$)ailn Ittoiuttahucr. Hon Tin Nbws. Irrsmiiellirooka, a cit izen of the Dalles, has juH returned from Montana Terrifoiy. He left Blackfoot City on tha SLst of October, and reports that, at the time of big departure, snow had I'alleo in ' the mines to the depth of, from eix to ten inches. There was a little snow In spois in Deer Lodge Valley, and a light full bud oc auned in Hel gate Roude, hut had gone off, ad the weather there was delightful. He found snow 'uto.wn tlie HoIIgate Canyon to 'within t u miles of Big lilackfoot. In con- sequence of the cold weather, washing was , . , . . . pretty much suspended in ihe mines, but drifting opcratious continued with unbitte feuergy. The trade at Blackfoot City was quiet, and . the following are the pries ol leading arti cles: F our Suit Luke, per hundred pounds, $22; O-egun, $25Ju, and some ta k of ad vancing the price to $28; Bacon cargo sales of Oregon at 50c; rcl.iluigut 60C5c; I.a'd ro'niling at 6070c; Beans, 40(g45c; with saies of damaged and inferior at 35c; T .I tT-.-ll I. .-.. rt- I jiuiter isiuinus, 4i; nancu, 91 ou; vonce Uio, 90c, Cos a Rica, l; ground, $1; Tea common black, $2 60; Japanese, $2 753 25; choice green, $3 50;. bred Fruit Sutes apples 62C5c; California pearhi-s, 75c; States peaches, (5c; Sugar Sandwich Is- land, 55c; S. F, refinid, 65c; crushed, 76c; New Orleans, 6065; Sirup-S. F. golden, 6 gallon kegs, $27 60; Belcher's St. Louis, $55 per 10 gallon keg; fresh beef was retail ing at 18(a!C5o per pound. The new diggings on the trihutari-s of the Big lilackfoot ate si tuated about fifty miles from Ilellgate, be tween Ilelgnteund Big Blackfoot rivers Most of the ground yet proven to be good is ou the tributaries of Elk Creek, which flows out of the dividing ridge between tne two ' rivers, an I empties into Big Blackfoot river, ,', ten miles belo'w Stevens Pr.iirio. Diggings, ' no lite same range, have been found north of the Big Blackfoot. These new discoveries are fifty mileetuUsideof the Little Hlackfdot mines, and are by that'd stance closer 10 the ' sources of Bupply on the Pacific side. There are about six hundred men in the new dis trict, and they . are generally very short of supplies, and nea lg destitute of tho prin cipal conveniences of miners life. These new m nes are of particular importance to the commercial communiiy on this side of the mountains, as ttiey are nearly a-i close to the head of navigation on Snake river as to Fort Benton, and within a day's ridn of Hellae Val cy the agriculmral district neare.-t to them. The ' prosperity of this valley secures a lucative tiude to thU side in any evmt, and tha prosperity is i-nhanc-ed by the existence of such mines close to it. Mr. Brooks brought back several fine spe cimens of gold quarts, an I one sperimen of ralena. holdincr mechanically a Uro-e niece a , o a ----0- K of golu. This is a combination hitherto, we believe, unurard of. ' Tub Csua d'Albnb Mission. Tbe Cceur 4' Alone M sston, as at presont located, wag tatablished in 1040, but p.i r to that time priests of the J ....It order had been tmployed z : :z : :: ;:r thers attempted, ta establish themselves on the St. Joseph River, hut the back water from tbe Cueur d'Alene Lake prevented them from going forwatd with the improvements. At the time ahovo stated tU-ey moved- ovor on to the Cocuc d'Alene River, and la the ' midst of a ml bod of agricultural lands, .aomnifne.ed anew their work of" establishing the atts of peace among their savage neo phytes. The Mission Church build ng stand, upon a knoll, surrounded oo all. sides by a rich, low, flat alluvial.' C-ming into tbe , .1 .1 I. I 1 aiiey irom. me we v, vuo ciiu-ruu ts seen in the upper end of the va ley, facing to the north. In the- rear s ands the residence of the. Fathers a rustic cottago, with over- , hanging tava-j, and a narrow piazza around it. A hundred feet to the- we-t is the refec- .. tory, and straggling around the sides of the knoll are fifty cabins and wigwams. - In front of the burch, and to the east, are con siderable lnclosures of ground, which have - substantial raH fences. In these fields the taboy of the Indians U employed, and their Industry encouraged by fair wages and kind . i ireatmeat. 1 The timber on the mountain elopes comes dowh to the edge of (be allu- I Tial lands, and gives the valley a peculiarly sombre and lonely aspect. The church, which is built of wood, is cast on the model of Michael Angelo's rustic church called San Miniato on the Iliil. By observing the proportions of the model, even . this rude structure has the same air of, loftiness, and yet rusticity, which has given the original a world-wide reputation. At this Mission lives the Father Gazzoli, .who has spent thirty years- among the Occur - d'Alenes. He is assisted by the young Father Oius- seppe Caruana, ' who has recently come out from Italy. Of the life of self-sacrl fioa lad Kv fhaaA phnmninni e f trio Prnea !,, . , mi u it is not necessary to speak. The world has heard ol their labors, and Imagination ran easily figure a man In black with no weapon but the Cross without care for food or raiment seeking only to do what he believes to be the Master's work. The most cynical unbeliever m;gbt have his the ories shocked by meeting one of these men . . . , , . .... uu me ciiauu ui mercy, leaving oeuinu a princely fortune the smiles of court the blandishments of pleasure, and traveling a0De and unilUendedefttiDD. of the gcanti. O est fare, and dresssed in the habiliments of I poverty, all from a belief that the unfading pleasures of another World will compensate I him for the sacrifices made in this. WAIjDUON 'I1ROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, main street, vaiioa, Oregon. IVI NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY FIKB II proof Bhme building, nppoiite Uloch, Miller A id offer to the publlo a full and coiimlete ,tock Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, coneiiting lu piirt of KEROSENE, LAMP WICKS k CHIMNEYS, TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, ACIDS, LINSKED, uvea, BACK, 8H0N0R9, LKKCI1E9, liAKU, COKKri, CASTOR AND I.NDIQO AND NEATSPOOT OIL, LANPULACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND PATENT MrCDICINTKS. Our stock of VANCY QO.IUS I of tho finest and beat quality; new styli-e ond large nxsortnients, such at LUUIM'H PKHPUKKKY, 11 A I II, - LUBIN'ST.ilLKTSlfAP, i'l.ESII, - , : roMADKS, BIIAVINO, C08.MKTICS, HAT, HAIll 011,9, . CLOTH'S, COLIHJNK, TOOTH AND l'A.NCY SOAPS AND N AIL UI1U8IIKS TOOTH PJWDKRS, AND COMBS. . PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our fiu-ilitiea fur lniylne kckxIs are second to none In the State, and we shall at all times sell at a small ad vent e from cost. Ready sales and small profits. PHYSICIANS' PRKSCKIFTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and nlht. mines, ot-pi. w. 1000. seiu-ll . it m ov a. jl, . GATES A;.CtIAPIN, WHOLESALE A RETAIL ' DRUGGISTS-, RVDIO'S SI'ONE Ill ILDIXG, WASHINGTON 8TREET, DALLES. VK7IIEItE we will lontlnae'to sell articles nsnally V Kept in a rirt-unua unite store, at zu per oeut. LESS THAN ANY 8T0HE IN THE Oll'Y. Our stock I conaleti lu part of p".lent Ms'"cln0, Pure Wines and Brandy, Fancy A Commun Soap, ' Hair Brushes Corks, Acids, . Tooth Powder,. . . Alcchol, &xcrncta, Sponges, Trusses, Braces, Paints. Varnishes, . Oils. lions. lluhemlan Toilet Sets, Supporters, Ao, rnisia.iss' peescbiptioits Carefully Compounded. Olve ns a coll and satisfy y ur- mirM to teamsters' m nmmmi FEED1 KJEEI31! SHORTS, O-K-JLIIS", AND- FEED OF ALL KINB8, FOR 8AE BY .tt K. II. LAVV, nl:tf. jn)mue .ft a. r. vtarrnoiiM. NEW SALOON. J NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON BTHEET. FTHK UNDERSIGNED would respectfully annonnA that he will open a ftrst-olaas Saloon In FreochiA UiUnan's New Stone Dnlldlng, THIS EVENING, and is prepureu. ui mil cunouiere witu ue oest 01, t. Hincs, Liquors ana iigars ' . ALSO, A - :v ' Every day and Evening. : .' , ;r ,,V:-:!; t ocMtC , , , JOHJV RlKDIiAt'B. J . J IT TC TG "R- Mnln Hired nllM ' , . . fsouuu am nun maim .' I CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, i 1 1 us s , sco. ALWAYS IK SIOU TBI II8T HARDS Of Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. PLAYING CARDS. , . - t POCKET CUTLERY, , PORT MONIKS. .' i , COMBS and BRUSHES, o' all kinds, PERFUMERY, ot every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS ' TOV8, DOLLS, etc. rlHIL HOOKS and FISHING TACK.LB, , MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, , . , , ' , ! FANCY O0OD8. Ac. . . . , , Alio Powder, Shot, Lead. Powder Flasks, Baskets, and manyother articles too numerous to mention. A- Interior denlera euiiplled with Cigars. Tobacco. ete. at lew than Portland prices, with freight added, oc-8 VKRY IMPORTANT TO ' Merchants, Families, notels and BA.R-R.OOMH. .- ; TTUMUS KRAEME HAVING BOUGHT THB F.N- " tire Stock of Merchandise and Book Account of the Into Arm ol M . Seller A Co., In this city, to which he has added of hli own importation (while doing business in I'oitlaud) an immense stock of the beat manufactured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looklngr-GIasscs and All Kinds of Oils, All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish- In to boy any of the nbnTe-inentlonod articles, will do wall tft irlva n j.,,11 Uafnra ni,n.l,a.lnn .L.wL.m I Orders from the Intorior Dronintlr attended to. and goods packed to go secure. Don't tail to call on me. - die's Htouo uuildlug, Yi athiuetnu street. Dalles. JULIUS KRAEMER. Dalles. March 17th, 1806. mhlVtf BOOT AI SHOE STORE. IT. WYCKMAIS If AS REMOVED 1118 BOOT AND SHOE m.m. STORE to the builillne on Mnln street. nearly opposite Moody's Hall, where he has just reoetveii, utrect rrom Han rraucinco, anuu usually line and well selected stock of BOOTS AND 8IIOKS, of the Tery best quality and Invest styles EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, Including the celebrated ENGLISH HUNTING SHOE mauurnctnreil by Benkert. Also, a large assortment of Ladles' and Children's Gaiters, Of the latest Styles, lust recelred from, tha'haat Phil. adelphia makers. Also, a Tery large assortmen. of -r FINE DRESS BOOTS- J-Oentlemen who prefer to have their Bt.ors or Shoei- made to order, oan roll opon obtaining: a neat and easv fit. F. WYCKMAN, Mnln street. selO-tf Opposite Moody's Hall. Oregon Steam Navigation Co.'s THE FOLLOWING RATES OF FREIGHT hate been established: Grain, Vegetables. Tallow, &c. From Wallula A Umatlll to Portland, $1500 per ton weight vniw to romniiu 1 ou s j Dn Wool, ' ' " From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland $Q 02 per lb iMiiies to i'orttanu i On Hides, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland).....,.40 60 each uanes to 1'orl aua.... 87 8. O. KEKD. Prmililitnt. Portland, Sep. 23, 105.. . . . ssp'i7-2mls ! -A.. Ci. li ICV. I) O It 1 , IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF' Wines Ac Iiqnors, FRONT STREET, . Portland, - . - Oregon. OFFKK8 FOR SALE A YEBY LA ROE ABSOllT meut ot Brandies, Wines, ' . Liquors, Case Goods, AaT The Trade Is nartlcularlv Invited to tt ick before purchasiug uiiwwhere. au24 tf NOTICE TO FARMERS. fUE DALLES LUMBEIt AND M ANOFACTUEINQ X COMPAN Y line recently attached a . XLOUIlIISGr MILL tethelr-BteamSash and Door Factory, in this City, and are now prepajrod to CHOP FEED, OltlND WHEAT and COHN, aiul warrant t give the best satisfaction. Ou hand constantly and for sale . FXT11A FAMILY FLOUR, SECONDS OH MIDDLINGS, ' ' . B1UN AND SHOUTS, CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Also, a Sunerlor artlnla at nnitv stuir. r...m fts.''. ' . ."- I BiKrKrM,n,"rk,tpt FRENCH MILLINERY STORE. Opposite Cohn at BobuVe, -, . v YOU CAN FIND TILE LATEST AND MOST FASH IONABLE GOODS, In the line of , IJO.W CIS, II AT8, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, Xres8 Trlittmings, &o. In erder to make dresa Minnie. 1. 1 .v.. - urtMM1 - V. I V. ' ' . wwumw necessary liit2 head ' U,nd0,I"1Jr Trimmed, should .TTJ!.,I!r?lc"1, ""I endearor to v . y-. , , :t FRANKLIN . MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND A!W WASHINGTON BTREKTcT ' " DALLES OREO OtT, ' JHN SSSS milB UNDKHSI83JJU. . M. having fitted trp the aeove Market In the BK-T STYLE, will keep eonitant- ly on hand all sorts of rests, ana jure a meats. Or the best qwllty furnlsheAat the L0WE8T RATS. , , a My motto Is to "PLBA8K ALL." PARTIES HAVINO SUHEUIOR STOCK FOR SALS will do woll to oall.at the Franklin Market. JOHN EPPINOER Dalles, February 19th, 1868. WASllIifUTOH MARKET, ; ooamm os : It COURT AND 8EC0ND STREETS, D-ALLE8, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. WILt KEEP constantly on hand all the varle- 1 ties mat me market oan noaelblti afford, of . . FRESH Ac CURED SCBATS, and always of the btttqualfty. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS.,' " supplied on reasonable terms. ' The niidorslgneq is always prepaHdi to, pay the high est cash nrlce for FAT CATTI.K. Parties hyln stork In good condition, are requested to calh on hlra befoie goiog elsewhere. . JOHN MICUBL1)A0H. panes, March 31st, 18B0. s mliBltf C1T Y . MARKET. S. LAUDER' & Co,, Proprietors. Will keep constantly, on hand the best - 1 MEATS OF AI,I7 KINDS. A LIBERAL 811 ARB. OF-PATRON AtQB la. solicited, as we expect to ke. n as irooJ an assortment of Meats and of as good as. quel-j ity, ae we country anorus-r. ana.will Deliver the same to Pnrohasert in the City Parties harlug Superior Stock for sale will do well tew give us a call before dlKlug ol It ethewhere. j , 8. LAUBKK.ACo., , Southeast corner of Washington-Hnd'Thlrd ?ts. , Ppposlte Kostos's Uliickauilth.ghopt. M. BROWN BRO.V wuoluau ars aiTAii piiuaa ro FANCY AND STAPLE DEYG-OODSI GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, 4o. , I ire enaliled toofler great indcements to punhaaem W e,wv,iiuij inTtis me pouiio to eaamtneoar stock beror -iiirchasiiiK elsowhere.' mlo-tf 49 Stone Store, north side Main street. Dalles. - 1 . " IT O R. SALE. nnilE HANDSOME RF.8IDENCE occupied by A.W. , X pUIMAbUM im offered : f-. .: ' , ' ;-;-1 '-" Par Sntontn Lew Flrnu t a private residence, no more desirable locality could bedesirtd. The grounds nreoinaniented with shtubber and the building, contains. ,; -,, ; ;,, Ten Iio.on.is, Ftntslied fn the Best Stvle, and embraces evsry convenience. To a gentleman de siring a Retired and Pleasant Home, convenient to busi ness, an oppontunlty Is now presented that neld.m oilers. The House aud Furniture will he sold together orsepar- . " ately, as tlie purchaserniay desire. For further pastle mars, luunire as . ... . ool:ti. WKI,I., FAR0.0 A CO.'S EXPRESS OFFICE. J. W. GURLEY, DENiTIST Maw St., Dalles,. Oregon . WOULD HK8PECTFULLY INFORM the citizens of this ulnce and vl- clnily, that having returned Irnui a,iro 'esalonnl tonr thruuKh the mines, he has again resumea tno ifractlt-e ot DENTISTRY, In the rooms formerly occupied by hlui, In the building occupied by , Wood A Butler, Ph itogrnph Artists, and adjoining Wat I dron Bro'.' Dntg Store, Ire takes this method of e- teuuiug tuaiiKs, lor tno- llueral. patronage hrretotore ex tended to Uiui, and solicits a coutlnuauce of the same. . I.IHT OF PKICEd. Entire Denlnre on 3old Base .'......$180 to I22A , . Upper Denture, Quid Base go m, 120 " Denture. Yuleanite Bane 70 " Vli u Upper denture, Vnloaulte Bnse 36 " Gold Fillings inserted from one dollaiuuiiward. . Chlldrens' Teeth sati-acsed free af charge. - selS-f F. DEIIM, :;, Watchiunker and Jeuelcr, DAA.IN STREET, DALLES, . (MKXIkOOB TO TBI ASSAY OrriCt,)' ' DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS. Gold I'.ns. Silver a.d u-I..' I 49-Purticulan attention paid to sepalrlng flneJ atclles, Clucks, Jvwelry, etc All. Watches aenaired b n. tl.AU ordors rroin the upper nountry, by Kipree or otherwise, iinunptly attended to. " aull-s. Fancy. & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, hats Ayo caps, :ahd ' Gentlemen's Furnishing GoodH. nJilt:1"00' 8t0IW Stnre' ocue of C - otreets. . MRS. L. WHITEST PHOTOGRAPH ROOMSa UuNlilngton Mreet. ; L .) T AVINQ NEW LY FITI EB-UP THE 8jLLEKY over thOM wuSg' ? !" r"?d "Pwtfullyat'nonnce to all Pliotograpbs, Carts de Visile, 4o.: that they will do. weU to give her a call, l'artlculss-at- oclil-tf - Chl'dreJpiliturM. - Hinkt Maehn, XM.Mnarar. MARTIN &MTJRPHY, AttorneyH-at-Law. ' I v r o iomw ti I Owyhee County, I. T. OKFiUKS-idano uuy, UeUsOounty.I. T. Bnby Ctlr aplo-tf snlt - NOTICE. ., ' .; , mM mj KUftenc in int KMtern Rtmt. j...." ' I . a . .1 I ev it;im twinsj "" ail woounts a us me, and also th- late firsa .I . T?"10- i ' t Wlntermelr A Manger. ' A. WLNTKBJUBIK.