latin lEattittainccL Epitome of Telegraphic News. fOOMPILKO rSOM TH1 ORMOKIAH. DATES TO NOTBIIQER 13. Atlantic Kent. iVeio York, Nov. 13. The Commercial' t Wash ington dispatch gays : The President informed an ex Confederate General to-day that it was not bis present in ention to pardon any more siril or military leaders cf the rebellion. - Chief Justice Chase is expected in the city to-night, when roraetbing definite respecting Jeff Davis may be announced. The Governor of South Carolina bas ad dressed a letter to the Secretary of the Treas ury, asking that the State have the privilege of assuming tbe direct tax levied by Congrss, for complaint to the United States, but also on economical grounds. There ia no official announcement concern ing ministerial arrangements. Clarendon is certain to be foreign minister, Tbe Globe claims forbearance for tbe recon stituted ministry until it is lay be fore Parliament a programme upon tbe satis factory character on which its existence de pends. v Tbe newt fully explains tue uovernmeni reform bill. The Post thinks reform extremely doubtful. The nation is too indifferent. Tbe Prince and Princess of Wales paid tbe expected visit to Liverpool October Slst. Advices from Bio Janiero to Oct. 10th, via England, confirm the capture of the Uraguny an arm) by tbe allies. The Uraguayans sur rendered unconditionally. Six thousand were made prisoners. Their General bas beta brought to Rio Janiero. ' J . J TJ K E Ey Main Street, Dalles, WH0LI4ALI AND Hit AIL DEALER IN CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, AXWATS IN STOU TBI BEST BKAN9S 0 Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c.-l PLAYINO 0ARD8, POCKET CUTLERY, POUT M0NIB8, COMBS Mid BRUSHES, o all kinds, PERFUMERY, ot every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS, TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, fancx uouus, c. Also Powder. Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and manv other articles too numerous to mention. 49- Interior dealers supplied with Clears, Tobacco, etc. I at less than Portland prices, with freight added, oc-8 IMPORTANT TO VERY WALDKON HUOS., and that the same may be paid in South Car- Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Merchants. Families. ITotcls and BAR-ROOMS. olina Oonrts. He allegea that the State ia much impoverished and cannot meet tbe tax immediately. No action was taken on the letter by the Secretary of the Treasury. Washington, Fov. 10. It U .asserted from an official source that the army of the United States will not be reduced as baa been sup posed, lis full available strength exceeds 180,000, of which about one balf is on each side of the Mississippi river. Boston, Nov. 13. A large and influential meeting wna helir ot noon lo-day in the Mer chant's Exchange in favor of the immediatd construction of the Northern Pacific Railroad. Mayor Lincoln presided Powerful speeches were made by ex-Gov. Curry of Oregon, and ex-Gov. Fuller of Utah. Tbe Morning Poet saya ihe intended with drawal of the French from Mexico has lately assumed a more decided character. Maxi milian would recruit in Austria and Belgium. , lie has proposed to permit French, officers and men to take tbe oath of allegiance to Mazi , milian if inclined to do so. Maximilian would then find himself entirely surrounded by bis own army. The Lust says: It Is hardly to be supposed that Cue United Slates Government would wish to replace such government by a return to republican confusion and anarchy. In cp'urBe of time pvblin feeling in America will " acknowledge tbe liberal sovereign who is now endeavoring to raise Mexico to civili sation. ivVte York, Nov. 11. Gen. John E. Logan has been tendered the mission to Japan, and it is understood he accepts.. It is suggsted by leading politicians that an amendment sanctioning the Union War Debt, and ignoring the debts enacted for tbe overthrow of the Union, be added to the Con stitution of the United States, and that the Southern States be required to adopt it before recognition Raleigh,N. C.Nov. 11. Jotaoathan Worth secessionist, is certiinly cloctci Governor, over William Ho den. Union, by from five to ten thousand majority. - Raleigh, Nov. 12. Turner, member of the Confederate Cong' ess, is elected to Congress in the Raleigh district. Clark, who cannot take the oath, is circled in Neber district, over Lemiiu, who can tuke it. The other districts have not been heard from. Gov. Ilolden has received a t legram from Secretary Seward instructing him to conti. nue to discharge the functions of Provision al Governor until otherwise ordered by the President.- Wathington, Nov. 11. The body of.Cnpt. Wirtz, it bas been decided by the President, is to be in'e red in the penitientiary ground, where Payne and others are beiug buried. Major General Judson Kilpatrick, of New Jersey, has heen appointed Minister to Chili. Colonel Edward Cook, of the same State, is Secretary of Legation. Neu York, Nov. 11. The London Daily Newt Bays: The Free Masons in England are ' following the example of those in France by protesting against the Pope's recent allocu tion. New Tor, Nor. 12. The Ilerald'i Colom bia correspondent send' a report of the pro ceedings of the Sonih Carolina Legislature up to the 4th of November, which are prin cipally discussions relating to the condition of the negro.' Some members express some apprehensions of a negro insurrection. Bills have, therefore, been reported for tbe pur pose of empowering State officers to seize all firearms found in the possession ot tbe freed ruen, and to prevent them from hereafter be coming posses-ed of arms, and punish with severity any white person proposing to sell the same to them. Measures are also pro- posod to shut up shops kept by freedmen, and prohibit any white- person from employ ing a negro sorrant without the written coo sent of bU or ber former master having been first obtained. Tbe South Carolinans are all Yery anxious for the removal from their tniilst of ail the national troops and for the organization of the militia. Foreign News Liverpool, Nov. 1. The Paris correspondent says': It is generally reported in the Parisian papers that tbe French army in Mexico will be withdrawn by instalments, and that by August or September of next year tbe wbole will have returned to France. This resolu tion is said to'bave been adopted nqt only ".from a desire to afford bo reasonable ground Slain Street, Dalles, Oregon. WJ NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY FIRB II proof 8Ume building. Apposite lllocti, Miner a Co.. and offer to tin piibllo a full and complete stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, consisting lu part of KEROSENE, LAMP WICKS CHIMNEYS, TUItPBNTINB, IIOPS, ALCOHOL, BAOB, ACIDS, SPONGES, . LINSEED, x LKECIIE3, LARD, CORKS, OAaTOB AND ' , INDIOO AND NHATSFOOT Oil, LAN PB LACK, TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND PATKNT MKDICINKS. Our stock of FANCY GOODS I s of the finest and best quality; new stylo ond large assortments, such as LUIIIN'SPK.RFUF.KUY, .HAIR, LUBIN'B TOILET SUAr, 4LESI1, POMADES BUAVINO, COSMETICS, 1IAT, HAIIIGH.S. CLOTHES, COLOGNE, TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL BRUSHES TuOTH POWDERS, AND COMBS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our facilities fur buying goods are second to none In the State, aud we shall at all times sell at a small ad vume from cost. Ready sales and small profits. PIIISICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. Thillo.. Sent. 9. 18U5. selu-tf OIL, I S P P0UAI)K8' GLASS, S3? S r H TWINB' CORKS, zvrl? g i ACIDS, gf S-. W ft B0APi PAINTS, 5I-6-2 Pg- and . IS 3 S5 . : BRUSHES, 2 tjJ gj2 FANCY BLCESTONE, g? M ' P ARTICLES. JULIUS KRAEMBK HAVING BOUGHT THB EN tire Stock of Merchandise and Book Accounts of the lute firm ot M . Seller A Co., in this city, to which he has added of his own importation (while doing business in Portland) an immense stock of the besrinanufactured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looklng-GIasses and All Kinds of Oils, All of which be offers at reduced rates. Persons wish ing to buy auy of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the Interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to go secure. Don't fail to call on me. Kadlo's Stone Building, Washington street. Dalles. JULIUS KRAEMER. Dalles, March 17th, 1868. mhl7tf HOOT AND SHOE STOltE. IT. WYCKMAS, MAS REMOVED HIS BOOT AND SHOB 8TORB to the building on Main street, nearly opposite Moody's Hall, where he has Just reoeived, direct from San Francisco, anno." usually nne ana wen selected stock or BOOTS AND SHOES), of the'very best quality and latest stylet EVER BROUCHT TOTHIS MARKET, Including the celebratod ENGLISH HUNTING SIIOB manufactured by Benkert. Also, a large assortment of - Ladles' and Children's Gaiters, Of the latest Styles, Just received from the' best Phil adelphia makers. Also, a very large assortment of FINE DRESS BOOTS. JFsT-Gentlemen who prefer to hare their Boots or Shoes mode to order, can rely upon obtaining a neat and easy fit. F. WYCKMAN, Main street, " el6-tf Opposite Moody's Hall. Oregon Steam Navigation Co.'s NOTICE! THE FOLLOWING BATES OF FREIGHT bar been established: Grain, Vegetables. Tallow, ike. From Wnllula A Uinalill i to Portland, $16 00 per ton weight " uaues to i" oniHou j mi - " " On Wool, WAGON & CARRIAGE THB UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFULLY tall theattentlon of all ' WAGON MAKERS To the Superior Stock of Wagon Timber, A Now In Store and toon to trrlre, which will b offered to the trade on Llbei al Terms. , OAK; ASH AND HICKORY PLANK From i to 6 laches. Finished and Unfinished Oak & Hickory BPOKBS, from 1 to 8J$ Inches OAIt c ELM HUBS lu Pain and 8ett, from 6x8 to 14x10. HICKORY &, ASH RIMS, BUGGY, EXPRESS and BULKY SHAFTS, Finished and Unfinished. BUGGY and EXPRESS POLKS, Finlahe&aad Unfinished HICKORY AX1.K8, all sites; BUGGY, WAGON and KXPKF.8S BOWS: OAK and H1CKOHY SCANTLING; b A WJSI) FKLLOKS, from 1U to 8 inches; HEWKD TONUIIBS tor fcr horse and ox-teams t ' 81NGLB TRKKSs ' NiCK YOKKS; LONG and SHORT I10UND8; PLpW BKAMS and Handles, Ac, Ao. ' The above stink was carefully Mleeted fn the Xasteni Staten, expressly to m et the demands of this trade. Orders for any of the above articles. Including WAGON DiUSJ NO, JSOAva, ao., win oe promptly aiieuueu to. T. U. LAW. a5 Front Street, Portland, Ocl8:tr. Opposite 0. B. N. Co.'s Whorl FRANKLIN MARKETTr" CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS ; DALLES, OREGON, JOHNEPP1NQEU frcvprietor rlHB UNDKHSIGNED M. having fitted ap th above Market In tbe BK-T STYLE, will keep toattanv- ly on baud all sorts of ' ' FresU and Cured Bleats, Of the best quality furnished at the LOWEST ATB ' My motto It to ' PLEASB ALL." PARTIES nAVIb SUPERIOR STOCK FOR BALI will do well to call at the Franklin Market. JOHN K!'I?KJQKIU Dalles, February 10th, 1866. WASIBlACiTON MARKET, cota ia or COURT AND 8EC0ND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. ' WILL KEEP tvnstantly on hand all tho vnrle- i siiee tuat tne suaraet can possibly ..kt.J afford, of 11 " U-IiKSII & CURED MKAT8, and always of the bttt quality. , FAMILIES, HOTELS,. AND STEAMBOATS . . supplied on reasonable term. ' Tbe anderslgneq Is always propared to pay the high est cash price for FAT CATTLE. Parties having stock in good condition, art requested to call on him befora going elsewhere. JOHN MICHELBACH. uaues, March Slst, 18BS. . mhSltf NOTICE. THE PIONEER STAGE C03IPANY Will carry FAST FREIGHT FROM UMATILLA, AFTER THE FIRST OF OCTOBER, AT THB FOLLOW ING REDUCED RATES: To Bolt City .....15 Cent! per pound "Idaho City 0 Owyhee !0 For less amounts than one hundred pounds an addition of Five Cents per pound will be charged. TIMK FROM UMATILLA i To llolfte C ity, 3 Uayn. To Idaho lty 3 1-2 Days. TOOwyliee, 4 DayN. JOSEPH PINK HAM, Acent. TJmatllla, Oct. 1, 1865. ocl8:tf. jTem oval. J. GOETSS, Dalles. From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland,., Dalle, to Portland , 02 per lb H 1 ' " . KOENIGSBERGER, San Francisco. On Hides, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland, 40 SO each . Dalles to Portlaud 87 " 8. 0. REED, President. Portland, Sep. 23, 1868. septf-2mit .A.. Gr. BRADFORD, IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF Vines &; Liquors, FRONT STREET, Portland, - Oregon. OFFERS FOR 8ALB A VERY LARGE ASSOllT meut of Ilrandles, Wines, Liquors . Case Goods, jf- The Trade Is particularly Invited to oiamlne my st ick before purcliasiug elsewhere au24-tf NOTICE TO FARMERS- .. .VJ. GOETi & CO., r A COMPANY has recently attached a 7!T.- V TOBACCONISTS, Have removed to Hudio's New Stone Building, XLOUHING MILL to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, in this City, and are now prepared to CHOP FEED, GRIND WHEAT and CORN, and warrant t glvt the best satisfaction. On hand constantly and for sale FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. BEC0NDS OR MIDDLINGS, BRAN AND SHORTS, CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new Oorn. The highest market price paid for WHRAT, CORN and BARLEY. II, A. 1IOGUE, Agent, Dalles, Nov. 2, 1866. ' nStf. AT MllS.HiildHlillt'H FRENCH MILLINERY STORE. Opposite Cohn l Bohm'l, Washington Street, near French k Qllmau's, and have opened a well-assorted stock of HAVANA aud DOMESTIC 8 KG A R 8, VI UU1N1A and WKHTEKN TUUAC0O, N FRENCH and SCOTCH SNUFF, M EE ItbC H A U M and other PI PES. PLAYING CARDS, SPORTING GOODS, INDIAN and FANCY GOODS, Ac, Ac The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICES. now to savis. loiiiiFi call at rni iuw Family Grocery and Fruit Store, flurnnr nf Wulilntrrnii AnA RtPMMta. THB UNDKHSIGNED W18UES TO INFORM THB VVJliZX'SliP1 t"A8H people of the Dalles, and the public generally, that - ION ABLE GOODS, la the line of . ne new a large ana well selected siock oi i liUflUlbl S, II VI S, t UA I ULUS, JFA.OXJ.IJTC ; tiXCCXJililtXlilH, CANDIES, NUTS, 4e., Which hs will sell Wholesale and Betall at .Reduced JYicei for CASH. Also, constantly on hand thaCholcest Article or FIIKHII BUTTEH and KUUH. Also, every variety of FRUITS and VEGETABLES in their season. Persons from up- tlie country, wishing quantities of Eirgs and Fruit, by sending in their orders, will rocelve the slrlotest atteutfon. and bave theta Ailed at the Lovrtli Market Meet. I Jyll-tf I C. L. JEWELL. CITY MARKET. ' S.'LAVBGR & Co., Proprietors. Will keep constantly on hand the best MEATS OF ALL KIIYDS. A LIBERAL 811 ARB OF PATRONAGE Is solicited, as we expect to kei-p as gooj an assortment of Bleats and of as good as qual ity, as the country arTords: and will . Deliver tho same to Purchaser, ia tho City. Parties having Superior Stock for sale will do well t ' give us a call bofore disposlug ol it elnevhsr. 8. LAUDER. A Co., ' Southeast oorner of Washington end Third Sts. 1 . Ppposlte Roster's Blacksmith Shop. . M. BROWN & BROs, .- - wuoLtL aat aiTAn stixus in FANCY AND HTAPLE DEYGOODSI GROCERIES, PROVISaONS, &o. Mr. M. BROWN, belm a resident of San Fmnrl.rn are enabled to ofler great Indcenients to purchasers. We respectiuuy invite tue puuno to examine our stock belot pnrchasing elsewhere. . mlo-tf O Stone Store, north side Main street. Dalles. FOlt S A Li K . THB nANDSOMB REEIDENCE oscanled by A. V. BUCHANAN it offered For Sale at a Low Figure. , For a private residence, no more derivable locality coutit be desired. The grounds are ornamented with shrubbery, and the building, tontalns Ten Booms, Finished In tbe Best Style. and embraces ever convenience. ' To a gentleman de. -sirlng a Retired and Pleasant Home, convenient to busi ness, an opportunity Is now presented that seldom offers. The House and Furniture will be sold tegether orsepar- rvoij, m .ue yurcuiuir may nesire. for lurtner partie ulars, tniuilre at ocl:tr. WELLS, FARGO A CO.'S EXPRESS OFFICE. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, ' Mala St., Dalleat Oregon. ' FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, Dross Trimmings, &co. In order to make dress eomplete, It becomes noensary that a BONNET or HAT, Handsomely Trimmed, should adorn the head. Give me an eaily call, and I will endeavor to Suit everybody In TASTE and at REASONABLE PRICES. Particular attention paid to . , Embroidery and Braiding Stamping. . WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the cltiiens of this nlato and vi cinity, that haviug returned from a pro- I lesslonal tour through the mines, he has again resumed tho practice of DENTISTRY, In the rooms formerly occupied by him, Id the building occupied by ' 1 M. . . .. . . . . . . J . ru-jiugrnun jrusis, ana aojoining Wal dron Bros.' Drug Store. He takes this method of ex tending thanks, for the liberal patronage heretofore at tended to him, and solicits a continuance of the same. , LIST OF FBIOIS. .Entire Denture on Gold Base . ijn to jom . upper ueuture, uoia Unse....... .,,. so " 120 , " Denture, Vulcanite Base 70" 126 " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Base....i Si i Gold Fillings inserted from one dollar upward. Clilldrens' Teeth extracted free af charge. sel3-tf Banai Mabtik. : . , J.M.Muxpet. , MARTIN .icMUKPIlV, Attorneys-at-lAW. : 0FVICF.8 Idaho Citr. BeUe Oonntv. I. T.t Rnbv Cll Owyhee County, I. I. . aplo-tt ;