laUglpoBiitainttrJ SATURDAY MORNING, SOY. 18, 1865. ' Firid Upon. A gentleman who Was tray cling from Canyon City to Boise City, alone, was fired upon on Willow Creek by Indians, He escaped by the speed of bis horse. f Tbi Last or tub GbahdArmt. The last man of the Army of Tennessee was mas tered out of service at Louisville, Kentucky, seven minutes before twelve o'clock, noon, on the 1st of August. The career of this army, from Fort Donelion to the Cape Fear River,, furnishes the brightest examples in our military annals. The. Army of Tennes see can claim rank with tbe Immortal Band of Tbebans, the Macedonian Phalanx, the Ironsides and the Old Guard. Arrested. Jarvin J. Bash, who was one 'of the Bush Brothers participating in tbe fight at the Cascades in June, 1864, wherein Edmond Sullivan was killed, and J. F. Den ison was mortally wounded, bus been ar rested in Portland on charge of murder. It is alleged that he inflicted the mortal wounds on Dennison, and is liable to indictment and TMintaYimAni In Orpirnn. wtiArA Mr. Dennison I For 1866 44,000 . ' a. . . . For 1867 66,000 died, although the wounds were inflicted in For 1868, ................... Washington Territory. PROSPECTS OF TRADE ON TUB COLUMBIA IllVEIl. It is sometimes Interesting to speculate upon the future, even when we bavo no sta tistics of tbe past dpori which 'td build a hy pothesis; but when facts and figures can be deduced from past experience to lend specu lation ft high degree of certainty, it then be comes useful aj well ai interesting to mankind. It is stated on undoubted authority, that tbe transportation of freight on the Colum bia River in 1862. (ihe year of the Florence excitement,) amounted to six thousand tons. In 1864, tbe quantitity bad advanced to near twenty-two thousand tons an increase of three hundred and fifty per cent, in three years. From ten thousand passengers in 1861, tbe travel increased to thirty-six thou sand passengers in 1864 an increase of about one hundred per cent, a year. If we allow that tlie rate of increase in the future will be only half as great as in the past, taking tbe year 1864 as our basis of calculation, and considering the next four years as a distinct epoch in tbe history of trade and travel on the river, we shall ar rive at some very startling conclusions. The following would be the figures: For 1866 ... 83,000 tons, For 1866, Death or John H. Scranton. The news of John H. Scranton's death, at Madison, Oonnecticnt, is confirmed. Be died on the 30th of September. He deserves a longer obituary notice than is likely to be written bout him. His goodness of heart was be yond question, and bis business abilities in the higher range of enterprises was very great. By bis munificence he gained the titleof " Magnificent John," and left to a host of friends a thousand kindly recollections of his many virtues. Cbabbi or Fobokut, A man named Jone was arrested yesterday morning on "general principles' by Marshal Keeler. He was just about to get off on the morning boat for Port land, and it was only after arresting him that any evidence of bis dishonesty was obtained. He bad bought a suit of elotuing from an es tablisbment in the city, and on inquiry it was found that be bad paid for Ihe articles with a check purporting to be drawn bv Lieut. Henry ' Catley, the regimental quartermaster of tbe First Oregon Infantry. The check was for $140, and further inquiry broughtout tbe fact , that another for $130 bad been put in eircu ' latton. Tbe blanks which had been attached to tbe checks, or similar ones, were found in Jones' coat pocket. Virt Clear The Oregonian thinks ibat the negro insurrection in Jamaica is ody a disturbance between' the negroes themselves, Total 106,000 After four years from now, it is reasonable to believe that a.a much freight will come up tbe river each yenr as came in the four years preceding 1865. The passenger traffic may be computed on tbe same basis, as follows : For 1865, ............ 64.000 passengers. For ItMO, ?&uuu For 1867, 90,000 for lolls 10H,U0U Total 8:24,000 It will be seen that in 1868 there must be an average of abeut three hundred passen gers a day by tbe river. All of these people will of necessity have to pass through this place, and in the nature of things must add largely to its traffic. If we now turn and consider the imperfect development of our mines, ' which are barely prospected in a few places, and the reflect upon the vast expanse of country stL to be explored, prospected, settled and m available to the of civilized life, oar calculation must be allowed to be not only reasonable, but far below tbe true figures The suggestions derivable from a sbowin oi this nature are obvious, and should en courage all who are Interested in the growth of the country to bold fast to present oppor tuntties in the various pursuits of life Men, whose means are now limited, have only to live in the country, and grow with it, to arrive at a generous competency but somehow or another the whites have got become the very wealthy of ten years hence mixed np in It. It Is stated that the negroes The Continent has not udou its surfacea ... i Tub SocfnitRN Trade. There is three times iis much steamer tonnage employed etweijn tbe Northern and Southern ports, on the Atlantic side, as there was before the war. The drift of population and capital is setting largely in that 'direction. If tbe opportunities afforded to that section are properly estimated and employed by tbe people there, tbe signs of tbe ravages of war will soon disappear, and instead of eing tbe poorest part of the Union, it will be tbe richest' and most powerful. In all our calculations, tbe possibility of South ern regeneration should form a prominent feature. Paradise Lost. Tbe series of dioramic paintings wblcb have been exhibited in various places in the State nnder tbe name of Para, dise Lost, or the Miltonian Tableaux will be ebown in this city oi tbe evening of tbe 20tb and 21st. See advertisement in this pnper. This exhibition comes to us endorsed by tbe press as being well worthy of patronage. Henry Poston, who was convicted of as sault with intent to kill, in Douglas county, and sentenced to one year iu tbe Peniten tiary, has been pardoned. II yd ah Joe, an Indian belonging to one of the Northern tribes, attempted to fire Port Townsend, on the 4th instant. All tbe In dians have been driven away from that place in consequence ot tbis incendiary attempt. Dr. A. C. Stevenson has removed to tbe house formerly occupied Wm. H. Newell, on Union street, between Main and Second. H.G. CIRCLE OP P. B. will Beet on SAT UBDAT EVENING, NOV. 18, at TU o'clock, at the building in rear of E. P. Fits Gerald's Store. By order. Hot. 14. nol6-tt J. DOHERTT, Bec'y. Isaac F. Blocb, San Francisco. C. 8. MuuR, SlO. ECHAWBACRIlt, Dalles Colombia Lodge, No. 6, I. O. O. F. Meets every Thursday evening at o'clock, tu Gates' Hall, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers in good standing are Invited to attend. By order. N. 0. - Now OB lira-Call at Wm. Birnbanm's Jewelry Store and examine bis extensive stock of M atches, Dia monds, Jewelry, Sliver Ware, Lamps, Cutlery and Fancy Goods, which he offers for sale in order to close business on account of ill health, at less than cost, There Is no such large and well-selected slock this side of San Fran cisco, and the quality of the goods will speak for itself. Now is your time to buy presents cheap, and at a saving of 60 percent. Mr. B. has also alot of Perlscopic Qlass- BpectaclaaOlmt perform wonders. n4tf. Bloch, Miller & Co., , WHOLESALE 3- OR, O O E R, S , AND DEALERS IN "YVines & Liquors, And Iniportersiand Jobbers of CLOTHING-. Boots fc Shoes, Under Clothing, Blankets, etc., etc., etc. WE HAVE AN AS8AY OFFICE IN CONNECTION " with onr business, under tbe entire auscrrheon of Mr. Miller. We make retnrns In Bars in six honrs- We guarantee all onr Assava and pay the UIGIIKS'T CASH l'KICK for Bars. We also pay the Ulgbestv Cash Price for Gold Dnst. BLOCIT, MILLER 0)., myStf Cor. Main and Washington streets, Dalles. SELLING OFF AT COST, TO CLOSE BUSINESS! THE UNDERSIGNED wonld respectfully inlorm their patrons and the public at large, that they will commence to sell this day, their large and handsome DIOCK OI Clothing Dry Goods, furnishing uooas, rancy Unnus, Bats A Cape, Ladles' 8l-M, Boots A Shoes, Ctalhlr .... Shoes, Rubber Goods, lints. Blankets. Salem Cloths, Ac, Ac, Ac, .A. T COST. In order to retire from business, tbe above Stock must be sold within Sixty Days, and STRICTLY AT COST J All persons Indebted to the Arm will please call and) settle their bills Immediately, thereby saving all nnue cessary fntnre Iroable. COUN A BOIIM, Dalles, Oct. 2, ISO. oc3lG Oregon Steam Navigation Co. KQVU USJlttlla 11 14 1 1 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. a. - WANTED. TftrASCO COUNTY ORDKRS, at the Office or the w Oregon Steam Navigation Company. Dalles, Not. 17, 1866. W. B. BltADFORD, Ag't. W. P.. M ILLER.", (Successor to Payne A Co.) AUCTIONEER VV"'1, ATTEND promptly to Sales of Real Estate, Dry Goods. Groceries. Horses, and Mules. H ill receive ami forward Goods entrusted to his care; sell Grain and Hay on Commission, aud rant Real Estate upon Reasonable terms. Consignments Solicited, Bale Days Tuesdays and Saturdays. - MAIN STREET, DALLES, nlT. With due enirtioB, tbe rich of to-day mnsVT UNPARALLELED ATTRACTION I! Outnumber the whites thirty to one, and of course, on account of tbis superiority of num bers, there could be bo row between them. If some of the whites who have been butch ered by tbe "unbleached subjects" in ques tion eould return, and tell their stories, we might have grounds, for a change of opinion Ai It is, we accept the explanation of the Portland paper as conclusive, but uot very etear. country having the same prospects as the Columbia River Basin. , Impeachment or tbe President. The San Francisco Flag, of the 8th lost., advances the opinion that at tbe opening of Congress articles of impeachment will be brought ; forward against tbe President. The grounds of accusation appear to be that, in, with drawing and disbanding the United States troops, and allowing the institution of civil government in the late rebellious States, he has exceeded his powers. It is asserted that . an actnal state of war between the sections Patmotmh by Proxy "Sirs," said a Wes tern orator, who Was a candidate for office, "my opponent boasts that he has serves his couutry in the tented field. In 1812, when the cohorts of British tyranny threatened our has not coased, aid cannot cease until peace northern frontier with bloodshed and devas- is made by Congressional action. There is tation when the war-whoop of tbe savage but little doubt that the expressions of the (tract upon toe searing oi our people, I was Flag are really the opinions of the ultra men oraiieo to go as a soiaier to aetena tne rron- who are determined to rule or ruin the sler. .Sire, I prooured a substitute, and gen- country. The idea of impeaching the Pres Hewen. tne ooneiottnai representative of my ident was some time since broached by a R. 0. BAOHELDKR Proprietor. YANKEE SANDERS,....:. ..Agent. AT TUB CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, aj aiio jity. Monday and Tuesday Evenings, NOVEMBER 20th and 21st. The Stupendous Drama of PARADISE LOST. Heaven, Hell, Chaos, Paradise. The Commencement. ' Second Section. THE REBELLION IN HEAVEN! And War of the Angela. Beotlon Third. THE CREATION. Folly carrying 'out the Poet's conception ot the SIX DATS WORK OF THE CREATOR Section Fourth. - courage and patriotism are now resting at Abe battle-ground of tbe River Raisin he was lain there by the British and . their savage allies. ; Through that man. I claim to have ,; fought, bled and died for my country, and, '" fellow-citizens, I glory in It. Now let me ask ' my opponent if he cau show where be died ,. tot bis country? It can't be done." . The New York Evening Pot relates several - instances of gentlemen claiming office under she plea that they bad furnished substitutes Xor the late war. One of tbens asked peculiar .eonstderation for bis pretensions, on tbe score l . that bis substitute was killed in battle. Boston pnper, which is supposed to reflect the views of Mr. Sumner and bis coadjutors Nothing but the lack ef power at the coming session of Congress will prevent tbem from carrying this purpose into effect. It is however, very questionable if a majority of the Senators could be induced to act Vith the lower House in the matter. At t bra time there are professions of attachment t tbe President's policy, from both the Union an Democratic ranks. It looks as if he will be placed in a position to need tbe assistance of all who are friendly to bin scheme of pa ciucation before the winter is over. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, unlit further notice, The Passengrei Train n to connect with steamers FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from the R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Mondays. Wednesdays, and Frldava. it 4i30 A. AI, THE STEAMERS "ONEONT A", or "IDAHO," CAPT. J. McNCLTY, Commander, Will leare DALLES, DAILY, (Sundays ecepted)at o'clock, a. aucounectiu,. by the CASCADE RAILROAD witn lae steamer "NEW WORLD" r "CASCADES," CAPT. J. WOLF, -.-..Commander, fo Portland. W. B. BRADFORD, Dalles, Nor. 13, 1866. nl2tf Agent 0. 8. N. Co. NEW SALOON. NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. THE UNDERS10NKD would respectfully annonnc that he will open a first class Saloon in French ft Oilman's New Stone Bnlldinic, THIS EVENING, and la . prepared to serve cuttomere with the best of . Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ALSO, A EBEE LUNCH . Every day and Evening. ' oc28t JOHN RINDLATJBV F.m DEIOl, Watchmaker and "Jeweler, MAIN-STREET, DALLES, . (RUT DOOa TO THI ASSAY OKICS,) DEALER IN FINK WATCIIK8, JEWKLRT, x CLOCKS, Gold Pens. Silver and Pla'ed Ware. Spectacles, Cutlery, Ac. - Jr-'sk -FatlcoUr attention paldte repairing; flneO&aaU "Vetches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watnbes repaired, b? ' me warranted for twelve months. N. B. All orders from the upper nountry, by Expre or otherwise, promptly attended to. . aull tl JOSEPH KLlJSLT, WHOIISALI IKS UUU EtlUUt M Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, II ATS AND CAPSf AN& PAR AD I SEl Or the Garden of Eden. Children - Filly Canta. Exhibition conimencces at U18, Hell, CLWOS and PandeniOnlnill 1 Gentlemen's. Furnishing Good. Section Fifth. I ira'Proof Stone Stnio, corner of Mala and Court NOTICE. ; GEORGE LIEBE Is my duly authorised agent durlnp; my absence- in the Eastern States, to attend to the- collection ot all arsouuts due me, and also Uir late flroa oi ninyrmeia luuuger. A. WtMTKHMEIK. NOTICE. FS. HOLLAND IS MY AUTHORIZED AGENT It attend to collecting and settling up my business, during my absence.. Those indebted to me or to Payne A Co., are requested to pay him immediately and save, costs, as he has orders lo colleet. . V. A. 0. PAYNE. Dallos, Nov. 13, 108&. . 14i r -1. a. 0AII4. BAlrt- GATE8 .& HA. ITT, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law,, ADMISSION 1 On Dollar. Boors open at I o'clock. 7Ko''"cL To the Tax-payers of Wasco uouniy. , BHiRimirn Tax Couiotok's Omoi, aVuseo Onmry, Ongm, JVoe. 14, isos. NOTICE IS HBRBBY GIVEN, that the time fl.r pay. lug State and Comity taxes for the year 1864 will expire on FRIDAY, DKUE.UUKR THE 1ST, 18ft. All axes. vernal tilna unpaid on personal pmperry after that date will be collected the same- a oa execution. CHAR WUTTW Sherlfl tnd Tax Colloctol, Wasco Co Orearon . Dallos City, Nov. M, 1886, ' JnoIiSwd