PRESIDENT JOHNSON'S DEClSN Jn .these times, when bo rnueb do y ends upon the decision of chat Abler of oar: President) Buch anecdotes as the following are very encouraging: The day 'before the execution of the 1 assassins there was a great deal of discussion in this city about the proba ble reprieve of Mrs. Suratt. 'A cora- .pa.ny.of gentleman were at the Astor House, most of whom agreed that the woman would not be executed, some assigning the reason that the President would not have pluck enough to brave publio sentiment, and allow a woman "to bo nun. A, well known merchant of JNow York who was present coolly remarked, " A man who talks about Andy Johnson's want of pluck evi dently don't know the man. If . Andy Johnson has signed the death warrant of Mrs. Suratt sho will dio. If he had intended to have reprieved her, he would have signed it." lie added " Let me tell you what I know. I was shut up in Nashville when the oity was surrounded by twenty thou sand rebel troops, who demanded its surrender. Gen. Buell was in the city 'in command of ten thousand men. ,110 determined on tho surronder of the city to the rebel forces- He came to Gov. Johnson and annonncud that ho could not defend the city, and that Naghvillo must bo surrendered. The Governor heard him quietly through, and then replied; You are n command of the United ; States 'troops, and caq do as yon please with them. But two of the regiments be long to the State of Tennessee. Over those I nave control. In the center of the" city is a powder magnzinojl have trenches dug connecting the magazine with every prominent build ing in Nashvilld, and trains are laid. Mow you march out with your troops. ,111 defend the city with my two reg iments as long as I can. When I can do no more, I will fire the oity and blow it to tho heavens, for Nashville shall never be surrendered while I am alive.' Buell did not march out, and Nashville was not eurreudorod. "What I tell you," said tho merchant, " I heard. But tho moral grandeur and heroism of these utterances cannot bo told, And that," quietly remarked '.the merchant, " is Andy Johnson, nud . bo all will find him who have to do .'with hira." ' A Combustible Mud. At a recent . mooting of tho Asiatic Society of lion ,: gal, Major Risky described a com ' bustible mud of which ho first heard last September. It exists in large tracts, notably in the rortobghur dis trict in Oude, whero thoro is a j heel or swamp of black mud which looks . liko ashes and smoulders like wood. The -mud, whin dried, blazes quite freely. It has been triod at Cawnpo by Mr Taylor, the locomotive fore. . man, and was found to tnve nearly as much steam as wood. " It would do very well for locomotives,- and could be supplied at six annas the .maund." When charred it can be used in a black&mith'sfurnace. The ashes, of. which it loaves a great deal, will (they aay) be very useful as a manure lor poor sandy soils. Bits of bono and fragments of deoayed wood were found 'in it at considerable depths. The 1 Calcutta analyzers call it impure peat, resulting from tho continual . de composition of vegetable matter at , tho bottom of the marsh. It iscnri ous that the 1 natives, though woll - aware of properties, make no use of it : the reason being that it owes its or igin, to. enormous sacrifices of ghee i and grain burnt in situ by god-like pooplo in old time. - ; The London Times is assailing Queen , yictoria again; requiring of her to put an end to hor.syetem of seclusion, and - bo live as to beseen moro by hor people. - Love is proud and shy, and waits , r terous and general, and enjoys a largo ipongregatioo. '- ' .- ,:W -a ...... an 1 ' HOW TO SAVE MONEY! CALL AI HE HEW Family, Grocery and. Fruit Store, - Corner of M'mMnfcton and Second Streets. ' TUB UNDtiKSIONKD WISHES TO IN FOB M TIIH people of the Dal lei, and the publio generally, that he baa a Urge and well Bel ec ted stuck of FAMILY GROCEUIES, . ' CANDIES, A'UTS, &e., Which he will sell Wholesale and Retail at Reduced JVicsi for CASH. Also, constantly on hand the choicest Article of VIIKSII 11UTTKK ami KOUS. AU, every variety of FKU1TS aud VKUKTABLES in their season. Persons fruin up the country, vaulting quantities uf Kggtfand Fruit, by gentling in their orders, will receive the strictest attentfon, and have them filled at the.Zwefi Market i Vices. Jvll-tf 0. L. JKWKI.L. MILLINERY AND MESS-MAKliNG." MISS O'ROURKK DKSIKKSTO INFORM the Ladies of Dulles and vicinity, .thut sho has just received a fresh supply of ., , , , Fashionable Goods, - The latest I'aris, New York and San Francisco styles of BONNETS, IIAT9, RlbUONS, LACKS, FKA'l'Ill.KS, FLOWKHS, ftc. A full and well-selected assortment of Ladies' lleady-Made Garments. Also, a Fashionable, assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPING for Embroidery tand Brahlfng. PINKING done at abort notice. iiOiNNKTS Blenched and I'retmed lu the latest style. A large assortment of Children's Bcndj-Made Clothing Constantly on hand. Having secured the services of a First Ula-s Dress MaKer, 1 am prepared to cut uud lit Ladles' and Children's DKKSSKS and CLOAKS. TUIilD 8TUEET, one square east of the Cnthollo Church. ... oc"21:3m. ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Main Street, coi ner of Court, OLD MACK, TUB PIONKER COOK, would respect fnltv inform the mihHc that lie has fitted tin tho above Chop House, and I prepared to sorve up MEALS keen of all sizes and Luuu in the Den style ana at me shortest notice. HALLS and PARTIES ft.ri.Mied w th mippers, In the best stylo and on, the most reiisonablo tt-rma. UiSUSKa in every etyie. private uooms tor Lames. HOUSW OJPJKN ALL NIGHT. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. FRESH HTOCK! duseniieuit & isatos., Dalle and Walla Walla, DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Miners' OulUts, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hals and Caps, Groceries, And a full assortment of General Merchandise. Ilnyliis our Goods exclusively in the San Francisco market, and malting none but cash purchases, we are enabled to se I 20 per ceut. cheaper thau any othor House at the italics! JLKKUKKY 1IHUS., inl-tf Dalles and Walla Wulla. BLACK FOOT EX1HES. PWIGIIT & BACON, Proprietors. Tim run no auk iikiikuy infoumkd that we have concluded arrangements for the transaction of Express JLJ u h i n e s w TO AND FROM THE BLACK FOOTCOUNTRY ! and have commenced miikii.g regular trips from WALLA ALL.A. via i,ewistoi, to v IIIUIMA til IX, llliliKMA, Ol'lIIU A BLACK FOOT CITY. All business entrusted to us will be attended to with promptness .ml dispatch. sT Particular nttention paid to COLLECTIONS. Will leave on their second trip, starting from Walla Walla. October Sit; Lewistun, October 6th. sel9-2m ItiiMOVAL. J.OOETZ, Dalles. F. KOKNIOSDKnnER. fan Francisco. J. GOETS5 Sc CO., r ' TOBACCONISTS, .. Have removed to Budio's New Stone Building, Washington Street, near French t Oilman's, end have upeneu a well-assorted stuck, or II A VAN A and UilMK.-lIC SKOAltS, ' VIIIUINIA and WKSTKKN TOUACUO, FHKNCII and SCOTCH 8NUKF, . MKKIthCUAUM and other V1VES, PLAYINU CAltDS, 8POHTINU OiXIDi, INDIAN and FA CY GOODS, Ac, Ac. The trade supplied at LOWBST MAKKKT PRICKS. W.P.MILLER"; ' - (Successor to Taj ne A Co.)' i AUCTIONEER WILL ATTEND promptly to Sales of Ileal Estate, Dry Ooeds, Orucerlee, Horses: and Mules. Will rocelve and forward Goods entrusted to his care; sell Grain and Hay on Commission, and rent Heal instate upon Reasonable terms. Consignments Solicited, bale Days Tuesdays and Saturdays. MAIN STREET, DALLF.S. n!7. ' ' NOTICiE. . . F8. HOLLAND IS MY AUTI10R1ZKD AGENT to attend to eulleetiug and settling up my business, during my absence. Those Indebted to me or to Payne A Co.. are requested to pay him immediately anil save costs, as he has orders to oolleot. F. A. 0. PAYNE. Ualles, Nov. 13,180a. U'f K. B. oais, .a. a. uai. GATES &; IlAFT, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, ' " DALLES, OREGON. . ,i , Afanufacturor and Importer of CARRIAGE, CONCORD, , AND STAGE HARNESS - Saddles, Rrldles, Whips. ' A genoral assortment of Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. Orders Solicited. Repairing done with nentness and dispatch. . F. A. HAKE, je:11if , Main Street, fronting Washington, Dalles. Fou t ij iOTjiFiurmtv AND MACHINE SIIOI?. FIRST STItKET, between Yamhill and Morrlsqp. Steam ungmei of from 4 to 40 horse Dower.either Portablo or Statiunary. Also, CI 11- .PJfci CULAR SAW MILLS JTS fj?. tf.U COMl'LETK, constantly K?lRi r5?t nnliaiid. Also. Ilav IToa- JT 'aJ'WMi'v . .. . 7 .y. " " Platilnir i JIacliines,( Wood worth's put tern,) Wrought and Cant Iron work for' Ver- 1 tlcul SnwHinl Grist nifllnt ltnma und Iron Canting una . . 1TROVGIIT IRON WOKK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. - . ; Horse Powers & Agricultural Implements mauulactured to order at die very LOWEST CASH I'KICE N. U.I'articiilor attention paid to KKl'AIHB. feUlMf. SIGNS! SIGNS L SIGNS! O. S. 9AVAGE. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. DKALEK IN PAINTS, O I LS WINDOWGLASS VARXISIIES, ' t Colors. Putty, Brushes, Olne, etc. Paper Ilangiugs, Window Shades, Fixtures. Atj. 1-tf DALLAS CITY P. CRAIG, WHOLBSALI AND BBTAIL DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, ' Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MKDIC1NKS. Ac. DRUG STORE. 1-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! xm :' Final Settlement. - NOTICR Of FINAL SftTTLKMBNT of th estat of JAMK8 LAUG11LIN, deceased In the County Court or Wasco County, Oregon In Probate Notice la hereby given that R. II Wpud, Administrator of the above estate, has tiled his final account In the County Court of Wasco County, and prays for a Dual settlement of said estate. It is therefore ordered, that said application be heard oh Monday, the 11th day of December, I860, at the Court House, in Dalles City, In said county, and that no tice hereof be published In the Dalles Mountaineer, j O. fi. DUNGY, County Judge. nl0:4w' ' 'oTtmberi' 1806, D4ILY MOUNTAINEER BGOK&JOB PRINTING OFFICE. first Street, between Main aud B' . ' DALLES i ,. OREGON. f- JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. , "-h4 8TYLK THAT WILL COMPARK IAV0RABL- ' with the very beat, and , . . AT SATES AS CHEAP AS TEE CHEAPEST i , . r... to ORDra: ; ; ' Cards and Itil I-IBcads. .' . CHECKS, DRAFTS, XECEll'TS, POSTERS AND PK0IUA5IMES FOR THEATRES CONCERT EXHIBITIONS. S. LEMON, ' WHOLSSALS AND EXT AIL ' DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets " DALLES, OREGON ' LEMON Is aide to supply parties In want of Drue, sv raiem jnoiiiciuos, uuefliirais,- Actus, renumery. and every oilier article enumeruteu wttii tne WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS. At the lowest market rates. " Physicians and Merchants Intendinir to purchase for tne Mines, win uo wen to Rive mm a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety, ' " . S. LRMON. ap.8:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. j. w. ii 1 1. m; it Ac co., (successors to Bunnell a WUOLEaiU AND EETAU. DEALERS IN Stoves, Tin- Plate,; Sheet Iron Urazler'a Copper, Lead I'lpe, Copper, -Foice & Lilt Pumps, -Zinc, Rrass ft. Ironware Load Xipe, Aco., Sea. rt- JOB WORK, In all Its branches, attonded to short notice.- MAIN 8'J.'RKT, Dalles,opp"site Uloch aimer si vo. i ' apiv-ii MANTUA MAKEH, mn8. MATT1H I10LBR0OK would respectfully la J.TJL form the Ladies of the Dalles and vicinity, that she has opened a shop In connection with Mis O'Hourke, where she Is prepared to do all ktuds of work with neat lies, and dispatch. Having just arrived, from the Kast, sue nope M ue ama lo as lejrocjn and fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. ' TIIllKB DOOB9 Wesfot the Corner of Till II D and U MOW Streets. oc21;uiS c.,, PRINTED IN THE HOST ATTRACTIVE XANNiE, ALSO, WAY-BILLS. HILLS OF FARE, LETTJiK HEADS. ' r XEVEU'T HOOKS, i ,. HILLS LAD1KQ, Rricfs and Ianihletm, nsirjiya, weddiko akd uat uojiie" cards' Druggists' Lnbels, "" In short, everything that can be done In a Bonk and Job Printing OUice, from the smallest and most delicateCard or Circular, to the largest sice and most showy Posting . utii-ana which win ue turnea out in a style tnat cauuot fail to insure entire satisfaction. OUt FACILITIES FOE THE EXECUTION 07 ' . "JECORATI.VE PRINTING . lu the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints' Such as Fancy Posting .Bills! ' rrom a Single Pheet to the LnrKest jlamuioth. ORNAMENTAL S110W CARDS, . I'URtUMERS' LARELS.tta Ate nnsnrpassed by those of any other establishment In Oregon. We devote special attention to this branch of the business, and are continually adding to our nlroady exten sive and well appointed assortment of material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. o?c ic. o?c Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock o. FANCY INKS, TINTS, AC, Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled in the State. The principle upon w men business is. asked for this es tablislimunt is, that persons will consult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that otltce iu which their money cau be expanded to the best ad vantage i To this end we solicit all in want of Rood Friutlnu. at rerv reasonable charees. to call and examine sueciuieua, and Judjfe for yourselves. j ; , , Orders from tho Upper Country Will have our special care, and friends from the Interior may rely upon baring their orders filled promptly, as we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED 0RD0N POWER PRESS ' In the (State .of Oregon ! t j Auurcss: ml8-tf MOUNTAIN EER OFFICE V ' , i ualles. Oregon. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND,- An Expeditious Carafes all dissasee of the,. -i SEXUAL OBGANS. FBUIS prompt and efllcatlous ltemedy for the cure JL Ohonurra'a, Oleet, otrictures, and liisenses of the Urinary ri-jtans. maaes a speedy cure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change In application t business; It will' radically cure any case which can be . produced. The diseaee it removes as speedily as is con sistent with the production ol a thorough and permanent cure, runner, tiie disease cannot be contracted if the BPKCU'lC CuMl'OUM) Is taken when exposed, Its iuitredlcnts are entlrel )'egotnble, nud no Injurious , effect, either constitutionally or lucaliy( can be caused hy ' Its uso. 'rice One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Sent 1 Express carefully packed. iiubTr.iTi'.K, bmitu UKAN. Agents, . 4ul and 403 llattery street, cor Ciay, i Jy22-6m. Ban Francisco. Ilsird. Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WK BtO TO CALL ATTENTION of CarrlnKe Man ufuctiirers and Dealers to the Larue and Com plete asHoi'tmeut of CAKH1A0K and YVAUUN MAT Kit I A Lb we are tonitantly receiving from the .ant, .specially Httlcctud for the Calilornja market, comprising, Oak. . incKory. anu tecotm urowin ash nana, iiicnory axius, V aifon Pol t-t. Hubs, Huokes, Fellots, KIiiih, fchalts, Ac. Ac. which We ofl'er at the lowujit Cash Frlccs. t . - Jtfif order addressed to our house will receive profliD attt ntion. N. W . HHAOO A CO., . Jel6:3m. 29 ft 31 Battery Btreet, ban Francisco. and IT A 19 LSevelith btreut feHcrttineiito. C. M'ATRRnOUSK, , 11. . Hrauo A Co., J. VY. Lfrt chu rruucisi'o. Sacramento. New York B. U. HILL. A. 1. Kant. HILL & ,KM"E, WIIOLtSALI AHS EITA1L DEALERS III Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, HTI11IAI1M ANI1 VnilU' i II 111 KCl Goods consiis'iied to us will meet with proper atteu'tlea rOETLAND. III9. H. W. Corbet, ' f Aoblllus A Co.' ; Itlchard. A McCracken, ,, . Y. 0. Moody A Cs,' j 11. Law, 0. Htlniason. . Umatilla Landing, Sept. oth,18(H. - .. t .6 . ; y . ! JACK1SON SALOON COUNER .COORT AND SECOND STREETS, UALLEB, OHUQUN, ' npiIR UNPEH8IQNKD, HAVING REMOVED FROM JL TUB "llltLLA UNIOM" UBL1.A11, INTO . , Gu tot' Now Building?, , nog to Inform the public that they are prepared to sens their customers with the best : , . i . ; j Wines, , Liquors and Cigars,! TUB JUllKET AMOKDS. ALSO, A !i.i.. ; Free Lunch I - ' Every day and eTeningV s,,.-. It ' , , i AM TON IATJR at KSIli SCIIUTZs decl-lf Proprietors j ., p. u. liitooii;, jsu. . Qfflce-At Xr. Crola' rrua Store. DALLES, OREGON. ; hit ' V f I II