u u yy U U U I U4UH V , Thb Great Vallky or th Payttk'XTib Great V l!ey of the Payette, h a name rom. inonly given lo a large body of agrieultiiial lands lying along the Lake Fork of the Pay elte, a stream wlrich rises just sotiih of War-' roll's Dii;rinps, and flows due south to the Payette River, about twenty miles above Horse shoe Bend.. Its geographical location is be tween the meridians of 115 and UC west from Greenwich, and the parallel of 44 and 45 30' north. On the east, running nearly jmralln! to the Lake Fork, from south to north, is the West Fork of Salmon River ; and ou the west, running from north to south, is the AVeiser River. The great valley is hemmed in on all sides by high mountains, having gen tle slopes, partially covered with t growth of piue, lir, luurel and other trees and shrub', with bright streaks of grass intermixed; but to get out on to the waters ul the rivers which bound its flowiigo e.ist and west, terribly pre cipitous mountains must be descended. The valley drains through an impassable caflon into tuo main stream, and nt its ngth end there is a convenient pass over on to Little Salmon. Tlio average widih of the arable land, from east to west, may be 6even miles, nnd from north to south, its length is eighty wiles. About half way of its length there is ii ridge of a hundred feet In height, with open, grassy slopes, which divide the valley into what is culled the upper' and lower vulleyf. Either of these has the same verdant, lake like level, and the course of the Lake Fork through the whole length of this magnificent stretch of lands, is marked by a fringe of Cot tonwood, alder and willow. - In July the landscape is embellished with a great variety of bright colored flowers, and the waving mead we, the rustling Cottonwood?, the dark firs and evergreen pineB, with long, quiet visias up grass-grown slopes, or between verdant creek bottoms, joined to the splendid colors with which nature loves to paint the face of the earth, presents to the wearied eye, blurred with looking on man's artificialities, a scene which strikes upon the Bensea, with (spring-like freshness. Cuming from thb south, the Guise and Lewiston trail runs up the val ley, nnd toward its head, the mountain' ridge toward the east towers up into isolated groups of crags of chalky whiteness, which present a curious resemuluuce In shape to the Hut, fan 1 ke cactut, so much used for fences in California and Mexico. If the traveler will ascend the mountain slopes to the east, he will have a view tar down beneath him of the bare, gianita cniljni out of which flow the western waters of the West Fork of Salmon' From a point nearly opposite the head of the great valley, be can look along au almost per pendicular barrier of white granite, a thou sand feet Ugh, down which there is no path. save for the ibex, and at the foot of this crag are seen many little lakes, which no wind ever ruin -s fringed to the edge with, dark firs, which are mirrored iti the po.ished sur face of l''e water, in their native colors. The Ciiinbsb in Uoisb. The prejudice against the Uliineie laborers has so far abat ed in the Buiee nnues, that they are now al lowed to purbase mining ground and work it. Three years ago, a Chinaman was look' d upon with abominaiion in that countiy, but the existence of a vust exteut of placers which the white miners could not afford to work, produced a demand for cheaper labor, which was only to be obtained by the introduction of the irrepressible John. There are vast treasures lying in the sands of Clearwater, Salmon, Snake, Payette, Boise, and Columbia rivers which require only the indefatigable Chinaman's labor to be dug out, 'and put in circulation, urn t n a u nn.iuH io ...,:.. .. - ..j...vw oglMUSl liiru which it requires time to modily or des troy. In tl.e absence of a candid discussion of the advantages and disadvantages attend ing the employment of these people, an impor taut brancu of placer-mining' is almost dor mant, and millions of money thut might be welling the volume of the currency ohthe i-ouuiry, is resting iu the places where nature deposited it. . ,. Moan than $3,000 000 of English capital has been invested this year in Colorado quarts. AKW APPLE CI DDK. ... .'. ,n!i ''" received a supply o NEW Joiner, at bum oi his nlooes f business. Those desir ing souiotlilu.r gojd, will do woll to call soon. . : . ;waldbo!i imos., . . , "Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Itlatn Street, Dalles, Oregon. WKTENOW OCCUPY OUR NKW TWO STOHYFIRK " proof Stone bllildlnu;, oppisite Moch, Miller A Co.. unit ulTer to tht iiiitillc a fall anil complete stuck of Diuks, Medicines and Choinlcals, cousiHtiuir, iu p irt of KKK'.ISK.NK, LAMP WICKS 1 CU1MNEY3, TUHPKNTINE, HOI'S, ALCOHOL, SAtlB, ' ACIDS. SPON'GRS, i UNSHED, LKKCIIriS, s( LAUD, COUK-i, CA.T0n'AJD I.NDIUO AND NKATSFOOT Oil, LANPUI.ACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS, . AND ' PATKNT mkdicinks. Our stuck of I ANCY Q0 )Ui i of tlio finest ami beat quality; new sttlrsoud lariro assortments, such us LUHlN'SPKltFURIillY, UAlIt, LL11I V8 TulLKT SjAP, - VLKSII, PO.UADKS. ... SIIAVINO, CJS.UKTICS, HAT, UAIit 011,3, ' CLOTH'S, COI.OUNK, TOOTH AND FANCV SOAPS AND NAlLRItUSlIKS T.JOM IMWDKUS, ' AM) COMUS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our facilities lor buying (foods aro second to none in tlio btuto, iiii.l we snail nt all times sell at a siaull ad- uu. e iroiu cosi. ueauy sales and small profits. PIIVSICI.LN8' rRBSCBIPTlONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and niirht Dulles, Sept. 8, 1805. . . selO-tl H E HI O V A, L. . GATES CIIAII1V, WHOLESALB 4 RETAIL DBUGG-IST8, Hare Itomored to RlDIO'S STOIU IIIJILDIXG, WASIIfiiOTON STREET, DALLES. WIIKIlRwewill continue to soil artlcloa usually kl" ' a Fir-t-Chws Druir store, at M ner cent. LbSS THAN ANY STORK IN THE CITY. Our stock cuiisisis iii part oi Patent Modlclnes, Pure Wines and Drsndy, Jixtracts, . -Fancy & Common Soap, Spoilt, - - Uuir Brushes '.. Trusses, Braces, Corks, Acids, - Paints. Tooth Powdor, VarnlBl'os, . Aloi.hol, ... , Oils, nps, . . Bohemian Toilet Sots, Supporters, 4c, rnYSIt'IAXS' PRESCRIPTIONS . Carefully Compounded. Give ns a cull and satisfy y ur- H. L.011A1-IN, LalBifj ' JUSTIN GATES. TO TEAJISTEUS AND DAIK151EN I FEED I FJEE3D!! SHOUTS, AND OF ALL KINDS, FOR 8AE BY nl9:tf. . ,It. II. LAW, 25 Front Street, Portlnnd, Opposite 0. 8. N. Warehouse. MILLINERY AND DltESS MAKING myiSSO'ltOURKEDKSIltESTOINFOltM the ijuie ui irunes anu vicinity, tuat alio has just received a fresh nupply of . Falilonallo Goods. The latest l atjs. Now York and San Francisco styles of BONNETS. HATS, IttllU t.NS. LAOKsFEATllEkS FLOW Kits. o. A full and woll-selectea iissortment of' Ladies' Hettdy-Made Uarnicnts. Also, a Fashionable assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPINO for Embroidery and Iliaiilfnp:. PINKING done at short notice. BONN ETS llleaclicd and Pressed Iu the latest style. A largo anortuieut of Children's Ready. lla'Io Clothing Constantly on liaiid. Havinsr secured the wrvlces of a First Clan Dress Maker. I am prepared to rut and fit Ladies' and Children's DitESSKS und CLOAKS. TillilD BTUEIST, one square cost of the Catholic Cll,,rc1'- ' ocai:8m. NEW SALOON, NEW STONK STORE, WASHINGTON STItEET. niIIKUNDEkSKlNKD vollld rosp,0triilly anuonnc . that ha will open a first class Saloon In Freuch 4 Oilman's Now Stone niiildlnir. THIS EVEN1NU, and is prepared to soi vo cmtomors ith the best of Wines, Liquors "and' Cigars. ALSO, A j ERKE LUNCH Every day and Evening. oc28"'' . . JOH.VRlVDI,AHB W, P. MILLER, 1 (Successor to Payno A Co.) AUCTIONEER WInMifT?NR I,rolnl'tl.v to Ealesof Itoal Estate, . , 170u'l''.'rxwlos, Horses, and Mu es Wll ',y"""i' '"'W"rii riieci t 1,1. oa oi so Irain and lh,v on Commission, and rent Ileal E.tata npor. IleawnuLlo terms. Oun.lg.m.d u fclWW. .Tuesdays and .Saturdays. main street, dalles. 17. : : HvoticeT B7I 8. HOLLAND IS MY AUTilORIZKD AOFNT Jn attend to collecting and .0111 u my SI during my alHonro. Those Indebted T i ? fo w' '!'"""''" P I'lm lni,ue. fo y and Z cosn, as lie lias orders to collect. v a oi v- J. J . J U K E R , Main Street.. Dalles, WHOLESALE ANDTIETAIL TUtAI.K-n TV ! CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF; PIPES , &, o. ., ALWAYS IN STOni IHI D1ST GRANDR aw Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. 1LAYINU CAHDS, . f POCKET CUTLERY. , PORT MONIES. COMBS sad 1IUUSHE9. o nil kinds, PERFUMERY, id every description, . CHINA OltN AMENT3 .. I . TOYS, DOLLS, etc FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE. . . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, . FANCY GOODS. c. Also Powder. Shot, Load, Powder Flasks. Baskets, and many dher articles too numerous to mention. AiMtnr.ntim'.liil.ra .......1 .-til. ni rt..l . . at loss tluui Portland prices, with frelnlit added, oc-8 VKHY IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families. Xlotcls and UAll-KOOMS. .. i TULIUS KRAEMKIt HAVING 11OU0IIT THE EN- lira Stock of Merchandize and Book Accounts of the lute firm ot M. Keller 4 Co.. In this city, to which lie has a.lilod of his own Importation (while doing business in Portland) au Immense stuck of tlio best manufactured Crockery, GlaNtsware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looklng-liiaascg and All Kinds of Oils, ' r All of which ho offers at reduced rates. Persons wish In; to buy any of- the nbovo-lneutloned articles, will do well to kIvo me a call before purcbwilii elsewhere. x , . Orders from tbn interior promptly attended to, and goods packed io iro securo. Dou't lis.il to call on me. Rudlo's Stone Building, Washington street, Dalles. .1 , , , . JUUUS KRAEMER. Dalles. March 17th, 1S06. mhlTtf HOOT AND Slum STOUE. F. VYClMA.i, . HAS RUMOVED III8 BOOT AND SHOE -tfa. ST.IUEto the bnildinir -oil Mnin street. noarly opposite Moody's Hall, whero he lias f fa Just rooelvod, direct from 8an Fraui l-co. auuu usually fine and well selected stock of BOOTS A IV I) SHOES, of the yorybost quality and latest styles EVER BRCUCHTTOTHIS MARKET, incluillns the celebrated ENGLISH HUNTING SIIih.' manursctured by Uenkert. Also, a large assortnient of Ladles' and Children's Gaiters, Of the latest Styles. Just received from the best Phil adelphla makers.. Also, a vory large assortiueu. of FINE DRESS BOOTS. srGeutlemen who prefer to have their nots or Shoe, made to order, can rely upon obtaining a neat d eiw, . ti vii.ua,Y, .llilln street, selfltf Opposlto Moody's Hall. Jf. A. U. PAYNH. lit. Im'.0 KATES OF FRE10UT have hoen Oregon Steam Navigation Co.'s T tiraln, Vegetables. Tallow, &c. On H'ool, ' F ra DPorS'!!::!::;;::-0 lv On Hides, -Portland, Sop, a, 1Wa. Q- IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF . .': Winess Sc Iisiquors, . '. FRONT STREET, PortUud, - . . . Oregon. O mutV0" SALE A VE11X LAnQB ASiiU"r Urandleg, , HIuck, Liquors, Case Goods, .ee"' NOTICE TO FARMERS. 'J' coupaLv?8. ,,0M"K? ANU Manufacturing -B. CO.UPAAY has recently attached a i .V - FLOUllllSGaiILL to their Steam Sash ami Door Factory, In this Cltv and are now prepared to CHOP FEED, Oil ND WHEAT "2 COItN. and warrant t give the host iatisfiMitiou; On hand constantly and for sale "oux-uou. un lfXTRA FAMILY FLoUR, ' S1.C0MIS Oil MIDDLINGS, BRAN AND SHOUT, ' ; ' : ' .. t,'l''l't'KKD,CIHCKKFEED. ' -Alkef .-Snporfor article of CORN JURAL, f,om M I?,:T"AhMkH 1rlce I"11,1 f,,r WIIBAT, CORN and jj!iie.frVov. 2, im. " A" ll0UUK' A;y FRENCH MILLINERY STOREj Opposite Colin cfe Uolim's. ' Y WOW i: IS, iTS, FliATIICRS, ri.uwt.KS, EMBROIDERY li-oss Trlm,ni,8) &'o. Embroidery and Braiding Stamping.. TTi A TJ17T TW TV1 A TTTT"P POItyHR OF SKCOKD AND WASHINGTON STREETS . DALLES, OREGON, JOHNEPPlNGKIl Proprietor ii rn"K UNDKItSIGNKD f t i .r Having fitted up the ZMtittJf aliovo Market In the IIKT " oi l LIS, will keop constant ly ou hand all sorts of I resh and Cured meats. Of the best quality furnished at the LOWKST RATH lly motto Is to "PLKASE ALI-" PARTIKS HAVING 8CPKRI0R STOCK FOR SAtS will do well to coll ut the Franklin Mm lii.t - -i Dalles, February l0,h, 1801. W'"X0ER- .1 ASMINUTON MAKKKT, CORNEn 09 COURT AND BKCOND STRKETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHMMICHELBACH, Proprietor. ryss, wiw, keep inconstantly ou hand all Hie varle- I ir iiw wii n m I. ii ui. inn ninrirs. aBoril.of JJMilCSH & CURED MKATB, , i buu always or the bi st quality. ,;. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS , . , tuppUed ou reasonable terms. The underslgneq Is always prepared to pay the lilKli est cash price or FAT CATI'I.k! Parties having lock 111 ItUOil Ciiini t un. nrn in,iii.ut..,l ...11 . . . go igelHowhi-re. j0uN MICIlfcisRACH. imiieH, March 31t,1805. mliKHf aiTY .MARKET. SJ LAVUER & Co., i'l-oprlctoi-g. - Will keep constantly on hand the best ' MEATS OI-' ALL lili)S. Ai.ii,e,nAi. oiiAiiB or PATRON AGE is vjH (ollcitwl, as we expect Ink. n ...i sTrS sor tineiit of Meals and of as Koodas qual- ail lissort: Ity, as tlio couutry alfords: and will Deliver the same to Purchasers in the City. . Parties IihvIi,,' Hu,.l.. o i. . . ... . 3 .. . E,i.it iur snip will UO Veil Ik givo us o cull heforo disposing oi It olnealioro. . - .', . LAUI1KR. 4 Co.. , . Bouthenst corner of Washlugtun and Third Sis. Ppposite hosier's Blacksmith Simp. . M. BROWN & BR67. '! i: inotSAUi AH utuiiunin -ITAJVOY AND HTAI'LK DRY GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &c '"ro. north side Main street. Pall." ffj- lOU WALK. For Sale at a Low Figure. bod,!,ireitt,Tl.e,"Ci' " "",r M r"l"y uld and' u!.til,lu;rr,','au,.,'U "'' -"-.ubber? Ten liooius, Flnhhcd In the Best Style wiaLs, 'aroo4cos Expimss otnev J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST? Mm,u St., Dnllet, Ortgou. ' ' yOULD IthSPEl'TFULLY INFORM ' i i '," .C """" thl" I'hico and vl- ff'JcS clnl y, that having returned from a pr" ffe&ljk wsiuinil tour iiir.itHri, i.u "'"" IJinr-w-! attain resumed tho pmctico ol DKM'lSl'liV iT.i . w.r& dron l.ro-.- Drni t & "i l''1 ???"..""!' ' l.iHT or PKICKS. Eat ro Denture on Gold lliwo ' tlRn , ' v A i ii 3i7 ; WatthidUiev .itil Jt HrCI. ' . MfsTReET, DALLES, ' UJffXT 0ft TO Till mm i 9 nWJJKL1 '!. WATOHKS, JKWKl'ltv 8p.cracr.M?Uory,' JS.,l5,1VOrUUl1 $ -i'."',1,0" . r"l''on paid torenalvln, B..li no ........ j ' All natrJiosreiiir.l I iir iweive inontlis. . V WHOIUALI iSD RETAIL DEALKB Fancy & Staple Dry Goods. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES n a it m ft. . . .... .iio jinu UAJ'S, AND ' ' Gentlemen's I mulshing Goods. ' Fir6-.ir.tnf Gl,.hJ ot Streets! .. , ra"'er T Malo and Court -- . octr MRS I WUlTrio . NEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS If n 1X0 .No'" ''T F,TI'K' THE OALLFRYover , riiOtoranlisJ Tnria in vi';, r. '" .. :7.h1!!."" .;'! '.n ' .r a call. P.'rt.ul ' iUsHr iiAKim. -1 i-.r-iv-' .. .11.1 . .u. Aluarnr. JIAItTIN c iilURPU y Attorneyo-at-Law. OwT.CS.ri: f'l,., Ruby C.,., S KORGR I.IKItE Is my duly nutlidrlJA.i a L, " 1 jT tnv alMooa l tl.. vu.. J.. nul,.0"'r-I nt dnrin colleetlon t ell x,ut; du, , 3 alVi r. f Wiuttruclr k Wune.e. " V".." "J "' ' .... ni.MKUHJtlU. ,