THURSDAY MOBXIXG. JfOY. 23. ISi5. No Mail. There a no mail from beyond Fortlnnd, Inst night. The continuous rains have probably impeded travel in the valley to n great extent. ' Tub Stockton Independent says that Brig;. Gen. Tom Sweeney, bag seen much service, nnd has lost bis right arm, "but was never severely wounded." Upon examining the exploded boiler of the Yoiemite, an engineer remarked that portions of the iron were as thin as "cassimere." When his statement found its way into print, tbo boiler had got to be as thin as "gossamer." Tub Mtdi8oa'(Indiana) Courier says it has beard young ladies singing, " Who will care for mother now?'' while their old mothers were wearing themselves out in the kitchen over the family washing. This first discovery of stream tin was made nt Owyhee about two years since. Ineffectual search was then made for the source of it. It bus not yet been traced to any vein, or deposit of any character. , It la very wittily remarked by ruck that ticket-takers and railroad Conductors should be selected from the disabled soldiers ot the country, as "none but the brave deserve the fare." . Tub Idaho World, a Democratic paper, says that it is tired of seeing the same old faces in a Dc-mocrfl'.io convention now, thai figured in the conventions of the party fifteen years ng.. Those old Democrats are n very tiresome set that's true. But lew of them appear to die bodily, although a great many of them have gone through a political "second death." Tub Special Elkction. The Oreyonian of ,tho 22d,suys that 3. M. Pierce, Union, is elect ed representative in Yamhill County, over Ayres, Democrat, by seventy-live majority. Tbo vote was very light, and but little inter est was taken in the election In Clackamas County, Arthur Waruer, Union, is elected without a contest. , . IUuaious MiNtNa A mining company has been orguuzized in New York which proposes to do business " on Christian principles." It ii (Tors to ministers of religion a liberal com mission fur selling it B slock. The company particularly do-ires to have none but mural and roligious men among i s stockholders. Of lb i" company It may be said, thnC it essen- tiail differs from any yet orgauized, aud ought to be a grand success. Pehsonal- -Col. George B Currey, late in command of the Department ot the Columbia, firmed in this city, from below, last night. It is almost unnecessary to state that be re ceived a cordial greeting from bis old ac quaintances, nnd that the summary manner in which be has been treated, Can have no other effect i.pon popular opinion than to in crease tbe esteem in which be is held as a patriotic man and an energetic aud capable officer. . Coiko Ahead. Mr. Davidson, one of the projoctora of the scheme tor navigating Pen d'Oreille Lake by .steam, went up above on the 22d Inst., to superintend the laud tiaus I'Ortutiou of the machineryof the boat to be built for that purpose. The contract for the h'uilding tbe bull and doing the joiner! work is let, and the mechanics, sawyers and labor ers are to go above at once by the quickest conveyance. ' Tbe boat will be Mulshed by the lirat of March. ' ..THE ANNEXATION SCHEME. The Walla Walla annexation movemeut has fallen to the ground. When it was fii st start ed everybody appeared to favor it. The Cobog District of Washington Territory said to Walla Walla, " Go," aud the Willamette Valley said, " Come," and all went so smooth ly that the people principally interested be came suspicious. Upon a simple arithmeti cal calculation it seemed that tbe dollars and cents view was against annexation, as tbe taxes in the territory were three mills less a year than those of tbe State ; the first were payable in greenbacks and the latter in gold coin, and then there was tbe Slate debt, which was another stumbling block. In the meantime, the Great Willamette awoke to the danger of admitting a copper bead county into the State. It was soon dis covered that Nesiuitb was the-mover iu the affair, nnd It was at once decided that what ever "Nes." wuntel, every true Willametter should at once oppose. A little paper in the Web foot interior detected at the bottom of the matter "a deep laid scheme" to elect Nesmilb to the Senate, and return the Demo cratic party to power in the biate. I. was plainly shown thai Nesmith " passed through the Dalles;" it was placed beyond question that "he stopped several days at Walla Walla," and, us a matter of course, be was the father of the annexation scheme. Thus, between the disinclination of Walla Walla to be annexed, and tbe Willamette people to extend the area of the New England of the Wes', the whole thing falls flat, and its further consideration becomes stale end un profitable. But there have been some ideas broached, during the pendency of the discussion of the question, which are worthy of serious reflec tion. The unsatisfactory relation existing be tween Eastern nnd . Western Oregon is the cause of much bard talk, and the future pro mises to increase the causes of difference un til a feeling of absolute hatred supervenes. The interference of the Oregon Legislature in the Mint matter was an act worthy of an assemblage of Dogberries. Outside of the Willamette Valley, no eucb thiug could have been thought of, as the attempt of the produc ers of big red apples trying to influence a question w heroin tbe producers of gold nnd siiver were the only parties interested. The idea of a great interior State, stretching frrAu the Bitter Root Mountains to the Cascudos 11 inge, and from the Utah lino to the parallel of 4U, has come up prominently in the minds of .the people living in the area designated. It will in future foiin the basis of political ac tion in the upper country.' Substantial Impruvkmest. A new, thor oughly fire-proof brick building, belonging to Mr. E. P. Fitz Gerald, hardware merchant, lias just beeu completed nt the south-east cor ner of M.iin and Federal streets. Its dimen sions ie. 78x29 feel, outside measurement ; it lias 17-incb walls, is two storeys of 14 and 11 feet, and is laid up of hard burnt bricks in the must durable nnd workman like ruani er. Insteat of the heavy, over-hanging parapet (wall and cornice, -which so frequent y di.-llg-ti res modern brick buildings, this has a slight ly raised fiizoo, nliiib is no' only saler but much more tasty. It is lb- first briek build jog ever erected in the Dalles, nnd is an evi dence of the solid success which awaits the merchant in this city who coofiues himself to .'.ftU legitimate business. ' - .. ,iVr , - Cholera Piuvkniiun. The frightful rava ages of cholera in Euiope are awukeuing tbe American public to tbe propriety of taking precautions to prevent the spread of the ter rible epidemic when it reaches this contineul. Iu Constantinople, where the condition of the city is filthy beyond all comparison, tbe chol era carried off 70,000 human beings in a few weeks, aud was only Btopped by a great con flagrntion which burnt out tbe filthiest' dis tricts of the city. Once before, the plague wasslopped by the burning ol a large portion of the city. The fact is recalled that the plaguo was stepped in London, in the suven- leenih century, by a similar reduction to a-hes ot the polluted portion of that city. 'From these .facts the British authorities have de duced the idea that after a thorough cleans ing of the cities, I tie cholera can be mitigated, if rot prevented, by the liberal use of disiufee tarts, and by keeping great fires burning in tbe streets. It is not likely that the dread destroyer will reach America until spring, as its advancing strides are stopped by the autumnal fro-t j but another season will un doubledly bring it to our doors. By limely precautions, thousands of lives may be saved, and in a place like the. Dalles, where over forty thousand travelers a year pass throuijh our utreet', such precautions besorae doubly necessary. Some preliminary steps should be taken this Fall in lh matter, nnd 119 soon as the Irosto are out of the ground, it should en gage the earnest endeavors of all the citizens to pn pare against the. arrival of the fell dis- A Cbildish Inconsistency. From time to time tbe press in Oregon has blamed the Cal ifornia papers for not informing; the people of that State of the existence of rich mines in this section, nnd also of the great agricultu ral, pastoral, industrial and commercial ad vantages of tho country. The California press might well retort by asking us when we had done anything to help build up that State, by representing the state of affairs iu that country. The, simple fact is, that the press of that State is doing exactly what we are doing here, and that means that ibey are straining every nerve to build up their own State. One of the rheans by which they pro pose to do this, is by keeping this country in tbe shade well knowing that where our ad vantages arefairly set forth, their chances to get either- population or capital nre ex ceedingly limited. Our proper method of getting the best of this . competition, if by lairly(jiud fully setting forth the real condi- lion-of things in this country, and adopting means to have this species of intelligence circulated in California, Nevada, Utah, Colo rado, Montana and the States generally. Least of all should we ask favors from our rivals, in the matter of publishing news calculated to injure tbe prospects of their own country. It may be answered that tfio cases are not parallel, bill the Califdrnmlis very properly think they are, and if we are unprejudiced, we will probably see it in the same light. Tub New Mines. The Walla Walla Statu man of the 17th Inst, contains the following, contributed by Mr. W. W. Johnson, in rela tion to the new mines lately discovered near Hellgate. The mines wet found about tho middle of October, on a tributary of the Big Blackfoot, heading about eight miles north of a point on the Hellgate River, three miles be low tbe mouth of Flint Creek. The creek Elk Creek had not been prospected when Mr. JohnBon left, but Day's gulch and Jona than's gulch, two of tbe western tributaries, had afforded excellent prospects , viz : from one dollar and a half to five dollars. Neither of them bad yet been worked, owing the lateness of tbe season. Deep gulch, a stream supposed to flow into the Big Blackfoot, mis also discovered, and prospects from five tu eight cents to ibe pu. With water in the Spring this gulch nil pay well. - Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F.-- Meets every Thursday evening at t o'clock, iu Cato' Hull, corner of Second and Court Streets, llrutliuvs in good atuuilliig are Invited to attend, By order. N.O. Now or Ksver Call at Win. Blrnbanm's Jewelry Store and cx'imitio his oxtonivo stock ot Watches, Dia- munils, Jewelry, Stiver Y are, Lumps, Cutlery ami Fancy Uoods, which he olfrs for sale in oriler to close linniness on account of ill health, at loss than cont, There is no such large nnd well-selected stock this sMo of San Fran cisco, and the niiality ot the goods will speak lor Itneir. Now Is your lime to buy prem-nts envap. ami at a wiving ol oo percent. Mr. u. lias ai.o a lot 01 rei'tscoiuc- uiass Spectacles that perioral wonuers. 11411. Isaao . Blocii, Sun Francisco. C. S. Miu.rR, Sio. EciiAwiiArnn, Dalles. Blocii, Miller & Co., . WHOLESALE GEOCERS, AND DEALERS IN "Wines & Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of CLOTHING' Boots & Shoes, ' ' Under Clothing, ,. HIaikcs, etc., etc., etc. ASSA.YOP1FTCE. WE HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION wiih our business, under tbe entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make returns In Jini-e in six liours We guarantee nil our' Assavs unci pay tbe 111(1 II KST CASH l'RICH for Bars. We also pay the Highest Cash l'l lce fur Gold Dust. BLOC II, MILLER C5., myOtf Cor. Main nnd Washington streets. Dalles. SELLING OlF1 AT COST, TO CLOSK UUSsIIVESS Z rHMIK UNDERSIGNED would respectfully lnlnrm tlieii JL patrons and the public at large, t lint Ibey will commence to sell this day, their laige aud liuudtouicr Stuc k of Dry t.oorts, i'uucy Goods, l.iuliiV S'-n, Chililr..4 Shoes, IllltH. Salem Cloths, ic., 4c , A. T COST. In order to rotire from business, tbo ubovo Stock must be sold within Sixty Hays, and STH1CTLY AT COST! AH nernnns indebted to tbo ftt-m will please call ami sctile their bill Immediately, thereby raving nil unua cowary future trouble. COIlN & llOUM.: JJulles, (let. K, 1B&. ucoil. . Clothing Furnishing Goods, Hals A Caps, Hoots H Shoes, Rubber Goods, Dlaukots, . , c., Oregon Steam navigation Co. WINTER ARH ANCEIViENT. fC " . ;j'c i iC'". .A 1'- N AND AF'IEU MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th,'untll further uutice, rJL'le Passenger Train to connect Willi steamers FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from tbe It. It. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at IJU A. ill, . ., TUli STEAMEK8 .. "0NE0NTA" or "IDAHO," CAM. J. McNUl.TY, .-.t'uiamftuder; Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sunday- . cepted) at 5 by the UAStAUf. kulhuau, . ft OTIC 13 T8 HEREBY GIVEN, that I. OKO. W. BENNETT, H do forewarn and forbid all portions from purcbaidug or otherwise pria:uring any prupurly frum MRS. L. 1IKN . NK1T. us all the properly on the farm uclutuo' tu me. and the said Mrs. L. Bennett lias no authority whatever to diicpuse, In any maimer, ol my property ; anu persons purchasing will oe neiu accountable oy me. Daiiei, ftov. zz, moo. zij u. ,E.tiT, WAIVTEO. VBfASCO COUNTY ORDKRS, at the Office of the V iirvgotiSttHiin Navigation Company. Dalles, Nov. 17, 1805, W. B. HIIAUFOUD, Ag' Wit. li. W. MITOIIIOJL.I ' OfFicB WALDltUN'S BUILDING. Residence Corner of Third andCvaxbliigton Streets o'clock. A. M..cunnectiii with the steamer "NEW WORLD" or "CASCADES," CAl'T. J. WOLF,! Commander, fu I'ortlanu. W.. B. BRADFORD, Dalles. Nov. 13, W6. llt-tlT Agent U. a. M. uo. ,12 3X0 VAL J. QOETZ, Dalles. . KOKNIOSBKROER. San Francisco- 'Ca80ds PitKCixeT The iullowlng is the return frbui Cascades precinct, at ln special t lection": - ' II, A. Hogue, (Union) 10 N.1I. Gftte, (Uem ) 3 Ilogue' majority; ........ ......... 7 AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN WILLIAMS uctioneihiv No. 100. Main Street, llalles ( lly nvTJLL ATTEND. TO THU 13 KL LING AT AUCTION If ot General Merchandise, Real Entato, tlroceri- h. Horses, New and Second iiaiid Jr'uruUure, Stocks, &c.,Ac. Regular Sales) U;y Saturday. Ont-door and Special Sules attended to Its any part of the City. Liberal Advanccsmadc on Consignments. nlOiSiu. , . ' .. JOHN WILLIAMS. Auelluiieer. isT i o i : . " THE PNlitU STAG5 COMPANY " "UIariy F-ASTkJMGHTS FROM UMA T J! Lilj ; AFTER TUB FIRST OF .lUTOlimt, AT THE FOLLOW ING REDUCED RATK&: To Itolse City 19 Cent! per pound " Itlniio Cliy " " " Owytioe !0 " . For lei amounts than one hundred pounds an addition of Five Cent r puma! will Ixt clatrgetl. : TliMK PHOMUMATILLiAi To KolseC Ity, -3 afn. To Idaho City . 3 l-'i Days. TO owyliec, 4 Days. f- JOSKl'li riNKHAM, Avent. TJaiatlUa, Oct. 1, 1S0&. . tclS:tC. JT. GOETZ Sc. CO., TOBACCONISTS, Have removed to Rudio's New Stone Building Washington street, near French ft Uilnmn'srnil Iiavo oliened a well-aSHurteu stock uf 11 A VAN A and DOM KsTIC SKG AJtS. VI Wl I. MA lll.'l Wr.STKIlN TOHACCO, . FlcliNUII ami SCOTCH SNUFF, ' MEERSCHAUM and otbor l'll'ES, 1'LAYING CARDS, SPORTING U.IOUS, INDIAN and 1A CY GOODS, e., Ac. The teade supplU-d at LoWESTMARKET PRICES. DWIGIIT & BATON, Proprietors.: fDUlK PUBLIC ARE HKI.K11Y INFOI.MnD that w Si have cuncludedairaugeinciits lor Ibe iransaction of lixpross liuisiuess TO AND 1'ltOM THE BLACK FOOT COUNTRY! ami have commenced inakii.g regular trip" from WALLA WALLA, via Lewlston. to VIRGINIA CITY, HELENA, OblllR t BI.ACB. FOOT CI'lY. All Ini-lues entrusted to us will be Attended to with proniplnc-s and cliepatcU. -rl 'articular aticntiun paid to t;. il.l. l'.ci lens. Will on their second trio, starting frum Walla W alia October ad( Lew iiilull, ttctuber 6tli. "1;"3.l, To ttao 'lax-in)cr ol Wasct Couitiy. BnKMrr andT'X CoiLECTon'sOprtos, 1 lfVco Omuty, Oreuu, Au. 14,-18C5, NOTICE 1 Hl-.RMIY UIVEN, that the time for paw. in:- etatitnml County tx- for Hie lblto will h ,re on KRIuaY, lihCKMUKK TIlK IS I'. IKoft. All taxes remainliiK unpabl on p' vsoua1 property alter t)ii date will bo collected the same us on cxuii.n. -.- CIIAs. IIITE, 4 Sberllt ni Tax Cidloctor, Wiuco Co., Oregon. Dalles City, Nov. H, lfM. indti-2wd "m. 'u70ATKa. " " " tiATKS "-S& IIAltT, Attoriicys & t'ouiiscllorstt Law, , . DALLES, OHEOON.... tU' SAII.K. ' FIRST CLASS. SECOND HAND PIANO, can U la im on rensouablo terius. vcHtf Inquire at this Ullice, or of A. n,. rt-iiuucurt.