ailj Ml Epitome of Telegraphic News. fcOHPILSD F101I TBI OSMOKIAR. DATES TO NOVEMBER 13. Atlantic New. New' Fori, Not. 13 General Fislc end Chaplain French addressed a meeting last evening on the oon iitlon of the freedmen of the South. They stated there was suffering in Kentucky, Alabama and Georgia, and un less immediate assistance was given, 2,0u0 would di in those States alone during the coming Winter, of cold and starvation. The condition of the negroes in Tennessee, is represented as- better than in the other States South. New York, Nov. 13. The CommtrciaVt ' Washington special says Secretary McCul loch is cow in strict retirement, eugagad in the preparation of his report. bat st rumor from the Treasury Depart- tnent is that he will suggest the best possible legislation, an 1 will show the feasibility of so handling the debt of the country as to insure i s redemption at no very distant day. There are al-o rumors that tlio Secretary will recommend such legislation as will make it imperative on the National Banks to redeem their bills at New York. This will force many of them to contract their circu lation. New York, Nov. 13. The WorlaVt special says : It is understood that Sir Frederick liriice, Brit sh Minister, will be selected as utnpirfav by. the joint commission to adjust watchman had just the moment before gone to the dining room. When the ruffians seized Bnker, be screamed once for help, calling the watchman by name. He hurried to the office but not seeing the clerk, alatmed he hoise, when the apparently lifeless body of Baker was found where it had been placed by the robbers after they ead knocked him down. They riflad his pockets of a small amount of money, and obtained the keys to the safe, which tbey opened without difficulty, but probably tbey were disturbed by the wafeh- man, for they left $l,20() plainly exposed to view. It is thought -Jh amount stolen will not fall short of $20,000. It consisted of de posits made by boarders. Baker is the only man who knows what was in the safe, and he has not sufficiently recovered to ascertain the eiart amount. The perpetrators have not beeb discovered. The whole detective force are employed on the ccse. It is probable that the loss will fail upon Mr. Woodward, the proprietor of the What Cheer House. Sun Francitco, Nov. U. The What Cheer House, robbery still remains a mystery. Mr. Woodward offers $2,000 for the apprehension and ronviction of the robbers. . - Yesterday at noon the residence of George Redding, on the Petrero, was entered by burglar, and a trunk in Redding') room broken into, from which the burglar abstracted $900 In sold coin, and some silver ware-valued at $100. , From the manner in which the doors and trunk were forced, the robber is supposed to have been a Chinaman. The steamer Del Norte, which arrived to day from Crescent City, brought the body of Elijah S. Mott, Chief Engineer of the late Brother Jonathan. WALDllON UIIOS., claimTbeiween the United States and tue Wholesale & Be tail Druggists, Columbian Government. New York, Nov. 14 The 7ime'Jr7ashing ton special says Edward McPherson, the Clerk, will not enter the names of those elected to Congress by the rebel States on the roll of the nest House. Tbe Tribune' t special says i Judge Hunter has condemned the Governor of Mississippi's personal property for confiscation. Uis real estate is not worth that formality. The total number of sick and wounded in Government Hospitals throughout the coun try is less than B,uOO. Eight months since there were over 100 000. Gen. Augur has issued an order forbidding the whipping of colored- men under any luw of Virginia within the limits of his de partment. General I:igraham, late Provost . Marshal General of the defenses north of the Potomac, is being vigorously uiged for Sergeant-at-Arms or' the next House. Tbe Herald' t Washington special says: It Is understood thatPeaion King has resigned his position as Collector of ibe port of New York. The mustering out of detachments of the veteran re erve corps in the District of Co lumbia begins to-day. Gen. Logan will not accept the mission to Japan under any circumstances. The World'i special says : A telegram from ' Govt Holden indicates that he is elected by a small majority. New York, Nov, 14. Thurlow Weed states that Preston King, Collector of the Port, was seen to jump off a ferry boat yesterday morning by a little boy and girl. They picked up bis hat, whicii has been banded to Weed and recognized. There aro no traces of the hody yet. ' New York, Nov. 13 The World'i Columbia correspondent uider date of Nov. 7th, says s Resolutions were reported from the Com mittee on Federal Relations to the Legislature to the effect that South Carolina bad fully complied with the rvqni.'ements of tbe amnes ty pto'clamation of President Jobneon, and having emancipated her slave it entitled to the benefits of the said amnesty, and acknowl edging their position as a conquered peopie aud accepting tbe terms offered them, they ' ask the withdrawal of military rule to which , they say tbe Government stands pledged. The report says: Tbey bave with honest pur pose and entire loyalty of heart, given solemn ' pledges to be henceforth loyal citizen). The ' resolutions will probab'be adopted unani mously. ; . Foreign New. Farther Point, Nov. 13 Tbe Belgian from Liverpool on 2d, and Londonderry on 3d, has arrived. The British Parliament has been further prorogued until tbe 23d. Election returns show the position nf par ties in tbe Italian Parliament as follows. Moderates, 2C; Constitution, 100 ; Clerical lights. 9; doubtful, 86. Tbe Journal it Roma r tbe Pope hat re lieved M. Meronl of bit functions for tome particular reasons, especially ill health, with out withdrawing his affection and esteem. California Newt. San francitco, Nov. 13. About thret o'clock ' this morning tbe nlht clerk at tbe What Cheer House, Seward H. Baker, while in tbe '. office of the hotel, fronting on Sacramento ureet, heard a noise at the Leldesdorff street door. . He proceeded to see what was tbe cause, and had reached tbe passage way, when he was suddenly seized by two men who choked him for a moment, and then struck bim over the head a terrible blow, which completely stunned him, and then drugged bis lifeless body into a small recest, and threw bin under a desk. The night Main Street, Dalle, Oregon. WE NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY FIRE proof Stun building, opposite Bloch, Miller a Co., and offer to the public full and complete stock of Drugs, Medicines nd Chemicals, consisting lu part or KEROSENE, LAMP WICKS CHIMNEYS, TURPENTINE, HUPS, ALCOHOL, 8AOB, - ACIDS. 8 PONG PS, LINSEED, v .LEECHES, LARD, CORKS, CASTOR AND INDIGO AND NKATSFOOT OIL, LANPBLACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. 'AND i PATENT MKDICINKS. Oar stuck of FANCY GOODS I of the finest nd best quality; new styles ond large assortments, such as LUBIN'S PERFURKRY, HAIR, LUBIN'S TOILET SOAP, FLESH, POMADES, 8HAVING, COSMETICS, HAT, UAIR OILS, 0LOTHW8, COLOGNE. TOOTH AND FANCY 80APS AND NAIL BRUSHES TOOTH POWDERS, AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, Vnr Mfdtc.n&l DurnoflM. Our fftrllititJB for buying goods are second to norw In trie Btute, and we than at an times sen at a imui aa- Tame from cost. Ready a&lei and mall profit... PHYSICIANS' FBKSCBIPTIOXS Carofully compounded at all hours of tbe day and night. Da OS. SODt. V. HSnO. BOUI-H . J TJ K ER Slain Street. Dalles, WB0U9AL1 A!I1 UTAH. BIAL1B IN CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, ;PIPES, &o. ALWAYS lit STOKI TBI BEST BRANDS OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c PLAYING CARDS, POCKKT CUTLKRY, PORT MONIKS. COMBS and URU8HB8, o' all kinds, i PERFUMERY, ot every description, CHINA OHNAMKNTS TOYS. DOLLS, ate. FISH HOOK8 and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ' ' FANCY GOODS, Ac Also Powder. Shot, Load, Powder Flasks. Basket, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Interior dealers supplied with Cigars, Tobacco, eto at less than Portland prices, with freight added, oc-8 Visit Y IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and BAR.ROOMH, JULIUS KRAKMKR HAVING BOUGHT THE EN tire Stock of Merchandise and Book Aocounts of the late firm of M. Seller A Co.. In thin city, to which he has added of his own importation (while doing buetuess In f orilanu) an immense etock of tue best manufactures Crockery, Glassware, Plated) Ware, Lamps, Cliandcllerft, Table Cutlery looklng-Glasc8 and All Kinds of Oils, All of which he offers at reduced-rates. Persons wish ing to bay any of the aboTe-mentioned articles, will do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. uruors from tne interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to go secure. Don't tall to call on me. huuio's atone iiuitutug, Washington street, vanes. JULIUS KRAKMKR. Dalles, March 17th, 186t. mhlTtf. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. TP, WYCICMAIS, HAS REMOVED III8 BOOT AND SHOE STORK to the building on Main street. nearly opposite Moody's Hall, where he has just reoeiveti, direct from san rraucisco, an ua usually fine and well selected stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, of the very best quality and latest stylet EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET Including the celebrated ENGLISH HUNTING SHOE manufactured by Uenkort. Also, a large assortment of Ladles' and Children's Gaiters, Of the latest 8tyles, Just received from the best Phil adelphia makers. Also, a very large assortment of FINE DRESS BOOTS. 49Gentlemen who prefer to have their Boots or Shoes made to order, can rely noon obtalninz a neat and eai. lit. F. WYCKMAN. Main street. selS-tf Opposite Moody's Hall. 'OIL, GLASS, CORKS, ACIDS, PAINTS, BRUSHES, BLUSSTONS, 3 fg I H l&H r?fr is a as 2 5' S M 5 3.9 ef g POMADES, TWINE, GLUE, I SOAP, and FANCY ARTICLES. Oregon Steam Navigation Co.'s istotice: . THE FOLLOWING BATES Of FREIGHT have been established: Grain, Vegetables. Tallow, &c. From Wallula ft Umatlll to Portland, $16 00 per ton weight iMuiee to roriiana i w " . On Wool, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland, .40 02 per lb vanes to rurtiana l WAGON & CARRIAG MATERIAL. HB UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE8PECTFULLT call the attention of all WAGON MAKERS To the Snperlor Stock of Wagon Timber, Now In Store and soon to arrive, which will be offered to the trade on Libetal Term. OAK, ASH AND HICKORY PLANK " From Vi to 6 Inches. Finished and Unfinished Oak A Hickory 8P0KES, from 1 to 8 Inches OAK & ELM HUBS In Pairs and Bets, from 6x8 to 14x18. ' HICKORY & ASH RIMS, BUGGY, KX PRESS and SULKY SHAFTS, Finished aud Unfinished. . 1 BUGGY and EXPRESS POLKS, Finished and UnOnlshe HICKORY AXLES, all slum; BUGGY, WAGON and KXPKESS MOWS; OAK and HICKORY SCANTLING: 8AWEI) FKLLOK, from 1J to S inches; . H KW KD TONGUES for bur bom aa4 ox-tea au ( SINGLE TREES; NECK YOKES; -LONG and SHORT nOUNDS; . PLOW BEAMS and Handles, Ac., fto. ' The above stock was carefully aeleeteil In tke Rastera States, expressly to m.-et the demands of this trade. Orders fur any of the above articles, Including WAGON 8KEJ N8, BOXES, Ac, wilt be promptly attended to. Tt. II. LAW. as Front btreet, Part land, oclfctf. ' . Opposite 0. 8. N. Co.'t Wharfc , FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON-STREETS, DALLES, OREGON, JOHN EPPllJOER Proprietor - npiIB UNDERSIGNED l.-ai above Market in the BE.-T Mtr II STYLE, will keep constant- ! ssilM ly on hand all sorts of ' Fresh and Cured Meats, . Or the twit qnality furnished at the LOWEST RATS' My motto Is to " PLEASE ALL." PARTIES HAVING SUPERIOR STOCK TOR SAL I will do well to call at the Franklin Market. JOHN EPPINGER. ., Dalles, February 191k, 1888, ' w lseiirvtiTON hiarket,, COKRCB Ot COURT AND SEOOND STREETS, DALLE8, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. WILL KEEP constantly on hand all the varle ties that the uiarket can noaaiblT Fit ICS II & CURKD MEATS, and always of the b. st quality. '- FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS . supplied on reasonable terms. . Tbe nndenlgneq Is always prepared to nay the fclgh est cash price for FAT CATTLE. Parties having stork In good condition, are requested to call on him before ' (uiiik eisewuere. tlUUN AUUUKLBACli. Dalles, March 81t,lB05. mliSltf On Hides, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland,, " Dalles to Portland.. Portland, Bep. 23, 1866. 40 60 each . 87H" B. G. REED, President. tepZ?-2mls NOTICE. IME PlONEEtt STAGE COMPANY Will carry (FAST FREIGHTS FROM TJ !LVT TIL Ud .A. , AFTER THE FIRST OF OCTOBER, AT THE FOLLOW- ICiU ilElJUvED llATEbl To Bole City 19 Cent per ponnd Idaho City SO u f . Owyliee HQ 'it For less amounts than one hundred ponada an addition oi rive uenis per poana will be charged. TIME FliOM UMATILLA i To llolsel'lty ,...3 Days. To Idaho City 3 1-4 Days. m uwrnee, 4 Days. JOSEPH PINKUAM, Aeent. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1868. oc!8:tf. .A.. Gr. BRADFORD, IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF "Wines Sc Liquors, FRONT STREET, Portland, - - - - Oregon. OFFERS FOR SALE A VERY LARGS ASSORT meut of . Brandies, Wines, . 'J Liquors, '' Case Goods, &c, &.C., &.e. ' S9- The Trade Is particularly Invited to ox amine my ttck before purchasing elsewhere. .. - k au'24-tf . NOTICE TO FARMERS. MIK DALLES LUM0ER AND MANUFACTURING M. COMPANY has recently attached a.., irLouitiiSG ms::la to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, In this City, and are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UKIND WHEAT and CORN, and warrant to give the beet satisfaction. On hand constantly and for sale FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, . BRAN AND SHORTS, CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. . Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new win CITY MARKET. S. LAUBfcR & Co., Proprietors. Will keep constantly on hand the best ' MEATS OF ALL KINDS.' A LIBERAL SHARK OF PATRONAGE la ft. solicited, as w expect to ke u as cool I an assortment or Meats and of as good aa quat-' ity,aa tlx oountry affordst and will . Deliver the tame to Purohaseri in the City, ' Parties having Snporlor Stock for sate will do well to give us a can ueiore aisfiosiug ot It elsewhere. . . 8. LAUBER, A Co., " Bontheast corner bf Washington and Third 81s. - Pppoeita Roster's Blacksmith Shop. 1 M. BROWN & BRO., . . wnouiau an uua uuiu m . . FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &0. i Mr. M. BROWN, kelnc a resident of R.n . a sre enabled to oiler great Indcementa to purchase raT'v resiiectrHily Invite the public to examine onr stock befor purchasing elsewhere. mlo-tf S" Btune Btore, north side Main street. Dalles. r O I. SALE. THE HANDSOME RESIDENCE templed by Jt. W t BUCHANAN is offered - , ,. For Sale at a Low Figure. For a private residence no more desirable locality could be desired. The grounds are oraamentad with shrubbery and the building, contain Jr' ' d Rooms, Finished In i i LvXstile. and ambrsres every couvenlence. V a irnr. .i. siring a I atlrsd and Pleasant llom,!!(v 10 bn. 01 90 unitJ B0W Ptwantsd ..ra oBers, The House aud Furniture will be told together or separ ately, aa the purchaser may desire. For farther partus ,.v..... WW c IfELLS, FAR60 A CO.'S EXPRESS OFFICE. J. W. QURLEY, DENTIST, maru St., Dalles, Oregon. JREMOVAL. The highest market pries paid for WHEAT, CORN and V "1ULU'"181 'ECTFULLY INFORM . U. A. UOUUE. Asent. .i7.i. VC.rV"." H'.0 uu vi- BARLEY. Dalles, Nor. 3, 186a. n3tf. J.O0ETZ, Dalles. V.EOENIOSBEROSR, San Francisco. . . J. GOETZ Ac CO, TOBACCONISTS, Have removed to" Rudio's New Stone Buildine:. Washington Street, near French A Oilman's, aud have epenea a wen-assoTteU stock or HAVANAaod DOMEcSTlCSEOARS, VIIIOINIA and WESTERN TOBACCO, -FRENCH and SCOTCH SNUFF, MEERSCHAUM aud other PIPES, ' ruAiinat'AUUO, SPORTINO HOODS, ' INDIAN and FA.vOY GOODS. Ac. Ac' The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICKS. FRENCH MILLINERY STORE. Opposite Conn Bohm's, ' YOU CAN FIND THE LATEST AND MOST FASH IONABLE GOODS, la the line nf - BONNETS, II ITS, FEATHERS, ' FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, Dress Trimmings, Sco. In order to make dreaa enmnlnt. It ku tht a BONNET or UAT, Handsomely Trimmed, should adorn the head. , v Give me an early call, and I will endeavor to salt everybody In TASTE and at REASONABLE PRICES. raruciuar attention paid so Embroidery and Braiding Stamping. . elulty, that having returned from a pro. lesslonal tour through tha again resumed the practice of DENTISTRY, In the room tuimerly occupied uy him, In the kuildiag occupied by Wood A Butler, Photograph Artists, aad adjoining Wat. dron Broe.' Drug Store. He take this aiothod of ex. tending thanks, for the liberal patronage heretofore ex tended to biur, and solicits a continuance of the same. iut or Fkioas, ; . . - Kntlra Denture on Gold Bas.. ,..,..,..$180 to 23lr " Upper Denture, Gold Base: 90 " I'M " Dent ere. Valcanite Base . 70 114 " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Basa Si " o Gold Fillings Inserted from one dollar upward. Chlldrens' Teeth extracted free af charge. selS-tf UxNxiMAaria. . jTifTMuaWiT. MARTIN ato3lTJRXXZT. AttorneyN-at-Law. . ' OFFICES Idaho City, Boise Oouaty, I. t-t Raly City Owyhee Oounty, I. T. aplo-tf