I VIXES, OUFGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, 18, 1BOS. NO. '85..'. VOL. O., PUBLISHED EVERY MOBNING, j iMUNUAYS KXUKPTBD,) BY E. O. tOAE & J. IIALLORAN, BD1TUU8 AN U PROPRIETOR. . IitH9 TMMtg-Attcmtt per week, payable to the carrier per mouth, by mail, $1; three months, (2(0; six niuntlis, tu j oui) year, $8. Advertisements inserted at low rates. . . .. " Job Printing. : . ; : ' 4 , Every description of plain and fancy Job Printing ex. uted with neittuuss and despatch, aud forwarded as per order to any part of the country. ILyinentor Job Print . ing nuit be mailt on delivery oj work. - ' i ' I UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. HANOLUV & SIXXOTT, I'rop'rs. T1II3 P0PULVH nOUSE, OINtEAIXt LOOATtD, Near the Steamboat Landing & Bailroad Depot, llaa been recently eularged aud improved, aud will now Accommodate ' 300 GUE 8X S . IT WILL UK CONDUCTED as heretofore, ae a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, uinl the patronage of the traveling ; public is respectfully eullcilol. I JBg- llngnae tukeu to the House free of charge. House open all night. , . , - . LARGE FIRE -PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles. Oct. 4-tf. " EJVTP I R E HOTEL, "MAIM STREET, DALLX9, OREGON, . THOMAS S .11 ITU, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IN THB OEXTKI Of BUSINESS, Near the Steamboat and Bailroad landings Superior Accommodations for Families and can Ao commodate One llundrud aud Kilty Guests. ' Heals 60 cat. Lodging .......Wets. . Fire Proof 8afe for deposltoof valuables. '. ""el House open all night, Baggage taken to the House -free of charge. THOMAS SMITH, , mh8-tf ' Proprietor. FAMILY GROCERY STORE!! . DEALER IN . . , . FAMILY 1 i HOCERIES, T0UACC0 AND 8KQAKS, . I ., " AlHO .. ' fresh and iried fruits, ' , ". , VEGETABLES, Ac, Ao, .:..; ; And every article usually found in a First-class . "JTamlly Grocery Store. Mil, Fit AN K has just received from below an entire new stork of . . GROCERIES, PROVISIONS &C, wnicn ae win sen as low raiea mr ennu. utriuis ui mm ' ily and others are invited to call and exainiiie his stock. . T tioode delivered in any part ol the city tree of barge ' GREENBACKS TAKEN AT 75 CUNTS. , . D. FHANK, Main street Jy30:tf. A few doora below the Post tllllte FURNITURE ! FURNITURE D1EULAM Sc. WigNXSS. y) R N I T tf A; -.CORNER THIRD AND B STREETS Household Furniture, , mnbruoing Tables, Chain, Bureaua Ueds and Bedsteads, Bedding.Gnriiei etc., etc., nil ol much will be aold at lw rates, turnltuie Bepalred, and Upliolsteriiig done to order. Also, on hand Mattresses and Pilluwa. Spring Beds made to order, ania WM. MOAIUIB. 0. B. KOtUKL. WM. MOABUS St, CO., O I T Y" HA.jiJbtY9 ' AMD , -I.1.-.. T R0VIS10N STORE, Corner of First and B Streets. ' er-jarrHOLBSAl.K AND RBTAlLDBALBRSIn BREAD, W CRACKERS aud Family GROCERIES. J&.0rdere from a distance oarefully Ailed and promptly dispatched, . 1-H MlilUlOAJLi: CJ-AJUtA. " A. C!.8TEIMlE.HSOW, M. !., RESPKCTFULLY tendera his profesalonal services In the several branches of medical practice, to the ' citiaena of Balleaand vicinity. Particular attention will be paid to leiuale diseases. Chronic diseases of whatever type or grade, will receive prompt and efficient treat ment. OUlco, adjoining Waldron's Drug Store. uo26tl WHOLES ILIC BOOKS! AND RETAIL. SCHOOL BOOKS, STATION KRY, t3 Btandaid and Miscellaneoua W0IIK8, . Lata N0YKL8. MAUAaINKs, PAI'KHS.' Ac, Ac. by every Steamer. Poet-Office Bookstore, Main street, Dalles. " ma7-tl II. J. WALQRON A 00. ... r purs ; Purs ! VHK niOHEST MARKET PltlCB PAID IN CASH Beaver, Otter; Mink and Coon Bklne, ' By IUCIIARDB A McCRAKKN. PorUand, Sept,27,lli04. oc4:3m. DALLES & CAMOX CITY STALE jc o'm PA NYffea ' Are now rnnnlng their Una of OON0 01J,rHXAGES i ! ...; ,. BETWEEN 1 . DALLBS & CANYON CITY By way of Todd'a Bridge, Cross Hollows, Bridge Greek, Alkali Flat, Camp Watson, Rock Creek, Cottonwood and John Day's River, tri-weekly. . eARRTIHO wells; FAHGQ & CO'S EXPRESS. Leaving Dalles and Canyon City every Tuea t, 7 and Friday morning. : Through in two days. JAS. A. UGNDKKiuN, Agent, Canyon City. ' Dalles office At Wolls, Fargo A Co.'s, Dalles. ,; N. C. MAYUKW, Agent. , Dallea, April 2oth,.1866.. , apjfttl ::i .. FOR UUISE MIAIES DIRECT." ' t 11 e ,:. rfeg WALLA WALLA &, BOISE LINE - ..' - . OK ,; CONCORD STAGES, CARRYING . j THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND . ' '. ' tVclU, Fargo & Co.'s Express, Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to Pi cervllle, (Bolsa Alines.) ' - Through in Two and a Half Days Connecting with the W'allula Line of Stages, and th Boats of the O. 8. N. Company .- UtO. F. THOMAS A CO.. p27-tf ' ; Proprietor M OUNT HOOD SALOON AND . , .. BILLIARD ROOM; ' P. M. HUNT, Proprietor, CORNER OF '". '; " Main and Court StrootB, ap'21-tf Dallea, Oregon. ' NEW HE V IZ t$ ISjI rrn i undersigned bkosto inform tub cit- M. izeus of the Dalles and vicinity that he has received nan uc&uoc, aim win .Attend Funerals on short noticed" Tills la the flr .t, and ai present, only uearse lu (lie cur. - v , I. M. KVAN8 .-.lies, May 19,1805.- , ' ' my:20-tf.' aUARTZ MILLS! And all kinds of Machinery . Manuflicturcd at the OREGON IRON WORKS . CORNER OF, MORRISON and 7T1I streets, -. Portland, Deo. 6th '04. . 0. GIBBS A CO., . . . Bucceasora to defitf K. L.Jokis 4 Co. UIl. S. l WALLACE, PH.Y8101AN & SURGEON Near Gates & Chapln's Drug Store, MAIN BTItKKI'. DALLK8. apl8t COLUMBIA BREWERYj LIIUHIG &8CIIAiNO, Props. DA LLiKsi, OKKOON. , HWhEST PRICE PAID FOR BARLEY. au26:tt i . NUTICB. . - ,- " I II ATR THIS DAY re-purchuod my stock of goods, sold a lew dliys since to Mr. J. B. Crossen. All nebUdne the concern will be collected by me, and not by Mr, Crosxeu, a heretofore published. , " - ' u8:lw 0. t,. JEKI.t I) stairs. Removal. ... R. BELT has removed his office from Dr. Craig's Drugstore to Waldronsuew Stone building, up ocai:u. . I). W,U DOU T BUTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BANNOCK CITT, Idaho Territory. ajcr Piirtirnliir attention paid Co Collecting Debts. 1 - Attorney and Counsellor at Law ' AND-' ' " NOTAIIY PUBLIC. OFFICE On corner of Washington aud Main streets, Canyon City. Grant County, Oregon. - apautl 111 flASO "fc ODULL, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTICE IN THE SUPREME AND CIR cult Coiirts of Oregon, and the District Courts o ft'ashlugtott Territory. . ... Particular attention paid to the collection of claims. 0. HUMABON,. Dalles, Ogn. , J. A. ODKLI . NOTICE..,. . NOTICE 18 IIRRBBYOIVEN not to trust my wife on my account, aa I will not be responsible nlrilw - , . JULIUS LANOB. . KEGS OF SALT SALMON, 100 lbs each. For sale by . au!8:tf F. UEBH.- IMPOKTIM ASS WB0LUALB Dealers in Wines, Liquors GUOCKltlES, Miners' Goods," Hoat Stores, &c, HAVI aSMOVBD TO TUK1E ' ' : ' NEW STONE BUILDING, Second and Washington Streets, , DALCES CITY", 1T0W IN BT0RR A LAHGB AND COMPLETE AS sortmcnt of the very best brunds of WINES AND LIQUORS. ' Alio, a tull asBortinent of ' ' : ' ' 1 I GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. A) Coustsiitly receiving our supplies direct from New York and Ban Francisco, we are able and willing to sell at a very small advance on San Francisco prices. They hope by aduptiug a strictly sorrect and prompt method ol doing business, they will receive the patronage cf the pub lic. selO-tf EMtubliHlieU IMS?. 10 BALDWIN BRO., ' .' ; 1 DEALERS IN . j Crlt O C lUIilES ! l--: CORNER OF , Slain and Union Streets, Dalles. J.O.BALDWIN' mh21-tf F. W. BALDWIN. FIISI. LIEBE, : GROCERY, PROVISION. , . : AND ' ' i :.. .1 -.1 . IT It UlTi S.X ORE,' Washington Street, opposite French k Oilman's, Dallea, Has on hand a large aud well-assorted stock of : GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, . Ei-esli.'atter &. Esfgs, ; i Received dally. A large lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. FRESH VEGETABLES evory morning. All articles warranted. Give Me a" Call, Everybody I PniCKst LOW. an!8:tf ' t . i : p LIBBH. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. A. . It . 13 O O T II , WUITE BLUFFS, W. T., . FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AMD 0!(RAL DEALEB IK SIEBOHA ND I S E AMD -1: iUIHE US' SUPPLIES. FACE AND SADDLE H3H3E3 FOB SALE, i t FREIGHTS CONSIGN FD to my care for, Col vl lie Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Miuoa, will re ceive prompt attention. ; ' "' White limns, Oct. 1st, 1864. oc 2tf 10; P. FITZGEBALD, , ' saAxia in 1 K X) W A. R E Irou and Steel. ' ; Spery Dacriptim of ' Miners and Mecliaalcs' Tools, . AND . Farmlug Implements. I MUP CHANDLERY, GR0CKHIE8, CLOTHING, AND . STAPLE DRY GOODS, . i .1 Crockery and Cilasswai , : ! K. P. FITZGERALD, 1 flO-tf - . ' CalUt, Oregon 7 R. I. DALLAM. 0. W. AKMLg. II. W. ABMBfl ARMES &, DALLAM, . Importer! and Jobbers of WOOD AND WILLOW WAIIE, BRUSHE3, TWINES, CORDAGE, Ac i And Manufacturers of ,' California Falls, Tubs, Brooms, &c. 217 A 219 Saeramento Street, between Front and Davis, San Francisco. , ocH:3indaw. F- TILLMAN, SOLI AOSKT IN OAUrORHIA FOB ' TILTON & MoPARLAND'S Fire te Burglar Proof Sales. .. r...; S T EEL' LIN ED VA VL TS, , .' wren ... Combination Lock. -Constantly ou hand a full assortment of BAKES. V.' 818 BATTERY STREET, Jy6-6m . Han Francisco. Washington Wagon Road. rpflK UNDERSIGNED WOULD INFORM TUB J Traveling Public that th Washington Wagon Road from Portland and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades I well being kept In good traveling order for wagons and stock. K. a HARDY, , Dallea Jan. 11th 1868. lanlltf Bole Proprietor. W. I. BIGELOW. Receiving;, Storing Forwarding - ' - ' V , AND ' Commission Merchant! Advances made on Consignments. ; MAIM STREET, Opposite th Umatilla House, T A CAKU FOR TUG, Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAX FKAKIISIO. BADGER & HNDENSERGER, : Nob. 411, 413 and 415 llatterjr street, Cor. lUcrolAaut, bsu A'rauilco. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. EHTIBE $W AND FRESH STOCK. WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer chauta tooul usually lurgeatock olGooda Our stock comprises every arthie In lie Clothing and Fur nishing Hue. - We have constantly on haud the largst and groates( Variety of Cassluiere aud Wool HATS ol any lion.e In ta i Francisco, and our prl.es for thes Uood, are It-ss B ui those ut any . house, aa we recolve them direct Iron, the nianufactuier'a conslgunient Our atock of tjummvr aud Fall Gooua la particularly attract ive, mid the great feature to tuo country mercbaut Is th uuusualiy .low prices. ,' y . . .. : 1 ... Than S1.A s. s .Aitois aunu auo vuD.i ui Jiiiivr(auuils We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES in the Dry Qooda liue, which Goods we have purchased in this market un der the hammer, and are ottering them at tew Yolk Cost, and less. . . . , '. . We publish this card In order that we may make new acqimi mances, and iniluce those whuhave nut heretofore puiuiiaauu o us, locau ani) examine our stock,,, .., , Good Articles and Low . Prices! Are the greatest Inducements to all who purchase to sell again. Merchants who buy of u can make a good proilt, and sell to their customers at a low figure. W remain, respictlully, ' ' ' . ' Your Obedient snrvftnta. '' ' ' :.,cu ; . ... . BADGER A lindenbehOer, ' Wholesale Clotbing mid Hat Warehouse, ' i 1 ' ! oa. ell, 4111 aud 416 Bftllitry street. Bon Francisco, April 1, 1806. JeiW-Sniw. 1101 KOU XUE ISlMJlIiTHOWi ' " ON THE . ... T SEA BEACH. rUUS DELIGHTFUL aN CELUIRATBD SUMMER M. Resort, siiuated oa Clatsop plains, a short distance from the Ocean, is now re-opened and ready to receive guests. ., . - , 'Ibis resort possesses attractions unsurpassed on the Pacilic Coast. It has a spleudld beach for riding,' walk. Ing aud bathing; boautuul scmery aud surroundings; berriea of all kluda abound; beautiful trout struaiu andabundauce of game. - , . THK TABLE la constantly supplied with salt and Ircsh water fish clam, and crabs, elk, bear aud feathered game, aud the frostiest of country produce. The climate is salubrious This Hotel offers every thing that could be desired fur the comfort ol guaats. both well and sick. . , ' The Proprietors respectfully ask the He ill h and Pleas ure Beekiug Public lor parlronage, that tbfy mav enabled to make the " Summer House" a inirui,nt In stitution ol the couutry. , . Lowell a KipptN. May 8th, 18t5. myutf OXiLLXJMU Ui i Ai U U O XI ' Uy entire stock of 1 STOVES 'AUD TiWWAKE, ALSO, : ' X INMA XV S X O OLS. TUB WHOLE embracing a line stock, ever- article of Which will be sold at COST, as 1 desire to iioe. out business.; Also, one GRAND PIANO, in good order. Also, lor sale, the HOUSE AND LOT, on .reeoml bt.eel, next to rhe corner of Washington, The House Is iwe stories, with a basement, and is well eiluMcd tu lite hotel business. Also a lot of BEDDING, comprising about twenty-live Beds, The whole will be. closed out cuwip. For further particulars apply on the prcmisns. auOflin ALBKI.l : UEVT1NGEN. WISW FHU1T, OHOCLUV .... , . . ' i i - i AND i'1 I 1 -I-, ll PROVISION STOKE. riMIH UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIKND8 and X the public generally, that he has Just establisbed sa Main street, next door to J. Juker, Tobacconist, . '' A NEW STORE! Z, where he keeps constantly on hand large assortments selected FRUIT. Also, in store a complete stock ofcholce QX0CEKUS8, PJiOrJSJOtfX, VKUKTABLES, ste. All of which will be sold, wholesale aud retail, at KEJ DUCED PRICES. Come and ae. and satisfy yourself. , selU-tf JOHN SPOSITO. LINCOLN HOUSE, . Corner Washington, and Front Street, ! pnRTi.ANn. OHKiinN 't FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. LAKQEST IN THE ST ATI. Charges Reasonable. i AN OMNIBUS will attend all th. Boata and oonvey Passengers and their baggage to the House Free of Charge, or to any other House In the Ci ry for 60 cents. 8. COFFIN, Proprietor. P. S HOT AND COLD BATHS in the House. All the Steamers for Oregon City. Vancouver, Monti cello and Aatoria land at the Lincoln Bouse Wharl' ; . aepl:8m . , . . 1. 1. -STU'lILASOx , DENTIST, 1YA8 REMOVED HIS 0FFICB OPPO- , MM. alte Bloch, Miller A Co., where he I Z is prepared to do all Kinue ot DENTAL WORK, In a skillful and well flnisntd manner. TEETH Inserted from one to an entire aet, on Gold or Kubber Plate. . Prlcea range for llubber Plate, from $lb to 946 ; Fol Gold Plate, trom 176 to 1126. . . , v Persons having work don by m not proving aaU tsfactory will not be required to receive er pay for .the same, aul8tl JDK. jA.. II. STEEL.IS, ACTING ASSISTANT 8UROE0N, U. 8. A, . ornoiAT ' . ' ' WALDRON & BROS' ERTJO BTORB