for tuiniog supplies, and also op account of I the richness of the mines surrounding it. It contains above tbree hundred bouses-of va rious kinds from the log but of the pioneer to tbe well-appointed hotel, which would be accounted comfortable in any place and bas a population of more tban tbree thousand people. The location of Helena on tbe map FBIBDAT M0BX136. SOY. IT, ISH5. Tbbdi ii some talk of organizing an Oregon For Company. ( Thi Statesman says tbaton tbe 11th Inst. Mount Jefferson was seen emitting clouds of moke. Military. Company B," Capt. McCown, First Oregon Infantry, arrived at Fort Dalles from CoMlle, yesterday evening. Apaokib known as "Champagne Jack" was killed on the Owyhee River, a few days iince, by Indians. Chahoi. The Agricultural will hereafter be publiBbedby Waite ASchwatka, under the title of tbe Agriculluritt and Plowman. Is Watsonville, California, part of tbe people celebrate Sunday by the Spanish and in the same direction are the diggings on tbe bead of Ten Mile Ureek, those of Ureen horn Cretk and St. Louis Oulch. It is four teen' miles from town, due east, to tbe Mis souri River, and the road thither runs over a bigh, gravelly plain. Tbe bills back of town Jirr. Thompson wittily remarks that "tbe I are timbered, without underbrush, but tbe only persons in the South who are in favor of hills are generally bald until tbey reach a fighting now, are those who did not do any I greater elevation tban tbe town' itself bas. when tbey bad a chance." HBLEKA.MONTANA TKKKITUUK, THE WAY TO SELL QUARTZ. Helena, Montana Territory, is a town which it bas become a common practice for men is rapidly rising into Importance, as a depot 0f a speculative turn to claim large quanti- Isiio F. Hioch, Ban Francisco. 0. B. Mulsh, Bio. Sciuvt lurniit, , Dalles. ties of "feet"' in worthless quirtz lodes, and after taking the necessary steps to secure ti tle, rush off at once to New York, or some other eastern sea-port or place, and offer their " wild-cat" for sale. Tbe most ordi nary amount of common sense would indi cate tbe propriety of purchasers coming out in person to see the property before buying. may be determined, by finding the point of I In many cases men have come out here for intersection of tbe parallel of 46 20' north and the meridian of 34 40' west from Wash ington. It is situated on a tributary of the Big Prickly Pear river, called Last Chance or Orizzly Gulch, wbicb pitches down out of a that purpose, and in several instances they have bought largely on tbe representations of wild-cat speculators. By dint of that good luck wbicb is vulgarly supposed to fol low fools, some of these buyers have got Bloch, Miller & Co., Yv'HOLESALE Gc I, O O E B AND DEALERS IK Wines &, Liquors,, And Importers and Jobber of CLOTHING' Boots & Shoes, Underclothing, .Blankets, etc., etc., etc. spur of the Rocky Mountains, and empties good interests by buying blind, and many -AQS.A"'5" OFFICE. into tbe main stream. To tbe north, are tbe diggings on Silver Creek, Peagan Gulcb and Cation Creek ; to tbe west, seven miles, is Nel son's Gulch, celebrated for its big nuggetn, port of bull-fighting. Dr. Joseph E. Worckstbb, tbe eminent lexicographer, died on tbe 27th of October, aged eighty years. Looking east, the bills across the Mi-souri appear to be only an hour's ride away, and indeed are scarcely more, and in those hills are located Confederate, Montana, White's and many other gulches. Towards the north-east, tbe bottom lands of tbe Big Prickly Fear are verdant, for a mile io width, with waving grass, and are now dotted with settler's cabins and divided by strings of fences. In the same di rection, seventeen miles, the Bear Tooth tnoun- English capitalists are investing mouey in tains stand like sentinels watching tbe gorge A gentleman, an officer of the Oregon In fantry, was robbed of $900 on the night of the lStb lost., on board obe of tbe river steamers, while lying at Umatilla. A London antiquarian boasts tbat he has Hogarth's paintbox. If be bad Hogaitb's knowledge box," it would be something to be proud of. more have gotlnterests in veins of no known value. Eastern buyers of quartz may guard them selves pretty well in such matters by coming in person, or sending trusty agents to the mines. In any quartz district where mills have been built, it is the fault of tbe owners of good ground if their interests are. not de veloped, and a fair average of the rock as certained. All owners of mills must be only too anxious to (rive fair trials to rock from the different lodes in tbe neighborhood. It less reliance were placed in the repre sentations of quartz speculators, and men could eeo for themselves what they are buy ing, the effect on the mining interests could not but be healthy. If the men who are so anxious to go to New York, would devote tbe same energy to opening their mines that they do to running about the country, the consequences would be highly satisfactory. To themselves the advantage is obvious tbeir mines would be opened their facilities forexhibiting the richness of them increased, WE HATE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION wtih our business, under the entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make returns in liars In six hours Vfe guarantee all onr Assays and pay the IIIGHKST CASIi PRICK for Bars. We also par the Ulgbeot Cash Price for Oold Dust. BLOCH, MILLER ft C., my6tf Cor. Main and Washington Streets, Dalles. SELLING OFF AT COST, TO CLOSE BUSINESS J THE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully lnlorm then patrons and the public at large, that they will commence to sell this day, their laige and handsome HtocK or Dry nocAs, Fancy Goods, Lades' Sl-w, Chlhlr.. Shoes, lints, Balem Cloths, Ac, Ac, Clothing Furnishing Goods, Hats A Cai, Boots A Shoes, Mubher Goods, Blankets, Ac, A. T COST. In order to retire from business! the above Stock must be sold within Sixty Days, and STRICTLY AST COST! All persons Indebted tn the Arm will please call and settle their bills immediately, thereby saving nil nnns cewrnry future trouble. CO UN A BOUM. Dalles, Oct. 2, 1806. oc3tf. the Colorado quartz mines. There is a better 6eld for tbeir enterprise in Oregon, Idaho nd Washington Territories. Thi death of a Chinaman in California is noted as "an unfortunate circumstance, by which tbe State loses $4 a month foreign ntiner'i tax." D. It. Ashliy, tbe Union candidate, bas been elected to Congress from Nevada, by a handsome majority, over Mitchell the pro mising young man. Br the appointment of Gen. Miller as Col lector of the port of San Francisco, Mr. John son bas carried consternation among the stay-at-home patriots who live by office-holding. Tbe rule hereafter is, that to the fighters . belong the spoils of office. Robkiit Waddinohak, who was convicted of ' " rolling " and robbing a man at Walla Walla last Spring, and who was sentenced to nfnety nine years imprisonment, bas been pardoned. ' His conviction was somewhat due to the Vigi (ante pressure-, and tbere was some doubt of bis guilt. Biuohak Yoonqv says that when ' our wives become old, it would be wrong to turn them out on tbe tender mercies ot an unfeeling world."' He might have added that it was early or quite al bad to immure eighty, seven women, all in their youthful days, and abject them to tbe caprices of one old brute. . A Robbery was recently where tbe aggregated waters of the Upper and the interests of both seller and buyer be OfCffOIl StCtilll KftYintttiOll CO. If;. !(....! 1 I . ..1. l I . . , ... i mi J l - I D . O Missouri bave bursted through retaining Moun lain barriers and strewn tbe bed of tbat river with matsos of rock, bars of sand and placers of flour-gold." This cuflon was called ' Gate of the Mountains '' by Lewis & Clarke, and still bears the name. The Boar's Tooth Mountains are not of great height, but are re markable for singularity of shape resembling tbe incisors of tbe animal from which tbey are named. Tbo higher lands alone tbe Prickly Pear, and in fact all along the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains, are covered with the prickly cactus of many varieties. A general Jidea of the scenio outline of tbe country may be derived from a knowledge of these features : Tbe damp lands are covered with green grass, the creeks are lightly fringed with willows, tbe slopes are brown, gravelly prairies, the bills are clothed, with stunted, open timber, and thu higher peaks and spurs are frequently broken and cmggy. It is one hundred and tbirty-five miles north from Hel ena to Fort Benton , forty miles north-weBt to BUiktoot City, and one hundred and thirty- five miles south to Virginia City. The mines promoted thereby. There need be no fear felt that purchasers will uot come to see tbe mines. They will come all tbe sooner by not being importuned by the irresponsible persons who, too often, take it upon them selves to represent the interests of this country nt the East. It is a question if it would not be a blessing if every person who goes East to sell quartz should fail. Tbe result woul'l be simply this all who wanted any inte'est in our mines would come and see for themselves. II. O. CIRCLIS OF P. D. will meot on SAT URDAY EVENING, NOV. 18, at 1 o'clock, at the building In rear of E. P. Fit Gerald's Store. By order. Nov. 14. nol6-4t J. DOIIERTY, Sec'y. ' Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F. Moets every Thursday evening at i4 o'clock, lu Gates' Hull, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brother in good standing are Invited to attend. By order. N. O. Now oa Nbvkh Call at Win. Birnbaum's Jewelry Store and examine his extensive stock of Watches, Dia monds, Jewelry, Sliver Ware, Lamps, Cutlery and Fancy Goods, which he odors for sale In order to close business on account of ill health, at less than cost, There Is no such large and well-se'.ected stock this side of San Fran cisco, and the quality of the goods will speak fur itself. at Helena were discovered in 1864, and are Now ' "" tlme to presents cheap, and at a saving yet in tbeir infancy, I of 60 percent. Mr. D. has alsoalot of l'erlscoplc Glass. spectacles mac penorm wonuere. nur. New Land District. Tbo Commissioner of tbe General Land Office has announced his inten'ion of recommending a new Land District in Oregon, to accommodate tbe set tlors east of tbe Cascades. T tracts of lands in this eastern will afford homes for thousands of farmers and -stock raisers. To the south of this WANTED. fV-805 COUNTY ORDF.RS, at the Office of the vf Oregon Steam Navigation Company. Dalles, Nov. 17, 1806. W. a BRADFORD, Ag't. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. faZ2EXZZ-3 5S2ctta33 rKT!S30 ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, until -further notice, The Fassengrer Train to connect with steamers FOR UMATILLA & WALLXJLA Will start from the R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 4l30 A. M. THE STEAMERS "ONFiONTA" or "IDAHO," CAPT. J. McNUI.TY, Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY, (Sundays excepted) at & o'clock, A. H., connecting by the CASCADE RAILROAD, with the steamer "NEW WORLD" or "CASCADES, CAPT. J. WOLF , Commander, fn Portland. W. B. BRADFORD, Dalles. Not. 13, 1865. nlZtrj Agent O. 8. N. Co, NEW SALOON. NEW BTONB STORE, WASHINGTON STREET nnHE UNDEK81GNED would respectfully announe M. that he will open a first-class Saloon inKt-euchft Oilman's New Stone Bnilding, THIS EVENING, and is prepared to serve cuitomers with the best of W ines, Liquors, and Cigars. ALSO, A E It T IS LUNCH Every day and Evening. oc28tf. JOHN RI.VDLAUB, F . DEIIM, here are vast To lhe Tax-pajers of Wasco Watchmaker nti (1 Jeweler, district which " ' BnCT,r,A7nT"c.0 V J! """lPA"-. ' ' " Watca Vounty, Oregon, JVo..14, 1808. j -fATOTICK I HEREBY GIVEN, that the time for pay- committed at Wood's Theater, Chicago, The suspicions to tne OOteotlves tell upon tWO-Swell-drossed BUU 10 me soum OI mis Jj , BMnliWl County taxes fr the year 1806 will ..ntlan,.n t a ...j , I ttlacfl am tlifl land nn Prnnknit Pivor anil exiure on FRIDAY, DltCEMUKR THE 1ST, 18'iS, All Bv-..v- " F.wk uu parcel 01 r-- ----- r, taxes remaluluir unpaid on p.rsonal properly after that tne audience. Tnev were arrested taken! rs muio ei miroey iaue 1 Unto will be collected the same as on execntlon. into a private room, and turned out to be "allevi 11,9 Malheur and Owyhee. To the (must we believe It?) two clergymen in dis- 0ft" ftre Urand li0e the 6reat Wallowa CHAS. WHITE. Sheriff ind Tax Collector, Wasco Co., Oregon. Dallos City, Nov. 14, 18116. no!6-2wd guise I Okm. Sums has gone to Europe- He has been absent from tbe old world thirty-one years, and from tbe Atlantic side for twenty ii. He will stay East for the ncit two vears. Gen. Sutter enjoys a monthly pension of $250 from the State of California, which he bas richly earned by distributing a princely for tune, In charity to Immigrants, and works of boneficenoe in a general way. Tbi Trial or- Davis. It is surmised that Chief Justice Chase refused to- try Jeff. Davis at Richmond from motives of consistency; he having taken tbe ground that no United States courts esist la any of tbe seceding States. Mr. Johnson hat announced that preparations for Davis' trial la Richmond will shortly be completed. He maintains, In tbls conneolion, tbat the seceding States were ever oat of the Union, and tbat tbe law was uly suspended during tbo rebellion. Valley, and tbe farming and g-asung lands of the nortberu slope of tbe Blue Mountains. This district should also Include all the eastern section of Washington Territory and the western elope of the Bitter Root Moun tains. It appears- to be the practice of tbe General Government to. make tbe boundaries of the land districts conform to those of tbe States and Territories- But there is- good reason why the one east of tbe Cascades should be organized on a different principle. Tbe advantage, to settlers would be obvious. MtANS or DarsKss. The British- naval in ventors, despairing of building ships to cope with the American iron-clad Dittater, propose to take vessels of ber description by boarding. The Americans retort by an invention, by which large shells are thrown ort of the bold to explode on deck. - Tbls lo called1 "deck scraping."1 A recent experiment on wooden effigies, representing meu, proved that the ia- veution was an immense luctess. MRS. L. WHITE'S WEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS; Washington Street. HAVING NEWLY FITTED DP THE GALLERY over Briar's Store, would respectfully announce-to all those wisldng Photographs, Carts de Tlslte, that they will do well to give ber a call. Particular at tention paid to taking Ladies and ClUldrens Pictures. . ac' t or sale at a Uargain. -g PCffc FEET OF GROUND, fronting on Second KsBtF Street, miming back 120 font. aHli.l.,l., French A Oilman, with FIVB DWELLING HOUSES and TWO STOKES tlwreon. If the anove property is not sold before the 20 lb Inst., It will be sold at public auction, to gether with Fwrnlture in one busse. TITLE PERFECT. For particulars Inquire of PAYNE A CO- A acts. Dalles,. Nov. T. 18H6-td ' ion SALE. A FIRST CLA8S, SECOND tlAND PIANO", ean be had on reasonaiMe- terms. oc3tf Inquire at this Ofltes, or of A.W. FERGUSON. vo. r$. BROOKS, m. r. Office A Dr. Craig's Drug Store. DALLES, OREGON. - ; - (HUT BOO TO TBS A8BAT OFKICC,) D EAGER IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, , CLOCKS, Gold Pens, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, Cntlery, Ac J 4reTPartienlar attention paid to repairing flneti 'Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Vi'atnhes repaired b tie warranted for twelve months. N.B. All orders from the upper eountry, by Expros or oiuerwiaiprompuy atienueu to. suit JOSEPH ELFELT, WH0IE8AUI AND UIAU DBALXB IK Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, UA tS AND CAFSr AND Gentlemen's- Furnishing Goods... Fire-proof Stone Store, cornet of Main, sad Court Streets. oc4-tf NOTICE. G EORGE T.TEWi is my duly authorised "Rent during : my absence in the Eastern States, to attend to ths- collertlon ot all accounts due Die, and also the late nrub of Wlntermeir A Manger. A. W1NTERMEIR. NOTICE. FB. IIOLLAND IS HT AUTHORIZED AGENT U s attend to collecting and settling up my business, during my absence. Tbose Indebted to nie-os to Payne A Co., are requested to pay him Immediately and savs eosts, as he lias orders to collect. K. A. O. PAYNE. Danes, nov. is, raua. mr it. . oatss. 1. 1. un, GATES & IIA.T'T, Attorneys & Counsellor! at Lair, DALLES, OREGON.