1 SIS DAT MORMXG. NOV. 19. !85. THE ELECTION AND SESSION. SPECIAL J. M. Pierci is the Union candidate for the legislative vacancy in Yamhill county. Martiau law bai been abolished in Ken tucky. Hiavy rains have fallen on the west side of the Cascades during the past week, and the streams are rising in consequence. Tbi alarm about the cholera, brought across the Atlantic by the Atlanta, is abating. No new cases have occurred. While the election in the Fifteenth Repre sentative District is of but little importance as a test of the probable direction of pnblio opinion on local questions, it affords a good opportunity of ascertaining the sentiments of the people on the all-important issues which are likely to engage the attention of the na tion at the assembling of Congress. No man of intelligence in this community will deny that four-fifths of the voters of Wasco county are heartily in favor of the scheme of pacifl cation and reconstruction adopted by Presi dent JoKnsoo ; yet, for all that, the Democratic Convention neglected to comply with the popular demand for an endorsement of the acts of President Johnson in the matter in question. The voice of a majority of both parties distinctly favors such endorsement, but the Union party only has met the issue fairly. Tljere is nothing in a party name, or old partj associations, which should prevent (be liberal and patriotic members of the Democtntio party from voting for the Union candidate, who fully and fairly represents their opinions on this point. The obnoiious Sunday Law is equally un popular with both parties, and its repeal or ms'lification is a matter of general interest It is greatly to be desired that a represen tative shall be sent from this district whose political associations will be in accord with those of the majority of the Legislature. We want a man who can tell the Union party members that, unless theyretrac his attempt to inject religion into the politics of the party, the cbsnces of success at the June election will be very limited. Mr. Bogue opposes the' Sunday Law on the highest and best grounds that can be taken, namely: The Sunday Law is a religious institution, and as. such is con trary to the spirit of our State and National Governments. To oppose it upon any other ground, is to throw away a great moral ad vantage. Mr. Hogue can and will represent the views of the vast majority of the people on this side of the Cascades, on this subject, with an influence on the party in power that no Democrat could exercijr; particularly after that party bad neglected to act upon the prevailing popular impulse to endorse the National Administration. Upon purely personal grounds, the candi dates of the two parties are men who are em inently popular, and the deleat of either will be robbed of the sting of mortification by the fact his their respective supporters will re gret the differences of opinion which necessi tate the defeat of one of them. We do not doubt that the professions of friendship which, so many Democrats in this county manifest for the Administration, are real; but su"h seutimeuts will prove of but little practical value unless they are followed np by votes, which will h'. u a practical bear ing on the questions at issue. At ibis time the gathering elements of a political storm forewarn us that the attempt will probably be made to destroy the usefulness of tb President in bis efforts to restore peace and unity, and possibly to hurl him from office. If this should be done in the face of a popular majority, it would argue but pourly for the intelligence of bis friends, here and else where. The man that truly desires the suo- ceBS of the Administration, will not scruple Epitome of Telegraphic ys. COMPILED rttOM THE 0HSO0N11.1. DATES TO NOVEMBER 13. " Isaac F. Di.och, Ban Francisco. C 8. Mnxnt, Bio. ScuAffBAcnm, Dalles, Atlantic News. Waihin'qton, Nov. 14. The President to- Lokax, the colored man who was committed to jail on charge of stealing certain articles from the 0. S. N. Co., at Colilo, has given bail. ' Public Discussion. Messrs. Hogue and Gates addressed the citizens of the Dalles yesterday evening, at Cbapln's Hall. Lack of space prevents us from giving a synopsis of the remarks of these gentlemen. Mr. P. J. Malone has retired from the man agement of the Oregon Reporter, and will commence the publication of a weekly and trl-weekly paper, to be called the Argui, at Boise City, some time in the coming montn. Tan Idaho correspondents tire Marysville ixprett says, " the abolitionists were cleaned out in tbis territory as clean as a donble-bar- relcd shotgnn." Would it not be more forci ble to say "as clean as a 15-Inch cannon?" Senator Wilson, of Massachusetts! says that be des not think the President is por tioning rebels too fast, and if he had tils way, be would pardon all but two or three hundred of then. Wilson's opinions are very valuable about this time. Tan Cmoo Roots . The Susanville Sagi Brush snys that many persons are passing through Susanville, from Idaho to Ca'ifornin. The Sagt Brush expresses the opinion that when the routn from Idaho through that place to California becomes generally known, all too travel will go by it. ' DaowNio. The Advertiser ears that a sol dier named James Irwin, belonging to Com pany " E," First Oregon Infantry, was drown ed at Umatilla on the 15th Inst. He jumped from the steamer Spray, with the evident in tention to swim ashore, ard was carried be yond help. Importing Negroes. The Coso Minirg Company in Nevada is importing negroes from Virginia to work in their quartz mines. They are to be paid $10 a month for one year, and have their expense paid from the Atlantio side, and while in the service of the company; They have given bonds to xemain iu service one year on those terms. Tn Forgery Cass. The case of Frank Jones, accused of forgery, has been contin Bed for examination, and his bail fixed at $1,000. Frank -makes affidavit that John Doe, supposed to be in Portland at this time, can swear that he saw him (Frank) buv the checks, and nntil the said' Jo'm Doe can be found, Jones demanHs a continuance. Great Democratic Victory. It will be some comfort to the "unterrified " to know tlytt Chas. S. Fairfax, a democrat, was elected supervisor, in Marin county, California, at a special election. At the regular election he to break old political ties to give effect to bis U!- ..... I - uou mo opponpni, out unariey seat mm a l qnhiions. eucuuu neau mis may De looked upon as a X A ...,... iU uemucracj uoi yev Smtitp and Woot. The increase of sheep. day appointed Gen. John A. Logan, of III., Minister, and dara M. Browning, of Tenn., Secretary of Legation to the Republic of Mex ico. Gen. Logan is well known as a strong and earnest friend of the Liberal cause of that country. Gov. Hamilton, of Texas, writes to the President that be expects to call a State Con vention in December. The intelligence of the death of Hon. Pres ton King has occasioned much regret in offi cial circles. Wtic York, Nov. 14. The Tribune't corres pondent at El Paso, under date of Oct. 30ih, says : The Government of President Juarez is strengthening every day by the addition of tae population that inhabit the surrounding villages, who seem disposed to assist him in every way they can, and by giving a regular organization to the various branches of his administration. He will remain at 1 Paso for some time. , Marshal Bazaine, desirous to avoid compli cations with our Government, has given ex press orders to the officers of bis command Blocli, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE , 1 GROCE S AND DEALERS IN . "Wines & Iintiors, . And Importers and Jobbers of CLOTHING-' Boots &- Shoes, IJnder Clothing, lilankets, etc., etc., etc. ASSAY OFFICE. WE Hi VK AN A 88 AY OFFICE IN CONNECTION wlili our husinens, under the enjlre supervision of Mr, Millor. .-We make return (n Burt fn nix hours W guarantee all our Assays and pay the IIIOHKPT CASH PHIOK for Burn. We also pa; the Highest Cask Pries lor Gold Dust, BLOCH, MILLER ft CJ my6tf Cor. Main and Washington streets, Dalles. SELLING OFF AT COST, not to let any detachment of French troops TO CLOSE BUSINESS Z approach the Ru Granite. fWHE UNDERSIGNED would repectfulljr Iniorm their B. ! Now or Never Cull at Wm. Dirnbaum's Jewelry Store and examine his extensive stock of Watches, Dia monds, Jewelry, Sliver Ware, Lamps, Cutlery and Fancy Goods, which he offers for sale lu order to close business on account of 111 health, at loss than cost, There la no such large and well-aelectod stock this aide of ban Fran cisco, and the quality of the goods will speak for ltBelf, Now Is your time to bay presents cheap, and at a saving of 60 percent. Mr. B. has also a lot of Periacopfc Glasa Spectacles that perform wonders. n-ttf. WANTED. f "VASCO COUNTY ORDERS, at the Office of the wv Oregon steam Navigation Company. Dalles, Nov. 17, 1865. W. B. 11KADFOKD, Ag't. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN WILLIAMS, AUCTIONEER, No. 100, main Street, Dalles City. mmriLL ATTEND TO THE BELLING AT AUCTION W V ol General Morctiandixe, Ileal KBtate, Groceri a. Horses, New and Second Hand Furniture, Stocks, Ac, 4c. Regular Salea DaySaturday. Out-door and Snerial Sales attended to In anv nurt nf the City. Liberal Advances made on Consignments. nl9:3ni. JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. natrons and tho public at larue, that they will commence to sell thia day, their lai ge and huudaozu t Btocnor . Cfotbinar Dry Goods, Jurniitiitng unode, jancy uoons, llats A- Caps, La-lies' Sl'-'fls, ' Boot Klines, Chililr... t-hoee, Kuhhar Goods, lint. Blankets, Salem Cloths,, Ac, 4c, Ac, A. T O O S T . In order to retire from binineai, the abort Stock must be sold within Sixty Days, aud ST1UCTLY AT COST! All perNonn Indebted to the firm will .tlcnee mil antf nettle their bills Im'nedmtely, thereby mm tiff h11 nnntr ceMHAFjr future tiouhle. CUUN A BOI1M. Dalles, (Jet. 2, ISOd. ocatr. Oregon . Steam Navigation Co. WINTER ARMANCEMENT. Patent Mediclnea, extracts, Sponges, . Trusses, Bracts, Paints. Varnishes, Oils, dead. Jons Connebs once said' that ho could bur leading San Francisco paper for a pint ol peanuts. He was at once called "Peanut John,' in deri ion, of his insolent assertion-. At this time the cultivation- of peanuts in vu. m . "PO ""out m the pa- and th cUp wU1 be considerttbiy over 700, ffuio, biiu KiMBiupurary mentions IQe IrtCt of superior breeds,, and the production- and manufacture of wool, are rapidly becoming leading pursuits wiih the people of Oregon. In I860, the State shi-ared 55,000 sheep, and produced 120,000 pounds of wool. In 1865, there were about 250, 000 sheep in the State, thai the plentifulncss of peanuts will render . it an economical undertaking for Conness to uujr up mo press ui uie Ola 6. Pahoham. The great drama of "Milton's Paradise Lost," magnificently portrnred upon canvas, br the celebrated John Martin, of Lon don, and exhibited by Prof. Baclielder, will 1 beoneihibilion at the CmigreKatkiiial Church, . in iuis city, ou Jlvnoay ana 1'uesday even 000 pounds. This wool, if it wag all manu factured in the State, would produce more than $500,000:. of which the wool-grower would get about $15", 000. For the lack of machinery to work it np, much of this wool will' be exported. In time, the splendid pastoral advantages of the ColumbiaRiver sountry will attract the attention of sheep- raisers, and' then the working of the wool 1Z E 31 O V V. L, . GATES &"CIIAIIIV, . WHOLESALE RETAIL DRU GGIST8, nave nemoTea to RITDIO'S S I'OiMJ ltl'II,DIG, WASHINGTON 8TKEET, DALLES. "XKTHKUE we will continue to sell articles usually T kept In a rir-t-uiass Druj? store, at 'iu nor cont. LESS THAN ANS 8TOHS IN T1IE C1TV. Our stock consists in part of Pure Wines and Brandy, Fancy A Common Soap, llair Brushes Corks. Acids, Tooth Powder, Alci-hol, ., Hons, Bohemian TolUt Beta, Snpporters, Ac, ' PHTSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carofully Conipounde'd. Give us a call and satisly y ur- aelTes before purcaaamg eisewnere. U. L.CUA1'IN, Lnl9lf JOSTIN GATES. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN! FEED I FEED11 SHORTS, AND FEED OF ALL KINDS, FOB 8AE BY K. H. LAW, 2S Front Street. Portland. nI9:tf. Oppuslte O. S. M. Warehouse. ON AND AF1ER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, until further uotice, I'lie Passenger rFraln to connect with steamers FOR UMATILLA & WALLXJLA Will start from the 11. It. DEl'OT DALLES CITY, oat Mondavi, Wednsidari, and Fridays, at i30 A. M. THE 8TEAMEKS "ONE ON T A" or "ID AII0," CAPT. J. MoNni,TY,... Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Hmnlav-t e cepted) at 6 o'clock. A. M..couuectin by the CASCADE RAILROAD. with the etenmer "NEW WORLD " or "CASCADES,' CAPT. J. WOLF Commander, fo Portlanu. W. B. BRADFOHD, Dalles. Nov, 13; I8P. n!2tfj Akuui O. 8. N. Co. UNPARALLELED ATTRACTION JI R. G. BACIIEl.DETl YANKEE SANDERS,.-..... ..Proprietor. Agent, , tin We bave.seen Irrquem nitiiiiion of tbis produced above here will build up munufac wonderful painting; of Heaven, Ertb and Hell, in ttiu Ualtrornia, Nevada and Eastern press, alt of which speak in the blhyvt praise t of its wonderful beauty and eiciilnp- interest. we recommend very body to go and this probably most extraordinary exhibition in wetia. turing establishments oa a larger scale tbaa la the Willamette. A Fibivan's Toast. "The ladies their eyes kindle the only fame againt which there it no insurance." ; . W. P. M ILLER, f SaccMsor to Payne Co.) A.xJcrj?ioiVEii:r WTTI.T. ATTKNT) ni-nmi.il. (n Snl. f V WW Dry Gindik Orocerios, Horses, and Mules. Will recelva ami forward tioodn tntrusted to his care: sell drain and Hay on CouimlsMun, and- rant Real Estate upon Roasoiab) terms. Consignments Solicited. Bale Tuesdays and Saturdays. WAIN STREET, DALLESj n17. AT TUB coivGiiEcn to aMj ciiuncir. Iullos City, . Monday and Tuesday Ivvenlngs,. NOYEMBhR 20th and 21st. , - ' The Stupendous Drama of . , PARADISE LOST, Heaven Hell, (;hao, Paradise. The Commencement. HEAVEN. Second Seotion. THE. KERCLLIO. I V HEAVEN? ' And War of the Angels. Section Tlilrd. THE CKKATION. Fully ourrylnit out the Pool's conception' of the SIX DAYS WORK OP THE CREATOR Section Fourth. llell, Chaos and raudcmonlamr Section Fifth, PARADISE T Or, the Garden of Eden. ADMISSION: One Dollar. Children - Fifty Cents. Doors onen at 7 o'oloclc Exhibition 7 o'clock. . u!8,. tUo of Wasco Fur Sale at a Uargaln. g Pirk FEET OF GROUND, fronting on Second BLrr Bireei, vanning uk lai met, allolnli-K French A Oilman, with F1VK DWELLING UOVSES'ani TWO STORKS thereon. If the auove property is not sold ww" wie zuiu in..,ii wm on soium pnmic auction, to gather with Farnitare in one hums. T1TLK PEItFKCT. wot panicaiaia in.oiro oi rAXNKt QO Aucts. Tax-paycrei lounty, Enrpirr mid T x Coukctoii's Orrios. ' ' Wato Oiuuty, Oregon, Am. 14, 1865. J NOTICH I3 1IKRKHY GIVEN, that the time for pay Iiiii State ami Cuiiutr taxes U-r tho voar 1864 will on FKIUAY. DkUKMUKR TUN 181', 18'IS. All taxes reiualninu unald .in rsona! uropei ty after that data will bo collected the aaiue-as on i-xecutlnn. CliAS. WIIITK, Sheriff nd Tax Collsctor, Wasco Co., Oregon. Dalles City. .Nov. U, 1866. nol6-2wd ., ... ..... srOll tsAi.U. -' .. - A FIRST CLASS, SECOND II ANDPIANO, can be bt on reaaouaola term. Inquire at this Office, or f - IMllsa, HOT. 7, ItHKUll c3Jf A. W. FKRGUSWI.