Statin ,cftTiYiriTf titit Gold Creek, Montana Tkhtitobv. Gold Creek, or American Fork, Is the name of a tributary of Ilellgaie River, which comes into that stream from the west side, about twelve tnilcs below the Little Blackfoot. The creek carries a few hundred inches of water, and after falling very rapidly from a cluster of remarkably broken, bare, granite l J-l I .1 U - U:U nKniralltf bottom, of half a mile in width, into tho main Hellgate River. Gold was discovered on this creek, on tHe fl its and gravel points, ; in 1861, and has been worked ever since to b considerable profit. Some pretty rich gulches wore lound upon tlie tributary creeks, and some dozens of men are Bt ill at work iu them. At the mouth of the creek, a settlement of twenty substantial log-houses w'as built in 1801-2, and a ortion of the houses are now occupied, and a part of tbem were burnt down laBt year. IJaur yetrrs ago the Blackfoot Indians infested the adjacent country, and one fortified corral bears marks of where these predatory savages tried to cut away the gate frames, to steal a band of . horses which was enclosed in it at night. The gate was built with an iron frame, con cealed between two layers of boards, and the Indians patiently cut into the wood until their knives met tlie jron when they de sisted. This corral witnessed one of those casos of swift, retributive vengeance which so frequently overtakes criminals in the ' mountains of Montana. The circumstances . are these : Two men called at the camp of a man named Bull, who was camped on' Elk '. City prairie, in the Nea Perces mines, in the Fall of 1862, and asked to stay nil night. Bull kindly entertained tbem, and they, with ' detestable ingratitude, got up in the night and stole five horses and mules from, him. Bull, nothing discouraged by the fact that . be was sick at the time with ague and fever, started with a friend in pursuit.' Crossing tlie Bitter Root Mountain, one hundred and sixty miles to Fort Owen, he followed them down the Bitter Root River, thirty miles to 'T-T.llrrotn nnrl RAVpnt.v.rtVfl milGit un the Hell h 1 ---- j - -r gate River to Gold Creek. Twenty day.) bad elapsed and the thieves felt safe from pur pit. When Bull arrived in the camp, be ' called upon a trader, to whom be had letters explaining hie errand, and from him learned that the men were at that time in a neigh boring drinking-house. Hastily loading a douiile-barreled shotgun, Bull, accompanied by the friend who had attended bim frqm Elk City, went over to the drinking-honse This establishment was a low, hewn-log cabin, with a thatched roof, and here were ' the long sought viilinns who had set him a-foot. One of them saw Bull, as he came up, and immediately jumped upon a horse, which was hitched to the corral, and fled The other, whose name was Bill Arnctt, was dealing a game of monte. As Bull entered the door, Arnett recognized him. Springing to his feet, With bis cards in one hand, with the other hand he reached for his' pistol But Bull was too quick for him and brougnt him to the ground dead, with two charges of buck-shot and slugs. The other man was pursued about ten miles down the river caught brought buck, and hung on a gal lows hastily improvised by two logs laid over the top of the corral, with a cro-s piece tied on it. Both were buried In a clump of bushes near by, which grew around a stag' .nant water hole, and Arnett was laid in the grave wi h the monte curds s i ill grasped in his hand. The verdict of the miners was, 'Served 'em right." '"Thb Boys." We have daily proofs, that " the boys'11 are practising their old tricks, Bogus gold dust operators aro about; forgery has been committed, and very small petty larceny is prevalent. It looks as if the boys will never take warning, and quit their ways Wasco county has been to (he expense of sending to the Penitentiary a delegation of forty-five or fifty rogues, great and Bmall, and still theycoino" There are now at large about , fifty rogues of high and low degree, any one of whom is good for a terra in State's Drisnn if they return .to this county. If the ' boys will continue, to practice rascality in this vicinity, they need not complain if tbey get a position down below. Wasco county tn stand It as well as tbey can. Tbibvis About. The Vancouver Rtgitttr soys that several instances of petty depreda tions have occurred in that place lately, and in one case a burglary was attempted. It is pretty evident that the boys are around nearly everywhere, and citizens will do well to be upon their guard at the towns up the Colum bia and below. The Vigilantes of Montana are driving on to this side of the mountains more than our share of the vicious elements of society. Bogus Dost. A rnnn'was arrested by Mar shal Keeler'yesterday morning for exhibiting, with the apparent intention of increasing the volume of currency, a purse of brass filings, tie alleges that be is perfectly innocent, and in fact the childish attempt to pass such a miserable ImiUlioti of gold dust as he had in possession, argues an amount of innocent simplicicy quite uncouimou in these times. He was discharged. A pbominfnt San Francisco paper is ac cused of keeping a man whose business ap pears to bo to wait upon newly arrived theatrical- artists, and inform them that the journal to which be is attached is tho leading authority on all questions connected with the drama. This 'is looked upon as an " intimation." WALDRON ItROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. WE NOW OCCUPY OUR NKW TWO STORY FIRR proof Stone building, opposite Ulucli, Miller k Co., and offer to the public- a full and complete stock of Drugs, Medlctues and Chemicals, consisting lu part of . KKROBKNH. LAMP WICKS 4 CHIMNEYS, TUKPKNTINE, HOPS, ALUUllUli, DAUB, ACIDS, SPONGER.' MNSKED, LEKCIIKS, ' LARD, CORK, CASTOR AND I.NDIQO AND NKATSKOOT Oil, LANPBLACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND PATKNT MrCDICIlVKSJ. Our stock of FANCY GOilUS I s of the anest and best quality; new style oml large assortments, anch M LUBIN'S PKRFUKKKY, HAIR, LUBIN'S T'lILBTSoAP, FLKsII, POMADKS, BIIAVIHU, CtlSMliTICS, IIAT, HAIR 011,8, CLOTH'S, COLOGNB, - TOOTH AND FANCY 80AP8 AND NAIL BRUSHES TOOTH POWDKRS, AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposos. Our facilities lor buying goods ere second to none in the State, and we shall at all times sell ut a small ad vance from cost. Ready sales and Ismail prollts. PHYSICIANS' PBKSCKIPTI0X8 Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. Dulles, Sept. u. 10. seiu-u NOTICE. THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY Will carry FAST - FREIGHTS FROM . . UMATILLA, AFTER TUB FIRST OF OCTOBWl, AT TUB FOLLOW- . INU RKD'JUKU HA I US: To Boise City.. IS Cent per pound " luano uuy u " Owyuee S0 " For lets amounts than one hundred pounds an addition of Five Cents per pound will be charged. TIMK FltOM UMATILLA. To Holet lty, 3 Days. To Idaho City 3 1-1 Pays. TO Owyhee...... 4 Days. JOSEPH 1'INKIIAM, Agent. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1866. oc!8:tf. ItTll MOVAJL. J . J U. ' K E E , . Main Street. Dalles, WH0LE8ALS litD RETAIL DEALER l!f CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES,-&o. ALWATS III STORI TBI BIST BRANDS OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. JLAYINQ CARDS, r JL POCKKT CUTLERY. PORT MONIK8. COMIIS and BRUSHES, o' all kinds, PKKFUMKRY. ot every description. CHINA ORNAMENTS TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FTSnTNQ TACKLB, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS) FANCY GOODS. Ao. Also Powder. Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks. Baskets, and many outer articles loo numerous totneution. Interior dealors supplied with Cigars. Tobacco, etc at less than Portland prices, with freight added. ' oc-8 V13KY IMPORTANT TO : , Merchants, Families, Hotels and UAB-IIOOMH. JULIUS KRAHMER HAVING BOUGHT THK EN tire Stock of Merchandi&o and Book Accounts of the late firm ot M . Seller A Co., in this city, to which lie lias added of his own importation (while doing business iu Portland) an immense 6tock of the best manufactured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, 'Lampa, Chandeliers Table Cutlery IiOoklng-Glaascs' and All Kinds of Oils. All of which he offors at reduced rates. Persons wtsh tag to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to give me a call betore purchasing elsewhere'. Orders from tle interior promptly attended to, and goods packed 10 ko secure. Don't fail to call on me. Hudlo'e Htouo Bulldlug, Washington street. Dalles. JULIUS KRAUMKR. Dalles. March 17th, 188&. mhlTtf - . BOOT. AND SHOE STOUI2. HAS REMOVED 1118 BOOT AND PTOB STOKE to the building on Main street, S! nearly opposite Mnwly's Hall, where he has ff Just reoeived, direct from San Francisco.' au un usually nue and well selected stock or BOOTS AND SHOES, of the very best quality and latest styles ' EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, Including the celebrated ENGLISH HUNTING SHOE mannfactnred by Benkert. Also, a large assortment of Ladles' and Children's Gaiters, Of the latest Styles. Just received from the best Phil adelphia makers. Also, a Tery large assortmenv of FINE DRESS BOOTS. AVGentlemen who prefer to have thoir Boots or Shoes made to order, cau rely upon obtaining a neat and easy fit. . F. WYCKMAN, Sraln street. selO-tf Opposite Moody's Hall. Oregon Steam Navigation Co.'s NOTICE! TnE FOLLOWING KATES OF FREIGHT have been established: FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREGON, JOHNEPPlNGKn Proprietor Willi UNDERSIGNED M. baring fitted up the shore Market in the BK-T STYLE, will keep constant ly on hand all sorts of i resn ana tnreo uieais. Of the best quality furnished at the LOWEST RATH My motto is to " PLEASE ALL" '. TrARTIKS HAVING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR 8ALH JL will do well to call at the FrankHn Market. Dalles, February 19th, 1865. JOHN KPI'INQER. Grain, Vegetables. Tallow, &c. From Wallula A Uinatlll i to Portland, $16 00 per ton weight vaiiiu to roriiiiuu 7 ou " " On Wool, , . - J. OOETZ, Dulles. F. KOENIQSBKROETt, . San Francisco. J. GOETS5 Sc CO., TOBACCONISTS, Have removed to Rudio's New Stone Building, Washington Street, near French t Oilman's, sod have opeueil a well-assorted stock of HAT AAAHna ouAmMiu onuAng, V1HUINIA and WESTERN TOBACCO, . FRENCH .mil SCOTCH SNUVF, MEERSCHAUM uud other l'lt'KS, rLAllAU UAtil9, SPORTING GXIUS, INDIAN and FA CY GOODS, Ac, Ac. The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKETPRTCKff. NEW (SALOON. NEW ATONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. tVIB UNDERSIGNED would respectfully announo . thut he will oncu a first class Saloon in Frouch A Oilman's New Stone Building, THIS EVENING, and is prepared to serve cu.tomers w-uu the best ot Wines, Liquors and 'Cigars. ALSO, A - ISRTCX; LUNCH Every day ami Evening. . oc28tf. JOHN lXISPLAHIl. NOTICE. JTX S. HOLLAND IS MY AUTHORIZED AGENT to JL1 s attend to collecting and settling up my busiuoas, during my alMunce. Those Inilebted tu me or to Payne k Co.. are requested to ay him immediately nnd save oosts, as ho has orders to collect. F. A. 0. PAYNE. Dalles, Nov. 13, Woo. 14 f a. D. QAns. g, i, uavi, GATES & HAFT, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, ' .., DALLES, OREGON. .; From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland, id 02 per lb " Dalles to Portlaud 1 " On Hides, From Wallnla and Umatilla to Portland,....... 80 eocb " Dalles to l'ort.aud... 37 '' 8. G. REED, President. Portland, Sep. 28, 186S. sep21-2.nis IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF "Wines 3L.iitiors, FRONT STREET. Portland, - - Oregon. ' OFFERS FOR BALE A VERY LAROU ASSORT meut ot y Itrandles, ' . Ulnes, , ' Liquors, Case Goods, &.C., &c, &c. V The Trade ts partlculariy Invited to oxamlne my ,t,ck before purchasing elsewhere. au24-tt' NOTICE TO FARMERS. rBMIE DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING JL COMPANY has roceutlyattaclwd a . . , 1LOUHIING MILL to their Steam Sash and Door Factory. In this Citv. and are now prepared to CHOP FEED, URIND WHEAT and uuiin, anil warrant I give the beet satisfaction. On hand constantly and for salo . FXTltA FAMILY FLOVR, SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, .. BRAN AND SHORT., , CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Also, a Superior article of CORN Com. 1 be higbost market price paid for WnRAT, CORN and BARLEY. U. A. UOUUE. Airent. Dalles, Not. 2,1808. natr. AVAIIlAtrO JTIAIIKET, eoejitaor COURT AND SECOND STREETS. DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. - "IVILO, KEEP constantly on hand all the varle- J tie that tlie market can noaslblr afford, of . FRESH Sc CUItlCD MEATS, and always or the bi at quality. ' FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. ' -Tbe nndorslgneq Is always prepared to pay the high est cash price for FAT CATTLE. Parties having stock in gooil condition, are requested to call on him befora going elsewhere. JOHN MICUKLUACH. Dull t, March 31st. 1868. mli81tf - CITY MARKET, S. LAUUCR & Co., Proprietors. Will keep constantly ou hand the best MEATS OF ALL, KINDS. A LIBERAL SHARE OF PATRONAGE is solicited, as we expeot to ke p as good an assortment of Meats and of as good as qual ity, as me country anorua:. ana wul Deliver the same to Purchasers in the City, Parties having Superior Stock for mile will do well to. give us a call before disosiug ol It elsewhere. 8. LAUBER. & Co- Southeast corner nf Washington aud Third Sts. Ppposlte Hosier's Blacksmith Shop. M. BROWN & BRO., ' WHOI.SSALl IRD IirAll. DIALISS IH FANCY AND HTvVI,rJ.K DRY GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &o. Mr. M. BROWN, being a resident of San Francisco, sre enabled to odor great Indeements te purchasers. Wa tespectA.lly Invite the public to tamtneoor stock befor ourchasing elsewhere. mlo-tf W Stone Store, north side Main street. Dalles. 1kg FOB HALE. TnB nANDSOMH RESIDENCE oocnpled b A. W. BUCHANAN is offered ,., , ,..,..: , For Sale at a tow Figure. ' For a prlvats tesldeucs. do more desirable lorallty could, bedeslred-. The grounds are ornamented withshiubbery and the bulhlUig, coutaius - , . : Ten Rooms, Flulshcd In tbe Best Style and embraces every cnuvenlenca. To a gentleman de siring a Retired and Pleasant Home, convenient to busi ness, an opportunity Is now presented that seldi m offer. The House mid Furniture will be sold together or separ ately, as the purchaser may desire. For further partic ulars, inquire at " ocl:tf. , WELLS, FARQO t CO.'S EXPRESS OFFICE. . J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, , Alain St., Dalles, Oregon. WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the citizens of this pluco and vi cinity, that having returned from a pro tessional tour through the mines, he has again reeumod the practice of DENTISTRY, In the rooms lormeriy occupied by liliu. In the building occupied by -Wood A Butler, Photograph Artists, mid adjoining Wal dron llro".' Drug Store. He takes this method of ex tending thanks, for the liberal patronnge lieretolore ex tended to nim, au4 solicits a of tha same. LIST )F PKIC83. . -5 Entire Denture on Quid Base ......,.(180 to $-15 upper Venture, Uuld Base. 90 1'n " Demure. Vulcanite Baee 70" 12i " - Upper Denture, Vulcaulto Base 88 " 1 0 Gold Fillings inserted from one dollar upward. Children' Teeth extracted free at charge. sel3-tf JP . I II M 9 ' Watcliuiaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, inuT vooa to tub ahbat orrica,; DEALER IN FIN WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, Gold Pens, Silver uud Plated Wore, Bpectaclos, Cutlery, o. '' J 4TPartleular attention paid to repairing fluefl 'Wutches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. repaired bj ue warrnutou lor monll.s. N. B. All orders from the upper "ountry, by I spree or otherwise, promptly attended to. aull f jrosii:rii lsii'isivr, . ' WD0IESAU AND K&TsIL DEALER 11 ( Fancy & Staple Dry , Goods CLOTHING, BOOTS .AND SHOES,' UATS AND CAPS, AND . . GentlciuenN I'uriilshlnff Goodm. Fire-proof gtono Etoro, corner of Main and Couit Streets, , . . oc-tf . ; MRS. L. WHITE'S UEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. WiiNlilngtoii Mreel. FRENCH MILLINERY STORE. Opposite Cohn tt, Bohm'sj, YOU CAN FIND THE LATEST AND MOST FASH IONABLE GOODS, in the line of IIONNET, II ITS, FUATIIERS, FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, ; Dross Trlmmliijys, Sea. In order to nuke dress i,niimlnta it nn that a BONNKT or HAT, llundsouioly Trimmed, should adorn the head. ... Give me an early till I and I wtll endeavor to snH sveryboily In TAST'K and at HEASONABLU PRICKS.' uiucumr uiteui.op paM 10 Embroidery and Braiding Stamping.' nAVINO NKWI.Y FITTED UP THE GALLERY over Dcgnar'e Staio, would respoctlallynuaeunce touli those wishing riiotograpus, Carts do' Vlsltc, ic, that they will do well togivo her a cnll. . Particular at" tentlon paid to taking Lad es and Cl.l' Pictures. UCIll Hexht Mahti.1. J.M.Muueuv. TIN ScM TJRPH Y, ; ' 1 OFFICES Idaho City, Beiee County, I. T. Rnhy Clly Owyhee Jaunty, I. T. " t . aplo-tf. , AOTIIE. . , ... GKOIIOB LIEBK Is my duly authorised agent during , my absents In the Uaiierii States, to attend to tn collection ut all a counts due Die, and alto the late Aria bi niniermeir Hunger. A. VI in i kit Alt-ill.