,r lUu nnl.,1,rt,t,1 UKHI.THII llttVTlvn aiinvt 1U lliiAjlailiKS AJNU llAlnlJlriiX I maimfctnred by Benkert. Also, a larBe assortment of Lndiet4' and Chlldreii'H (jalteig, Or the latest Styles, just received from, tbe best Phil- adeipiua maaers. Also, a very large assortmeu of FINE DRESS BOOTS. 49Gentlemen who prefer to havo their Hots or Shoes niatle to order, cau rely upun ohtnlning a neat and easy ut. . n Kua.HA.x. i:iin siret. elO-tf Opposite Moody's Hall, sTBttfkkmi. nvr sis, 9 iitr irmMrm lati f FEED! FEED!! . SHORTS, AND OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAE BY . m w It. II. LAW, Oregon Sti'am iavigtiou Co.'s rrtllF. FOLLOWING UATKS OF FIIEIQUT have bean JL established: Cimin, Vegetables. .Tallow, &.c. FroinWallulaAUinillll to Portland, $10 00 per ton weight I " Danes to roninuu j ou On H'ool, Ity, as tho country affords: and wilt Deliver the same to Purchasers in the City. Parlies having Superior Btock lor sale will du well i. give us a call before disposing ol It elsew hero. 11 . ' r. LAUllt lt. Co., Boiithcast Oorner of Washington mid Third Sts. ' l'pposite Roster', lllacksuiith Shop. : M. BUOWH & BRO.Y . nilOLKSAba AnD ISTAIL DKALKhS IN I 'AJNTOV NJJ STAPLE . DRY" GOODS! GHOCEniES, PROVISIONS, &c. Mr. M. ItllOWN, belnx a resident nf San Krnnelscn. ire enableil to oltor treat lndvmenta to purrhssers; W4 mreitiH,,y invne me puuuc to eiatutueuur stock befom nurchiising elsewhere. , 'mlfrti" . tf Stone Store, north side Main, street. Dalles. - It l- J, . ; THE 11ANDSOMK RESIDENCE occunlcd by A. tV. BUCHANAN Is offered ' Tor Kale at a Low Ffsure. ' For a private residence, no mure desirable locality could' beilesirfd. Themoiiiuls are 01 uauieutud with si .rubbers" and the building, contains Ten Uoonts, UnbLcd In the Best Style, and embraces every convenience. To a pentleiuaii de siring a Letired and Pleasnut Homo, convenient lo bnsk nea, an opportunity Is now presented that seld. lu oilers. '1 be House and enrnitiira will he sold tovetber or ately, as tbe purchaser may dosiro. For further partlo-i Ulan, inquire at ocl:tf. .I''Jli50 co8 EXPRESS OFFICE. ' J. W. GURLEY, DENTIStT- Main St., Dalles, Oregon.' i ' 0ULD IIKSPEt TFULLY INFull.M tne cllllunis of this place aud vi nlO:tf. 2S Front Street. Portland, Opposite 0. S. N. Warehouse. MILLINERY AND DIIESS-MAK1NU. mS 1SS O'llOIIRKEDKSIHESTOlNFOItM the ItJl Ladles of Dalles und viclnlly, that she has Just received a fresh supply of Xmsliloiiuljle Good, The latest Paris. New York and Pan Francisco stvles of B.tNNKTS. 11 ATS, HIIIIMNS, LACKS, FEAT1IKIIS, Fl,o.ics. so. A lull anu weii-aciccteu assortment or Ladies' Heady-Made tiarmciits. Also, a Fashionable assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPING. for Enibrolderynnd Bmldrhg. 1 PINKING done at rhort tudice. ItONNK'lS Bleatthei) and Pressed lu tbe latest style. A large assortment of Children's Kcadr-Ma'lo Clothing Constantly on band'. Having- secured tho services nf a Pfrsrt'liws hits Mincer. 1 am prepareci 10 rue and nt Ladles' and Children's DIIES.HKS and CLOAKS. TIIIilD STREET, ono sqimro east of the Catholic Church. . oc21:3in. "NEW SALOON. NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. PTIVIE UNDEH8IONED would respectfully animune 0 t lint lie will open a first class Saloon In French A Oilman's New Stone Building, THIS EVENING, und Is prepared to serve customers with the best of Mines, Liquors and Cigars. ALSO, A ' E R K E LUNOII Evtry day and Evening.- . oc28tf.. JOHN RINDLACB. W. P. MILLER, (Successor to Payns & Co.) WILL ATTEND promptly to Salosof Ileal Estate, Dry Go ds, tlroceries, Horses, and Mules. Will receive and forward Good" entrusted to his care; sell From Wallulaand Umatilla to Portland tO 02 per lb doily, that having returned from a pro. " iiailoa to I'ortinuu 1 1 On Hides, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland $0 DO each " Dalles tp Port.aiid bTJ ' 8. G. REED, President. Portland, Sep. 23, 1861, sep2i-'2iuls IMPORTEIt AND JODUEIt OK Winbs s&; Iicxnors, FRONT STREET, . ' Portland, - - - Oregon, iOiFFKIIS FOR SALE A V1CUY LAUGH ASOilT J meut ot Ilraudies, Lltiuors, Case Goods, &c, &.C., &c. Mi The Trwlo Is particularly Invited to examine my st .ck ueiuro nurcnasiug.eisewiiere. au4 ti lesslonal tunr tbruiiKh the mines, he has again resumed the ii.aetito ul IIENTI81 1(Y, lu the rooms, formerly occupied by Mm. lu the building occupied by Wood A Butler, I'll jtogialib Aithda d uillolul dron Bros.' Drug Sloie. He takes this method of ex tending thanks, lor the liberal pnironage heretoiore ex teuded to him, und solicits a continuance of the same. LlPt IK SMICKS. ; Kntlrs Denture on Gobi Base 1180 to S228 Upper Demure, Gold Base rj i-jy Denluru, Yiilianiie Ba"e 70 , lai- Pellture. Ylllcaulto Drue !IA it ;A foui (iiiinurs iiueriea iroiii ooeuollnr upward. Children' Teelli extracted freo uf charge.. selO-tf '1 Grain and Hay on Commission, and rent Real Estate upon Reasonable terms, Conslgiimouts Sullctted- eule Duys Tuesdays and Saturdays. MAIN STREET, DALLES, nl7. 11 8.11 ? aite MO TICE. 8. IIOLUND 18 MTf AUTHORIZED AGENT to lend to collecting anil settling up my business. during my absence. Thoso indebted to me or to Payne A Co., uru requested to pny him lininedlutely and savo costs, as ho has orders to collect. F. A. 0. PAYNE. Dalles, Nov. 13, 1W&. Uf NOTICE TO FARMERS. 11K DALLES LUMUKIl AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY has recently attached a ITLOUltllNG M1JL.JL, to their Steam Sash and Door Factory. In this City, and are now prepared tu CHOP FEED, GItIND W 11 K AT and CORN, und warrunt t give the best eallsl'aoHou. On. hand constantly aud fur sale FXTItA FASlILY FLtlUR, SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, ' BRAN AND 8IIOKT4, CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new Corn . , The highest market price paid for WHEAT, CORN and UAKI.Kl. U. A. llUUUri, Agent. Dallos, Nov. 2, l"t)0. liotr. FRENCH MILLINERY STORE. Opposite Colin it, Uolim's, -lirOU CAN FIND TUB LATEST AND MOST FASII- JL lONAuLE GOODS, in the lino of IIOXXEl'S, II ITS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, EWIBSqiOERY, DrcwH Trlminliiji, Sec, In order to make dress eomplete, it becomes noccssarv thnt a HON NET or HAT, Handsomely Trimmed, should adorn 1 lie m'ad, Give me nil early Dill, am I will endeavor to salt everybody In TASTE am) at REASONABLE PRICKS. roj'tlcular attention piuu 10 Embroidery and Braiding Stamping. 13 IS II W.atclnuakcr and Jeweler, IVtAlN o I KccT, DALLES, (NEXT SOOa TO Tilt ASSAY OFPICI,) . DKALEll IN,FIN WATCHES, JEWELRY. CLOCKS, Gold Pens. Silver aud Plated War. ( oyny oiuinn, vuiieiy, U. ft- 11 s-Piirtlciilartteiitlon paid to repairing fliiettiSjiiS atches. Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watr.hts repaired l ue warrauteu tor twelve inoirtlis. li. IS. All orders from the miner annntrv. I, R,nn or otherwise, promptly attended la. aull t J P&KPI-I ELFELT, WIIOUSAU AUD HkTAIL DEALIB t.f Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES,.! IATS ANU CAPS, AUD : i Geiitlcniu's I'urnlshlng Goods. :' Flre-nroof Stone Stnra. enrner n, tttjiin nA rt.,,.-. J' Streets. . MRS. L. WHITE'S InEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. Vashlngtoii Street. ., ' MAYING Nfiv) F.Y F1TTEDBP THE GALLERY over Degunr's Stuie, would respectlully announce to alt. those wishing " , Photographs, Car(s do Yislte, 4c, that they will do well to give her a call. Particular K: tentbui puld tu taking Lad.esaud Chl'drena Pictures. Hknrv Mautin. J.M.Muarurk " ; AttorncyN-at-Law. OFFICES Idaho City, BolsoCouutv. I. T.'t Rnbv CUt- Owvhee bounty, I. T. aptf-tf. notice. ; r" GEORGE I.IF.DK Is my duly aiitaorixeiT agent dnrliig my absence In the Kostern States, to attend lu tha Collection ot all accounts due mo, and also th late flria v. it u,v urn, w uuiiv,, a, f? AAAXinUJbAlV,