fifl II r JH - Mil1 vr y jib a" &r isbuwsss nw vMz&favm&&przr J.S",..T?. VOL. O. tA3f.XKS, OlJI GON, TIItmSDAY, NOVEMBER 83,1808. NO. SO. fails l0untahucrt riBLlSUEU EVERY MORNING, (MONDAYS BXOKl'TBD,) BV ' E. G. COWKE & J. HAL LOR AN, KDITOHS AND PBOPUIKTOR. " linjis Tiomty-firectntt per wook, payable to .ie cirrlei pur month, liy inuil, tl; throe months, $2M six months, $5; oueyear, $3. Advertisement Inositol at low rutes. ' ' Job Printing. Every description of plain ittict fancy Job Printing ( nteil with neatness and despatch, and forwarded per order to any part of the country. ibymerU Jor Job f4 ' t inj mutt be midt on delivery oj tnrk. UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. &si..orrt iTop'rs. THIS POPULAR H0U8K, CRNTRAU.T lOCATBD, Near the Stsimboat Landing & Railroad Depot, (u been recmitly enlarged and improved, and will now accommodato :$oo GUESTS. IT WILL HK CONDUCTED u lieretotore. a. a FIRST CLASH HOUSE, and the patronage of the traveling public in respectfully snllcite I. Ug- Bagaxe takeotothe House free of charge. House open all niht. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dilles. Oct. 4-tf. EMPIRE HOTEL, HUH STRBRT, DALLI8, ORtOON, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. I!t Till OIXTRI or 1081X188, Near the Bteamhoat and Sailroad Landings Superior Accommodations for Families and can Ae commodate One Hundred and Fitly Guests. Meuli...... 50 cat. Lodglng.............60cta. Fire Proof Safe for depositeof valuable). 6tU limine open all night. Baggage taken to the Hons tiee of charge. THOMAS SMITH, mh8-tf Proprietor. FAMILY GROCERY STORE ! ! S3. FrtAIVK, DEALER IN FAMILY (iKOCKRIES, TOBACCO AND SEGARS, ALSO FRESH AND DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, to., to. ' And every article usually fouud in aFirst-claM ITamlly Grocery Store. MR. FRANK, has Just received from below an entire new stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS &0, which he willaell at low rates for cash.- Heads of fam ily and others are Invited to call aud examine his stock. tfs" Goods delivered in auy part of the city Iree of charge -GREENBACKS TAKEN AT 75 CENTS. : 8. KKANK, Main street jy30:tf. A few doors below the PosHWIce FURNITURE! FURNITURE DIKULAM te WENTZ, - J W N I T 1 COItNKR TIII11D AND B 3TREET8 snmiO iiuiu. mm I..v. ..n l,.n.l ,..,.rlU. estf w: .."bj. " i'fZ'jQtl llouschold Furniture, embracing Tables, Chairi, Bureaus B lladsand Bodstends. Beddinff.GarnetB etc.. etc.. all of wuich will be sold at low rates, furniture Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. AUo,on hand Uattrosses and Pillows. 8pring Beds made toorder. aul2 W. MOABDS. 0. B. KOtQBL. WM. MOABUS &.C0., CITY BAKERY, AND ritorrsioi store, ' Corner of First and B Streets. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS In BREAD, CRACKERS and Family GROCERIES. 9sj.Orders from a distance carefully oiled and promptly dispatched. 1-tf MEDICAL CARD. A. C. STEPHENSON, 91. D., RESPECTFULLY tenders his professional services In the several branches of medical practice, to the citizens of Dalles and vicinity. .Particular attention will tie paid to female diseases. Chronio diseases of whatever type or trade, will receive prompt and efficient treat ment. Office, adjoining. Waldron's Drugstore. no26tf BOOKS! BOOKS'! '"HOLES HE AND RETAIL. oCIlOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, n Standard and Miscellaneous WORKS, . Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPERS. 4 Ac, Ac. by every Steamer. Pott-Office Bookstore, Main street. Dalles. ma7-tf , II. J. WALDRON k CO. , Furs ! Furs ! TH.B HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH ma Beaver, Otter, Mink and Coon Bklns, , By RICHARDS k McCRAKKN. Portland, Bept, 37, 1865. oc4t3m. DALLES & CASYOS C1TV STALE Are now running their line of OONCOUD STAGES BETWEEN 13 A L LIS S & CANYON CITY B w!y P. Tod's ".-t(V O i'd'ovv. Biliije fe, .Wall C 'mi Wntsou, buck t'rk, CjMoixvouiI aiti John Div'" 1'ivei. !il-euly. . t WE'LS, FARGO & CO'S EXPRESS. LeHvin;; P. l'e r-.d C';'iyon City every 'i'nesi f- and l ildiiy ii'oi iiiu;;. 'j-Nrn-.n1! in lvo days. JAS. A. HENDERSON, Ageut, Canyon City. Dalles office At Wells, t'lirgo & Co.'h, Dalles. Ball.., Ar-1 ttt. C. MAYUJ'iW. ALCiit. n;ISi FOR BUDi! .iIK:33 WiRi:CT. Sfjgfeg THE fgC WALLA WALLA &, BOISE LINE OF CONOOBD STAGES, CARRYINO ' THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND Wells, Far so & o.'s Express, Is now uinkinx !legulat Trips from Walla Walla to PI cervillo, ('oise Ti.'iues.) Throui In Two and a Half Days Connecting v it the Wallula Line of Stages, aud th Boatsof the O. S. N. Compuuy. t'O. F. THOMAS A CO., ap27-tf Proprietor MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND ' IJILLIAUJU ROOM, F. M. UINT, Proprietor, CORNUR OF jVInin tiiid Court Street, ap21-tf Dalles, Oregon. IV 1Z W HEARSE! riHUK UNDERSIGNED BEOS TO INFORM THE CIT Ja. V.ons of tlie Dalles and vicinity that he has received a NEW HEARSE, and will A-ttend Funerals on short notice. This Is the flrit, and at present, ouly Hearse In the city. I. M. EVANS tulles, May 19, 1885. my:'JO-tf. QUARTZ MILLS ! And all kinds of Machinery Manufactured at the OHEGON IRON WORKS CORN Ell OF MORRISON nnd 7TU streets, PORTLAND. A.. C. GIBBS A- CO., Successors to Portland, Dee. 6th 'M. defitf E. L. Joxcs A Co. Oil. M. V. WAIiliACK, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ofpioi Near Gates & Chapln's Drag Store, MAIN STRIiET. DALLES. apl8t Columbia brewery" LtroWIG&SCHANlVO, Props. DA ILlflS, OHKGON. niQhEST PRICE PAID FOR D IRLEl". ni:tt, ' NOTICE. : IHAVE7 TTI3DAV le-pio-chwcd ny stock of goods, sold a tovr tf4 flnr? to Mr. J. P.. Crnssen. All debts dis tl'o roaswev will be collected by me, aud not by Mr, C"c -cii, as heretere published. n8:Iw , 0.'r..;B"KI,L. D stairs. ticmova I. R. B "LT lias Twnnvril his oM j trim T?. Cmlg s Drug Store to Vr'sl iron's r.ew blone bn:luing, up ocSl:' l. IVJ1 S)tU TI31TT, ATTORNEY AT LA. W, BANNOCK CITY, Idaho Territorr. s9 P irllriilur attention paid to fell utinv Debts. Attorney ami rti&CUr at. Law 1N NOTAKV PUBLIC. OFFIPFi On corner of Wujhlngton and Main streets, Canyon City. Orant County. Oregon. apiiutl IIl .I S(r Ac OS) i:!,!,, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTICE IN THE SUPREME AND CIR cult Courts of Oregon, and the District Courts 0 Wasbinicton Territory. 1 . Particular attention paid to the collectUm at olalms. 0. UUMA80W, Dalles, Ogn. , J. A. ODELI NOTICE. : NOTICE IS nEIUTT.YOlTEN not totrnst my wife on my accouut, as I will not be responsible nl:2w JULIUS LANQE. 10 KEGS OF SALT SALMON. lOObj each. For sale by aul8:tf F. LIEDS. WPOHTCRS AMD WH0LK8AUI Dealers in Wines, Liquors GUOCKUIKS, Miners' Goods, Boat Stores, &c, BAVl EtMOVID TO TBXia NtW STONE BUILDING, COUNEROr Second and M ashlngrton Streets, DALLES CITT, NOW IN STORE A LARGE AND COMPLETE AS sortiucnt of the very b"bt brands of AND LIQUORS. Also, a lull aHsortineut of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. ?- Constantly recoivini; our supplies direct from New York and Han Francinco. we are able uu.t willing- to sell at a very small advance on San Franuio prices. They hope by adopting a strictly correct and uromut method ol doing business, thuy will receive the patronage cf the pub lic, seiu-tr Etsttultlitglied IfeV. DEALERS IN GROCERIES! CORNER OF Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J.C.BALDWIN nih21-tf f. W. BALDWIN. FitlO. L1EBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND TTRU1T STORE, Washington Street, opposite French A Oilman's. Dalles. Uiw on hand a large aud well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, EresH Uutter & ErfcjH, Received dally. A large lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. FRESH VEGETABLES every morning. All articles warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody! PRlCKa LOW. . aul8:tf F. LIKBE. COLUMBIA RIVER MINEST ' V. Tt . BO O T II, WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING ANO COMMISSION MERCHANT, iD OKHIRAt DIALER III v MERCHANDISE AMD MILttS' SUPPLIES. PACKARD SADDLE 3)a3E3F3aSA.US. . H7IRE1GHTS CONSIGSFD t.i my care for Colvllle fC Kootenai, or the Uiiper Ojluoibia Minus, will re ceiVe prompt atteption. White Bluffs. Oct. 1st, 1864. oc ?.tf K. I. FITGEBALD, DBALCa IH H A. H D W A R Fa Iron tuitl Steel. Kvtry Description 0 liners' and Necliaiilcs' Tools AND ' Forming? Implements. HIP CHANDLERY, GROCERIES. CLOTHING, AND STAPLE DRV GOODS. Crockery and Glasswai . E. P. FITZGERALD, flO-tf Dallf, Oregon a. R. DALLAM. 0. W ARM KB. 0. W. ARMIfl ARMES & DALLAM, Importer, and Jobbers of WOOD AX WILLOtV WARE, : BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE, Ac. And Mannfactnrert of California Palls, Tabs, Brooms, Ac. 217 A 210 SacramoutoStreet,-betweea Front and Davis, San Francisco. ocll:3nnUw. EVT ILL M A. JST , IOLI AQKXT OAUrORNIA fOR TILTON & McFARLAND'S Tire Ac, Iturglar Proof Safes. STEEL USED VAULTS, . WITH Combination Lock. J-Coutanlly ou band a full assortment of SAFES. 318 BATTERY 8TREKT. jy6-6m , Sau Francisco. -L Washinffton Wnion Road. TI1H UNDERSIGNED WOULD I FORM fUR Trnvellnn Public that the Wanhlnjrtnn Waxnn Road from Portland and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades Is well being kept in good traveling order for wagrons and stock. K.O.IIAHDV, Dalles Jan. 11th 1868. lanlltf Sole Proprietor. . W. 13. BIGELOWT Receiving. Storing Forwarding AND Commission Merchant! Advances made on Consignments. .. MAIN STREET, Opposite the Umatilla Uotue. ' , A CAUD FOR THE Fall & Winter Clothing Trajlv OF SAN FRANCISCO. badger &niT:L-rr:rlGER, Not. 4ll41ftan1415 Unttrry Street, Cur. jUeruiiuut bau l'L'uxki;lfcvo Importers ::d Wholesale iicalcris. EXTIBL NEW AND FRESH STOCK WE WOT"D CALL ATTENTION of Country Bier, th;-' our itMually lingo stock ol'iJoodrt our bt.rt;!. cuiut;. ..t'S every urtii-le in u e Clothing and Fur nishiiiK line. We have couBtniitly ou iuind the largest end Ki'itvtcKt ariety of Cnssimeie aud Wool HATc of nuy lM,:Ve in a:ii l rauclvco, nud our priies lor theee Uo'ua are ItsH those of any house, as we receive thorn direct from the niaiiuluvturer's cuiisinuient. l.ur E'.ock of Summer and Fall GtKips is partlculai'ly attract, ivu, and the Kt eat leature to the country merchant is the uuuaiiv.liy low prices. Less Than the Cost of Importation! We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES in the Dry (lords Hue, which Goods we have purchased in this market nu de, the hammer, uud are ottering them ut Itcw Voik Cost, and leds. We publish this card In order that we may make new acquainium os, and induce those who have not heretofore purchased of us, to caii und examibe our stock. Good Artlcles-tmd Low Prices! Are the greatest Inducements to all who purchase to sell agaiu. .Merchants who buy of us can make a good profit, and sell to I heir customers at alow Hgure. Via remain, respictiiiliy, . Your Obedleut servants, BADUhR A LINDENBERGER, Wholexale Clothing nud Hat Warehouse, -Nos. 411. 4ia aud 41a Batiery street, Son Francisco, April 1, 1805. . jeS(iitmw. ' no iTfoTtub SIMMKU 'mjlSE o.n ink v. SEA. BEAO H. la U1S DELIGHTFUL a Ml Cr.LtHiiAThLI SUMMEH M. Id sol t. suuaied on Clatsop I'laiun, a short dlstauce from tlib Ocean, Is now re-upeued aud ready to receive guests. x. . , This resort possesses attractions unsurpassed on the Pacilto Coast., it has a splendid beach for riding, walk ing and battling; beautilul scenery and aurruuudlnita; berries of all kiuds xbouud ; a beautiful trout stream audabuudauce of game. ..... thm TAniJte";''" la constantly supplied with salt and iresh water fish clank, nud crabs, elk, bear and feathered game, and the freshest ol country produce. 4 The climate is selubrious This Ho' el offers every thing that could be desired fur the comfort of guests, both well nnd sick. ' The Proprietors respectfully ask the Health and Pleas ure tjeekliip; Public lor paitronaKe, that they may enabled to make the " bummer Houso " a peruirtieut In stitution ol the country. LOWELL A hi l'l' EN. May ttth, 1804. ' myOtf SELLING OFF AT COST! My entire stock of STOVES A Mi T1H WARE, ALSO, TINMAN'S TOOLS. fg VIE WHOLE embracing a tine stock, ever- article JL of which will be sold at 0T. ns I desire to close out busiuess. Also, one GRAND PIANO, In good order. Also, lor sale, the UuUSE AND LOT, on recond etieet, next to the comer of Waifhlnictnn. The House is iwo stories, with a basement, and is well adapted to the hotel business. Alfto a lot of BEDDING, comprls ng about twenty-five Bens 'the whole will be closed out cheap. For further particulars apply oh the premises, auftam ALHEhT 1IMT1N0F.N. i:V MUIT, CifitUCEUY ' AND f PROVISION STORE., 'iniK UNDERSIGNED INFORMS ttIS FRIENDS and L the public nenerally, that be has Just established oa Main street, next door to J. Juker, Tobacconist, A NEW STORE! where he keeps constantly on hand a larire assortment ot .elected FRUIT. Also. In store acompletestock otcholce GHOCEKIES. PNOVJ8IONS,'rmETjlBLIiS, to. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at KEj DUCED PRICES. Come aud see and satisfy yourself. s13-tf JullN SPOMTO. LINCOLN HOUSE. Corner Washington and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. FIItT-TLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IN THE STATE. Charges Reasonable. AN OMMIIUS will attend all the Boats and convey Pawena-era and their Uirirniie to the House Free of Charge, or to any other House in the Clry for 60 cents. x. I urn in, proprietor. P. 8 HIT AND COLD BATHS in the House. All th" Steamers for Oreiron Citv. Vancouver. Montr cello and Astoria laud at the Lincoln House Wharf, sepl:3m "d. ii. sTi:piiKisorw rl2lVTIST, TAR REMOVED HIS OFFICE 0PP0- , Am site Blocht Miller A Co., where be , Is prepared to do all kinds or DENTAL WORK, In a skillful and well flnlshid maimer. TEETH Insertec from one to an entire set, on Gold or Rubber Plate. Prices ratnre for Rubber Piute, from &2u to NA i Foi Gold Plate, from $76 to $126 . - mir Persona having work done by me not proving sat isfactory will not be required to receive or pay lor tu same. mil3-ti . A.: II. ACTINO ASSISTANT 8UR0B0N, U. 8. A.:--. - omoBAT WALDRON & EROS' BZodil