'HUD Sj)V V IIUIUIH VV r. FllID.VI MOKNINfc, NOV. 21. im.s. Tin sum of $90,000 has been subscribed to the stock of a company which is to com mence the manufacture of wool on Pugot Sound. Dorino late session ot the Circuit Court -in Yamhill county, says the Review of the 20th. the Court House took fire. But little damage was dose before the fire waa extinguished.: Nkw Town. A luwu site has been surveyed at White's Bluffs; below Rriest Rapids.' It is proposed to make It the depot for the Mon tana trade fiom this side. Thb Fast Fukiuut Link. We refer our readers to the advertisement ol DuRiMl& Co.'s xa 1'ieigui ijiiie. tins line tuts oecome a fixed institution, and , affords to shippers of valuable packages, and articles requiring des patch in their tnausmission, an excellent op portunity It is an American proverb that ."Time is money," nnd it follows that by sav ing til first weo e making the last. This has been proven by many of those who have forwarded ibeir freight by the Fust Line. Tin Fastokks to Tits North. For weeks past large bands of sheep,, t-nttlo and horses have been crossing the Columbia River at this point, to bo dr'uven to the rich pastures on the lakima, Attanum and. Keetalas. This is move in the rgtit direction, and will tend to bring the district to the north of us into no lice, amongst stock-growers. Each drover and stock-grower who winters his stock on those lands will become a representative of the interests of the section, which only needs to-be well known to be settled with a suffi ciency of the right kfnd of peop'e i TIoMtciDE. By a gentleman just down from Walla Wall,,we learn, that a man was killed four miles above that town, some days since, by a man iiftwd Boise. It seemn. that there was a dispute between the parties nbont cer. tain cattle breaking into a'field, and the man who was killed assaulted Boise with an axe who, in turn', threw a flat-iron at the man, which struck bim on the head, and instantly killed Mm. Boise mine to town and delivered ' himself up to the authorities. He is an el derly man, of great Btreegth, and forbearing disposition, and was probably justified in the act. Insults to Ukspkctible Females The practice of insulting respectable females, in Portland, has some recent examples. Some disgusting- ruffian, it appears, was guilty of going into a private house and making insult ing advances to a lady of modest demeanor aud unquestioned purity. The Oregonum comments on the affiir in proper terms, but appears at a loss to abate the evil. The whole matter is easily solved; the next time any thing ot-the kind occurs, let the proper pro- tector ol the lady "go-after" the blackguard with a double-barrelled shot g.iui and kill him. As for those who have been guilty in. the past, give them notice- to leave, or fix.lbem in the same way. Ins Flint District, Owyhbb. The lodes in Fl nt District, which 1 located south-west of Silver City,. Owyhee;, are r.ipidly lising . in popular, ostim ition.. They are much larger ihnn thoso of War Eaglo Mountain, a-od. appear to. form vitb greater icgiTThrity. Their general, direction is nearly north and' south ; their width from two to fifteen feet, and have a moderate diu-totlie en6t. Among vthe principal lodes are the U S. Uraint, Mou- itor, Polar Star, POmpey, Twilight,, Peace - Domocrat, Harriet Newnll, Leviath m, Ilisi;ig Star, Excelsior 15 lipse, Gem, Boyd & Kel cr, Chrysopolis, and' Great Mouul.'. Iu tho mut ter of acto-sibility, good pasturngo, abund ant fuel and; good water privilcgs, this dis trict Is unexcelled.. Gold and. silver are both found in the toe It, wi h a largo predoin inance of the lattor. Ten tons of the rock from the Rising Star were impcrfcotly roast ed and worked' by Messrs.. Moore & Fogus at their works on- the Morning Star, 'uiui tho yield was $200 ,o. ton from ivvernge rock. This lode is twelve feet in width. The Gem lode is from eight to ten feet in thickness and some pretty thorough tests indicate thai ' its rock will pay from 45 to 500 a lotv. Many of the owners lit the dis net aro very widely going to work on their lode., proba bly thinking that il the r property will sell veil, it win pay mom well to keep it. MORE PEOPLE WANTED. It is a common practice of people, whose views of matters and things are limited to tho sphere of their own pursuits and selfish interests, to say theio are too many people,, wherever and whenever times become dull in any particular locality. An honest miner will speak well of a mining camp in general, " but there are too many people here ; a farmer is discouraged becati-e "everybody has takon to farming," and so on through out the whole range of industrial pursuits. Still another class is found, which declares that cheap labor is the only panacea for hard times, and for that reason favors imm gru tion. Men of this kiud belong to the admin istrative orderof geniuses, and prepare to take upon themselves tho managemcut of tho im migrants labor, immediately on his arrival. Thousands of rich mining claims and quartz ljides aro now held in this country by "re presentation," against i lie ai rival of cheap labor. Between the jeal usy of the opera tive miner, who looks upon the poorer mines as his prospective li el t of operations, and the ridiculous speculations of waiters on Providenco, who propose to prey upon the ncccs-lties of the immigrant, the country languishes in its trade aud productions. The immense areas of our unoccupied pisto rul and agricultural lnnd3 wo e certainly in tended by nature for tho u cs of man. Tho gold and silver in our mines wus certainly designed to be extracted and put in circula tion, and common sense indicates that the wealth extracted from the earth w 11 find its best investment iu flocks and herds to eat up the grass which annually decays upon our mountain slopes and prairie table lauds.- The fact of it is, that wo need population more than nil else. We do not nee-1 cheap labor, but abundant labor, und the kiud suit ed to particular employments. We need di versified labor, and by a proper distribution of the employments of life, the Columbia Basin can support thousands of human be ings, where it now sustains hundreds, in the one frenzied pursuit of sudden wealth. This our touutry will do by properly direc ed labor, and the thousands can live with a de gree of cotn'ort and affluence hi herto un known to thchttnd eds, and the average earn ings and a cumulation's of the people will bo greater by far than nt tho present. There 1b employment in this coun'ry for all who will start out with the intention to permanently reside, in it, nnd when tho idea of settling down enter the tnin Is ot th.ius amis now maddened by tho excitement of cold-hunting, they will not only benefit thcm clves thereby, but dcvclope the means whereby other thousands can he profitably and steadily employed. Experience teaches the easy lesson that those who remain in one place and pursue a business of their own choice, enjoy life boner," ccnmulute moro of the goods of this worl-1, live longer and in evi-ry way have tho best of those who pursue on-opposi'e course. If he people now principally in'erested in in the g: owth of .the country will fix their fortunes upon its future, they will, by that very mentis, have mnuo u commencement in inducing others to come aud do as they have i.m.wi mi iiiaiwrili in II il nil' IT'l I I mi II i 1 1 'I ! ' 1 1 I Chioo Routm. We publish, for the benefit ' of the public on the Columbia River, the fol lowing from the Owyhee Avalanche of tho 11th instant : Arnold's train arrived here last week from California, over the Cliico route, with sixteen thousand pounds of flour. There has been brought into this place and Silver City, during the past summer, two hundred and eleven thousand pounds of flour, over the Chioo r une, and fifty thousand pounds of barley. Thirty-five days has been the usual time con sumed iu making the trip wi h ox teams this season, but wben the road is thoroughly packed, and becomes hard by constant travel, U will be made in much l ss time. ' Enough has been demonstrated this season to show that by another year Owyhee will be supplied direct from California, with jhnir, meal, bar ley, baeon, etc , at lower rates than the same articles can possibly be supplied from any other source. In tact, the products of the Sacramento valley will entirely control the markets of Owyhee by another summer. Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O." F.- Meets every Thursday evening nt !J o'clock, la Gates' Hull, curner of Second and Court StreetH. Brothers In good standing are Invited toattend. lly order. N.Q Isaac f.-Biora, Sun Francisco. C. S. Miti.ru, Sia. ScuAWUAriiKR, Unties. P-3 Dissolution Notice THE FIR-M OF J. W. MII.LKK A C. linve thin diiy (IMpoMort nf thoir ei'tirontofk. in this city to Mihhm. Kumifli Jt Miller, who will pout I nut ilm busint'Krj m the Btimu ttftnfl. Mr. TIioiwih MHIwr if niithorizH to settle it II llivhilitiert nnd collect All tlehtH tlito. All piriiin knowinjx tliemm-lve Jmltbted will jik'iim cm trruid nnd Httttln nnd hjiyo ru J. W. MILLEK & X . Patten City, Nov. 23.1, 105. 23tf SETJLINQ OFF!! . BELOW COST!! The entire remaining Stuck of WATCH KS, , JEVTEJ.KY, Vi.iU ICS, SII.VKIt & PLATED WIRE, Maul tie diaposcd "f within tho next tlilrtv diiv, RK" tiAKl)l.KlS lit' COST. Cull nnd hxiuiiIiio the stuck, taiy your Preprints now. and forthwith, nnd it will bo at a siivinjt of at least HFTV IM;K CKNT. At IV M. UIUXI! AUffl'S D-Jtf , Ji-wulrv Slorn. Mnln Street, next door to the Post Office. Biocli, Miller VHOLESALE . GR O C E H S , AND DKALEHS IN Wines &. . Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers cf CLOTHING-: Hoots &, Shoes, Under CloUiing, filaitE.els, etc., etc., etc. .ASSAY"" OIFJCTi! WE 1UVK AN ASSAY OFFICK IX CONNECTION wl'hour lmhicHs, uniler the entire supervision otMr. Miller. Viv make returns iu Ititrs In six hour We iiunrnntee nil our Aesnvs and pn.vkthe IlKMIKST CASH I'UlCi: tor Ibrs. We also pay the lli);lisl Ciiuli Trice or Oold Dust. ni.octi, MiM.Kit r,y., myOtf Oar. Mnln nnA Wiililinrton sti tn T.-illes. Lj I j I IS', cj- o f y AT COST, TO CLOSE BUSINESS I doue. THR UNDKRSIOXKI) wonld repectrifl1.v inlorm the 11 patrons nnd the puliiic nt lnrt,'U. that lltcy will roiunienee to sell this day, their huge and linudaoiii. oi-K ol Cloihlnir Dry GimV.s. Furni'.hlnp;noods, iancy tloo.1,. UalsACais, l.H'li. d' SI- Boots A fhoes. thih'1-..i Mines, ltnhher (limds, II. in. llhinkels. bnlcin Cloths, Ac, Ac, Ac, - A. T O O S T . In order to retire from bitflnot. the ubuvo Stork niuflt be Hold within ixty Uuyn, and STlliCTLY Vrr COST! All iiorndim indebted to the fiim wilt rteiie full and Mettle their bills iui'ediHtely thereby Mtving nil iiiium ce-ir.v future trouble. COilN k 1101 Ml. UitllfH, Uct. U, Ibbb, oclitt. Oregon Steam .aYi?iUion Co. Umatilla, Boise, ANUIDAHO Express anil Fast Freight Line. rjjMUS USE 13 NOW IN COMPLKTK ItlTNNINO B. oriler from t'niniilln to Idaho City, vi,, Hoito City, nail piepaieil to curry Kruilit mid Yiilunb a I'lickaes between these and all intermediate points witho.i'tniuly nml dertpntcii. . The Line is Stocked with the Beat Teams the oountry affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace CONCORD Tn WKATHitit. Tiie Ado rtner of tlie 221 mat., ta.i lual the road fio-m Um.iti'Iik ncros8 tlie Blue Mountains, is strewn witli fallen tim ber on the mountain section, thrown down by the frttle on Sunday night. aI Cmwtiird'i", nt iho foot of the Blue Mountains on the Umatilla River, a couch was blown over. At AVallula the Spray wus so injured by heating npalnst tlie tvliail'-boat, that she s laid up nt OHIo for repairs.' .The fire-bill at Walla Wullb whs blown down, toiet'ter with the frame on which it was mounted, and broken to- piece. In the town, BignD, awnings, aud things in genera! were blown about with grent violence. Throughout llm Colombia Dasin I li ore appears to have been n very heavy lull of rain during the lust eight days, ihi 1 the Dalles bus had its full share ol it. Which ensures Speed snd Sufety in the tranm'K.inn of freiKlit. never ueliiru otu-retl to lilalto. Me otter haiiO' rior inducements for Shtiiiiui: Goods from ran Prancl'Cu nnd INirtlaud to Idaho, us our arraii:enieiilM willi ihe U.'i'au stcilaianin i:oaiiiauy unit the llreirun Slenin Mivl- gallon are sut-li that nil MoniW i-liiped liy this l.ine will not uu suijeui 10 uie UKUni delays, lint puss ttiruuu as Oonds shipped from han KraaciH'O to oi.r care nt Port lnml, Charges will he paid aud Goods shlppod to destina tion. GOODS SHOULD riKMAHICKD: CAI!B 11. M. . A .CO.. F. 1.1 N K, and Shipping ltecelpts sent In onr Agents at t'ortiumi ami uisatilia. .. Advance Charges for Transportation Fald hy the Line nnd Collected at Destination, llond will be lorwarded Willi Dispatch to owyhee and Sonili lloise. PA?3EXGKIt8 CAltRIKD AT OllKATI.Y ltKDUCI'.D ItATb!. t'amilles will ho lurnislied with .Mim-ii.ir Ac- commoilatioiis In New and Kasy Iti.litnr lliorou h r.race Waicons on the Most Liboral Terms, We lay over encn night on the Itoad at Good and Convenient Stations, so that passengers win not he deprived ol regiiuu rest. . . ACS-KJS'l'Hi RTCIIAltDS A McCllAKKN Sn Fl-andsco ItlCIIUlUS A McUltAKUN Portland JOSKI'lt TKAL ; lli.Hes .1. II. WILKINSON I.eOran II. M. Hull h I.I. A CO lloise City li. M. DullKl.l. A CO Idaho City JIA.Iiilt fcl'litllt ltocliy liar (South lloise) DultKLL A .VIOOilK Itiihy aud Silver Cities B. II, DnKELL & CO , n25tf l'roprietors, Mil. Msuckii, the agent, in the female Imm gnu ion scheme, lias resigned bis position in the Washington Territory Legislature. lie is uuderstuod to bo very much resigned to bis fnte In making (lie Voyage from New York to SealllQ-. John Gawoe, Ui-q., who lias been shipping Qour direct rrotu Millvillb, Shasta county, f'ul., duriitg the present summer-, ba so lit, since he commenced business here, about. 195,000 pounds of Hour. Owyhee Avalanche. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN WILLIAMS A-XJOTIOISTEKR,, JVo. lOO. main Street, Dalles I My -Br jLL ATTEND TO TUB SKLLINO AT AUCTION Y at General Merchandise, Heal Kstttto. tli-ia-eri llorsis,.Ni-w nml tecohtl lliuiu t urultur, stuclts, 4c, Ac, Ilvgular Sales Day Saturday Out-door aud Special Sales attendod to iu any part of tnouty.. Liberal AdTnnxc made on Consignments. nl9:3m ' JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. " R! OTIC 13 5S IIEItKBY GIVEN, that I. GEO. W.' BENNETT, do forewn I'll nud foi hid" all persons from purchiiing or otherwise procuring un-y Viperly from MI1S. L. HEN NK'IT.nsnll the property on Ihe InTur lielomrs to me. and tlie snid Mm. L.. llenuetl hns no niitliority wliatever to illspt.se. iu nny manner, of my property ; nud persons purchasing will-lie held uccoltntable hy lne. . Vuliosltov.Kl.lMlo. 2:l U. W. BENNETT. LUll UIVI1I1I llllllgl WINTER AKlt AKCEWCNT. ON AND AF1 Ell MONDAY, NOV EM BE IV I3tli, until iurther notice, ' to connect with steamers rOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from tho It. It. DEl'OT DALLES CITY, on Miinalnya, Wednesdays, nnd Fridays, mt 4iJ0 A. AI. TIIE STEAMEIIS "0NK0NTA" or "IDAHO," CAl'T. J. Mc.NllLTY Coinmnnder. Will lenve DALLES, DAILY. (Stool'iv e ccpted) nt ft o'clock. A. M..connecliii. by tho CASCADE ItAILKOAl), with the steamer KE W WORLD " or " CASCADES," CAl'T. J. WOLF ... Commander, l'ortlauu. W. D. BHADEoHD, Dalles. Nor. 13, 18P6. fnl-tfj Aixi-nt o. S. N. Co. 11 O "V J . . GOKTZ, DalleSv '. KOKNIGf llKI'.OETt. hau Viuucisco. J. GOETZ Sc CO., TOBACCONfSTS,. Have rt'inuvud to Eudio's New Stone Building, Washington Street, near French & Gilmnu's, rud liuvei opened a wctl-nssorteil stock of IIAVA.V A anil UiniKMIU M'XIAIIIS ' VllHllMA ui.d W r.STIiitN TO1IACC0,. ' VIlhNCII inel StUTCll ti.SCH'. MEEIISCIIAUM aud other i'lft'S, I'LAYING CAltlKS, ril'ORTING GnOliS, INDIAN and FA CY GOODS. 4c, ftp. ' The tradesiipplied nt LOWESTMAKKHTPItICES:. IM.ACIi" FOOT ICXiijS.. WANTED. ;. irASOr) COUNTY OHDEltS, ot trio Office-of tlie . m i u-etrtii.btoaiL navigation Company. Dalles, Nov. 17, ItiUft. W. 11. UltADFOltD, Aa't. llt. IS. W. MITCHELL. Officii-WALDllON'S BUILDING. . ; IlnuiEStCE Corner of third and Washington Streets. DWICIIT & BACON, Proprietors. fBMlE PUBLIC ABE 1IKIIEIIY INFOIlMED-tlmt w M. have concluded arraueiiK-iitH for Ihe triiiisnction of. Express UnNiness TO AND 1'IIOM THE BLACK FOOT COUNTRY V and have commenced umkir.R regular trips f-om WAI.LAi WALLA, via Lewiston, to YlltGlMA HIV, HELENA, Ul'lllll 4 BLACK FOOT CITY. All Uueines entrusted ' to us will he attended to with promptness Mid dispatch.. 4 I'artlcnlar attention paid to C.il.I.ECTlONS. Wall lunve on. their second trip, starting. from Walla Walla, Octoher &1; Lewlston, Octolier uth. selD-in To the Tax-iiajerj of Vasco County.. BiiKtitrr akb Tax Coilkctob's Omen. V ll'mco (tiunty, Ortyun, Aoe. 14, 1805. - NOTICE I HUltliBYOlVEN, that the time for pay lit;; ctate nnd Counljr tuxes li.r tlie vunr lHt6 wile Hi no ou FltlUAY, llLCEMUI-.lt TIlK LSI', IU'wi. All. taxes ri'Uiuintinr unpaid on pi-suual piaiperty nfter tluv date will be collectud thw-sauie us on i-xucniinn. . C11A3. WHITE,. Sheriff nnd Tax Collector, Wasco Co., Ouenom .DalleCUy, Nov. H, 1SI16. nol6-2wd . u. oatim. b. i. uArr. . GATES &, IIA.IJ?r Attorneys & Counsellors at I-aiv, . DALLES, ORKGOX. i on sai.c. AFtnST CLASS, SECOND HAND PIANOI can b luuU on rensouahie terms. , Inquire at this Office, or of l' oc3tf , A. W.FEItGUSON.