l it-. (2 minim. Tuesday mokmnc. nov..2I, isos. , Tun lierra Nevada carried down $278,000 io treasure. ' Cap. MoCawN's Company of the First Oregon Infantry, is to be at once mastered out of service. , Extraordinary induci'ments are offered to colored men to go io Mexico, to engage in cotton growing. Thi rich, sulphur find silver combination in the Poor man Lode is called " stcphaaite " by the scientific worM. ' Julien LadTew has been sentenced in tbe Multnomah Circuit Court to cue year's itn prisoomcnt in the-Penitentiary. Tifs Wilson O.. Hunt hits been rebuilt, in part, J launched. She is ready to go in the trade from Portland to Cascades. Mormons are allowc-i to settle in tbe Sand wich Islands,, pro Mail they give op poly gamy. This they consider persecution. A new paper,, culled the Irish PtopUtina been started in Sun Francisco- It is devoted to the cnii-8 of Irish, Lnd"opdence. The Montana 1'oit is sorry to fco the eJi. tors of the two Denver papers abusing each other. Lb a sorry business, take it any way. The- Boston Adberiistr siys that " some-of the Generals of the war ae retained for use in cermin contingencies " A great many ol them Are also retained for ornament, as they nro entirely useless . A magnificent hearse, ousting $4,000, 1ms been brought out to. San Franct-co The Call speaks of it as u a rare teuiptntian to die, for the sake of being baulcd to Lone Moun tain in a gorgeous chariot I ke this Thb PliiliiuVlphia Mint coined, during Sep-tembei- $933,002 in.guld, silver and eoppi r. The bullion deposits were only $658,914. The gold coinage was $813,447 ; s Iver, $49, 004 ; on cent, two cent and three cent pieces, $70,000. Taw Japanese liwa an uurthrjunojoineter R lndicatft w.tu certainty the passage ot electric currents evolved as premonitions of an earthquake. Thesi erase the moment be fore the shaking begins. Tho Japanese then idstnntly rush far the open fields. Cdriods. A woman in. New Jersey, lately, saved her husbmad fiom. being hung by. wear- jng-ft-'wa'e'faH." He struck her over tie , back of 1lie. hca,d' with a gun-barrel-, urn! the hirsute futureprevented. it from doing ht-r any injury. "" -r A. II. Francis, colo'el, has been elected a'memb-r of the City Council of Victoria, Vancouver's Island. Francis was formerly a mer. bant in Portland, and is a fine, intel ligent mulatto, for whom our misguided southern brethren would have paid about $2,500, five- years ago. Tii Indians Again A letter from Wa'tn 8prings states that on tho 8th inst., a party of Snakes attacked four white men who , were encamped thi-ty-five miles east of the Agency, and the white men were compelled to abandon hors- s, arms-, camp equipage and proviflioos, and flee for their lives. It ia a- corious practical commentary on i tbe fortunes or m- n that Alexander H. Ste phens, who always loved the Union, should bo imprisoned at Fost Warren and sucb- a . nr. j. tt . , . ., . uiau n imuo iiumpion, ainrnys a seces sionist, be left at liberty, and advanced to a . prominent political position. Krhoyal or Indians. Tho Indian bandi from White Salmon and the vicinity of Van couver, to tho number of one hundred and Sfty-eight fouls, are now enenmped at Ito k- land, waiting transportation to Simcoe Re servation. Tbe Cascades band has not yet eome np the river, and a small band living -.. opposite to Vancouver, bag elected to go upon toe urand Konde Reservation. , A wbitm in the Marysville Ezpreu says ' Hiat " the dissolntion of the quondam Union " gftrtjr goes on apace.'.' He undoubtedly re fen to the once mighty Democratic party! wuicn was me union party of tae country C ' Mine ycM ago. ... :c': "m ; : t THE" WOOL OROvrUG PROSPECTS OK THE COLUMBIA 11ASI.. ( The demand for wool used in American manufactures is so rapidly on the increase, that the increased production of sheep car rying fino qualities of wool' has become a question of leading importance. The ne cessity of supplying vast armies of men with woolen clohe bus had a marked effect in stimulating tbe erection of woolen manu factures in tbe last four years. The lack of of cotton has also had much to do with tbe increased use of woqlen poods. It appears that in 1860 tbe United States consumed about 90,000,000 pounds of -wool; and in 1864 tbe consumption had increased to 160,. 009,000 pounds. Of the 90,000,000 used in 1800, there were 55, 01)0, 000 pounds produced at home, and 35,0u0,000 was imported.! In 1864, 56,000,000 pounds were importedullT Ii-4, (100,000 of pounds were produced 'at home; which indicates an increase in four years of ne&ily 100 per cent, in the wool clip of the country. The returns tor 1800 include .the products of all the States, and those of 1860 only comprise the yield of tbe non-seceding States. There, are, in all, probably 45,000,0'0 heep in the United States, of which Caii forum hai 2,&u0,00i) and Oregon 250,000,. Tbe pastures of California are already over crowded with hor.-es and neat stock, and the increase of sheep, or of other kinds of live stock, will have to stop. Tbe enpneity of the Will-miette Valley for the subsistence of more than 1,000,000 sheep is questionable, and before that number ia reached, tbe far-sighted sheep rasors oi Western Oregon will begin, to branch their flocks and occupy tbe now untenanted prai ries of tbe cent al plain of the Columbia Basin. Pounded on the east by tbe-Di iter Root Mountains west, by the Cascades' Range south, by the Blue Mountains, and north by the International Boundary Line, i-i an area of 450 miles from east to west, and 250 miles from north to south, compris ing 112,500 square miles. Ninety-nine acre in a bundred or this almost imperial domain T nro cove-ed either with a magnificent growi li I of unlnod grasst-s, or occupied by rich, t-ut limited, pieces of alluviul grounds. The narrow, neb streets of bottom bound Itiettn thousand creeks lands wbh-4i and rills of i lus central plain, aflo'd to the provilent stock raiser the means of producing an abnn-lance of tbe necessaries of life, for even a latge population, and of securing the safety in winter of all the live stock wbicb the upland) will support. The provident band of nature has so' divided these ltnds bo wt-cn pastures and fields, that a quarter section of bottom laud will control on an average ten times a much upland. It seems as if tho country was fo shaped as to force the inhabitants into a particular branch "of production, and to . secure, by tbe irreversi ble law; of its topography, a fair distribution of its advantages. . The course of events plainly indicates that, at no remote periodytbese pastures are to be covered with flocks xti herda. The rapid descent of tbe 'streams, from the adjacent mountains, furnishes rea'ly to- the hand of man-tbe power, which needs only tbe appll cation of human skill, to be utilized to tbe ndvan age of innukiud. The moderate, but posi'ive climate, promises the inhabitants of tbis country a degree of heal b,.and conse quent longevity, unequalled in. any other country, and tbe unapproachable grandeur of the Scenery of mountains an plains clothes life with' a romance which lends at traction Iq the meaner employments. Tbe manu net-uriflg interest',, growing out of the pa-toral pursuits of a large population, will have the world for' a market for their fabiics. While the purely agricu'tural dis tricts may be depressed1 by tbe lack of a mar ket, or by difficulties of transportation, tbe tight fabrics of the woolen mills can be cheaply transported to every harbor on tbe surface of- the globe, and will bave the ad vantage of being made from wooV cheaply iruuu vi nuii suuuuuiicniiy worked, In a country where tbe oost ot generous diot is next to noiutng. Tbi Sao Francisco Flag sayi that there is a great difference- between reharbihtting disorganised pair ef pantaloons and1 recon structing a disorganized Union. . That Is true; but it does not prove tha,t a mar who can do tbe 8rst well, will necessarily fait to OrricjALSi Washington Territory. -A letter tr$ tbe Vancouver Rtgitter, from Olym- pia, contains tue mowing in relation to of ficials in Wasbingn. Territory i Tbe bick erings, quarrels and contentions so prevalent among them, seem to have subsided for a time, and will probably beNliscontined until another Congressional canvass pprochefr. Governor Pickering, 'who ,1s said to have sailed from Portland last Tuesday, has not yet arrived, but is understood to be sojourn ing with "our royal courin,"' .Governor Kennedy, of Vancouver' Island.' In the meantime, Hon Elwood Evans is still' dis charging the duties of Governor. Tbo office of Surveyor General, made vacant by the death of Dr. Henry, has not yet been filled. It was understood that, Francis Henry bad been appointed, but now it seejns that bis appointment was revoked by tbe President. The U. S. Assessor, Mr. Howe, has merged e assessment district wbicb includes Van couver wi'b that of Walla Walla, of wbicb consolidated district J D. Lnman, Esq , has been appointed Assistant Assessor, with bis resideuce at Walla Walla. Mr. Swan, the Assistant Assessor, who by this change has been legislated out of -office, 'has been ap pointed Inspector of Liquors at Vnncouver, by Collector Moore. Mr. E. Marsh is acting as Register of tbe Land Office in the place of Mr. Deuny, and will probably be appointed as soon as Mr Denr.y reaches Washington Ci'y J. F. Caples, Esq., of yo;:r town, has been appointed and commissioned as Notary Putilic by Gov. Evans. Tub Election. At the election for Repre sentative, yesterday, tbe following vote was polled in this city : east dalles precinct.' H. A. Hoguo 83 N. II. Gates -. 63 . Hogue's majority 20 WEST dalles precinct. N. n. Gates, 170 H. A Hogue 93 Gates' majority, 77 The result in the city is a majority for jCol. Gates of 57. The election .passed off 2 very quie ly. ( It Colnmbla Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O.' P. rloets every Ihurnlny evening at fXi o'clock, lu Gates' Hull, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers lu good standing are Invited tuattend. By order. N. G. Now oa Ntvre Call at Wm. Blrnbaum's Jewelry Store and exxmlne his extensive stock or Watches, Din Blonds, Jewelry, Sliver Ware, Dinipj, Cutlery and Fancy Goods, which he offers for sale lu order to close busluess on aceuuiit of ill health, at less than cost, There Is no suck- large and well-selected stock this side of San Fran cisco, aud the quality of the goods will apoak Tor Itself, flow Is your time to buy presents cheap, and at a saving of 50 portent. Mr. 11. has also lot of Periscopic Glass 8pccfiu los that perform wonders. n4tf. Married : At the residenco of N. It. Pankanl. In Dniin. rit h F. g. Uollatnl, Justice of the Peuce, on Sunday eveuimr. Kr.. Ill 1.1.1 u. . . . ...... .. Compliments of the Impp couple received. WANTED. VV ASCO COONTY 0KDHK8, at the Omce of the nrKon Stoum Navigation Onmuany. Dalles, uv. 17, mile. v. u. I4UADFOKD, Ag't. Ilt. U. W. MITC'IIKLI,. Orrics WALDRON'S BUILDING. ItuiDKNOi Corner of Third and Washington 8treets. AUCTION AN I) COMMISSION. J O 11 IV. W I L L I A M S Auctioneer, No. lOO, Alain Street, Dalles City. mmri'I'b ATTEND TOTIIK BKLUNQ AT AUCTION e T -ol Ueneral Merchandise. KpuI Iluise,New and Second Hand Furniture, Stocks, tc.,c. l&egular Sales DaysalHrday. Out-door aud' Special Sales attended to In any part of Liberal Advances mode on Consignments. nl9Jiu. , . JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctuiueer. j N O T.I J JbJ. THE PI0NIEU STAGE COMPANY : Will carrj , FAST FEEIGHTS VKUM UMATILLA, ArnsUTUKmsrovocTouKii, at this kollow. 1MU UK1UCK1 HATKb: To Dslseeify... IdabaCUy... Celt 9v ponad - Owyhee XO Vor leM amounts than one hundred pounds an addition wi vMiB-jvr punuu ml. v Cliargeu. TIMMFKOM UMATILIiAi To HolKC llty,.........3 Days. To- Iditlio City - S t-'l Days. UmatlliaOct. 1,1860. JOSErU PTISKUAM, Aient. , . . ,-. OClSitf. C. SI Miilir, Eio. ScnAWDAcnra, Dalle. Illnnii 'AV4lA., e-r try Uivyue ITU;. Okir lUe? 'wholesale 3t Ifc O JC DEJ I?, S , Jj ASD DKALER8 IN vWines & Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of OLOTHINGr; Boots fc Shoes, Under Clothing, Blankets, etc., etc., etc. ,ASS4.Y OFFICE. WB HAVB AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION . with, our Imslnens, under tbe entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make returns in liars in six Tioure We guarantee all owr Assays and par tlie III01IK8T 'CASH PKICU fur liars. Vie also pa; the Highest Cash Price for Gold Dust. BKK1II, MIU.KR C)., my6tf Cor. Main and Washington streets, Dalles. SELLING O FIT AT COST, TO CLOSE. BUSINESS X riVIK UNDERSIGNED would renpectfully Inform the Ii JL patrons and the public nt lane, that thev w.ll commence to sell this day, their laige aud liandsoin DUJCH Ol Cloihing Varitiiditng Goods, I Uats ft CUts, Boots ft tfhoes ltubher (loods, Blankets, : fto. Dry Coorts, Fancy Goods, Ladies1 S)ee, Clill(lr...s Shoe, Unts, . Balem Cloths. c, fte, . -A. T COST. In order to rotire from busineHs. the almve Rtnrlc n.. be sold within Sixty Days, und . 8THICTLY AT COST! All persons indebted to tho Ann will uleaite enll and settle their bills Immediately, thereby sarins; all untie cemnry fiTiure trouble. COllN as 11011 M. uaiies, net. a, 1865. - -ocatr.' Oregon Steam Aavigation Co. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AF1KK MOHDAY, NOVEMBER 13tb,tmltt further uotice, Tho Passenger Train to ennntvt with itnninnt-i ' V. FOB UMATILLA & w ALLTJLA Will itart from the It. R. DKI'OT DALLK3 CITY, o Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday, at TIIK STGAMKItS . "0NE0NTA" or "IDAHO," CAPT.J. McNOLTY,. Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Snndavs e-cepted)at o'clock.. H..cinnectln by the CASCADE HA1LHOAI). with the steamer " NEW WORLD or " CASCADES." CAIT. J. WOLF , Commander, Portland. . W. B. BRADFORD, Dalles. Nov. 13, 18f6. nlJtfJ Ageut o. S. N. Co. 11NPA11ALLELED ATTRACTION II X. 0. BACIIRLDER YANKKK 8ANDHlltf,.. ..Proprietor. Agent. AT TUB COXGREGATIOAL CHURCH, Dulles City, N Monday andl'uexday KvenLngg, KOViBBtR, 20th and 21st. TBe 8tuponduus Drama ot Ucaven llell, Chaos, Paradise. The Commencement. , HEAVEN .. ' , Second Beotit, THE REDELLIOKI. I UEAVEliC And War of the Angels. ' D !.. mi bcumuii iiiirn, THE C1113 ATION Folly currying out the Poet's conception ot 'the SIX. DAYS WORK OF THE CREATOR: Section fourth. Hell. Chans und liiuiomniiinmr ; . HuiivHivmHaa Seetlon Fifth. PA HA DI SE!' Or the' liarden of Eden.. ' ADMISSION: One Dollar" Door opoo at 1 o'olocK. 7io'clock. . Children Fifty Centa.. Exhiblticu commoncces a4i u!8, To the Tax-pajer-s County.. of nasco- SRimrr lien T-.x CoLLioroa's Omcs. 1 Wasco County, Ortyom, JVo. 14, 1864, j NOTICE IS IIKRUBY, OIVEN, that the tlmo for pay ing; htiitn and County taxes for the year 1804 will, axpira on FRIDAY, DKUKMUKR TIIK 1ST, 18'lft. AIL taxes renialuing unpaid on persoual property after thaw date will be eollectud. the same as on execution. Gil AS WrtlTH. ' t,ii Xlfl,n,, J" .Collector, Wasco Co,' Oregon. Dalles fchy, No. U, 1864. . Tul&-2w Oil hAL,E. AFIH8T (BtASfl, SECOND HAND PIANO; can be ha oil reasonable Urnu. luiiuire at this Office, or ef c3,f . . s A.W.FKliaU8()IU l&uo P. Blocr, San i'rancUco.