-CM?, lJ ... l.lli.ln. ,i j. li'U- 3;uln lIlountainccL SULLI.ttt OFF AT COaT ! "Wunscli & Co., ' WILL CLASH OUT THEIR STOCK OF MKKCHAN DISK, at their plnco of business, at the Dulles, iu order to go the Mines. Their stock embraces Dry iiaodt,. Clothing, Hoots, Untn GENERAL M Elt CIIA ND ISE, All which will he sold at COST, for CASH only, aV All who know theuisolvei Inclrliteri to our Arm nt the Dalles will please cnll and eetlle us soon ss possible. Those who have la-en uccoinniiKUted we trust will not delay us unnecessarily, 1-ut he prompt In squaring up ac counts. Call uud see us. all uud everybody I anll-tf M. WU.NSCII & CO. Suit in Equity for Dicvrce. liArtTERN CaIITAL IN TUB OllMUN Mines. A very hundnomo Bum, Baid to be as bi"h a iUJ'J.UUO, hus been of' i'orod by New Yrk cupitulists for tho Jluckel mine, torraorly known as the Itickfellow, and Biiuuted on Powder l.ivur, Orii;on. The property Cun. Bidls ot a lU-stamp quartz mnl, driven by water power, with an average crushing enpaei'y of fifteen tons per ritiy. The ledge is located on the emigrant roud about seven miles from the mill, and ore is hauled at a cont of S5 per ton. There are severul distinct lodotj from which the mill is supplied. There is but little wood or water at tlio mines; but a great abundance of alkali. The mine was discovered ly soma o' J miners as they were passing by ori tbo road. There are good " iu dic.ition.i" at intervals for a distance of . sovoral miles along the outcrop of this loud. There are also several parallel ledges. The rock contains but littlo pyritous ore j tho gold being mostly i'l'eo. The main lead was struck by a tui.nel 110 feet from the surfaco, and 116 foot from the point where it was commenced. About twenty-five men tiro employed about the mine. Col. llnckel, lute president of the Oregon Stoum Navigation Company, is the principal owiierotlho ledge, the work upon which is under the management of Capt. Coffin, formerly of the Cali fornia Steam Navigation Company. Wood & Fog us' interest in the Morning TSiar gold and silvor lodge, Owyhee, has been conditionally sold through, or to, a prominent New York banker, for 8UU,0U0. Wilson Wado dingham has purchasod tho interest of the White Brothers in tho Confed erate Star and Idaho, Alturas county, for 825,'UUO, and is in treaty tor other valuable ground. Mr Waddingban. has been extremely fortunate in his quarts operations, and is now the proprietor of several ot the richest lodges in Idaho During his late vis it to the Eintorn Slates he bus not only rea izod a fortune, but justly earned for himself the character ot an upright and honorable man. His fair and impartial representation of the quartz interest has been of incalcula ble benefit to Idaho, and entitles him to the good wishes of all who desire to boo Oregon and Idaho flourish. Mr. Waddingham's success in forming a company in Now York affords very good evidence that the miners of Ore gon need entortain no turther fear that they wi,l vutit for capital to lul ly devdop the country. Mining and Hcientifio Press. No Proscription on Account op OriMoN. Senator Wilson, at a Be. publican meeting in iJuilVlolpbia, re' cently, said : T ' "A day or two ago I sV w,6 Presi dent Johnson, there are dnVjences ot opinion in rogurd to negro suffrage. In my Slate we are all one way. We aro all for security for the future Wo do not ask any indeinnitv for the past. 1'horo is no indemnity for the 325,000 dead heroes who lie under the sod of Southron battle-fields. There is no indemnity for tho widow and or jihans none! Wo cannot forgive tbeir murderers, but we want Becuri ty that our sons shall not be murder e1 in the future. , We want loyal men to govern America torevermore, asked the President if he made any discrimination among the men who elected him on account ot their views on suffrage or on reconstruction. The President sum he bad never lrmde any such distinctions, and never intended to make any in the future that he was in favor ot the freest and fullest discussiou of all tho questions now arising before us. And so long n we can go right on, shoulder to shoulder, arguing, discussing itYid ex amining the questions that are before ns to bosolVvd, and I believe now, as 1 itiil rlnrinrr lh wiir. that we will ... .. . i . i tlon lie heard on Monday, the 11th day uf Decenit solve these questions right, ana uiabr.ie6,atthecourtiiouse,iutiaiiesi;ity,inraid pur country will come out in future glorious and free." SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, FRESH STOCK J DUSErtEIlUEll' & IIEIOS., Dalles and Wivlla Wnlln, . DXAIKUS 13 Staple and Fancy, Dry Goods. UIliiei'N' Outfits, Hoots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Cnptt, Groceries, And a full assortment of General Merchandise. Buying our Ueods exclusively In the &au Francisco market, uue making none but cash purchases, we ure enabled tu se I 30 per cent, cheaper tlisu any other House at the bulbil illJMVNUKIII & lilio.l., ml-tr Dalles and Walla Walla. II -A. IS IS imo.v to saw aaoraiflav! CALL AT Till SMT Family Grocery and Fruit Store, Cornor of ssldngton and Second Streets. Till! UNDESIGNED WISHES TO INFORM TUB Iieoide of tbo Dalles, and the onblle iruuurullv. that he has a large and well selected stock of FAMILY GUOCEHIES. CANDIES, A UTS, &c, Which lie sill sell Wholesale and Detail at Reduced J'ricet fur CAtill. Also, constantly on band the Choicest Article of FIIKSIl DUTTKIt am: KUliS. Ala., every vnrlelyof I'' It U ITS sud VKUllTAULUS in tbeir season Persons from up toe country, wishing quantities of Kicks and fruit, by sending iu ILrir orders, will receive the strictest atteutfuii. and havethciiil'llednt ti Lowest Uarkci Tricet. Jvll-tfj C. L. JMVKIX. ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Main Mreet corner ol Court. OLD MACK, THIS PIONEKIt COOK, would respect fully Inform the public that he bos tilted up the above Chop House, and is prepared to surve up AltiALS and I.UNCL1 in tile best style and lit the shortest notice. UAi.bsnnd l'Ailllts lurntrheil w tn suppers, Iu the beat style eud ou the most reasonable urnis. OialfcHs In every atjle. Private Koonis for Indies. HUUS Ol'KN ALL. NIGrJtlT. 11 voice Notice. IN THE CIIICU1T COURT 01' TUB STATE OF OREO0N FOR I lib COUNTY Of WASCO. Maria L. F. Bessercr. liaiuiilf, vs. I Charles C. Besserer, Defendant. ty CHAHLKS C. DliSSEIililt, defendant i In the . name of the State of Oreimu you are hereby suoi- nutnedaiid required to appear and uiiswer the complaint of the above named piuinlitf, now on file in the office of the i lerk or the above entitled court, wherein said plalutlll iimys lor a dissolution of the marriige contract now ex fsiiug between you ana said plaiuiill, ailed(;iug for the cauae thereul harsh and crutd treatment and personal in dignities, committed b you towards and upou said plain- tin. thereby reiioering her me bcrueusouie. riow. tiiore fore. if you tail to appear end answer sold complaint, within ten days from tho time ot service of this sum mons, if served within this County, and twenty days it served within any other county in this Stale, the uid piaintia will iipply to tue Court lor tho reitei prayed lor Iu said c-Miiplaiut. and will tako Judgment against you lor costs, disbursements end expenses in this suit. By order of J. O. W .uon, Judite. O. M. DJi.N.NY, Solicitor for Plnintlfl, November 3, 1805. u!t:Uw Divorce Notice. IN TUKCinCUIT COUKT OF 'i tl STATE OF OREGON FOK '1I1B COUNTY Or WASCO. Harriot K. bbipuian, PlalotilT, Suit in Equity for David E. Bli Itmii.il. Defendant. 1 Uwtx. UUAUIJ K. ell t'MAn, Deiendant : In the name or the Stale or Oregon, you are liereiy summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff, now on file in the olHce of the Clerk of the above entitled court, wherein si d plaintiff firnys lor a dissolution of the marriage contract now ex sting between you and said plaintiff, alleging for the cause thoroof, willul deuertiou, for the period oi throe years of said plaintiff by you. Now, therefore, If you fall to appear and auswersaid complaint, w ithin ten days from the time of service ofthiSHiiiiimuns, it served with in this County, and twenty days II served within any other county In this State, the said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In said complaint, and will take Judgment against you for costs and dis bursements lu this suit, liy order of Hon. J. O. W il son, Judge. 0. N. DENNY, Solicitor fjr i'luiolin November 3, 1806. nSitl w felierlfl 's Sate. BY V1RTUK OF AN EXECUTION, and to me direct ed, out of the Circuit Court for the County -of Oral, State of Oregon, (lor the fon'cloiiireofninortgago) iu tavor of Jol n Graho, Plaintiff, and against K M. Townseud, Defendant, I havethls day levied upon a cer tain tract or parcel of Koal Property, situated and lying In Canyon Cny, Grant County, State of Oregon, bouudeu and described as follows : Commencing lit the Southwest curnerol C. II. Miller's house, and running Kast thirty three feet; thence South, thirty-five feet; thence West, thirty feet, more or less; thence North, thirty-rive foet, to the point of commencing, I will preceed t Sell aba same iu trout of tl a Court House door, lo t'onyga City, Grant County, State of Oregon, at public aactisa, W tk lrghe.t biudor for rash hi hand, between tho hoars f IS o'clock, M. und 4 o'clock, P. M..on SATURDAY, the 0th day of DKCKMUEH. 1806, to satisfy the above Execution, atnonnting to One hundred and Ave (105) dollars, and for the further sum of twenty-eight 61-100 (iH60-lon) dol lars costs of this action, and accruing cost", with interest from the 28th day ot October, 18U6, at the rate of ten per ent per annum. M. P. BH1.UY, Sheriff. lly W. W Whippli. Deputy. Canyon City, November 0, 18B5. nl0:4w wmgli ,(.7. 1 . JIanufacturer and Importer of CARRIAGE, CONCORD, IIIICG'. STAGE 11. A BNES8 SnddLcs, Itridles, Whips. A genoral assortment of Saddlery, Hardware. Leather, etc. tST Orders Solicited. Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. F. At If A K 16, Jeilltf Muln Street, fronting Washington, Dalles. i" oRirL a m linpoifw Way AND 'MA.CIIIJNI3 SHOP, FIRST BTREET, betwoen Yamhill and Morrison, gjteam Knglnea offrom4to4o horse- - power.elther Portahleor stationary. Also. CIll CULAIl SAW MILLS COMPLETE, constantly on hand. Also, Hay Pres ses of allsizes; Planing Machlnes,(Wood worth's pattern.) Wrought and Cast Iron work for Ver tical Sawand Grist mills; brass and Iron Castings and WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills oomplete, ot tho Latest & most Improved Patterns. ' These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines an .the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Horse Powers & Asrrioultttrftl Implements manulactmed to order at the very LOW EST CASH PK1CR N. U.Partlculor attention paid to REPAIRS. fe20-tf SIGNS 1 SIGNS 1 SIGNS 1 O. S.SAVAGE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTEE. . DEALER IN IMINTS, O I L 8 WINDOWGLASS VARXISIIES, Colors. Putty, Brashes, 01 ue, etc. Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Fixtures. Ac. BWiWi TFt. . 4 IS i-tf DALLIES CITY DRUG STORE. P. CRAIG, WBOLB8ALI AMD RITAIL DEALER IN'DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES. o. fl-tf DRUGS AND PATENT HEDlUlti ESU DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND r AT ENT MEDICINES!! S. LEMON, WB0LISALS AND EST AIL DItUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON. CJ LEMON Is able to supply parties In want ofDrugs, is Patent Meiliciuea. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market .rates. eg- Physicians and Merchants Intending to purchase Tor the Mines, will do well to give mm a can. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 In great variety. 8. LEMON, ap.Sttf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. Final SetlleiJK'iit. TljTOTICBOF FINAL SETTLEMENT of the estate oi WILLIAM 0. LAUGULIN, deceased In the boun ty Court of Wasco County, Oregon In Probata Notice Is hereby glvon, that 11. II, Wood, Admiiiis'rtitor of the above e.tate, has tiled his final accounts in the County Court of Wasco County, and prays for a tlnat settloment of said estate, it Is theretoro ordered that said appilca December, A. Coun- t v, and that notlco thereof be published in the Dalles joitntat'neer. 0. N. DENNY, Couuty Judge. November 9, 1805. ' ul0.4w j. av. TiiM, i:n x, o.. (inoceRiiors to bomkkll mulbr,) Vnnl.KMALB AND KETAIL DRAL1HA IN btoves, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron Brazier's Copper, Lead Pipe, Copper, ; Force & Lilt I'umps, . . Zinc, Brass & Iron Ware Lead Pipe, Sco., s&c. T-T Xrti Jf 1.. All Its. Untskaa attal1aa, A BS VVU UIIU ill an tvm a'l tail v iiuo, sitiviiuvu siw liort notice. WAIN 'lRKTt DdUei,opp-it Illoch III! B. - A ..1 11 t miner Vu ' y'-" DAILY M0UNTAIHEER BCCfC & JOB PHSNTBHQ CFFICE. " y first Street, betweeB1 Maia aud D PALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Kxeettfed wtlh acefaey aud dispatch. ' iv i v n-u fcf win. eottmiv vs.vnlt Ant.V with the tety beet, tmt AT KATE8 AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST TO ftlttlEB: C .1 r d s a n A 15 i 1 1-53 ? a d s . CHECKS, DIlAm REVT.1VT8, POSTERS AKD PUGGBAKUES JO THEATRES CONCERTS EXISSBITIONS. tte tte dc PRISTFI) IX IBS Sonl MTKACIIVS NtH ALSO, WAY-BILLS. BILLS OT FAKE, LETTER 1IEAHS. RhiEJi'Tfinr vs. BILLS LADIXQ, (Triers and E'nr EiiHs., VISITING, WEDDIKQ AND ' j r 110 J.E" CARDS X)ru(t5!:istM 7.-''., Inshnft, rverj'thln;. 'lint cati i.- ..j ,n :i 1,Y and .Iota Printing umce. ln-l" the ina!lv. anil noir. del iiale Card) or Circular, to the largoht i-:Ke and rr.eRt :h:wy Posting Dill and which will he turn'. ' cut in a gfy.e that canttol fall to Lieure entire sati'!' . oiie rAciiiTir roa tni EXt:eufios cr JECORATIVE PFlfNTfNG In the moat beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. Such as Fancy Costing Bills! From a single Sheet to the Largest Mammoth. ORNAAIEKTAL SHOW CARDS. . J URt IIVERS' LASELS. s! Ale unsurpassed by thoss ot any other establishment in Cregon. We devote special attention to this l-riim-h ol'thv business, and are coutiuually adding to our airendy satsu slveaud well appointed assortment el material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. . U.C.. U.I.., W.l. Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Otrr slock o. FANCY INKS, TINTS, &C. Are of the finest quality, and for richness of Color and durability, cannot be equaled in the Btnte. The principle upon which lmsiniss is nskod for this es tablishmeiit is, that persons will consult their own inter ' ests, by awarding their cuBtom to. that otlife I whirls their money can be expmded to the best advantage. To this end we (illicit all In want of gund Pi luting, at very reasonable charaes. to call aud examine Suecmieus. and judge for yourselves. Orders Irohl the ITppcr Country Will have our Special enre, and friei ds from the Interior may rely upon Having their orders lilted promptly, as wn HAVE THE.ONLY iMPROVbD hODDON POWtH PRESS ' In the (State ol Oregon I Address : MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf Dalles, uregon. DR.. DAVY'SS P E C I F I C C O MP O U IS 1 , An KxpeditiuUH Cure fur all diseases ol the SEXUAL O K (i A N 8, f 11119 prompt anil rfllcallous Iteuiedy for the enre H Ghonirro3n. Gleet. 6u ictiin'8. ami 1 iceiiseB uf tlie Urinary Oi (caiiB. niHtteB a Bj-eeOy cure wlilu.ut tlieleact rfstrictioir to diet, exp'uif or cbaiie in hj pi if at ion busineBs; It will radically cure any chm vliich can be produced. Tlie dieeaie it remove an cptediiy as is con sistent with the production a tlioioub and pemianent cure, further, tlie dteHne nmuot be ci-uiriu'ted if tlie SPECIFIC CcMFUUM) is taken v hen txpot.td. Its innreilieuts are entire! f vegetaMe. and no injurious effect, either constitutionally or locat y, tau be caused ly Its une. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Sent by Express carefully packed. 4ul and 403 Buttery street, cur ( iuy, J.v22-6m. - Hau Francisco. Hard Wood Lumbers CARRIAGF mKD.WAGON Mf TER'ALS' We BKO TO CALL ATTtM'IO.N ol Cairingo Matt tilacturer. and lcaiets tu tlie Large and Com pleto useoitu eni of CAlthlAUK mid V AOUiN MATEKI ALA we aro constantly leceivmg Ironi the I.HKt. hpeclally selected for the Caiiloinia inniket. cunipililng, Oak, Hickory, and Second (Irnwlh Ash Piauk, Hickory Axles, agon Poles. Hubs, Fpoke. rellois, lllim, thaits. ic. tc. siimi n oner ni li.e lowest iiien i nt i-s. s - rdera addreseed to our bouse w ill receive pronin attention. N. W. hliAUU A CO., jelli:3m. 29 t 81 Battery Uni t, bun rrnticlrco, and 17 & ltt Heveulli rtrei-t bitcrttuiento. C. WATF.nnouss, 11. W. Iibauo 4 Co., J.W. Lister fian franciiH'o. fiocrameuto. ew iorg MANTUA mVRS. MATTIB I10LB1100K would respectfully In. 1TJL form tho Ladles of the Dalles and viciulty, that she lias opened a shop in connection with Miss O'Kourke, where she is prepared to do all kinds of work with neat ness and dlspntcii. Having just arrivea irom tne nasi, she hopes to be able to ploute all as to Form and Fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. THl'.EB DOORS West ol the Corner of TII1IID and UNION Btreets. 0clil;ui3 H. H. UILU. A. J KAN B. HILL'A KANE, WBOLCSALS AMD El TAIL DKALSItaiN Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors AGRICULTTJH AL IMPLEMENTS. STidlAUK AND FOltWAUDIMJ. Goods consigued to us will meet with proper attention lteferenceis t PORTLANII. DALLRS. IT. W. Corbet. Kobbins 4 Co., Itlclisi ils t McCracken, W . C. Moody t Co., 11. Law, O. lluniason. - Umatilla Landing, 8ept. oth, 1H6A. . JACKSSON SALOON ! CORNER COURT AND SKCUNU .TRKETS, DALLES, OlttCOOJV. T nKUNDEIiglONUl, HAVING UEMOVED FROM lllH "ilULLA UMON" CULL A 11, INTO Gates' ISo-w liniltltng', Beg to inform tbe public that they are prepared to sorts their customers with the best . Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A Free Lunch I Every day and evening. ANTON LAIIFR & EMI1, SCHUTZ, decg-lf Proprietors. O. li. UHOOKS, M."l5. , O fllce At 13 r. r'x'itiis'n Urag Store. DALLES, 0RKG0N.