J TV fp -jails ".jr.. rT'jS iso. . vol.. o. DALLES, OfiFGON, FIUDAA', NOVEMllEIt 4, 13S. f -J: 1 .718 y us. . j & y : ' . riBLISUEl) EVERY MORNING, (MONDAYS tXOKPTCD,) BT S3. G. COnSB & J. IIALLORAN, BDITOHS AMD PROPRIETOR. Timta - Ttoenty-tw cenU per week, payable to the carrier per iMiiui, by mail, i; mree moninn, vtw ux months, uueyear, $8. Advertisement! Inserted at low rates. Job Printing. Kvery description of plain and fkncy Jfh Printing exe- Qted witli neatnesH and despatch) and forwanrcl as per ortfor canny part of the country. Payment Jar Job Print iny nun oo muue on uenccry oy wvirrni. UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, ORECON. HANDLE Y &SINNOTT, I'rop'rs. TniS POUJIAH M9U8C, OtNTRALLT LOCATIS, Sear the Steamboat Landing & Railroad Depot, Has been recently enlarged and improved, aud will now accoiuunmate 30 0 GrUEHTS, TT WILL II K CONDUCTED as heretofore, iu a FIRST S. CLASS HOUSE, aud the patronage of the traveling aiublic is respectfully soliclte . jBEsT Baggage taken to the House free of charge. House open all nignt. URGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES DilleK.0cl.4tf. EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIN STMliT, DAUBS, 0RE00X, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IN TH (1INTBX OF BUBIXKS3, Ke&r the Steamboat and Railroad Landings Superior Accommodations fnr Families and can Ao commodate One Hundred and Kilty Gueats. Meals 50 est. Lodging 60 eta. Fire Proof Safe for deposits of valuables. JT-. House open all night. Baggage tuken to the Hons free of charge. THOMAS SMITH, mh8-tr Proprietor. M FAMILY GROCERY STORE!! S. PRANK, DEALER IN FAMILY CiKOCERIES, TOBACCO AND SEGARS, a Lao FRESH AND DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, 4c, Ao. And every article usually found ln- First-clnas ITamlly Grocery Store. II. FRANK has Just received from below an entire new atock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS &o, which lie will sell at lew rates for cash. Heads of fam ily and others are Invited to call and examine his stock, Jouds delivored ia any part of the city tree of charge 4kjF GREENBACKS TAKEN AT 76 CENTS. 8. FRANK, Main street Jy30:tf. A few doors Mow the PosHHUce rURNIT UREl ftjrWture" DIEULAM Sc WENTZ, ' 0 'TJf CORNER THIRD AND B STREETS Household Furniture, .embracing Tables, Chain, liureniia ' ueilsand bedsteads. Ueililllig.Carpeta .to., etc.. all of which will be sold at low rates. Furniture Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. Also. on hand siattnSMes and Pillows. Spring Beda made to order, aula i . A Wlf, MOAHD8. 0. B. KUSUKb. WM. MOABUS &CO., CITY BAKERY, AND PROVISION STORE, Corner of First and D streets. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS In BREAD, CRACKERS and Family UROCERIES. ftaOnlers from a distance carefully ailed and promptly dispatched. 1-tl II:iICA.Li CARD. A. C. STEPHENSON, M. D., RESPECTFULLY tenders his professional services In the several branches of medical practice, to the citiiens of Dalles and vicinity. Particular attention will lie paid to female diseases. Chronic disease of whntever type or grade, wilt receive prompt and efficient treat ment. OiHce, adjoining Waldroa'e Drugstore. no25tf BOOKS! BOOKS! WHOLES HE. AND RETAIL. at HUUL If UUtt.S, SlAlUm Rill, SC7 Standard ana Miscellaneous WUI1KS, Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPERS.' Ac, Ac. by every Steamer. Post-Olllco1! Bookstore, Main street, Dalles. ma7-tf H. J. WALDRON A CO. Furs ! lTurs ! THE niGUEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH o . Beaver, Otter, Mink and Coon Bklna, Ry RICHARDS A McCRAKKN. Portland, Sept. 27, 1366. oci:8in. FOR BOISE jll a:S DIRECT. T II K WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE OF fJONCORD STAGES, CAKRYINQ THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS ANU Well, Fargo & Co.'s Express, Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to PI cerville, (Uoise Miues.J Through In Two and a Half Days Connecting with the Wallula Llue of Stages, aud tb Beats of the 0. S. N. Company. UHO. F. THOMAS A CO., ap27-tf Proprietor NOTICE. THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY . Will carry FAST. FREIGHTS FROM UMATILLA, AFTER THE FIRST OF OCTOBER, AT THE F0LL0W- 1NO ilKDUUKD UATKht To noise City 15 Ceuta per pound tuano tviiy u Owyhee )40 For less amounts than one hundred ponnds an addition of slve Cents per ponud will be charged. -TIM hi FltOM UMATILLA i To Holse l lty 3 Duyti. To llalio City 3 l-t Days. TO Owyliee, 4 Days. JOSEPH FINKHAM, Aiient. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1805. uclS;tf. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND BILLIA.ltJL ROOM, F. M. HUNT, Proprietor, CORNER OP - Malii and Court Street, ap21-tf Dalles. Oregon. IV 15 W HEARSE! ffnilB UNDERSIGNED BKQSTO INFORM THE CIT M. irons of tins Dalles and vicinity that be baa received NEW UEARtlE, and will attend Funerals on short notice. This la the flr.-t, and at present, only uearse in tne city. I. si. kvans . ..Jles. May 19.1806. iiiy:20-tf. dUARTZ MILLS! And all klnOx of Machinery Manufactured at tlie OREGON IRON WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and 7TU streets, PORTLAND. A.. 0. OIDB3 A CO.. Successore to Portland, Dec. Oth '64. deOtf K. L. Jonis A Co. iu. s. i wallacc, PHYSICIAN id SURGEON ornoi Near Gates & Chapin's Drug Store, MAIN STREET. DALLES. aplSt COLUMBIA BREWERY, LlTatWIG&SCIIANNO, Props. rA I.LKS, OUKOQN, MOLEST PRICE PAID FOR ii RLEY. anfliitl. NOTICE In.WETHISDAY re-puichased my stock of goods, sold a lew days since to Mr. J. B. Crossen. All lehts due the conrarn will be collected by lue, and not by Mr. Croaen, as heretofore published. utKiw - u. I.. .IK KI,T, Rumorul. ' DR. BELT has removed his o Ike from Dr. Cralg'a Drug Store to Waldron s new Stone building, up stairs. oc31:tf. II. U U DOUTIIITT, ATTORNEY A.T LAW, BANNOCK CITY, Idaho Territory. HT P irtiiMilar attentlnn nM to nollectinu Dubts. Attorney and Counsellor at Law TNOTA.lt V PUBLIC. OFFIPR On corner of Washington and Main streets. Canyon City. Qrant County, Oregon. apiiott iai TlAS Ac ODELL, : ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTICE IN THE SUPREME AND OIK cult Courts of Oregon, and the District Courts 0 Washington Territory. Particular attention nald to the collection of claims. 0. UUMASON, , Dalles, Ogn. . . 1. A. OUKLl NOTICE. . v NOTICE 13 nEREBY GIVEN nnt tolrnst my wire on my account, as I wlH not be responsible niaw wulius LAAUJa. 1' It U X 11 & UlLMAiY, IMrOllTUBS A.ND WU0LUAL1 Dealers in Wines, Liquors GltOOlOlfcllSfeJ, Miners' Goods, Moat Stores, &c, EAVI REMOVID TO TBU1 NEW STONE BUILDING, COENIEOF . Second and IVaslilngton Streets, DALIES CITT. NOW IN STORE A LARGE AND, COMPLETE AS aortMcnt ef tfce very beet brands of WINES AND LIQUORS. Also, a tull a sort merit of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. AYConstantlv receivlnip nur aiiRiillea direct from New York and San Francisco, we are ahle and willing te sell at a very small advance on San Francisco nricus. Thnv hope by adopting a strictly sorrect and prompt method ol doing business, they will receive the patronage cfthe pnli- lic. selO-tf EMtuliliMhea It-iS?. DEALERS IN GROCERIES ! CORNER OF Slain and Union Streets, Dalles. J. 0. BALDWIN mhat-tf F.W.BALDWIN. litliljO. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FRUIT STORE, Washlniiton Street, opposite French A Oilman's. Dalles. Has on hand a 1 u-ge aud well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, ITresli U titter &, Jgfgm, . Received dally. A laree lot of CHICKENS alwavs on hand. FRUITS of all klmfa. FRESH VEUKTABLES every morning. All articles warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody! 1 lvltJ117r! A-itJW. aul8:tf f. liebb: COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. -A..H. BOOTH, WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND' COMMISSION MERCHANT, M E It C II A N m S E AND ITllIVEItS' SUPPLIES. PACK AND SADDLE H1&3E3 FOE SAUK. PR EIGHTS CJNSIGNFD t.t ray care for Colvllle K.iotenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re cetve nromnt attention. Hiiiteuiutis. uct. 1st, ion. oc2tf . 10. I. JLIT i5GEltA.JL.JL, DKA1.SE IN ti A RD W ARE Iron niitl Steel. wry Deicription of Allncrs' aud mechanics,' Tools, A h l Farming; Implements. IIIP CHANDLERY, 0R0CKR1ES, CLOTHING, AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Crockery and tilasswai . H. P. FITZGERALD, flO-tf - DalUt, Oregon . B.DALLAM. 0. W. ARHSS. Q. W. ARMIS ' ARMES & DALLAM, Iniportera and Jobbera of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE. Ao. And Manufacturers of California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, Ac. 217 ft 219 Sncruilieiitodtroet. between Front Mid Davit. bAa Kmiioirico. ocll:3iiidw. TILLMAN, SOLS A0IT IN OALirORNIA fOft ' TILTON & MoPARLAND'S Fire Ac. Kurglar Proof Safes. v STEEL LfyED VAULTS, WITH "Combination Loclc. AayCoustantly on hand a full assortment of SAFES. 318 BATTERY STREET. Jy6-8nt San Francisco. Washington Wmron' Road. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD I FORM IK Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Road from Portland and Vancouver to the Upper CaMcadoa is well being kept in good traveling order for wagons and stock. K.C.IIAKDY, Dalles Jan. 11th lfiffl, lanlltf Sole Proprietor. W7T. BlGELOW, Receiving. Storing Forwarding AND Commission Merchant! Advances made on Consignments. MAIN BTREET, Opposite the Umatilla House. A CARD FOR THE Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. BADGER & LINDENBERGER, Nos. 411, 413 aud 4IS Buttery Street, Cor. Moraihaut, bam fclranclsco. . Importers ana Wholesale Dealers. ENTIBE KEW AUD FRESH STOCK WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer chants to our usually lurge stock of Uoods. Our stuck comprises every article In It Clothing rd Fur nishing Hue. We have constantly on band tlx largest aud prouteet variety of Cassiinere and Wool HATS of any noun, in Fa 1 Francisco, and our prii ea for these Good, are li-sstaitn thoee A atiy iiouse, as we receive them direct Iron, the suuimfaoturer's eunalguniant Our atock ol Suniinur and fall (icons Is particularly attract ive, and the great feature to the country merchant la the unusually low prices. Less Than the Cost of Importation! We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Goods line, which Goods we have purchased in this market un der the hammer, and are oflering them at hew Yoik Coat, and less. Wrpubiieu this card In order that we may make new acqu'Uinamiea, aud induce those who have not heretofore, purchased of us, to call aud examine cairatock. Good Articles and Low Prices! Are the greatest Inducements to all who purchase In aell agaiu. Merohauta who buy of uff -can make a good profit, and sell to lliolr customers at a low figure. l a remain, respcctlully, Your Ubedient servants, , BADGk.lt A LINDXNBKRGKR, Wholesale Clothihg and Hat Warehouse, Nos. ill. 4U said 416 Battery street, lon Francisco, April 1, 1S86. . JeD-amw. UOMfOiFfUE SlIMMElt UOISK ON THE uta SEA BEACH. fM113 DELIGHTFUL aND CELEBRATED SUMMER M. Resort, siiuated oa Clatsop Plains, a short distance from th. Oceau, is uow reopened aud ready to receive guests. . . This resort possesses attractions no surpassed 'on th Pacific Coast. It has a splendid beach for riding, walk ing and bathing; beautiful sci,ery aud surruuudinga; beiriee or all kinds abound; a beautiful trout stream audabundauce of game. Is constantly supplied with salt and Iresh water flab, clam, and crabs, elk, bear and feathered game, aud tb. freshest of couutry produce. The climate is selubriuua This Hotel offers every thing that could Le desired fur the comfort of guests, both well and eick. The Proprietors resDeotfuilv ask the Health and Pleas ure Seeking Publio lor pat tronage, that they may enabled to make the " Summer House " a uermnient in stitution ol the couutry. LOWELL A K11'P.N. T! mytftf SELLING OFF AT COST. My entire stock of STOVES AND TINWARE, ALSO, TINMAN'H TOOLS, Flll'E WHOLE embracing a fine atock, ever- article M. of which will lie sold at CO&T. as I desire to rloaa nut business. Also, one GRAND PIANO, in good order. aiso. tor saie, tne utiUBK Anu imi; on feconu M.eet, next to the comer of Washington. The House ia iw. aturiea, with a baaement, and Is well aduptod to the hotel uusiuess. Also a lot in UKUUiMi, comprising about twenty-flve Beda. '1 lie whole will be closed out cheap. For furtliw particulars apply on the premises. auvMIII AljtlHlt A UK I llKUKrl .. iLV EUIJIT, GltOCEUY AND PROVISION STORE. flMIE UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and J. the public generally, that he has just established Main street, next door to J. Juker, Tubaccoulst, A NEW STORE I where he keeps constantly on head a large assortment ot selected FRUIT. Also, In store a complete stock ofcholc GHOCEN1E3. I'iQVlSlONX, KA'uATa etc. ' All of which will b sold, wholesale and retail, at RE! DUCED PRICKS. Com and see and satisfy yourseir. . aola-tf JOHN BPUS1T0. LINCOLN HOUSE, Cernar Washington and Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. TR5T-CLASS nOTRL. LARGEST IN THE BTATB. Chnrires Reasonable. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats and conv.v PaMengera aud their baggage to the House Free bi Charge, or to any other House In the Clry for 60 cents. S. COFFIN, Proprietor. P. 8 HIT AND COLD BATHS In the Hons. All the Steamers for Oregon City. Vanoouver, Monti, colloand Astoria land at the Lincoiu House Wharf. aepl:3in 1. J. STEPHENSON DENTIST, WAR REMOVED HIS OFFICE 0PP0- MM. slteBloch. Miller A Co.. where ha It'i prvparva to uo an atnusoi F DENTAL WORK, In a skillful and well flnlnhid manner. TEETH lnaertec from one to an entire set, on Gold or Rnbber Plate. Prices, range for Kuliher Plate, from tii to tub : Fas Gold Plate, from $75 to tii. .owo.ao. Persons having work done by me not proving eat- Ii factory will not be required to receive or pay lor tlx : . auiatl 13 It. II. STEELE, i lACTINO ASSISTANT SURGEON, U. 8. A. omciAt' . WALDRON & BROS' DRUO STORB