Salt Wells in thh United State The consumption of salt in this coun try is enormous but of unknown mag nitude. Our supplies come from the West Indies and reat Britain chiefly, and Liverpool salt is nothing more than that of the West Indies improved by grinding. A great deal is derived too from domeslio distillation. It will be remembered that an important duty performed by the Navy along the Atlantio and Bay coasts of the Southern States was the destruction of all salt factories, some of which were unexpectedly large and well fur nished, nod turned out immense sup plies. Besides being produced by so lar evaporation of sea water, as in the' cases alluded to, salt is aiao ootainea in this country from distillation of the brine of salt springs and from the borders of salt lakes, where the eun evaporates the water. Now York and Western Virginia, and Ohio and Mohigan furnish something of the former. Texas and Utah provide the latter. The business is now voay im. portant, since we consume some twenty-eight million bushels annually. As long rgo as 1829 tho wells of Kanawha river produced about one million bush els of salt annually, which was alter wards increased to some three millions. The wells were sunk from 800 to 1500 feet, and the Holsten river salines produced about 250,000 bushels annut ally. The salt springs of the river Kiskiminetas, in Western .fennsylva nia, yielded about one million bushels annually, and from what we have heard ot the product in too nortnwes tern part of the State, wo expect to nave this produot ureativ increased by the next census. There were some half million bushels produced in the Hocking Valley and Poraeroy salines of Ohio in 1855, and the yield must be vastly larger now. There are three great salt basins too in Michigan : 17,' 000 square miles in the valley of the o ; ; , ' r r rn i oaginuw river, producing ou.vuu ousm ols iu 1850, have been so enlarged by closing the Kanawha works that more than 3,000,000 bushels were made in 1863. This finds its market in the South and West. The New York wnrlra at. Rvpaoiima nrnrlnnnrl O 0K3 RfiA " . . . i busnels in lSbZ, and 8,378,835 in 1863. The association owning them has a capital of $160,000, and in four years they have paid to the stockholders $944,000. The total prod net of the country is about 17,000,000 bushels per annum, and the total import be tween 1U.UU0.000 and 13,000,000 ; civ ing an aggregrte consumption of about BU,UUU,UUU ousbela. ancient .luxury. The excava tions of Pompeii are going on withtan activity stimulated by the important discoveries made, almost -at every step, and the quantity of gold and silver found much more than suffioes to cover the cost of the work. Near the Temple of Juno, of which an ac count was recently given, has just been brought to light a house, no doubt belonging to some millionaire ot the time, as tho furniture is ot .ivory bronze and marble. The couches of the tricilinium, or dining room, are especially of extreme richness. . The flooring consists of an immense mo saic, well preserved in parts, and of whiuh the contre represents a table laid out for a grand dinner. In " the middle of a large dish, may be soon large peacock, with its tail spread out and plaood back to back with another - bird, also ot elegant plumage. Around them are arranged lobsters, one of which holds a blue egg in its claws, a second an oyster, which appears to be friccaseed, as it is open and covered with herbs; a third, a rat faroi, and a fourth, a small vase filled with fried grasshoppers. Next comes a circle of dishes of fish, interspersed with" others with partridges, bares and squirrels, which all b .ve their heads placed between their fore feet. Then lomes a row of sausages of all forms, supported by one of eggs, oysters and oliveB, which in its turn is surrounded by a double circle of peeebes. cherries, melons aad other fruits and vegetables. The walls of the triclinium are cov ered with fresco paintings of birds, fruits, flowers, game and fish of all kinds the whole interspersed with drawings w.hich lend a charm to the whole not easy to doscrioe. un a ta. ble Of rare wood, carved and itilaid with gold, marble, agate, and lapis laauli, were found am hoiffl still con taining wine, and some goblets of onyx. HOW TO moaui:! CALL At 1HI NIW Family Grocery and Fruit Store, Corner of Wellington aud Socond Streets. TUB UNDHK8IGNKD WISHES TO INFORM TUK people of the Dalles, and the public generally, that e has a large aud well selected stock of FAMILY GROCEHIES, CANDIES, JSTUTS, Ac, Which ha will loll Wholesale and Retail at Reduced 2rxces for CASH, Also, constantly on hand the Choicest Article of F1IKSII BUTTER and EGU8. Also, every variety of KRUIT8 and VEGETABLES in their season. Pevsous from up the couutry, wishing quantities of Eggs and Fruit, by sending in their orderB, will receive the strictest atteutfon, and have them filled at the Lowetl Market JYtcrj. Jvu-til C. L JEWELL. MILLINERY AND DRESS-MAKING. m"ISS O'ROURKE DESIRES TO INFORM the It Ladies of Dalles and vicinity, that she has Just received a fresh supply of Fashionable Goods, The latest Paris, New York and San FranclBco stvles of BONNETS, HATS, RI1I110NS, LACES, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, Ac. A full and well-selected assortment of Ladies' Rcady-Made Garments. Also, a Fashionable assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPING for Embroidery and Braidfnar. PINKING done at short notice. 110NNETS Bleached and Pressed In the latest style. A large assortment of Children's Ready-Made Clothing Constantly on hand. Having soenrod the services of a rirst Class Droits Matter, 1 am prepared to cut and ht Ladles' and Children's DIIESSKS and CLOAKS. THIRD STREET, one square east of the Catholic Church. oc21:3m. U". .A.. HAKE ' V Manufacturer and Importer of CARRIAGE, CO.VCORD, BVGG .AND STAGE II A It IV K H 8 Saddles, Bridles, Whips. A genoral assortment of Saddlery, Ilardwarc, Leather, etc. r Orders Solicited. Repairing done with neatneM ana mspatcn. r. a. ujhc, je:lltf Main Street, fronting Washington, Dalies. l'OEtTiiAiVI) I ouiinv AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. of from 4 to4o horse- - Ma&'5s ""w power,etther Portable or qSEs? Stationary. Also, CIR- ryf CULAK SAW COMPLETE ouhand. Also, ses of all sires Machines,; woodworm's . ? 4team Engines ol from 4 to 4U norse- Scab AW MILLS yF&&. VtJ S ' ytf f U, constantly ffjf&& s; riantng (rnV-. ..W'3 '.( oodworth's JesvVtiterf-JS it ia NT - - - . J r:"-. Mi-V .C.U.TS'.M pattern,; wrong" ana t(V'SMii uast iron wora lor i er- tical Sawand Grist mills; Brass and Iron Castiugs aad WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quarts Mills complete, of the Latest & most improved patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed a, 000 pounds. , Koran Powers s AimonltTiTM Implements the very low ksi UAMti riuuK id to REPAIRS, fe'20-tf ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, main street, corner ot court. OLD MACK, T1IK PIONEER COOK, wonld respect fully Inform the public that he ha fitted up the above Chop House, and is prepared to serve up MEALS and LUNCH In the best style and at the shortest notice. BALLS and PARTIES furnUhed w th suppers, in the best stylo and on the most reasonable terms. OYSTERS In every etle. Private Rooms lor Ladies. IIOTJH H. QlrH,V ALL NIOIIT. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, FRESH STOCK1 mJSExituaiY & Eiitos., Dalles and Walla Walla. BIALIHS III Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. miners' Ouluts, Boots and Shoes. Clothing, Hats and Caps, Groceries, And a fall assortment of General Merchandise. Buying qur Goods exclusively In the San Francisco market, ana making none but cash purchases, we are enabled to se 1 20 per cent, cheaper than any other House at the Dalles! DU8KNUEKY BROS., inl-tf Dalles and Walla Walla. mauulactnred to ordor at the very LOW EST N. B. Particulor attention paid SIGNS! SIGNS! SIGNS! O. S.SAVAGE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. DEALER IN paints, M; rv T I. U . KM yh".J WINDOWGIASS VAENISI1ES, 4 lot 3 Colors, Patty, Brushes, Glne, etc. Paper nangings.Window Shades, Fixtures, to. BLACK FOOT 14X1IUHS. D WIGHT & BACON, Proprietors. WHS PUBLIC ARE UEUEBV INFORMED that we M. have concluded arrangements for the transaction of Hi x p re Unsiness TO AND FROM . THE BLACK FOOT COUNTRY! and have commenced makli.g regular trips from WALLA WALLA, via Lewistoti, to VIRGINIA CITY, HELfciNA, Ol'HIH BLACK FOOT CITY. All business entrusted to us will be attended to with promptness nd dispatch. f Particular attention paid to COLLECTIONS. Will leave on their second trip, starting from Walla Walla, October 8d; Lewiston, October 6th. sel9-2m si;Li,ii orr AT COST"! '.M. "Wunsch &, Co., WILL CLOSE OUT THEIR STOCK OP MERCHAN DISE, at their place of buaineas, at the Dalles. In order to go the Minos. Their stock embraces Dry tioods. Clothing, Hoots, Hats AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, All which will be sold at COST, for CASH only. Mf All who know themselves Indebted to our firm at the Dalles will please call aud settle as soon as possible. Those who have been accommodated we trust will not delay us unnecessarily, but be prompt In squaring up ac counts. Call and see us, all aud everybody I anll-tf M. WUNSCH CO. SHERIFF'S SALE; BY VIRTUE OP AN EXECUTION TO MR Di rected, issued out of the Circuit Court for Wasco County, Oregon, in favor of Jatob Consor, M. Q. Cousor, and John A. Consor, and against Peter Ruffner and An drew Clarke, and tor want of personal property 1 have this day levied upon ti e fallowing described real estate, situated In Dalles City, Wasco Couuty. Oregon, to-witi West one-half i,) of lot three (8), in block ten (10) In Langhlln's Addition to Dalles City. I will proceed to sell the aame in front of the Court House door in Waico County, State of Oregon, at publio auction, to the high est bidder, for U. S. g Id ccln, between the hours or 9 o'clock, A. H., and 4 o'clock, p. ., ON SATURDAY. T11M 2ND DAY Or DECEMBER. 1866, to satisfy the above execution, amountinn to $203 and 90-100 dollars, $6 97-100 dollars, cost of action and accruing costs, with Interest from the 29th day of September, 18B6. at one per cent, per niouui. UUAHLK8 WUlTK, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon By R. W. Okaitdall, Deputy Sheriff. Dulles City, November 1st, 1806. ,. . , ao3-ttw DALLES CITY DIIVU STOKE. P. CRAIG, WBOL18ALI AMD RITAIIi DEALER IN DRUGS. . MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. DAILY MOUNTAINEER BOOK & J03 PRINTING OFFICE. First Street; between Main and B DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTINC'OFEVERYVARIETY- Executed with accuracy and dispatch. Ili A 8TYLE THAT WILL COMPAJtB FAVORABLY with the very test, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS TILE CHEAPEST TO ORDEi: Cards and II n I-H ends. CHECKS, DIIAFTS, RKCXll'TS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS. ccc, tfc, ac, PBINTSD IN TBI MOST ATTKAOT1VI M ANNUL. ALSO. WAY-DILLS, BILLS OF FARE, LETTER HEADS, KECEWT BOOKS, HILLS LADING, Rriefs and Pamphlets, VISITING, WEDDING AND" AT HOME" CARDS Druggists' Labels," In short, everything that can be dune in a Book and Job Printing Offlce, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest sise and most showy Posting nut ana wmcn win oe rurnea out in a scyie mat cauuui fail to insure entire satisfaction. . , , OUR IAC1UTIU TOR (HI KXXCUTIOK OF DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints, Such as Fancy Posting; Bills! From n iincle Sheet to the Lara eat Manimotli, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, rUUt UMKRo LA BJSLS, Ar nrmarpftSBed by those of any other establishment in Oregon. We devote special attention to this branch of the business, and aro cont.uualljr adding to onr alruaUy exten , sire and well appointed assortment of material. NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Onr stock o. FANCY INKS. TINTS, AC. Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, tannot be equaled In the State. The principle upon which ousineas is asRea lor this es -tablishuient Is. that persons will consult their own Inter ests, by awarding their custom to that office In which ' their money cau be expended to the best advantage. To this end we solicit all tu want ot goou muting at. very reasonable charges, tu call and examine speciuieus. and Judge for yourselves. Orders from the Upper Country Will have onr special care, and friends from the Interior may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, as we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED bORDON POWER PRESS In the (State of Oregon 1 Addressj MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf l)alles. Oregon, DR. DAVYlS SPE Cf FlC" COMPOUND, An Expeditious Care for all diseases of the SEXUAL OUGANS. rfJVUS prompt and rmcatious Kerned; for the cure JL Uhonorrouu, tileet, Strictures, and biseaees of the Urinary I'rgHns. makes a epeedjr cure without t lie least restriction to diet, exposure or change in application husiiiess; it will radically cure any cae which can be produced. The diseese it removes as speedily as Is con . sisteut with the production ol a thorough and peimaneut cure, further, the disease canuot be contracted if the Sl'KCltlC Ci.Ml'uLM) is taken when expoked, Its liiicredients are entirel y vouetaule, and no Injnrlnn. effect, either conetitutionally or local ly, can lie caused hj its use. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Bent hi Express careiully packed., emrrtl DEAN. Agents, 01 and 403 lluttery street, cor Clay, Jy22-6m. Ban I'rauclnco, Hard. Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE nKD WAGON MATER'ALS i-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. LEMON, WHOUUULI AMD RITAIIi DRUGGIST, Washington Btreet," between Main and Becond Streets DALLES, OREGON. T4 LEMON Is able to sunnlv nartiea In want of Druini, Patent Medicines. Chemicals. Acids, Perfumery, and erery other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. Mg Physicians and Merchant Intending to purchase for the Mlnosi will ao well to give mm a can. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety. 8. LEMON. ap.Sttf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. J. XV . MILL Ell fc CO., (snccessors to bunnill miller,) WHOL KHALI AND EMAIL PIALIR8 IN WK BKO TO CALL ATTfcM'lON of Carriage Han ntacturera and lialers to the Larue aud Com plele assortment ot CAhhlAUKand AOUN MATKHI Alitt we are constantly receiving trum the hawt. bpeclally selected fur the California market, comprising, Oak, Uickury. and Second Urowth Ash Plank, Hickory Axles, . Wagon L'olrs, Hubs, Ppokes, 1 el lots, LimsfchaUs, Ao. Ac. Winch we ofter nt tlie lowest tush Pilct's. 4jr -rdors addressed to our house will receive promo attention. IS. . LhAUU A CO., julo:3m, 29 A 81 Battery Stieet, fean rrauclsco, and 17 A 19 Heventh btreet bacrnmento. 0. Watrrbouss. a. M . hHAoa A Co.. J. W. Listir Ban yranoisco. ttacramouto. New York. J KANH. K -A. N E, U. HILL. A HILL & WilOLKSALI AMD MIAIL DKALKB8 III Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors) AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. bTtiHAUK AND FUllWAllUlAU. Goods couslgued to us will meet with proper atteotloaj lteierenceti t rORTLARD. DALLES. H. W. Cornet, Robklus A Co., Klchards A McCracken, Vi. C. Moody A Co.! 11. IJtw, O. llumasou. thuatllla Landing, Sept. 6th, 1B6U. JACKSON SALOON! OUllNKH UUURT AND SKUONl) bTEKETS, THE UNDEItSIQNKD, HAVING REMOVED FROM TUK "U&LLA UNION" CKLLAH, INTO Gatea' New linilllrc. Beg to Inform the public that they are prepared to serve (hull. Kii.him.n will, tkm i.oat T- t urnnir ln .11 1 .- 1 v. . i.j 1 MmerTco': UA 8'"UKT' DsllM',,"i" Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TI1K MARKET ArVOKDa. . ALSO, A FreeLunch! Every day aud evening. ANTON LAVER BMIL SCHLTZ, doct-lf ' Proprietors. o. u. uitooiCH, m. r. Office At IJr. Craia'si Drug 6torif Stoves, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron Brazier's Copper, Lead Pipe, Copper, Force JLUt I'umps, Zinc, Itrass & Iron Ware. Lead Xlpo, Sto., Sc. MANTUA AXAICIOll. HAWRS. HATT1E 110LB1IOOK would respectfully In- 1.TJL form the Ladies of the Daller and vicinity, that sue nas openeu a shop in connection witn Miss U'ltourae, where she is prepared to do all kinds of work with neat neseaud dispatch. Having Just arrived from the Kant, sue uopea to tie aoie to piea.e all as to form ana yadtituu Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. ' THRBU DOORS Vest ot the Cornet of Tlllltb and TOttOH 0troela t ' .ocl;ui DALLES. OREGON.