) has i ilMMmm hliisaalaiasaaaasaaaeael , - Th Russian AUMY.Tite Invalide Jtusse publishes o .rather. romitrktiOle letter on tbe. armaments of RuHsiii. From it, it appears that in 1812 Ilia eia required 1,300,000 men' to defeat Napoleon, and that the array roue to above 2,UUU,UUU during ttio Crimean war.r. Tbo yours.1863-4 were anxioua times; for the country, , All Europe . appeared to menace tier, and it became necessary to pat i,iio,uuu men on. a war footing. At the end ot lust year over a quarter ol a million -ot men were dismissed, and .it is hoped that the army will be reduced during the present year 10 lis . normal . siatus, which the journal in question stales to bo 800,00.0 men. This number will, it adds, be necessary until tho country shall have become pacified, and tho roads, at present rough and almost v. impaesable, fit lor stralenio' purposes. Such an army is, no doubt formidable, .'y but it is probably no larger than neo- . essary, when the vast extent of the Russian territory is considered. So enormous is it that it is doubtful, in case of war, it . would be possible for . the Government to bring more : than 200,000 men into the field." ; -1 : : J '' .' For Impeaodino President Joiin. bon.: TheBostou Commonwealth, Sum ner's organ, is intensely bitter on the wooden nutmeg Slajlo,'' " tho Jersey V. of New England" while its London r correspondent calls thus for tho im . poacbmont of the President : Ibere should be s ino chivalry , nomowbere, enough to fight the Pres ident and his Cabinet, one and all, to the death, and pluck the Bpoil out of their Ueth. Shame on them, one and , all; on Johnson who has basely )o trayed thpse who placed him in power, and tbo.D0gr.oos to whom' he offered himself as a Moses; on. Seward, on . .Stanton, on the wholo sot, who have not the honor do resist him, and, fail, iog success, to abandon and help to impeach him ; and alas, alas ! sliamo , on. the wnole North, who not only " permit for one moment this wrong to ; goon, but actually hwitatto arraign '-. their, infamous agents at Washington. .' v'' ' V" ' . Femalk Gamblzks. Tho New Ynrk correspondent of the Cincinnati Ga . "zetts writes : . . , . - ' Garrjjqg has not been confined this :; season to the masculine latitudes pi ! . : the Htshion forewomen to play, and y jnany of our: modest fair ones have : ' . btftomft -infected with the . mania ' Women doffiverything by extremes and of course" the wijl enter new ex- citements with extraordinary ardor . Tbo largest players; often at Baden jjaaon ana otnar Continental spas, it -8 I"!' known,are women) and 1 have ;. " r no doubt before the inler fs over in 'New 'York that BomeTuisbands and .-. lathery will, anathematize, tho hour : " -when their wives and danghtcrs learn - ,'cd, tlje .latest and most expensivo dia- v. . t ... .' ;.v1 : : s . - A Joke' From.- Bbioham iYotNO. . .The' Salt, Lake 'Union". Vedeti3 relates ' that fylgliam Young, on hearirfg. that ' i , W'aro"i an actor,eought "tbo, hand -; of.' Miss lexandor, a young actress . dianft(, in his veto, and said ' : .'" Mr w i'Qn is a, gentleman and a , goou ,r: be -can play Richelieu," y . m Rrchard,'? (lhaoe IV,) "Romeo,," and - what' not; finolv : but Cbv this, time v, Brigbam' brought his best' sarcastic elooution into lise,; be ? a n-t play Al Struck Gold. The workmen en gaged in the construction oi the Russo Amerioan Telegraph line, whilo set ting posts 150 nilos groove Quesnulla mouth, are said to have struck a gold ', planer prospecting Ironi seventy five cents to one dollar. to the pan.'. Result a temporary suspension of telegraph ' coostrtotion for the more : 'profitable employment of gold mining. . ' ; 1 . M Sam, are you one of tho Southern chivalry f" ; " No,' nr,as8a,.rse one of do Southern shovelry; 1 shoveled dirt 'at the Dutch Gap Canal." ? , HOW TO HA K ntlXVY I '' " . CiLl AT TH iriW ' r f Famlljr roccry and ' Frfclt Store, - -. - Corner of Wwliliifttun anl Becilili Stranir- ' ' TIIM UNDKHS1G.NKI) WISHES Ti IXFOItM TUB wiil ol the UiUlei, mid lliu publto geuorally, (hut lie iiiu a Urge nd well nelected atuck of v ,A1IJ-,Y GItOOJKltlES, . CAJfVJUS, A'UTS 4e., Which lie will toll WhuWle and Hotnll at Reduced Meet for CASH. Ainu, cuiutuiiily m Imnd the Choicest Article of yiticsil llUTTKIt'uiid fcUOS. All', every Variety Of It 111 IS n.i VKGKi'AIILKH In Il.mr nituiuin Persona from up the Country, umliinit quHiilliiea of AKKeunu rrun, uy leDiiinft 111 inctr oriiers, will receive the atrlc teat atteutfun. and have them tilled at the Lowed Market H icet. Jvll-tf J U. 1 Jr.Whil.l.. MILLINERY AM) DKESS MAKLNGr MISSO'HOURKEUkSIHKSTOINFOKM the Ladies of iMliea and vicinltv.' that aim um just receiveu a ireau auppiy of - ITali.lonnllo Goodta, The latest I arts. New York and Sun Franclsc-n ttvih nf UHNNETS. UTi, K1II11.)N.4, LACKS, FEAI'UKItS, iXUWEUH, c. . A full aud well-selected iiaaurtnieut of Ladles' sieatly-iHade Oarmcats. ' Also, a Fnshionable aasorlment of , DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPING forEmhrolilervanilllmliirnir. PIKKTNn dune at short notice. liUNNElS Dleached and Pressed lu the latest style. A large assortment of Children's Rcady-Uale Clothing Constantly dn hand. ITavlnir secured the eorvicos of a First Cla- Dross Maker, I am prepared to cut and lit Ladles' and t'hllilreu's lRE8bi;s and CLOAKS. Till rtu BTKKlir, oue square east of the Cnthollo Church. oc21:3m. ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Main Street, corner oTC'ourt. OLD MACK, TUB PIONEER COOK, would respect fully Inform the puhllc that lie has fitted up the above Chop House, and Is prepared to serve up AJKALS and I.UNC1I In the heat style and at the shortest notice. 11A1.L3 ana I'Allillia turnlhlied w th anppeia, in the beat style and on the most rensoualdo ti mis. - OlBThKb in every stjle. Private Ituonis for Ladles. 1IOTJH1-. OPKN ALL NIGHT. SPRING AND SUMMER GC0D3. jF-IIKSU STOCK! " iiss;iai;Ev & itsios., ' Dalles and Walla Walla, SIAUKB IN Staple and Fancy Dry. Goods. JUluei'M'. Outfits, " IlootH and Shoes, '. ClolhlngTs Hats and Cnps, ' Groceries, And a full assortment of General Merchandise.' Buying our Goods exeluaively In the Ban Francisco market, ana making none but cash purchases, we are euabled to se 1 20 percent. eheaper thau any other House at the Italleit . UUMVKUKKI HKUS.. tal-tt Dalles aud Walla Walla. XT' ; -A-.. Il Iil: - ' Manufacturer And Importer of CARRIAGE, CONCORD, BVGQT . 4KB st Age ha bness: Saddles. Bridles, Whips. A gonoral assortment of ; Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. Kf Orders Solicited, ltepairlng dune with neatness and dispatch. F. A. HAKE, . ' Jeilltf Main Street, fronting Washington, Dalles. ' r out la iriririiiniv AND ' MACHINE SIIOP, ( FIRST BTREET, botween tamhill and Morrison.' Ctim Knglnea offroniiltoiihorae- J&&lij&&' 9p 1 ' ia,wer.tither Portahleor. ?w A'A fJfs- Stationary. Also. CIll- VTTr; 'i'.'V COMPLETE, constantly M j&W'iffi on hand, Also, liny Pres- F'f!J2S,iklv- Cast Iron work for Ver- Ileal zawauu uiibl iiuiir, , "lliwrfS2 ItrAiia ami Iron Caatinira " -Sm and , WROVGIIT IROIV WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. -. These Mills can bofor warded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds, - Horse Powers & Agricultural Implements manulactured tourderat the very LOWEST UA8H I'll ICS N. II. Particnlor attention paid to REPAIRS. fe20-tf SIGNS 1 SIGNS 1 SIGNS! Oi S.8AVAGE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. DEALER IN PAINTS.' 6 I X, 8 IS LACK' I OOT lXPUJCMS. DWIGIIT & BAC0, Proprietors. riMlE I'DUI.IO AllK IIKKEIIY INFORMED that we JL have concluded arranuemeuta fur the transaction of ExpresH li xiHinoss TO AND FROM . THE BLACK FOOT COUNTRY ! and have commenced mukit.g regular trips from WALLA WALLA, via Lewlsti.h. to Vll.GlMA CITY, IIKLISNA, OP1UR k UI.ACK FiXIT CI 1 Y. All buaiuesa entrusted tu us will be attended to with promptness nd dispatch. M- Particular atientlon pah! tu CilLLHC'l'IONS. Will leave on their second trip, starling from Walla Walla, UctuberDd; Lewlstuu, October 6th. solB-2m SELI,I.f OVV AT COST ! . M. ,"VnHcli &. Co., WILL CL08K OUT TI1BIR STOCK OF MUUCHAN DISK, at their place ol kasiueaa, at the Dalles, In order to so the Mines. .. Their stock embraces Dry Goods, Clothing, Uoota), Hats GENERAL JUEKCIIA'SDfSE, ; All which will be sold at COST, for CASU only. . Ja) All who know yheuiselves Indebted to our Arm at the Dalles will please call a .d settle as soon as Diwsiblo. Those who have beea -aixommiHlated we trust will not, delay us unnecessarily. I ut be prompt In squ.iriug up at counts. uui auu see us, an auu everyuouy I WINDOWGLASS VARNISUES, Colors. Pntty, Brnshes, 01 o, etc. Paper IIaugiugs,Window Shades, Fixtures, Ac' 1-tf 111 DUVG STORE. P. CEAIG, WBOLKBALl AND ItlTAIL - DEALER IN DRUGS, -. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATKNT MKD1CINES, ke. n-tf an ll-tf M. WU.SSCH k CO. DRUGS-AND PATENT MEDICINES.'! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES It DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES It VH01.I81U AMD UTAa PBUGGIST, 'Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON. ' CJ i.F.MON la able to supply parties In want of Drags, I Patent. Medicines. Chemicals, Adda, Perfumery, . and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. ' 1 MW Physicians and Merchants Intendlnir to purchase tor the Miues, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety.'. ,. . V LEMON, ap.S:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. J. V. iUILI,i;it Ac CO., .' . ' (anecesaors to BUKKlll kiujie,) ' : WOOLlSiLI AMD EIIAIL IK Street, rnunlna- back 120 feet. adlolniuK CI fTI Din 4-a Cltaat Tean Freueh tollman, wlihFlVB DWELLING HOUSKS and OIWVCO, HU A. lato, uavn uvu TV O STOll K8 thereon. If the anove property la not sold before the Wrth Just., ft will be aoldat public auction, to gether with Furniture In one house. '1'ITLK PKKKKCT. For particulars in ,ulre of PAYNJfi A CO., Ancts. Dalles, Nov. 7, 1806-td ' ' MRS. L. WHITE'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. ' - Washington Mrect. ' 'flUVINd'feWLY F1TTKD OT TIIK GALLERY over JlJneirnar'f otoie, would respectfully announce to all those wiahiug .... ' . ' . . l'hotographs, Cart's o Ylsite, Ac, 1 that' they will'iio well to give her a call. Particular at tention paid to taklug Lad as and Chi'drena Pictures. or sale ut a. Ituigalu. "i rt.( FEET OP 'OltoOND, fronting on Second VOW. SALE.- A FIRST CLASS, Sl.COND HAND PIANO, can be bad on reasouabie turius, Inquire at this Office, or of A. V). rKHUUEUN. C. JJ". lillOOlCS, M. T. Offlco-At jDr, jTrBla'ai Drug Store. :, ' . DALLES, OREGON. ..-.': r DIh"IiiIIoii of Co-partnership- (URK NOTICE, that the partnership heretofore ex X. Isting between T. II. Holder and 8. .Lauber; under tha firm name of T. U. HULUtiU k CO., In the. butchering bUMinesa, ha4,beeu dissolved. Dalits City, Oct. &. 1st. 4w T. II. BULGER. : . 'i Jii. 'U. IIAFT, T ; , t V;v" . ' Brazier's Copper, Lehd Pape,' Copper, Force & Lift Pumps, Zinc, Brass it. Iron Ware, Leutl JPlpo, Sto., Sen. 49- JOB WORK, In all its branches, attended to abort notice. MAIN 8IKKET, Dalles,oipnlte Bloch Miller A Co. . aplO-tt daily mouhtainee: BCGK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. ' " ' First Street, between Muin and B DALLES ...:;:-.qREGON.- JOB PRINTINC OF EVERY VARIETY . ' Executed with accuracy and dispatch. ' IK A STYLE TUAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY : . ..t i with the very best. Bnd AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST TO ORDER I Cards and It i 1 1-Mcads. - . ': CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, ', i POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOB '." '. THEATRES , CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS. -.- ' - :rfc, .' j (fa, .. af-c., ' PRINTED IV TDB MOST ATTRACT1TI ItiMNLX. ALSO, WAY-BILLS, , BILLS OF FARE. - . LETTER HEADS. ' , . t ' . ' . RECE1VT BOOKS, I BILLS LADING, .., Uriels and faniphlels, YlSJTlSa, WSDDIXG AND "AT HOME" CARDS ';' . l)ru(cclts Xjnbeln. In short, everything that can be dono In a Book and Job Printing OlDce, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest site and most showy Posting Dill and which will be turned outjn a style thatcaunot fail to insure entire satisfaction. oor fAciuriKS ro t in exicctiok or ' DECORATIVE PRINTING - In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tint!, ; . Such as Fancy Posting Rills!, : From ft ninfile S)eet tu the Largest ll amnio th, - ORNAAIKXTAL SHOW CARDS, rUXJ- UMEltS LJIiELS, 4$ Ate unBurpanHert by tliofie ot uny other entnl Aiinent ia Oregon. - We devote specinl attention to thisbrrmcb ot th busiuetis, am) are continually adding to our already exteu We and well appointed asHorluieut of material, MEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. Of the most modern and elaborate desigriB. Our Mock o FANCY INKS, TINTS, AC, Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color and -durability, cannot be equaled In the Slate. The principle upon which business Is asked for this es tAblifdiinuut Is, that persons will ooutult thuir own Inter ests, by awarding their custom to that ulhce iu which their money can be exptbded to the best advantage. To this end we solicit all in want of good Piintin,' at very reasonable charges, tu call aud examine specimens, and judge for yourselves. , . Orders from tlie Ujper Country Will have our special care, and friends from the interior may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, as v HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the Htate of Ori son I Address: . MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf '' . Dalles. utexon. MANTUif MAKER.' UIII. MATTIE HOLBROOK would resDactfully In J.TA form the Ladies of tho Dalle, and vicinity, that aha baa ooened a sIiud In connection with Miss O'Uourke, where she Is prepared to do all kinds of work with neat ness and dispatch. Having Just arrived from th. Kaat, ah. nope, to ba able to please all aa to form ana asuion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. THKEK DOOfig Went ot th. Corner of TUIKD and UMVfl Streets. . oczi;tuo DR; DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the SEX UA Ut OltGANS. 1118 prompt and t fllcatlous Iicniedy for the cure . tihouuricus, Uleet. Strictures, and l)iseahes of tha Urinary Organs, innkea a speedy euro without Ihe leairt restriction tu diet, exposure or change in uplk-utiou business; It will radically cure any case which can be produced. The disease it removes as speedily as is con sistent with the production of a thorough and peminuettt cure, f urtner, tlie uisease cauuot be cvnuucted 11 uie Bl'KCll'ie CuMlOUNJ) Is taken when expoeed, Its ingredients are eutlrel v vegetable, and no injurious .fleet, either constitutionally or locally, cau be caused by : its uBe.. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Ecnt I V Express carefully pnekod. . . '. . UUblfcTl'tll, BH1T1I. k VISAtl, Agents, Ul and 403 Buttery street, cor Clay, 1 Jy22-6m. bun Francisco. -. Hard Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATER'ALS WE BKO TO CALL ATTlvKTION of Carriage Man ufaoturer. and Dealers to the Larue aud Com plete assortment of CAHltlAGK aud WAUON UATKKI AL8 we are constantly leceiviug from the Knt. specially selected for the California market, comprising, Oak, mcaory. ana eecunu urowtu Asn flank, Hickory Axles, M agnn i'oles, Uubs, Kpokes, felloes, ltlms, bbaits, to. Ac. which we offer al the lowest Cash 1'rlies. J9aT Orders addreaaed to our houae will receive promo attentions S. YV. BIIAUU k CO.. Jol6:3m. 29 k 81 Battery Street, Kan trnncleco, ' and 17 A 19 Seventh tftreet feacramento. 0. WATtanocsa, ., U. W. Iibaoo A Co, J. ik. Luia nan rrauciwo. bacruuiento. ' new xork B. H. HILL. A. J KAMI. HILL & KANE, WBOLKBALl AND KX1A1L niALXRS IN Groceries, DrV Goods, Liquors 1 1MB AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. - BTUltAOkl AND rOHWAHUINU. Goods consigned to as will meet wjth proper attentloa Reierences i fOKTLARD. ,,. BALLS. ' ' II. W.Corbet, ' ' RobblnsACo., Kichards A McCracken, ' - W. C. Moody i Co, . 11. Low, " O. Uumaaon. Pmatllla Landing, Sept. 6th, 1863, : Dissolution Aotice. THE CO-PARTNKHSIOP heretofore existing be ; tween GKO. H. ItAMKr.Y A B. YAOKK, in the bot tling and saloon business, is this doy dissolved by mntn- ' al consent. Geo. 11, Hamsey having disposed ot his inter est to Mr. Wm. Ilartman, who will continue the bust neae under the firm and name of Ilartman A Yager. ' Thankful for past favors, they would ask a continuance of patronage from old customers and Irlends. All -bills .gain's t the flr.n of Kamaey A Co., and aH bills due said firm, will bo settled by Ilartman A Yager. oct.l3:4w. TU TEAMSTERS MD DAIKIMEN t V FEED I FEED 1 1 Or ALL KINDS, For Bale In lota to suit, by -a k. U. LAW, ocl8:tf. 2i Tront Street, Portland, . Opposite 0. B. N. Warehouse. ; ' NOTICE. ' ...-, BY TUB TERMS OF THE DISSOLUTION 0? TUB ' Arm or T. II. BULOUB CO..T. II. Bulger ia. I pay ail debts of the firm, B. LAUBEBi