Li CO - I x -:,' ',-.- ...... - ., .-,:r.uw 1 1 3' & . . JV J .A 7l "rf HI Of . ..f yfl--Wi If.,, VOL. O. I? Afct.-ISS, OltKf3pV, 'TUKHDAY, NOVEMBER SI, t8p5.' ' - i i ' . .-" TttstMtttttntttetttatwMtBiMMtjtMtttMM - .- v.. -v.:.. ...... ".. :- if ri VW li I I B 1 B a H I H . i . H a I .fl : . MS mm . ; PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, - ') : . ' (M0HDAY8 (XOKPTIp,) v', .. . i E. O, COHftE & J. IIALLORA; I! :,!-. : BDFT0H8 H0 PHti'ttIITOR. .' .", v - TuM&-Tutntit-flveGtnt$ nor waekvPftjnble to th carrier. ur month, by mull, 1: throe months, X2au; ux - muntlia, $4 ouu j-elir, $a, AdvertUenuuU liuerted at inn rutei. .. . ' r il-'-.i V - Job printing. . J " ; : ' Kvery ilencrlntlon of pUIn nnd fenor Job Printing - ' vtted with Deutnetfl nnd deepatch. and forwarded ai per order to any iurt of the country. li y mtnl Jor Job Print tnff mUN 06 ma cm on aeitvery y vorH. v . . UMATILLA HOUSE, ,-- : .,H .. DALLES, OREGON IIAIVDY &SIW.OTT, ITop'rs. .. TDIS POPULAa U008K, C,NIALLT L0C1TXD, , Near the Steamboat Landing ft Railroad Depot, lliU been receutiy enlarged aiu Improved, and will now ft O OU.E818. i "BTT VV7I.L 111! CON'DUCl'HD an heretofore aa a FIRST jB. UliAdii HOUSK, unit the 'patronage or the traveling Dubllo in reRreotlully nlicitet. - . , 4bj llaBKURB tukou tollie House free of charge. House 1 OpuU ail Iltgltl. 'r r. ., . 'f ,; LArJGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES k J)(ll0, Oct.4-tf. ;, . . EMPI RE HOTEL, ; ;.t vm -mm, uuh, eimos, , .. ' ' THOMAS SMITH,' Proprietor.' , A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE, v , W TU1 OMIBI Of B08HCMB, i ifear the Steamboat and Railroad landings ' Superior Aoconimodatlone for Families and coo Ao , commodate One Uuudred and Fllty duetto. ,; .... Meils..,.i. ........ .60 caty , Lodging. 60 ct. '. tt. .'Xiti jrpvfa for depotitoof valuables. r ... ?t. Uonsaopau alluight. Duggage taken to the lions j .FAMILY GROCERY STORE ! St. FAMILY . GUOOEniES, , " ' ' ' '. TOBACCO AND SEaARS, . 1 I : ; ;i Also ' ' . ' FRESH AND ORIED FRUITS, . ' tKOKTA'BLES, c.i to. ' '' And ever j article usually found in a First-class ' Family Grocery Store; MR, FRANK hat Just received from below an entire new stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS &o, 1 trhlch be will nettat low rates for cash. Heads of fam ily and others are Invited to call and examine lilt stock. Uoodt delivered In any part of the city tree of charge v , ; GREENBACKS TAKES AT" 78 CENT3. I , . : . S. FRANK, Main street - ! , JySOitf. . A few doors below the Post -OBI ca- FURNITURE I. .: FURNITURE lIICKIjA.Bt Sc. WENTZ, tJVHNITUfj CORN Hit THIRD AND B 8TRKK.TS (f al.5''?4.,. Dalles City, haveon hand a variety l.f&M: liousehpld Furniture,; omhraclng Tables, Chairs, Bureaus Beds and Bedsteads, Bedding, Carpels rtc, eft., all or wnicli will be sold at low rates, Furniture Unpaired, and Upholstering done to-order. . Alto, on hand HaltrossesaudFillowe. Spring Bede made to order, aula ,WM. MOAtlCS.. ., J . . ., BrdfQKb. -wm. MOABUS & co.; O I TY, , BAKERY;, ' TROViaiOS ISTORE,'? AND ItUTAIL DKALKRS in BREAD, f T CIlACKKRSand FainllyaROCKRIES Lb and FainilvOROCKRlEa. gJOrders from a disUucef orefully filled and promptly spalched. . 1-lt 3V11SI31QAJL. CARD, iv,; A. C.STEPIIEXSOX, M. .. ; R""- ' E8PKCTFULLY tenders' his professional services in the tevoral branches of medical practice, to tlie eitiientof Dalles and vicinity. Particular attention will t . be paid to female diseaBut. Chronic of whatever type or grade, will receive prompt and efficient treat . - went. OOlce, adjoining Waldron't Drugstore, no'istf BOOKS! BOOKS! VfUOLESALS, AND RETAIL, aOvituui. euuaiii iiiuini R,li 3 Standuid and Miscelliinoout WORKS, Late NOVELS. MAGAZINES. PAPERS. , . AC- Ac. by every Steamer. PosUOIfice1 ,", Bookstore, Main street. Dalles. - - i ; ma7-tf . I II, i. WALDRO CO. S1 j TUB HIGHEST mIrKKT PRICK PAI An O A8H ), Bearer, Otter, Mink and Coon Bklna, . 1 vv ,-it-ii l: :, 4. . n. RirnAnnB A MnRRARKNi a fortland, Eopti 37, 1WJ6. ocinv DALLES & CAHOX CITY STALE COMPANY Aiti.nAvi rnnnlntT thatr'llnA df f;.' li do 3C OHU HTAG E .0$ il! j BETWEBJI. -'Y ,i--f , XXA-LLISH & OAJS"YOiN CITY ... : - By way of ' T raid's Bridge; Cross Hollows, Bridge Creek, Alkali Flat; Camp Vt'atsou, Rock Creek, Cottonwood and John Daji't River, tri-weokly. ' ' ' ; ' " ; ' . " ' .WEf LS,. F SlROQ &, CO'S EXPRESS. Leaving Dillet and Canyon City every Tucn 1 y and Friday morning, inrouglt in two days. - - - Vil.i f 4A3. A. HENDERSON, Agent, Canyon City. ; Sallet office-rAt Wells, Fargo 4 Co.'t, Dallet. C. MAYUEW, Agent. Dallesi April 2Stb;'18Bo. . " p26tl -. FOR BOISE .MIiES DIRECT. T II 15 , WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE! coiycoitrj 'stages,'! . ' , CARRYING-'- - '. " . ' j THE ;U.' S. . OVERLAND; MAILS' r.- ,:", AND.. . .' , . i'S' Wells, Fargo &. Co.'s Express, it now malting Keguiar Xrlps from walla walla to P cerville, (Boise Mines.) - i . ; i Tbrougli In Two and a Half Days 1 Connectinit 'with Hi AVMlnlK Line of Stage,' and til ihwuui vuo v. d. si, uompuny. ..a; , ...x UfiVi iUUJIAO p27-tf Proprietor ! MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND BiLLiAiirji F. 31. HUNT, lVroprlTjto ' 1i- nnitNRR OF '! : :J !1V M din. nnd Courts fritmntLi- IS" .K.W II E V It g5.I ftnilK CNDER8IGNED BKOSTO INFORM THE JL ieens of the Dalles end vicinity thathe baa received a NEW UKARSB, and will - ' - r i on short notice. Tblt It the Brat, and at present, only unun lu ,11. uujr, ,. , . . M! EVAN3 juy:20-tf.t tsllet. May IB, 1885. And all kinds of Machinery ' , ... i jii?nuiucurtm ai, uitj. .... , OREGON IRON- WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and 7TU streets, r . PORTLAIVB. . -i ,. . A.'C. GIBBS A CO., , "'v '. ' ' 1 1 1 . . Successors to. Portland, Dec. 6th 'M. defltf '' X. L. Joxts A Cto.- ' I)K. . P. : WALIiACK, j PHYSJOlANibSUIiQEOj i - , :, erne. f t- Near Gates & Chnpln's Drug Store,-; .... MAIN STREET. DALLES. . sp!8t COLUMBIA BREWERY, LtTOWIG&SCHANlVOVProps. niQIiESH PRICE PAID FOR BARLEY. I HAVE TTIra DAY re-purchised my 4tnck tf goods, sold a' tew days since to Mr. J. B: Croft. a. All debts due the eoucjrn will be eolleotedjty luejtsd not by Mr, Grotaen, at heretofore published, ,. : . n:lw '. v. I., jk "km, lteinoval. TTkRiBELT baa removed hit office from Dr.Cralg't MJJfrut Store to Waldron't new Slope building, up ttairs. " " .oclitr. D. WiU : HOUI'HIT'iV, ATTORNEY A.TX.A.VV, BANNOCK CITY. Idaho Temtorv. Particular nttentionriaid to GollActime Bebtt. Attorney and Counsellor at Law : : -and- ' . ? , NOTAuy PUBLIC.! I OFFICE On corner of Washington and Main streets. Canyon City. Grant Oounty. Oregon. ' ' ap20tl ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS At LAW TILL PRACTICE in THE SUPIIBMR 'ANDCIR VT cult Count of Oregon, and the District Courte o n atiungron Tnrriuiry. : ,n. , .- ,. ( - rarucuiar attention paid to the collection or claims. , UUMA80N, Dallet, Ogn. . . J. A. ODKLt -"NOTICE" ,-r NOTICE IS HEREHYOIVKN aottotrCsTmy wife on my account, aa I will not be responsible . si g Kegs of salt salmon, iooa.erh. JS.vr For ale by aul8:trj 'F.XIEBI. F It U M C II ' & ii I li .11 A i , x u ; . litpalitnna akd wbolksau ' - r ' Dealers in' Wines, Liquors GROCERIES, " Iners' (aoodN,- Boat Stores, &c. ati amoTo to tana - ''' -. NEW STO N E B U I L D I N Q . '' ii' Sy.t.-;j!i-J' . osamaoji ; ;;: ; i- Second and lVanlilugton Streets; ''i. i mu u DALLES Cmr-.-'L'V: ;-h'A JfJOW lrf STORE A LARGE AND COMPLETE A3 tortmcnt or the very beat brands of ' i Svmiis'1 A.n.'.iqtjor's.; i ' ' : Also, a hill assortment of - , " GROCFllE$'&' STAPLE C300DS. " Constantly receiving Our supplies dlrtct from New. Aura ana sao rranoisco, we are able and willing to tell at a very sniull advance on San Francisco prices. They hope by adopting a strictly correct and prompt method ol doing business, tbey will receive the patronage cf the pub lic. I ' v .. .... . .selu-tf BALorvviisr BRO. '!: i i... ' ' J.: DEALERS IN ').' "....' , i "..I :;,.rf CORNER pF . ,-,; :, -., ' Main and Union Street!), Dalles J. O. BALDWIN nli21-tf 'F. W..BALDW1N GROCERY, PROVISION, v Tr rt xji x, .s' t !.q ti e ,' Washington Street, opposite French A Oilman's, Dallet. r: lias en iraim a large and well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, n JTresla IJutlcr V l'HTKr, HeenPred dallT. A larire lot of CHICKENS alwavt on hand. , FRUITS or all kinds.. FRESU VEGETABLES every morning.- All artlclee warranted. , Givd" Me a Call, Everybody ' .. PRICKsi.EOW. r ; t enmwiuji," fti'n r;: .j; liebki It . JLi UU Til,! -r; WIIITB BLUFFS, W. T., ; FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT,- " ' ; ' " AND OtNIEAL nAU:A 1R " ; :;r.E R O HAN ISE' '"! .'I AND ' "' ' I nimcRS' supplies; FACE AND SA.DDL'B H9S3E3 FOB SALE, FREIGHTS CONSIGNFD to my care for Col vl lie Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Minet, will re ceive prompt auemiont ' " . ' ' Whitejiiuirs, Oct. 1st, iso.. : , ., , , oc'itr ' E. P, FITZGERALO, DKALBK III f , HTX R DVV A. R Til iron und Steel. . Every Ducrifllon tf i; ; i i Miners' and MeeUanlcs' Tools, . . . . . , snv . . , ' ITarmlnir Implements. II1P CUANDLERY, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, AND '...7 , BrAFliKURI UUUUB, jri5- ; i . i Crockery and Glasswai .., , I ...,. , ,, , , . E. P. FITZGERALD, I . B. DALLAM. '. . ' -0..W. AHMtfl. ,.' 0 W. ABMM ARMES & .DALLAM, i ... ....... Importers and Jobber of ' !.'.: ' HOOD AXD WlLLOWi WARE, 10 BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE. Ao, . u '. i f.' And Manufacturers of .. , - j California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, Ac. 217 A 21BSacrameutoBtreet, between Front and Davit, San Francisco. . ooll:3mdaw. . TILL,MAN , SOLI AOtlfT lit OALlrORNIA K)B TlLtON & McFARLAND'S i Fire fc Hurglar Proof Safes. :STEEL INED, .VA ULTS,, . . Comlin.atibn Ijbclc. : t r-Coustantly en hand a full assortment of SAFES, l . vi-.-..M. 318 BATTERY STREET, 1 Jy8-em , ., ;.'.,. ' ( , , ., San Francltco, : Waihlnxton Wagon Road, j THE . UNDERSIGNED WOULD . I . FORM THE Traveling Public that the Washington Wagoa Road from Portland and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades it well being kept In good traveling order for wegont.and stock. . .. .";., .. .. , K.C. IlAKDy, , Dallet Jan. 11th 1866. fanlltf Bole Proprietor; Receiving, Storing Forwarding; ommission Merchant ! Advances made .on Consignments, j ( MAIN STREET, Opposite the' Vmatllie .House, A CARD FOR THE " " - Fall & Winter Clothing Trade . . OF S AM FRAAXISCO.'1' BADGER & LINDENBERGER , ' , Kot. 411, 413 and 415 Battery Street, . . ' lor, Mtrcliant, sanFiranelMoi1 " Importer and Wholesale Dealers; " EyflBE HE W ahd FRESH stock . . WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION Of Country iler chanta to our usually large stuck of Goods. Our ; stik comprises every article In tie Clothing and fur nlsiiing line. We have constontiy-'on hand Uie largest : aud greatest variety of Cassiniere and Wool 11 Alt ot any house inai Francisco, and our prhea ror theso. Uoodi aro itssihin those ot any housof as -toe receive them direct Irum the manufacturer's cousiguuient. Onr tock of biininier aud Fall Uoopt it particularly attract tvo, nnd the great feature, to the country merchant Is the unusually low prices. p- ' .....Li.'-- ' Less man the Cost of Importation! We aiso keep the STAPLE ARTICLES in the Dry GooiM line, whicli jjonda we have purclnuwd In this market uu' tie,-, the hummer, and are olloriug them at Kew 'oik Cost, nnd less. 1 " '' '. . .' " . .We publish this card In order that we fnay , acquaintances, and induce those, whohuve nut heretofore purchased qf us, to call anj examine our stock. V " Ciood: Articles and. Low i Prices! Aro the greatest Inducements to all. who. purchase In oftiM,,. wvrcnams who uuy ui us can uiaae a goou profit, and toll to rtiuir customer, at a low ttguitt. i W e ' remain, rcsiectliilly, . . . ' . - " .Your Obedient eerVahte, ' ' : wwi'l C ' . BADGER A LINDENBERGER,. ; ': . - . Wholesale Clothing and llat Warehouse,' . i " "' ' New. 411. 41U and 41& Battery street , Son Francisco, April 1, 1866, ..... Jett-amw. 110 1 TOtt THE SIMMEK UOUSK .' vi ! ON THE-, V, j, ',,..,. , . ' ' fMHS DELIGHTFUL aND CELEBRATED SUMMER ' M.., Resort, situated oa Clatsop Plains, A thort distance from tlie Ocean, it now re-opened aud ready tO'-receiva guests. This retort potseeset atlntctlont nnsurpaseed on! the Pacific Coast. It has a splendid beach for riding, walk-' ingand bathing; beautiful scei.cry jind inrroUudings; berries of all kinds abound) a beautiful trout tlreaui aud abundance of game. ' - .' , ' ' j ' '' THK TABLE " : ' u conKtantly supplied with salt and Iresh .water' flsh ulam. Anil ..mL. uik i. . i , -1 . wiu iwa.uereu auoie, ana tue jretb4t oeimittvibiiroduca. - i - . m Thu;nhTat-It soluliriuns w)mi-ii,t - thtngjthat could Lt desired fuf tnromifosit.of.gglstsr'H"' both well and tick. . ' r -'- ine rroprietors respectfully ask the Health and Pleas ure Seeking Publio fur partrpnage, that they .may, enabled to make the " Hummer II til MA " k not' in rim r In. Atitmion of the country, m, fl; : JU)VV LL AKIVblC- jrwiu, iaoa, rayvtf . V . : ! 1 1 1 i ri i, ui; . SELLING OFF AT.QQSTI ' y ' Mr entire ttcirk' of -v'" ! "J STOVES A !Ia TlHtlI? T I NMAN' "TLCTO ti ,; - : THE WIIOLU embracing afjni Mock, ve articl. ? Of Which Will bs mildt IIIST T ... . : ' out business. Also, one 'ORAND PIANO, lg6od orderL Also, rur tale, the HOUSE AND LOT. no v,nd k,.... next to the corner of WathinvttnY. Tim llm... i. stories, with a baaenient,ntr lswell adaiited to the-kotel u"""' 'o mi oi ntuuinu, comprising about twenty-five Beds. Tha whole will ha l,..i .,.!. h... For furtherartlculart ajiply on the premises. . ; -" A1.UKI1T BMt-flKOEN. IVUW FIH;iT, , GUOCEUY ' ' '. AND- "' ' PROVISION sxoitE. rivnB UNDBRStGNKD INFORMS HIS FRIEND8 and X tbe public generally, that be hat Just ettablitbtd oa Main streot, next door to J, Juker, Tobacconist, A NEW STORE I :J ,v where he keens constantly on hand A l.rra miHo.'ii eelected FRUIT, Alto, In ttore aoomnletestock ofchoira GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, VEGETABLES, da. All or which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at kE! I1TIP Dinned r- .. i ' DUCED PRICES. vwu. Hiu uiu Baiieiy yourseij. , JOHN SP081T&. seia-tt LINCOLN HOUSE;1 Corner Wathlngton and Front Streett, ' .!. .-.: PORTLAND, OREGON...; ,. . r ,(,, 1JIRST-CLASg HOTEL.. LARGEST IN THE STATE. ? Charges Reasonable, ', AN OMNIBUS will attanil all tba Dnali anil n. Passengers and their baggage te the Uonse Free of Cbafgo, or to any other House in the Clry for 60 cents. 1 i s. COFFIN, Proprietor. P. S HOT AND COLD BATHS in the House. All the Steamers for Orniron Cite. Vancouver.' Month cello and Astoria land at the Lincoln House Wharf. eepiMm ... i :.i , . . ... i. wi, 1. 1. STIil'IIILSO DENTIST, HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE OPPO site Bloch. Miller A Co.. where be it prepared, to do all kinds of LV CIM I AL VVWrl. in asklllfnl and well flnlnhttl manner.' TEKTlt (nsettec from one to an entire aet, on Gold or Rubber Plata, u Prices ransre for Rubber Plate, from iii to lHoi F.u Gold Plate, from $76 to $126. , - Persons having work dorm by-nit not proving sat isfactory will not bs required to receive or pay fot lnr e. auia-ti Dl. A. II. BXI3I3LE, lACHNCr ASSISTANT SURGEON. U. 8. A. Vl "' '' " iltMt WALCROlt & BROS' DRTJO 8TORB .1 . '